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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1777 replies and 51 files omitted.
176533 176534 176542 176550
"It's marble from Canterlot. I knew the sculptor. I think all professors who can afford one should have one on display."

>"If he were powerful enough to become a lich, I have my doubts he would have been defeated so easily."
"That is my thought to, and why I do not believe he became a lich. But, between trickery, surprise, numbers, hubris, or a simple lack of will to fight, it is possible for a band of militia to defeat a lich, especially if their number included experienced mages or fighters, and that is why I cannot discount the possibility."

Posey believes she is aware of a lich who more or less fits the description in terms of years of origin and of origin region. However, she does not know him to have ever gone by the name "Joseph Curwhinny" and he does not seem to identify as being him.

>"Yes, those with divine energy channeling powers are scarce these days. Luckily, secular energy channeling is one of my skills."
"Sadly the art of harmonic divination is not as common as we would have thought it would be a decade ago. But it is far from gone, either."

>"I believe a phrase that ponies go by is 'sharing is caring'?"
He smiles
"These socialists say something like that, I believe."
176534 176542 176553
>Posey believes she is aware of a lich who more or less fits the description in terms of years of origin and of origin region. However, she does not know him to have ever gone by the name "Joseph Curwhinny" and he does not seem to identify as being him.
Posey suspects that he may have changed names after metamorphosis, as many Liches do. She makes not to report this to the Society.
>These socialists say something like that, I believe
"Very well..."
She stands up, flipping through her grimoire
"I believe I heard rumors of dormant malign energies on a farm nearby. I'll be taking a period of leave to investigate it. You'll read about it in my reference book." Posey says
She turns to leave
Oh wait, how could I forget
Having interacted for a full minute, Posey now rolls Diplomacy to improve the Dean's attitude towards her.
[1d20+8 = (13+8) = 21]
Amber Sunset
Amber recoils, her ears splayed back, at her father's outburst. It hurts her to hear him yelling at her mother especially when it's a result of her own curiosity, and she feels close to crying. But she reminds herself she is a big filly and should find a better way out of it.

"Y-yes, Papa…can we go get salt now?" she asks in a quiet voice.
Garv Cavaliere
"From my experience, there is no such thing as an impossible infestation," Cavaliere replies. "You just have to know how they get in and where they're hiding."

Cavaliere dutifully puts up with the examinations and is in good health for his age. Is there any sign of the Equestrian who was having trouble with entry before?
Amber Sunset
Is the weather still getting worse outside?
The stallion sighs
“Yeah, but there’s only so much we can do. We can’t do anything about land-entry here, and Central Government has told us to deprioritize them. But if we can find them, we remove them.”

Yes. It seems he’s been pulled off for special questioning in a separate room. Garv was off to the side as well, but placed back in the main room once he cleared his physical.

Father places a hoof on her head and pat pat pat.
“Right. Let’s go get some salt. Put your mask back on, Kultaien.”

“Akka be with you.”

“You too.”

The two ponies should leave thereafter
Garv Cavaliere
"Deprioritized in favor of what? You mean to tell me that changeling infiltrators aren't your biggest threat?" Cavaliere looks intrigued.

And also: "Why was that stallion pulled aside? He sounds like a native of this land."
If the dean doesn't have anything else to say, Posey makes her preparations to leave for the lair, and does so with the swiftness of an experienced grave robber.

Posey takes all of her equipment with her (sword, chain shirt, etc)
She also takes Gloomy with her.

She leaves at whatever point would bring her in line with the others.
176545 176546
Somewhat. The wind is heavier. But there is still no precipitation and no clouds.

“No. The biggest threat would be insurgent groups like the Equestrian Liberation Front and the Popular Front. They will bomb factories, kill our soldiers and murder local politicians. They are very difficult to fight directly, so mostly we try to cut them off from any foreign sources of support or supplies.”

“That Equestrian ‘native’ is an emigre. He left Equestria after we came in, presumably precisely because he didn’t like the new government. So he claimed refugee status and moved up north, until he found out the weather is awful there and the job market is even worse, so he came back. Or maybe, he got in touch with a ‘Free Equestrian’ or Aquelian handler, who told him to come back as a spy.”
Amber Sunset
She continues to follow along, though her mind is distracted by thoughts of the blast, spirits and that mysterious stone. And then there's the conversation she overheard….

"Papa? Are we really going to move to the city?"
Garv Cavaliere
"And the changelings don't do that?" he asks with curiosity.

