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UFOs and aliens are man made.
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This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 628 files omitted.
Elecromagnetic recharging technology wasn't a Tesla invention, he only refined it from French colleagues, possibly Vril Societe`. A friend of Tesla debuted a battery-only boxed motor vehicle for ice deliveries in New York, had a radius of half mile. La Sia has been using micro spy drones down to the size of a common butterfly that run off EM rechargers since 2003. Many common electric items such as tooth brushes and shavers have used EM recharging since 2002. There were reports of a US Royal Crown Marine experimental division using Strykers with no engine. Gold-lithium-ion-phosphorous batteries are likely.
Tesla and Vril Societe` associates devised remote controlled doors, lifts, and other unknown devices for their labs. Germans and Soviets came across that tech, began using remote controlled weaponry starting in 1934. Three German scientists created the first remote control steering system for a small ship, likely a coastal cutter, while a Soviet engineer did the same to direct the flight path of a 200 pound finned bomb. Russians debuted an autonomous T-34 flamethrower variant but failed laughably. Germans responded with remote controlled King Tiger squadron. Those kept pressure during Winter War, made the Russians think they were fighting ghosts operating near-indestructible tanks.
Corsica UFO Base.jpg
Thoughts on pic related?
Multiple linked ram/scram/canjet engines. Was basic technology in late 40's, passed over for lower cost multi-stage/fuel engines in 50's. Was considered dead end technology until MIRV. Concept is sound, not sure of applications.
I was not TechEng, Herr Vril.
Honest, loyal men spoke of Hollow Earth in 70's. Stirs didn't die down. Most died in plane wrecks. Drunk drivers, failed brakes. One man in boat, one man in plane failed to arrive. All hats claimed victory but failed to suppress new communications. New fear mongering needed: increased #'s of incidents, sightings, made too many wild eyed witnesses. Cinco Oculares made then. Why? Good satellite coverage. Adding six to the pot made the secret ingredient drop.
.fr or .de ?
25945 26335
Mars Colony - Slaves.jpg
8 MILLION Children Go Missing Each Year Across the World — There's Something More to Child Trafficking Than Most Think

>The number of children that go missing each year across the world is staggering: 8 Million!* That's 320 million children in the past four decades alone.
>Clearly, there's something more to the story.
>According to many whistleblowers, after the second world war we have developed a large space fleet, established extensive colonies on the Moon and Mars and we have companies that already mine for rare metals in the asteroid belt.
>We should also take into account the huge underground bases, built on all continents (some of which are 30 stories deep).
>All these projects require slave workers and that's the final stage of child trafficking.

http://humansarefree.com/2017/11/8-million-children-go-missing-each-year.html - https://archive.fo/CuGAQ

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missing_person#Worldwide
26493 26631
The Germans were forced into the first "agreement", Frogs willingly jumped into second agreement. If you bother reading them, then you will encounter a billion legalese and fucking dead as shit Latin words that hold no meaning. Dead languages should stay dead.

What did I tell you about Hollow Earth, Herr Vril? I was SciOcc during downtime. Horror was never more than casual questions or information requests. Grund knew Van Allen Belt. There are ways to survive it, expensive ones. Peruse post-WW2 spending reports.
Just noticed this post, and this thread. Perhaps another version of this should be transplanted to the main board?

Van Allen Belts

>In the end, it seemed that these tactics worked; the on-board dose counters for the Apollo missions registered average radiation doses to the skin of the astronauts of 0.38 rad. This is about the same radiation dose as getting two CT scans of your head, or half the dose of a single chest CT scan; not too bad, though not something you should do every week.
>I am an Assistant Professor in Physics & Astronomy. Find me on twitter @Jillian_Scudder.


So continual Earth to space is a risk. You are suggesting inner Earth is more of a thing than space?

Funny. That report has been changed three times now; original was 7.3 rads per minute even with advanced technologies. The constant exposure hypothesis states that such "low levels of radiation were eventually what did in most of the astronauts". Utter bullshit. Kubrick was given nine billion dollars of funding. Giant swimming pools were built and painted. No such event called a coincidence.

