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Lots and lots of shrooms
16243 16245
Dude, you're unqualified. I appreciate that you opted to.post during your recent experience, but please disclaimer your shit with "IDFK what I'm talking about, this its all a subjective tivr experience "
I think he means well, hes just,... well an idiot.
Of all the repfutations to employ you picked a logical fallacy?

Why are you advocating? Are you part of a sales team? Your opinion is irrelevant, just stick to the facts.

Psilocybin (in my experience) is not a fan or supporter of artifice and theres been alot. Skeptics are encouraged to be skeptical, but though flummoxed in his depiction, shroom anon has a point. Its only the sort of point that can be validated through experience though, so non parties will never have their concerns intellectually satisfied.
No bully, but you really have to experience it to qualitatively detract authoritatively. Not a criticism, just a disclaimer.

Having said, shroom anon, we need to talk. I have a simple question for you: what is its name? My point is, while having had an experience with psilocybin, are you qualified to suggest it? I'm not saying that many wouldn't have a good experience, I'm saying that are you prepared to talk someone into shrooms, only for them to have a bad (harmful) experience? An individual is welcome to experiment on their own, but to advocate suggests some degree of authority that quite frankly isnt evident. I guess we need a psylocybin thread, cuz this isnt it.
Also, per the thread, I'm 2/3 sheets
16244 16245
From my point of view Psychedelics and various drugs in general are a potential tool that one ought to use to enable yourself further if needed.
For medial use, spiritual use, or for psychological use they must all be used legally (legal disclaimer) and responsibly.
The mind is something that can do so many things just by thinking about it. Not even going into the occult side. A specialized meditation can kill brain cells, or construct new cells or neural pathways.
You can actually change your physical brain by thinking about it!
You can do this with or without any kind of external interface.

Psilocybin from documentaries I've seen a long while ago, can rewire how you think. Some of the positive 'greatest minds' reported a higher IQ. Maybe creativity as well. Only at one doseage. Maybe also enabling neural regeneration, but... that's from half baked memories I don't trust the integrity of.
>I advocate the use of Psychedelics as they are a key into the world below
A battering ram. Not a key. As you said do it wrong, and a supporting structure goes down.
Only YOU are the key, the gate, the way, the whatever the fuck you want to call it. It's all you. Not the chemical. Not the mushroom. It's just you.
Physicality and the magic spiritual reasons are there. Where the body is the means to grow into who you are ment to be on a spiritual level. If you need or truly desire a battering ram so be it.
>used for thousands of years for mainly spiritual purposes throughout the world, from Ancient tribes in Ireland to the Aztecs,
It has its place throughout history and those cultures.
I'm not arrogant enough to say they were unnecessary, or had to be strangled out of existence.
They were different times. When time and matters of life or death always lurked around the corner. Where the supporting rituals, and guides would enable the success and enrichment of the soul.
>Drug laws
In a non-harmonious society they are necessary to prevent the whole populace from not working (suprise suprise its them again).
However the way it currently is harms more people, and cripples society. Medicated drugs are being pushed unto people. Soup agencies deal with them to remove whoever they want. Pharma creates the problems they 'fix'. Prisons get their cut of the pie, and ensure they have a constant supply of people to be paid to keep.
It's not a good place.
<should it be changed?
Fuck if I know. Making society harmonious, or at the very least non-self destructive would stop bad sliding behavior.
Would like to know more. More data is always handy.

You get a poner. I'm always up for knowledge and wisdom.

Disclaimer never touched it in this life.
.t I'll fuck my own mind up with my mind! It's cheaper and legal that way.
(You) also get a poner
Let's be clear. Shrooms are different for EVERYONE. Like, one person will have a happy, frolicking with flowers and shit experience, while another will have their limbs lock up and get devoured by giant praying mantises. There is no 'safe' way. U just gotta roll with it.
16246 16247 16248 16269
chemical kek.gif
You still do not explain why it is degenerate, you slander me and ignore what i have said.
So what if i take them, i am living in the footsteps of my fathers.
My ancestors are smiling at me imperials, can you say the same?
Aleister Crowley can suck my dick.
I have had experience with them but i do not think they are for everybody, some people are more paranoid than others so they are not the best of people to try them, i have had extended usage of them so i have an idea of what they are capable of so that is why i advocate the use of Psychedelics.
I have tried them numerous times under different circumstances and i have had a few bad trips that are fundamentally bad but the things i experience under them is indescribably 'magical' i see into other peoples minds and know what they are thinking and what they are going to say next, i see into the future and feel both past and present, then there is also the pleasure and spiritual wisdom that comes from them.

