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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1727 replies and 47 files omitted.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176905 176918
"Alright. Lead way, Rosey Ring."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"...maybe I just need to get to know him better first..."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"First I'll need to see every room in this dungeon. Once we've opened all of the doors, I can douse the hallways in a systemic fashion. Since you've been here before, you can show me."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
(Posey's Detect Magic spell functions as a 60 ft cone shaped emanation. Same goes for her Detect Undead spell. It should be able to douse an entire hallway.)
176908 176909 176912
Has to contemplate if it’s too meta-games to explain why this course of action is extremely inadvisable
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Hmmmmmmm...well, there shouldn't be all that much left of the catacombs to search through manually.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176913 176914
See, this is kind of why I wanted a map, it makes it a lot easier to understand how to search a dungeon, and avoid obvious limitations such as thick stone walls blocking lines of effect.
In any case, Posey wants to start by checking every (known) room in the dungeon, then she'll decide when and how to use her detection spells.
Amber Sunset
The filly looks down. Dare she tell him what she knows? She's just a little filly and probably can't convince him, but he's her father! He's a good pony, but even a good pony will do anything if he's desperate….

Amber shivers in front of him as she stares into his eyes. "I know what you're going to do," she squeaks out, trying not to whimper. "Papa, I know what you're planning to do and you can't do it. You understand how wrong it all is. Killing him won't help your fears, and it won't keep us safe. You need to think of something else or we'll all be guilty because of it."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>Has to contemplate if it’s too meta-games to explain why this course of action is extremely inadvisable
Is it the part about searching all of the rooms, or using a spell to detect magic?
The search comes first.
See >>176763

Read that. Also note the presence of a well-like structure in the central room, and a stone platform in the chamber. Ask about a specific room for a more detailed description.
176916 176919 176954
I didn’t even think about how the stone and dirt walls would limit the effectiveness of Posey’s Detect Magic spell by 90%

His face goes entirely pale and contorts in never-before-seen ways.

” Kultainen Hämärä.”

Taking his hoof, he wraps around Amber’s barrel, licking her up, or more likely, dragging her across the ground. He drags her away from the store, and towards a location he must think is private. This certainly scares the hell out of her.

He turns to her, and in a voice that is an attempt at a quiet shout says,

”Do you have any IDEA what is going to happen? There’s an inspector from the Central Council making the rounds to see if the villages are in compliance. He’s supposed to be here tomorrow. He’ll probably be here in five days, seven days tops. When he sees these sick ponies walking around, he’ll call in for medical doctors from Everfrost. And there will be an investigation. And he’ll hear all of these ponies talking about suns and seraphs and spirits and whatever. And do you have even the slightest idea how much trouble we are going to be in?!” He’s beyond exasperated. “No. You don’t get it. Kultainen. We’re not supposed to have those nice dresses, or talk about spirits. We’re not supposed to do anything like that. And Pakkasen, and Ukkonen, and I are in charge of the village, so far as the Central Council is concerned. It’s our job to keep the village in compliance. And when the Inspector sees this, and he hears this, it’s… You have no idea. I am in danger. You might be. Your brother might be. You definitely won’t be going to school, and he might be kicked out.”
It’s probably possible for Neela to get scrunchier, but it isn’t clear how. She puffs up her cheeks.

“He told you to eat me!”
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Well then.
Which rooms have we not seen so far?
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira sinks down further into her coils. "...I told them I wasn't going to. You know I'm not going to eat you, right?"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176919 176921 176923
"What floor did you say you found the false iron sarcophagus on? An iron sarcophagus is even heavier than a stone one: there are limited paths through which they could have carried it. It's likely that they carried the stone one on a nearby path, or carried it to another room on that floor. If they've taken interest in it enough for them to tamper with it, it's likely that they're interested in performing ongoing tests and examinations on the actual piece, which means it needs to be stowed in a location accessible to the archaeologists, somewhere they can travel in and out of to access the sarcophagus without drawing attention to themselves."

