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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1727 replies and 47 files omitted.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Well, first time we came through here to try to clear undead, we brought entire group. There were mostly ponies with us, but there was also one kirin. Kirin nun, to be exact. Me and one other pony went down to this exit to try to seal it with dynamite we found on body of unfortunate quarry worker who had decided to explore this ruin while it was still occupied. We figured we did not need any other unfortunate souls to try to explore from this direction, and we did not want any undead wandering outside into city. While we did that, rest of group came upon library, and when kirin saw books she immediately thought 'evil books' and went full nirik. By time fuse had been lit and we had returned to group, most of library was up in flames and it was too late to try to stop fuse on dynamite, so we ran back way we came as fast as we could. When dynamite went off, it sealed catacombs and that fire immediately ate most of oxygen inside. We barely made it out.

"I suppose benefit of that is that fire was snuffed out before it could claim everything. It ate through all of oxygen too fast. As for this exit...well, our original plan did us no good. When it was just me I had idea to lure undead out here to kill them with unexploded bomb, and ended up having to reclear all of debris our dynamite made."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Oof...this is the hardest part of the transaction...it's always so hard, seeing the farmer get ready to part with their livestock for the final time, especially when they've spent time raising and caring for it. She knows she needs to eat, but still...
175554 175555
He continues petting the kid, which has calmed down significantly
“We call him ‘Nippy’ because he likes to nip at your fetlocks.” He says. He does not move closer to Kira. It’s not easy to carry the kid and walk, and he certainly can’t pet it. He continues sitting down.

Kira is likely going to need to come to him. Don’t move too fast, or he’ll run away.

“Ugh….” She shakes her head “So much lost. Maybe I should expect that from a kirin… so many don’t appreciate old knowledge and faiths. They just dismiss it as ‘evil,’ not willing to recognize that the spirit is above good and evil.” She says, clearly holding back a much longer rant.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
D'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww. But also...aaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhh why did they have to name him? And why did he have to tell her? That just makes it ten times worse...

"...nnnnngh...Aaauuugh..." Kira looks down, defeated. "...I can't do it. I can't eat something that cute, not him."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
While Silver does have other tasks for the day...it's not as if he needs to get to them right that minute, if she wants to share more with him.
175557 175558
“Yes. You can.” Neela says. But she doesn’t want to come up to pet Kira.

The stallion continues petting Nippy, who, true to his name, tries to nip at the stallion’s hoof on one pass by his mouth.

She blinks.
“I just… it’s a longer story but… ‘good and evil’ apply to ponies and are terms for behaviors that are good and bad within society. But outside if civilization those terms don’t have much meaning. Nature and spirit aren’t really good or evil. Hurricanes aren’t really evil, nor is fire. They kind of just are. I think burning the books of magic and lore just because the ponies who made them did not have good intentions is a bit short sited, and it shows a deep lack of trust for your fellow pony who would receive that knowledge.”
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"To be honest, it seems as though most of those books were not even really made with bad intentions. Sure, most had to do with occult or legends and myths from other societies, but none actually seemed to have been 'evil' by our sense."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I can't, he's just too cute, plus he's been given a name..." Her ears fold down, and she looks up at the stallion. "May I pet him?"
175560 175562
I hope this is obvious, but a particular NPC’s opinion an event is not the same thing as an objective and correct assessment of an event

“Exactly!” She says with exasperation, breathing outward and looking down.

“Just… why would you burn this? There’s so much history. So much… esoteric knowledge of magic, and spiritual creatures…”

He holds out the kid with both forelegs extended. It bahs.

“Pet him? You can take him. He’s yours.”

He then adds.
“Don’t put too much stock in the names. We just give them that to tell which is which. He was being raised to be eaten anyways.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Aww, but he's just so...so...argh, come on, Kira..." She shakes her head, still being conflicted on what to do. "Ponies really just make everything around them so much cuter. I never had this much trouble back in Zebrica..."
The stallion smiles, and continues holding out the kid with both hooves.

“If you’d like to buy another one, or maybe a lamb…”

Neela scrunches, and both ears are back.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Unless it's Best Pony

"Well we did delve into lair of long-gone necromancer or lich. It is just...very unfortunate she immediately took assumption that it was all evil."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Maybe, maybe..." Since he keeps holding the kid out, Kira slowly slithers up to him, and begins to pet the kid between his ears. "Maybe I'll take one of the bigger ones instead, after all. I'll be sluggish for a time, but...maybe it will be easier to actually get over any cuteness."
175565 175566
She looks away and whips her tail.

“Very much so…” she shakes her head “Of course the fire was started by a Kirin…”

He continues holding the kid up. Nippy bahs, and squirms when Kira touches him, but he’s held in place. The head is kind of soft, and the fur kind of stands up from his head.