The name of the mushroom is psilocybe semilanceata and no i wouldn't force someone to try anything nor would i make them if i knew they weren't going to have a bad time.
they seem to elevate my level of thought so i sort of have this 'knowledge' of everything around me and i can be one with it as well as a feeling of living everywhere and within everything, it is what makes one a true Druid in my vision.
I never had this psychic ability before taking them, and the higher i get on them the more in tune with my surroundings i become, i become one with the subconscious as well as having being truly within myself and at the same time being completely put of myself.
Psychedelics are A key into the abyss but without them you are trying to lock pick a invisible gate.
Drug laws are out of whack in this world, no one seems to bother with psychedelics even though they are a million times safer than alcohol and the fact that they grow naturally but are illegal to possess is bullshit.

>Would like to know more. More data is always handy.
I become one with the world and the world speaks to me in a cryptic yet clear way using my brain as a sort of radio that is fine tuned to everything, animals especially while i am on them.
It's hard to describe but i'll try answer whatever you throw at me.
*and at the same time being completely out of myself.
I appreciate what you are trying to do, but howre you gonna introduce a friend to another friend, and not know one of the friend's name?
16249 16251
>I become one with the world and the world speaks to me in a cryptic yet clear way using my brain as a sort of radio that is fine tuned to everything, animals especially while i am on them.
Two way street of communication or one way, it's all pouring into you?
Clear memories of the experience?
Has your abilities increased outside of the Psychedelics in a mistake manner? (The problem is I can't do control groups because people are different.)
What sort of psychic abilites have you've tried? Have you ever dabbled in any other magic stuff?
>Has your abilities increased outside of the Psychedelics in a measurable manner?
Damn auto correct.
Have you felt your over laying soul structure(s)?
Have you? Prove it. In the meantime, realize you hav an audience, one that btw doesnt know wtf ur talking about
16254 16256
I don't understand what you are trying to say.
Also i am not a people person, i don't see people very often nor do i try make friends, i let things come and go freely, i do not force anything.
>Two way street of communication or one way, it's all pouring into you?
It's pouring into me mainly but i can pour myself out if i really want to and i only pour my emotions and wants out if i really something and it will come, it works every time all though if i try force anything nothing will happen, it's like you have to appease the spirits or let things happen naturally.
>Clear memories of the experience?
Yes a pure trip with a lot of psyilocybin is almost 100% memorable and even it is still the same with weed thrown in.
>Have you felt your over laying soul structure(s)?
Yes, totally, i can become possessed by my individual emotions and my subconscious, it seems my subconscious is awakened and i know and see things which my normal brain doesn't understand fully but when i am in a deep trip i know exactly what everything is trying to tell me,
I have tried mind control a few times trying to make someone move a object or say something about a object and it only works if i attempt to see out of their eyes, again i haven't tried drugs with anyone else, just by my lonesome so most of the times i have tried something it's usually after peak.
I use a sort of divination system while on them to predict the future, i will usually grab a bunch of plants at random until i feel right and then i will throw them in a river and see what happens, it only seems to work if i am on them but the last time i did that i got the impression i would find a four leaf clover on my right because i threw this plant in the river and it looked exactly like a green number 4 and this twig that i threw was pointing at it on the right side of the river and i found a 4 leaf clover 2 days after on the right side of this old stone road.

