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An Explosive Meteorite.png
UFOs and aliens are man made.
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This post is inspired by >>>/mlpol/59382.

I have been researching UFOs and aliens for decades. I have found the best way to understand the phenomena is to time-line it and then see what else was happening around the same time. Time-lining it allows the evolution & origin of certain aspects to show up which means you can trace things back to origin points.

I don't concern myself with if each UFO/alien report is real or not real, but I look at it in a wide ranging meta-view and this shows a sensible evolution which implies it is real and therefore the reports are generally mostly real.

I am not sure what the best way is to do this data dump. I have decided to do a succinct 300 year history which can be expanded on by me asking questions. This allows me to keep my efforts in proportion to actual board interest levels.

This initial section is to show the development of human sky technology and also shows that nothing ET UFO like is happening yet.

1758 - Book: Concerning Earths in the Solar System, in which Emanuel Swedenborg detailed his alleged journeys (spiritual) to the inhabited planets (up to Saturn + 5 exo-planets), solar system barrier, suns are black.
1783 - France: Manned balloons
1803 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utsuro-bune
1850 - and onwards triangular shapes are reported in the sky but when researched most of these can be associated with comets and comet fragments (comets tend to break up near Earth, Sun and Jupiter into sharp angular fragments).
1851 - Dr. William Bland sent design: steam engine driving twin propellers suspended under airship to Great Exhibition, London
1852 - Comet fragment dramatically crashes to Earth with sheets of rain (comet water) and dark ominous clouds with read streaks before the massive chunk crashes into the English channel. The other interesting part about this is that it happens near dawn, and the dawn side of the Earth is in the direction of the Earth's travel around the sun. So the Earth overran this comet fragment and sucked it down into it. This dramatically shows how astronomical phenomena can produce UFO reports. Pic #1 Attached.
1863 - “Aereon” by Solomon Andrews (inventor) flew, unpowered, controllable dirigible,Perth Amboy, New Jersey.
1871 - Mystery airship, Mt. Washington, New Hampshire (Solomon Andrews?) See Pic #2. This is one of the earliest UFO reports and we can see it is consistent with an airship. We have no reason to conclude it is ET yet.
1871 - (Vril, the Power of) The Comming Race fiction novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. This book in Germany inspires the use of the term Vril for unknown magical/physical forces and leads to the nick name The Vril Society.
1881 - a comet was mistaken as an unusual object in the sky. See pic #3.
1886 - Book: A Dweller on Two Planets, Atlantis, life on Venus, advanced technology, karma, Mt. Shasta. “No telescope will ever reveal human life on Venus; not that it is not there, but its forms are of the One Substance effected by a range of force rendering them imperceptible to earthly eyes." -- what we see here is the myth of sentient life on other planets in our solar system starting to form. There is no reason to reject this notion at that time.
1886 - cheap way to manufacture aluminium is discovered. At this point airships are flying around, some are secret projects. They use bamboo and cloth and ropes. Cheap aluminium allows them to be made of this metal. France is becoming a leader in airship design. You can think of these airships as the B2 bomber of the day, these are very serious military tech for spying and air to ground attack. Therefore there is secrecy around designs as well.
1891 - Contactee Thomas Blott (William Simpson, 1828-1910) The Man from Mars is a book about a Martian explaining how Mars is great and Earth sux, basically. It is not clear if this was supposed to be fiction or a reported event.
1893 - In the article “Man of the Year Million”, H. G. Wells envisaged humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings, stunted and with big heads. -- the greys!!

So with that look so far we can see many of the elements of aliens and UFOs exist but there are no reports yet of flying saucers or any meaningful reports of flying triangles under intelligent control. All of it, when it comes to ETs, is human imagination. We can reasonably say no ETs are showing up in this 1700s-1800s time period.

In 1893 science starts to speculate about gravity and if we can understand it better and control it.

1893 - Oliver Heaviside makes paper called A GRAVITATIONAL AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ANALOGY http://sergf.ru/Heavisid.htm -- this will be very important as we continue the time lining.
1894 “Aug 26, British admiral reported sighting a large disk with a projection like a tail” – Keyhoe (1950) -- Airship? Science experiment? There are no good references for this report and so it can't be examined further.
1896 - Germany 11 Sep, Zagreb daily newspaper Obzor “The day before yesterday we received a telegram sent by an amateur journalist. He informed us that David Schwarz from Zagreb has invented an [aluminium] airship which he hopes he could direct on his own free will."
1896 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mystery_airship -- this is the UFO flap of 1896-97 but they were airships, not disks, triangles or spacecraft. We know that airships won't work in space so these are human-made. This shows that human advanced tech can be a unsolved mystery. See pics #4 and #5


706 replies and 622 files omitted.
67893 68864
Unidentified Submerged Objects

>70% water planet

1893 - electric monster >>66001 -- failed USO?

WW2 - “The U.S. already has at least one water base we know of, a naval testing facility beneath a deep lake in Bayview, Idaho established during World War II.” – https://science.howstuffworks.com/does-military-maintain-secret-underwater-bases.htm and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayview,%20Idaho

1950 - Apr. Off Northern and Central California: Sent to investigate 9 separate reports by fishermen, Coast Guard stations Coast Guard patrol planes. No subs sighted in 5 day search, but contacts indicated high speed underwater craft operating in the coastal Eureka area. – http://www.project1947.com/47cats/usnavydraft1.htm#1850 ← Source: Modesto (CA) Bee. 10 Nov, 1950.

1950 - Jun. ”.. 11:00 PM. .. breaking the nocturnal silence, .. loud noise of water violently disturbed. .. luminous object of oval form appeared emerging from the sea about 500 meters from the shore. It rose up vertically to a certain altitude and then made a turn of ninety degrees and disappeared towards the northeast in the direction of Argentine terrority.” – The MUFON UFO Journal, no. 130 (Sep 1979)

Buoyancy in air and water.

>Is this all fantasy? Is there any hard evidence for secret post-war German bases? Has a post-war German base ever been discovered? Yes, one has. New evidence for this exodus theory comes to us from the discovery of a German U-boat way-station in the Atlantic which had a hand in moving this clandestine cargo from Europe to the austral world well after the war, right into the 1950s. This information is revealed in an article in the July, 1984 issue of Nugget magazine titled "Der U-Boot Bunker von Fuerteventura" (20). Fuerteventura is the eastern most island of the Canary Island chain and lies just out of sight off the west coast of North Africa.
>Geologically, the base was formed by an huge, ancient volcanic bubble around which the molten rock solidified in the center of the island. According to the article, the Germans brought in excavation equipment and bored out three tunnels for underwater access by U-boats. On top of the island, directly over the bubble and the military facility rested a villa with a stairway leading down to the base from the cellar. The villa was owed by a respectable German family, named Winter. This base functioned during the war as a secret U-boat base for the Germans. It continued this function after the war as a way-station for transport U-boats.

