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An Explosive Meteorite.png
UFOs and aliens are man made.
751 31887 103575 104116 104641 106452 116799 121571 122574
This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 634 files omitted.
Great Sunspots and Ghost Rockets and Flying Discs: >>111011

Great Sunspots and Mystery Airships (1896 Nov & 1897 Mar):

>"The most remarkable spot-group of the year was that of September 10-22 [1896]. It attained a maximum area of 2,000 millionths of the Sun’s visible hemisphere, but its chief characteristic was its unusual length, extending as it did over 24° of solar longitude, the various spots which made up the stream following each other, during the earlier days of its appearance, so closely as almost to form one continuous rift" -- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1897MNRAS..57..280./abstract

Large sunspot and 2 months later Mystery Airships.

An observation about the relationship between Sunspots and Metallic Prominences:

>1898: The recent large sun-spot has also afforded some interesting spectroscopic observations. The first indication of the disturbance was noted as early as August 20, when an extremely brilliant metallic prominence appeared at S. lat. 11° on the W. limb; and when the spot itself appeared 14 days later it was seen to be accompanied by brilliant jets of hydrogen in more or less violent motion. Metallic prominences were again seen close to the spot when the latter was on the W. limb on September 16, and on the E, limb on September 29. Among'the bright lines visible in the chromosphere over the spot region, the coronal line has been conspicuous at each: successive presentation. at the limb (August 20, September 3, 16, and 29). -- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1898JBAA....8..385./abstract

Metallic Prominences first, Sunspot second.

113294 116040 119943 122130
Solar Metallic Prominces 1891-1964 Kodaikanal Observatory plus.png
If you thought that was interesting:

A more rigorous version of >>112352 which charts the actual counts of seen metallic prominences on the suns edge.

It shows the small solar (or metal throwing) cycle and a cycle that might be 1890-1954 (with the pre-KodOB data being incomplete)

Did the sun run out of metal in 1950s (and the fade out into the 1970s was left over orbiting sun-metal) or did the naming conventions of scientists change in the 1960s?
Solar Metallic Prominces percental metallic 1904-1956 Kodaikanal Observatory.png
The sun ran out of metal to throw in the 1950s. The remaining sightings are the result of man-made activity and sun-metal that managed to achieve an orbit and hit the Earth later.

>>112270 shows that the sun's mag field was winding up into the late 1940s early 1950s, but the metallic prominences never recovered past numbers >>113025 and pic.

113415 116040 121574 121650
The metal was collected into the sun during the Little Ice Age.

Did they convince you, anon?
Triple dubs. Can any anon argue against those?
>Nella precedente dispensa (maggio 1872) abbiamo dato il numero delle posizioni spettroscopiche giorno per giorno, nelle quali si vedevano invertite le righo del magnesio. Nel mese di giugno abbiamo continuato la stessa osservazione, e trovammo che il fenomeno andò anzi aumentando, per modo che questo metallo fu visibile più volte su tutto l’intiero bordo del sole. L’intensita luminosa delle righe invertite nel gruppo b fu sempre in accordo collo splendore delle fiamme della cromosfera.

-- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1872MmSSI...1...65S/abstract

Google Translate:

>In the previous dispensation (May 1872) we gave the number of spectroscopic positions day by day, in which the magnesium lines were inverted. In June we continued the same observation, and found that the phenomenon was indeed increasing, so that this metal was visible several times over the entire edge of the sun. The luminous intensity of the inverted lines in group b was always in agreement with the splendor of the flames of the chromosphere.

>so that this metal was visible several times over the entire edge of the sun.
>so that this metal was visible several times over the entire edge of the sun.
>so that this metal was visible several times over the entire edge of the sun.

mfw the sun was full of hot churning Mg in 1872, during the grand cycle spin up. >>113295 Which goes well with it being accumulated in the Little Ice Age.
115104 116799
50 a day.jpg
Metallic prominences:
1900s - 100-200 a year if you are lucky.
1873 - 20-50 a day! (7k - 18k a year!)

1877MmSSI...6P..87.--magnesium and iron erruption.gif
Mg and Fe solar erruption, 1877
114546 114798 116135 116175 116284 122095 122130
srep15689-f3--with solar cycle.png
Wikipedia Solar Cycle.png
I've shown the sun can eject metal. Now the timing of when the sun is most agitated corresponds well with UFO waves. During the UFO era UFOs were on a 10 year cycle, so was the sun. More work to do but it is going well.