I feel as if the world is sort of influenced by emotions and the vibrations people put off so also the way the universe is aligned together, such as every trip i go on is sort of influenced under the zodiac signs of the moon and the phase of the moon is the feeling i get.
Calm down faggots.
Another thing is i know if there is a nigger around.
It's like i have a personal nigger alarm.
>Has your abilities increased outside of the Psychedelics in a measurable manner?
>have you?
>IDK what you're saying
You posted an implicit statement, but when called upon you balked. Are you offering an authoritative position?
16256 16266
>Has your abilities increased outside of the Psychedelics in a measurable manner?
Oh! Sorry i misread it as:
>Has your abilities increased using the Psychedelics in a measurable manner?

Yeah i 'know' what someone is going to do or say even out of them or what is going to happen in my surroundings but it isn't as clear as when i am on them, i know the exact thing that people are going to do or say when i am on them.
>You posted an implicit statement, but when called upon you balked.
i'm sorry are you referring to me misreading or are you on about something else?
>Are you offering an authoritative position?
I'm not offering a authoritative role because i'm not good at being leader, so feel free to ask whatever.
16257 16262
>In the meantime, realize you hav an audience, one that btw doesnt know wtf ur talking about
I highly recommend the /vx/ thread, because I'm not that experienced.
>>>/vx/98688 →
>Prove it.
That's always the part with contention.
So you know that feeling when you know someone is starting at you? If someone is going to do something atupid and you feel ot in your bones before it hapens?
Part of that is the subconscious doing some calculations and predictions with all the information the body gets. The other part is the local soul 'aura' stuff. A bubble ish thing that surrounds you.
Like an onion is has multiple layers. One is basically your body, another is just outside. One more is more or less a few feet or meters surrounding you. Then it just gets bigger from there. Maybe a mile, then about the size of a town. A small country. Then a big country. Then the world, then the solar system. Up and out.
The mental and soul psyke and the bits that do something are there and are important too.
The proving it part so it's sufficient evidence is hard with stuff that can always be calked up to 'dude that's crazy mental mumbo jumbo stuff. That didn't mean that it's a real thing."
>>Has your abilities increased outside of the Psychedelics in a measurable manner?
Some long term goals over been working on seem to be working as intended. Like, stuff on a national/global scale. Most of that comes down to my own self delusion. Because most of that can be from any number of sources and the magic is just divination but worded weirdly. I'm also sure many other people are also working on those goals as well so...
More on topic I've had an out of consciousness experience where I have the meta knowledge, but not the physical body memory.
Ah, I'll just keep the above part up for more content.
>Yeah i 'know' what someone is going to do or say even out of them or what is going to happen in my surroundings but it isn't as clear as when i am on them, i know the exact thing that people are going to do or say when i am on them.
Interesting. That makes sense.
> i know exactly what everything is trying to tell me
Yeah everything you've posted, that sounds like magic. I mean it is magic.
<why ask about memory
I have a weird relationship with memory and keeping track of time.
Indeed. If I remember correctly some shooms can also have you go on a trip far after a person has taken them. Years later.
just to rephrase myself i 'know' what someone is going to say or if their gonna scratch their nose but it only truly works face to face with someone or a animal and i never had anything like this before mushrooms, a couple of things revolving around magic but no true full on knowledge of what is going to happen.
go to bed.jpg
Goodnight anons.
Psychedelics have shown benefits in a few clinical studies, but those aren't something you should fuck around with. Yes they can help some people, but under the wrong circumstances they can really damage a person.
>Indeed. If I remember correctly some shrooms can also have you go on a trip far after a person has taken them. Years later.
You are talking about LSD because mushrooms only stay in you for about 2 weeks, i have never had any hallucinations beyond that point, and it does say some people that have taken LSD have experienced hallucinations years later.
Thank you.
It mainly depends on the person as every one has a different brain even those of the same family so some people aren't cut out for it but most of those studies revolve around people with a already existing mental illness or are forced in a controlled environment which is the exact opposite of where it should be taken as when under heavy psychedelics like DMT and you are being questioned by men in lab coats it is difficult to keep worry out of your head when you are under, as those men will transform into Dr Connors from spiderman or animals or something so if you imagine it, it seems funny but at the same time horrifying because that's what they look like to you.
There are some study's and experiments which are done in a environment that is suitable for the consumption of psychedelics and those are usually the ones with the best results.
