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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1727 replies and 50 files omitted.
Neella smiles
"Don't worry, when you die, your soul will be born again into a different animal, so you can see it from our point of view. Perhaps you will be a goat. Maybe you already have been."

Bright Dye
"Wait, your mother was head huntress?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Neela's statement breaks Kira out of her funk, and actually gets her into giggle fits. She bends over laughing and is smiling widely with her eyes closed as she keeps "hehehe"ing until the tea is ready. There are even tears in her eyes from the laughter.
Neela scrunches, but no one is paying attention to her

"Add some sugar to mine" Bright Dye says,

The tea is ready to be served
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira's gigglefit passes, and she goes over to the teacups. She adds some sugar to Bright Dye's and her own, and carries the tray with their cups and the kettle over to the stallion and the deer.

"Thank you so much, Neela, I really needed that. Not that your belief system is funny, just that the idea of being a goat is really silly." Kira takes a sip of her tea. "Anyways, she is. I've always wanted to be like her, a great huntress, going out on the savanna to bring back food for the tribe and protecting the others when the bad guys attacked."
Amber Sunset
Amber shivers in the cold breeze but at least it helps keep herself awake. She arrived at her apartment, puts away her clothing, washes up, and prays before bed. She prays for forgiveness regarding her misdeeds and how they have led her down a trail of deceit and mischief. She also wishes that she can better understand Mustard and not inadvertently drive him away. She hopes that her waitress position will work out and help her gain the respect of the rest of the restaurant staff. She wishes for future opportunity for adventure, preferably of the kind that does not involve deceiving ponies or being subject to their unwholesome advances. Finally, she wishes for the wisdom to understand what happened the night before and what led to her cutie mark glowing.

With at least a clean, warm bed, though without the warmth of company, she settles in to sleep.
Kira presumably sets the cups down on a coffee table in front of the couch. Kira may attempt to "sit" on the couch between Neela and Bright Dye, "sit" on a chair to the right (their left) of the couch, simply coil up across the table, or between the table and the couch.

Neela does not see the humor and does not accept the gratitude, but sits back against the couch in silenced discontent, lips tight and forelegs crossed. Bright Dye, however, moves forward across the gap between the couch and the table, and takes his cup of tea. He takes a sip.

"So how does that work? Do you... jump out and strangle animals, or do you set traps...? Are there guns?" He lets his sentences trail off but seems genuinely curious as he looks up to his host.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira coils up on the other side of the table and "sits" her pony half on top of her coil, as it's what feels most comfortable to her.

"We didn't use guns, just spears and bows or just regular ol' constriction. A lot of it is ambush hunting, you know, setting up in a tree that could hold our weight and dropping down onto prey, hiding in the tall grass, setting traps. We have good lunge speed but we're not very good in a chase. Our tribe especially was known for turning opium from poppies into a concentrated oil for our arrowheads. We'd 'ploink' shoot an arrow into our target, and the oil would quickly go to work putting the animal to sleep. Then we would...you know..." ssiiippp "It makes us feel funny after. It definitely can be a risk if another predator comes across us in our stupor, so usually you need to first go to a safe place with your prey."
"You use opiates? And bows and Spears? How advanced are you... I mean... How different is Baltimare for you? How much is new?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"It's all...really new. Like that radio over there, I had heard it pulls music and sound out of the air but I had never seen one before. And all of these tall buildings...I never thought of us as being all that far behind other civilizations and cultures, but after all I've seen in a relatively short time I guess we really are a step behind everyone else." sssiiip "I mean, it's not like we're some kind of backwards savages, just...we never had any kind of technology like this."
"So..." He struggles to put the words together. "Why do you look like ponies? I mean, you're from Zebrica, right? So why are you so much like a type of pony? Why aren't you zebras, or..." He struggles to find a word. "Monsters. I mean, you're a giant snake, right? Why are you... why are you a pony?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira is...a bit speechless. Not in an angry or insulted manner, just...confused, puzzled. She gives a blank stare as the cogs in her brain turn, trying to figure out an answer for a question she has never considered before. She ends up tilting her head at the stallion, still looking as lost as she did before.

"I...I don't know. I've never really thought of that. I guess I've never seen a pony before coming here so that question never would have come up, but..." She ponders the question a bit longer. "...I really don't know. All of the stories of how we came to be, I suppose we've just been here since the world came into existence. I've never stopped to consider why we wouldn't look like the zebras we live so close to." A lightbulb turns on in her head. "...hmm, that would actually help my case, if it turns out ponies and lamias share an origin..."