Posey pauses
"Tampering with the grave of a lich is serious business, as it could have wide-reaching consequences on the city. This for all intents and purposes counts as egregious mismanagement of dark magic, and the false sarcophagus is evidence by itself (a sarcophagus is, by definition, made of limestone). It's possible that I could convince Mr. Horizons to order a halt on all archaeological activities on the property and order the return of the sarcophagus to its proper location for security concerns: I don't expect them to comply, but if they try to make a break for it and smuggle out the sarcophagus we could set up an ambush for them as they come to retrieve it. Of course, that plan would make a scene that I might rather avoid..."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver points out the location of Curwhinny's final stand to Posey (which I imagine our gracious GM pone has more of a description of its location than I, the player, currently do.)
First order of business would be to check for skid marks, and then the surrounding/lower floor.
176922 176924
>I bet these grad students did want to carry that heavy ass stone up or down stairs. They probably kept it on the same level.
You finally understand me!

Posey has explored one of the laboratories, the big room downstairs, and presumably, the storage rooms on the side downstairs and the downstairs hallways. They are currently in the central room that cuts across between hallways.
Posey checks every room on the way to the place that Silver says the original sarcophagus once was.
176926 176927
The small, yellow mare, previous identified as Dr. Faucet, speaks:

“Let me clarify what is going on here. There is a room behind the… well, I suppose it’s a bedroom - there’s a room behind that that was opened and contained a casket on a stone table. There’s this large inscription, I think it’s oin chalk but I haven’t examined it in detail - that claims the casket contains a lich and do not open it. Our leader, Peer Review, does not believe lichs exist - or to be a little more accurate, doesn’t think a mage calling themselves a lich can exist for two hundred and forty years without, well, food or a replenishing magic source. So he ordered it opened, probably to prove the point. But he tasked a grad student whom I’m pretty sure is only here to avoid the draft. So apparently he defied that order and switched out the caskets, hiding the original one. I think he thinks he’s not paid enough to open a casket marked ‘contains a lich’ to find out if it contains a lich or not. The compartment is on this floor. It’s behind the bedroom. We’ve already searched that room, the bedroom in front of it, the library, the smaller library, and the laboratories on the other side from where you came.”
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>grad students
Not only grad students, but commies too: they'll do as little manual labor as possible.

"The sarcophagus probably didn't move far. I would assume the archaeologists hid it somewhere near, perhaps in a closet, underneath a tarp or rug, or buried under some loose bricks and rubble. Keep an eye out for anything that could hide an object of that size. Once we hedge out possible locations on the floor, I can use my dousing to find any traces of magic related to the sarcophagus..."
She then pauses
"... Say, what exactly did you intend to do with the sarcophagus when you found it?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"For starters? Making sure it has not been opened. Part of me is curious about couple of things, if he really did make final transition to becoming lich, or even if he was if I have managed to destroy him and put him to rest. I thought I found his phylactery and had it destroyed with help of Father Maren here in city, but there is chance that did not work or it was not actually his phylactery. Knowing for certain would put any worries to rest, but...would you want to open sarcophagus that had pony's possible final message of 'do not open, lich inside'?"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>Our leader, Peer Review, does not believe lichs exist - or to be a little more accurate, doesn’t think a mage calling themselves a lich can exist for two hundred and forty years without, well, food or a replenishing magic source. So he ordered it opened, probably to prove the point.
Posey bursts out laughing at this.

I think this is the first time Posey has laughed. It's such a peculiar laugh, in her usual soft and beautiful singsong voice, but something about it is... ominously dreadful, malevolent, and borderline supernatural. It booms and reverberates far further than should be proper for a mare of her size, echoing over itself until it fades out all too slowly, like howling ghost in the distance backed by a chorus of kerning spirits. It lasts only a few seconds, but it lingers, refusing to die...

Even Gloomy, the sickly little Colt on the disk, seems spooked by this development, his eyes widening in surprise. It seems his mother doesn't laugh often.