Yes, and no. 30 stories of underground skyscrapers was suggested in Japan, 1904. They could have done it easily. By now the current margin is 50, though 80 is a more realistic number. Earth's mantle is three times thicker than scientifically suggested in the 1990's.
Does the air pressure go up further in the Earth? Does Oxygen density go up? Does the temperature go up ~25deg for every 1km down? How do you vent heat? Would the underground facilities not be better off sideways into mountains?

50 levels at lets say 3m each = 150m.

Scientific Occultism? MK?
NASA MOONED AMERICA! By Ralph Rene (1999):

Our space shuttles routinely blast off to orbit the Earth. There is not a single doubt that
man is in space! However, there is much doubt that any man has ever gone beyond the
radiation shield provided by the Van Allen belts.
Subsequent study showed that these belts, begins in near space about 500 miles out and
extend out to over 15,000 miles.
The Moon does not have a Van Allen belt. Neither does it have a protective atmosphere.
It lies nakedly exposed to the full blast of the solar wind. Were there a large solar flare
during any one of the Moon missions, massive amounts of radiation would scour both the
capsules and the Moon's surface where our astronauts gamboled away the day. The radiation
is worse than dangerous — it's lethal!

In 1963 the Soviet space scientists told the famous British astronomer Bernard Lovell
that they "could see no immediate way of protecting cosmonauts from the lethal effects of
solar radiation."4

4 = JOURNEY TO TRANQUILITY, "Young, Silcock & Dunn", 1969, Doubleday

[Apollo Astronaut Michael] Collins mentioned space radiation in only two places in his book. He said, "At least the
moon was well past the earth's Van Allen belts, which promised a healthy dose of radiation
to those who passed and a lethal dose to those who stayed."5
During the era of the Apollo missions (1969 to 1972) , there were 27,019 flares or 19
storms a day so I decided to run my own imaginary contest to see which Apollo team of
astro-nots would win the booby prize for being zapped by the highest number of flares while
in space. Traveling at 26,000 mph, a mission to the moon spends only minutes under the
Van Allen belts. Then the astro-nots spend about an hour in the belts' regions where the
higher radiation is trapped (see The More On Space Radiation addendum). Although the
higher radiation here serious, it is miniscule compared to what is released by one big solar
My personal "Most Flares Avoided" award goes to the Apollo 15 team composed of
astro-nots Dave Scott, Al Worden and Jim Irwin. They won hands down.
Apollo 15 | 07/26 to 08/07 1971 | Days = 12 | Flares in month = 693 | Avg per day = 22.35 | Total flares = 268.2 |
Wow! First of all the Van Allen Belts are the primary shield, and this NASA suit space
fairy tale is a thing of beauty. If a dozen layers of ultra fine spun glass cloth, doped with
silicon rubber, some aluminum threads and a coating of teflon can stop particles that may be up to 2
gigavolt (2 billion EV), then imagine what they could do in an atomic reactor where the particle
energies are below 18 megavolts (18 million EV). Why one could romp around in Three Mile Island's
melted down, still hot, reactor all day long in such a splendid garment.
ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP by Jeane Manning, Nick Begich (~2002):

1958: Van Allen radiation belts discovered (zones of charged particles trapped in
earth's magnetic field) 2,000+ miles up. Violently disrupted in the same year.
In his Nexus article, Begich said that the Eastlund patents go beyond the
applications dreamed of by Tesla. The Eastlund patent said that scientists in the
previous few years had been trying to learn about the belts of trapped electrons and
ions above the earth, in order to control and use the phenomena for beneficial uses;
"For example, in the late 1950's and early 1960s, both the United States and
the USSR detonated a series of nuclear devices...to generate large numbers of charged
particles at various altitudes..."34

34 = united States patent number 4,686,605, issued August 11,1987 https://patents.google.com/patent/US4686605A/en