He then takes a sip, and asks,
"What is your case?"
Does Agire speak?
Posey needs to confirm he has at least 3 Int left.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I'm going to try to convince the governor of this place to let my people in as refugees. I want to convince him that we'll be responsible and loyal citizens that are compatible with the values of this land and can contribute to the wealth and prosperity of Equestria. Or, whatever it's called now."
Now, it's Bright Dye's turn to have a gigglefit,
"Heh. Haha. Hahaha" For a moment he pauses, seeming to be done, but then he starts laughing again
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
And it is indeed Kira's turn to scrunch.

"What is it?"
He breathes out, and wipes a tear from his eye
“Oh you sweet foal. Good luck with that.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
tilts head

"Uh...thank you?" Kira takes another sip of her tea, finishing what's in her cup. She turns to Neela next. "Are you okay, Neela? You're rather quiet."
She is still scrunchy. For the first time she leans forward, and moves towards her cup.


She takes a sip
"Hmmmm. No sugar for me, I guess"

"So are you going to get a job at a factory, or..."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Oh, did you want sugar? I'm sorry, you should have told me."

Kira goes to get the sugar, and comes back with it for her dear deer friend.

"Maybe someday, but I need to get the governor's attention and I'm not sure factory work will do that. The ponies at Customs told me that R&M might be in need of help, and helping there would definitely get me noticed by the governor."
Kira slithers off, and then into the kitchen

"What do you mean for work for R&M?" A small pause "You mean like... enforcement work?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Sugar for her dear deer.

"I don't know. I don't really know what R&M does or what kind of help they could need. I just know it's how I can get the governor's attention."
“Revenue and Migration. They collect taxes, especially on imported goods and alcohol, they stop smuggling, and most of all they handle immigration. Any kind of work with them is probably going to be security work strong-arming creatures, at least that’s what I’d imagine.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Oh. Well, hopefully what I end up doing isn't too bad or mean." She looks over at Neela again. "Are you sure everything's alright?"
176025 176053 176147
When Agire is finished, Posey asks both priests if they're prepared to continue the line of succession for their temple.
176026 176028 176053
She leans forward and places a cube of sugar in the tea. She starts to stir the sugar into the tea with a spoon, and scrapes against the side with a loud "nyee nyee nyee." She does not make eye contact.

"Considering how the day started, it's quite alright."

She looks over at Bright Dye and says,
"I don't have a job now. You want to know why? Because I was arrested because of some vague 'suspicion' by the police in some kind of mass round up. They had to admit that they had nothing on me and let me go after four days. So they sent me to R&M, who said I was to be deported, because the work visa I was given back in the time of Princess was just a '180 day work visa' or whatever. But they didn't just send me there. Oh no, that's too easy. Too professional. They sent a policemare there to personally convince them I was 'hiding something' or whatever. They had to make it personal. Probably because I couldn't tell them whatever it was they were trying to find out about my roommates. I don't know what they do, I just lived with them because wages are low and housing is expensive. And they were gone before the police found me as their... 'consolation prize'. Ha! They couldn't handle the dissapointment.

So Customs was going to deport me to Lushi. But - get this! - they said they couldn't do it because they 'couldn't confirm I was a Lushi national'. They said there were no records of me being there? Seriously? I am Sangee. No shit there are no records. There wouldn't be. The Lushians log down their births in the registry of the temple of Boreas. And their residents in the village registry. We didn't belong to the temple, and we never stayed long in the villages. And the Fascists probably burned these registries anyways when they invaded and looted the country after I left. The real reason, I am sure, they did not acknowledge my country - they could never call me 'Equestrian' - was that if they did, they would have to admit that this far off land of backwards non-ponies, was now another part of their Empire. And in any case, they would have to let me apply for another work visa. But no, they said I was 'Stateless'. Fair enough maybe, perhaps that's what we Sangee are, a nation with no homeland. But... They were going to send me off. Overseas, to a work camp. Or maybe sell me off to Zebras, I don't know."
She leans down, and starts to nibble on a sugar cube, each tiny bite taking an infinitesimal of the cube with it.