Hitler?s Flying Saucers by Henry Stevens (2003, 2012)

(20) = Nugget, July and August editions 1984, "Der U-Boot Bunker von Fuerteventura"
A gravity wave sensor/receiver/transmitter?
T. T. Brown -> dielectrics -> "Many piezoelectric devices are made of the same ceramic materials as capacitor dielectrics."* -> piezoelectric -> gravito-electric comms through Faraday cages?
* https://www.britannica.com/technology/capacitor-dielectric

>solid state laser-like wavelengths

>1888 Hertz had demonstrated generation of electromagnetic waves, and that their properties were similar to those of light[1]. Before the start of the twentieth century, many of the concepts now familiar in microwaves had been developed [2,3]: the list includes the cylindrical parabolic reflector, dielectric lens, microwave absorbers, the cavity radiator, the radiating iris and the pyramidal electromagnetic horn. Round, square and rectangular waveguides were used, with experimental development anticipating by several years Rayleigh's 1896 theoretical solution

>Allan H. Frey was the first American to publish on the microwave auditory effect (MAE). Frey's Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy appeared in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 1961.
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave%20auditory%20effect

Artificial telepathy.

>But what if there is another explanation for what happened at Roswell that not only is more plausible but has precedent in history? A theory that explains the entire flying saucer wave of the summer of 1947 and perhaps beyond - more down to earth in its origin and rooted in the very beginning of what later became known in history as the Cold War. This book will outline this alternative theory using declassified documents and sources, original raw reports and more importantly the unique corroborating time line of early Cold War history that transpired over the summer of 1947.
>I do believe that little green men were behind the UFO events of the summer of 1947, but not aliens from other planets, rather the type of little green men that I remember playing with as a young child – plastic toy soldiers that I sent to battle in my back yard. Except in this story, real life military members were the orchestrators, all of them battle hardened from World War 2 and willing to do anything to prevent another World War.
More literal. Instant communication network set up by the Vril Societe`. "Carrier pigeon" was one of Tesla's remarks. Notice similarity to "carrier wave"? Assigning a new meaning to one word prevents infiltration/subversion. At least for a while.

Yes. Analogous to quartz-crystal vacuum tube radio system, too expensive for mass production. Extrapolation: nearly impossible to intercept.

Highly likely in multiple scenarios. Electrolysis conversion engines are bitterly derided by idiots that love screaming "b-b-but that breaks the l-laws of thermodynamics!" Not laws, merely pathetic, basic bitch guidelines of testing working knowledge. Bayview still active like Fort Dietrick/Plum Island except now owned by Nigger Shit Adults, La Sia, and the kike word nasa which means 'to greatly deceive'. Gee, wonder what that could refer to.

Would explain why Vril Societe` and friends were never caught by (((Allies))). Better than satellite comms until recent innovations, harder to detect. Gravity is still poorly understood.

Electromagnetism was never seen as magical or mystical by thinkers, researchers, experimenters. All processes can be precisely examined, all carrier waves can be precisely tuned, all affects & effects can be controlled. Ever come across images of clouds being phased in peculiar wavelengths by H.A.A.R.P. or NexRad installations? Funny business indeed.

Corrupt little green men that found power and did not want to relinquish any of it. It was not that shithawks didn't want another Jew War, they simply wanted to win one with incredible ease. "Look at how profound and complete our victories are, we're the best in the world, no one should ever DARE to compete against us!" Korean (((Police Action))), the 1950's Central Asian (((Civil Wars))), Vietnam directly caused by the frog surrender cucks, 1970's (((drug wars))), the many African (((revolutions))), as well as too many other created conflicts to name = provided money, materials, slaves, captured researchers/scientists "needed" to overcome then-current knowledge before advancing designs. Remember Projects Montauk, Rainbow, Phoenix? All derived from stolen sources with the same limitations. All were utter failures until Operations Paperclip, Factory Shortage, Highway Construction succeeded in enslaving 20,000 to 30,000 Germans, 3,000 to 5,000 French, post-1945 an unknown number of Japanese, as well as close to 15,000 other peculiarly disappeared engineers, scientists, researchers, etc., forced to work as slaves. What is the joke here? A-12, F-117, B-2, F-22, F-35 are wasteful little jokes. Divert attention by creating something else entirely, then try to suppress the diversion which eventually creates """conspiracy theories""". Are you aware of the nearly 400 formerly secret installations across the Jew-S southwest & Australian deserts? A certain someone discovered them when examining data on cellular network access points. 21 trillion in worthless fiat currency is nothing compared to the costs those caused.
CIA-MKULTRA-1956-Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing--77-C00149546.pdf
Always interesting when you reply. I am somewhat dubious of the transmission strength and receptivity of gravity waves. But 2 lasers (or a mirror) that self cancel unless space-time distorts ........ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LIGO

Communications by gravity.... Neat! How long have the comms been secret Mr. T. T. Brown!!!? How do I get a gravity receiver??


>CIA’s illegal mind-control experiments exposed in secret files
>Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing would be of interest to us,” the memo from 1956 reads.

Attachment#1 -- source: http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/cia-mkultra-collection/#2018 (Document 77)

Combine this with >>29447 (pic#2 and #3) and >>20033 (Attach#3). We all know where this is going. And it starts somewhere in the early 1950s. Which is also when the "contactees" turn up and right in line with the drift into MKUltra mentality. Timelining is leading to many correlations. Also Attch #1 makes Cathie O'Brien look even more less foolish. This is treason.


I am finishing up a study of the 1947 "Disc" Wave, because of the book above, which includes Kenneth Arnold's famous sighting and seems to be related to the Roswell event. The details are too many and incomplete to go into now, but one thing is becoming obvious. A wave of UFO reports occurs like this:

1) There must be (genuine) concerns about objects in the sky (criminal pirates, war jitters, etc) casing the public to watch the sky and report.
2) Nature then provides a meteor shower, the public and the media view the lights through the bias of the existing fears.
3) The military becomes alarmed at the mere possibility. This leads to finding ways to obtain or counter the assumed technology.

The space rocks responsible for these events were not detectable in 1947 or the 1933-4 Ghost Flyers of Scandinavia. 1896 Airships, 1910s Airships need to be looked at in this light also. So much to do!

This is very obvious in the analysis so far of the 1947 "Discs". I hope to do a series of posts on it soon.

pic #2-4 because the original intended uploads were already here and so ... because no way to unattach exists.
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UFOCAT sightings by year vs month vs count_matrix.png
Some extra fun with data. This is a heat matrix of sightings in the UFOCAT db. It shows a drop off in reports when MKUltra gets shutdown. Something else was reduced in 1979 also.