Milestones in the history of arrogant science also include the three space
explosions of the U.S. military's Project Argus in 1958. Each shot spewed atomic
particles into Earth's magnetic field where they were trapped and spiraled back and
forth at high speeds. "In essence," said the New York Times, "the Argus experiments
produced artificial belts comparable to the natural Van Allen radiation belt (regions of
high- energy charged particles around the earth at between 2,000 and 12,000 miles
altitudes). Thus, after each shot a curtain of radiation - that is, of extremely high
speed particles - spread around the world."61

61 = Walter Sullivan, "Blast May Erase Radiation Belt," New York Times Apr. 30,1962.

In the opinion of the authors, psychiatrists should be invited into
thinktanks where decisions are made to "modify" one of Earth's protective layers.
Shortly after Dr. James A. Van Allen discovered the two radiation belts around Earth -
in the International Geophysical Year (1GY) of 1958, two physicists at the
University of Minnesota proposed that a hydrogen bomb be exploded inside that
radiation belt. According to the New York Times, the two physicists wrote "It might
be amusing to end the IGY by destroying some of the radiation field first discovered
during the IGY."
"In the past several years, substantial effort has been made to understand
and explain the phenomena involved in belts of trapped electrons and ions, and to
explore the possible ways to control and use these phenomena for beneficial purposes.
For example, in the late 1950's and early 1960's both the United States and the U.S.S.R.
detonated a series of nuclear devices of various yields to generate large numbers of
charged particles at various altitudes, e.g. 200 kilometers or greater."
As a "primary driver" this again shows that the project is important to the
military in terms of Department of Defense (DoD) applications. Beyond the
communication possibilities, these types of radio frequencies could be used to
manipulate the radiation belts of the ionosphere in a manner which would allow
satellites to operate safely in these regions without damage to the satellites'
This use was discussed in the Eastlund patents as well as the HAARP

-------------- end quotes ---------------

The patent is one one linked above.
Looks like we can maipulate those belts to get through them.. ?? Solar flares seem to be the bigger risk. But if your craft is already generating massive EM fields risk is reduced? And if you are generating artificial gravity can't you also carry more shielding?
27411 27412
Air pressure increases closer to the mantle, though not as violently as underwater. Oxygen density decreases due to the limbic functions of volcanity activity. The stable middle mantle temperature is a reported 55 degrees. Why vent heat instead of capture it? Heating water in a metallic sphere with rotational means provides additional electricity generation. Not only that, 150M is nothing Herr Vril. Look at the ten tallest skyscrapers in the world, then the earth's mantle. Could easily fit 100 floors, each 3.5M in height, without a problem in most geologically stable regions. The American South, Australia, large chunks of Europe, Asia, Africa, S.America. I do not know how many humans have been abducted in the past 80 years for these projects, though that number is likely about 500 million.

No. Science, then Occult studies. Unit was overall a bit smarter than the meatheads joining for M-MUH 9/11!! Got shanghai'd from intended units. Had weird events happen in the desert. Things that cannot be explained without stressing the mind. Hats of all types came to study. Learned to hate their single-minded stupidity early on.

All earlier projects before HAARP were designed to defeat Van Allen Belt. Partial success. Still large numbers of burn victims with no way for them to return. Work began on alternate means in 1963. Coincidence? No. Free money. Even in a lead lined coffin risk is not reduced overall. The exposure rate has been reduced by 60%. Still a lot of burn victims. The ISS has no crew, all robots and telemtry. Kubrick and his movie script writer friends, including L. Ron Hubbard, made useful idiots complacent in many countries.
27413 28482
So what is the point of faking all of this? The Russians would not have been convinced. Ralph Rene book claims the Russians extorted the US over it to get cheat wheat. Where is the advantage?
Then you realize the immense significance. La Sia and other project funds were dropped during the interim where confusion and fear of being found out to have assassinated JFK. That funding instead went to the Atomic Energy Commission, NASA, and several other agencies whom would all eventually join Project HARDCOUNT. That's an explanation for another time. To further create alarm, panic, and spread disinformation in 1963, "UFO coverage" from media outlets was increased by 800%. Remember what I stated about overexposure.

