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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1727 replies and 47 files omitted.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira takes her necklace, and puts it back on around her neck. "That was really impressive! Not that raising farm animals isn't amazing, either, but I really wasn't expecting you to be able to do that without me even knowing."
176238 176240
>An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghoul fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life.
The manual says no abilities; it says nothing about memories.
I was basing my information on a handbook that an associate of mine made, which draws from various books (but excludes Dragon Magazine, annoyingly):
There are other passages in various books that support this, but I guess it's all open to interpretation.

I guess I should have asked first though. I was assuming that Posey knew about ghouls well enough because she knew so many of them in the Dread League, and was taking 10 for relevant knowledge. I certainly don't want to go forcing my interpretations on you though, since it's your setting. I would like it clarified though, since I this is relevant to my character.

I guess this is as good a time as any to roll to see what Posey actually knows about ghouls.
[1d20+13 = (10+13) = 23]
176211 176212
Amber may go back up the hill and cross the tree strand the way she came, or a bit to the left, going around the hill and through a tree-less area directly opposite the ridge with the monster. "Hill" is relative, as the actual variation in the topography is slight.

Kira would have to slither over to take it, as Neela isn't super close to offer it.

Bright Dye is partly scrunchy.
Neela says "I guess this is yours" and holds up a wallet. Then Bright Dye is definitely scrunchy.
176238 176240
>it seems like a cheap way to obtain resurrection
BoVD sacrifice rules are ludicrously cheap if taken at face value, which I never expected.
Most Ghouls retain no abilities in life, and thus can't really be likened to resurrection, although it might be a good way to start taking levels in the Ghoul Class.
Gravetouched Ghouls do retain their abilities, but they can't be induced with spells, since they're only created with divine intervention (what I just tried to plead for).

That's just my opinion on the matter. I understand if you decide that sacrificing a POW on an altar is not enough to functionally bring back this NPC that was already dead at the time I started the game, that's fine with me. Agire's fate ultimately means little to Posey, but she would be very pleased if she were able to make a new discovery on creating new undead that she could write home about. I just found the idea of bringing back a priest as a ghastly undead version of his previous self through a black magic ritual as a means of "repaying debt" to be a fun character development with no actual reward other than maybe getting on the good side of the Kaftars.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles, and slithers over to take both. She gives the wallet back to Bright Dye.

"Hey, no harm no foul. Plus it was a really neat trick!"
Amber Sunset
Amber decides for the latter opinion, as her instincts kick in and she looks for a more circuitous path to make being followed more difficult. Then she realizes that it's moot because of their hoofprints anyway. Thinking quick, she grabs a twiggy branch and sweeps the snow behind them as they proceed. Doing this slows down the two further.
176214 176215
Bright Dye takes the wallet back, still a little scrunchy
"Well, let's see how well you two keep a flock of sheep"

sweep sweep

Slowly but steadily they leave the downed forests and are back on the tundra. Amber doesn't think she's being stalked, but does she really want to go back and find out?
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Oh no, there is no way I could do that. I was telling the truth when I said you provide a truly invaluable service to us predators. It's very hard to do, and you do it very well!"
Amber Sunset
Right now it's her priority to get back to the village. They got the firewood and Amber is exhausted from exertion and fear. How does Jakala look?
176217 176220
"You call yourself a 'predator'. Does that term, or should I say, designation have any special meaning for you?"

Jakala is not so frightened. She didn't see what Amber saw

Along the tundra, Amber can see something moving ahead
Amber Sunset
"Jakala! Stop and lie down," Amber hoarsely whispers. As if to set an example, she crouches down close to the flat, hard ground, and she strains her eyes to see what is moving.
Amber sees a pony walking. The pony twitches and sways back and forth slightly as it moves forward. It seems to be a beige mare, with the hood down and a single layer of a fur coat. She is speaking to herself.
Amber Sunset
Is she speaking loudly enough that Amber can hear anything?
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Hmmm...well, sort of, though probably not to the same extent as others. Like it used to, way way way long ago, back when the role of predators was to keep prey populations in check as part of nature's fragile balance, but civilization has changed that. It's sort of...supplanted nature, I guess. I'm fine with that, even if I'm a predator and need to eat other creatures to live; it's just a fact of life that I am one. I'd much rather be friends with creatures if it could be helped! It did used to be an idea among some lamias, though, that because of the natural roles of predators and prey that it somehow justified that predators were placed higher up than prey on some kind of hierarchy, like we were destined by nature to rule. That was before my time, though. Recently our leaders were encouraging cooperation with the prey societies around us before this whole war thing, and the only lamias who still held that old 'predator supremacy' belief were either old snakes or just delusional."
176222 176226
Yes, but also no. She seems to be talking in gibberish, or possibly a foreign language. Amber thinks she hears “Va-ou” and “na-ih.” But she thinks she hears the intelligible phrase “bright light.”

