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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1777 replies and 52 files omitted.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira's ears droop for a bit before coming back up. "What are pony males like?"
"In what way?" She asked. "You've met a few of them today, haven't you?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Well yeah, but I mean 'down there'. You know?"
"Well..." Neela proceeds to give an explanation that makes use of her hooves and her own hindquaters

"The pony penis, well, actually all of the quadrupeds, is contained in a sheath under the lower belly and mostly between the hind legs." She stands up perpendicular to Kira and points towards the corresponding area on her body. "There's only one. I don't know how many there are on lamias but, uh, there's only one on pretty much anycreature you'll find over here. When stimulated it comes out and grows to be about" she sits down and uses her hooves to show dimensions "this long and this wide. It has a pretty consistent thickness and is flat on the end. Same with the kirin and zebras. Horses are bigger. Other creatures, like the deer, taper towards the end and are a little smaller. It's pink and soft at first but gets harder when stimulated. They like to place it in the vagina of the female. Or which ever hole, really, and, well, I'm not sure how it works with lamias but uh, they like to penetrate you and make thrusting motions until they've climaxed. Is that how it works with lamias? I don't know how much you know. It's like this." Neela proceeds to stand her forelegs over the couch, and basically hump the couch.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Neela's...in-depth demonstration is certainly informative. Kira takes mental notes, trying to paint a picture in her mind. Her deep crimson blush shows she probably didn't need the mental image of Neela humping a couch to achieve this, but she gets kudos for the extra effort put into her description.

"Uh...hmm...I guess I can see why they have to, when they have four hooves. For us it's a little more, like...coiling and wrapping around each other..." Kira makes twirling and twisting motions with her hoofs. "...I mean I don't really have much or really any first-hoof experience with it but I've seen and heard enough to know, and mom explained some stuff to me a while back so I wouldn't be completely lost when it finally happens. I guess I'll still be pretty lost if I end up doing it with a pony like Free Rover or what have you, but maybe I'll be able to figure out what to do with what she's told me and what you've just, uh...demonstrated. Is that how you learned about it, did someone show you all about mating?"
Her ears go down, and she is silent for a second. Then another. Then another. Then another. And another

"No... You know, you should probably just see if you find a buck who likes you. And then... go from there."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Hmm...did Kira accidentally say something wrong? Hopefully she didn't make Neela upset...

"I see..." Kira smiles at her deer friend. "Hey...thanks for all of this advice. You're a really good friend, you know?"
Neela has returned to laying on the couch with her forelegs hanging off. She lowers her head, has a toothy smile, and blushes

"Heh... do you really think that?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira nods with a wider smile.

"Of course! Even with how you thought I was going to eat you (which I never was, by the way), you still have been nothing but helpful with me! You've even been going out of your way to help me!"
"You still might." She looks down "Going out of my way?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Yeah! Like, where you didn't need to do anything to help, you still did. Like those police ponies after that car almost hit me while I was crossing the street, you didn't need to step in to try to help, and in fact it could have been very dangerous for you to do so."
Amber Sunset
Now Amber is very worried. "Papa!" she cries out as she tugs on his sleeve. "Makea Amy, the mare we saved, was muttering the same thing when we saw her! The stallion we brought her to said she was 'delirious.'"
I did this a bit awkwardly yesterday, because I was preoccupied with life, but can Posey go ahead and look for the owner of the site?
I forgot to roleplay Posey's instinctive aversion to entering homes without invitation is one of her character flaws earlier, so I'll do that now.
176654 176655 176656
>what does he look like
"Like you don't know. Or did he never tell you his name? He'll be a grey color, with a white mane, a tripe down his back. Larger. Older. Wearing a flak jacket, most likely. I spotted him just a few minutes ago. But you suspected he was here already, didn't you? Well yes, he's off with a mare. Associate Professor Faucet."

>unseen servant
He scrunches
"You think I can't see that you are a unicorn?"


"Well those police officers were assholes anyways. They want to harass all non-ponies, and probably everyone in that part of the city, because it's not the 'good' part of town to them."

