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Writefag Support Circle: A Gathering of Based Gentlemen Who Smoke Pipes.
Thread number three. Last one is apparently at bump limit.

Previous thread: >>336928 →

I'm lazy so I'm just going to copypaste the OP text from the last one since it still applies. Important bits have been bolded for emphasis.

Basically all that is said in that OP applies to this one but I'll go through the 'rules' of this thread here as well.

So, the main point of this thread is to facilitate and enable Anons' writefagging; in a similar way pride facilitates and enables aids.;^P The Anons in this thread can be separated into two camps: Anons who wants help with their writing project(s) and Anons that feel inclined to help those aforementioned shrek-colored skinheads.

Crafting and beta-reading is what we do here, any critique of literature not made by a guy submitted for this thread should be incidental; it should be when you —as a beta-reader of fics posted ITT— make a comparison between the fic your reviewing and some other story for the sake of demonstrating your point, whatever it is.

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

Read this again, because it's important:

This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph. Meaning if you're not using —like, let's pick something arbitrary— Naruto for a comparison in your critique of someone's writing itt, then don't bring it up. I understand that tangents can happen and if it's like a few exchanges with a pair of posters; then it's fine. However, don't make this a pattern and also move whatever off-thread-topic discussion to a more fitting board/thread. There's after all no problem with finding someone to converse with and share perspectives on a subject you care about but just take it to an appropriate thread. Sidenote: Nigel, these rules applies to you in a stricter fashion because I would not have to detail them with this much precision if it weren't for you.

I hope that I haven't scared anybody off. This is still suppose to be a chill af thread. Funposting is very much allowed and encouraged. It really is more that some type of posting —like, things that are completely irrelevant to the thread— does not belong here. I know, rocket-science and a rule that is seldom seen and highly unique for this thread. Perhaps you could call it a... Novelty. (You) intelligent lurker, obviously get the subtext of this OP so you probably won't need to worry about any of this. I'd say if you're unsure if what you're about to post belongs in the thread, then post it anyway. The worst that can happen is that someone tells you to move it to another thread and you get a better insight of what post belongs in thread. If you consist on fish and chips, however, I'd suggest you think twice on what you're posting and perhaps even ask beforehand if your rant about lefties and Undertale belongs here.

If there are any questions on the OP, ask away?
354 replies and 217 files omitted.
Also, as long as I've got everyone's attention, I've started uploading my Past Sins thing to Fimfic if anyone wants to updoot it.

Bump to get this off page 4.

Hey does anyone here know how to construct the writing and characters and plot and setting for a fictional world in a videogame in such a way that the player's intended path through the world will confirm my biases and tell the player what I want to hear, while the villains are those I disagree with and want the player to hate?

Like how Bioshock Infinite was propaganda that made the player hate whites and save a white girl witch from her evil christian dad. Except I'm not a jew so instead of lying to slander whites I'll tell the truth about jews/niggers/muslims/libtards.
359348 359361
>Hey does anyone here know how to construct the writing and characters and plot and setting for a fictional world in a videogame in such a way that the player's intended path through the world will confirm my biases and tell the player what I want to hear, while the villains are those I disagree with and want the player to hate?
Like the vast majority of the questions you ask, this one is flat-out bizarre and nearly impossible to answer. Somehow it manages to be extremely general and extremely specific at once. I honestly can't figure out if your posts are serious questions that you expect serious responses to, or if you just scatter bird seed on your keyboard and let a bunch of pigeons into your house.

I don't want to drag too much baggage from the previous thread into this one so I'll try to keep this brief. A big part of your problem is that you invest most of your mental energy into daydreaming about these big, convoluted ideas you want to write but obviously have no idea how to execute. So you come here and say "literally spoonfeed me step by step instructions on how to execute this extremely specific and elaborate idea I had, completely from scratch." Nobody can answer a question like that, at least not without writing the entire thing for you, and you're obviously not at a level where you ought to be attempting something like that anyway, because if you were you wouldn't be asking these sorts of questions. This is basically what I was ranting about before: you've been at this for about five years now, yet you've spent most of that time just spinning your wheels without really getting anywhere, and you have very little to show for your effort. What's more, despite contributing little actual writing, you still somehow manage to fill up about 2/3 of every writing thread we have with your random shitposts and comments.

If you want to improve your writing, here is how you do it: sit down at the computer, put your hands on the keyboard, write a piece of fiction, post it to the thread, get feedback on it, and then either rewrite it or write something new based on the feedback you received. Do that over and over until people start telling you that they like what you write. That's the secret. That's how you improve. That's the only way you're going to improve. It's that simple. There is no other method.

>The big story I want to write only contains hints of romance so spending time working on that at the expense of everything else isn't going to be particularly valuable.
This comment you made in the old thread is a prime example of how you're thinking about this the wrong way. Whether you rewrite the Twidash piece or start something new is up to you, but whatever you write, you should try to apply some of the feedback you received for that piece; otherwise, you didn't learn anything and it was a waste of everyone's time. If you're still worried about whether or not you need to understand romance in order to write your Nazi space-opera, you've once again completely missed the point. Your goal at present should be to master the basic building blocks you're going to need in order to write literally anything: how to lay out a scene, how to make characters speak convincingly to each other, how to clearly communicate a simple idea, and present it in a self-contained scene that feels as though it has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The Twidash piece you submitted needs work in all of these area.