Posey finishes her outburst with a cute gigglesnort.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>So apparently he defied that order and switched out the caskets, hiding the original one.
>We’ve already searched that room, the bedroom in front of it, the library, the smaller library, and the laboratories on the other side from where you came.
After her outburst, Posey lets the mare finish and addresses her description.
"Did you find any traces as to how he transported the real or the fake? Any skid marks or scratches on the floor?"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176929 176930
>I thought I found his phylactery and had it destroyed with help of Father Maren here in city, but there is chance that did not work or it was not actually his phylactery.
Rosey Ring's eye twitches somewhat
"You... Destroyed what you thought was his phylactery.. BEFORE you knew he was destroyed?"
It appears to be a rhetorical question, as the mare seems more exasperated than disbelieving
"The first impulse of those fighting liches. Destroying a Lich's phylactery doesn't destroy the lich, it just prevents them from resurrecting after being killed through other means. If what you destroyed was a phylactery and Curwhinny was indeed a lich, then he should still animate somewhere, but very, very, VERY angry."
176930 176931 176932
“You laugh, but there’s a logic to it to him. He thinks that whatever energy a mage has is finite. They will need more from somewhere, and it’ll run out after almost a quarter millennium.. I tried to respond that if the mage went into a kind of stasis, or tupor, then a limited supply could well last a quarter millennium. But you must understand, Joseph Curwhinny is not an unknown figure to us. We know him as that business stallion who got rich off of carrying shipments of slaves for Zebrican traders and importing tobacco, then became a kind of weird recluse in his old age, eventually being murdered in what was basically a labor dispute. There’s not much room in that conception for him to have been a lich. To them, he’s the archetypal capitalist: the Stallion who built Baltimare. To call him a lich is an understandable exaggeration of his villainy, but ultimately unnecessary and a distraction from the real point.

I think the casket - and the term used was ‘casket’, and not sarcophagus - may have been light enough to be carried by two stallions if they were strong though for short distances. But they may have dropped it, put it down, or pushed it at some point. I didn’t see any scuff marks, but I wasn’t looking for them.”

Concerned pony noises

“Lichs aren’t real, right? They can’t actually hurt us… right?”
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176933 176954
Silver's only physical reaction is to shrug.

"Liches have not been around in Equestria for many, many, many years. Curwhinny may have even been last 'living' lich to exist within this country. All of rest are over in Dread League, so those of us who would fight them do not get much chance to learn. And we do not get chance to research how to fight them either when we come to what we think is simple job clearing out quarry of few skeletons and zombies only to find out it is filled with literal army of ghasts. Still though, I am not so sure he will be so angry. What I saw of his journal, he had made peace with living normal life after his experiments failed. Well, before militia ponies showed up, that is."

"I mean, there is entire country of them..."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>He thinks that whatever energy a mage has is finite.
"He knows little of magic then... The power of a mage is unlimited, the only question is how much power a horn can channel on any given day from the ambient magic so abundant in the universe, or the antithesis of such." Posey says, with a bit of a huff
>I think the casket - and the term used was ‘casket’, and not sarcophagus
"Oh, that's actually quite the difference, as it would affect what state his body is in."
>“Lichs aren’t real, right? They can’t actually hurt us… right?”
Posey does not laugh (her laughs are scarce), despite the hilarity of this question. Her paralyzed, professional face remains dead serious as she answers.
"Yes, they are, and they can."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>I didn’t see any scuff marks, but I wasn’t looking for them.”
"Then let's go look for them." Posey says, proceeding towards said room.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"What did you do with the remains of the broken phylactery? I could examine it."
“How- How so? What doses it change?”

“Why would we want to go looking for it at all? If there’s a living, or well, animated lich in there, I think Feather Duster has the right idea.”
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver fishes around in his bags, taking a bit longer to do so than normal being in the dark and lacking night vision. After a few moments, he comes out with a hooffull of pieces that, judging from the small damaged picture among the remains, could have once been a locket. It looks like it was smashed apart with an edged weapon.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>What doses it change?
"A sarcophagus, literally meaning 'corpse eater', gets itself name from how the limestone slowly consumes the flesh of the body. If he were in a sarcophagus for centuries without proper dressings, he would be nothing but bones or even dust by now. It's why vampires prefer wooden caskets." She explains.
>Why would we want to go looking for it at all?
"Because that's my job." Posey says, flatly
"Besides, these grounds have been disturbed, and magic casket or not, some things refuse to stay buried. If we just let the casket stay misplaced, we will regret it later, inevitably." She continues
"Besides, Glass Horizons will want to know about it before his insurance finds out."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
What's inside the locket?
176939 176940
The interior is painted with what seems to be a mare and three foals.
"A memory of something precious... It's not easy to tell now that any magic it would have had has now vanished, but it's plausible." Rosey Ring replies, squinting at the locket
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"May I take this? I may be able to confirm it after some research."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
With a bit of trepidation due to the nature of the item in question, Silver nods. Realizing that it may be difficult to tell in the dark, he vocally confirms this.