This is a useful tool because meteors will cause dark bands running upwards, and human activity will cause bands running horizontal. A "wave" can be when an upward (seasonal meteors) and horizontal (human activity) band meet.
70220 79216
What's your view of Bob Lazar? Is he the real deal?
Half truth. Flying saucers go back to the ~1910s and are consistent with aircraft evolution and our scientific evolution:
1886: cheap aluminium
1893: Tesla-like electric "monster" tries to rise(?) from the water >>66001
1909: rigid airships https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Aviation#History
1909: French airship in England with what seems to be wheels (Discs? Tesla discs?) attached.
1913: saucers (discs) with vacuum assisted lift, and "gravity is only a different type of magnetism" (ie. Gravito-electromagnetism) >>32212
1940-50s: Flying saucers have human space brothers in them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contactee
There is a progression from airship to flying saucer by humans, and then using them for psyops on the public.

Lazar saying it was reverse engineered from alien is either a known lie or an unwitting lie. The only evidence I have found for ETs, where humans could not have staged it, is >>65820

So if we have discs flying around in 1910s, they can be in S4 in 1989. My speculation at the moment is that after MKUltra had exploited man-made flying saucers (as a flying experimental mind control and biological laboratories, to test unwilling victims driving at 3am in the morning) they needed a cover story. With the exposure of MKUltra in the 1970s a new "explanation" was needed for the 1950s+ UFO events.

In 1980 Roswell "alien" stories turn up, the witnesses are very convincing, but zero evidence. Mind controlled "witnesses"? In 1985 Whitley Strieber (who now believes he was manipulated by the military mind control) published Communion which brings Greys to the public consciousness and then they are retrofitted back onto 1947 Roswell.

And in 1989 Lazar claims "reverse engineering" of ET craft. This is the new cover up story for flying saucer based MKultra experiments on the local population.

You can see that the ET origin claim doesn't hold up when you look at our history. We did all this to ourselves.
An interesting tale which provides one interpretation for the collapse in sightings in January 1979. And feeds into just about every conspiracy:

AMB is these days primarily a research, development and deployment facility specialising in weaponry, anti-grav technology and dimensional-fold craft, and though it continues to be prone to outbreaks of violence between conflicting Terran and extra-Terran species, what goes on these days is nothing compared to the battle which ensued when everything came to a rolling boil in 1979.

The genesis of AMB dates from 1947 when President Harry Truman signed a treaty allowing the limited harvest (presumably under the auspices of research only) of local livestock—primarily cattle, sheep and goats—in exchange for what was presumed to be full access to extra-Terran weapons technology. This proved to be the equivalent of exchanging the island of Manhattan for a string of glass beads. As things usually unfold whenever a primitive race encounters a dominant one, it was revealed over time that matters were not going exactly to a plan that benefitted the primitives. Ingrained distrust and hatreds on the base culminated in what is now known as The Battle of Dulce. The timing couldn’t have been better—the cavalry were already mounted and ready to ride.

In 1977 National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski briefed President Jimmy Carter on what was suspected to be happening at AMB, namely, that livestock was not the only living thing being tagged or harvested. Carter was so freaked out he ordered a reconnaissance team assembled, calling upon the newly-established Delta Force accompanied by a group selected from Air Force Special Operations Command, Navy SEAL and Army Rangers.

The report revealed that the NSA had known all along what was going on, were backing the extra-Terran agenda of human research and had developed a Department X to administer the project. The foolishness of the NSA assuming they were capable of handling anything was made abundantly clear when the operation files were eventually prised from their iron grip. Contained within is the stuff of nightmares.

AMB’s ultimate goal was to produce humans who would stay child-sized forever, much like breeding dogs for their toy poodle-aspect, though what they discovered was that the more they strayed from the original genetic blueprint the less human the entities became; they were useless for purposes of sacrifice or sexual conquest because the more the form was tinkered with the less likely it was to house a soul.

Years of experimentation resulted in the production of human-shaped automatons acceptable for sexual use by the lower-ranking members of the elite—much like an inflatable sex doll compares to a human lover—but useless in terms of response capability when inflicting the trauma of rape or sacrifice, as well as yielding desirable pineal glands (the hypothalamus, pituitary and amygdala, as well) demanded for consumption in ritual at the highest levels.

To this day there appears no synthetic substitute for an actual, organically-conceived human child. As an aside, the health risks associated with eating the aforementioned parts of the human brain are alleviated by access to proprietary medications that forestall the resultant decline in health of the consumer. Once a politician, for example, is no longer of use to the Enemy, palliatives are withdrawn, hastening immediate decline. The health trials of Killary spring to mind—swivel-eyed seizures, loss of equilibrium and persistent spasmodic dry coughing fits, all aspects of the symptoms of kuru.

I must also add that the children most desired for consumption are Anglo-Saxon-Teutonic descent Whites with O- Blood Type, though any Rhesus Negative blood group will serve in a pinch.

What the Enemy desires above all is organically-grown, fully-ensouled humans, much like caviar connoisseurs prefer beluga to cod roe. They are intoxicated by the chemicals released when a child is terrorised, and exhilarated by the challenge of conquering and consuming what (they believe) is a pure, sovereign spirit. This is an addiction for our rulers, and by many accounts the world’s oldest addiction since the heyday of Babylon.

1979: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bennewitz became convinced he was intercepting electronic communications from alien spacecraft and installations outside of Albuquerque. By the 1980s he believed he had discovered an underground base near Dulce.
1979: Philip Schneider, an explosive engineer who worked for the U.S. government, with high-level security clearance, claimed that in 1979 he participated in the building of a “secret underground base,” in Dulce, New Mexico. It was here that a horrific battle played out leaving 60 humans dead and countless subterranean aliens fighting for their life. – https://youtu.be/9COrANDQvWg?t=2430 (skip to 40:30)

Pull in also >>46892 . Which bring up an interesting, and opposite position to my posts here, idea. Human history going back to the late 1800s includes our increasing ability to manipulate spacetime. On the surface this leads potentially to gravity control. But it could when pushed to extreme make spacetime tunnels. Potentially contacting other creatures. So we would have two branches of history, the human branch and the interdimensional beings branch. Research based on documentation would verify the human branch but is incapable of verifying the interdimensional branch leading to the (my) biased conclusion that it is ALL human activity.



On the other hand this is a new narrative to cover up the MKUltra abuses. There is still the problem of why, if Philip Schneider did participate in a battle with "aliens" in 1979, were fake "aliens" dressed as fake "aliens" in what they would have assumed was a secure facility underground. Or he is lying and participating in the cover-up narrative.

Which then begs the question, why is interdimensional kidnappers and abusers better than admitting MKUltra did other bad things too?

I am disturbed by the possibility that our history is not the only participant in the UFO story.

human history
humans fold spacetime <------ interdimensionals

If you only have documents for the left side path you would erroneously conclude that only the left side events occurred. There are rumours of time experiments: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montauk_Project

Space might be dead, Afternon. But are the "other dimensions" dead??
I've been thinking, rockets look like cocks and planes look like cocks with triangle wings.