“‘Prey societies’? Like zebras?” He asks
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira nods in the affirmative. "You know, societies of creatures that don't eat meat. Zebras, kirins...I haven't seen a pony eating meat yet so I'm assuming you could probably call ponies prey animals?"
Bright Dye tilts his head
“So any herbivorous creature is ‘prey’? Is that the only reason you use that word?” The angle of his head almost exceeds 90 degrees. “Is there any other reason you use that word a not, I don’t know ‘herbivore’?”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Dang, that's one tilted head. Kira's not sure she could match that without bending over. "Uh...I suppose there isn't really any particular reason, other than that it's the term I'm used to hearing from other lamias. Would you prefer that I use herbivore?"
Amber Sunset
She does not trust this mare, especially considering the direction she originated from. In what direction is the mare headed? Amber nudges Jakala to get up and starts carefully walking toward the village, giving the mare a wide berth.
176228 176243
The mare is travelling sort of perpendicular to the path of Amber and Jakala, slightly angled towards the direction of the settlement, though she would pass it

Amber can hear a phrase of the mare that actually sounds intelligible:
"Beaivi bring the sun. With the seraph at its head and light it."

As she comes near, Amber can see that the right side of her lip, the part that is closest to Amber, is exposed to the air and not covered by a mask. There is visible frost bite on her lip, as it has started to turn black. Her ears are likewise exposed, and the right ear is frost bit at the tip. It's hard to tell given the coat, but she looks somewhat thin. Her boots have ice high along the shaft. She is shaking.

He stops tilting his head, and rotates his head back upright.
"No, I was just curious. For what it's worth, you seem really sweet and sincere to me. Not like some others that come to me. Not like some of the griffins who don't speak ponish well, and the gnolls, who generally kind of creep me out."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira smiles, closes her eyes, and claps her hooves together.

"Yay! Thank you so much, that really means a lot to hear! I sure hope I can get other ponies to see that, too. I know I look like a scary monster to some of them, but I hope they give me a chance to actually know me and see that I really mean no harm. You know, like all of those stories I've heard about Harmony and such!"
He looks down at Kira's body
"Ponies can be a little... intimidated by your large size, and many of us... most of us are afraid of snakes." He looks up towards Kira and her eyes. "But you're very friendly, and you know the language and that goes far. Thank you for inviting me over."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira smiles some more, and opens her forelegs to the stallion. "Thank you for coming! Would you like a hug?"
"Uh..." He smiles showing teeth. "Maybe just with your forelegs?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira looks at Bright Dye for a second before resuming her smiling. "Sure!"
Still with an awkward smile, he opens his forelegs and inches a few inches closer. Then a little closer. Poor stallion probably doesn't know he's been within hugging range this whole time.
Wider Ghoul world-building aside, can this roll give Posey a hint if a unique ghoul like Agire in particular might recover some of his previous potential? That's all that matters right now.

Regardless of the outcome, Milyaketan seems satisfied with the results, so it looks like this quest is successful.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Indeed he has been, but Kira is a polite snek and hasn't tried to hug him without his consent. Now that he has given it, she closes the gap, giving him a big pony-style hug with her forelegs. It's a very secure hug, but not uncomfortable, showing that in addition to being very sneaky she may also be adept at giving out hugs. As Bright Dye (presumably) hugs back, he makes an observation: her pony half doesn't feel all that much different from an actual pony, save for her feeling a bit firm due to all of the muscle.
176241 176253
It's not about whether or not the new undead creature has the same abilities as the deceased. It's about whether or not it's the same person as the deceased. Is there a continuity of consciousness such that the person is brought back from death and gains personal immortality. Memories are a similar issue, especially because it's practically impossible to know if there is or is not a continuity of consciousness, and memories are used as a proxy.

Nevermind the question of "why wouldn't the players just sacrifice a single vagabond ethnic minority to bring back a dead NPC or player character," why wouldn't every single faction in the setting simply sacrifice an unloved ethnic minority or foreigner to bring back their own dead by the hundred thousand. Killing leaders would be pointless because they would simply be brought back and live forever, spies, moles, informants, and witnesses couldn't be killed to be silenced, and death in general would cease to have meaning.

Of course I'd like to have the ghast say who he was, like the brains in cylinders in The Whisperer in Darkness, but it is indeed an issue.

It was his mentor and the Angels who made Agire a powerful conduit. It will be they who may restore him.

"And for the record, it fell out on the couch"


The pony is hugged. He's muscular under the fur, like Kira. He's shorter than some of the other ponies, particularly the mover ponies, but he's stocky and high in muscle. He's also just a little dirty.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles. "Wow! You're strong!"
He gives the friendly squeeze a little squeeze
Amber Sunset
Amber has seen that her fears from before have fueled her misgivings and feels immediately ashamed about it. After all, even her tribe of ponies are creatures of feeling and logical fear has little weight compared to their sympathy. The poor mare needs immediate help and Amber rushes to her side.

"Wait! I'm coming to help!" she shouts, hoping her voice carries across the frigid air.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
is squeezed

Kira lets out a small, quiet, contented sssss. Hugs are always nice, but ponies are especially great to hug for some reason Kira has yet to actually figure out.
176246 176247 176248
The mare does not respond but moves forward.

Silver goes into the small room behind the bedroom, and sees that ominous inscription in bright, white stones above the slab. The warning of a generation long ago.




And below the inscription, on the slab, is a trunk made of ancient, rusting cast iron.

But Curwhinny's sarcophagus was made of stone.

"heh heh"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I really am glad you decided to stay and chat, I'm glad to have you as a friend! Maybe sometime I could come over to visit, too?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Oh no...

"...Pear, this is not his sarcophagus. Someone has swapped them out."
Amber Sunset
Amber canters to get in front of the mare's path.