"You may. Maybe it is real, or maybe it turns out Maren got his magic sword out for nothing after all, who knows."
176943 176945
It appears to have been made of silver, and it has most certainly been cut by a sword.

Neela stares at Kira silently. She has returned to laying on the couch upright with her hooves and forelegs hanging off.

In Free Rover’s defense, she looks and smells delectable
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"...yeah, you know I wouldn't. Anyways...enough about me, I'm a pretty boring subject. But you..." Kira rights herself in her coils. "So...have you had any crushes on males?"
She looks down.
“That buck earlier was cute. The mover one. Bright Due was too…”
176947 176950
Posey would like to search the room where the casket was, to look for signs of any pony activity.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Hehe, I could tell. You wanted to sit in one's lap and the other you tried hitting on even though he's married. He seemed into the attention, though, so I think you had a chance. Have, since I think we succeeded in not scaring him off!" Kira beams a bright smile at Neela.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
(Maybe GM pone would accept a Search roll?)
Rosey "Posey" Ring
It's coming no matter what I'm this situation. Watch me roll a 1.
[1d20+5 = (6+5) = 11]
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Gonna roll for Gloomy
[1d20 = 11]
176951 176952 176957
>No one wants to look in the only place in the entire structure that hasn’t already been checked - the only place that’s like a traditional catacomb with bodies in the walls.
I had to look up if “search” is trained check to see if maybe that’s the reason why you haven’t done it thirty posts after being told to do it.

I really am going to have to describe every single place the casket isn’t before being able to finally describe where it is, aren’t I?
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Maybe. I've forgotten where that is.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>the only place that’s like a traditional catacomb with bodies in the walls
Pardon, I just haven't been able to fully absorb the description of the dungeon.

Now that you point it out, it sounds like an obvious location to search.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176957 176958
"Say, are there any catacombs in this dungeon? A place where various inanimate bodies or caskets may be stored?"
Amber Sunset
176956 176958
Amber shrinks beneath the scolding of her father the would-be murderer. She looks aside with teary eyes before forcing herself to look back at him. Her lips are stretched back to the point her molars are showing, and her voice is tremulous.

"But…ponies would be talking about what happened to Vaeltaja. Maybe even more than they are now, whether they know the truth or not. They'll be hanging onto his words, thinking about what was done to him. I'm scared too, Papa, but doing this will only make things worse before the inspector comes, and we'll have to bear the guilt of knowing what you did."

She sniffs. The filly is leaned back low enough to make an indent in the snow. "There has to be another way. You could, you could…send him away from the village so nopony talks to him. And there must be something we don't know about, since ponies don't act this way just from words. Something else is doing that."

Would Silver know what the Dread League is? I thought it was basically unknown to most.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
It doesn't come up in conversation often, but he's mentioned knowing they exist before.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176958 176961
If Silver's found it, he could show the way. As it is, his player has forgotten.
176959 176960 176961 176964 176965
She smiles, tilts her head, and briefly wags her puffy tail. “You think so?”

Pear Faucet:
“Yes, the set of hallways past the entry door have recessed burial chambers. It was probably the first place we catalogued.”

Silver perhaps recalls a skeleton becoming animated and pulling itself out of the walls in the hallway not far past the entry door where they found and fought The Corporal.