He looks at her with concern
"I see... Well, let us go to the shop."
Amber Sunset
176662 176683
Amber is disappointed that her father won't help the poor stallion, but she doesn't want to disobey him. She follows along, glancing over her shoulder at Kuhlo.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Does it make you glad we're in a good part of the city, now? Or at least it looks really nice to me."
>Associate Professor Faucet
I'm going to roll Knowledge (Local) to see if Posey recognizes this name from her time at the university, if if it's from a rival uni
[1d20+3 = (8+3) = 11]
>He'll be a grey color, with a white mane, a tripe down his back. Larger. Older. Wearing a flak jacket, most likely.
Posey takes out her notebook and writes this down
>Like you don't know.
Posey puts on a flat expression, evidently not caring if the stallion believes her or not
"Silver Sword: That name sounds like that of a Celestian exorcist or warpriest. He probably invited himself in to undercut my work..." Her expression darkens somewhat
>"You think I can't see that you are a unicorn?"
B-b-but muh lack of visible components.
Posey makes a poker face, hiding her embarrassment for her transparent poltergeist stunt
"..... ANYWAY, I think it's best that I speak with the owner of the property. Would you mind directing directing me towards them?"
176660 176680
>Knowledge roll
I think it would be best if you rolled again.

The brown stallion says,
"No, he's not a charlatan like you or the priesthood. Just a straight up thief. Of course I'm not going to tell you where the office is."

The blue stallion, silent thus far, speaks. He raises his left hoof and crosses it over to point to his right.
"The uh, owner is Glass Horizons. There's an office he may be at two blocks past the intersection. Red tile roof."

"Yeah... It's cleaner. Nicer looking. Less likely to get mugged. The apartments are much B=better. I'm not sure the neighbors will like... immigrants moving in, though."
176661 176675
>I think it would be best if you rolled again.
[1d20+3 = (5+3) = 8]
"Rude! I am a licensed practitioner of Necromantic Securities."
>"The uh, owner is Glass Horizons. There's an office he may be at two blocks past the intersection. Red tile roof."
"Thank you, kind sir." Posey replies, with a cheerful smile
"Come along, Gloomy." Posey says, trotting off towards the indicated building, floating the colt behind her
>Worse than before
Well fuck.
The sky to their right and behind glows purple/ Closer to the horizon and above the dark silhouettes of trees it glows a brighter shade of blue. In most of the sky, the purple tinge of the sky blots out most of the stars. But to the left and in front of the ponies, a black void bespeckled by numerous stars and adorned by a green luminescent band that hangs in the sky like garland still has its hold. In every direction, the earth itself is shrouded in relative darkness. Around the ponies are many more huts. Sometimes the snow is completely blown off and only dirt is visible, and always on the same side, facing left, though invariably found on the pony's right.

The two ponies come to the store, which is a structure presumably made of wood, and having angled walls, much like the huts. It has a couple, small holes where windows once were that are blocked up by wood. Father opens the door, which does not open easily. Like the hut, thick furs must be parted to enter. Inside are two, technically three walls filled to the brim with items. Shovels, candle wicks, kerosene cans, ropes, gasoline cans, hatchets, matches, sewing kits, bandages, eating utensils, sugar, penicillin, lamps...

There is a sort of fireplace along the left wall that provides lighting for the room, as well as heat. Behind a wooden counter in the center of the far wall and slightly to the right is a single, somewhat elderly stallion wearing an undercoat and an orange cap.
In the several rooms of the library and the laboratory, Silver finds several items. Most of these are underneath books or flasks, or behind the same. Some are in cracks. But in one instance, they are hidden in a cavity behind a shelf in a laboratory room.

A sketch of a somewhat tear-dropped shaped creature with six, short wings and no other limbs, and could be said to very vaguely resemble a cross between a honeybee, a crocodile, and a baleen whale.

A sketch of a set of trees or shrubs and the root network, with a special emphasis on what seems to be a vast network of shared roots. It is unclear if the trees depicted are or are not the same as seen earlier.

Still another sketch of a tree and mirrored root ball with a sun above, and a moon, as well as a pool of water below. This one is closer to the trees seen before

A few pages of a manuscript with the title "Remnants of Skyros?" with a sketch of an alicorn.

A map of the Equestrian South East, the Zebrican Northwest, and the chain of islands inbetween, including what Silver can immediately recognize as non-existant land masses in the ocean. There are a few noted points of interest

A map featuring the Thalassic ocean, with two fictional landmasses, one in the north and one in the south. Unlike the previous map, which was very careful with every detail of its fictional geography, this one is much more approximate with its guesses of where these paper-islands are supposed to be located. This map has a sketch of alicorn-shaped creatures, though these alicorns have more butterfly-like wings and curved horns. Beneath it are several pages of writing that seem to be summaries of captain's logs.

A book of poetry

A sketch of what are, for a lack of a better term, sea ponies. This includes what appears to be the sea ponies in a kind of religious ritual, a couple of them in warrior garb, and several of them preparing to attack, or at least approach, a wooden sailing ship.

A vial of a transparent liquid.

An open envelope with a (broken) wax seal and signed as being from the "Sisters of the Three Bodies," which likewise carries the symbols of the Celestialist Church in the South.

