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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1777 replies and 52 files omitted.
176477 176479 176480
She has a smile that shows off her teeth
"Heh, Abyssinia... Let me check my schedule. Curwhinny's last mystery. Literally, it seems."

He blinks

"It's easy for you to say they should be given a chance. For someone like me, that's a chance I could end up there" She points to Hopper

"And in any case, you have too much faith in the ponies."
Garv Cavaliere
The griffon shrugs. "That depends. Military life is behind me and I am what you could say freelance. What I do know is that there is no shortage of work in Baltimare, even compared to Nova Griffonia. There is very important work needed by some very important ponies."
"Well, be mindful of the restrictions on firearm and explosive use and possession in the Baltimare Governate. It's for licensed agents and deputies of the government only. In any case. let me arrange for a work visa. There are no immigrant visas available for Nova Griffonians, but... There are war-time work visas available. Come to the next room, we can get you set up."
Amber Sunset
Just realized that Jakala was with Amber up to where she encountered her parents

"The poor pony we–Jakala and I–saw on the tundra. One of the neighbors said she may be Makea Aamu. She did not look good, she had frostbite all over…and he said she was delirious.
Oh that's right. She didn't stay in the hut, did she?

"Oh... I see... Is she okay now?"

Mother shakes her head
"Bad spirits have been released..."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Why would you end up eaten? You're not food, you're Neela." Kira tilts her head at the deer.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Heh, it will be once we find where that dang sarcophagus is." Silver looks around at the room. "Where is that thing?"
176482 176483
"I saw how you looked at me. I've heard the stories..." She replies

"I don't think it's in this room." Pear says, turning the flashlight around to the walls.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Probably not. I know we have not explored every room yet. Do we keep looking in other rooms or do we head outside and start questioning others?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira tilts her head some more at Neela. "What stories?"
176485 176486
She shrugs, and makes a small smile
"It's worked out so far. For me it's a question of whether I'd rather more of my coworkers see me with you, or if I'd rather they see me go off in private with you... Hard choice there... How about we check out another room or two?"

Her ears go up
"I mean... Old stories. Just... Nevermind. I just mean that the ponies may not see it your way."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Then I'll half to work extra hard to change that! It's like you said, the ponies do seem to like me. I know that's not the context you used it in, but still. I'll change their minds about me and lamias."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver smiles as well.

"That is true, who knows what other treasures are hidden away that even time has forgotten, that we may find along way."

Silver heads for another room to search.
Amber Sunset
Nope, but we can just say she went home.

"Spirits? What do you mean?"
Garv Cavaliere
Cavaliere looks directly at the stallion.

"I assure you, creatures in my line of business don't last long without paying attention to local law."

He follows him to the next room.
176490 176491
"And how will you do that?" She asks

"I would say the most interesting details have been found already, but clearly not."

Pear adds,
"Have any books been removed from the library?"

And where does Silver go?
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Since last time I was here?"

Probably start with the opposite library. But first, Silver looks to see if any books have been removed (that he hadn't removed already).
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"By being my best self, you know, being an example for my tribe! I suppose it's a good thing I was chosen for this task, huh? Maybe my softness can come in handy."
176493 176494
"No, I mean when you were here."

The shelves have since been almost emptied

"Well, the ponies like you..." She says "So... does that mean I can just live here, or...?" She looks up toward Kira with her softest doe eyes
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira nods. Even if she wanted to, there's no way she could say no to those eyes.

"You can live here."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Sense Motive: Silver tries to read Pear's face to see how she would react to the truth. On the one hoof, Silver has a suspicion that she might not appreciate the books being in the hooves of the Black Hooves. On the other...maybe it would be considered a bad boy move?

[1d20+2 = (9+2) = 11]
176496 176497
Silver can't really see her well in the darkness, especially with him not having a flashlight of his own. Silver can, however, tell that she wants those books and cares what happens to them. Silver does seem to have impressed her so far.

Still keeping the doe eyes
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Dammit, they say honesty is the best policy. Maybe it will work here.

"Black Hooves have them."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"What do you want, Neela?" Kira tilts her head at the deer.
176502 176503
She blinks.


Drawing out each word,
“And also other expenses?”
She continues her doe eyes
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles.

"And also other expenses, yes."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"They are, or were, in possession of one Blue Skies of Black Hooves here in Baltimare."
On whatever day Posey gets to the merc office, is there a test or demonstration they require for proof of skill?

