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Inching Closer
175042 175084 175098
The next big quest with everypony in it is coming soon (TM)
1777 replies and 49 files omitted.
There are some cuts, though likely not claws. Hard to say. No clear signs of wildlife. Some evidence of burning. Branches are broken or sheered off.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira visibly shrinks down into her coils.

Amber Sunset
Doesn't seem like bears. Amber wonders what could simultaneously burn and physically take down a tree. As tempting as it is to gather the ready-made firewood here, she decides against staying in the open any longer.

"Let's go back now," Amber says, retracing the path they took from the edge. She eyes the pile of hewn lumber in the distance.
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Bright Dye looks over at this odd display.
"What is it?"

"Okay." Jakala says with greater enthusiasm. She turns around in place, at one time directly turning back and getting caught by the sled, then moving away from the sled, and slowly inching it around until she's going down the hill into the little valley where the pile of chopped wood is, about halfway between the two strands of standing trees.
Amber Sunset
Amber follows close to Jakala as they approach the pile of chopped wood. Although not a woodworker she looks to see how cleanly they have been cut compared to the felled lumber everywhere else.

What sort of creatures would leave this here? she wonders.
The wood is chopped, cut, and split along natural lines. The cuts that exist are clean and straight. The pieces are all of a similar size, or rather, two sizes, one being small and for branches, the other made from tree trunks.
Amber Sunset
That is certainly not firewood, but intended to be used for building! Amber leads Jakala to cover in the forest at the edge of the clearing.

"We need to collect firewood and go back to tell the others," she directs.
“Okay.” Jakala says simply, turning her thickly-covered head towards Amber. She goes with Amber as directed.
Amber Sunset
Amber starts picking up whatever dry branches have fallen onto the ground and loading them onto Jakala's sled. It's harder work than she expected, but she keeps underestimating how small she is.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Well...normal giant eagles I can handle...but rocs...they're massive" She shrinks down a bit further. "I heard a story that they're why there's no lamias in Western Zebrica. They ate them all, carried them all off one by one to their nests."
“Huh. Neat! Maybe that’s why there aren’t any in Equestria.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki

A small part of Kira is reconsidering if it's actually safe to bright lamias over to Equestria.
Neela starts laughing in an oddly malign manner:
“Aha! Aha, ahahahaha!”

Bright Dye says
“Oh, don’t be too worried. They stay in the mountains and the dragons and the Cavalum keep them in check. I’ve only seen one around here once, maybe. Don’t worry about them. They aren’t known to carry away ponies around here.”

Neela, sarcastically:
“Why the fear, Kirafiki? How do you know they aren’t friendly here in Equestria? Who knows, maybe the fascists will let Rocs own lamias in the future.”
Jakala picks up twigs and branches with her mouth. Sone are tiny and Amber has to wonder why picking up a twig and carrying it back to the shed was worth the effort. At least one is a large branch that gets caught between two downed tree trunks.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"But you're ponies, I'm a lamia. They literally eat us for breakfast!"

Kira scrunches at Neela hard. She had better be careful, while Kira has been nothing but nice to her so far, she doesn't know when she'll cross the line where Kira decides she has a bit more room left for dessert.
rot intensifies
"I want chocolate sprinkles on my pancakes, momma."
"You can have all sprinkles you want, my little sweet pea."
Soon. I just need to figure out some dialogue. Tomorrow most likely

“Oh, they’ll eat dragons. And ponies and sheep and cows. But the most aggressive of them have been pruned over the years, especially by the dragons and Cavalum. I wouldn’t worry too much. They won’t want to get too close to the city. It’s dangerous for them.”

Neela just stares at Kira with an expression that’s hard to interpret.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
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"I hope so...I don't think I could be able to bring one down if it tried to snatch me..."

Sense Motive: Kira may not have much experience reading deer expressions, but interpret it she shall.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Forgot to roll
[1d20+2 = (7+2) = 9]
Something like resentment or anger.

Bright Dye:
“Well I would run, or duck, or… hide, if one swooped at me. No point in trying to fight it.”
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Oh noes. Angery deer.

"I think hiding might be my only option. Good thing it's something I'm good at."
Amber Sunset
Kindling is needed too, and Jakala has got the spirit. Amber tries pulling larger downed branches onto the sled, to provide a good balance of firewood that the adults might appreciate. The constant work also serves to warm the ponies in this frigid weather.
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“Heh heh, how could you hide? You’re so big. And… bright.”