"Ma'am! We're going to get you some help!" she shouts again.
176250 176251 176252
Pear shines the light primarily on the words above the casket.
"Feather Duster isn't exactly on an academic track... if you were the graduate student told to open that casket, would you?"

"Heh, yeah, me too." He pulls away, and is smiling. "You probably can. Although my wife is a little afraid of snakes. Thank's for the tea and the chat. I really need to get back though." He moves away, and a little towards the couch."

"Ms. Pheeta?" He addresses Neela, who looks up at him with her ears standing up. He extends a hoof as if he's going to place it on her shoulder, but then he moves it suddenly up and

Taps her on the snout
"I'll see you." He smiles to her, and walks towards the door

She looks towards Amber finally, though her eyes dart about. One seems to have frost around it. She continues mumbling to herself.
Amber Sunset
Amber gets very close to the mare, close enough that Amber is scared by her and her condition. She reaches out to touch her on the chest.

"There's a village nearby. I'll get you help. Jakala!" She ends by shouting to the little filly, motioning her to come over.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176254 176255
Silver looks at the words again.

"Well, I know that liches and evil mages are real. There is entire country of them. I also know that these ponies had to have died to something, and either they wrote that message down in their dying moments or what survivors there were from this event wrote it down. You would have to be very ignorant to want to open that casket seeing that message without knowing his phylactery was smashed. But real question is; would any of your compatriots be ignorant enough to ignore this warning and either open that casket, or steal it away somewhere?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles at the cute little snout boop he gives Neela, and waves goodbye to her.

"Bye Bright Dye! I'll see you, too!"
>It's not about whether or not the new undead creature has the same abilities as the deceased. It's about whether or not it's the same person as the deceased.
It varies based on the species of undead, but many undead are considered to not be the same people, but monsters created from the remains of what were those people. Intelligent undead retaining the memories of who they were in life contributes to the the horror of their existence, but that doesn't mean they're the same. If not possessing full memories, intelligent undead should at least inherit parts of their previous memories, since that makes them more interesting.
Liches carry scrolls of their most precious memories inside their phylacteries, to avoid forgetting who they are over the centuries.
>gains personal immortality
If you consider being a hollow mockery of your former self consumed by unending hunger and hate to be immortality, then sure.
Liches for example are created in pursuit of immorality, but they lose themselves in the process: hobbies, appreciation for art, things that brought them pleasure, it all turns to dust overtime.
>Memories are a similar issue, especially because it's practically impossible to know if there is or is not a continuity of consciousness, and memories are used as a proxy.
Well, souls are a thing in d&d, so the concept of continuity is much clearer. An undead monster that inherits the memories of a person is not the same person if the soul is elsewhere.
>why wouldn't every single faction in the setting simply sacrifice an unloved ethnic minority or foreigner to bring back their own dead by the hundred thousand
Well, worshipping demons and making sacrifices to dark powers to bring back the dead as monsters has other consequences, and doing so archetypically leads societies to rot and ruin one way or another.
Although, that's kind of what the Dread League is trying to do, so maybe it could work. Who knows.
>Killing leaders would be pointless because they would simply be brought back
Resurrection spells already exist. If your leaders consider being undead to be worth it, they should invest in becoming lich kings.
>spies, moles, informants, and witnesses couldn't be killed to be silenced
We have Speak With Dead too, and could just read their entrails.
Magic complicates things.
>death in general would cease to have meaning
Well, that's part of Posey's cause, in her twisted, evil way.
>Of course I'd like to have the ghast say who he was, like the brains in cylinders in The Whisperer in Darkness, but it is indeed an issue.
That's are already unique among ghouls, having been created from people of heroic level. A ghast telling the story about the person it was before it's horrid transformation into the monster it is today shouldn't mess up the setting that badly.

Besides, I think ghouls as characters can add to this game. We can even have Fallout references. Ghouls are fun when they're more than flesh eating monsters, even if they're still flesh eating monsters. They have their own Cleric domains and magic items that only they can use. I like the idea of ghoul society.
>It was his mentor and the Angels who made Agire a powerful conduit. It will be they who may restore him.
Good enough for me.
176255 176256 176257 176258
tap tap tap
Jakala moves closer

Amber touches her fur jacket. The mare looks in the direction of Amber, but her eyes do not focus. She mutters,

"The Sun is coming, pulled by the wings of the Seraph. It will light up all. Can you see it? Can you hear it calling?"

"Yes. Most of them would. Peer Review doesn't believe in Liches in the sense of an immortal magician that doesn't need food or external magic. Critical theory is the same, and he's the one who ordered it. Mr. Loans and Dr. Grant would just follow orders. And Feather Duster would risk being fired by switching out the casket."

Bright Dye waves at Kira, then looks to Neela and waves to her. He smiles towards the creatures, and leaves out the door, closing it behind him.
176258 176260
Once the mercenary quest is done, I want on this lich-related quest.

Posey is a licensed Necrologist who would have a consulting commission at the university.
Amber Sunset
"The sun won't be here for three weeks. We need to get you to our village. You…aren't well." It's a bit of an understatement. The mare has hours, if even that.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira smiles at Neela after Bright Dye leaves. "Yay! We made a friend!"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"That seems...very irresponsible, especially from ponies of these backgrounds." Silver grimaces. "So, it seems you suspect Feather Duster of being our culprit. Have you noticed him acting suspicious, or at least more so than usual?"