"Well now, those are a bunch of presumptions. There are different reasons one could come up with that would explain his story as well. You just mentioned that these Fronts cause chaos and destruction, and maybe it was their violence a few years ago that convinced him to leave. It's somewhat more peaceful now and that may be the reason for his return, with family ties or simply a love for the land. Has there been any evidence of intent to spy or be a criminal?"
The wind howls and tugs at them.

“What? Oh. You heard that. Uh… maybe? We’ll see. I think we might be able to live better there.”
Amber Sunset
"Have you been there? What are the forests like? Is there snow too?" Over the loudness of the wind, Amber's tone is of genuine curiosity rather than cynicism.
Is there anything else I should work out now before Posey enters the scene?
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Heh...I really didn't want to eat you, but it is good to hear it's all good now." Kira finally finishes washing up the tea set, and comes out of the kitchen. "So what was all that about teats you two were talking about when I accidentally interrupted?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver nods in affirmation. "Yes."
176554 176555 176559 176560 176561 176565
"Debride is your supervisor. She has say concerning any 'leave'." Is all he has to say

"Oh, the Changelings do. But the Changelings have the power to do more or less what they want. They've given Army Command a million reasons - well, between six hundred thousand to one and a half million reasons - why we should not give their agents much trouble.

There are a lot of ways that Garv's statement could have been taken, depending mostly on tone and the way it is said. This particular response is assuming that Garv's statement being antagonistic is at least plausible

"And presumptions? Presumptions? You know, you don't strike me as a Weter Griffin. No, you're from the Frontiers, aren't you? And you're not new to conflict either. So let me ask you this. Say a griffin - you can make him a pony if you want - say a griffin comes to your front door and asks if he can come in and have a glass of water. Tartarus, you can make him your long-estranged brother for all it matters. Say your long-estranged brother comes to your front door, asks to come inside, sit down and have a glass of water, maybe a cup of tea. He asks to come in, and you know - you know - that as soon as you go into the kitchen turn your back to him, and start pouring that glass of water, there is some not insignificant chance that he is going to pull out a gun, and shoot you in the back of the head. Shoot you dead right there. Tell me, do you let him in? Hmmm? What's the level of acceptable risk at which you'd tell him 'No, sorry, you're going to have to go down the road'? What's the level of risk? One in two? One in Three? One out of ten? One out of twenty? Well I can tell you this. I know damn sure it's less than one in one before you'd let him in. So yes, we do make decisions of national security on presumptions.

"The ELF and all of its imitators have committed many horrendous crimes in less than a year. They have bombed crowded subway trains. They have bombed our transport planes. They have blown up our offices, the restaurants we visit, and our factories. They have derailed our trains. They have invited us over for drinks after bars and then shot us in the back of a head. They snipe at us from down the street. They shoot us as we sit in the bars. They murder our informants and our local helpers in every conceivable manner possible. And they do all this while consorting with the worst of criminal scum, and foreign spies. They have murdered I assume thousands of our soldiers, thousands of our griffin allies, and twice that number of Equestrians. I don't know the actual numbers because High Command thinks it could only be bad for morale, but I hear enough. This is a war. And this is a war against an enemy that refuses to fight fairly. They refuse to identify themselves as soldiers. They refuse to wear uniforms. They refuse even to target only combatants. Well I am telling you, the ponies of New Mareland are ready to wage war in kind, and with an equal amount of respect for the rules.

This stallion's Princess decided to declare war on us after we asserted our right to exist as a free herd. His Princess lost. And when we took administration over her lands, he decided to flee with all of the movie stars out of the country. Then when the weather got cold and he wanted to come back, tail between his legs. I'm sorry, but I don't have much sympathy for him. I'd much rather he be turned back to face the snow in Weter, than a bullet through the back of my own head. Or be the stallion who let in the next Penny Station bomber.

I don't know what evidence there is. Some other stallion is handling his case. I would assume they are calling his family members and generally putting his admission into Baltimare on pause until they can figure out what in Tartarus is going on."

Does she wish to speak to the land owner, or simply walk in? If she just walks in, then nothing.

The two ponies pass more huts, a few trees (some of them knocked down), and shacks.
"Uh... well... Yes, I've been there. To Everfrost. I went there two years ago. But no, there's... there's no forest. There's snow on the streets. It's buildings mostly."

"Sure you didn't. What now? Oh. He was looking at me. I think he was flirting, or trying to. It was kind of nice, actually."