So soft. So… Juicy…
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Such helpless prey, too...gosh, if only he didn't have a name...she continues petting him, though.

"Is the big one still on offer?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"It probably did not help she was nun, as well." He chuckles. "Again, it could have been much worse. Had that fire been allowed to continue, not even these pages would have been left. All would have turned to ash. At least something can be salvaged and saved."
175568 175569
“Oh yeah, that’s Hopper. He’s a two and a half year old buck. We thought he would be a good breeding buck but… No, didn’t quite make the cut. Sure, I can go get him for you. 175 bits. Be very careful with him though. We have to keep him on a rope. He will jump the fence.”

Nippy’s helplessness is actually a good thing. Kira can simply hold him like burger. A goat like Hopper, however, will need to be constricted, have his throat slit, or drugged.

“Yeah” she nods, and looks down at the pages.
“It’s something. But something that hints at something more substantial.”
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"And what is that something more substantial?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Constricting is something she can do, though she does have one more question.

"I already gave you 50 for this little guy." She pets the little burger. "If you keep him, do I still have to pay another 175 for Hopper, or just 125?"
He scrunches.
“Okay, 125.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Trust me, I'd like to keep this lil cutie as a pet, but I just don't have the space to take good enough care of him."

Kira smiles, and pays the stallion the 125 Bits she still owes for Hopper.

"I only have one request, if possible. Is there a place where Hopper would have trouble escaping?"
He looks up and around. Then he takes the money.

“I think so. There’s a pen just a little back that has wooden walls that are high, a wooden roof and chicken wire in between.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Okay, that sounds like it will work. Thank you. Just put him in there, and I can do the rest."
“Okay.” Holding Hopper in his foreleg, he turns around, carefully opens the door, moves away the new born with his hoof, then closes it. He sets Nippy on the ground, and Nippy immediately runs off and away.

“You know, I’ve had ponies buy goats for a manticore before. Can’t say I saw what it was they did with them. But I can imagine.”

Hopper is across the pen, tied up on a long set of twine to the fence. The goat is white and as big as the stallion, more or less. As the stallion approaches, Hopper moves towards him, leaning his head in toward’s the stallion’s hoof.

In a kind of baby voice, he says
“No, I don’t have any food for you. There’s no food for you. Now come along. He unties the twine, and pulls on it, pulling the goat along. The buck tries to jump, but the stallion pulls taught.

“I’m sorry, Hopper.” He pets the goat. “Time’s up.”

He goes a little further, through a door and into an enclosed pen that must be the one in question. He ties the goat in there, and leaves him. He comes back to Kira.
“You can enter through this pen or go around the long way through another door. He’s in there for you.”
Pear starts to talk… and talk, and generally ramble. She does not maintain eye contact, and moves her hooves about as if the motions of her hooves somehow aid in communicating what she’s talking about.

“Well, looking here, you can see a work religious poetry that references a condition after the universe consolidated into an orderly form. You see, in some traditions, the universe was at first without form and chaotic, then order is placed upon it and it becomes something more familiar to us. Still in an ancient age of gods and heroes, but there are things like, for example, time and three dimensional space, which didn’t necessarily exist in the primordial chaos. So. There’s a fight between the god of chaos and god of order or what have you, order wins, chaos is banished, the primordial essence is ordered. Thats not what this is about. This is about creatures - I guess ‘creature’ is the closest word I can find because they behave like living things - creatures that live in the proposal chaos, or maybe are created as the darkness withdraws. These things are not primary gods, so almost no source ever names them. Well, except Erebus, god of primordial chaos, who is referenced here. Anyways, this document references those… things…”

“Now here’s why this document is so interesting, and why you should care. This document is about the religion of the Crystal Ponies. The Crystal ponies don’t have a story of creation. They don’t have a story of the implementing of order. They don’t have a beginning. To the Crystal ponies, the universe has always existed and always has. It’s like Celestialism in that way. These ‘primordial entities’ are ideas in some of the oldest pony religions. They are in the changeling and the First Nation religion like the wolves, though not the buffalo…” Even Pear can sense this is a tangent, and she pulls herself back. “But basically this document describes things in an honestly kind of purple prose, that have no business being there. Now, we know that the Crystal Ponies have similar concepts. Like the Umbrum, demons and shadows and darkness long locked away in deep caverns and vaults beneath the earth. But it doesn’t have a beginning of the universe.”