Jakala’s little hooves tap along the ground. Amber soon enough has to travel further and further from the sled in order to pick up branches. It seems that branches, too, have been cleared away in some areas, leaving only trunks. But Amber finds branches, and after a passage of time, has enough.
Amber Sunset
"Okay, let's hurry back now…so we can ride the sled again," Amber tells Jakala. She adds the second part as motivation, for as much as she wants to ride the sled again, she wants to also tell the grown-ups about the odd clearing.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira smiles proudly at the stallion. "It's sort of a special talent of mine: I'm as stealthy as a cat stalking its prey. I've already surprised at least a couple of ponies today with my ability to hide in plain sight. Like that one pony at the radio store or the mare at the restaurant, when I managed to not startle either of them while buying our stuff by hiding my tail."
Replies for Posey and Silver Soon

"What..." He tilts his head. "How do you do that? You're massive and, well, yellow. You're very yellow."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Hide: Kira attempts to demonstrate her ability to their visitor by almost seemingly, magically, making her tail...disappear!

[1d20+13 = (12+13) = 25]
OIP (1).jpg
"What's a katane?" Milyaketan asks absent mindedly. But it's clear that his focus is not on Posey or anything she says, but rather with Agire. He moves towards him, slowly, cautiously, inspecting every feature of his damaged body. He moves like a family member, or a lover, carefully inspecting their long estranged loved one. Agire likewise has lost focus on the cow, and instead has his focus on Posey and her words, which have clearly rattled him. As Milyaketan comes nearer, Agire turns his attention to him.

"Agire? Agire? Do you hear me? Do you know me? I am your brother. Your bonded brother. Di Bin Malyaketan. I taught you about the Sultan and the Seven Angels; about the creation of the world from the Pearl, and how the Angels were entrusted as its custodians, and how we serve and give our faith to the Angels. How we bonded together. How you were to - how you are to - succeed me. Are you here, brother?" Di Bin Milyaketan walks closer and closer to the ghoul.

Agire stares at him, and then moves his jaw back and forth, and opens it wide before moving it back. And he speaks.
"Bin Milyaketan... Agire... Angels..." He does not blink. "Who are... these..."

Di Bin Milyaketan places a black paw on Agire's cheek, and comes closer to him. Being so close to a ghoul is self-evidently inadvisable, but Milkyaketan is beyond advice.
"Is it you?"

The ghoul, Agire, can only respond "No? I don't know?"

Milyaketan can only take his forelegs and wrap them over the cold, damaged body of the ghoul in a hug. In the light of the candles Posey can see the reflections of streams of tears.

"I did not think the Peacock would bring you back from the beyond... I don't think he has." His eyes go over towards Posey. "But I do appreciate that you have brought this much to me. He has forgotten much. It may not be... him... But I can try to teach him. You've given... at least this much for me to remember him by... after so much was taken, it is nice to... have something back..."
Milyaketan closes his eyes and holds hard onto the back of the ghoul, who in turn, reacts benignly. The ghoul speaks

"I can serve."

Milyaketan says
"Serve you shall."

As if on cue, after Posey makes her statement, a noise can be heard in the church. It's a metallic "pinging" sound. Presumably, a wrench or some other metallic object fell some dozens of feet, and landed on a pipe, or more likely, metal scaffolding at an oil refinery not even 500 yards away from the decript church, and the secret enclave of the Kaftar. Baltimare still lives - in whatever this horrid golemn of a city could be said to be alive. Even late at night, even in your secret meetings, it's heart beat can be heard. Powered by materials wretched from the bowels of the earth, fed and grown on foreign labor imported from every far corner of the earth, it pumps its bile to other, similar machines across the planet to keep them moving in the same automaton manner. Just as it does not live with dignity, it shall not die with dignity either. And it is very far from dead and gone.

Di Bin Milyaketan smiles and shakes his head at Posey's story.
"Of course the ponies think they were created first, and that we Kaftar took their place. No, we have been around at least as long as the pony. And why reanimate pony bones, or worse, pile corpses, when you could simply eat them? A well-fed kaftar warrior is better in battle than the corpse of even several ponies, and more in keeping with the teachings of the Angel. But I appreciate the compliments coming from a pony mouth. Even as your pony stories twist history to place ponies first, and thus closer to the divine intention, you still have to acknowledge our strength, our faith, and our spirit."