Mouth hanging open,
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver shrugs.

"If you mean 'why would they want them', I have no clue, to be honest. If you mean 'why do they have them', Blue Skies is Dark Star's marefriend and he invited her along to help."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"You seemed to enjoy it! Don't worry, I'm sure we'll see plenty more of him, and you'll get plenty more chances to woo him with your feminine charms and wiles." Kira smiles at Neela before continuing. "So what is it like having them?"
176557 176558
"Hehe. Uh... fine, I suppose? Bucks like to play with them, but they can get in the way."

"Who is 'Dark Star'?" She asks
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"That pony I told you about who tried to see what alchemical salts and cremated ashes tasted like. He is good pony and good friend, just...not his best moment."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I imagine. I couldn't imagine how bothersome it would be to try to slither about with them. Well, I probably could imagine, they would probably be very sore and ouchy rubbing against the hard ground wherever I go. Makes me glad we don't have them."
176561 176562
>Does she wish to speak to the land owner, or simply walk in? If she just walks in, then nothing.
Posey actually has an idea.
She will bring the haunted items from the ghosts she met on her last quest and plant them on the site, and then convince them to spook around the place to make it appear that it is still haunted. Then she can speak to the owner and convince them that "residual malign energies" have made the site into an untenable blighted paranormal hotspot, which could give her leverage to buy up the property for pennies on the dollar. Her status as a licensed practitioner combined with her high Bluff mod should make it feasible, and the lack of priests to exorcise the property may make her the only available consultant.
It's called blockbusting. Jews do it, only with niggers and gang activity.
She'll request that the ghosts do her this favor in exchange for mailing their haunted objects to their respective addresses later. Besides, they seem to like her.

Before I actually try this idea, would this be too annoying to pursue?
>"Debride is your supervisor. She has say concerning any 'leave'." Is all he has to say
Posey naturally informs Debride of her leave, and since she needs some field material to finish her latest reference book.
Amber Sunset
Finally know what country this even is

"No forest?" Amber seems amazed this is even possible. "How can ponies get the firewood they need to stay warm?"

Delightfully devilish, Seymour!
176563 176566 176579 176581
No trees.png
This may work for buying the property, but I don't think that the sequence of events is quite there yet. Technically legally it can't be sold or developed until after the archeological examination is done... which means that the other party member will be gone and all of the cool stuff is removed... Do you want to wait several in-game months for that?

"Huh... Black Hooves marefriend and eating pony ashes... okay then... I'm not sure what I expected your friends to be like."

"hehe, I'm glad to have them." She walks around her thin, long legs. Well they aren't actually that long, but they are definitely longer than Kira's hindlegs.

Reeee I shouldn't have said that

>No trees?

"Oh well that's the neat part. They don't. You see, there's a coking plant that takes coal that's brought up from further south and turns it into gas, which is then burned, like in the street lamps. And when that runs out, they have peat, like we do, or fuel oil." He says, warmly and reassuringly
>Do you want to wait several in-game months for that?
No. Posey will go there now first. The other part is good for thought.

Posey goes down to the site with Gloomy. She'll inform the owner that she's here sweeping for malign energies. She can plant the items later.
Posey comes to the area, presumably taken by Mason. To every side are the frames of new houses, save on one side where there are low level apartments, and a block over, a school. The lot itself is a city block and an island in the sea of development. It has uncut grass, a couple trees, a dilapidated house, the exposed foundation of a house, and a large hole in the ground consistent with a quarry. Nearish the center is a set of tents that are set up.
Garv Cavaliere
I should specify tone of voice better.

The griffon scratches the dusty grey feathers on his chin. "It's funny that you should say that. I've been in variations of that situation a good number of times. In terms of prevention I try to be a decent judge of character, and if a griffon looks likely to start causing trouble I maintain a line of sight. There have been times where I decide to trust him, and he forfeits his trust, but by reflection or the rustle of a sloppy draw he also forfeits his life. A few times I have had the misfortune of being held at gunpoint, disarmed, even cubnapped–but he always gets his due.
And once or twice I have been shot in the back and left for dead."
He says this last part bitterly. "But I will tell you this. My job is to resolve conflicts, and I will always give the other side to explain himself, even if I need to tie him up first to do it safely. You would be surprised at the number of times a job is due to a misunderstanding, or the target of a bounty is innocent. I don't know this stallion, who he is or where in Equestria he comes from, but Equestrian citizenship is not lost from leaving the country and he does have a right to return to his home." He starts with a strong tone of voice but softens toward the end.