So... What if aliens have weird penises, and that's why their spaceships look like that?
Perhaps cone like shapes are best for penetration. And nature and engineers know this.
Missing-411 1950s spike.png

Interesting timing >>70176

89607 90392
What happens if a space rock does a close pass of Mercury (which has no atmosphere) and it breaks up. What if the debris converts some of its forward momentum into angular momentum. What if the debris is then sent towards Earth's orbit. What if it it enters the Earth's atmosphere in 1946 ("Ghost Rockets") and in 1947. Could fast rotating space rocks, molten in the Earth's atmosphere, look like Flying Disks of June and July 1947? Could they flash white light and glint in the sun? Could they drop molten metal and float in the air? Could they spiral around in the air like birds?

COMING SOON. If anyone cares.
79259 79260
Which technologies are capable of detecting gravitational distortion on a system scale rather than a single world's scale? A number less than four. During the first Hague Trials, the little green men were in such fear of being unable to intercept communications from those which they did not control that they felt at-all-costs measures such as the creation of a world wide military force, amusingly named NATO, were not sufficient enough in their eyes. I find it of great sarcasm that the Eyes which numbered Five, then Eleven, and now Twenty-Four, are yet another of their projects.

That depends on one's definition of secret. In 2005 there were multiple red flag contacts during command station watches which were labeled above Ultra Violet classification to be immediately referred to blue, white, green hat & La Sia code transfers to stations & departments that were identified as AT&T and Ma Bell centers. Do you see the pattern here?

Bob was one of the thousands of paid shill that did his job or else his family dies. If pressured: "he can do no wrong as he only knows what he knows", which is an immediate red flag as to whom owns his loyalty. Hubbard wrote scripts which are still used to this day with zero changes, Lazar was merely copying at the time.

The Flying Pancake was considered "alien" as well when the German High Command was shown the schematics. They were even more dumbfounded when the prototype's hull was displayed. A common drone today would be seen as an invading extra-terrestrial robot by a person from 50 years ago. Consider that it only took 2 years to acquire enough financial backing for production of many captured German prototypes, then consider how long it took for others to begin noticing them. The "Nuclear Family" meme subsequently followed by the creation of the Silent (Beating) Generation of little green men were used as dissociative influences in order to prevent inquiry from the strange technologies suddenly appearing everywhere, and as a shield against the crimes committed against other humans. There is no such thing as positive propaganda.
What is a 'system scale'? Solar system?
Little Green Men is /-\\rmy?
What are the coloured hats representing? I guess blue is sky, white is sea and green is land.
The pattern seems to be comms. 2005 is close to when N/-\\S/-\\ verified GEM. So experiments seem likely.
A gravity transmitter? http://www.searlsolution.com/members/documents/GravitoMagnetics-Superconductors.pdf
Flying Pancake: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vought_V-173

>...and as a shield against the crimes committed against other humans. There is no such thing as positive propaganda.
At the end of the day we end up here: http://constitution.org/abus/mkt/cannon_controllers.pdf
And face the misery that we humans are despicable creatures. Not even animals manage this level of self-harm.

101892 121952
Sky_and_Telescope_1947-07-pdf_0006--Sinusodal Curved Meteor Path Reports and Skepticism.jpg
There is another unrecognised player in this flying disc game. Nature herself can make flying discs. SOON. Because of the outlandishness of this claim I am researching every angle for flaws in my hypothesis. It seems both nature and man were making them in parallel and scientist culture intentionally failed to follow up a lead because it did not fit scientists narratives (that isn't science). This lead was a precursor to 1947 main event.
Larger. Isn't a "country" also made up of the ocean boundaries it claims?

Yes. Whom is always the second on scene, the first to reach an objective on land? The more interesting question here is, why were they the first to commit betrayal? With enough indoctrination, anyone can be a mindless drone, yet what was their reasoning? "It was the easiest option." What were once cowards in uniforms created uniform cowardice for all to hide behind.

Now you see the references. Essentially yes, and even matches their attitude: "Can't touch us!" "Also can't touch us!" "We outnumber you, peon, don't even try it." Yellow presents cowardice as an optimal outlook for their numbers. One can only defend their own life for a short time before being brought down.

The original debuted in 1939, 3 years before the copy was "built".

By the way, your end of the contract is still broken. Ever considered long walks at moonlight?
Heliopause, Oort cloud? You are too obscure.

I might have an answer to this coming. Nature made discs, they can shatter into foil all over farmers fields. These were a potential boon to aircraft design. Also if you pretend you have alien tech the Soviets might be less inclined to nuke you.
Maury Island incident is true as described by the witnesses, it fits my coming hypothesis.
A fair proportion of asteroids is magnesium (silicate), magnesium is a gas above 1091C. A meteor can reach 1700C, add in high spin and you get additional maintained heat. If it collides with planet Mercury along the way it experiences even higher temps and centrifugal rotations, and therefore separations of the various material components. Escaping gases can also make rotations. The silicate, with magnesium gas bubbles, forms an aerogel which can contain the heat inside the object. The object becomes a hot magnesium gas balloon of various shapes somewhat disk like. The iron can become magnetic, the silicate can become glass. It can drop molten material to regain buoyancy. This is what starts the spike in 1946 that peters out as time goes by. This also inspires the psyop because the public wen't to the ET hypothesis explanation. I am 50% through two sources of info, I am looking for aberrations that don't fit. Nothing yet. Then I'll do a detailed document. 1947 is too early for anyone to send hundreds or thousands of disc over the US and the world in a few weeks and then disappear. Some of these objects might still be in space and we run through them sometimes.



What contract? Are we dating? If you tell me what the contract is then perhaps I can meet the contracts conditions?! If you won't say, I'll ignore it.
81614 81615 85155 85575
The entire solar system, including the volatile, precious metals & materials heavily laden throughout multiple asteroid fields, the various moons of 2 certain planets, then there's the nearly incomparable, even more precious gases trapped in stable orbits. How difficult are those to mine in comparison to, let us say, near-volcanic conditions? The technologies to safely mine in zero oxygen environments are both readily available and relatively simple to mass produce. One might say that the cheapest component required here is human labor. Did you know that the United States census estimates per decade are incredibly, questionably wrong? One must consider what that means in a military context.

According to two colleagues in difficult to reach locations, your assertion has a strange, heightened merit. There is a nagging problem with the wide spread, seemingly mass distributions of disc-shaped objects appearing in the northern hemisphere. The resources of the top five countries post-WW2 could, at maximum, only account for a total of 110 aerial craft apiece in 1947 given the known postwar budget accounts. However, there may be a third negotiator in play for this problem; an answer to a question you posed earlier may relieve some of this burden.

As amusing as the suggestion sounds, not so much, Herr Vril. I deliver the goods regardless of their source. You pick them up and display them in public showcases for honest, logical examination. Care to trade wares? Khajiit has many goods to offer.
Are you suggesting that the SSP is using G to communicate as they harvest the Solar System? Is that you Corey? Actually you remind me of William Lyne.