Ayy lmao's come from inside the Earth, Change My Mind.
>In 1943...

>According to Palmer (in his autobiography The Secret World), Palmer wrote back to Shaver, asking how he had learned of Mantong. Shaver responded with an approximately 10,000-word document entitled "A Warning to Future Man". Shaver wrote of extremely advanced prehistoric races who had built cavern cities inside the Earth before abandoning Earth for another planet due to damaging radiation from the Sun. Those ancients also abandoned some of their own offspring here, a minority of whom remained noble and human "Teros", while most degenerated over time into a population of mentally impaired sadists known as "Deros"—short for "detrimental robots". Shaver's "robots" were not mechanical constructs, but were robot-like due to their savage behavior.

>These Deros still lived in the cave cities, according to Shaver, kidnapping surface-dwelling people by the thousands for meat or torture. With the sophisticated "ray" machinery that the great ancient races had left behind, they spied on people and projected tormenting thoughts and voices into our minds (reminiscent of schizophrenia's "influencing machines" such as the Air loom). Deros could be blamed for nearly all misfortunes, from minor "accidental" injuries or illnesses to airplane crashes and catastrophic natural disasters. Women especially were singled out for brutal treatment, including rape, and Mike Dash notes that "sado-masochism was one of the prominent themes of Shaver's writings".[5] Though generally confined to their caves, Shaver claimed that the Deros sometimes traveled with spaceships or rockets, and had dealings with equally evil extraterrestrial beings. Shaver claimed to possess first-hand knowledge of the Deros and their caves, insisting he had been their prisoner for several years.
Celestial phenomena 1561 and 1566 >>65815 >>65817 >>65819 now have an explanation. The sun had a grand minimum (pic1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sp%C3%B6rer_Minimum between 1460 until 1550. 11 and 15 years later the accumulated space rock-metal was ejected by the sun. The phenomena would have streamed towards the Earth from the sun.

The metal would have oxidised in the Earth air. e.g. Mg to MgO2 white powder, Ca to CaO white powder etc. The sun had about a century of accumulated rock-metal to eject.

We should see similar phenomena around Solar Cycle 35+ >>114081 pic1. Around 2100, which means you'll be dead and miss it.

.. also Iron, red hot and black.
>U.S. Navy Confirms That it Can’t Identify Objects in Controversial UAP Videos

Rare metallic asteroids might have erupted molten iron

Source: https://phys.org/news/2019-09-rare-metallic-asteroids-erupted-molten.html

Unlike most asteroids, Psyche appears to be composed largely of iron and nickel instead of rocky rubble. Metal-rich asteroids are thought to have formed when primordial planetesimals collided, stripping away much of the outer material and leaving behind the inner metallic cores, which then cooled and solidified from the outside-in. During this cooling process, an alloy of residual melted pockets of iron, nickel and lighter elements like sulfur, might have flowed to the surface through fluid-filled cracks called dikes, coating a topmost, rocky layer.

“We refer to these processes collectively as ‘ferrovolcanism,'” said Brandon C. Johnson, an associate professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Purdue University.

The theory is detailed in a research paper appearing in the journal Nature Astronomy on Monday (Sept. 16). The paper was co-authored by Johnson; Michael M. Sori, an associate staff scientist at the University of Arizona’s Lunar and Planetary Laboratory; and Alexander J. Evans, an assistant professor of earth, environmental, and planetary sciences at Brown University.

Meteorites called pallasites are thought to be a mixture of core and mantle material, possibly blended together by ferrovolcanism. The pockets of liquid metal, mixed with sulfur, are less dense than surrounding solid material, producing an “excess pressure,” possibly causing the propagation of dikes and allowing ferrovolcanism to occur.

The researchers determined how far these dikes would have to propagate to make volcanism possible.

“Our calculations suggest that ferrovolcanic eruptions may be possible for small, metal-rich bodies, especially for sulfur-rich melts and bodies with mantles thinner than about 35 kilometers or bodies where the mantle has been locally thinned by large impact craters,” Johnson said.