“Little pony… You just… We have to do something to stop him. To stop this. We can’t banish him. He’s too popular. We’d have to bring it up in council, and Ukkonen would defend him. He would defend himself. It wouldn’t work. It would put us in danger, if anything. We can’t reason with him. He thinks the apocalypse is coming and will not fear the Central Council. He is beyond reason. The most obvious thing to do would be to go get the inspector, probably at Kaukainen Piste, and tell him we have a compliance and probably a medical emergency that we cannot contain. But he’ll think it only got this bad by our deliberate indifference. You must understand. I was in the War. Our Council has already been written up for much, much less egregious violations of the ban on public displays of religion. We will be suspected. Not just Vaeltaja.

I think there is something else happening. A virus, or maybe a bacteria. Probably locked in the soil, and unleashed when that meteor melted and scattered the frost. Distemper, or something else. We’re seeing it more amongst Vaeltaja’s followers because he takes them out to The Blast.

But maybe it is just religious fervor. When the role of Shaman was abolished, it created a desire for a new priest. The Pathway Forward is not popular out here as the Old Gods, even the Central Council understands that. There is a reason why Pakkasen wanted to let Vaeltaja preach when he first started. There is a reason Ukkonen follows him even now. Vaeltaja preaches of a world where we see our loved ones again - of a world that isn’t so dark and so cold. Little Kultainen, you need to understand. This is all nonsense. The pathway forward to a better world and a better life - this one and only world, and our one and only life - will be long, hard, and require great sacrifice, but it is very much worth it. And if you want us to see each other after this week, Varltaja must be taken care of.”
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver shivers when remembering The Corporal. That was a fight that nearly did them all in.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira nods enthusiastically.

"Well yeah! If he wasn't into it you'd think he would have stated, 'ma'am, I'm married' or something like that towards your advances. But he didn't, so...I think you have a chance!"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176965 176966
Catacombs are something that Posey would be interested in examining even if she had no quest, just for recreation.
>“Yes, the set of hallways past the entry door have recessed burial chambers. It was probably the first place we catalogued.”
"That sounds like the ideal place to hide a casket. Let's go check there."
Amber Sunset
Tears run down Amber's cheeks as she listens to the horrible dilemma. "If you can kill him, you can drive him away. Just get him away from here without hurting him. Please don't do anything so terrible!"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Posey's pace increases as she hears that there are catacombs to explore.
176968 176969 176978 176984
Stilling wagging her small, tuft of a tail,
"Hey yeah, that's right. He seemed a bit receptive. You think we'll see him more, right? Maybe he'll be even more receptive in the future. It's a shame we couldn't get either of those movers to stay... Maybe if we had some alcohol. That's what we really need is some alcohol.

He breaks eye contact and looks away. He appears to be crying to.

"We don't - we don't have much of a choice, Kultainen..."

Moving away from the central area and along the hallway, past the laboratories, the hallway extends for some feet before turning at a 90 degree angle. There, it continues, coming to a busted down wooden door on the right, and then eventually ending in a mirrored 90 degree turn to the left, which comes back to the central room.

Along the walls of the hallway are recessed burial chambers like in a traditional catacomb or crypt. These are two high, each one offset from the one above or below, and with rounded ends on the top, but flat on the bottom. Some of these are sealed with brick and mortar. Some of them are completely open, and completely vacant. Where this occurs, Posey can see that these are carved into the clay, and supported by stone. A few have clear evidence of being broken open, with bricks on the ground, or with bricks partially covering them. One at least contains a complete equine skeleton.

Periodically, along the floor, there are little markings, sometimes with a small flag with a flat base to stand upright, sometimes with yarn, and most often with chalk, of locations along the floor.

