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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1777 replies and 52 files omitted.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Helloooooooooooo, what do we have here? Light, if you please."

Silver, with magic, might, or a combination of the two, moves the block out of the way.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles. "Hey, I'm not upset or anything!" She slithers after her after grabbing the tea set. It seems like a good idea to wash it before giving it back to the nice-if-slightly-racist old mare. As she sets it down on the kitchen counter, she tilts her head at her deer friend.

"Is everything okay, Neela?"
176376 176377 176378
"Of course. Why wouldn't it be?" She answers

As Neela walks around the kitchen, she looks back and down at Kira's body to avoid it, whether out of mistrust, or a genuine concern for the massive tripping hazard her body presents. Neela grabs opens a cabinet, pulls out a set of grain, and before leaving the kitchen, starts eating it directly out of the container with numerous small nibbles

I'm very interested to hear what kind of university you attended that allowed not merely display of weapons, but active demonstrations with them in public areas.

With a bit of motion, the block slides out of place, revealing a cavity with several items in it.

The first item is a piece of paper that appears as if it were taken from a book. It is yellowed from age, and features a tree under a sun, with arrows point around, an evident root ball under a line that seems to be the ground, and what seems to be a connected network of roots. There are numerous symbols and letters that do not belong to the Ponish langue, particularly along the corners of the paper.

The second document is stiffer, thicker set of parchment that is likewise damaged with age, and with the words "Lady Joy" and "Manifest" in big block letters at the top. There's a date and a location "Baltimare Harbor January 1, 770, bound for Amhapura, Abyssinian Empire." Below is listed the names of crew, passengers, and cargo. A quick look at the latter shows items like hoes, rope, salt, and breadfruit saplings.

The next item is probably the most damaged by age, being afflicted by mold and moisture. It is a set of note paper - actual paper, not the hemp and linen parchment used elsewhere - that has notes like "salinity?" and "Ph level 7.5" a large number of crossed out numbers and words, "109 days sunlight," "Bury depth 2 feet?" and other similar notes.

Another document, most similar to the first, is what looks to be a floor plan. The floor is a more or less rectangular shape that intersects with a large circle in a kind of pear or lightbulb shape. There are stairs going up, support columns, notes of a block in the lower rectangle, but most interesting of all, a super imposed other shape in a blue color, opposed the to black used in most of the document. This shape is lower and most of it is near the rectangular section. It's an oblong shape with many curves that does not correspond to most rules of architecture. At the bottom, is a smaller shape that seems to be a prolife view of the same building. It implies that the floor shown is a subterrain section, and the blue shape is below that.

The final item is not any kind of paper. To the left, over top of some of the papers, and with a spider web across it, is what appears to be a fruit. The fruit is recognizable as a citrus, it has a golden color closest to that of a lemon but with an orange tint, it has a pear shape to it, it's rather large, like a grapefruit, and it has the little pits you would expect of a citrus fruit. It is bright in color and is either perfectly ripe, ready to be sold or eaten, or a damned fine imitation of a fruit made with wax or plastic.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Since Neela has evacuated the kitchen, Kira takes her turn to head inside and wash the tea set, continuing her conversation with the deer.

"Well...all of that stuff you said, just before I did my 'thing' with Hopper...it sounds like you've had a lot of it on your chest for a while now, not just when I met you earlier today."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Hmm, no sarcophagus, but I suppose Silver should have suspected as the block was nowhere near as big as it. But, these are still some interesting items that Silver takes out to examine. The parchment set Silver first gives over to Pear.

"These probably are from boat that brought mummy over here. It is not mentioned in manifest, obviously, so it had to have been smuggled aboard, but you and your colleagues should be able to use this to follow trail right back to where he was buried. Maybe you can find out who he was, or if there were more like him undiscovered in that area."

The floor plan seems to be the next item unrelated to the rest. Silver looks at it, tilting it to different degrees to see if he can make heads or tails of either of the shapes shown. Maybe it's a floorplan of the catacombs, and it's showing an entire other section that's yet to be uncovered? Or it could be a completely different location and this is showing that there's a hidden section to it, perhaps used as a hideout or additional laboratory by Curwhinny.

The piece of paper, the note paper, and the fruit all seem to be related, at least to Silver. He's far from the smartest pony, but even he can see how 'tree', 'sunlight', and 'fruit' would related to one another. The fruit especially gives him some pause. "What in..." Grabbing it, he gives it a feel and a sniff. It would be odd to hide away a wax or plastic fruit like this, but it would also be even weirder if it was actual fruit.
>I'm very interested to hear what kind of university you attended that allowed not merely display of weapons, but active demonstrations with them in public areas.
The weapon in question is a touch attack specifically Chill Touch.
I sort of figured that an Arcane Academy would have testing /training grounds for various spells, especially universities concerned with securities. If there's a place where people would scout for talent, it would be there.