“So.” She manages to look at Silver again “what caused this discrepancy? Now, the easiest answer is that the interpreter, who was a modern equestrian, added or misinterpreted material in the original text that’s being transliterated here, so that an idea that’s not from the crustal ponies is being misattributed ti the crustal ponies. I would never say that ‘Erebus’ and ‘the Ubrum’ are the same entity. But I don’t know, others disagree. Maybe this interpreter decided to refer to the Umbrum as Erebus? It’s a poem after all. That’s the most boring answer. But a more interesting answer would be that what we are seeing here is an older strain of the Crystal religion before it was influenced by the Equestrian religion. What if earlier versions of the religion did have a beginning if the universe? Or what if this is a lost strain? Or what if this is actually an older religion, now lost? I think a lot of these questions could be answered if we had the whole book. But we’re not going to know, because we are not going to find it.”

She places her hooves over her face, and seems sad.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I don't know what a manticore is, but I doubt they eat like lamias do."

She watches and waits patiently as he ties up Hopper and returns to Kira. Even with an older goat, the pony still makes him cute, and there does exist some hesitation within the young lamia seeing him interact with his goat he's spent so long caring for. She needs to eat, though, and deep within a primal part of her lends her the resolve to not back down. In this world, there are predators and prey, and it is the natural order of things for the predator to consume, and the prey to be consumed. She nods to the farm stallion as he returns.

"Do you need any more time with him before? It will be quick, when it happens, I promise you."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver reaches over with his hooves and wraps up the adorkable mare in a hug. He gives her a friendly squeeze to try to console her.
175579 175580
The little mare is squeezed

With Pear sitting and Silver standing, this means he leans over her. Her hat is tilted, nearly coming off. She is smaller and thin, fairly lacking in muscles. Her construct is closer to a unicorn or Pegasus than an earth pony. Her coat and mane are both soft and well groomed.

The stallion looks at Hopper - almost straight in the eyes because they are almost the same height - and gives him a scritch on the top of his head between his ears.
“No.” He answers. He looks at the goat a little longer, then turns back to Kira.

“Do you need his horns removed?”
The buck has horns of moderate length several inches long that are curved back and recurve at the end. These will not get stuck in her throat, now would they tear her if the goat moved its head back and forth in Kira’s stomach. But they would make regurgitation very difficult if, for whatever reason, Kira needed to. She’s almost never needed to. Kira also needs to know that while yes, this goat will go down easily enough, and yes, he’ll digest easily enough, he is definitely going to immobilize Kira for some time, he is definitely big enough that his presence in Kira’s gut could inspire unwanted speculation as to her diet, and even getting back home from the farm may not be easy. But if she does choose this goat, this will be the last time for at least 10 days, maybe longer, she’ll need to do this. It isn’t too late to choose the kid, or maybe some third animal instead.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
He keeps her locked in a hug for a few seconds longer, enjoying the warmth and softness of the mare while he cane before he lets her go. He looks back down at the pages.

"Hmm...does your university have spellcasting unicorns? I am certain there are spells for this specific circumstance, to restore damaged book pages or even completely reverse damages and reconstruct entire books."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
No, Kira has waffled about for too long already. If she doesn't go along with it now, she might not be able to at all. She looks at the tied up goat, destined for her dinner.

"Does it hurt the goat at all?"
175582 175583
Hopper moves back, as if sending something wrong, so the stallion pets him more.

“It does, yes. The horns are a part of the skull bone and partly alive.”

The little mare is hugged. She almost falls over when Silver releases her, until she catches herself with her forehooves.

“There is restoration magic, yes, but the problem is that entire pages and parts of the book are missing.” She answers
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira shakes her head.

"Better not, then. I'm not here to make the poor thing hurt and suffer." She sighs. "Alright. When you've spent enough time with him, you can go. I'm not sure you'd want to be around for this." Looking back at Neela, Kira continues, "I know you said you can serve as a witness so that ponies don't think I actually ate, well, a pony, but you don't have to physically watch, either."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver does try to help steady her, when he notices how off-balance she is.

"Perhaps there are spells for that, too, to find missing parts of same object. Or, at least I would think so. Magic has never really been my specialty."
175585 175588
“Hokey dokey” the stallion says, wrapping the twine around a hoof and walking backwards. Hopper complies, and trots along. The stallion takes the goat to the pen, not that many feet away.

Neela waits until the stallion is away, and moves to the edge of the imaginary ring around Kira. She looks at Kira with both ears up to address her directly.

“Why wouldn’t I want to watch?” She asks in a venomous, mocking tone. “You’re just a normal pony, right? Like any Equestrian pony, right? You come up to restaurants and eat your stuffed peppers, you buy your spice at the market. What is there to hide? What is unusual? You’re not a monster, right?” She tilts her head and has a smile that suggestive of anger.