Agire tilts his head, and looks intrigued
"Society of... Bones?"
Kira's colors, even her diamonds, have the benefit of appearing like the colors and designs of a couch, or of a carpet, and soon enough, Kira's body blends against the rug and the loveseat

"How did you do that?!"
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Amber can hear the sounds of the wind sweep over the hill, and move past the edges of the hood of her coat. The wind is mercifully mild, as anything much greater would rend from Amber what little warmth she can maintain from her body. It makes oddly little sound passing through what remains of the few trees. Yet it is just as well that the wind keep up, given what Amber can hear when the wind dies down. From within her own hoody, Amber can hear a pair of sounds running in concert, or rather, a single sound that blends two influences that are not at all alike. One is a sound of a thousand cracks at very low volume, sounding closest to radio static, or perhaps raindrops on a roof. The other is a garbled sound like being underwater. Like tinitus, the sound is drowned out by any greater outside source of sound, but never seems to cease. The other sound comes from much further away, from beyond the rim of the small valley. Amber can hear the crackling of leaves, and the breaking of twigs. It sounds like something moving, or walking through the downed forest.

"Okay" Jakala says, trying to lurch forward, getting caught by the static intertia of the sled, then pushing against the snow to start moving the sled, and slowly pulling it up the hill and back towards home.
Pear's ears go down

"And if you find the right casket, open it, and it contains a live lich... then what?"
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>"What's a katane?" Milyaketan asks absent mindedly
"A dhampire. A pony bred from vampire stuff. I was a daughter of the Coven Of Blood, and I thought that I would be one of them one day, but... my mother had other plans..." her expression sours
>He has forgotten much. It may not be... him...
Posey's tone takes on a knowledgeable, encouraging tone
"Ghouls are one of the types of undead who retain their memories from life, albeit with their mannerisms recentered around their new unending hunger. They make up the majority of laborers in Magehold. It's likely that he still needs to recover though; makes sure he has a steady intake of flesh, especially brains. With time and luck, he may regain any of the skills he had in life."
>description of Baltimare
>And it is very far from dead and gone.
We'll see about that.
>Society of... Bones
"The Dread League, Necromancers from across the sea. My sources indicated that you were one of our friends. I was told you paid with your life for our friendship, so I figured I would... return the favor. I believed that if the Society made contact with you, your skills as a priest must be heroic, so I wished to see them for myself."
>vampire stuff
Amber Sunset
Amber shivers from the terrible cold, but what really chills her to the bone is the odd combination of sounds. Something is not right, indeed there is something very wrong about all of this. Are the two being stalked, or is the mysterious source of the sound approaching their home? Amber's ears are sensitive but she cannot quite tell now. While Jakala is moving she carefully, as silently as possible–despite the crunch crunch of snow under her hooves–moves towards where the cracks and garbled sound originate.
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Milyaketan continues to caress Agire's fur, specifically a line of fluff that rises off of Agire's backbone, like an extended mane down his back
"Societies of Bone, Covens of Blood... These are things to be consumed, not to be worshipped. Agire was a part of a society, but... I don't think it was that one... what is the benefit?"

Agire, however, is more attentive
"What... what can you do..? What do you wish?"

Milyaketan rubs Agire's fur more,
"I hope he regains his memories... that he is still him..."

Does Amber wish to crest the ridge?
Amber Sunset
She pokes her little head above, yes, preferably while next to a tree to not be easily seen.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles. "It's a special talent of mine. I'm probably one of the sneakiest lamias in the tribe, and that's saying something. Hiding and sneaking is less about not being seen and is more about blending into the environment around you."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver taps his chin as he ponders. "Well, if he is hostile, then we just search around here top to bottom for his phylactery and smash it, but I am almost certain it is already found and destroyed. But hey, if it turns out he is around and he is not hostile, then you get chance to talk with pony who has been around for hundreds of years and has plenty of knowledge of esoteric and occult topics."
Amber must necessarily be aware of three salient facts

One, Amber is small and weak. If anything were to attack her, she could not defend herself.

Second, her legs are small. If something chases her, it will likely catch her

Third, Amber is far from home. If she is in danger, help is not coming.

Are you certain whatever you're doing is worth it?

But for only a peak, Amber can gain this much:

Against the slightly illuminated forms of an endless sea of downed trees, Amber can see a form that is closest in shape to a black wolf or other quadruped. This is only a guess, as all Amber can see is a dark silhoutte. It's significantly darker than the tree trunks, the snow, or indeed, anything else on the forest floor. unlike a fox it has no interest in sniffing or looking underneath the tree trunks, but simply moves along as if they weren't even there. But it's much, much bigger than a fox. Bigger than a pony.
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"Huh, that's... that's pretty neat actually. I didn't think you could do it."

Neela looks disturbed

Pear tilts her head, letting an ear fall down
"Okay" She answers
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Assuming Pear is still sitting down on the ground, Silver offers her a hoof to get up with.

"Either way, with your brains and my braun, there is nothing we cannot handle."
Amber Sunset
Amber has to fight the urge to freeze in place and stare, as her fear is that merely looking at the monster would alert it to her presence. She lowers herself back down the hill and creeps back to Jakala. Despite herself, her eyes are as wide as saucer plates, and her ears are pointed back and twitching.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira smiles proudly at her abilities, before looking at the other two.