They are mainly a spiritual enhancer or the minds version of steroids as they help the mind grow and be the best it can be, so you shouldn't be a idiot with them as you wouldn't mix bleach and vinegar together unless you wanted something bad to happen
It all depends on their personality, mindset and place if someone isn't relaxed going into them then it's not a good idea to take them if you are not in a relaxed or open environment or mindset, you wouldn't want to take LSD in the middle of WW1 while being shouted at by your officer and guns and shells are flying as obviously it wouldn't be a good idea at all.
Yeah psilocybe mushrooms are more or less on the shallow part of psychedelics but you can have a powerful trip with a high dose like when someone takes a dose of psilocybe semilanceata (which is about 25 to 30 mushrooms) while having never taken them before are usually the results with the most amount of paranoia in the patients so i do not recommend high doses of them if you have never taken them before, there is also Amanita muscaria which is another magic mushroom that contains different types of hallucinogens which are stronger than that of psilocybin.
>like DMT and you are being questioned by men in lab coats it is difficult to keep worry out of your head when you are under
Not DMT but LSD creates this sort of perception, DMT sends you somewhere else entirely.
Nigger, I've taken acid and mushrooms more times than you've masturbated. I appreciate that you've had a good experience and all, but you're a little green to be doing an AMA. And you should word things very carefully. I'm sure anons on mlpol arent gonna do anything stupid, but the wrong g thi g said around an impressionable person can set them on a course that's bad. I'm not trying to get you to assume responsibility for other people, but I am trying to impress on you how impressionable people can be, and unless you're ready to act as a guide, I wouldn't go dramatically retelling your experiences. You are of course, free to disagree/disregard
>Nigger, I've taken acid and mushrooms more times than you've masturbated.
kek, alright Mr mushroom.
>I appreciate that you've had a good experience and all, but you're a little green to be doing an AMA.
You are right that i cannot explain everything just yet as time will show if i can answer those questions.
>And you should word things very carefully.
I try my best but i am not literate all the time, especially under those plants, as you would expect someone to be under them, i try thinking about what i should write before i send it but mistakes are made on delivery that i will try to stop.
>I'm sure anons on mlpol aren't gonna do anything stupid, but the wrong thing said around an impressionable person can set them on a course that's bad
People can decide what do with themselves but the promise of these hallucinogens are worth talking about enough to me that i feel like they should be talked about instead of ignored, as they are not talked about that often around here. If someone gets addicted to weed than that is due to their own incompetence but weed is not that great by itself like leftists and blind men claim it to be, if someone can't control themselves on LSD and does something which they couldn't control then they can decide for themselves whether or not it is for them.
>I'm not trying to get you to assume responsibility for other people, but I am trying to impress on you how impressionable people can be, and unless you're ready to act as a guide, I wouldn't go dramatically retelling your experiences.
I should tell people about my experiences since they are enlightening and people shouldn't be in the dark about psychedelics since they were a tool of my ancestors that they used for spiritual purposes so i use them like they did in the hope that i can create a bond with those who are forgotten and make myself better than before, people are gullible since we are social beings but they should always think instead of letting their emotions tell them what to do but i cannot help those who use only one part of their brain but I guess i can act as a shaman if you wanna do it like that anon, i am open.
>You are of course, free to disagree/disregard
If we didn't believe in freedom we wouldn't be here talking about this but we are so let's engage in word throwing.
Ah, I get it. You dont care for responsibility, knowledgeability, or any of that tedious 'knowing what you're talking about through experience' nonsense, you just wanna grandstand cuz you had a good trip. Carry on
>You dont care for responsibility, knowledgeability, or any of that tedious 'knowing what you're talking about through experience' nonsense, you just wanna grandstand cuz you had a good trip.
You are misinterpreting me, i have taken mushrooms more than merely once, i have experience with them i wouldn't talk about them if i knew nothing about them, like i said it is one persons choice what they do with themselves, i am not a puppet master, if you read what i posted you will know i am not inexperienced.
>I have had experience with them but i do not think they are for everybody, some people are more paranoid than others so they are not the best of people to try them, i have had extended usage of them so i have an idea of what they are capable of so that is why i advocate the use of Psychedelics.