“This morning, I was sold for a bribe to a monster with the suggestion that I be eaten as food by the masters of this land. Oh they were joking, sure, but I know that they were also dead serious. This is all just a game to them. A game of which stallion can prove they are the bravest and who can handle reptiles. They could have just sent you back. That’s probably what they would have done if their supervisors were looking over their shoulder. But instead they let you go because they thought you’d be a great pet, or a mascot maybe, while those of us without paperwork are set to become slaves.”

She tilts her head with a maddened smile.
“And then, for the first time in my life fortune smiles upon me, because someone - someone - thought I was cuter than a goat. Not as cute as a baby goat, no, but cuter than an adult. So I get to live instead of being eaten by the master’s mascot.”

She leans in, lifts a fore hoof and narrows her eyes at Kira, not in anger but a sort of gleeful examination.
“But those customs ponies were right. The old Nagini, the monster of the stories of my youth, requires a sacrifice. And so long as you live, some creature must die.” She tilts her head the opposite direction, ears flopping in the process. “That’s not going to be me.” Turning her body to the side, as if to follow Kira. “Let’s see what a Nagini really is. How you really live.”

Neela breathes out, evidently done.

“Well, yeah but… it’s been burnt.” She says, presumably no longer cradled by Silver.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Okay, but...what if you used both of those spells?"

She is not current being cradled, but if that's what she wants...
Posey will spend part the next day selling her equipment in the city.
175590 175591
He closes his eyes, tilts his head to the left in a shrug, and momentarily takes his right hoof off of the steering wheel.
“Suit yourself.”

Which equipment? You’ve mentioned the jewelry, but what else? The jewelry is maybe 90 bits, being on the lower end.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira blinks, not fully able to unpack everything of what Neela said and meant in her rant. Even though it hadn't been invented yet, it is as if she had been flashbanged by words, unable to really form much of a response, not even so much as a rebuttal, to what Neela has said as it still processes through her mind. Only one thought manages to make its way through the mess of thoughts to the surface to be spoken by Kira:

"Who said you weren't cuter than a baby goat?"

But the rest of her thoughts will have to wait. In Neela's own words, the sacrifice is ready, and her hunger needs to be sated. She waits for the stallion to finish his work, to tie up the goat inside the pen, and leave before she slithers forward into the pen with the goat, taking the opposite side of him. She looks at Hopper with sad eyes, knowing what is about to happen, what must happen.
175592 175593
The little pony remains uncraddled. Hard to say what she wants.

“Well…” she tilts her head, and ear flopping down. “I don’t really know. I can’t say magic is my specialty…”

Neela scrunches, and flops her ears down.

But the goat is ready. Kira must either slither around the pen, or through it.
175591 175594
>The jewelry is maybe 90 bits
>Which equipment?
The Healer's Kits. The armor she looted. The silver holy symbol. Some of her scrolls.
Mostly just the things I know the market value of, but probably won't use.
Since the jewelry isn't worth that much, Posey will only sell the rings, since she can wear the rest.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Around the pen, I suppose.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Well, nothing for it other than to cradle her and see how she reacts. As Silver resumes the cradling of the small mare, he continues chatting with her.

"What about old, ancient magics?"
Actually, I'm going to keep the holy symbol. It could be useful for impersonation in the future.
175596 175649 175650
The little pony is cradled. She looks up at Silver with an awkward, toothy smile, and a blush.

“Eh heh, yeah…” she looks away, and then uses her hoof to move her mane, and her hat, out of her eyes. “What I study is all religious in nature.” Moving her eyes up and around and using her hoof to gesture, “rituals, prayers, things like that.” Still smiling awkwardly. “Not really… practical magic. Unless asking a spirit to bring rain or put a hex on your neighbor is your idea of ‘practical’.

The rings were the only thing counted in that.

Kira slithers the wrong way around, to come to a door on the enclosed pen. The stallion opens it and walks through it.

“Uh, lift the latch to get in or out. You can untie the goat, if you want.” He has a toothy smile, nods at Kira, and moves past her. He isn’t sticking around. Neela follows Kira

Do it.
>The rings were the only thing counted in that
Posey still has a necklace, bangle, and bracelet from her adventures, but she likes gold jewelry so she'll wear it unless she needs to sell it.
Selling the armor would put a divine scroll of Imbue With Spell Ability within Posey's budget... but thinking in character, she would just trust the hyena to come up with whatever spells he wants to expend to buff her for the ritual himself.
She does sell her scroll of Hide From Undead, because it's worthless to her (she can already cast the spell with a higher DC) and idk why I put it in my starting equipment.
Posey meditates for her spellcasting during the day, so after her shopping she spends 8 hours relaxing in the manor with Gloomy.

