Its about to get real. I'll leave out the descriptions, you know what it is.
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>>18431>shackledHeh, good luck
>Fae biglyNo, the spell was directed at Trump and they weren't in proximity
>>18433Probably. Make the creature take damage
>>18434I meant that I had the dimensional shackles on me when I attacked him and I could have shackled him to prevent him from teleporting
>>18435In advance, I'll allow it
>>18437Kek, no. Its got damage reduction. I mentioned that. You need better than basic weapons to damage the Dog, even from inside
>>18436Have fae come to my proximity. Within 5 feat to give her advantage of Death Ward and Protection from evil
>>18439Oh, don't thank me yet,... e\\_/e
>>18440She's got Cauchemar hooves!
Oh, it IS Torcuil's turn isn't it? I'm assuming the spell was cast at Kefka?
>>18425I'm guessing that's a no for this...
She'd better get out...
>>18444It's also immune to fire.
>>18441I figured she had both already. You said EVERYONE
>>18444The hooves are a different story,
>>18420Ugh. It doesn't matter, he was able to make distance. You guys almost had him.
>>18447You are correct.
>>18448Do you know of anything that has 20 damage? The thing should have taken something like 140 damage when Kefka drained it, but that will refill very soon
>>18450108, but yes. It gets 40hp/round
Had to make some food. Have I missed anything?
>>18450How much damage has she taken? She can't just get crushed.
>>18452Not really. The thing's virtually indestructible, even from the inside...
>>18452Nope, you're good.
>>18446Torcuil's magic chains (level 1 homebrew? PLEASE) dissipate upon contact.
Fae could have pounce attacked, except Kefka is no longer there. She can redirect if she likes.
After Fae its Infernius, followed by Norfilly.
>>18452I almost killed Kefka in one round, but he gained it all back. Tay Shot Kefka in the face Tracy succeeded in getting inside the beast, but she's not able to damage it.
Kefka is now too far away for any of us to harm
Spoiler alert, in his true form Kefka is a veritable demigod. Spare yourselves the trouble of low-level spells and effects
>>18455He's got a shield, but she did roll a 20.
>>18454Fae goes right back charging at Kefka, if she's too small to be mounted
>>18460Fae curves off and resumes pursuit of Kefka, who remains cackling in mid-air.
Infernius' turn (still on Uatchit, so he's got good mobility) followed by Norf(illy, calling u Norf)
>>18453>>18454>>18455>>18456So "we" need to take him out in one round or he becomes healed again...
GM, this is important so think carefully
What ethnicity is Kefka?
>>18462Unless we kill the Tarrasque first, that is correct
>>18464Super White. Like really white. Duh
Not labelled, but rough positions atm
>>18468Shit, not what I was hoping
Tracy iss annoyed at how all the knives she emptied out just sit inside the animal's organ without doing damage and is furious at getting crushed without progress
"Fuck this! I'm out." as she barks as phases right out of the beasts's body.
AAAAAAAANNND I g2g for about half an hour..
Assume she took cover (the whole field is covered in piss, so it shouldn't be able to smell her).
>>18468So I removed the fear, and have a new turn...
Feel like I can't do too much damage at the moment, so.... Detect magic and look for treasure perhaps....
>>18470Good choice. Using full move, you can get about 180' (in ethereal) from the beast, which is up to the other side of the field.
[1d20 = 8]>>18471Sorry, not a bad choice, except for the cirucmstances. The only 'treasure' detectable is in the party's hands.
Thez> TEN,... <whoof> KEN
Thez stances, and then ports to Kefka's position and strikes (maybe)
>>18471reeeeeeeeeee! There's no treasure! And the Magic is above your head!
>>18469Tourcil, make Fae Bigly so Trump can ride her to Kefka... Otherwise I have no idea how to close range
>>18469TOURCIL, if Fae is Bigly, I know my next move
If GM will let me do it
Hmmm, I'm gonna have to calculate that one
Shooting a good 200' away, Kefka is incapacitated (but not unconscious)
Trump/Dog move (same time)
>Torc realizes Kefka has violated the NAP
>>18479First, How close is Thez to Kefka?
>>18480Actually shooting him works. Consider it the Castle Doctrine. You're in Florida right?
>>18473Damn.... Is there anything I can do.. I suspect if I leave Torc I get mauled by the bad man.
After Trump/Dog is Troll, followed by Tracy, Tay, and then Kefka
>>18483How close is Kefka to thez or to Trump?