But what may be most interesting is one of the burial chambers on the lower level. Barely squeezed in between the rounded portions on the top, and filling essentially the entire space, is a large stone rectangle. There are signs of chipping and scratches along the edges of the recess, and a few on the stone itself.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>But what may be most interesting is one of the burial chambers on the lower level. Barely squeezed in between the rounded portions on the top, and filling essentially the entire space, is a large stone rectangle.
That sounds like what we're looking for. Posey examines this first.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>Some of these are sealed with brick and mortar. Some of them are completely open, and completely vacant. Where this occurs, Posey can see that these are carved into the clay, and supported by stone. A few have clear evidence of being broken open, with bricks on the ground, or with bricks partially covering them.
Does the brick and mortar appear to be more than 1 foot?
176971 176978
It is not decorated in any way, and fits within half of an inch of the top of the recess, and is snug with the edges, clearly having hit and slightly damaged the edges of the recess as it was placed. Best guess to the substance it is made of is a cheaper or perhaps spoiliated white marble. The lid as well as parts of the container itself show obvious signs of serious cracking and damage, very unlikely to have been caused during transport, based on the positioning of the damage on the top. There are presumably slots for iron spikes to keep the top in place, though the marble near these is cracked.

About 7 and three quarters inches in thickness, which is to say, standard brick width.

Go ahead. You won’t desperately wish you had those spells slots later, to accomplish what could have waited a day, or have been accomplished with a hammer.
>Go ahead. You won’t desperately wish you had those spells slots later
Well, my detect magic is a 1/day SLA, so I use it or lose it.
>It is not decorated in any way, and fits within half of an inch of the top of the recess
Does it match the description of the false iron casket?
“That’s about the sane dimensions, more or less” she says. “Maybe very slightly larger, but I don’t have a measuring tape on me.”

>if you detect magic on the burial chamber you won’t be able to detect magic on anything later
Actually, that makes things more fun
>“That’s about the same dimensions, more or less” she says. “Maybe very slightly larger, but I don’t have a measuring tape on me.”
"Have you actually seen the original?"
>you won’t be able to detect magic on anything later
I can still cast it out of my lvl 1 slots, but I would rather avoid that because I need those, and Dread Necromancers don't get any lvl 0 slots for some reason.
>I can still cast it out of my lvl 1 slots, but I would rather avoid that because I need those
Correct. You do.

“Uh, well… briefly… I can confirm there were no markings and I do think it was marble. But I can’t say I did much more than a quick examination.”
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"I could cast a spell to detect Undead, with the same range as my magic detection. It would at least tell us if there's any monsters nearby or in this casket."
“Any monsters, in that casket or otherwise, are sealed away. They are only dangerous if we disturb them.”
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176979 176980
"That I know, but it's also my job to catalog the presence of monsters in this catacomb."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver got more than just a brief look at the original casket. Can he tell if it's the original?
176980 176981
Her ears go down
“This whole place has been gone through by raiding parties twice now. We’ve been in here working for days. There can’t be monsters in here we didn’t know about.” She speaks without confidence.

If it isn’t, it’s most certainly of the same make.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"It would not look good for my track record if I missed undead creatures here when I had already received payment. Anyways, this casket looks like it is correct one."

(OOC, there is one issue with using detect spells I've figured out: if you use Detect Magic, you won't find any other magic items left to be found here in the catacombs, and Detect Undead is the same way for undead if Rosey was, somehow, an evil dread necromancer looking for undead minions for her new lair.)
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176982 176983
>She speaks without confidence
"You can't even be sure if Curwhinny was a lich or not. And if this-" she brandishes the locket "really was a phylactery, then that means that Curwhinny is a lich just waiting to be released. It's my responsibility to identify the problem before it acutely gets worse." She replies
"A landslide, an earthquake, a flood, an astrological event, a change in local politics, a war. There's no shortage of factors that could change the behavior of undead and rouse them from their slumber. Knowing is half the battle. Besides, I owe it to Mr. Horizons to report any potential liabilities on the property to him." Posey says
She visibly cowers down towards the floor.

Silver "The Floof" Sword
176985 176988
Silver gently pets the scared mare's mane.

"It is okay. Personal experience has taught me that undead are notoriously weak to bombs and guns."

"It sounds as if you mean to open casket. Are you?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I definitely think we'll see more of him! It's not just that he's a source of food for me, I really do think he came to like us and see us as friends, seeing well beyond our forms and origins to see that we're genuinely great creatures! And now that he sees that, I'm certain your charms will be even more effective on him!" Kira flicks her tongue as she smiles. "Some alcohol would be nice to have for occasions. I like a good glass of wine every now and then. How about you? Any beer, wine, or spirits you're a fan of?"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176986 176988
>"It sounds as if you mean to open casket. Are you?"
"Before I decide that, I'm going to check if anything in it will leap out at us."