If the Twidash idea bores you and you don't want to work on it further, that's perfectly fine. However, you should definitely continue to work with small, single scene vignettes like that, for the same reason that beginning art students start off sketching bowls of fruit or those little posed mannequins. Write, get feedback, apply feedback, rewrite; that's the process, that's how this works. You're not going to get anywhere if you're unwilling to do that much. Any experience that teaches you anything is going to be valuable, but in your case I'd stay away from politics and other subjects you have strong feelings about, because you get pulled off the rails much too easily.

And for God's sake, as far as posting on the board is concerned, please stop veering off topic all the time with these random tangents about everything you thought was good or bad in this or that video game. If we were interested, we'd ask. If we're not asking, assume we don't care and keep your thoughts to yourself.
359349 359361 359384
I'll take this thread from page 2 to the front page by replying to you about me even though I wish these threads were about writing. Shame nobody wants to talk about writing here. Maybe if I draw attention to the lack of activity and content, reverse psychology will make people want to get active and create content? It would be nice if this thread was full of people genuinely interested in the craft of writing for its own sake. Or genuinely interested in the right-wing political goal of creating effective propaganda to counter the abundance of low quality leftist propaganda drowning out media these days.

"Read better and write more" is obvious advice. Do you think you could recommend specific works that would help me make what I want to make? It would help more than repeating fortune cookie advice or talking down to me like you want my respect. I don't have to ask your permission to speak about writing in the writing thread. If this thread is actually about control and trying to shame people, then it's not really a writing thread.

I didn't go on any tangents about video games in this thread. Did mentioning Bioshock Infinite really bother you that much? It's a popular nefarious propaganda game made by Jews to attack whites. A racist white utopia in the sky with quantum magic and slavebots has nigger maids who chimp out and your time travelling daughter genocides your kind so you can't become a racist and give birth to her. I want to make an altruistic propaganda game. I don't think I'll find any help writing it here.
359361 359388
Chill out bud. You've been making this sort of questions for some time now. It's only natural some might have grown tired of it. I appreciate you're being active, but there's only so much that can be done to help you. The core issue is that you need to improve your skillz before you can start worrying about writing useful propaganda.
359361 359378
>>>/ub/6539 →
On second thought, what in the fuck nigel?
What did she put on your tea?
359362 359388 359393
>Did mentioning Bioshock Infinite really bother you that much? It's a popular nefarious propaganda game made by Jews to attack whites.
Yeah, because that's what he complained about in his post. Indeed. It was totally metioned at all.

Yeah, this is why I don't engage with his posts anymore, or the once about helping improve in his craft at least. As I said before, I like some of his posts but you know, this is the kind of trash posts you get as replies when you try to help him on these posts. Not that he's never taken advice to heart but in general.
I have already wasted way too much time on him, I try to stay away as not to waste even more.

Anyway, GG. I have written the first part of chapter five of our project and I got it planned out, but it will take some days to finish.
I just had to add this:
>write more" is obvious advice.
yet you fail it.
>the ub post
>instead of a borderline unreadable "fuck you nigel" disclaimer
kek. pot meet kettle
>Bashing bad pony stories that were written years ago is a lot easier than helping someone write a good story today.
GG is trash now, huh :P
Also, remind me have you ever criticized FE?

Honestly, this whole post reads like copium to me.
>I don't care. I don't care. I don't care.
>You're faggots for liking mlp.

But the central point of your post is all backwards tho, (well, there'ssome naunce as well).
You're wrong because you're not adding anything to the thread with these joke-questions and other trash posts you make. Sometimes they have something I can agree with but it's mostly white noise to me.
But you're partly right, I remember Ninjas talking about how you were responsible for making GG into what he is today (or something) because without your silver star story, GG wouldn't have started reviewing. In fact, it felt like everyone on the board was in those threads.

This is a slow board. I'm not against fun-posting but there's also no need to feel a this pressure of having to post to keep something alive. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Then it was fun while it lasted.
>Shame nobody wants to talk about writing here. Maybe if I draw attention to the lack of activity and content, reverse psychology will make people want to get active and create content? It would be nice if this thread was full of people genuinely interested in the craft of writing for its own sake.
Oh, just stop already. How is it even possible for a human being to be this dense? Is this your honest to God perception of what you've been doing? Are you seriously this oblivious to how your behavior comes across to other people?

Well, after reading this post:
I realized that the answer to all of it is basically a hard yes. We'll have more on that in just a minute.

First, we should get some of the preliminaries out of the way:

>I didn't go on any tangents about video games in this thread.
That's because we're only 9 posts in and you haven't had the chance to seriously derail anything yet; I'm just trying in vain, it would seem to nip this shit in the bud before this thread turns into every other thread you've shat up with your endless nonsense. I'll call your attention to pic related, which is a screencap of the last post you made in the previous thread. I've added a helpful color-coding system.