A map of some particular city on the water on a river mouth which has a few points of interest. The name "Pirate Jean Claw" comes up. This too has attached pages, which likewise seem to be summaries of captain's logs.

A set of notes that show what seems to be a transfiguration of animals, as well as what seems to be a process of impregnation. This has one attached note.

A very oddly shaped helmet of unknown metal.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
This has to be the best haul Silver has gotten in many years, excluding payment from completing jobs. Well, also maybe excluding getting a house, but besides that he's very happy with the results. He looks through his findings with Pear.

"It seems like lot of this could lead into even more adventures. We could have our hooves full for while. Maybe I could find way to get some starting capital for some globetrotting adventures. Pirates, lost landmasses of alicorns and alicorn-like creatures, and whatever this chimeric-looking creature is. It would be fun to go on these adventures with you!" Silver makes a note to take a lot of this to the local university to look for somepony's help in deciphering some of the more obscure bits of information located in all of this. The vial and helmet he keeps but doesn't immediately use. Mystery fruit is one thing, but mystery vials and unknown metal helmets are a level of risk that not even Silver can conscientiously take.

There is a lot to read through, and Silver isn't sure how much time he has to go through it all especially as they still have yet to find the sarcophagus. But, he thinks he has at least a little time to go through some of these findings. He starts with the notes on animal transfiguration.
It needs to be noted that with the exception of the poetry, none of the papers are especially thick.

There's a note about an artifact crafted custom made for use by a disgraced former manager of the Canterlot Menagerie for the breeding in captivity of rare and exotic animals and magic beasts. The artifact was at one time owned by Vivienne Discret of Aquelia - and Queen Consort of the Grover II - though the timeline is fuzzy as to whether she is supposed to have acquired it from the manager, or vice versa. Jean Claw is said to have stolen the item after it was sold by the dynasty, or possibly stolen, though less charitable sources claim that Vivienne Discret gave it as a gift to Jean Claw directly as a sign that they were lovers. The notes are honestly kind of vague as to what exactly the artifact does, save that it aids in the creation of animals, beasts, and creatures.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver has to be especially careful with the papers, in that case. He doesn't want any to get damaged or ruined.

Hmm, that sounds like an interesting artifact to have possession of. Especially as thoughts of what happens if Jubilosa decides she wants children and Silver isn't able to provide them being a pony flash into his mind. This leads Silver to look at the pages attached to Jean Claw's map, perhaps they may lead to clues as to where she buried her stash.

Speculation centers on a cemetery plot, and not entirely defined portions of a river flood plain.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Hmm, probably another task to require use of additional maps to cross-reference and maybe help from the local university, just like these other maps contained within the haul. Silver takes a look next at the opened envelope.

Knowledge, Religion: In addition to reading the contents of the envelope, if present, Silver examines the wax seal to see if he recalls anything about these "Sisters of the Three Bodies".

[1d20 = 13]
It appears to be a monastic order. From the symbols on the envelope itself the "Three Bodies" seems to reference the sun, the moon, and the earth. They belong specifically the Tenochtitlan Basin branch of Celestialism, and not the mainline
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"You have interest in local cultures, yes? Is there anything you can decipher from this?" Silver gives the envelope to Pear, as he looks at the poetry. Part of him feels like it's probably the weirdest item among this haul, at least until he identifies this vial and helmet.
"I think" gasp "I think this might be a companion to my religious texts. Or another version of it." She seems to wag her tail.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver smiles at the cute professor mare. "Do you want to keep it?"
She sits down, wraps her tail around her body, and says
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver chuckles at the adorable display. "Go right ahead!"

Anyways, the poetry is next on Silver's list to investigate. He wonders to himself who might have made it or to what purpose.
176678 176679
Posey can't say she knows of her.

Posey finds the building just as she was told. A white unicorn mare with a red puffed-up mane behind a desk greets Posey with a smile.

Okay, I got confused. I thought that Silver gave Pear the poetry to examine, and then to keep, not the envelope.
>A white unicorn mare with a red puffed-up mane behind a desk greets Posey with a smile.
Posey approaches her doppelganger
"Good [insert canon time of day here], I love how you did your mane." she greets
"I'm here to see Mr. Glass Horizons, about a site visit concerning the Necromantic Securities department of the university, pertaining to a recent malevolence on the property down the street."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, okay. Well, if she's excited by the poetry, then she's still welcome to keep it. No way Silver is going to disappoint her like that.