Posey normally passively opposes any Assess Opponent Sense Motive checks (taking 10 for a total of 24) to read her power level because she prefers to keep her powers discreet, but when presenting her resume (I'll dialogue-post that later) and particularly when negotiating adventuring fees, she does the opposite, preferring to boast her powers. Opponents Assessing her would see her would see that she is an adventurer of heroic level (around ~5th level). It challenged for her powers, Posey may be willing to demonstrate that she is able to cast third level hexes (something that only an adventurer who qualifies as a "hero of the realm" could do).
>She comes back with a dozen or so pancakes, oats, oatmeal, grits, hay, oranges, and a few other items.
The cloaked figure stares at the incoming plates with eyes that glow like hot coals beneath its hood.
It waits until the waitress gets puts some puts some distance between them, before putting its hooded face over the plates and eating with a series of somewhat disturbing sounds...
176509 176510 176511 176517
Mother shakes her head and sighs

"tssk tssk. If this is how little Kultanien is learning here with us, how much less is Tähtien learning at 'school'? Little Kultanien, the spirits are those who live in the spirit world. These are gods, to whom we give our obedience and sacrifice, in return for our blessings. And they are those who have come before us, who once lived in the world but now live amongst the spirit realm. Our ancestors. Like my mother. The spirits may commune with us at special points where the two meet, the Sieidi and the Noaidi."

It's probably best to try to roleplay it, though again, it's a matter of timing

She opens her mouth, turns her head to the side, and then looks back to Silver

"Wha-what. 'Blue Skies'? The Blackhooves? Who?!"

Neela giggles, then jumps up in the air in a springing motion, forelegs followed by her hindlegs. She wiggles her tail.

"I knew I chose right!"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver blinks.

"Uh...you just summarized it pretty well. Blue Skies, Black Hooves."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki

"D'awwwww. You chose me?" Kira smiles brightly at her deer friend.
>it's a matter of timing
I'm not quite sure what you mean.
I'm unaware of what the date is on the calendar of this universe, or if Posey's timeline is necessarily synch simultaneously with all of the others (I notice that there have been quest lengths that vary wildly at the same time, so I sort of assumed individual party members were on loosely different timescopes).
Couldn't they just... Conveniently all meet up at some point?
176514 176518 176551
Garv is sat down, and the next step involves a series of questions that must be answered, questions like,

"Are you a Communist? A Harmonist Agitor? A Griffonian Nationalist Agitator? An Anarchist? Are you able to work? Do you know where you will be living in Equestria? Will you agree to abide by all stated laws and regulations of the Baltimare Governate? Are you travelling alone, in a group, or with family? Have you ever participated in Hellquillian Crimes against Equinity? Are you a follower of Maar? Are you a practitioner of Dark Magic?

There's quite a bit of waiting, and Garv has time to creature-watch. The easiest time to be had amongst the immigrants are the Nova Griffonian ponies. They answer a few questions, go through a few medical checks, and are ultimately stamped as residents on a quick path to citizenship. They are told of offers of subsidized or even free housing, free health and education, and guaranteed jobs if they repatriate to the Griffonian Territories or New Mareland Proper, though requirements of Military service are hinted at. Even those who insist they wish to stay are directed towards available jobs, mostly in what seem to be defense related fields. Garv sees a few ponies, what seems like two large families, that he can guess by their stocky bodies and fluffy coats are Skynavian or perhaps Cubrian ponies, who are given the same fast-track to citizenship, guaranteed jobs and housing as the Nova Griffonians, evidently as favored asylum seekers.

Another category, slightly larger, are those Nova Griffonian griffins who seek entry, like Garv. None of the griffins are offered residency (save two, who evidently have some kind of special status or connections), free-housing is not offered, and the griffins in general are asked far more questions concerning membership in political insurgent groups or even occultism.

Those with the absolute easiest time getting in are those who are believed when they say they are simply visiting. Save for a single pony couple, these are all griffins, and all comparatively well off, judging by their suits, dresses, and jewelry.

And then there are three groups who face the most scrutiny. The most skepticism is levied against who is perhaps the single largest group - returning Equestrian nationals. A decent number of these quickly satisfy the Custom's officer's questions and are let through, but many more are subjected to deeper scrutiny. When did you leave Equestria? Why did you leave Equestria? Who did you meet with there? Do you have any connections with the Equestrian Liberation Front? Do you have any connections with the Popular Front? Who are you relatives here? Where are your properties here? Did you take any wealth with you when you left? Did you leave any behind? Do your family members here have ELF or PF connections? Why are you returning now? Do you want to tell us again why you left Equestria? Customs officers try to split this group into those who can be let in, and those who need to be investigated further.