An upcoming NASA space mission to Psyche will help scientists test this theory. The ferrovolcanic eruptions might explain Psyche’s low density, which exists despite radar and other scientific evidence of a metallic surface composition. Psyche, the largest known metallic asteroid in the solar system, is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Its density is estimated to be only about half that of an iron meteorite.

The researchers theorize that the asteroid might consist of two layers, where a metal core is surrounded by a lower density mantle of rocky material.

“Ferrovolcanism may have transported core material to the surface, causing the radar detections of metal,” Johnson said.

The research is ongoing, with future work harnessing more sophisticated modeling to study how ferrovolcanism might occur, and possibly probing Psyche’s evolution.

No spacecraft has yet to visit a metallic asteroid, and the concept of ferrovolcanism is based on mathematical models. NASA plans to launch the space probe in 2022. The mission could allow scientists to confirm the theory and answer questions about the role of metallic asteroids in the evolution of the solar system.
>Storm Area 51 fans arriving, setting up roadside campsites
US Navy confirms UFO videos are real 7 News Australia
115104 115105
File (hide): ABDC2F281520D531B8EF605004187E57-3105741.mp4 (3.0 MB, Resolution:480x480 Length:00:01:00, Video by we.are.not_alone-B2JNELzBIFp.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Video by we.are.not_alone-B2JNELzBIFp.mp4

The semi-primitive warlike race of the third planet shooting at what might be natural (Mg burning) metal from space.
115105 116248
Notice that some of the shots curl around the UFO.This implies a magnetic field or gravity field. My guess is this has a Mg hull and H/He core and comes from the sun, and therefore is a plasma and therefore magnetic. Can you shoot down molten metal and gas?

The numbers in >>113423 pic2 represent the amount of 6 degree width of the solar disk edge was glowing with magnesium (labelled b) and iron (labelled k). The number 60 means 60x6=360degrees, ie. the whole of the sun's edge was glowing with metal spectral emission lines when the value is 60. Luglio means July.

Re: 411

>I work in a shady Bioengineering lab for the US government. Human/animal hybrids are real.
>Lots of these people that are experimented on are people who have gone "missing". I don't want to make too many "unbelievable" revelations here, but most of them go missing while in National Parks, at least for the US victims.
>Something strange has just been detected below the surface of the Moon. Scientists at Baylor University have analyzed data gathered from NASA’s 2011-2012 GRAIL mission and have found that a huge, dense mass of metal lies just under the surface of the Moon’s South Pole-Aitken basin, one of the largest known craters in our solar system. While it’s still somewhat unknown where the metallic mass could have come from, the researchers believe it’s likely the remnants of a huge metal asteroid which impacted with the moon and formed the crater itself.
>“Imagine taking a pile of metal five times larger than the Big Island of Hawaii and burying it underground. That’s roughly how much unexpected mass we detected,” lead author Peter B. James said in a press release.

Please let it be space nazis!
Woohoo! 1 month of categorising 1,947 (why yes Epona I do appreciate your digits humour) Italian science reports on the sun from the 1870s to 1890s is complete!

Now to sort the them into which has useful numeric data and see if I can prepend the data onto the front of >>113025 pic. And then validate >>113295 hypothesis.

116275 119943 119944
Distribution of metal eruptions on the sun 1871-1878.png
When the sun erupts metal it prefers to do it from its equator. This improves the chance of hitting a planet (or moon).
116133 116275 121006
Average daily detection of Magnesium in the suns corona 1872 - 1885.png
"righe b" means Fraunhofer line b >>110186 magnesium. "inversioni" means it is so hot it glowing blue-green which means the temperature of the Mg is about 6000K plus.

Chart: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1887MmSSI..15...37R

116134 116248
>“It’s not about UFOs. The term is a product of government propaganda in service to the truth embargo and no longer of value,” Bassett told Motherboard. “It’s about extraterrestrials and the Disclosure process.”

>For those not fully immersed in Ufological culture, “Disclosure” is the total and final admission by the government that extraterrestrials are not only visiting Earth, but that there is a massive government cover-up to hide the truth from the public. The UFO community has even taken to Twitter to raise awareness of the Disclosure process for the 2020 election with the hashtag #askthequestion.