I guess that would be all that Posey is able to do within this day.
175598 175606
After doing her daily preparations, Posey will make sure that her offering is still alive.
"Good evening, Sasha." Posey declares, as she enters the room
"I have decided what I will do with you. You will be doing some charity work at the local kaftar church."
"I owe a favor to the Kaftars, and you won't stand out too much in their neighborhood, at least not at a glance. Do your job well, and the Kaftars will see to it that you're released peacefully."
Bluff check
[1d20+14 = (16+14) = 30]
>inb4 1
I really hope I didn't waste that RNG 16 that I would have needed for the ritual...
175608 175615 175616

The sounds of angry pony, occasional shouting, Mustard Trim talking, and howls of laughter

The skin, in those few places where it shows through the fur, like the nose and the edges of the eyes, is black. She looks oddly stiff, with yellowing eyes, pupils that "bleed" black into her irises. Her eyes are open, and there is a small smile on her face. She does not shiver nor shake, but her chest rises and falls almost normally.

"Okay." Is her only reply

You did.

>8 hours relaxing in the manor with Gloomy.
lol no

The colt pleads with Posey
"Weren't you going to take me into town? You said there was chocolate sprinkles and pretzels?!"
Pic very much related
Amber Sunset
Okay, Amber has to see this. Can she peer around a corner?
Kind of, though if she comes too close she could be visible to Salt Mixer (if she decided to not look at the commotion... which seems unlikely). She could also go outside to see
Amber Sunset
Though it's probably more of a breach of work rules than idling within the establishment, she decides to go outside and look in at the patio.
Amber can see Mustard Trim awkwardly responding to a table, Trakr bending over about to die of laughter, and Red Scabbard, alternating between hacking up and trying to complain.
Amber Sunset
Poor Mustard! But if he knew why she did this, he would have found the same amount of glee she's feeling. She can't help but stick around for a few more seconds before going back inside.
Trakr manages to compose himself for just long enough to struggle out the phrase

"Excuse me. My goulash isn't spicy enough."
Then he goes back to laughing
Amber Sunset
175631 175634
Trakr does seem to have a good sense of humor regarding the whole thing, and Amber is glad she didn't spice up his dish. Anyway, she knows better than to be missing for an extended period of time and goes back to the hostess stand, wondering if Red Scabbard will leave.
175616 175631
>The skin, in those few places where it shows through the fur, like the nose and the edges of the eyes, is black. She looks oddly stiff, with yellowing eyes, pupils that "bleed" black into her irises. Her eyes are open, and there is a small smile on her face. She does not shiver nor shake, but her chest rises and falls almost normally.
Fucking hell, I thought Baka cured her.
Oh well, it won't matter soon.
Posey narrows her eyes.
"Very well then."
She telepathically calls the ghast that she still controls.
"Bring her to the car. Tell Mason that I will be there as soon as I have Gloomy."
And with a bippity boppity boop, she casts Disguise Undead, to transform the ghast into a handsome, still-living, elegantly-dressed version of itself.
>One cannot just march a ghoul into the Duke's Court. But as the fumes issuing from the cocoon surround the creature, the form of the ghoul is replaced with that of a stately courtier armed with a rapier. Of course, it will have to keep its mouth shut.
I love that spell's description.
"And do try to freshen up a bit; we'll be meeting important guests. Do well on this trip, and I'll see to it that you are rewarded appropriately." Posey punctuates, sending the ghast on its way as she trots off to comb Gloomy 's mane.
"And you two." She says, referring to the Dreads."
"Drop your weapons, and remain inanimate in this room until I return. Do not pay any regard to those who enter the room." Posey says, functionally putting the Dreads on idle mode.
She trots off
"~Oh Gloomy! I've got such a splendid lesson for you..." She says in her sing-song voice as she finds her little sweetie
Wait... A minute...
>She looks oddly stiff
>yellowing eyes, pupils that "bleed" black into her irises
>Her eyes are open, and there is a small smile on her face
>She does not shiver nor shake, but her chest rises and falls almost normally.
...Is she dead?
Posey takes 10 on her religion check to identify undead, for a modified 21, to check if this dog is undead.
175633 175634 175635
[1d100 = 10]
[1d20 = 18]

Amber faces an elderly couple that's a bit... too talkative. There's a bit of back and forth, but mostly there are long pauses of not much going on.

The ghast obeys

The little colt's tail wags

Well, it's breathing, which implies life, and it's lacking in the typical animating magic of the undead.
So long as she still has an int score of 3 (ability to speak) and is still alive, she'll do.
It doesn't take long for Posey to get Gloomy ready.
175635 175636
The colt is ready soon enough, even if he does smell of mesquite wood.