But two tiny groups are the unluckiest of all. There are a few Vedinan and one Skyanian Griffins who are seeking admission but outright turned back because they are told there are no available visas, save for very particular paths. And finally, there is a family of Nova Griffonian yaks who are turned back for similar reasons.

They make a bit of a scene, yelling and stomping.

>Couldn't they just... Conveniently all meet up at some point?
This is basically what I intended, it just seems the other characters are not ready

>date on the calender
It's supposed to be something like January 28th, 1013, but you're trying to put Posey on a much faster timeline than the other characters, so I think the number of days that pass should not be taken very seriously as they will not line up between characters.

"Well, yes, between being deported to be a literal slave for the fascists or worse sold to the zebras, and running away and having to support myself by" she shudders as she hints to a deeper, scarcely imaginable horror "working a job... this was the better option. Even though I am pretty sure you did want to eat me. It's all good now though."
"The Black Hooves have several books of Dark Magic and ancient history and religion?" She says blankly.
>but you're trying to put Posey on a much faster timeline than the other characters, so I think the number of days that pass should not be taken very seriously as they will not line up between characters
I didn't intend to. I figured Posey would need to spend some downtime to get situated at the university anyway.
>it just seems the other characters are not ready
Well, I guess that's that...

I wouldn't object to being randomly thrown into the quest surrounding the Lich's Lair, if that's plausible.
So the thing about the Lich's lair is that it was the site of a quest that concluded about... five or so calendar years ago.

The idea is that after Silver's character went back to the scene When I straight up just told his player that he left a massive piece of loot behind, it was populated by a set of characters who themselves were from a flash-forward dream sequence from a different player. The group is a University team who are doing an archeological survey of the quest location for construction on the site.

Silver went there this time to hide an automobile he stole from the mob, and is staying probably because he wants to screw one of the characters involved in the archeological survey.
>The group is a University team who are doing an archeological survey of the quest location for construction on the site
Well, that is something Posey might catch wind of.
>Silver went there this time to hide an automobile he stole from the mob, and is staying probably because he wants to screw one of the characters involved in the archeological survey
Hmmmmmm, well then. Idk what I could do there then. I just like exploring dungeons.
I'm going to want an independent lair of operations at later level, and an abandoned lich's lair sounds like a good place to move in...
Amber Sunset
"So those are good spirits…and you said there are evil spirits too. How did they get here and what do they want?" Amber leans forward as do her ears. She stares in interest.
Garv Cavaliere
"I am not affiliated with any political group. I am here for temporary work, and I do think one of the local hotels here will be sufficient to stay at. I do agree to follow your laws. Alone. I have never been near Hellquill and do not intend to visit. I personally am not too tolerant of Maar, the Dark Arts, or their practitioners either." He talks rather deliberately, almost as if bored, and does not have the sort of distinct accent one might expect from a griffon foreigner. With the last answer, though, he gives the customs officer a small smile, the mouth behind his beak and below a thin black mustache curling up slightly.

While he waits the griffon remarks to himself on the curious customs practices. "It's like a rat maze where all are pushed to different, distinct exits. Yet their own are not given the same advantages and rewards as the Nova Griffonian ponies, or even the griffons for that matter. I think I know what to expect from this place."
176520 176521 176523
Even though the archeological survey is being done by a team from a completely different university, yes, Posey is very likely to hear about it.

>Independent lair of operations.
The convenient thing is that it is right, smack in the middle of developing subdivision. It's on a property with a (now drained) lake that can be restored, an old farm homestead, and of course the subterranean lair. There's a pretty good school system to send gloomy to, and it wouldn't be hard at all to hook up to water, sewer, electricity, and gas. The owner of it may be willing to sell it as is once the required Archeological survey is complete, for the right price.

It's now being ransacked a second time, but as demonstrated, not everything has been found.

She is silent for a minute
"Yes, from the same space and by the same means. Some old pony spirits can be malevolent for various reasons. But they go to Rotaimo, along with all those who are wicked, in the underworld, locked away there. Gods can be displeased if they are not honored... They are honored less and less, nowadays... But the spirits are by and large benign, though you must always respect them.

Though there are... gods of evil things. There is a god over every domain, after all. the god of death, the god of plague and sickness, Ruohatta, for example. They tend to lord in the underworld, mostly." She answers

The customs pony, a big black earth pony, asks the questions coolly and more or less professionally, but he does turn around to look at the commotion. Elsewhere, a yak and an Equestrian national, are not happy.