She soon looks back up
"Then this one came. One of the pony stallions working there wanted to show off how much of a stallion he was, and tried to handle her like you would a pet python. Soon enough, the whole office wanted to pet on her like she was some kind of mascot or something, and they came up with this fiction that she was an 'exotic animal' imported by herself, even though she had no right to a visa. And, for reasons I have yet to divine, she offered to take me as an exotic animal, and bribed them. And so they sold me to her, the same way you sold that goat. They said she could take me if she eats me. They were 'joking,' I am sure. But it wasn't a joke. They meant it. They were hoping it."
She looks down, and nibbles more on the sugar cube

"So I don't have an ID, and could get arrested if I am found away from her for too long. I can't get a job..."
She nibbles on the second, or rather, third sugar cube.

Bright Dye is visibly awkward after all of that

I think you and I have two different interpretations about what it means to be undead that are of story consequence
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira blinks. You know, these sugar cubes are starting to look good. She grabs one and munches on it with a satisfying crunch.

"Mmm...uh, that's more or less what happened, yeah. I came here, she was in a verbal altercation with a police mare and a Customs pony while I was working out with the ponies there how I would be staying here in Equestria. By the time we had finished they were getting ready to send her away. I felt bad for her and made the exotic animal suggestion because, well, if it worked for me then maybe it would work for her?"
Kira lacks the teeth to truly nibble. At best, she can cut it in half. She could also place one in her mouth and wait for it to dissolve, although the sugar cubes are dense enough that this will take a little time.

"Is this... a bad time for me to be here?" Bright Dye asks
>interpretations about what it means to be undead that are of story consequence
Well, I sort of interpreted it to be "undead with sapient intelligence scores" that can also speak, particularly those with class levels.
I guess it depends on the mileau though.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"No no, it's a great time to be here, actually." Kira smiles at Bright Dye. "As you can see, Neela has had some troubles in her life recently. She needs friends and companions more than ever before."
"Are you sure you don't want the kid as a pet goat?" He asks
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"...I'm tempted, honestly. I'm not sure how well he'd do as an inside goat, though."
"Inside of what?"
She snickers immediately after saying this
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki

Okay, that was kind good, even Kira has to admit it. It gets a snrk out of her in the middle of her scrunching.

"Ponies have bought goats from you to keep as pets, right? How have they handled them?"
"I think so, though honestly of my animals are for meet consumption by the immigrant communities. As I was telling Ms. Pheeta here while you were out, I started off working with sheep out in New Mareland and Sicameon, wool sheep, back when the wool industry out there was strong. I got my own ranch around the unicorn range some years back, and after a business trip here I found my current spot on the edge of town, and realized there was a niche. Well it's more complicated than that - there was a lot of drama over inheritance and... - well, that's the gist of it. But yes, a couple ponies have taken goats as pets. And I've kept two of them myself, kind of. Mostly to show my foals how to raise animals. But I could tell you something about how to raise them."

Neela giggles again
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Wow, you've been to so many different places! It would be interesting to learn a bit more about how they're raised. Maybe the information will prove useful in other applications, too."
"Heh, it's not that many. Mostly grassy or shrub-filled hillsides for sheep to graze on. Yeah, I probably could teach you something. The goats at least don't seem to be afraid of you."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I hope it stays that way...goats are pretty cute. Almost as cute as Neela!"
Neela's ears go back, and she blushy scrunches, and then just blushes, raising her forelegs and bending her hooves down

"She is rather cute, isn't she."

Neela manages to speak
"That must be why she didn't eat me. I looked cuter than a goat to her."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Hehe! Oh, just one of the reasons why." Kira bleps with her sort of hybrid snake/pony tongue. "I guess it's the opposite of that saying: she's so cute I just couldn't eat her up."
Her ears are down, and Kira can see her porcelian white teeth in a bashful smile. As she looks at Kira, she seems genuinely touched.
"I saw how you were looking at me. From when you first saw me at Customs. You must really think I'm cute to overcome that hunger of yours."

She turns her head over towards Bright Dye and angles it down.
"Though she's far from the first to hunger for me."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
D'awwwwwwwwww. That smile really works to brighten up Kira's day. At Neela's second statement, she giggles.

"Are you saying everyone's wanted a little 'venison' for dinner?"
With this statement, she has to place a hoof and foreleg over her face. When she manages to look at Bright Dye and Kira, she says,

"I've got quite the flavor."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Hehe! Almost makes me wish I could eat you!"
She smiles to Kira, slowly closing her lips into a smile that is warmer than it is mischievous.

"Oh, I know you do. That's why I'm glad you're stuffed with goat right now. And I hope you stay stuffed for a while."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
176047 176048
Kira smiles warmly back at Neela, before turning to Bright Dye.