"What kind of talents do you guys have? You know, things you do better than most anyone else."
176201 176315
>Agire was a part of a society, but... I don't think it was that one...
Well then...
>what is the benefit
"Well, I was born into it, so I can't really speak for outsiders." Posey says with a shrug.
>what can you do..?
"I can do many things!" Posey says, buffing out her chest
"... Except animate the dead through my own power..." she admits, her ears dropping
>What do you wish?
"From you? Just to be friends... That is, to continue, or renew cooperation between my masters in the League and this temple, and perhaps request spellcasting services every few weeks or so. Magic of the priestly variety is rare among ponies, especially outside of Equestria. I heard stories that priests are among the mightiest Necromancers, and so I hoped to learn a thing out two from our relationship."
>"I hope he regains his memories... that he is still him..."
"He should, or, I believe he should. The ghouls who serve in the Dread League are for the most part created through direct magic by powerful necromancers, the typical way: they retain their memories, but we have had trouble retaining all of their previous skills and powers. I have heard stories that ghouls created through divine intervention, those "Touched By The King" as we call them, have powers that equalled or exceeded those that they had in life. I'm quite curious if he will confirm those stories, and I have great hopes for his recovery, and I would like to observe his progress over the next few weeks, if possible. It would certainly be a good note on my report to my masters." Posey says, eyeing Agire with a gaze that betrays her fascination
"Anyway, the fact that he's able to speak shows that he hasn't risen with any degenerative abnormalities. He should remember most of what he knew in life in a few nights."
She addresses Agire.
"I wish you well on your recovery."
A thought pops into her head
"Actually, you could use a demonstration."
she orders the ghast forward
"This stallion may not look it, but he is in fact a ghast. The fact that he's risen as a ghast instead of if a typical ghoul proves that he was a pony of formidable power in life, before he met his watery grave." Posey says, the ghast's appearance momentarily shimmering to reveal the rotting monster underneath
She addresses the ghast
"Darling, how about you tell us your name, and a brief description of who you were in life? Show us how well your mind works, to be a good role model. Do well and I'll buy you a big chunk of something bloody from one of those kebab stands. Do exceptionally well and I might even be persuaded to promote you to a free roaming officer one day... After all, ghouls do apply for Dread League citizenship, albeit for the lower classes."
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Pear's ears move back up, then down as she looks at Silver's hoof. She makes a small smile, moves her ears back up, and grabs Silver's hoof with her own and lets him pull her up. She looks into his eyes as he does so.
"Let's go solve an antique mystery" she says

The creature lets Amber go, or seems to. She can hear the sounds of breathing twigs behind her, but she does not see it crest the ridge. Jakal looks back towards Amber and waits.

Bright Dye answers
"I can handle animals. Or I do, anyways."

Neela smiles
"Was this yours?" She says, holding up the wooden leopard necklace of Kira

Here we run into the same issue...

The manual says that a ghast created by a virus does not retain memories... as for anything else, it seems like a cheap way to obtain resurrection
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"What the..." Kira checks her person for the necklace, finding that it is indeed missing. She looks at Neela in awe. "How did you do that? That's amazing!"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
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Hopefully either Pear has a light or they thought to install some when they came to catalogue the catacombs, as Silver realizes he forgot to bring one with him while he brings Pear into the previously ghoul-infested tunnels.
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Neela smiles
"Hehe, the true magician never reveals her secrets."

Pear grabs a flashlight that is laying against the rock, next to the entrance. Pear turns it on and takes the lead, walking through the blasted rock into the hall, walking along the hallway of the lower floor, then up the old, stone stairs, then along the catacombs until they get to the big chamber, and then to the bedroom chamber. Silver may have to be careful not to walk into Pear as they have only the one flashlight. Pear feels no special compulsion to need to hold Silver's hoof, being more or less comfortable in the catacombs. More than once, the ponies come across a little area sectioned off, like a fallen skeleton that has been marked off for further investigation. Pear walks around these and continues.

They come to the bedroom and the coffin
Amber Sunset
Amber whispers to Jakala. "Be as quiet as you can and follow me."

She leads her in the direction opposite the monster, trying to find a path that breaks a sight line from the ridge.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver's not exactly thrilled to see these halls again, though getting the chance to have an adventure with Pear makes it worthwhile.

"Could you shine light on casket, please?"

With the flashlight pointed towards the coffin, Silver examines it in detail, recalling everything he remembered of the original to see if the two match, or if there are any discrepancies that point to this not being the same one.