The hypothesis is piecing together quite well. I now have a method of generating the foil, and the disk domes. Rather than type a lot here I will attach the current chapter titles that I will use to organised my amassed data. This should give a fair over view of the evaluation so far.
>I deliver the goods regardless of their source. You pick them up and display them in public showcases for honest, logical examination.

The one problem here is I am renovating a house, selling it and moving to a distant location. Once I am re-established I can build up an infrastructure suited to this. But I can't do it now because I am reducing everything in my live to zero to make the future move as simple as possible. The idea is good, the timing is bad. Sounds like fun later this year or next depending on how fate treats me.

Also here is an interesting piece of data. There is an asteroid (2004 TG10) that crosses Earth orbit twice a year (usually they cross only once) and it corresponds exactly with the 2 largest spikes in UFO reports over all years (minus 1947 aberration). 1 / ( 365 x 365 ) = .00000750609870519797 I'll use this to show how strongly meteors and UFOs correlate. The MöD discovered the same correlations. Waves seem to be when Nature joins in (at least early on). They also suggested a buoyant plasmas as causes of UFO reports and noted that science seems to not investigate this.

I would say my hypothesis is about 80% good so far. But I feel insane because I have wandered so far away from the "safety" of the herd. :)
85159 87633 89707
SN1976N Galaxy found plus extra objects that should not be - version 2.jpg
Comet 73P and asteroids and supernovas.jpg
Okay I get it.

Gravity comms perturbs everything in the environment. Solar System wide comms would be monitorable by just watching the environment be perturbed. (You could use LIGO like devices to monitor.) Brilliant. My estimation of you has improved, that was very interesting info. There is more in what you say that I keep missing. But I'll keep pondering.

In 1947 naturally occurring flying discs flooded the Earth. The source may have been 2002 XM35 which may have collided with Mercury and peppered us with hot melted Mg/Si(O)/Fe blobs. In the heat and spin they sediment out. The inner chamber is Mg gas/plasma that makes buoyancy. But I am also interested in the 1946-1979 band of UFO reports ( >>70176 ), more on this in section #2 below.

One or more discs crash and are recovered. They are discovered to be natural but of great importance to advancing aircraft ideas. They also have the advantage of being a new psyop cover story on the public and the Soviets.

They story is embellished by adding fake bodies. And so by the 1950s the story is now crashed ETs. The UFO research societies are infiltrated and steered towards the ET hypothesis. This is to become the new belief system of the population to explain away their biological harvesting by the elite for their health and life extention.

This is techo-p1zzagate. This is alluded to in Cathy O'Briens book.

The ETs are the new cover story to replace succubus/incubii human harvesting done by humans on humans. This ties in well with almost everything even 411, the occult, succubii/incubii, Spring Heeled Jack, Jack the Ripper, cattle mutes, etc. etc.

--- section #2 ---

I have been looking into competing objects for the cause of the 1947 Mg/Si(O)/Fe blobs of molten meteors. I notice that Earth runs parallel to the orbital path of Comet 73P ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/73P/Schwassmann%E2%80%93Wachmann ) in May/June/July. So I investigated it. It was first discovered in 1930 and then went missing until 1979, "in 1995 it broke up"*. I found the 1979 August reappearance interesting since the general volume of UFO reports dropped 1979 January.

I wondered if 73P was the cause of the higher 1946-1979 UFO report base "noise level" and prior to 1979 its ordinary doing of that higher "noise level" was disrupted resulting in it stopping making UFO report "noise" in January 1979. The dynamics of that is hard to explain concisely so I wont. What I then did was I started looking in the supernova catalogs for events that might instead be a Comet 73P/asteroid collision. After some days I have found a likely event.

SN1976N ( https://sne.space/sne/SN1976N/ ) occurred in 1976 when 73P was predicted to be out near Jupiter orbit. But in Jupiter-like orbit is also the Jupiter Trojans ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_trojan ). 73P was in the Trojan field when SN1976N occurred. SN191976N was only discovered on photographic plates in 1979 so we only have that one photo of evidence. The photo was hand drawn and published but when I compare the marked "stars" with the known "stars" there are 4 additional objects. See pics (pics are messy as they are research pics, not publication pics).

The orbit was calculated by astronomers in 1930, but the calculations needed to be adjusted by 34 days/degrees when it was seen again in 1979. This matches well with a collision in 1976 and the location of 73P using 1930 data matches well with being at SN1976Ns location. So this collision has changed the comet's orbit and so ended the splattering of Earth at low levels from <1930 until 1976. However we have to add some time lag to tag us to January 1979 because it is the trailing debris that hits us. And that travels some years behind the comet itself.

The orbit of 73P takes 5.36 years and takes it through the asteroid belt (and the Trojans). As the debris enters the asteroid belt itself it gets cleaned up and that is why the clean up for UFO reports takes the extra 2.25 years.

* Astronomers saw the 73P breakup in 1995 but I now suspect it began in 1976. The drawing for 1976 seems to show 4 additional objects in the sky and in 1995 73P is observed to have 4 components. The 1976 view is a sideways view, the 1995 view is a front on view. If the 4 fragments are travelling in a train/line we see the most separation in a side view and the least separation in a head on view. Advances in technology explain why we did not see it broken until 1995. And we are very lucky that a observatory in Budapest was taking nightly photos of the sky.

This is still preliminary, I give it a 70% chance of being correct. The counter-argument is the background galaxy held a supernova'ing star but I need to research if it is too far away. Aside from this everything lines up too well and the 4 extra objects need explanation if it was a supernova.

A good case can be made for general UFO reports being natural, waves also being natural, discs being natural, and post-1947 ( >>29447 pic#3-4 ) these natural events have been leveraged to make a new belief system in the public's mind to mask the elites biological harvesting of the public. Succubii and ET abductions are the same human generated cover-up phenomena.
The cover up is the opposite of ETI UFOs. The cover up is Natural UFOs and the cover is the false ET narrative. Because the public is gullible and excitable, it works and the elite conspirators can hide a little longer.
86254 87734 88621
Of course there are man-made discs, but in lower quantity than natural ones, especially during waves.

This severely changes the context of all UFO-like events in history including:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantell_UFO_incident
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Tehran_UFO_incident
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Los_Angeles

Pics from Project Condign report.
For the record:

I am not feeling suicidal and I do intend to keep posting here.
If I disappear, THEY got me.


P.S. What they had planned as your next belief system:

Changing trip to more secure trip.
Change done.
85587 87633
Comet 73P northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter.jpg
Comet 73P northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter - orbit.jpg.jpg
Comet 73P northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter - orbit - zoom.jpg
Comet 73P and 2002 XM35 (1947) northern hemisphere meteoroid splatter - seasonal.jpg
266917-1942, unidentified flying objects were heard and seen in the sky over Los Angeles, California.jpg
>appearing in the northern hemisphere.

