>>183140>How would you go about mixing it into the homebrew?I'm not really sure what the homebrew is, so idk.
>Would it allow characters to level up to 8 without making threats like gangsters inconsequential?Bullets fo the same amount of damage no matter who fires them (unless they have specialist damage boosters, like fighters, rogues, scouts, etc). Guns should still be lethal.
It really depends what the threats are supposed to be, and in what tactical context they're presented.
>That's the main concern GM has and it's a major problem with 3.5e.Well, the 3.5e DMG says to refer to d20 modern for issues concerning modern mileau, so it might be a good place to start.
I think the system shock discrepancy is the main difference between fantasy combat and contemporary realism.
>>183144Fighter is better than Monk at unarmed combat in certain builds, particularly Pugilist Fighter ACF. Barbarian too, with the City Brawler ACF, excellent if you specialize into fist of the Forest PrC. Ranger can be good at unarmed combat too if they take the
There's also a martial artist prestige class in d20 Modern:
http://dmreference.com/MRD/Characters/Advanced_Classes/Martial_Artist.htmIt has full BAB
Note that d20 modern has quite a few powerful unarmed combat feats, that become exceptionally powerful if combined with 3.5e feats and features.
I wouldn't object to you buffing Monks, but imo the solution isn't to try to patch up the Monk, but to replace it with Unarmed Swordsage.
Swordsages are good, despite having Monk BAB. They're favorwise very similar to Monk, except they have good features.
Monk/Swordsage Multiclass is great, especially if you PrC into Shadow Sun Ninja.
>>183148Yes, this is the logic behind it.
If you take Improved Natural Attack and Superior Unarmed Strike, your punches will do more damage than howitzers at mid level. And that's just two feats; there are many more