"What do you think?"
[1d20+5 = (9+5) = 14]
Looking over at Neela
"I think I can sort of see where you are coming from"

And then to Kira
"But you are both very silly"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Hehehe! I suppose you're right about that. It probably helps us to get along so well."
d20 Modern Core Rulebook.pdf
The DnD 3.5 Modern Rulebook has some interesting stuff that could be used if you're interested.
As per her conscious design, Amber arrives home in her apartment alone, for the first time since her misadventures the previous Friday night - though even that was after a visit to the club. The room is cold and dark, which is to be expected. The bed isn't necessarily comfortable, but it's far from terrible either, and certainly welcome after such a long day and so little rest. Amber quickly loses consciousness.and enters a presumed sleep.

To say that the dreams that followed were not pleasant would not be accurate. Not because they were of pleasant or even neutral character - they most assuredly were not - but because whether they could even be properly called "dreams" was questionable. Dreams are infamous for their non-sequiturs and emanative nature, with chimerical imagery and lapses in basic logic that allow the waking mind to easily distinguish reality from dream. What Amber experienced, rather, failed to attain even that level of logical consistency, for whereas dreams mimic the waking consciousness, her experiences were closer to that undiluted delirium that occurs between dreamless sleep and wakefulness, where the most absurd combinations of thoughts arrange themselves, and where pure feeling is unmediated by reason.

Whether Amber was asleep at all when she received her visions, she cannot say. All that can be said is that in that state of simultaneous consciousness and unconsciousness, visions came to Amber of a realm wholly unlike even the unwaking world. Even dreams must abide by non-contradiction, of an at least vaguely linear time, and of three-dimensional space, as even the absurdism of dreams borrows imagery from the five senses. Amber's glimpses were not so constrained.

Time flows back and forth like the ripples of a small tidal pool. Objects, ranging from the simplest of shapes to the most fantastical of chimeras seem to phase into, then out of existence. These vague analogs of known forms appear and disappear in patterns strongly reminiscent of the refractions of light as it appears against the bottom in shallow water. Objects are not alone in their evident instability, as the field of view itself melts and folds in on itself, then reverses, stops suddenly, and moves forward.

Even the sacred individuation of consciousness fails, as Amber perceives that her mind is not her own, and she shares a cacophony of alien, incomprehensible thoughts. Without matter to mark the distinction, only the one, universal reason remains, and individual consciousness merges as so many drops of water into a great sea. All memories and all foreseen futures, all thoughts and feelings are accessible and accessed. And then just as easily, it breaks apart into many.

When the sequence of events is concluded, Amber witnesses a more mature realm, where at least some images contain recognizable forms. She floats in an infinite sea of purple, green, and orange hued ether, dimly lit by green-tinted alien suns. She stays aloft with the help of a multitude of black membranous wings, and can mold the ether with the creative action of her mind. From a consciousness not her own, there is a suggestion of glee, or true happiness in this form as she molds the ether into new forms not yet seen and certainly not named.