Reason 1:
I currently blame Comet 73P before 1976 break up for the (antiquity?)(1930s?)1946-1979 broad rise in UFO reports. Comet 73P comes in at 17deg above the ecliptic plane. It is biased towards having density between 17deg and 40deg above the equator. Pics.

Reason 2:
1947 wave happened when it was summer in northern hemisphere. The NH would get the densest and transformed meteors from the direction of sun onto the day side of the NH. Density would be at about 23deg above the equator. Last pic #4 and pic #1 @ >>67432

pic corrections:
*2002 XM35
>News of the “silver discs” spread fast. Later that day an update, “Additional Information on the Observation of Silvery Colored Discs On Mission To Stuttgart, 6 Sept. 1943,” was sent to 1st Bombardment Wing: “This observation was made by two crews of the 384th Group and was the only place it was noted. At this time from 2 to 4 FW190's or ME 109's and 1 JU 88 were flying 2 to 3000 feet above and a little ahead of our formation. These E/A were not seen to drop the material out. It came from above our A/C/. As to its shape, it was a mass of material, kept a good pattern, did not dissipate as it streamed down and fell comparatively slow. In one instance, the cluster appeared to be about 8 ft. in length and about 4 feet wide as it streaked down. Another observation stated it was about 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. These dimensions in length being the size from top to bottom as it fell. The cluster was composed of small round objects, silvery in color. In all instances, the objects fell in the path of our A/C. Some was observed to fall on the wing of a B-17 belonging to our group. The wing immediately started to burn. This a/c did not return. No further information available.”
>Finally, Chester notes that some bomber pilots actually stated clearly and unequivocally that German fighters “were dropping pie-plates” on them.

- Roswell and the Reich - Joseph P. Farrell ← Chester, Strange Company, p. 43, citing Confidential Memo, Attention: A-2 Duty Desk, First BW, Subject: Additional Information On the Observation fo Silvery Colored Discs on Mission To Stuttgart, 6 Sept., 1943. (National Archives and Records Administration). Chester also states “Note the different terminology used in the description of the objects. They are described initially as “discs,” but then “balls” within the same paragraph.”(p. 229)

BURNING MAGNESIUM BLOBS FROM SPACE! ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHhhh... why should the fun of killing in war be reserved for man alone??
85939 86021
I've been slow at catching up on your posts, but I enjoy seeing them made. So yes I would like to know more.
Yea, i like reading your ayy lmao posts.
86026 87633 88627
You guys have been very kind. Let me share what I consider to be a close up witness report of these natural flying saucers. This report is considered by the USAF, the FBI, and UFO researchers as a hoax report. The witnesses themselves also end up stating that it was a hoax. The reason for this in my view is that everyone was looking for air/space craft. Either man-made or alien-made. It's been 60 years and there is no conclusive evidence that man or alien made them and flew them. They are still a mystery. So why witnesses claim it was a hoax? The witnesses tried to sell the story which did not work all they got for their trouble was everyone saying they were lying. In order to avoid further conflict and trouble they succumbed to pressure and and agreed that they lied. This then made everyone ignore them and leave them alone. But if you read the report, the report is insane if you want to make people think you saw a man-made or ET-made flying saucer. This report comes from Kenneth Arnold interviewing the main witness. Keneth Arnold is famous for seeing the discs also ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Arnold ). Here is the report:

As I looked up from the wheel on my boat I noticed six very large doughnut-shaped aircraft. I would judge they were at about 2,000 feet above the water and almost directly overhead. At first glance I thought them to be balloons as they seemed to be stationary. However, upon further observance, five of these strange aircraft were circling very slowly around the sixth one which was stationary in the center of the formation. It appeared to me that the center aircraft was in some kind of trouble as it was losing altitude fairly rapidly. The other aircraft stayed at a distance of about two hundred feet above the center one as if they were following the center one down. The center aircraft came to rest almost directly overhead at about five hundred feet above the water.

All on board our boat were watching these aircraft with a great deal of interest as they apparently had no motors, propellers, or any visible signs of propulsion, and to the best of our hearing they made no sound. In describing the aircraft I would say they were at least one hundred feet in diameter. Each had a hole in the center, approximately twenty-five feet in diameter. they were all a sort of shell-like gold and silver color. Their surface seemed of metal and appeared to be burled because when the light s[h]one on them through the clouds they were brilliant, not all one brilliance, but many brilliances, something like a Buick dashboard. All of the aircraft seemed to have portholes equally spaced around the outside of their doughnut exterior.”

“These portholes were from five to six feet in diameter and were round. there also appeared to have a dark, circular, continuous window on the inside and bottom of their doughnut shape as though it were an observation window. All of us aboard there boat were afraid this center balloon was going to crash in the bay, and just a little while before it stopped lowering, we had pulled our boat over to the beach and got out with out harbor patrol camera. I took three or four photographs of these balloons.

The center balloon-like aircraft remained stationary at about five hundred feet from the water while the other five aircraft kept circling over it. After about five or six minutes one of the aircraft from the circling formation left it's place in the formation and lowered itself down right next to the stationary aircraft. In fact, it appeared to touch it and stayed stationary next to the center aircraft as if it were giving some kind of assistance for about three or four minutes.

It was then we heard a dull thud, like an underground explosion or a thud similar to a man stamping his heel on damp ground. Immediately following this sound the center aircraft began spewing forth what seemed like thousands of newspapers from somewhere on the inside of it's center. These newspapers, which turned out to be a white type of very light weight metal [magnesium], fluttered to earth, most of them lighting in the bay. It then seemed to hail on us, in the bay and over the beach, black or darker type metal which looked similar to lava rock [iron]. We did not know if this metal was coming from the aircraft but assumed that it was, as it fell at the same time that the white type metal was falling. However, since these fragments were of a darker color, we did not observe them until they started hitting the beach and the bay. All of these latter fragments seemed hot, almost molten. When they hit the bay, steam rose from the water [above 100C?].

We ran for the shelter under a cliff on the beach and behind logs to protect ourselves from the falling debris. In spite of our precaution, my son's arm was injured by one of the falling fragments and our dog was hit and killed. We buried the dog at sea on our return trip to Tacoma.”

“After this rain of metal seemed over, all of these strange aircraft lifted slowly and drifted out to the westward, which is out to sea. They rose and disappeared at a tremendous height. The center aircraft, which had spewed the debris, did not seem to be hindered in it's flight and still remained in the center of the formation as they all rose and disappeared out to sea.

87633 88621


We tried to pick up several pieces of the metal or fragments and found them very hot - in fact, I almost burned my fingers - but after some of them had cooled we loaded a considerable number of the pieces aboard the boat. we also picked up some of the metal which had looked like falling newspapers.

My crew and I discussed this observance for awhile and I attempted to radio from my patrol boar back to my base. The static was so great it was impossible for me to reach my radio station. This I attributed to the presence of these aircraft, as my radio had been in perfect operating order and the weather would not have causes this amount of interference [magnetic iron?].