Posey casts Detect Undead.

>weak to bombs and gun
The white unicorn snickers.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176987 176988
Silver sees that little unicorn snicker.

"What? How do you think I ended up dealing with army of undead that was holed up in these catacombs? I took potion to hide me from them, lured them out into quarry using smelly bait and gunshots, drew them over to unexploded bomb lodged in quarry wall, and blew it up from distance using rifle. Most were obliterated instantly, those that survived were missing such significant portions of their bodies that they were unable to move, making them easy targets to snipe. Only two that survived intact were undead knight and mummy as both were outside blast radius, and passing Roc that was lured by that same sticky bait I used tore both of them to shreds fighting over it."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
"If you think that's enough to destroy a lich, you might be disappointed."
176989 176990 176992
She is pet. She moves her hooves a little closer together to stand upright, and then moves back and by Silver’s side.

She raises her hoof
“Excuse me, I am weak to bombs and guns.”

Nothing. Nothing in the casket. The walls next to Posey, however….

“Passing Roc?”
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver seems a little unconvinced that a lich could survive being blown to literal pieces, or would even want to survive.

Have we mentioned that Pear is a silly pony? Still, probably a smart decision to stand next to the strong and seemingly confident Silver.

"Yes, passing Roc. Those giant birds that hunt dragons? Came out of seemingly nowhere and started fighting mummy and undead knight for bait. It is why those two were in such terrible condition."
Rosey "Posey" Ring
176991 176992 176993
>Nothing in the casket.
"No undead in this casket."
>The walls next to Posey, however….
Posey cautiously moves in that direction, concentrating on the spell to read the strength of the aura.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
And by move, I mean just aim the cone in that direction.

Silver "The Floof" Sword
Hmm...it could be they were smart enough to shuffle the caskets around, in case someone came snooping. Can Silver recall any other details about the casket that mark it as unique?
176994 176995 176996
“He’s a source of foo- oh, you mean the farm. I definitely want to see him again. Hopefully with alcohol. Yes, I like all alcohols. Well, most. Vodka is the best because it works the quickest, but I’ll take a cheap wine or beer. You have wine back in… where your from?

No ur a silly pony

Not… that I can recall

It’s two, one on each side besides the casket. One is on the higher level (on the left) and one is on the lower level (on the right). Both are not especially strong, but probably muffled by the brick and stone.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
is silly
Rosey "Posey" Ring
>Both are not especially strong, but probably muffled by the brick and stone.
If it's less than a foot of stone, Posey should be able to determine the aura strength.
A lich, by definition, has 11 or more HD, so it's aura strength would be overwhelming.

Posey squints as she aims her cone of detection up and down the catacombs.
"...I can't sense any auras that match that of a lich..."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Well yeah, did you think I meant I was going to eat him? Anyways, yeah, we've got wine, it's probably the most common option for alcohol we've got. There's beer, too, but I definitely prefer wine. I've never heard of vodka before."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Hmm...it could be they were wrong, and he was not in fact lich. It seems weird they would use their dying moments to write that warning for nothing, however. In that case he would likely be little more than skeleton. It is also possible he could be masking his aura, somehow, such as if he is in kind of stasis. Can you detect any kind of life signs?"
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Posey takes out her notebook and begins writing something.
Rosey "Posey" Ring
177001 177007 177032
>Can you detect any kind of life signs?
"I can detect magic, and I can detect undead. Anything else is outside my sphere of expertise."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Why not? Can you not just...reverse polarity of spell matrix?"
177004 177005 177032
God fucking damn it
Rosey "Posey" Ring
Are you okay?
yeah, whats up?
oh, lol
Silver "The Floof" Sword
He's upset because he started a new thread and didn't get to use >>177000 to start it.
>the chain is broken
<Be at peace, I've got this
<Let me just knot these three
<Thats NOT what I meant
<Try to be more careful where/when you step in the future. GM, the seals remain intact; Digit-priori remains in effect