"Now, do you have a probation system for these cases where a returning national can restore his trust when the Customs Authority is undecided?"
Amber Sunset
For every answer she gets she is brimming with more questions. "Have I seen coal before? What is it like? Where do they farm all their crops?"
Posey thanks Mason for the ride and usher Gloomy to follow her onto the site.
176570 176571 176573 176583
"Well, we're more of in the business of preventing harm than avenging it. And in an odd way, yes, Equestrian Citizenship is lost. Technically, Equestria no longer exists. This is the Baltimare Governate, not the Equestrian Principality. And no one is allowed anywhere in the principality without either an internal passport or a visa, which obviously this stallion does not and could not have. Whatever right he has to return home, I we have a right to return to ours. There's not a true probation system. If we were really sure he was a spy, we'd detain him and send him away. Unsure, we tend to just send them back. But what you're talking about, well, we can put him on a watch list for note with the political police, but honestly, we do that to most of the returning Equestrians. But that's basically what we have for 'probation'."

He looks around at the line, and at those around them. He tilts his head
"Would you like to join in?"

"Heh, no, you wouldn't have. It's a rock that burns. It's most like peat, in what it does. They get their food from ponies like us, mostly."

Out of the car, and onto the lot.
I gotta sleep now. Posey moves deeper into the lot.
She possessively levitates Gloomy to keep him away from any blood-stealing ticks that might be hiding in the uncut grass.
Amber Sunset
"Sounds like they need us a lot," Amber remarks with a smile. "Doesn't that mean we should stay out here so they have food?"
Father tries to pet Amber, but with the thickness of the fur coats, his attempts at pets are not successful.

"Heh, maybe, but wouldn't you like to be warm?"

A pony in a heavy coat shambles and staggers along, walking along the small street.
Garv Cavaliere
Cavaliere mulls this over before answering in a deep but soft voice. "Join in what exactly? I cannot tell you how things should be run, and I am a foreigner, but if you wanted to return to your war-torn home only to be turned away by…" he waves a claw around briefly as he thinks of a word that isn't "occupier" "…management under a different flag, wouldn't you feel like a foreigner in your own country? A bit upset, even? Sir, you can't make an entire populace who have done nothing but been caught in a two-front war feel like aliens and not expect increased resistance. If you had a better system of probation for returning nationals, this 'ELF' wouldn't disappear overnight, but one of its motives for recruitment would be defanged."
Amber Sunset
"It would be nice…hey, who's that?"
176576 176578
"And what is 'a better system of probation'?"

"Thay's" Father looks over and takes a number of seconds before giving a reply "I think that's Kulho Linssejä." He says of the stallion who staggers down the road. As his face is completely covered, it isn't clear how father could tell
Amber Sunset
"How do you know? And why is he walking like that?"
"It kind of looks like him. Sort of. He looks drunk..."
Garv Cavaliere
"Parole would help a good amount. Or, if you must, have another pony vouch for his good behavior."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Heh, I suppose I do attract interesting company. At least it makes for avoiding dull moments. Now, we still have some more rooms to explore. Maybe other library has some hidden nook in it."
Amber Sunset
"What if he's frostbitten?" Amber asks worriedly, remembering the mare's odd shambling gait.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Long and graceful, they make for an excellent display. Kira can see where ponies like Bright Dye would find Neela attractive.

"Do males really like teats? I mean, as far as I know they're just so mammals can feed their young before they can feed themselves."
I have awoken.
Posey cautiously approaches the tent, her horn glow on the hilt of her sword ready to draw it in case any hobos jump out.
176586 176587 176588 176633 176634
"Oh no, I don't think he is. Too much clothing. Although... That gait is weird..." Father continues moving Amber forward

"Well.... they are calling for his family now, I am sure"

"Heh... Other library?" She asks

She has a smug smile on her face
"Oh yeah. Gives them something to play with. Something to look at. I mean of course they like the rump much more, but the more you've got, the better."

Inside the tent are two stallions who are examining what seems to be armor.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Yes, you have this one that was burned and other that was relatively untouched right across from here."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Hehe, and I'm guess from that look on your face you have plenty of what the males like?"
>Inside the tent are two stallions who are examining what seems to be armor.
Cool, what kind of armor?
Posey approaches slowly.