Posey is ready, as is the sacrifice

It doesn't appear Red Scabbard is going down without a fight, with him getting Salt Mixer involved
Amber Sunset
Oh no. Amber engages with niceties with the couple as she gets them seated, perhaps at a high table, but otherwise is zoned out. High Sewn getting involved concerns her so she peels herself away to eavesdrop while inside the restaurant.
>even if he does smell of mesquite wood
I don't think I get the reference.
Posey sniffs Gloomy for a bit, wondering why his familiar scent of faint charnel miasma and abyssal smog has changed.
Nevertheless, she gets ready to leave.
175641 175642 175664
Salt Mixer says they can send the overly spicy spice-based dish back to the kitchen, and give him a new plate that's a bit more within his tolerance levels, free of charge. Trakr commentates on this.

Oh no, the charnel miasma and the abyssal smog are still there, just with a bit of a wooden smell added. All the same, they are ready
Alright then.
Let's go disappoint some mourning gnolls.
Amber Sunset
Well that's disappointing! At least it made his experience moderately more inconvenient. Amber won't risk doing it all a second time, and goes back to work.
Mason is ready as well
Just me anticipating failing the check.

Does the drive to the church go smoothly?
175646 175648 175651
What racial bonuses should a griffon PC get? One should be flying, obviously. Griffons are also large and geared more towards fighting, so a physical ability might get a bonus. On the other hand (claw?) a charisma malus would be appropriate.
What stats did pegasi get?
Griffons should get flight, and maybe a natural claw attack.
Note that claw attacks are especially useful for flying characters.
Conversely, you could just stat them as 3.5e Raptorans (Races Of The Wild), which are a very powerful and popular race in 3.5e. If you use Raptoran stats, you might want to bump up flight to level 1.
they have cat body, so they always land on their feet. also maybe agility.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Heh heh, ain't she just the cutest? Silver continues cradling the little mare.

"I imagine there are plenty of cultures where those really are practical skills. Spirits bringing rain does make me think of how pegasi can manipulate weather. Maybe some cultures saw this occur and assumed it was weather spirits that were responsible."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Alright, Kira heads into the pen. Once inside, she looks at the goat with her sad eyes that look so much like a bat pony's.

"I'm sorry Hopper, but it has to be this way."

She closes her eyes, clearing her mind and preparing herself for what's to come. From deep inside, her instincts begin to call out and reach for the surface. That part of herself which most would consider to be ponylike is slowly quieted as a more primal, animal-like side drowns it out. She is no longer Kira the lamia, facing Hopper the goat. She is now a predator, facing her prey.

Kira opens her eyes, the pupils and irises contracting to be far more slitted, far more snake-like. Gone is the sadness with which she looked upon the goat, replaced with the intense focus of a predator. Her tongue flicks out of her mouth, getting a taste of prey in the air. Her mouth reflexively opens up, a small pop ringing out as her false pony jaw gives way. The skin around her mouth seems to morph and stretch unnaturally as it opens far wider than it should on a normal pony. Her fangs extend fully, and if it weren't for the few remaining pony features such as the ears and mane, Neela would have a hard time believing Kira could have ever looked like an equine.

Raising her upper half into the air as tall as she can given the limits of the enclosure, the lamia looks down at the goat, opens her mouth up fully, and with a small hiss strikes at the goat's head, intending to wrap her jaws around it to start a grapple.

[1d20+8 = (10+8) = 18]
175652 175757 175758
Yes. Though the soldiers are inquisitive tonight, and there are more of them out than the night before. There are more of every creature out than the night before, as the rain has passed. Posey isn't especially harangued, but she isn't necessarily unseen.

Uh... let me get back to you on that

Still blushing, and still craddled, she looks away and says "Not, heh, not in front of my coworkers. They already think you and I slept-" but then breaks off mid sentence and looks directly into Silver's eyes, and says "Saw what? Pegasi moving clouds? No, that's not it, most of these are far away from any ponies. Or at least there were." It's at this point that her eyes start wandering around again "But anyways it's not quite the same thing. Well, it is, kind of. I mean, the magic is the same, or the magical mechanism is... similar? But philosophically it's an entirely different worldview. Incredibly different. Under Celestialism, ponies are stewards over the natural order. You could say that ponies hold a higher place within the machine of the universe we understand as Harmony, well, a higher place than most creatures. Basically all creatures. And there are a few faiths sort of like that. Like the Changelings. Well the changelings aren't very much like Celestial harmony at all, but I mean, they see themselves as kind of above nature as its kind of top predators, able to take advantage of things, if not necessarily tasked with the responsibility of, well, maintaining it." At this point, Silver probably regrets sparking this tangent. "But, I mean, in these other faiths. The ones where they pray to spirits for rain, they see themselves as below a whole class of spiritual creatures and gods. Well, Celestialism has Harmony as a Spirit and Changelings have the Great Mother that are above them, but, you know" She starts gesticulating as if this aids in communication. "These faiths don't think they have the power to change the weather. They have to ask another spirit to aid them. And that spirit is not as high as, well, being the universal essence of magic and order itself. Or the creator god. But anyways, these spirits manipulate the weather directly themselves by magic. Sometimes these are understood to be singular gods, but sometimes these are more like regular creatures that happen to be made entire out of magic and are immortal. Well, okay, that's not a regular creature, but I mean, it's a level below a god and above the practitioner."