>I have tried them numerous times under different circumstances and i have had a few bad trips that are fundamentally bad but the things i experience under them is indescribably 'magical' i see into other peoples minds and know what they are thinking and what they are going to say next, i see into the future and feel both past and present, then there is also the pleasure and spiritual wisdom that comes from them.

what do you know about them if you claim to know more than i do? Or are you just shit posting?
Lesson #1. Perception of reality =/= experience of reality. Mushrooms are notable for causing feelings and perceptions. Precognition, comprehension of inevitability, ESP and other such things are not uncommon. But they are phenomenal, and neither endemic nor reliably consistent.
Try focusing on what your e experiences taught you, and less on the actual experience. Yes, it was otherworldly and exciting, but the point of it was not to be otherworldly and exciting. Mushrooms are a knowledgeable spirit, and it will teach you things if you let it.
>Perception of reality =/= experience of reality. Mushrooms are notable for causing feelings and perceptions. Precognition, comprehension of inevitability, ESP and other such things are not uncommon.
Okay so you are telling me things i already know, thanks for refreshing my mind anyways.
>But they are phenomenal, and neither endemic nor reliably consistent.
That's right
>Try focusing on what your experiences taught you, and less on the actual experience.
>Yes, it was otherworldly and exciting, but the point of it was not to be otherworldly and exciting.
That is the whole point of what i am doing them for, i don't do them for the sake of pleasure or for a kick, i am interested in what they can teach me, that is the way the Druids treated them like, to obtain power and insight into the world. They have taught me that i am not alone and the power of the mind, spirit and soul.
>Mushrooms are a knowledgeable spirit, and it will teach you things if you let it.
Yes, they are keys to the gate of higher conscious.
Lesson #2. Dont kiss and tell
Your experience(s) are irrelevant. To wit, they have as much validity as dreams do. Being the dreamer, your dreams are or can be quite significant,... to you. They were not meant for others, else they would be part and parcel to them. They are not evidence, they're just stories, a means to convey an idea,... to you.
16274 16281
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>Your experience(s) are irrelevant.
I disagree knowledge should be shared not hidden.
>To wit, they have as much validity as dreams do.
That is due to ignorance and how much someone is willing to listen.
>Being the dreamer, your dreams are or can be quite significant,... to you.
I don't know i have dreams that are usually fantastical, i have never truly had a dream that told me anything important.
>They were not meant for others, else they would be part and parcel to them.
That is expected, it would mean more to someone if i had a crystal ball
>They are not evidence, they're just stories, a means to convey an idea,... to you.
Then why do the things i think about happen later at some point if they are not evidence? Are they just stories if i have proof?
Experience =/= knowledge. Experience is like an unfinished blade. Sure, it has shape and structure, but it needs to be tempered and refined to make a live, functional blade. Likewise, a bunch of experiences are not knowledge, they're a cluster of asymmetrical ideas and sensory data that may(?)correlate, with time and effort.
Your response suggests that you feel that not relaying your experiences is tantamount to information repression which is,... premature and a bit on the grandiose side.
>I have never had a dream that told me anything important
Have you tried paying attention? You're effectively suggesting that your own dreams have nothing useful to convey, but hardcore drugs (to some) do?

Lesson #3 Everything is a dream. Your experience with shrooms? A dream. Your experience while sleeping? A dream. You sitting at your device reading this post right now? A dream.