>“A significant percentage of all people on Capitol Hill are convinced there is an ET presence. They are just not able to speak to it—publicly,” Bassett said.

>Bassett’s PRG organization has recently hired Teresa Tindal, another registered lobbyist who is now also fighting for greater transparency about UFOs. Like Bassett, Tindal is convinced that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth and interacting with humans. She believes that the government is complicit in a massive cover-up.

If the gov "admits" aliens are real, will you trust them? Think of all the things they can then do and then blame ETs.
>6000K plus
It is beyond gas to become plasma.
>If the gov "admits" aliens are real, will you trust them?
If the gov lacks credibility and is so out control that hides facts from the people, then the gov gotta go.
Yes. It's interesting to ponder then what happens in space. Does it clump together? Does the surface cool and the core remain hot? The surface would shrink and the core wouldn't leading to fracturing and mini-volcanism? Does the core cool and shrink and have a vacuum in it? Is it pitted through out with bubbles of hydrogen making the light metal even lighter so it floats in the atmosphere of Earth?

I am still looking in detail at the 1870s. It seems the sun surface was filled with Mg but was not leaving the surface in a clumpy way. The corona was also bright suggesting a spray of Mg into space. It looks like, later, this changes to clumps.

My current thinking is the sun collects metal silt upon in dense "radiative layer", as the sun spins up it picks up the easy light metal silt and churns it up. Later as the sun spins up harder it dislodges the the more compacted dense Mg and Fe and throws out clumps.

So early in the solar grand cycle you get a lot of fine spray and later you get rare clump throwing. Clump ejection needs the sun to churn harder and the graph at >>114081 suggests some cycles being more aggreesive than others. These aggressive solar cycles should have a higher probability to toss metal clumps.

We'll see how this plays out as I continue the deeper look. I hope to get a good over-view between 1870 to 1970 of the suns behaviour regarding metal. And make a useful chart.

>Mysterious fireball-like objects spotted blazing through the sky over Chile were not meteors, government scientists say.
>>Mysterious Fireball 'Not' a Meteor – Technically, we're talking about unidentified flying objects. Yes, UFOs. Although nothing big or well-piloted enough to reopen The X-Files for, it would seem.
>The “fireballs” reportedly crash-landed at a number of locations around the town.

>Chile’s National Geology and Mining Service soon gathered scientists to investigate the strange bright objects, dispatching teams to some seven sites on Chiloé to take samples.

>In a new report* issued over the weekend, the scientists concluded they “found no remains, vestiges or evidence of a meteorite” left behind by the “luminous and incandescent” objects.

* Google translate of the report:
>Once in the Dalcahue area, geologists went to the site examining the area of ​​the supposed impact. They worked on seven points corresponding to burnt thickets, where they found no remains, vestiges or evidence of a meteorite falling.
>Preliminarily, professionals rule out the fall of a meteorite in this sector and, therefore, that the cause of burning thickets, has corresponded to that situation. In parallel, geologists collected soil samples for a more thorough and detailed analysis in the Institution's laboratory, final conclusions that will be announced in the coming weeks.

Notice how, because of the lack of an expected object, the scientists now consider the fire as a separate subject. Rather than being objective, they have made an assumption. I hope there is a final report and I am interested in what unexpected elements show up, such as Mg (oxidised or otherwise as a compound). If Mg or some other metal like Ca (which will be oxidised as CaO) that would match my idea that (plasma-)metal can come from space. The scientist will likely attribute it to something local, like they did with the ghost rockets. The slag found was considered unrelated to the presumed Soviet V2 rockets. >>87738

Looks like I have much work to do. How long before the new belief system takes hold, anons? Can I get my evidence gathered in time? Is it already too late? Will anyone care for a boring answer over the thrilling and exciting answer? Have we actually evolved past superstition?
1868-08--totaleclipsesofs00todd--first Mg prominence.jpg
I seem to have located the first detected metals on the solar surface and protruding from: August 1868. This is consistent with the large Solar Cycle 11 >>114081 pic and what seems to be a rise in UFOs reports in the 1800s >>67389 (along side humans doing things). Solar Cycle 10 might have had some activity but we seem to have missed it.

* https://archive.org/details/totaleclipsesofs00todd/page/38
* 1869AReg....7..186.
* 1872MmSSI...1....7L
116275 116281 116282 116283
Incredible data backlog combined with new, highly motivated colleagues. Much to share now.