Amber wakes up in a cold terror, evidently from bad dreams. The room is completely dark. She may reach down next to the bed to turn on the kerosene lamp.
Amber Sunset
Amber wakes up with a start. At once, having been left trembling in an inconceivable terror, she craves to not be alone in her bed, if only out of a foalish desire for familiar comfort. She left her chance for that at the restaurant though, and quickly tries to instead understand what she underwent in her dream before its vivid points escape her. Words and even thought-forms failing her, she indeed reaches for her lamp and kicks off her covers. There is one method of expression that might prove reliable though, and she jumps to retrieve her mandolin. She hasn't practiced since Friday, but she does her best to put her racing thoughts to notes in a stream of musical consciousness.
176055 176147
I'm familiar with the material, yeah. I would strongly recommend looking at this, as even the 3.5e DMG explicitly says to refer to d20 modern for anything regarding modern (even fantasy modern) settings.
I think the part that GM might find most helpful is the conversion tables that translate wealth check DCs to gold pieces, which he'll probably want to refer to when hanging out treasure and judging the appropriate amount of equipment for each character at a given level.
The rules for guns and vehicles might be worth looking at too. I didn't really bother though, because Posey, being from the Dread League, is a low-tech character and doesn't use guns because she is not proficient. D20 modern undead get archaic weapons though, so she could use her sword, now or halberd (more civilized weapons that better complement her supernatural strength and beauty). Check out automatic weapons and their AoE rules, which is something that adds to the game as it is better than treating it as a bunch of different attack rolls, for several reasons I can elaborate on if you care about my ramblings.
The classes are worth looking into it you're not a spellcaster. It's worth noting that d20 modern classes have a LOT more skillpoints than 3.5e characters on average (which is good; 3.5e characters don't have enough skill points), as d20 modern is less magic/combat focused and much more skill/mystery/social focused. Even the Mage has 6 skillpoints per level.
The d20 modern books also have tips for writing adventures in a modern setting. There's also several modules that the GM could rip off for quest ideas.
Whatever the actual story consequence is, I would like to know the answer to the question, as Posey needs to report to her masters if she was able to secure the allegiance of the Kaftar temple (alongside her "friendship lesson" as she reports potentially having been able to produce a Gravetouched ghoul or similar entity through sacrament instead of spells; which is definitely an achievement that she would write home about as it is a discovery about undeath).
Posey has a charisma score to have up to six NPC contacts, and I was hoping to have an ally in the Kaftar clergy as my reward for this mini quest. If that doesn't work out, then I guess this quest is over either way.
Amber has the distinct impression of being helpless. This is not in the ordinary way, as even a “defenseless” Amber could probably kick the jaw off of a wolf. Amber feels smaller, weaker, but paradoxically, cuter. Cute not in the way that she could expect unwanted sexual attention - Celestia knows she’s had enough of that - but rather that cuteness commensurate with smaller size and stature. Most worryingly of all, Amber feels - and her sight soon confirms - that her mandolin is nowhere near.

Amber can feel that the room is colder than her immigrant-tenement, her bed smaller, the quilt covering her thicker - and reasonably soft and cozy, may it be said - and the sounds of distant steam pipes and diesel engines replaced with the occasional sound of wind.

It takes multiple strikes to light the lamp, and Amber knows better than to allow it to tip over. When the light comes on, Amber can see that she is in a circular room
(technically a many-sided polygon) with chests, a rack of clothing, and several beds along the side, though these beds are not distinct items of furniture, but sections of an elevated protrusion of wood built into the side of the room that rings around half of the circumference of the room, and at spots has quilts placed over it. The dimensions of the room are hard to ascertain, as are Amber’s own dimensions, but certainly no more than 20 feet in radius to the far side of the wall, and likely somewhat less. The walls are made up of thin planks of grey-brown wood standing vertically, and a “ceiling” of wooden branches in a hexagon is suspended perhaps six or so feet above, with a door to the above. The walls tilt inwards, as if in a partial cone-shape. In the middle of the room is a metal stove, with a pipe extending through the center of the ceiling. There are no windows and no other sources of light.

Amber is alone.

Okay. Soon (TM)
Amber Sunset
She quickly forgets the terrifying aspects of her prior foray into dreamland as she is consumed by curiosity. Moreover, this place does not seem hostile, but protective and, frankly, comfortable. This room seems made to house fillies like her, and quite efficiently, so where are her roommates?

The design of the room, pointed up, intrigues her. Who would put a door six feet up and built into the ceiling, just out of reach? Just before trying to get outside, though, Amber looks into the chests which are hopefully unlocked.
A matter of clarification: the door on the ceiling at least appears to be to a loft, attic, or some kind of space above the room, it is not the main door out of the room - or at least, it probably isn’t. There is a set of blankets hanging up that might cover a wall, but more likely cover a door or window.

Amber can discern that at least two other ponies live here, though likely more. Up against the wall is a sled with leather and wood standing upright, bigger than Amber’s new form. Amber also feels shorter than normal. The lamp is not very bright, and the stove’s presence in the center creates a sort of blind spot that the light will not reach on the other side. One of the chests is locked. Three at least are not. One contains clothing - heavy clothing, like coats and masks. Amber knows by foreknowledge that underneath these somewhat bland fur and wool coats, buried at the bottom, is a bright and colorful - and comfortable - handmade coat that is forbidden to wear outside. In another chest is blankets, either the simplest of factory-woven wool, or intricate hoof woven quilts with nothing in between. Beneath that, she does find a book. It has foreign language text, a red outline, and an image of a construction site and cartoonish figures. Presumably it is some kind of educational book. Another chest holds pots, pans, a large lamp, striker fire-lighting implements, and a first aid kit.
Amber Sunset

Can Amber light and carry the large lamp? Having a portable light source would be helpful. The loft door was seen first, and is of more immediate interest. Can she reach the door from one of the beds on the wall?
The large lamp, it must be understood, is designed with a reflective chamber along all but one side to force the light out of a single direction: forward. It is high powered, kerosene fueled, rather heavy. It will, however, fit on the sled, could be strapped to Amber’s head by a leather strap (awkwardly; it would limit her head movements and possibly hurt her neck) or could be carried from a handle in Amber’s mouth.