I might add that these strange aircraft appeared completely round, but seemed a little squashed on the top and on the bottom as if you placed a large board on an inner tube and squashed it slightly. The film from our camera, developed, showed these strange aircraft, but the negatives were covered with spots similar to a negative that has been close to an x-ray room before it has been exposed except that the spots prints white instead of black as in the usual case.”

- Source: http://www.beamsinvestigations.org/The%20Coming%20of%20the%20Saucers%20%281952%29%20PDF%20Digital%20Edition%20%28July%202011%29.pdf

If that was a made up story of man-made saucers or alien saucers, it is insane and irrational. I discovered this detailed after I formulated my hypothesis about molten meteors. To say I was surprised when I decided to overlooked everyone saying this report was fake and read it for myself is an understatement. This report reads like what my hypothesis would expect. Notice the phenomena shows no signs of intelligent operation it appears to be at minimum malfunctioning or, as I would suggest a natural but rare phenomena.

The falling black rock is Iron(Nickel alloy), the "newspapers" are re-solidified, precipitated magnesium from the central former magnesium gas chamber. The windows are an effect of the 3 directions of rotation they had in space, and it leads to a even geometric sedimentation of the denser metal on the outside. If it glows hot it looks like internal lighting. It's hard to explain but think of the consequences of pitch, yaw, and roll spin all happening together in space and becoming harmonic and then how that would geometrically spread out the denser metal (iron and nickel) into "windows". The black rock/metal is the former Iron "hull" which got separated because meteoric iron nickel alloy goes brittle at high temperatures (and atmospheric shock it cracks off). These objects must still have some magnesium gas chambers unimploded. Whilst the magnesium gas chamber probably has no longer any magnesium gas, because it is now below 1091C (and has solidified and precipitated into magnesium foil), the chamber unbroken is a vacuum chamber now. This makes the object buoyant in the air. The material that fell reduced the mass of the object which allowed it to rise again. The dense material lost, and the light material kept (silicate, ie glass or quartz now; and the magnesium) make a light floating disc which visually has the shine of magnesium and the gloss of glass. If any of these crash people will find odd but ordinary non-spacecraft and will dismiss it as not being the cause of flying saucer - perpetuating the mystery. And ofcourse witness reports that don't fit human expectation are hoaxes.

Another disc found by someone who actually captured it:

>Case 211 – July 4, Hillsboro, Texas: An object about the size and shape of an ordinary saucer, that had not been seen in flight, was found in the garden of Bob Scott, a farmer living two and a half miles east of Hillsboro. Scott said that when he found it, “it was bright as a blow-torch, but it didn't burn me when I picked it up. I got to thinking about all these new inventions now-days, and it scared me. So I put it down. It sure didn't belong in my garden,” he added. He didn't mention the discovery until he met a friend, W. O. Kissick, and when the two of them went to investigate the object they found that it was disintegrating. Another friend, Joe Gerrick, of Hillsboro, also examined it and said that one of the remaining pieces “looked like tinfoil,” but when they picked it up “it appeared to be celluloid.” Whatever it was, most of it seemed to “have melted,” subliming into a gelatinous residue. The men contacted Hillsboro newsman Dan Shults, who also viewed the remains. “It was a dusty, silvery substance,” he reported. “I picked up some of the pieces and it wasn't like anything I'd ever seen before.” Unfortunately, it seems that none of the material was given to appropriate authorities for analysis.
- http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf

What an amazing find for science! What shall we do with it? Make a newspaper story for it then forget and report it to know one! What will scientists do? Nothing, because they know the discs are just military things not meteors! What happened to this miraculous object? Who knows, no one cared. How wise are we? Not one bit. How humble are we? Not one bit.

Makes Roswell look completely different now?
The green in the chart is nickel( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iron_meteorite ). Nickel is in meteors and meteoric iron is often iron nickel alloy. However with sufficient heat and rotation the denser nickel will be at the surface of the hull over the iron. It burns green.

See density and spectrum here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nickel
Where's viryl? I need to contact him.
87736 87737 87738 87739 87742 88080 88084
If so then this would mean all issues with the Van Allen belts have been negated. Counterpoint: 29 trillion has gone missing since 1991. I have great doubts on this as a possibility though it is possible.

Outside of propaganda & widespread chemical usage in food/drink, since 1948 the average qualities of the following have rapidly degraded: quality of sleep, comprehension, logical decision making. In addition there are some papers questioning mass downswings in stable brain EM readings beginning in the late 1970's.

Colleague's estimate: from 14,000 to 23,000 fragments, give or take 1,000. There is some low profile evidence which suggests that impacts in space caused by significant speed & force produces spherical wreckage rather than the typical breakup one would see in in vehicles & aircraft.

Watched a video during radar operation/sine diagnosing training detailing a metal-only battery in the early 1800's used for experiments. Magnesium plates were used in manners similar to both modern day transformers and capacitors, reducing or increasing voltage & amperage; frequently used in gravity rotation experiments too. NOT mere coincidence.

Case 211 is interesting yet strange. Rumors circulated of a self-destroying material captured in Japan used in many sensitive projects including Aurora 2 in 1997. Will look into this carefully.
I need to discuss something with you, vyril.
Send me a mail so we can have some privacy.

87735 89600
>If so then this would mean all issues with the Van Allen belts have been negated.
Why would blobs of rock/metal care about Van Allen belts?

>Counterpoint: 29 trillion has gone missing since 1991.
As time goes by the man-made UFOs will increase in proportion to the natural UFOS. However the main focus of this investigation is 1947. If 1947 can be explained then we have the bedrock of UFOs sorted out. The rest is human activity on top. Human activity is larger post 1989 because:

1989: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgian%20UFO%20wave
1989: “In 1989 Japanese scientists H. Hayasaka and S. Tackeuchi reported in a mainstream journal that a gyroscope spinning about a vertical axis in a vacuum experienced a small weight loss directly proportional to the rotation speed. The effect was observed only for rotation clockwise (as viewed from above in their northern hemisphere laboratory). The anomaly was buried in an avalanche of rushed criticism and flawed efforts to replicate the experiment.” “In 1997 Hayasaka’s team reported an experiment that confirmed their earlier findings: when a gyroscope was dropped 63 inches in a vacuum, between two laser beams, it took 1/25,000 second longer to fall this distance when spinning at 18,000 rpm clockwise (viewed from above), corresponding to a weight reduction of 1 part in 7000.” – http://davidpratt.info/gravity.htm ← H. Hayasaka and S. Tackeuchi, ‘Anomalous weight reduction on a gyroscope’s right rotations around the vertical axis on the earth’, Physical Review Letters, 63:25, 1989, pp. 2701-4; Gary C. Vezzoli, ‘Gravitational data during the syzygy of May 18, 2001 and related studies’, Infinite Energy (infinite-energy.com), 9:53, 2004, pp. 18-27 (p. 18). H. Hayasaka et al., ‘Possibility for the existence of anti-gravity: evidence from a free-fall experiment using a spinning gyro’, Speculations in Science and Technology, v. 20, 1997, pp. 173-81; keelynet.com/gravity/gyroag.htm.