176261 176262 176263 176273
"Do you feel it's warmth? Do you hear it calling?" She says

>many undead are considered to not be the same people, but monsters created from the remains of what were those people
This is my understanding of basically all undead that aren't created directly from the living. Vampires and Liches are different, because they are created directly from the living, and thus have a continuity of consciousness.

>Well, souls are a thing in d&d, so the concept of continuity is much clearer. An undead monster that inherits the memories of a person is not the same person if the soul is elsewhere.
Dungeons and Dragons is a darker and more cynical version of the world created by Tolkien. Tolkien's world is very heavily based off of his catholic faith, and thus has features of that philosophy: his world has a definite and known metaphysics, a definite and known good and evil, a definite and known theology. These work well enough for high fantasy escapism.

That isn't what this is. This campaign actually takes more thematically from Hearts of Iron 4 than it does from Dungeons and Dragons or even My Little Pony. In so far as that war-arcade game has a theme, it is how differing ideologies compel warfare in a sort of Hegelian Dialectic. This campaign seeks to explore how culture, ideology, religion, and belief motivate behavior, and how these influence interactions between different groups of people. In the real world, people have different views on metaphysics. They have completely different ideas about what is good and what is evil. They have different ideas about whatever gods may be. These ideas are tied into their ideologies, and they are not easily confirmed or disproven by observable facts. To confirm or deny that one religion is correct and another is wrong is for God himself to intervene and tip his hand on the scale of one position over the other. That is actively harmful to the entire point, which is an exploration of motivation and social psychology. So to that end, as far as possible, I will always, always, always, try to keep as much ambiguity as possible concerning the truth of religious matters.

Take the Kaftar praying to their god and getting some kind of response. Does that mean their religion is true? Possibly, but it could also be that they are getting a response from a lesser spiritual being. Perhaps these are from Lovecraftian style aliens. Perhaps the response is from a god they misunderstand the nature of. Perhaps it is from malevolent spiritual entities. Exactly what it is thoroughly besides the point. They have a religion that they think is correct. The ponies think they are devil worshipers at best. Trying to clarify the truth of that matter is to miss the story about how immigrant communities react to their host nations, and how host nations react to the foreign cultures who immigrate there. That's what this is about. This is about an immigrant group trying to maintain their culture and identity, and a native culture who fears the alien, but also wants them to work the night shift. So clarifying whether the Peacock is who Posey thinks it is harmful to the theme. The real world does not eliminate doubt. I don't think this needs to either. The Kaftar believe what they believe because they are who they are. Posey ought to believe what Posey believes because she is who she is. I don't think the truth needs to be divinely revealed in every instance.

>Resurrection spells already exist
They aren't easily powered by genocide

>We have Speak With Dead too, and could just read their entrails. Magic complicates things
I try to disregard it

>Posey's cause and what the Dread League is trying to do
Perhaps you have a different interpretation, but my understanding of the Dread League's mission, or at least, Rosa Maledicta's mission, is that existence is intrinsically evil, as it necessarily entails pain, suffering, and want. She wishes to end this by ending all life, including ultimately all undeath.

>A ghast telling the story about the person it was before it's horrid transformation into the monster it is today shouldn't mess up the setting that badly. Besides, I think ghouls as characters can add to this game. We can even have Fallout references. Ghouls are fun when they're more than flesh eating monsters, even if they're still flesh eating monsters. They have their own Cleric domains and magic items that only they can use. I like the idea of ghoul society.
While I don't think the fallout reference holds because Fallout Ghouls are created directly from living people, and thus have a direct continuity of consciousness, and are technically not undead at all - this is still a pretty good argument in favor of having intelligent ghouls

This is actually going through the remains of a location of a quest from years ago

"Do you think he was in to me? He was in to me a little, right?" Neela asks

"Well, I've barely seen him. Mostly I've been looking at my book."
Amber Sunset
"Yes, yes I do…Jakala! Bring the sled over here." Amber feels close to panicking, but realizes she needs to stay calm for her little friend.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Hmmmm...well, we cannot just go up to him and accuse him of swapping out sarcophagus. If he did it, he would immediately move to cover his tracks, including moving wherever he stashed original sarcophagus. If he did not, he will be outraged and may end up tipping off actual culprit, who will then cover their tracks. Have you truly not seen him acting at all weird, or going off on his own out of nowhere?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira nods in the affirmative.

"Oh definitely. I was trying to help you out at a couple of points, I'm not sure if you noticed. I'm not very knowledgeable about this sort of thing, but...I think I did alright."
176265 176267 176270
"This may come as a surprise to you, but I wasn't dragged away from my sabbatical to investigate the lost treasure of the Windigo Worshipers of Windy River just so I could babysit a grad student and look over his shoulder. I've barely seen him and I've hardly even worked inside the catacombs. I've been mostly here, or if I'm inside at all, I've been in the library. I was up once to investigate a Chincoteague talisman, but mostly I've been far away from him and the other grad student. I saw him when he was assigned and when he unveiled the casket, but I've been far away. Critical Theory is the one who assigned him, and if anypony has been around him, it's probably been Mr. loans. But he's been on his own for, well, probably as much as he hasn't. It's easy to have privacy in here."