Garv's biggest surprise is when he is moved to another area, has a submachine gun pointed at him by a golden pegasus, and is told by another pony to keep his eyes open and stare straight ahead as he shines a light above his eyes.
>The convenient thing is that it is right, smack in the middle of developing subdivision. It's on a property with a (now drained) lake that can be restored, an old farm homestead, and of course the subterranean lair. There's a pretty good school system to send gloomy to, and it wouldn't be hard at all to hook up to water, sewer, electricity, and gas. The owner of it may be willing to sell it as is once the required Archeological survey is complete, for the right price.
That sounds like good real estate. I think I'll conjure my massive enchanted castle-tower made of black crystals on top of it (which is gonna require me to be at least lvl 8, but I can wait for that part).
Hopefully the land should be cheaper than usual because the place was haunted.
>It's now being ransacked a second time, but as demonstrated, not everything has been found.
Cool. Any chance I could join? I have no idea how long the other quests are going to take.
Amber Sunset
"Can the good gods protect us, mother? And how do we honor them?" she asks.
"Of Course." She answers. "Akko, Leibolmai, Beaivi, and many others. Give them your reverence, your faith, abide by customs, follow the rituals, and venerate those who came before us. Rember though that while the spirits have a realm all of their own, they are here in this world as well inhabiting every pony, every animal, every rock and tree. Have respect for them, and they may respect you."
Garv Cavaliere
Cavaliere glances at the submachine gun and breathes out, but otherwise keeps his cool as he raises his claws and stares ahead. "You had some changelings come in?" he casually asks.
Amber Sunset
"I will, Mama. I'd like to find the Noaidi too. It must still be somewhere."
Eh, good enough

Posey is called to an office on the third floor - the top floor - of the administrative building of the Jim Haykins Medical School. Openning the wooden door, Posey enters into a high roofed roof with ornate wooden friezes along the walls, rows of book shelves with a ladder, a big, decorated globe, a clock, a statue - statue of Princess Celestia, and a number of other ornaments. Behind a massive mohanghany desk is a black unicorn stallion with a long, pure-white mane. He's of a bit of a smaller frame, but he has a very serious expression. He wears a purple cloak and golden bracelets on each pastern. Posey knows who this stallion is. This is Ersatz Orgone, Dean over the Necrology Divisions in both the Medical School and the School of Arcane Sciences. He speaks

"Miss Ring, I've heard you have interest in local Necromantic lore. Well then, I don't know how much you know, but I'll give you the quick summary. There was a stallion who lived in Baltimare in the 700's called 'Joseph Curwhinny'. And as you've guessed, he was very far from an ordinary stallion. He was a business stallion, and one of extraordinary talent. He took his father in law's company, the 'Celestial Shipping Company,' and made it into an international juggernaut. The rich and powerful have never been liked, and have always been resented by those of lesser talent in every civilization. Naturally, he became the target of criticism. It didn't help that he was involved in practices considered unsavory today, like dealing with Zebrican slave traders and importing a number of them, and the nasty conditions sailors faced in those times. He was targeted and killed in a revolt against local authorities in 771.

Of course, that isn't why you're here, is it? Curwhinny was always known to have immense interests in the occult. 'Dark' magic, esoteric religions, the customs and practices of foreigners and long dead civilizations... Things considered untasteful or strange at the time. In his later years, he spent more time doing that than at his business. When he didn't seem to age it was considered another bad sign. There were rumors he was conducting horrible experiments on dead and living subjects, and was a full blown necromancer. Those were just rumors until a couple weeks ago.

Several weeks ago, a land developer found zombies in a previously unknown set of ruins under his property - a property known to be the location of a farm owned by Joseph Curwhinny, and a location in the aforementioned revolt. He hired mercenaries to clear them out. What was found seemed to confirm the worst of the rumors. Remains of many, many bodies from dug up graves and imported zebras. Militia who perished in the fight... It seems he was a full blown necromancer, and not of any good kind, either. There is an archeological dig being conducted now. We put in the a bid, but it looks like the University of Stableside got in first. Hmph! They have no respect for history, nor magic, and certainly not for our side of the arcane arts. They will try to twist and contort whatever they find to fit their thinly-veiled communist interpretation, and in the process will doubtless bring more infamy to our practice.

Is there something you wish to know, Miss Ring? Outside of providing evidence to the contrary, our best move is to condemn this Curwhinny, and to try to seperate ourselves from his image. All of this is on a property called 'Silver Lake,' really just an abandoned quarry filled with rainwater, in the 'Silver Lake Development Project' in the northwestern part of town."
176535 176536
She nods
"It certainly was, though I am not so sure it survived the blast. Metsän Vaeltaja lived near there. He saw the blast. He tells us that it was the convergence of the spirit realm and our realm. That he himself has become a medium between the worlds, able to speak to both. He says he saw what he calls the Seraph, and that this Seraph will bring the Sun on its wings, ahead of Beaivi-"

Father is angry
"We do not talk about that stallion and his nonsense in here! Not in front of Kultanien, and there will be absolutely no talk of it when the inspector gets here. Do you understand?"