Why do you feel that mushrooms give you a more valid experience than your own dreams? Perhaps that's the wrong question, let me rephrase. Why are you more receptive to the experience using mushrooms than without?
16276 16281
I have nothing to say about the first part of your post.
>Your response suggests that you feel that not relaying your experiences is tantamount to information repression which is,... premature and a bit on the grandiose side.
To not talk about my experiences is not what i would do, secrecy is not always the right thing to do and i feel like this is important.
>Have you tried paying attention? You're effectively suggesting that your own dreams have nothing useful to convey, but hardcore drugs (to some) do?
Alright i know that dreams have meaning and wisdom can be found within them, just i have tried Lucid dreaming but it never worked for me and whenever i try look into the meaning of my dreams they seem too outside of anything to have great meaning to me, that's why i disregard my dreams most of the time.
>Everything is a dream. Your experience with shrooms? A dream. Your experience while sleeping? A dream. You sitting at your device reading this post right now? A dream.
Why do you feel that mushrooms give you a more valid experience than your own dreams?
>Why are you more receptive to the experience using mushrooms than without?
In my experience psychedelics are far easier to understand for me and contain more wisdom than any of my dreams ever did. I cannot understand my dreams as they usually are about the most weirdest things and most of the time just make me laugh when i try understand them, whereas Psychedelics are the opposite for me.
>not telling everyone = secrecy
Theres totally no self aggrandisement in that statement
>I know dreams have meaning and stuff, but thats hard. It's easier to just dose myself.
>Why do you feel mushrooms = more valid
That's precisely my point! Why do you feel they're more valid? Mushrooms are a guide, not a private tutor. They're something to be learned from, not something to be relied/depended on. My dreams tell me everything I need to know.
Protip: dream analysis is identical to creative writing analysis.
16278 16281
>That's precisely my point!
>Why do you feel they're more valid?
Dreams are not the same as them, my dreams don't have a story they are mashed up circuses of emotions and to understand them is like trying to pick apart something that doesn't have a story, i never truly have understood them, some people don't have dreams as well so everyone dreams differently from person to person, as psychedelics effect people differently from person to person.
Funnily enough i feel more grounded in reality than i do in dream as they are more wacky than mushrooms are for me.
You rely on dreams, i don't and i don't think we do not have the same dreams at all.
>Mushrooms are a guide, not a private tutor.
Yes i do not rely on them for everything as that is unwise but they are a tool for me that i use to help me on this spiritual path.
>They're something to be learned from, not something to be relied/depended on.
Why not? Does it really matter if i go against taboos if i get consistent rewards? I learn from them and i am able to increase the power of my mind under them so why should i stop if i know that i am fully capable of harnessing my mind while taking them?
>My dreams tell me everything I need to know.
You are fine to use dreams for whatever, i have tried numerous times and got negative results from them.
>dream analysis is identical to creative writing analysis.
I know this but it has never helped me analyze mine.