Jakala tap tap taps, and moves the sled to Amber. The mare is trying to move around Amber to continue her journey to nowhere.

"Heh, you did something alright. Maybe next time. You really got his attention with that bow. I thought about bringing out my tambourine, but I don't think I could play it well enough to impress him."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Oh, you have a tambourine?" Kira looks interested.
"Yes, it's among the things I took from my apartment. The other apartment..." She answers
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"There are also only three ways out of these catacombs, and I would not want to drag stone sarcophagus up stairs that both other exits have. I suppose our first step would be to ask Mr. Loans about our grad student, yes?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira looks at her deer friend, who she help with moving stuff out of her apartment, and she opens up her forelegs to her.

"Do you need a hug? I hear I give good ones."
176274 176275
"It probably never left the catacombs. Sure?" She says

Standing up off of the couch after Bright Dye left, Neela's ears go up, and she looks at Kira with wide eyes. She moves her forelegs back - though not her hind legs - until she more or less rotates her body perpendicular to Kira, showing her her right side.
Amber Sunset
Amber quickly pushes off the firewood from the sled. She'll probably end up having to gather it all over, but there's no time to worry about it.

"Please ma'am, we'll pull you to where you need to be."
The mare is non-cooperative, continuing to mutter to herself. Her language is once again, gibberish.
Amber Sunset
If the cold is making her unreasonable, then I just have to make her less cold, Amber thinks to herself.

She takes off a few items of clothing, including her mask, and tries to put them onto the mare. "Please, it's for your own good!" she begs.
>So clarifying whether the Peacock is who Posey thinks it is harmful to the theme.
I am content with it being a mystery, even after witnessing a miracle in its name.
>They aren't easily powered by genocide
At that point, you might just want to nerf how often dark powers are willing to give sacrificial rewards, or put limitations on what contexts they will give them. The BoVD advises doing so.
Evil gods don't just give blessing en mass for free.
>She wishes to end this by ending all life, including ultimately all undeath.
Like Orcus.
And yes, I knew that. I wrote my character based on that.
Posey's existence in her short life was nothing but suffering, and in death she is still little more than another slave, which is why she reviles the world.
It could change with character development though. I still haven't met the party.
>Fallout Ghouls are created directly from living people, and thus have a direct continuity of consciousness
D&D ghouls are created from once living people, either through spells, disease, curses or sporadic depravity.
The ghast here in particular is of the sporadic variety.
>I try to disregard it
>To confirm or deny that one religion is correct and another is wrong is for God himself to intervene and tip his hand on the scale of one position over the other.
This is fine. It's why I tried to see some nuance in the Kaftars' culture.
>Vampires and Liches are different, because they are created directly from the living, and thus have a continuity of consciousness.
All undead, as a rule, were once living things. I'm not sure I understand the discrepancy here? I would like some clarification on the matter, because it's relevant to my character. I will adjust my roleplay to accommodate your preferred interpretation, to the extent that Posey would understand it to her knowledge (Posey has a lot of knowledge, but is still only an apprentice Necromancer who can't even raise the dead).
Vampires in particular are known to not possess the souls of their living selves. I'm pretty sure ghouls don't either. Liches destroy their souls and seal them in their phylacteries.
>So to that end, as far as possible, I will always, always, always, try to keep as much ambiguity as possible concerning the truth of religious matters.
That's fine.
Posey is a disloyal occultist when it comes to religion, an apostate by nature, having grown accustomed to worshipping various idols and surrendering her body to demons and nameless horrors for transactional favors. To Posey, it matters not what is objectively correct or what is the one true religion, only what will assist her with her goals.
>"Did I tell you about the time the Coven conjured an aspect of the Bloated Goat? He was so fat and disgusting, with those rotten rat teeth, and he didn't even have genitals... It made him such a great lover..."
Something along those lines.
>Posey ought to believe what Posey believes because she is who she is. I don't think the truth needs to be divinely revealed in every instance.
True, true.
Posey was more interested in the result of her ritual than she was about the source of its power.
>This is actually going through the remains of a location of a quest from years ago
I'm down with that.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver tilts his head. "You think so? Shall we commence search of catacombs?"
"What in Tartarus, I don't sneeze. I must've had too much blood..."
ears twitch
"I thought I heard somepony say catacombs for a moment..."
176278 176279 176281
The mask doesn't quite make it's way onto the mare correctly. It covers her face and blinds her. She also can't speak.

She twitches and moves half a step back, raising her left forehoof and twitching her right eye.
"You won't do me like you did that goat." She answers

"Perhaps, unless you think Mr. loans knows where it is. Or you want to confront Feather Duster." She blinks. "Are you sure you want to open that casket?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Like I said, I am almost certain I destroyed his phylactery. But, it would probably not be wise to take that chance...unless that was something you wanted to do. Might make for valuable academic studies, either way."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Like I did..." Kira shakes her head, and smiles. "Oh, silly Neela. You're my friend. I'm not going to eat you. Promise!"
>At that point, you might just want to nerf how often dark powers are willing to give sacrificial rewards, or put limitations on what contexts they will give them.
The simple answer is that you don't get resurrection for a single vagabond. I think that's consistent with IRL religions.