New access given. You are implausibly correct: Mercury scraped asteroids in extreme minority, most gone during cycle before 'Ghost Rockets'. Swarms directly attributed to Mercury contained >1.7% iron sulfides. Swarms not attributed to Mercury contained <0%. Semi-regular solar coronal ejections attributed to: >>106900 consistent with lacking elemental silicon. Sources: NZ, French, Chinese, India space exploration/research laboratories. Had to rely on colleagues for translations, not published in Jew-S. Mercury scrapes too old, mostly depleted now.

Non-Mercury data shows other field mentioned in different methods, not important yet. Solar sunspots & dark spots correlates to cyclical coronal ejections which influence third planet from fun's asteroid and meteor makeup. During rough 350 year cycles varying rough naturally occurring micro-cycles: 4.375, 5.83, 8.75, 11.6, etc. year occurrences, density increasing slowly after 'consumption'. Explains all 'unexplained' impacts on planetary bodies. Coronal ejections create new meteor swarms captured by EM fields of planetary cycles when stabilized.

Stupid degenerate humans incapable of understanding natural phenomena, presuppositions abounded. Effect named pareidolia directly consistent to 'sightings', mostly due to extreme anti-logical religious indoctrination. See 1910's optical illusion research in for clear details. Non-organic space mermaids exist.

Elemental (near-pure) silicon is excellent fuel. Silicon-fullerene tests concluded in 2017, cheaper & more substantial than synthetics. Another 'what the fuck, Nature' added to list. Add elemental iron, magnesium, aluminum to the mix: natural elemental thermite visible on third rock from fun for 600+ years until last sighting in 1954.

Estimate of roughly 2 million tons asteroid & meteor debris reached sun per decade pre-1940's. Close estimate. Total loss from Mercury & Mars solar system buildup precludes 'random' coronal ejections on density increasing cycles. Why did drop off occur? New cycle?

Was never mystery. No 'savior/s' exist. Humans failed to look behind curtain. Laughable.

Pure trash. Reuse of 'Mars Invades!' script from 1930's. Shaver was blue hat, worked for OSS disinfo shell corporation against Germany & Japan. Records on file. Traitor.

No. To 'shoot down' flux-phased magnetic phenomena Would require fully non-ferrous slugs delivered via coil technology to succeed. Vangel experiments prove this.

Strange. Unheard of in current circle. Will send probes in that direction. High chance of disinfo, yet never know.

Motherboard old tech idea used to create PROMIS switchback/spy system. Stolen by kikes, given backdoors, sold around world. 50% owned by Ma Bell when 90% of Ma Bell owned by Jew-S government.

MUFON created by 'friends' of shills responsible for Blue Book. Flat propaganda. Desperate.
sun earth.jpg
>Estimate of roughly 2 million tons asteroid & meteor debris reached sun per decade pre-1940's. Close estimate.
I am actually expecting it to be monumentally larger, like planet sized due to the perpetual pulverising happening in the asteroid belt and the sun pulling in dust from the solar system environment and beyond. I expect rock dust to be a significantly large majority and nearly untrackable.

The numbers in >>116122 pic for the magnesium are out of 60. Scientists broke the suns edge into 60 x 6 degree units. Then they examine each unit for Mg. Therefore the number 40 for 1872 means that on average for the whole of the year the sun edge was 2/3rds filled with glowing Mg. At times the whole of the edge glowed Mg:

>1872: “Nella precedente dispensa (maggio 1872) abbiamo dato il numero delle posizioni spettroscopiche giorno per giorno, nelle quali si vedevano invertite le righo del magnesio. Nel mese di giugno abbiamo continuato la stessa osservazione, e trovammo che il fenomeno andò anzi aumentando, per modo che questo metallo fu visibile più volte su tutto l’intiero bordo del sole. L’intensita luminosa delle righe invertite nel gruppo b fu sempre in accordo collo splendore delle fiamme della cromosfera.”

Google Translate:
>“In the previous dispensation (May 1872) we gave the number of spectroscopic positions day by day, in which the magnesium lines were inverted. In June we continued the same observation, and found that the phenomenon was indeed increasing, so that this metal was visible several times over the entire edge of the sun. The luminous intensity of the inverted lines in group b was always in agreement with the splendor of the flames of the chromosphere.”