Money. It is common knowledge that Russians are predisposed to lying, now known due to 2 specific genes that govern the human sense of honesty, yet nowhere near as much as the average chink. This ties into well known facts that the Prussians have been considered nothing more than liars for over 800 years. In WW2, nearly 140,000 photographs were doctored under orders. As an amusing man once said: "a liar is the only one whom can seize another liar". The Soviets were the first to attempt breaking through the Van Allen Belt. After 1,200 rockets had been sent up, they knew it was impossible and gave up. They were also the first ones to call out NASA, or as most know them as, The Little Deceivers, for lying.

As for the cheap wheat, the Russian government is still ruled over by the same oligarchs whom are owned by the kikes whom are friends of kikes that "own" most US debt. Playing multiple sides against each other = Domino Effect. They knew this economically, so to prevent the post-war US from falling apart due to the loss of petro-dollar confidence, stocks, and shareholders, a plan called the "Torch Men Command" was devised in June 1941. Soviets dressed in captured German uniforms were to destroy, at minimum, 85% to a maximum of 95% of all food stockpiles, fields, and farms using traditional arson techniques and chemical weapons. In this plan all US farmers were to be enslaved into wartime debt, and to "pay off" those debts the USSR made huge demands of food stockpiles. Again, there are no branching paths: all history is a straight line bent into a circle.
Except for physics all of human existence is a MMORPG.

To a high point, yes. Between the Ancient Monarchy/World Monarchy batshit insane stupidity and the limitless ambition of three specific groups, over 93% of humanity has allowed itself to be lulled into complete, total, cucked pacifism. There are two remaining solutions: a complete reset, or exacting self-annihilation. The first was planned nearly 2,500 years ago by those that would become the jewISH cult. The second would be a more peaceful, long term solution. I am of the second camp.
You sweet talker.

You really should put together a history or pick a segment and add sources.
29447 29460
Drinking to forget those tiny details stopped working. Other methods too have failed. I am physically sickened when I have to step back into the past, recalling briefings, answers, images. This entire sick, twisted game to toy with, weaken, and enslave humanity disgusts all Afters. What you see now is the little pieces of my coherence and unsanity that remain, Herr Vril. Should I perform either of those in the two manners you've suggested, it wouldn't destroy the Cyclical Quandary fast enough. It's disturbing for some of us to think about though the Cuban Nuclear Crisis was our best shot to wipe the slate clean. Now the most commonly asked question is: how far do we plan ahead? A year is nothing. The Tea Party was infiltrated and destroyed by neocon shekel-loving kike-protecting traitors in under 11 months. Five years was barely enough to warn the US against the UNPatriotic Acts, and still no one listened. Eight years and the DotCom-PetroShekel Bubble still burst. As a decade past, most of the Gulf War survivors are dead, homeless, blacklisted, imprisoned for speaking, or outright shunned and told to call VFW Suicide Hotlines. At this stage the Afters have done ONLY enough to expose the shackles of the Soros, Goldstein, Warburg, and Rothschild cabals. Few in number, dead in heart, but still merry enough to willingly ruin our lives just to piss off the Ancient Monarchy/World Monarchy.

"FOIA" is a convenient measure to find out precisely whom is attempting to access what information, and what time frame. It's a rather openly obtuse, arrogant method to destroy document in advance of time, though it has resulted in some.. interesting failures to redact information before it's release. Simply peruse through the Projects I've listed in order, though you may want to look into the GeoEngineering ruse racket. Or, rather their real names: the US Army Chemical Corps, the Atomic Energy Commission, and the US Air Force whom are "topped off" by The Little Deceivers. You will not like the answers the first's files hold.
29460 29557 70175 85155 121952 122152
MUFON UFO Journal - 2007 02February.csv.jpg
Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 (1967) by Ted Bloecher.jpg
1952 DIA CIA UFO foia83.gif
1952 DIA CIA UFO foia82.gif
I can understand the pessimism, but things changed in 2016 with the internet upending The Plan. The internet is now a factor that did not exist before. It can be leveraged by you. Confession is good for the soul?