>I would like some clarification on the matter, because it's relevant to my character. I will adjust my roleplay to accommodate your preferred interpretation, to the extent that Posey would understand it to her knowledge (Posey has a lot of knowledge, but is still only an apprentice Necromancer who can't even raise the dead).
Vampires in particular are known to not possess the souls of their living selves. I'm pretty sure ghouls don't either. Liches destroy their souls and seal them in their phylacteries.
Okay, so in general, my understanding of the undead is that undeath is about animation. You've replaced the life force of a living being with another magical force that mimics life force and gives it movement. It is not, however, the same thing, or on the same level as life force. Undead are basically golems. They are inanimate objects animated by magic. In fact I would go further to say that the only real difference between the undead and golems is the choice of material used to make them. And if you have an intelligent undead, it's still an automaton, it's just more like how we would understand a robot or an artificial intelligence, than we would understand a wind up toy. Something like a zombie is basically this. It's just an animated corpse, whether it's animated by magic, or by a parasite, it's still not at all like the creature it was born from.

Bram Stoker-type vampires, I think, are not at all like this. They are more like humans who have lost many human traits, but have maintained their consciousness. There's a section early in Dracula where the titular character talks about being the descendant of Atila the Hun, and fighting off the Turks. He's clearly the same person he was in life, just changed. Most modern depictions of Vampires, from Vampires: The Masquerade to Twilight are like this. Contrast this against old Eastern European depictions of vampires, where vampires and revenants are monsters that arise from corpses.

So let's look at this line from Posey >>176188
>I was a daughter of the Coven Of Blood, and I thought that I would be one of them one day, but... my mother had other plans...
Posey uses the term "I" to refer to the living pony she was created from. This means that Posey believes herself to be a continuation of consciousness from the living being she was created from. The same ego, or person. This is not how I would have imagined Posey to be. I would have believed her to be a different person - if she could be said to be a person at all - from what she was created from. Of course, Posey is your character, not mine. But I've always perceived Posey as basically not having any kind of soul. She may be a tortured soul, I don't know, but I think of her as a meat golem.

As for ghouls and the continuity of consciousness:
So, imagine you are a pony. Then all of a sudden, through a combination of FEV and radiation, you get ghoulified and turned into a Fallout style ghoul. Do you still percieve and experience things in this new form, or is your conscious perception extinguished and replaced by a new conscious being? I would think that you are still you... more or less, because while the body changes, and perhaps even the mind changes, you're still the same person. Now let's say that you die violently, your corpse rots, and then your corpse is turned into one of Posey's ghouls. Is the consciousness inhabiting your corpse you, or something new? If it is you, where did you consciousness go? Is it like you were in a dreamless sleep? Were you deposited into an afterlife, then pulled back? Just the fact that it isn't as obvious, makes it easier to see why this ghoul is less likely to be the same person as the fallout ghoul.
Amber Sunset
Amber continues her technical foalnapping, guiding the mare until she's on the sled and lying down. She'll try to pull the sled back the rest of the way to the village.
176283 176284 176285
She pauses for a moment, and then she flips her tail and has a small smile.

"Sure... No risk, no reward."

She moves her eyes towards Kira's snake body, both the mass of tail and the lump containing the goat.

"No, not the eating. The strangling and the crushing. It looked so horrible. I always thought that if I die, I want to go down fighting but... not like that. If you eat me, I'd rather I just be still and let you swallow me."
Then she looks back up towards Kira's eyes and has a smile that shows off her teeth

"But if you ever did get the craving for a deer or some other talking creature, I can help you find one. Maybe start with my exbuckfriend?"

Amber is best off just leading her forward and letting her trip and fall onto the sled, and then trying to hold her down, possibly with leather straps.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles at that one. "Hehe, I'll have to remember that offer. I'm sorry you saw all of that, though. I promise, I'm not going to constrict you. Just a simple, normal hug, like you've gotten from any other creature. Sounds better?"
Amber Sunset
What leather straps? Are they on the sled already? Anyway, after futile attempts to budge the barely-conscious mare, she does exactly that. She also asks Jakala to help hold her down onto the sled, though that makes the load heavier.

What additional elements of clothing could Amber give to help the mare keep what little body heat she has left?
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver smiles, and nods in agreement. "Alright. Let us start with looking around here, eliminate most likely possibilities before we move onto less likely ones. We are looking for stone sarcophagus, there should not be so many places here to hide something like it."

If Pear needs a more thorough description of the sarcophagus before they begin their search, Silver provides it.
176287 176290 176291
Amber could take off her coat - the outerware coat at least. Taking off her boots is possible, but particularly inadvisable.

Jakala can more or less stand on the mare, but this means Amber would need to pull the sled.

Neela is shaking
"I know you won't eat me now because you've just eaten. I think I've gotten hugs before..." She still looks at Kira

Pear nods affirmatively
"Makes sense to me"

Stone and rectangular in shape.

Silver can name specific places to look, split up from Pear (though he'd need his own flashlight), or roll search.
Amber Sunset
The mare already has boots, but Amber will give her outerwear coat for what it matters. Hopefully the exertion is enough to keep the little filly warm.

Jakala has done plenty of pulling for the "day." Amber takes hold of the harness and slides them along.
Taking off the over coat, Amber feels cold. Very cold. But she's not naked at least, and she's at no risk of sweating. Pulling the weight of the adult mare and Jakala is not easy, and she needs to hurry before the blinded mare makes her way off of the sled.
Amber Sunset
"Keep her in place!" Amber neighs back at Jakala.