Those were shitpost rolls anyway though.
Shitpost-rolling for karaoke

"Ponies tell me my head's in the clouds...
I don't care what they say because i'm dreamin' of you
You are the treasure i've found
So bright, so bold yet so elusive
It's hard to look away even though it's blinding me
There are no words to describe how I feel inside
I'm really really stuck on you wow wow
I have to follow my dreams however crazy they seem
And I won't stop 'til I get there, you will see
You're all I need to have the strength to believe
Believe in Wonderland!
I'm gonna follow my dreams however crazy they seem
I'm gonna share them with you, a love so true
You're all I want, together we can move on
Live how we want to!
There is no limit to us, we have the power of love
And we don't wanna live ordinary lives
We have the chance to live in paradise
Believe in WON-DER-LAND~!"

[1d20+8 = (13+8) = 21]
The walls of the shack are made of branches and the trunks of small trees. They leave small gaps between them and are not intended to be airtight and retain heat. This means that  Amber can look inside, but someone from inside could theoretically look out as well.

Amber knows these voices. She knows these ponies inside. These are her parents, her mother and father.

Mother: "And when would you want to move? Spring? You know that if you do not plant the fields in spring, we will have no food for next winter."

Father: "Look, I'm not saying that we go now, but at some time we should consider it."

"And with what money? You will need to have money saved up if you want to get an apartment."

"My old friend I worked with could let us live with him. We could share an apartment."

"You want little Kultanien to share an apartment with another family? And me as well?"

"At least it's warm there. And there's a school Kultanien can go to. It can help her in life."

"A school to learn what? What the Central Council says is true belief? They will fill her head with nonsense and she will learn nothing about the spirits or about how to be a proper mare. They will teach her... What? How to operate a loom?"

"There are more opportunities there than here."

"Opportunities to do what? To get stabbed? There is no nature there. No trees... No hills..."

"It's a hard life here. The cold, the wilderness. One mistake and you're done."

"The land sustains us. It provides for us. And we've made it. And so have our mothers and fathers before us. We've made it by living off of the land."

"But you know, we have to buy many things from the outside. Kerosene, coats. Things we cannot make on our own."

"We can make our coats just fine."

"Yes, but you know that for all of the effort it takes to make one it is cheaper to buy one made by the factories. And if we can't make our coats in our own colors, what is the point of making our own?"

"We only cannot because it is the law imposed by the Central Council."

"But it is the law all the same. And as a village councilor I must be seen to follow it."

"But you keep one at home! I even wear it on occasion, so does Kultanien."

"Not in public. But - ugh - that's not the point. The point is that we have to travel to the station to get supplies every year. It is a long and hard journey,and we would have stores to buy it from in the city."

"Our life here is stable."

"But for how long? Every year, our wood, furs, and bark buy less and less. And with bad luck we may not be able to buy kerosene at all."

"It's stable for the family. We have friends here. We have our way of life here. The way our parents lived, and the way they lived going back to the Deluge. You're a Councilstallion here for Akko's sake."

"That doesn't change the fact that we could buy so much more in the city if I had a factory job. There's electricity there. There's plumbing. Better medicine. Even cinemas..."

"Is it all about money? And would you rather be among strangers, working as a factory worker and living in a crowded apartment than to be respected by your peers, and living among friends in the lands of your ancestors?"

"All I'm saying is that it is something to consider. Auringonlasku emigrated. Let's see whatTähtien Alla has to say when we see him, back from school."

"Well if you don't decide by spring you are planting. We are not going to bet on moving then have nothing for next winter." Amber can see her mother start to move towards the door. "I still can't believe you sent Tähtien to school. He better not come back talking about this ridiculous 'science'. It's the end of all society..." She opens the door and, "Kultainen Hämärä. Where have you been?"
176382 176383 176384
She stops, and her ears flip down. Then she turns her head towards Kira, angled down. She sighs.

"You have gold. Ponies like you. You're a 'predator'. Even Customs sees you as a novelty. It's not so easy for many of us."

Pear takes the manifest
"Yeah... We could look into this... We certainly should"

It kind of looks like a building over a cave or similar feature, like a church or a theater.

>alleged fruit
It feels like a fruit. It smells vaguely like a lemon, though there isn't much of a smell.


Is this a pop song? An old G1 song?

The waitress is happy to allow extra fruit and whipped cream

nom nom nom
>I don't get it
There is nothing to get. It is a rip off from some 90s anime English dub song.
>nom nom nom
Posey watches Gloomy eat intently, her ringed golden eyes glimmering in the dim light by the window, following his movements closely.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176385 176387
The building would likely have been built around Curwhinny's time, for him to have a floor plan of it. It's likely he could go look at local government records for those sorts of buildings built before Curwhinny was sealed away. At the very least knowing dates will let him narrow the search down a fair bit, and there's surely something hidden here to warrant having a floor plan of the place.