Mother is taken aback.
"Well, I-I - he says the spirits will live among us."

"It is nonsense and we will not have that here!"

"I... didn't say it wasn't, just... he says the spirits will walk among the living. I can understand why that would have an appeal to the others. I would like to see my mother-"

"Iwould like many things. All he says is manure! He cannot speak to the dead and he can do nothing but lead us astray. I have respect for the old ways. I respect the old gods. But Kultanien is impressionable. She could be led astray. And in this household we respect science and the Pathway Forward. The stallions from the city said it was a meteor. A rock from space. And that is all it was. The both of you will not speak of this when the Inspector comes. You will not even speak of the Old Gods when he is around. We are in compliance with the Pathway Forward here. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Mother says meekly. She is cowed.

He says
"Some? They are lousing the city, probably. Not many from the sea though. We at least have that much covered"

The next step is a medical examination, with many questions about the throat, symptoms and whathaveyou. Evidently they are looking for disease. At least one griffin from Nova Griffonia fails this test.
>a statue - statue of Princess Celestia,
Posey momentarily recoils at this, as if she's been stuck by an unseen hoof, her vampiric heritage making the holy iconography painful.
>Posey knows who this stallion is. This is Ersatz Orgone, Dean over the Necrology Divisions in both the Medical School and the School of Arcane Sciences.
Oh buck.
I would assume that the Dean of the Necrology division would be able to recognize a shambling corpse when he sees one, regardless of how well she does her mane and makeup. I'm going to say that Posey casts Disguise Undead before meeting any high ranking member of the Necrology division, using the extra level of Glammer to disguise her true nature.
>They have no respect for history, nor magic, and certainly not for our side of the arcane arts. They will try to twist and contort whatever they find to fit their thinly-veiled communist interpretation, and in the process will doubtless bring more infamy to our practice.
This actually seems to motivate Posey. Those who disrespect the arts should be punished.
"Oh no..." Posey interjects softly, letting the stallion continue
>Is there something you wish to know, Miss Ring?
"Curwhinny's body... Where is it now?" Is her first question
"Has this Silver Lake site of his lair been properly exorcised before excavation? I do specialize in haunts."
>There is an archeological dig being conducted now. We put in the a bid, but it looks like the University of Stableside got in first.
>thinly-veiled communist
Posey puts on a bit of a smug, mischievous smirk
"Well, if they are commies, they shouldn't be complaining too hard if someone were to visit their site first, now would they? Property is theft, as they say..."
Take 10 for a 24 bluff (innuendo) check, for Posey to passively propose visiting the site her self, bidding results be damned
>Posey momentarily recoils at this
Orgone raises an eyebrow
"Not in keeping with your political tastes, Miss Ring?"

>"Curwhinny's body... Where is it now?"
"I have no idea. The rumors say he became a lich. I doubt that very seriously. If it's true, he was either bound and defeated in the revolt, or he made a very quiet escape to the Dread Lands. He's not in Rosemont Cemetary, I can say that with confidence."

>"Has this Silver Lake site of his lair been properly exorcised before excavation? I do specialize in haunts."
"Not to my knowledge, but I cannot say I've consulted with the church, whom I presume would be contacted first for such a procedure. They didn't contact us, I know that."

>"Well, if they are commies, they shouldn't be complaining too hard if someone were to visit their site first, now would they? Property is theft, as they say..."
He mirrors Posey with a smug, mischievous smirk of his own
"How do such rights fit in with a socialist theory of property rights? Seems to me it would be open to all who are able. Especially to those who are more able."
>"Not in keeping with your political tastes, Miss Ring?"
"W-what? No. We're not all that different in Farbrook. I was just.. taken back by the quality of this lovely statue."
[1d20+14 = (8+14) = 22]
>The rumors say he became a lich
"If he were powerful enough to become a lich, I have my doubts he would have been defeated so easily. I can't say for certain though."
>or he made a very quiet escape to the Dread Lands
I'm going to roll knowledge (Religion) too see if Posey knows of such a lich
[1d20+11 = (17+11) = 28]
>I cannot say I've consulted with the church, whom I presume would be contacted first for such a procedure.
"Yes, those with divine energy channeling powers are scarce these days. Luckily, secular energy channeling is one of my skills."
>Seems to me it would be open to all who are able.
"I believe a phrase that ponies go by is 'sharing is caring'?"