The loft door is probably not reachable from the bed. She can try to jump and catch the latch with her mouth, but the odds of failure are high, and the opposite side of the room isn’t necessarily comfortable to land on.
Amber Sunset
Does it have a handle on it? What about the smaller kerosene lamp?

Anyway, she decides against a risky jump (isn't the ceiling made of branches? She could bring the whole roof down!) and instead elects to look behind the blankets covering a section of wall.
At what point do you think the party will be able to meet up or the main quest?
176063 176064
That’s a great question.

I don’t know.

Amber isn’t one of them, so you know

Yes. Both have handles.

Behind the blankets, and raised slightly above the ground, is a wooden door, angled inwards the higher up it goes, along with the shape of the walls.
Amber Sunset
What an odd shape for a room! It's not a small room but the angled walls certainly make it feel smaller. Amber picks up the smaller lantern with her mouth and (carefully) opens the door.
I think I'll just wait until Kira is done with her quest before I try any others then.
Amber opens the door presumably only slightly to feel…

Cold. Extreme cold. Greater cold than Amber has ever experienced before in her life, even in the deepest of winter. Blessedly Amber is fluffier than she recalls ever being, and the wind is less aggressive than it could be. The sky is dark, and be-speckled with thousands upon thousands of bright and shining stars. Across from Amber’s position is a small hut, partially buried in the ground. Further to the right is a cone shaped building perhaps 20 feet high, and buried almost to the top with a layer of soil above it. The ground is covered in packed snow, as are the structures, except on the higher portions, which are covered in dead moss. Further away, Amber thinks she can see the tops of trees. It’s very cold outside…
Amber Sunset
Amber hurriedly closes the door. So that's what the warm clothes are for! She puts on a bland-colored fur and wool coat, and a mask, and goes outside again. She closes the door behind her and, at a short distance, looks to see if the building she left resembles the others.
There are also boots. Leather boots.

There seem to be multiple layers of clothing. With at least adequate clothing, Amber can stay outside and not feel cold, except perhaps in certain extremities. Going outside, Amber sees snow covered ground, distant forest, and several structures, mostly of the same construction. Looking back, Amber can see that the building she was in is another cone, buried in a foot or more of soil, with moss growing on top that has in the lower sections been covered by a layer of soil, and with a wooden top protruding out that includes a small chimney. Chimneys from other structures exude smoke, just not hers.
Amber Sunset
Amber would take no half-measures with such frigidness. What an oddly shaped building, she thinks. She decides to go to the larger of the structures to have a look inside.
Clarification: there is a small building across Amber, and one to the right of the structure Amber came from, though it too, is rather small. Then there are three cones, counting Amber’s.
Amber Sunset
She goes to the small building first since it seems to be larger than the others. The other cones seem to be living spaces, though she's unsure.
The small building is a single room, wooden on the inside, has a location to hang a lantern, a (closed) wooden window, a hole in the floor… it’s an outhouse.
Amber Sunset
She leaves and goes to the structure that is twenty feet tall.
Amber starts to go in, and peer inside. Soon enough, a grown, brown mare responds. She is wearing a bright, blue and yellow quilted dress.

“Kultainen. What are you doing here? Where are your parents?”
Amber Sunset
Amber steps inside, trying to remember who this pony might be. Her dress is pretty though. "I just woke up. I don't know where they are. I think they're away."

She thinks they're on some remote farm, but then again, isn't this a remote farm of some sort? Why is everything so fuzzy?
The fuzziness is caused by the prevalence of fur coats, although it should be said that the ponies themselves are rather fuzzy. Amber can see that the interior of this building is more or less the same as the one she woke up in. The mare kind of physically stands in her way to keep her from getting far. A small, white filly yells “Kultainen!” And rubs at incredible speed towards Amber. Before Amber can be pounced on, the mare extends a leg, and picks up the filly. Amber can see the filly is fluffy, has a black mane, and is wearing a yellow dress much like the mare. She continues moving her legs forward as if swimming, but stops after a few seconds. There is a fire lit in the stove.