Hopper makes it easy for her. The goat doesn't seem to recognize Kira as anything other than a pony at first. Just as he did with the farmer, he walks towards Kira going out to the end of his twine, and stretching his muzzle and neck out towards her, to sniff or lick her, and focusing on her hoof.

With Hopper's head nearly in the center of the enclosure, Kira's full body likely doesn't enter inside the enclosure, at least not until she curls up later. Rather, a little part of her tail remains outside through the still open door. The farmer has walked away, evidently busy with other tasks. Neela stands near the open door, looking intently at the scene through the 2 by 4s and chicken wire that make up the walls of the pen, designed, presumably, to keep the foxes and coyotes out.

Kira finds that the enclosure is shorter in height than she can stand upright, but is still able to loom over the goat. Hopper is not small at all. He is massive for goat sizes, and is as big as the farmer stallion.

Kira easily bites into Hopper's head.
Posey quickly and quietly leaves the vehicle, Gloomy trotting beneath her cloak. She telepathically commands the ghast to bring Sasha along. She goes to the church, and knocks, announcing that she's brought the volunteer.
175654 175656
Wait. Posey doesn't have internal passports for those two, and the checkpoint would absolutely be looking for those
175655 175660 175661
You could have told me this at the beginning of the week, GM.

Fuck it, Posey spends part of her meditation time making a Forgery check for Sasha and the ghoul.
Forgery is opposed by Forgery, and NOBODY takes forgery, so unless one of the guards is a lvl 5-10 Rogue (in which case, I had better be getting a ton XP for this encounter), it's improbable that they'd think twice, especially with Posey having a modified 26 taking 10 on her Bluff check.
She repeats this for the ghoul.
Posey would already have whatever paperwork she needs to bring Gloomy around.

Forgery checks are made secretly, so roll Posey's check herself. Exhausting all of her relevant modifiers and using her own passport as an example, Posey has a +15 modifier to her forgery check.

Forgery is only a class skill for Experts and Rogues, so it's improbable that the guards have any ranks in it. They do get a +2 bonus for being familiar with the type of document.
>Forgery checks are made secretly, so roll Posey's check herself
*Roll her check yourself in secret
Am I able to get through, GM?
And for good measure, Posey uses her Charming Gaze on the guards to smooth things along (because why wouldn't she? It's at-will, and has no components).
DC 19, as usual.
On the one hoof, the ID cards are supposed to have a magic watermark that makes forgery very difficult or close to impossible if the magic is checked. It might be easier to leave the ghast at home and use a cover story about why the dog doesn't have one. Or in the alternative, use forgery to forge birth certificates that are then used to obtain real cards for the ghast and the dog, so that there is only ever one forgery roll.

But really, I don't think it matters, because unless this goes catastrophically wrong, how she was checked in does not matter. So we can just sidestep the issue and say sure, she gets in fine.
Amber proceeds to get confused with the seating chart, and then, after an oddly short period of time, Amber can see Red Scabbard leaving, still thrusting his tongue out of his mouth, sometimes unfolding his wings up and outward, and looking back to Trakr angrily. Trakr has a very wide smile across his face, and giggles. Red Scabbard does not specifically look at or address Amber on his way out.
There's always room for that

Anyway, Posey proceeds with her plan.
Kaftars line up along the street, occasionally showing their beige fur under the light of the few street lamps. They watch Posey as she goes. Posey makes it to the old church.
Posey knocks on the church door and announces that she has arrived.
The assistant from the night before opens the door. From within, Posey sees a silhouette against the candlelight, and the voice of the priest calls:
"Come in"
>>175666 (checked)
"I have brought her." Posey says
She telepathically commands the ghast
>"Bring her in and keep her close. When I give the signal, paralyze her without killing her."

Posey continue
"Have you had adequate time to prepare?"
Are we doing this tonight, GM?
175670 175679 175695
Whenever we get around to it, Posey requests that the priest take time to prepare Agire's body, as well as any spells, incense or items that could aid Posey in her skill check, and to call on as many of his flock as he's willing to bring to witness the ceremony.
Posey specifically requests the spell named Desecrate, a Clerical spell that she knows of specifically, as it is the envy of all Necromancers for its ability to create undead with additional HP.