She double-times it back to her village, hoping one of the grown-ups is outside nearby and sees them.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Search: Let's start with just a search roll.

[1d20 = 17]
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira looks sadly with her big sad lamia eyes at her deer friend, who won't take the chance to hug the friendly lamia.
176293 176294 176295
Walking along the snow by the small houses near Amber's house, wrapped in thick fur clothing, is a stallion.

Going past the small room, into the bedroom, then inti the hallway, and turning right, along a wall there's an opening used potentially for a burial. And inside appears to be stone rectangular prism.

Her ears go down
"Does it mean that much to you that I hug you?"
Amber calls out for the stallion. "We need your help!"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Well..." Her own ears go down. "...it's...I guess it's a show of trust. You know, that you trust me to not actually eat you, or constrict you, or do anything bad to you, you know? So...yeah, it does mean a lot to me. I don't want to force you into doing anything, but..."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Is this it? Silver calls for Pear to shine the light on it so Silver can see to pull it out, as well as to see how much it's been disturbed.
176297 176298 176299
Pear shines the light on it

roll die

Neela slowly walks towards Kira, until the two are almost touching.

He looks over
"Little Kultainen Hämärä? What do you have on your sled?"
Then he comes to Amber
Amber is shivering despite the exertion, and looks worried. "This mare was on the tundra. She is very cold and can't think straight."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
[1d20 = 7]
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira's eyes, still big but no longer looking quite as sad, lock on her deer friend. "Are...are you sure?" She sounds quite excited as she asks her this question.
>Undead are basically golems.
That would apply to mindless zombies or skeletons (the kind created with Animate Dead), but intelligent undead (ones created through greater magic, or through extraordinary means) are free-thinking creatures.
>And if you have an intelligent undead, it's still an automaton
I disagree, but I'm not the GM, so whatever. I can accept that.
Intelligent undead are capable of being cunning villains, taking heroic class levels, and even forming their own societies. If they're autonomous, it's questionable if living things are as well.
>it's still not at all like the creature it was born from.
This I do agree with.
Vampires vary wildly across different eras and media, yeah.
>This means that Posey believes herself to be a continuation of consciousness from the living being she was created from.
It's a bit more complicated than that, but Posey herself does not have the words to describe her own doomed existence (and I'm not sure if I can properly put them in writing). She's still haunted by memories of trauma, pain, hopelessness and betrayal, even if she's not the same creature she was before.
>I would have believed her to be a different person - if she could be said to be a person at all - from what she was created from.
Posey has died twice, and been reanimated twice just as many times. She didn't consider her old life to be worth living, since she was just a tool for the pleasure of others and unable to eat or live under the sun. Posey has never had autonomy, not even now, so she's had little time to reflect just what she is. Her existence is a bit new, and the memories of her past life are hazy, like a nightmare, so in a sense it's like she's only just been created for the first time.
>Of course, Posey is your character, not mine.
Idk, I guess I could try harder to roleplay her existential dread. I'm not exactly an excellent writer...
I gave Posey Gloomy to humanize her, as I felt she might be just an edgy, power-hungry megalomaniac without him. Posey tells herself she's just grooming Gloomy to sacrifice him and make a Slaymate, but really Gloomy is the only thing on this barren earth that Posey cares about, because he makes her feel like she's alive, and he's the only thing that belongs to her and her alone (at 100 gp, Gloomy was the most valuable piece of starting equipment Posey came into the game with).
Also, while Posey might be my character, Gloomy is actually in part based on me. I know that makes me sound fucked in the head. Pls no bully.
>She may be a tortured soul
That's kind of what I was going for. Idk. I'll explore it.
I did want to explore Posey as a character, and as an antihero. She does believe that she has a destiny beyond service to her masters, which is why she's so diligent in expanding her powers and being free of service.
Posey is based on the first horseman of the apocalypse: the white horse of conquest, which is likened to the antichrist. I wanted to develop her as a charismatic leader of her own undying legion, both powerful and beautiful, even if her ambitions are ultimately evil and nihilistic. Posey believes that if she increases her powers, she can become more than just a lowly thrall one day.
Worth noting, if Posey's destroyed, as a katane/dampire, she could potentially have a chance of rising as an actual vampire, but it's not really part of my plan for Posey (she could become a lich at lvl 20).
>Do you still percieve and experience things in this new form, or is your conscious perception extinguished and replaced by a new conscious being?
I mean, you tell me. I do believe that ghouls retain at least some memory of their previous selves, even if the ghouls themselves are monsters independent of their souls. Ghouls retaining memories makes their existence all the more horrific and tragic, imo, as it gives them enough humidity to perceive their own wretched existence.
I recommend reading Libris Mortis, as offers several different perspectives DMs can draw on.
>Is the consciousness inhabiting your corpse you, or something new?
It could be a crude mockery of you, intelligent and retaining your memories