Also before, no one was asking(?), and now someone is.. and your answer is no? Haven't you been waiting for civilians to wake up???? We are entering a period of re-evaluation because the Narrative has failed. Don't you want to help that along?

Anyway want to comment on the ups and downs in these charts? I added some speculations.

1963+ is JFK dead and the resulting confidence. Isn't Trump JFK #2 with the lessons of #1 learned?
Last time, herr Vril, since I hate repetition: no gods will take us.

The word "civilian" comes from the same jewISH doublethink term with he exact same meaning: "citizen". Both mean: SLAVE. The first was coined by britcucks in the 1300's during the Medieval Inquisitions, the second was coined by "President" Little Bitch Boy Georgie Washington when he was crying that he wouldn't be accepted as nobility in 1790. The term "president" means "owner of a corporation", and as Georgie was assigned the Corporation of the Royal Crown United States of North America, he deliberated with the BAR [British-American Rules] for a time. They came up with the term to mean that all chattel in the Royal Crown United States were to be called "citizens" since it sounded nicer than "slave". I do not use those terms, Herr Vril. Any who do are either traitors, stupid, or simply brainwashed. My answer since 2002 has always been "Yes, but on my terms." That will not change. The narratives have been, for the most part, broken, yet there is no stability to be found.

You will notice that during each year of advanced science "revelations" that clever cover ploys of attempted whitewashing, through media, uses of little green men to prevent interest from being taken have had their intended effects. Most sheep are not only lame, they are also blind, deaf, dumb, most importantly they are under-educated. When Common Core entered the World Monarchy narrative in 2008, it was rejected by MIC at the time: they needed decently intelligent, fully expendable soldiers and high risk workers, just intelligent enough to push buttons or fire a weapon, yet not stupid enough to be necessarily given orders every 20 seconds. In 2006, CIA "Colonel" Oliver North ordered that gang members were to be given appreciably high ranks in the Royal Crown Marines, Royal Crown Army, Royal Crown Air Force, and Royal Crown Merchant Marines. For what purpose? To create a sub-tribal institution within the institutions, weakening the militaries themselves while strengthening the MIC/La Sia agenda. As a good example, the dismissals of many long time Royal Crown Navy persons in 2009, 2011, and 2013 followed that agenda. You might have already asked yourself this question, though I will register it nonetheless: "What does the Navy have to do with the Air Force/La Sia/[OSS] Projects?" Everything. The AIR and the SEA are to be controlled at the same time. Failing to dominate one or the other leaves others, such as the Soviets, in the position to call out the batshit insane press releases. Failing to keep hold of the false "fascist takeover" of Crimea and the Black Sea gave La Sia a massive black eye. They could not maintain media control in the Baltics. That made the Afters sigh in relief for once since 1982.

Short answer: no. While it is possible, Owebammy was definitively the FIRST Manchurian Candidate put into power by Mossad, which is in reality the power brokers of jewISHness and kikery as a whole. Unfortunately, there are many well founded concerns that Trump is the Second Manchurian Candidate. He has too many kikes, judeo-catholics, and judeo-christians around him to begin trusting. Not only have most of his delegates been neocons or friends of necons, over 50% of them are pro-zionist, or zionists themselves. Though he has done much to weaken the MIC/World Monarchy's petro-shekel, it is not enough to begin eliminating the false US debt to the crown of britcuckland. The chinks, owing to their "Beautiful Lie" which was learned from the kikes themselves, still cannot be trusted. After all, global warming was invented by a chink judeo-communist governmental agency in order to commit economic warfare against the rest of the world. Adding to this, the "Prussian Revivalism" which was forced into existence by Putin, himself owned by Goldberg and, has led to the KGB and by direct extension the Nu-USSR into becoming more judeo-communist by the day. Purges of free thinkers occur monthly, not weekly. The young Russians whom have demanded for greater access to the world have been removed, infiltrated, or killed. That entire movement of around 4 million is now entirely silent. They died with a whimper, not a snarl. Too many concerns, too little time to address all of the realpolitik.
What are 'gods'? What are 'us'?