Now to lay out the specifics for the sacrifice. Posey is is personally trying to hit a DC 35 sacrifice check to create the effect of Greater Planar Ally call on a Lilitu, an Apostate Demon that specializes in impersonating deities, priests and angels to trick them into worshipping demons (hitting the DC 40 for Limited Wish isn't so realistic), and to use its powers to raise Agire from the dead. HOWEVER, since Posey is doing this on an altar of the Angel, she is doing it directly under the eye of whatever spiritual entity the Kaftars actually worship. It's possible that regardless of her check or the success of her ritual, an entity from beyond the void will offer its own reward/effect as it sees appropriate for her offering, despite the specifics of her plea. It's also plausible that the Angel will become enraged by a mere pony desecrating its congregation and may smite Posey for her hubris or send one of its servants to attack her, especially if she rolls especially low... Posey cannot take 10 on this roll.
Posey makes an appeal for the audience of a ravenous spirit of hunger to reveal itself and disgorge Agire from the grave.

Posey has a base religion mod of +11. She can further increase her mod in the following ways:
>+1 taking an hour
>+2 altar
>+2 masterwork tool (grimoire)
>+1 tortured 1 day prior (disease + heartbreak)
>+1 HD
>+1 Sadism
>+1 Masochism
With these modifiers, Posey has to roll a 15 or higher to succeed in her check, improbable, but still plausible.

Further, there are other mods that could possibly increase the check, but are not guaranteed:
>+1 successful perform check (Posey's slam poetry)
>+1 race hated by the Angel?
>+1 loss of extremities by hungry demon (does a ghast count?)
>+1 10 or more followers
>+1 100 or more followers (would require rallying the kaftar neighborhood and risk exposure)
>+1 doing it in public (on the steps of the church)
>+2 presence of a ghast (in generic d&d the deity of the Gnolls also has rulership over ghouls)
The following are spell effects that could potentially increase the check:
>+1 Desecrate
>+1 Unhallow
>+1 Guidance
>+20 Guidance Of The Avatar (cheesy)
>+10 Imbue With Spell Ability to imbue Posey with Sacrificial Skill + Lore of The Gods (would also allow reroll of the check)
>+1 killed in really cool and flavorful way (Posey casting Necrotic Bloat and popping Sasha like a balloon)
I could also try for the DC 30 Planar Ally to try to call an Efreeti for 3 Wishes... But that's just asking to get monkey-pawed. Genies are jerks.
Amber Sunset
Watching a pony doing that with his mouth cannot be anything other than amusing. Amber refrains from audibly laughing, but she does smirk as she watches Red Scabbard makes his exit, hopefully for the last time, out of the restaurant. Once he's finally out of sight she can focus on whatever late-night customers arrive, presumably for the bar.
175675 175676
I'm a little busy, but we'll get to it

However entertained Amber may be by this, it does not entertain her nearly as much as it did Trakr.

The ponies going to the bar, usually single, don't need to be guided. Well, sometimes they do, since a wall blocks most of the view of the bar from the entry point, and you kind of have to look to the far left. The time comes to stop accepting customers for the restaurant, and to close for the night. Customers are still eating, but it's helpful to begin cleaning up
Amber Sunset
It's part of Amber's duty to turn away latecomers, however many there might be. If there aren't any at the moment she helps the waiters, since she can't bear to stand around when there's something to do.
>we'll get to it
Ready when you are then.
I laid out potential parameters above.
175678 175679
And then, closing time. Amber finds that she did indeed make a mistake, at least early in the shift, in directing too many customers to Melon Mangrove. She has half of the booths, and unlike Cream Pop's, hers are in line of sight to Amber. But it may also be from customers who slipped through Amber while she was not marering her post, as again, hers are the closest to the entrance. A few tables to clean up, chairs to put up, and of course, Mustard is doing the same.
Amber Sunset
"I'm sorry about that imbalance. I should've been more careful with all those customers," she apologizes to the other customers. Unfortunately it seems like her sidequest hurt her performance, at least a little. At least moving things around keeps her from dwelling on it too much.
Is the priest prepared for Posey's plan?
175681 175682
The customer vary in reaction, many of them not knowing what he is referring to and some understanding. But one gives her an unpleasant look.

It is done: all work that could be considered among Amber's duties is complete.

Ritual baths have been taken and prayers said
>prayers said
Okay, does he have any helpful spell prepared?

Posey wordlessly gets to work, levitating and rummaging through her components pouch while flipping through her necronomicon as she gets ready. With a single hoof, she reaches beneath her cloak to pet Gloomy.
The ghast leads Sasha inside.

"Will anycreature else be joining us for the ceremony?"
Amber Sunset
Drat, I meant the waiters, not the customers.

She might finally get the chance to eat, and takes a gander at the kitchen to see what's available.