-- https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1872MmSSI...1...65S/abstract

The implication is the whole surface of the sun had Mg glowing in it. Consider for a moment the size of the sun. (pic4) The metal volume far exceeds 2 million tons per decade, Unless eons of metal collection has occurred. It is possible that this grand cycles churn was exceptionally large.

>Total loss from Mercury & Mars solar system buildup precludes 'random' coronal ejections on density increasing cycles.
>Why did drop off occur? New cycle?

I think what you are saying here is that the debris falling into the sun is fairly constant so why does it cycle in such a dramatic way?
The reason is the sun has a multitude of cycles leading to 'beats'. The sun goes through decades and centuries of low churn, followed by high churn. I visualize this churn as being like a river. The river has slow periods, the silt and pebbles fall to the river bed. They settle. The river then flows faster at some point, the silt is picked up and carried to the ocean. The pebbles remain mostly undisturbed. Then a massive flood of water and the pebbles are then launched into the ocean also.

The silt reaching the ocean, is the metal dust reaching the solar atmosphere and space from it previously settled position in the sun. The pebbles are metal blobs compressed by the suns gravity (they may even be cool due to compression pressure and so lack of ability to vibrate) that can become UFO reports when ejected. The rev up and down of the river is the various solar cycles. But here is the part that cuts all of this off. The river can run out of silt and pebbles. The sun can run out of metal to throw. It ran out in the 1950s to the 1970s. The accumulation process took 6+ centuries, the re-dispersal process takes less than 1 century. You'll have more centuries without metal thrown than with metal thrown.

The pebbles are harder to toss so they come out at the peak of the (grand) solar churn. The silt comes out easily and so comes out at the front of the (grand) solar churn. Solar cycle 11 began in 1867 and the first Mg detection on the sun was Aug 1868. We started regularly monitoring metal on the sun from 1871/2 and the numbers show it was at or past the peak >>116089 So the peak was between 1868 and 1871. And the sunspot peak was 1870 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_solar_cycles . It is possible that solar cycle 10 churned up metal also and we either failed to look for it, or it takes a couple of decades for the metal to travel to the solar surface.

There is another factor, I am dubious that it is a main factor, because 1871 seems like it had large volumes of metal despite this extra metal from 1872: In 1872 there was a massive meteor storm (pics 1-3):

>"The first successful meteor storm prediction [“Great Meteor Shower”,”Star Shower”] based on the behavior of the parent comet [Comet Biela] was that for the Andromedid storm of [27 Nov] 1872."
-- https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/meteor-showers-and-their-parent-comets/forecasting-meteor-storms-from-what-planets-do-to-dust-trails/2161075F3402875053EA2623756F556B
-- https://archive.org/details/nature7818721873lock/page/n195
-- http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2005AJ....130.1286J

I don't know if this storm orbited the sun only or also went into the sun. However after 600+ years of eating rocks I doubt it is an exceptional addition anyway.

So if I understand your question correctly, accumulation into the sun is slower than dispersal leading to shortages. In addition the sun can have century long low churn rates called minimums.
>Stupid degenerate humans incapable of understanding natural phenomena, presuppositions abounded. Effect named pareidolia directly consistent to 'sightings', mostly due to extreme anti-logical religious indoctrination. See 1910's optical illusion research in for clear details. Non-organic space mermaids exist.

I have another proposal. Elites have always existed going back to sharman days. They dress up to spook the public and to reduce public threat. Fly in your airship in 800AD or 1600AD and dress like an angel. Automatic win. Do the same in 1990 wearing a grey costume. Same game, different costume. I expect the same applies to big foot:

>but which predate the 1950s, which was when the term “Bigfoot” was famously created.
>>113731 →

Curious that big foot term and alien explanation happened at the same, time whereas previously they were wild men and apes. It seems that naturally occurring strange phenomena gets leveraged by psyops against the public to generate false myths which can be used as false narratives to mislead researchers, whilst we get exploited and confused.