He shows the paper with the tree on it to Pear. "Can you read this? I have feeling it pertains to this fruit, and maybe it will shed light on why there would be perfectly ripened, strange fruit in here. And why it is still good after all of this time."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira tilts her head at her deer friend.

"Well, I suppose the ponies that don't run away screaming at the sight of me do. I don't know what your story was before I first saw you at Customs. It sounds like you've had a hard life. Can you...can you fill me in on some of the details?"
176386 176387 176388
After an attempt to eat it with a fork, which is swiftly abandoned, Gloomy starts to eat it with his hooves. This, too, is quickly abandoned, in favor of just shoving his face into the waffles. Soon his muzzle is covered with whipped cream and syrup.

nom nom nom


The waitress found some and has brought it. It's in a bar form, and yes, it will fit on a waffle.

Pear looks at the paper, holding it in her hooves
"I think it's alchemical symbols. I suppose this set by the top means sun rays, but... I don't really know what these symbols mean."

She sighs
"What is there to say? Living from place to place. Poverty. Harassment by Griffin sheriffs and the Baltimare police..."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"What about your parents? You know, your life growing up, how was it?"
176388 176390
Posey levitates and wipes Gloomy down with a napkin and assists him, levitating a fork and knife and cutting his food for him.
She chides at him softly about making a mess, still staring at him with an almost uncannily affectionate expression..
"Oh Gloomy... I need to get you home, but for now, just relax and enjoy yourself." she says quietly, seemingly more to herself than to the colt
If only you could fine someone who were trained in arcane sciences.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176389 176390
"When was last time you heard of sun meaning anything dangerous?" Silver looks back at the fruit. "Then again, Curwhinny was doing all sorts of alchemical experiments trying to bring back his deceased family, and one of my compatriots can testify that they did not taste great. Who knows why he would want one of these strange fruits, or what it could do." He looks again back at Pear. "But, then again...nothing ventured, nothing gained. Think I should taste it?"

If only...
>Think I should taste it?"
OOC, I would advise against that. If it's what I think it is, you'll instantly die.
176391 176394 176395
Pear blinks
"What didn't taste great?"

"More fruit" He says "And whipped cream. And chocolate. Like a waffle but without the waffle."

"Oh..." She looks away. "That I'd rather not say.... But I didn't see them much."
Posey hands the nearest waitress a silver doubloon with a skull stamped on it, and honors the request.
She looks down at the coin
"Okay then... Waffle minus the waffle it is."

And she actually does bring out the whipped cream, blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, banana chocolate bar.
Amber Sunset
Amber doesn't know what to make of this conversation. A city? Apartment? Central Council? These are all strange concepts she isn't really familiar with. And her brother is coming? Won't that be good? But she doesn't really want to move away….

"Mom!" she exclaims, as she moves forward to hug the mare. She struggles to get words out of her mouth to explain what happened.

"I gathered the firewood like I needed to. On the way Jakala and I found a poor mare who looked badly frostbit. We took her to a neighbor's hut and he said she's Makea Aamu. I also saw and heard something odd…." She can't help but pause, not knowing how to explain just what that thing was.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176396 176397
"These jars filled with alchemical salts and ashes of deceased ponies. My friend, Dark Star, wanted to see how it tasted. It did not taste good at all."

That's, uh...that's pretty severe.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Awwwwww..." Kira's ears fold down. "I'm sorry, Neela. I don't know what I would have done without my mom being around. Are those griffin sheriffs why you came over here to Baltimare?"
Yay, extra toppings
I could be wrong, but do you really think the necromancer lich was up to anything good? Is consuming unidentified substances made by an evil Wizard a risk you're willing to take?
Maybe have it checked by an expert first.
176400 176401 176403 176405
Her mother leans down and
Picks up Amber, to where she is holding her

"One thing at a time, little Kultanein. What happened?"

She moves, carrying Amber towards the hut. Amber is not atcually that small, so this a bit laborious. She places Amber on her back.

"Heh... alright then... All part of a normal adventure for you, I suppose..."

"More or less, yes. That, and they were giving out work visas. We didn't know what factory work was like, so, we took it."