Dreams to me are not very informative about anything even if i try analyze them for weeks, i have had wet dreams as well as 'normal' dreams but all of them have no plot to inspect, things just sort of happen in them and have no meaning other than usually the implication that they are pleasurable and funny.
16279 16281
If your dreams are a jumbled mess, that doesnt bode well for the state of your mind anon and dismissing dreams as useless is a frivolous and indulgent rationale to avoid taking an honest look. What's more, you're adopting a disposition of immediate gratification versus delayed gratification. No wonder she hasn't introduced herself, you dishonor yourself wilfully. Do as you will, I've made my case.
>If your dreams are a jumbled mess, that doesn't bode well for the state of your mind anon and dismissing dreams as useless is a frivolous and indulgent rationale to avoid taking an honest look.
I do not dismiss my dreams as fully unintelligible, they have been this way for a long time before i touched psychedelics and my dreams are more refined and easier to remember on hallucinogens but i still don't truly understand them but i do remember them, the dream i had last night was about a herd of wild horses terrorizing this town (just mainly wouldn't let people leave) in the mist and all the women were trying to make them stop and the men wanted to kill them but the horses wouldn't return to their fields so they ran away when the people of the town couldn't take it anymore.
I do not mean to be ignorant about my dreams they just don't mean a lot to me.
>What's more, you're adopting a disposition of immediate gratification versus delayed gratification.
I have practiced magic for a while before i took mushrooms and the way that it worked before i took them wasn't as powerful or didn't work as well as i had hoped but when i started doing magic and mushrooms together i almost instantly developed a sort of magical aura wherever i went and my spells were exactly how i wanted them to go, if i stopped using them i don't think i would be totally bothered as they are not addicting.
>No wonder she hasn't introduced herself, you dishonor yourself willfully.
I do not see how i am dishonoring myself if i am trying to live in the best image of myself that i can be but if i knew this wasn't meant for me i would stop. How am i doing something evil if i am able to be better in all my efforts with the addition of some natural plants that won't kill me but will only make me better? The only thing i am doing wrong is not adhering to the cultural efforts of Christianity but even then i am not a satanist just some pagan mcnigger and i am disobeying the laughable law. I have been in touch with multiple deities and spirits to say i am dishonoring myself is a lie, if you believe that i am somehow dishonoring myself by becoming spiritually connected with myself than i only see that you just want me to stop what i believe is right for me or you see me as some crazed Celt loaded with mushrooms, kek.
My case is closed, i do not wish to tongue tie myself any further in a debate over fucking dreams.
I also made sure i remembered that dream for you, so you can be my dream detective.
Thank you for the informative posts. Have some good poners. Dreams are always fun to interpret, ranging from meaningless to the complex multidimentional minecraft chess. Sometimes with messages deeply personal, or specifically designed for some other time. In any case.
It's nice to have more friendly magic users in the world.
I'd also argue some dreams are not what they seem and exploring them further can be malicious. Cognito hazards are rare, and having any kind of will or experience can over come those small snares.
>adopting a disposition of immediate gratification versus delayed gratification
There is a time and place for each.
>you dishonor yourself
I'd argue he is honorable. Although I shouldn't be one to judge.
Doing what you can with what you have to maximize what you can do for the betterment of what you want to do. At least that's my two cents on it. I appreciate your concern.
>Thank you for the informative posts. Have some good poners.
>It's nice to have more friendly magic users in the world.
>I'd argue he is honorable. Although I shouldn't be one to judge.
>It's nice to have more friendly magic users in the world.
Thank you anon, i think i have been letting loneliness get over me as of recent as to the anomaly of my posts being so common, i only just realized this.
It's been a while since i've seen my favorite mare.pun not intended
>Dreams are always fun to interpret, ranging from meaningless to the complex multidimensional minecraft chess
Yeah i have had a lot bizarre dreams that really make me think of how abnormal and strange they are. especially if i have a wet dream after mushrooms.
>Sometimes with messages deeply personal, or specifically designed for some other time
Yeah i have had a couple of really weird dreams that are really emotional but it's been a long time since one of them.
>Doing what you can with what you have to maximize what you can do for the betterment of what you want to do.
Yes they are what i consider to make me enter a sort of magical radio.

T. the Grand Potato Wizard of the KKK
16524 16525
Just drunk posting some random music
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Drunk-posters untie!
Okay i am currently well and truly in the zone so i wanna post a guide here for what i am currently on.
I tried dark chocolate (90%) with the mushrooms at the same time as i was researching what are good Monoamine oxidase inhibitors to induce stronger effects and create a stronger trip so i ate a small dose of the mushrooms (5 of them) and i am experiencing lots of feels right now, all of them are positive.
I feel a wave of energy flow all through my nerve ends and feel very wakeful and upbeat while i am having lots of creative thoughts, i didn't expect this to turn out as well as it has but i had 2 squares of the chocolate with the liberty caps, i took the cannabis oil about an hour and a half before the chocolate and mushrooms.
The hallucinations i am experiencing are the brightening of colors and shapes are more easily recognized, closed eye hallucinations are like waves of rainbows going from one side to the other.
I have a great appreciation of myself and my surroundings.
I'm back on the same stuff, except this time i had 3 squares and 10 mushrooms with the oil.
This stuff is some of the strongest shit i have ever been able to feel, i can feel pulses going through my nerves as i can feel my whole system of nerves being given energy, it's very peaceful but i know that i am alone which is sort of looming over me because i want to be with Fionn again, there is many things to worry about but i don't give a fuck as i have left that bullshit behind.
I feel almost complete, there is more to be found within myself but i am currently at a turning point to power, i feel whole but not the full loaf of bread yet, the tingling is very pleasurable and i can also feel all the organs of myself, the brain is the most heaviest feeling, it's hard to describe.

I could do an AMA as i am not currently at peak yet.
What do you fags want to know?
I feel free metaphorically speaking i have a sense of release like i am in tune with my personal radio.
I am experiencing quite a lot of hallucinations, everything looks sort of distorted and melds together, it feels humble and nice.
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r8 my sunday morning sesh