This also seems to be occurring with climate change hysteria. Natural grand solar cycles are explained as "humans bad".
>Elemental (near-pure) silicon is excellent fuel. Silicon-fullerene tests concluded in 2017, cheaper & more substantial than synthetics. Another 'what the fuck, Nature' added to list. Add elemental iron, magnesium, aluminum to the mix: natural elemental thermite visible on third rock from fun for 600+ years until last sighting in 1954.

Quite fascinating to re-read Keneth Arnold sighting with this in mind. As for the speeds; in the 1870s (I didn't keep a note of the reference sorry) scientists clocked a solar eruption moving at 300km/s. That translates to over 1 million km/h. The Earth moves through space at 100,000km/h. The Earth rotates at over 1,500km/h at the equator. Everything considered, UFOs (minus the "aliens") are well within natural phenomena range.

>MUFON created by 'friends' of shills responsible for Blue Book. Flat propaganda. Desperate.

This makes me sad. But logic suggests that any seriously powerful organization involved in mythology research would have to be compromised because, it seems, maintenance of myths is paramount for keeping the public erroneously programmed and confused whilst being exploited.
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I have been avoiding looking backwards further at Solar Cycle 10 because I wish to move forward to 1947. However I decide to do a casual look by following the link on wikipedia:

which leads to this
which is considered: "A solar coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetosphere and induced one of the largest geomagnetic storms on record"
and the cause is described as:
>first impression was that by some chance a ray of light had penetrated a hole in the screen attached to the object-glass, by which the general image is thrown into shade, for the brilliancy was fully equal to that of direct sun-light
-- http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1859MNRAS..20...13C
>I was suddenly surprised at the appearance of a very brilliant star of light, much brighter than the sun’s surface, most dazzling to the protected eye, illuminating the upper edges of the adjacent spots and streaks, not unlike in effect the edging of the clouds at sunset; the rays extended in all directions; and the centre might be compared to the dazzling brilliancy of the bright star alpha Lyrae.
-- http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1859MNRAS..20...15H

Keep in mind this is a description of brightness against a background of the already excessively bright sun looked at through filters.

The solar peak was one year later in 1860. So this is the first deepest churn in 600+ years according to >>114081 , the 1870s is the second deep churn. There was likely no spectral measurement taken because the equipment for that was invented in 1869 and the event was quick. But the sheer brilliance is not inconsistent with a metallic ejection. A deep search might uncover that some scientist pointed a spectroscope at the subsequent aurora and detected metal.

This is a video said to be a CME equivalent to the Carrington Event and mentions the ejection speed as 3000km/s or 10 million km/h. Distance to the Earth 150 million kms. Travel time 15 hours.
Iron in the sun, 1859.
First CME 1860.

>1860: First observations of a coronal mass ejection
What if we flip this concept around? First CME in 600+ years due to the first deep churn in 600+ years??

But why first in 1860 when the >>116284 was in 1859????? Strange.

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>Iron in the sun
Why this would be remarkable?

Generally speaking the material in the convection zone never gets involved in nuclear reactions so I'd imagine that there is a lot of junk like iron in there. If there was iron in the core we'd have cause to be worried.
Let me state me state more clearly: Iron churned to the surface in 1859. My assumption is that prior to Solar Cycle 10 the sun surface should be mostly hydrogen and utterly boring. Metal if any, would cause dark bands in the spectrum because it is cold and in the atmosphere of the sun, for example the corona or chromosphere as a mist.

The later, glowing, spectral lines reversed from black band to bright bands implies high temperature, churned up, previously deep metal. Therefore metal detection (especially bright lines) is proof of high sun churn which I expect to start in SC10, and be (mostly) absent before. And would be proof of the grand cycle model. Which then lends credence to the sun makes UFO reports.
Die Sonne by Secchi (1872)--photo 1870-09.jpg
Images of the sun in 1870 SC11 peak.

Sun 1635. Exaggerated or realistic?
>the sun spits metals
>Which then lends credence to the sun makes UFO reports
How is that related?

Blobs of metal, which are likely rotating, become oblate spheroids, or other blob shapes and travel through the air at up to millions of km/h or hovering and acting erratic (because they have buoyancy, hot gases/plasma/hydrogen cores/thermite reacting cores). See videos in this thread.
Photo of the sun in October 1860, 8 months after the peak. Looks like activity on the upper left and lower right as well as the obvious in the center.