Pic related:
Why are the suits often green? What material?
Why are the faces/skin often very red?
Why Estonia?
30481 30482

Nice mask.
You know both answers, Herr Vril. "Why am I still here?"

The first use of little men in suits was due to the attention grabbing color that is bright green. Note that bright red and bright blue are not as flashy in most cases. Heat resistance, high pressure resistance, maximum elasticity. Rubber is one of the best insulators around. Put a rubber band around your finger, what happens. I mentioned this quite early on, Herr Vril. Who would believe anyone from Estonia? Too small, too isolated. Estonia is a running joke in realpolitik. A short dose of hypnosis, a couple false memories. "They must be insane!" or "It's literal aliens, release information now!" Idiots being sidetracked.
Notice the constant human apotheosis. "Even if they're alien looking, they're human looking." However: "Even if they're human looking, they have something that isn't even alien." All the costumes are the same. Little [color here] men of some kind.
Ah, I nearly forgot. How long do you think LED's have been in use? Truth is they've been around three times longer than their debut.
This is beautiful. The rubber suits are also flight pressure suits. The pressure ups the blood pressure to the head/face. So simple! Also makes it hard to walk. This also explains the Michelin man type suits.

When do reliably pressurised craft arrive? Looks like the 50s was touch and go with reliably keeping pressurised cabin, using the Comet passenger plane as a guide.

Fits together nicely.

Wikipedia says 1907. Where are you leading with this?

>"Why am I still here?"
You still have things to do, I suppose. Like hinting to us. So I'll just keep asking stupid questions :)
Why the focus on sex and babies?

I can see part of it being genetic diversity/experiments. But later also part of it being genetics affects brain chemistry, which affects mind control susceptibility. So following family lines gives a boost to MK success rates. The focus on babies would make emotional bonding.
30950 30993 30996
Correct. Here's a quick test for you: compare 1950's and 60's kaiju movie theater suits to the ones in US use. There are no differences.

1947 was the first use of an internally pressurized craft. Near-explosive decompression downed that one. A single-seat single engine scout aircraft in 1953 developed by the vile skunks was the first. Wasn't until 1958 when the knowledge became widespread.

You missed the question entirely. When were LED's first sold to the public? That year is quite significant. Now, what is a diode? What causes a diode to emit light? Whom first created a contraption that emitted light a little over 300 years ago, and was called a "heretic" for doing so?

Perhaps just to suffer. Or perhaps a fittingly cruel sentence.

If you can identify the specific wavelengths that vary between family members and take full advantage of that notion.. which is the problem. Children are so easily indoctrinated via the use of 7 hertz. Know whom else uses the 7 hertz frequency? Any religious institution owned by the Ancient Monarchy/World Monarchy. It's a shame, really, all that shitty music that has not yet been destroyed.

I think before you might have used the word kaijun which lead me nowhere, but this word... look at that timing... 1954 (pic#1)
So the little green men were the first test runs to test how the reactions would go before a more sophisticated use. No wonder humanity is so looked down upon by the elite.
This also fits quite well timewise with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%E2%80%93Hopkinsville_encounter

>1947 was the first use of an internally pressurized craft.
So Nazi's in space BTFO. Which probably makes Aldebaran etc. more like code names for places the "Nazis" escaped to.

>7 Hertz

>"People who experience a sense of spirituality in church may be reacting to the extreme bass sound produced by some organ pipes." ... "But in a controlled experiment in which infrasound was pumped into a concert hall, UK scientists found they could instil strange feelings in the audience at will.
These included an extreme sense of sorrow, coldness, anxiety and even shivers down the spine."