In that case, the next thing to examine would be the map of the Thalassic Ocean.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"It's okay, we'll make them see that we're a couple of the best neighbors they could ask for!" Kira smiles brightly at her deer friend. "I'm glad you like it, though, and that it's much safer than your old one. Also you won't have to spend any more time with that griffon from your old place if you don't want to."
176682 176703 176704
"Oh, is this about the archeological exam?" She says

It's a very big, open ocean, featuring two islands. One of them is massive, almost the size of Olenia, near the north. Another is much smaller, further south, and closer to Equestria.

"Oh yes, I'm beyond grateful I'll never have to see her again. Ugh! And can you believe that Lash is with her? What happened to him? Just... So many reasons I don't want to go back there."
>is this about the archeological exam
"Yes and no. This is a matter pertaining to magical security in relation from recent dark magic activity in the area, although it may impact the archaeological exam. We have reasons to believe that Mr. Horizons will want to know about potential liabilities." Posey replies
176684 176692
The stallion speaks,
"Hey, Keskiyön Aurinko. I didn't think I'd see you here"

"Well I had to catch you now, wasn't sure if you changed your hours."

"No no, the Sun is coming, and everypony is going to need all of the supplies they can get for the great home coming. I'm staying open as long as the weather allows. What do you need?"

"Oh, just salt. One bag."

"What size?"

"Let me go ahead and get me... I should really buy enough for the family. I really only need one merker..."

"The more you come back the merrier"

"No no, I should really buy more than that, say... three skålpund? Yes. Let me buy 3 skålpund of salt."

"Sure. Now hold on. It comes to me weighed in kilograms. Let me weigh it out on the scales."

The stallion turns away.

Near the counter, to the left and lower, are hung up drawings made with colored pencil on paper. Mill made-made paper and pencils that have to be imported and are relatively expensive. Amber can tell immediately that these drawings are made by a foal, and are proudly displayed as the foal's art. However, even a young foal would attempt to imitate a known form, however poorly. Squiggly lines and colors outside of said lines are normal in representations of family members, dogs, trees, sharks, or whatever a foal may wish to depict. But that isn't what is hanging up here. Of the four images, three are simply of lines scribbled across in green, red, and black. The fourth could be said to imitate a form, only because the center of the image is a solid yellow circle.

She flops one ear down
"Is this about that lich?" She asks
Amber Sunset
>green, red, and black
Darn, thought this place was too cold for pan-African nationalists

Amber points up the odd drawings. "What are these?" she asks curiously.

The stallion is at the scales
"Oh, these are my daughter's drawings she made. Aren't they pretty?"
Amber Sunset
"They are…um…are they of the aurora?" she asks.
"Oh no. These are inspired by dreams."
Amber Sunset
"What kind of dreams were they? Did she tell you?" she asks, intrigued.
"Very insightful dreams. I think you know that premonitions can come in dreams, and that sometimes, the spirits will communicate to us in dreams. These are what she saw."
Amber Sunset
176693 176694 176700
"And what do they mean?" she asks excitedly, and her tail would wag if it was unhampered by the coat. "Did the spirits say anything?" she whispers, though her father is right there and she knows he'll hear her anyway.
>"Is this about that lich?" She asks
"Yes." Posey replies
176694 176695 176700 176719
"Yes, they did. Well, to her. They confirmed what Metsän Vaeltaja tells us. That there will be a great homecoming of the spirits as they return to our world, and our world becomes more like the spirit world. And the Seraph will bring the sun, and there will be an end to the winter."

"Ah. Yes. Let me call him." She picks up the phone at the desk and says, "Mr. Horizons. We've got another one." She places the phone down and says "You can go in."

Through a set of wooden doors and into an office that has nice glass windows and a few less bookshelves than Ersatz Orgone. He's a tan unicorn stallion with a grey mane and a blue business suit.

"Another one?"
176700 176719
Amber feels a hoof press against her back, and then a tug. She is physically pulled backwards.

"That's enough of that." Father says, pulling Amber away from the images. Father addresses the stallion, and has the salt placed in a tin container. "How much do I owe you? Can I pay in lichen?" He asks

"No, no, can't do that now.... I can't sell that for a while. i have to buy this with marks so it has to be paid in marks. 12 skillings."

"Twelve skillings?!?! Half an ort for 3 Skullpund of salt?"

"Yes, it cost me a mark for a kilogram in Everfrost so really this is just breaking even for me... It's okay, we will not have need for money soon. I can take Lichen for the next purchase, okay?"

Father nods
"Alright. Come the conclusion of the Great Path Forward, we won't need money anyways."

Stallion lowing his head and semi scrunchy
"We didn't need money before the 'Great Path Foward'..."

"Well... I'll see you at the next community meeting next week"

"Sure. I think the sun will be here by then."

"I don't know about that but... see you soon!"