Amber recognizes the mare as her neighbor.
“Are you going crazy, too?” She asks, more to herself

She leans down toward’s Amber’s level,
“Little Kultainen, your parents are probably working, or doing chores. You should be too.”
Amber Sunset
Amber can't help but laugh at the filly's greeting. "Hi!" she replies.

Chores? What chores? "Oh, you're right, but I didn't think it was so late. What ought I be doing again?"
“Hi” the filly replies, her legs hanging limp.

“Yes, it’s late morning, and there are things to be done. The firewood is getting low. Go to the blast and get more. And Jakala. You need to go too.”

She sets the filly down. The filly runs over to a chest, and starts to put on a fur coat.

“No.” The mare says, moving over the fully. “No, Jakala. You cannot wear the gakti outside.”

The filly looks sad, and looks up at the mare.
“But no one will see it.”
Her tail goes down, between her legs, then she sits down

“No. We’re not taking that chance.”
The filly looks up at the mare, with pleading eyes.

“No. You can’t do it. Take it off. I’ll let you wear it inside tonight, okay?”

“You promise?”

“I promise. Just wear something else outside.”

The filly takes off the dress, then puts on a wool undercoat, then puts on boots, then puts on a jacket, then puts on a mask. The mare helps take a sled off the wall.
Amber Sunset
"How is it late morning if the stars are out? Shouldn't the sun be out yet? And where's the 'blast'?" Poor Amber, or rather Kultainen, is much more confused than she ought to be.
The mare gives Amber a genuine look of concern.
“Are you having memory loss, too?” She asks herself

Then she answers Amber’s question.
“The sun is away right now. Beaivi, who brings the sun, is away with her husband in the southern lands. She will be back with the sun in about three weeks. There will be no sun until then.”

“But that’s forever from now.” The filly protests.

“Well” looking down at the filly, the mare says. “It will go faster if you do your chores. And you better get that firewood, or you will be very cold. Go along. You don’t want to sleep tonight without a fire. You too, Kultainen.”
Amber Sunset
"Okay…." Memory loss or not, Amber has to admit that the mare has a point. It's so cold that sleeping in the huts without a fire would be uncomfortable at best. The other filly, Jakala, looks smaller, and Amber/Kultainen also has to watch over her.

"We'll bring the firewood as quickly as can be," Amber answers. Hopefully that is indeed quick.
"Good, go along, little fillies" the mare says. The other filly, Jakala, has brown leather or perhaps burlap visible along her sides, a ring of brown fur around her face, and white wool covering her muzzle. She wears high leather boots. Even her tail is tucked under the jacket, only coming out under the end. She goes along to the sled, and places the yoke over her shoulders, then places a bridle in her mouth. The sled isn't really meant for her and is just shy of comical in its disproportionate size, but the little filly happily pulls it out of the door, and will race ahead of Amber if she lets her. She goes right outside of the door.

Looking into the night sky, there is no moon. Amber can see that the sky in the far horizon is purple tinged in color, suggestive more of nautical twilight than a true night. On the opposite side the sky is darker, and above hangs a display Amber has never seen before. Across the sky, like festive garlands hanging in decoration, are two bands of waving blue green light, dancing across the night, and casting a slight glow upon the snow.
Amber Sunset
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Amber is amazed by the gorgeous display in the sky. She knows the name for it, "aurora borealis," but it feels like she had never witnessed it in person. But, she should have….

After a few moments of gawking, Amber races to keep up with Jakala. Best not to tarry in the cold. It's just firewood that's needed, after all.
Jakala turns right again into an open set of land, which seems to be open tundra/plain, or possibly marsh, which is now covered in a layer of thin snow. There are a couple hills that rise a bit higher than other areas, but mostly the ground is flat. The two ponies cross a wooden bridge over a ravine that seems to have been dug out to be a bit deeper. Somewhere over towards their left, Amber sees a set of trees.

When the wind reduces in intensity, Amber can hear a sound that approximates static, with a bit of a high-pitched whining or tinnitus sound. This could be heard in the cones, but it's louder here. It's still easier to hear the wind, however.
Jakala attempts to run ahead of Amber, as she is clearly filled with great enthusiasm. But the reality is that she is pulling the sled, it is heavy, and if Amber wishes to pull ahead, she may. The two come to a small, snow covered hill, beyond which are the tall, thin outlines of snow-crusted conifer trees in a strand that seems thinner than expected of a forest.