1990: BAe University Round Table on Gravitational Research http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990pruk.meet...26E they were scared that they missed a breakthrough and were anxious to uncover it.

1991: (ECE precursor) optically induced magnetic phenomena … inverse Faraday effect … spin B(3) field … electromagnetic fields are circularly polarised http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/ECE_and_Spacetime.pdf (Therefore we can (counter-)rotate atomic nuclei generating gravito-electromagnetism.)

1992: (GEM) “Shielding properties of single-phase dense bulk superconducting ceramics of YBa2Cu3O7-x against the gravitational force were studied at temperatures below 77 K [liquid nitrogen] . A small non-conducting and non-magnetic sample weighing 5.48 g was placed over a levitating superconducting disk and the loss of weight was measured with high precision using an electro-optical balance system. The sample was found to lose from 0.05 to 0.3% of its weight, depending on the rotation speed of the superconducting disk. Partial loss of weight might be the result of a certain state of energy which exists inside the crystal structure of the superconductor at low temperatures. The unusual state of energy might have changed a regular interaction between electromagnetic, nuclear and gravitational forces inside a solid body and is responsible for the gravity shielding effect.” - http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992PhyC..203..441P (Podkletnov, Tampere Uni, Finland), 2004 video interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgyAFElQZcU

1992: In 1992, black project scientists disclosed to Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine that the B-2 electrostatically charges its exhaust to a high voltage and also charges the leading edge of its wing-like body to the opposite polarity. This information led Dr. LaViolette in 1993 to reverse engineer the B-2’s propulsion system. He proposed that the B-2 is essentially a realization of Townsend Brown’s patented electrogravitic aircraft. https://www.theorionproject.org/en/movingbeyond_laviolette.html

1994: Late. (ECE) Myron Evans … Inverse Faraday effect … EM as O(3) gauge invariant theory … radiatively induced fermion [quarks and leptons, probably quarks as they are affected by photons/light, quarks make up neutrons and protons] resonance (RFR). “In ECE theory gravitation is the curving of spacetime and electromagnetism is the spinning of spacetime. The two fields interact when curving and spinning interact.” http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/ECE_and_Spacetime.pdf Quark triad in neutron/proton is rotated to make spacetime vortexes.

1996: Spike in UK sightings (pic also >>85165 ) – Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Air Defence Region: Executive Summary SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM - No. 55/2/00 --- which pushes the blame onto plasma meteors. Ironically true for non-black triangles, but the only natural black triangles I know of a comet/meteor fragments. Cases do match this. But this is sophistry, I suspect they know the original flying saucers were plasma based.

Free bonus: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2017/12/secret-labs-and-strange-things-in-the-desert-my-truly-bizarre-email-exchange/

1996: (pic2) BREAKTHROUGH AS SCIENTISTS BEAT GRAVITY by Robert Matthews and Ian Sample, Article in Sunday Telegraph (UK), September 1, 1996, page 3.

1996: Searl Effect Commercialization project proposed and planned. http://www.searlsolution.com/johnsearl8.html



1997: (GEM) (pic1) Gravity Shield “A high-temperature YBa2Cu3O{7-x} bulk ceramic superconductor with composite structure has revealed weak shielding properties against gravitational force while in a levitating state at temperatures below 70 K. A toroidal disk was prepared using conventional ceramic technology in combination with melt-texture growth. Two solenoids were placed around the disk in order to initiate the current inside it and to rotate the disk about its central axis. Samples placed over the rotating disk initially demonstrated a weight loss of 0.3-0.5%. When the rotation speed was slowly reduced by changing the current in the solenoids, the shielding effect became considerably higher and reached 1.9-2.1% at maximum.” - http://lib-arxiv-008.serverfarm.cornell.edu/abs/cond-mat/9701074 9701074v3.pdf (Podkletnov, Moscow Chemical Scientific Research Centre)

1998: TR-3A and TR-3B https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_triangle_(UFO)#TR-3A_Black_Manta

2003: Einstein–Cartan–Evans theory (ECE thought up) , patents “electromagetism is the torsion [that can be applied to atomic nuclei] and gravity the curvature of spacetime”, http://aias.us/documents/miscellaneous/ECE_and_Spacetime.pdf applied to an atomic nucleus this then causes Gravitoelectromagnetism which can cause atomic anti-gravity, see 1991

2005: 2005 BAE Systems closes Project Greenglow - “BBC Horizons: Project Greenglow” TV documentary (2016)

2006: European Space Agency believe they may have measured the gravitational equivalent of a magnetic field http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/Preparing_for_the_Future/Discovery_and_Preparation/Towards_a_new_test_of_general_relativity/(print)

2011: NASA proves Einstein Frame-dragging https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frame-dragging

2012: Device and method to produce gravitomagnetic induction, mass spin-valve or gravitational rectifier https://patents.google.com/patent/US9318031B2/en

There is a fairly smooth timeline here. If you can control the atomic nucleus via light or EM you can make the super-dense nucleus affect spacetime, including warp it. Where ever the nucleus doth go, the atoms/craft is sure to follow. Some nuclei have intrinsic spin that can't be thwarted. What happens if you leverage that?? What happens if you remove thermal jitter and align their rotational axis??
88621 89600 107136
Melt temperatures.png
>Colleague's estimate: from 14,000 to 23,000 fragments, give or take 1,000. There is some low profile evidence which suggests that impacts in space caused by significant speed & force produces spherical wreckage rather than the typical breakup one would see in in vehicles & aircraft.

A meteor impact can reach up to 2370C on Earth, and that is with "aero-braking". Imagine this without any air resistance. In addition space (Mercury has no atmosphere) is a thermal insulator. The only way to lose heat is radiation. Convection and conduction isn't available. After these collisions the rock is completely molten to such an extent that the elements separate from the compounds and then "sediment out" by density. See table.


1) , 2) https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/earth-atmospheric-and-planetary-sciences/12-570-structure-and-dynamics-of-the-cmb-region-spring-2004/lecture-notes/lec6_1.pdf (structure)
3) https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-1-4020-5075-6%2F1.pdf
4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silicon_dioxide
5) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0032063300000544
6) , 7) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2009.15459.x

>Watched a video during radar operation/sine diagnosing training detailing a metal-only battery in the early 1800's used for experiments. Magnesium plates were used in manners similar to both modern day transformers and capacitors, reducing or increasing voltage & amperage; frequently used in gravity rotation experiments too. NOT mere coincidence.

Because man does something does not mean nature can't do something or even something else. It is a false dichotomy to argue between nature and man in this. Both are players in this. But man isn't a player in 1947, he is inspired by 1947 to start playing in 1952. Because the public psyop'ed themselves which is just exactly what the CIA etc likes, and it provides cover in a way the public already showed itself to be gullible for.