There are lots of examples in the "paranormal" literature of psychological effects from both sound and electromagnetic frequencies from fear to elation. Including Betty Andreasson/Luca who experienced God in an abduction.

Even the Betty and Barney Hill case from 1961 seems to use ultrasound crossed beams to produce beeping noises remotely as hypnotic triggers. I suspect the protrusions on the sides of the craft are ultrasonic speakers, and crossing the beams creates audible sounds where they cross.

"And while I'm sitting there, I'm amazed by all this. Then all of a sudden on one side, on the left-hand side, a red light came out. And then on the right-band side, a light came out." ... "Some time later, how long they were not sure, the beeping sound repeated itself. They were conscious only that there were two sets of these beeps, separated by a time span they had no idea about-as well what had happened or how long it had taken." -- Interrupted Journey by John G Fuller (1966).

in next post

Why did you give me a homework assignment? :P


> When were LED's first sold to the public? That year is quite significant.

1962. Red LEDs at $260 a pop. Whilst attempting to make visible lasers.

1960s: Sound from ultrasound, MKULTRA/BLUEBIRD, small wave of UFO reports in '62, Guidelines to Anti-Gravity science paper by Robert L. Forward, Detection and Generation of Gravitational Waves by
J. Weber in crystals, Betty and Barney Hill abduction, Niobium Tin superconductor, and:

"The project to fly, test fly these craft, was ongoing until sometime in 1962 when a craft blew up not far from the test sight, in the air, and the explosion was seen over a three-state area. The pilots were killed, they had no idea what had happened or why the craft blew up, but they put Project Redlight on hold until a later date when the aliens supplied us with three craft and personnel to help us learn how to fly these craft. That project is ongoing, and we now have not only alien craft that we are flying, we have craft we have built, using the captured technology, and some of the UFOs that people report seeing in the United States, and maybe even elsewhere, are flown by United States personnel." – The UFO Conspiracy from Milton William Cooper speech (1989).

Interesting name "Project Redlight"; and red LEDs.

> Now, what is a diode?

Allows electrical flow in one direction only. Sounds very T.T. Brown.
Thermo: heated negative pole near a positive charge, or
Semi-conductor: crystals (relation between crystals and gravity is suggested above by J. Weber)

> What causes a diode to emit light?
"The LED consists of a chip of semiconducting material doped with impurities to create a p-n junction. As in other diodes, current flows easily from the p-side, or anode, to the n-side, or cathode, but not in the reverse direction. Charge-carriers—electrons and holes—flow into the junction from electrodes with different voltages. When an electron meets a hole, it falls into a lower energy level and releases energy in the form of a photon."

So electrons have been sucked from the environment, I'll speculate the helium gas, (this might also be related to keeping Nb3Sn superconductors cold). New electrons being pulled into the gas go from a high energy state to a low energy state and emit photons.

> Whom first created a contraption that emitted light a little over 300 years ago, and was called a "heretic" for doing so?
This was a challenge!

>The history of gas-discharge lamps began in 1675 when French astronomer Jean-Felix Picard observed that the empty space in his mercury barometer glowed as the mercury jiggled while he was carrying the barometer.Investigators, including Francis Hauksbee, tried to determine the cause of the phenomenon. Hauksbee first demonstrated a gas-discharge lamp in 1705. He showed that an evacuated or partially evacuated glass globe, in which he placed a small amount of mercury, while charged by static electricity could produce a light bright enough to read by. The phenomenon of electric arc was first described by Vasily V. Petrov in 1802 ...

This got my mind churning. If you have a craft using both helium lifting gas (or liquid helium superconductor cooling) and strong voltage you might produce some glowing effects. So I looked up helium gas discharge lamps:


The predominant colours are yellow and red. Colour changes have been reported with disks under performance but also to seemingly want to attract attention. And I think the early cases had a lot of red glows noticed in the day. Bright yellow glows would be obvious at night. Lots of night time "balls of light" (BoL) aka Nocturnal Lights (NL).