Jakala, with greater energy than normal runs ahead. Amber can guess that what she is trying to do is to get ahead of Amber, and turn around and stop in front of her. Because she is carrying the sled, she fails, and instead only turns herself and the sled 45 degrees of the desired 180. But she does pull ahead of Amber, and turns her head back.

Amber Sunset
"Okay, but only for a little bit. Want to ride the sled?" Amber asks.

She starts heading up one of the snow-covered hills.
“Yes, yes!” She darts up the slope of the hill. At one point she loses traction, moving her legs in place as she moves the snow but not the sled. The sled pivots to the left, until she comes to a portion of the slope that is gentler in incline, and she moves up it. Soon enough, she is at the top, and positions the sled. She takes the bride out, gets off from under the harness, and sits at the front of the shed, waiting for Amber. She tries to move her tail side to side, though the clothing keeps it more or less in place. She looks at Amber with pink colored eyes, and a smile just visible from under the mask.
Amber Sunset

Amber places her front hooves on the sled, and pushes the sled to give it some momentum before jumping in behind Jakala and holding on. She laughs all the way down.
“Wee! Ahahaha!” Jakala likewise laughs all the way down. The snow is packed well, and the slope is intense enough to allow the sled to slide down easily. But the hill is not very high at all and the ride lasts only a few seconds. Jakala tells “Again! Again!” When the sled comes to a stop at the bottom of the slope, she jumps off, and tries to place the harness on her again. The first time, she fails, starting to dart off with the harness slipping off, until she comes back and places it on again. She then puts it on correctly, turns the sled around, and drags it up the hill again. She does at least only take it up the gentler slope, avoiding slipping again.
Amber Sunset
Amber helps her with the sled, putting her head through the harness and helping to pull on it. Best not to tire out Jakala too soon. Once they reach the top of the hill, Amber helps position and push the sled again.
Amber doesn’t know how long it will take for Jakala to tire out, but she can suspect that when it happens, it will be sudden, without much warning, and likely timed for when there is much work left to be done. Jakala once tries to pull the sled simply by biting on the harness and pulling it backwards - with not much success. And every time, she jumps up on the sled in the front. If Amber hasn’t already gotten on, she looks back at her, and waits for her to get on and push the sled forward.
Amber Sunset
Amber pushes and jumps onto the sled, laughing with glee as she watches the trees and snowdrifts race past. She can't remember ever having this much fun before.
The downside is that, with the hill so small, every ride lasts only a scarce few seconds. This would work much better with a proper hill, but it isn’t clear there is one around. The sled does at least tend to keep moving even after it reaches level ground, if only by a few feet. Jakala happily gets up to do it again and again.
Amber Sunset
Everything seems so flat around here.

"Okay, one more time, then we need to collect some firewood." Amber pulls the sled up the hill this time. She herself wishes she could ride the sled all day as well, but she's the older of the two and has to take a position of responsibility. Like the grown-ups said, if she doesn't get firewood, they all have to sleep in the cold tonight.
Jakala lowers her head, and aims her eyes up at Amber. Her ears try to lower down, but the leather backing limits their movement.
“oh… okay…”

With a little less speed, she takes the sled up the slope, and sits at the front of the sled. She turns her head and looks to Amber, waiting for her to get on and push them both down.
Amber Sunset
Amber pushes the sled extra hard this time for as much speed as possible before jumping on it. Once again she laughs with glee.
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“Heh heh, Ms. Pheeta, how do you like your new roommate?”
She’s a bit scrunchy

“I’ve had worse.” She answers
“Wee!” Jakala shouts as the sled moves along. “Hehehe.” The sled moves further along the level field before coming to a start. But when it’s done, Jakala droops.
Amber Sunset
"We can keep playing after we get the firewood. There's no sunlight so we don't have to worry about the day being short. How does that sound?" Amber reassures Jakala.

In the dim light, she strains her eyes to look for any brambles or branches that might have fallen off the fir trees.

Neela also a cute
"... Speaking of hungry... I got rather worked up tonight."
pets Gloomy
"Why don't I take you out for pancakes when all of this is said and done? How does that sound? I hear Baltimare has some excellent diners; we should visit them before they're gone."
"[unintelligible excited child noises]"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"And she's my first!" Kira, meanwhile, is very smiley.
Bright Dye movies his eyes along Neela, as if examining her. Then he leans slightly forward, and looks at Kira. He would look at more of her, likely, if her snake body were not almost entirely obscured by the table. Then he says,

“You say you’re a hunter and use spears and bows… do you have those?”