He literally licked equine remains
Mysterious Ranger
DM, I am ready to start this evening if you're feeling up to it. No rush of course.
wags tail

Where would you like to start?
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"What is it like? If I'm going to bring my tribe over here, knowing that would be great information."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Heheh, usually how it goes." He looks at the fruit again. "There is still question of what to do with this. Should I just go ahead and eat it, or go to somepony to get it identified?"
176407 176410
"Ugh! Misserable! Repetative, boring. I saw a deer get her hoof caught in a machine and... she only has half a hoof. Long hours. Not so great wages. The unions will hire goons to literally beat you if you try to work during a strike, and of course the factories won't pay you if you do not work... You get caught up in a war that isn't your own, and... It's miserable."

She looks at it
"I think it's a Lumia. Maybe a citron-lemon hybrid? It's in suspiciously good condition..."
Amber Sunset
Little Kultainen looks adorable being held. She's getting a bit big for it though and she scrunches.

"Well, Jakala and I went west past the tundra to gather firewood. We saw a huge clearing where hundreds of trees were felled, some were burned…there was a pile of logs that had been stacked, and a few standing trees in the middle of it all…"
Mysterious Ranger
176406 176431
Customs at the port would be most appropriate.
Posey gets ready to leave once Gloomy is finished eating. She takes her time though.

After she returns to the manor, she meditates for 8 hours during the day to recover her arcane spells, unless any more pressing matters present themselves.

She also arranges to have the ghost's haunted items mailed to their respective resting places.
176408 176411 176412
>Tfw everyone in this game is an immigrant
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver nods in agreement.

"Never heard of Lumia before. I am not particularly inclined towards getting poisoned, I will take getting shot any day over getting poisoned if it is. But I am curious."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176409 176411
Silver isn't, actually.
176411 176414
Oh, okay.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira cringes upon hearing the description, especially about the missing hoof.

"It sounds miserable. Did they at least fix the issue with that machine? It doesn't sound like it's supposed to be eating hooves."
176412 176413 176414 176415 176425 176426 176439
"You went to the blast?" Mother asks

I'm not sure what it's going to take to get her onto the next quest... She seems to have genuinely no interest

You can make a new character

"It is rather intriguing. I wouldn't eat it. But then again, I wouldn't challenge Peer Review over a sword, or get in a knife fight in an old building, or prosition a mare I've just met for sex either..."

That's actually kind of relevant to the next big quest

Yes he is. He's a Severyanan Emigre

"They said it was her fault for putting her hoof there. You have to be quick."
Amber Sunset
176416 176425
Neither is Dark Star or Amber

"Blast? I don't know what that is. But nearby I saw one of them. The Stallos…" she answers as she shudders in terror.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
This gets the lamia to pout. "Well that's just stupid. No one wants to lose a hoof, it's not like she tried to. I know some jobs are just dangerous no matter what, but surely there's something to be done to make that machine or other machines safer for workers."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
While he was born in Petershoof, it was before the Severyanan Civil War when Severyana was Equestrian territory, and he wasn't a resident of Severyana when the Civil War began. I think that qualifies for not technically being an immigrant.

Also: [1d2 = 1]
Silver "The Floof" Sword
The die speaks. Let us hope that Silver does not die as a result.

"Heh, fair point." He looks nervously at the fruit. "Nothing ventured..." Slowly, he opens his mouth, brings the mystery fruit closer to him, and..."

176417 176418 176423
She gasps
"You saw a Stallo?!?!?"
Her mother is visibly concerned

They go through the door and into the hut.
Amber father picks her up off of her mother's back and places her other the bed, facing him. He sits down in front of Amber

"Little Kultainen Hämärä, there are no Stallos. It is but a superstition."

"Well, they didn't have much interest in it. It was easier just to find another doe." She answers. She picks up the container again
munch munch munch

Biting into the fruit, Silver can taste that the rind of the fruit is indeed like a lemon. That is to say, it is thick like a lemon, with a somewhat acidic taste. Then he gets to the flesh. It's simultaneously sour like a lemon, but also sweet like an orange or tangerine. It's a very sharp flavor over all. Not as bad as biting into a lemon, but definitely strong.
Silver "The Floof" Sword

Silver is surprised and delighted by the flavor. It's not bad at all, like taking the best of both a lemon and an orange. He'll have to remember this "Lumia" and look for more in the markets, the household would love these.
Are there any seeds or a pit that needs to be spit out?
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Awwwwwwww...we didn't have factories back home. I can't believe they would just forget that it's living being who are working the machines. You can't just leave them like that. I hope you didn't have to spend much time there."
176420 176422 176425
Though the fruit is of a sort where seeds would be expected in its flesh towards the center, all seeds are noticeably missing. It's completely seedless.

Pear just watches.

"Oh I didn't. I was late once, was admonished, and then just stopped going."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"You got in trouble for being late? How late were you?"
"A few minutes! Well, half an hour. But still. They are very demanding."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver mumbles around the fruit flesh and rind currently in his mouth, the words vaguely coming out as the question "Want some?"