This actually raises a point of considering the source of Undeath. Both the ghast and Agire would be considered "Sporadic" undead, not created by spells. Fluffwise, they may retain more of their past selves than ghouls created by magic. Agire in particular was created through divine intervention, so he might be a unique ghoul, such as a Gravetouched Ghoul.
Imo, if ghoul society had a hierarchy, I would imagine sporadic ghouls with the most memories of the people they once were would be at the top of the totem pole, while ghouls that have regressed to being little more than starving animals with no sense of self (see: low charisma score) would be at the bottom.
>If it is you, where did you consciousness go?
Perhaps your soul went elsewhere, or perhaps it's hopelessly trapped as a spectator inside its own body (as is the case for Juju Zombies, who are based on original zombie myths) begging for release by an adventurer who might repose it and free it from its torment.
>If it is you, where did you consciousness go? Is it like you were in a dreamless sleep? Were you deposited into an afterlife, then pulled back? Just the fact that it isn't as obvious, makes it easier to see why this ghoul is less likely to be the same person as the fallout ghoul.
I really don't know GM.
I feel like discovering more about the true nature of death and undeath and revealing the answer over Posey's adventures would be fun, as Posey is still learning to make friends.
176302 176303 176304 176310
Waving over. "Well get her inside."

They aren't far away from a little hut, where he opens a door to let the ponies in.

Right material, right basic shape but... it's not it. The dimensions aren't quite there.

She moves a little closer. In fact, she places a hoof up, and places it on Kira's back on her snake side, probably right over Hopper's head.

"Just don't try to wrap around me with your scales." She says
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira quickly and happily wraps her forelegs around the deer, hugging her tight (but thankfully, not too tight) and exclaiming, "Oh thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! You're the best, Neela!"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Damn, that's not it. It must be elsewhere here."
She tugs the sled over to the door of the hut, huffing and puffing, and waits for the grown-ups to carry her inside.
176306 176307 176309

Neela's frame is forced up against Kira's chest, her head upwards and toward Kira's. Kira has held cervids like this before, and many more antelope, though not with such friendly intent. This is the first time she's ever actually felt Neela. She's small, a bit thicker around the belly, and her fur is short. She certainly smells like the cervids she's held before.

"Where then?" Pear asks

The stallion takes a moment, but if Amber doesn't pull them inside, the stallion physically moves the mare and Amber inside of the hut. A fire is already started, and there are blankets.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
176316 176352
Silver puts a hoof to his chin, thinking on where he would put a stone sarcophagus containing a potentially unliving lich in these catacombs...if he had one, that is.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"You're very soft, Neela! This feels nice..."
Amber may as well bring the sled inside for the time being, as she waits for the mare's condition to be checked on. It's cold outside after all.
Besides the discussion metaphysical nature of undead, I think this quest is over.

What Posey has accomplished on this mini quest
>1. Posey has re-payed the favor she promised to Agire's widow for the loss of her husband (whether she appreciates it is another story)
>2. Posey has secured good relations with the Kaftar church, which means she's found at least one venue she could solicit for paid divine spellcasting services (I guess Baka is a Cleric too though), as few other temples would accommodate her (a Cleric of Celestia could recognize her as undead, and even so they're quite rare in Baltimare)
>3. Posey has installed an undead monster into the line of succession for the kaftar clergy, who may one day become an ally of the Dread League (having an undead Cleric leading them could likely corrupt the temple in a way that is favorable to us)
>4. Posey has confirmed that the sporadic reanimation of ghouls can be induced through divine intervention, and may have even created a unique ghoul (this is good for her apprenticeship)
>5. Posey has disposed of the last witness of her previous quest, and having dealt ~60 points of Vile damage to her, she has destroyed her so thoroughly that she can't easily be brought back from the grave (this is a good mark on the Destruction Domain temple affiliation)
>6. Posey has discovered strange fungus magic associated with the Crocotta; a potential plot point to explore later
Satisfying for a mini quest.

With this, Posey wishes Agire well on his recovery, and bids them farewell as she takes her leave.

... Unless of course either of these priests would like to find some way to reward me for this charitable crime against nature, that is.
the mare continues to mutter, in what is presumably slurred regular speech. The stallion gets her on a bed, and she wriggles her legs about and tries to get back up.

"What's wrong with her? Is she delirious?"
176316 176318
Milyaketan moves off of Agire and looks over at fascination towards the ghast. The ghast moves slightly closer and into the candlelight. It opens its mouth, and it's jaw trembles. With a voice that is raspy and strained, he forces out:

"Hopping... through the snow. A colt jumping about. A mare calls... Evening Dew? Walking along a town path... A baton... A mare. She smiles."

>Unless of course either of these priests would like to find some way to reward me for this charitable crime against nature, that is.
Milyakaten is tall at the shoulder, but holds his head level to his shoulder rather than far above, appearing at once tall and short. With silent paw steps he moves slightly closer to Posey, like a cat.
"Did you have something in mind?"
176317 176318
nails sign to the front of her office at the university
Sign reads
>"Hopping... through the snow. A colt jumping about. A mare calls... Evening Dew? Walking along a town path... A baton... A mare. She smiles."
"Surely you can do better than that. You were a hero in life, with powers that equalled or exceeded my own right now (lvl 4 or greater). Try to remember." Posey chides, encouragingly
Posey levitates a clump of flesh off the ground and floats it to the ground.
"Let's get some fluids in that skull of yours. The flesh of the living brings you closer to life. Remember who you were..."
>"Did you have something in mind?"
"Well, there was ONE thing I had in mind, but you might find it a bit uncomfortable..." Posey replies