> Perhaps just to suffer. Or perhaps a fittingly cruel sentence.

I am not sure Jean-Felix Picard was ever called a heretic but it is possible given church vs astronomy/science and he was a priest.
>If you can identify the specific wavelengths that vary between family members

So you can affect family members individually. For example turn some "off" while working on one of them.

You avoided talking about the whole baby presentation thing that is part of the modern reports. And babies in artificial wombs, babies in sealed sacs put in womens wombs then later removed.
32212 32215
I stated "kaiju". Has always been nothing more than men in rubber suits.

Correct. Many of the names you will see used are recycled from previous iterations of the facetious non-terrestrial stories. Aldebara was the code name for the research lab where the German Bell was created.

The use of sound to cause specific moods and trigger electro-chemical emotions has been going on for over 3,000 years. Name any pre-Arabia culture and they will have extensive documentation of tones, frequencies. One of the more vile aspects of religion is the abuse of that factor.

To make you test yourself. After all, "The more I know-"

It gets worse. In 1961, the skunks in collusion with La Sia built a pair of disc shaped aircraft for Project Redlight, confirmed by a missed paper resulting from Project Blue Book disinfo campaign. They really didn't like that slipping by. The AF wanted to test combined effects of infrasound or sonic generators in tandem with extensive LED strobes to determine what would occur to unwilling participants, and how to properly weaponize such effects. Ever wonder why there are so many reports of engines failing, batteries going dead, lights dimming? What about the near-constant disorientation or ill-at-ease witnesses? This is not so much a rabbit hole as it is testing weaponry on an unwilling populace.

He was indeed, some say conveniently, called a heretic. The cathocuck church at the time decried that creating light using "sorcery", as they called science, was evil and could lead to great catastrophe. Narratives, narratives, narratives...

That was a self-deprecating joke towards myself, Herr Vril.

Correct. Remember the famous line: "turn on, tune in, tune out"? Only a few traitors, they called themselves engineers, knew what else was going inside television sets besides tubes and wires. Over 4 decades later and the damned things are ever more sophisticated. Likewise: text-to-skull and voice-to-skull communications. These patents were sealed "Above Top Secret" in 1981 and entered common use in 1984. Such a convenient year. How else do you think ultra-sensitive information is passed around so freely amongst the "elite"?

That is likewise common knowledge. Create a few hundred emotional screeching stories, or feelgood nothink news, using all the La Sia owned media outlets, and the coverup disappears. The term for it in the 1960's was called an "amniotic cradle". Highly experimental. Zero survivors until the mid-80's. Deformed, barely human. Then comes the Human Genome Project to solve the mystery. Now look at genetic engineering: lab dishes are safer to eat, even if ceramic usually contains small amounts of lead. Then there's the genetically engineered insane cannibal salmon with a few hundred genetic miscodings. Idiots never learn to not fuck with forces beyond their comprehension OR ability to interact with. The wise ones stopped early on. Might be too late considering how most of the farmland in the US is irrevocably tainted.
Haunebu I.png
just adding some pics that seem to be missing in here. also you may want to check
the lowest link is the newest version and should have the most information on the UFOs while the one at the top contains more stuff about nazistuff after the war
Earth hollow.png

witness 1.jpg
page 91 of
witness 2.jpg
88 of
New swabia resettlement.jpg

new swabia difficulties.jpg
Andromeda gerät translation.png
Haunebu II translated.png
Haunebu III.jpg
Byrd pole to pole complete.jpg
sorry, just now figured out how to make multiple pics. my bad (got linked here by some anon on another /pol/
antarctica nazis shopping.png
antarctica route raw.png
Agartha instructions.jpg
Essa 3.jpg
Buache Agartha.png
the route on the on pic is what you get when following the instructions in the other pic

The ESSA 3 pic is from the southpole and you find it here