I'd like to clarify that the green portions are only "on topic" in that they stay within range of the point (it seems) you were trying to make. There is no meaningful contribution to the thread in here, it's just you blogposting. At least 2/3 of it is just you complaining about Mass Effect, for crying out loud. Who is this shit even for?

This is not an isolated incident, either. I mean, look at some of the other "contributions" you've made to our "writing discussion":

>Do you think my story should have a scene where a liberal is overheard bullshitting another liberal about white privilege while visibly ignoring all the blatant signs of nigger and jew privilege around him?
>Are the following places so pozzed I can't talk openly about hating niggers and wanting to write stories about my hatred for niggers where the white heroes have to stop the evil niggers?
What kinds of ridiculous questions are these? How is a person supposed to respond to something like this?

And here:

>I've been a fool.
>Something explicitly political from the outset will be noticed as such and rejected by anyone who could have learned something from it. It cannot be explicitly political in nature. It can't end with the death of a tyrant and the death of his bad economic policies when 99% of the RPG audience think Economics is spelled UUDDLRLRABS.
>I need to be subtle with my biases, even though I think I am an unbiased normal human who's normal to say "Freedom is good and the Epsteins in power are evil". Someone used to a lifetime of propagandization will think freedom is bad and the Epsteins visibly in power are victims of invisible white power. If my story is to reach that kind of person my stories must be short and subtle.
>My stories are still trying to cram too much into too small a space. These are big ideas that need more room to breathe.
Instead of blogging about it, why not just fucking do it?

And here:

>Even a 100 hour RPG would struggle to contain this much intellectual content when so many 100 hour RPGs actually have mind numbingly simple stories that make My Immortal look like good writing while the gameplay makes Raid Shadow Legends look like a good game.
>People mock the Metal Gear series for having overly talkative cutscenes. Mostly because the writing is fucking atrocious, overly wordy and self indulgent, and full of signs the author only watched movies and never read any book that didn't also have a movie. But also because the writing keeps getting in the way of gameplay. And the one time it didn't, in MGSV, there was basically no writing, just shit that happens sometimes while you are constantly lied to for no rhyme or reason. (Maybe Hideki Kojima thought the theme of 1984 was lies?)
Literally what the hell are you even talking about?

And here:

>Christ I've gone so far up my own ass with this writing shit I could call my large intestine the director and my sphincter the co-writer, with special thanks to the protein cookie and berry smoothie I ate for breakfast.
Did you think any of us wanted to know this?

And here:

>Sick of the pseudointellectualism in video essays. What the fuck is this shit even supposed to mean? A cyborg is a man with mechanical bits. There's no "lived social reality" in fiction about fucking bitches up with sick cyber arms. The femtard is just waffling word soup to get her fuckwit flock of sheep to nod. Anyone stupid enough to think there's anything smart in this quote (or dishonest enough to pretend there is hoping to appeal to the feminist babykiller for profit crowd) can't have anything worth a damn to say about writing. Fuck this I'm not watching this.
Nobody cares; that's why nobody asked.

>Whenever the topic of politics in fantasy comes up in multi hour youtube analyseses the guy either says obvious advice like "Dont be bad. Dont be obvious. Dont be annoying" or retarded alien jewish advice like "to ensure the readers dont think the evil organization is cool and worth idolizing despite how much evil shit it does to kittens, puppies, blind crippled orphans, and the heroes, make sure that it is a mean rude anti individuality organization that treats its evil underlings like shit and doesnt let people express themselves because that is truly the highest evil".
Nobody cares; that's why nobody asked.

>I need to write my stories faster, improve their quality, and write about stuff people actually want to read these days.
Instead of blogging about it, why not just fucking do it?

>I have absolutely no fuckmothering idea what I am doing. I need to scale my ambitions down and make something quick and small so I can learn from feedback instead of trying to make my first work the magnum opus of my career.
Instead of blogging about it, why not just fucking do it?!?
File (hide): 54FA487306B562582086B61EAD5C34E1-427758.mp4 (417.7 KB, Resolution:262x480 Length:00:00:14, rage.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Also, please bear in mind that this is just what I managed to comb out of the last 100 posts made to the thread. Seriously, consider the following: the bump limit here is like 700 posts, just about every writing thread we have ends up getting filled with a majority of your posts, and nearly everything you post resembles what I quoted. To your credit, you do occasionally ask serious questions or make meaningful contributions. However, if all, or even most, of your posts fell into that category, we wouldn't need to have this conversation every few weeks, now would we?

Anyway, now that we've gotten all of the boilerplate stuff out of the way, I'd actually like to take a closer look at this mountain of autism:
>>>/ub/6539 →

On the surface, I'd say Sven's interpretation makes the most sense: this is basically just cope and butthurt. However, the more closely I read it, I think there's more going on here. In fact, this may actually be the most complete cross-section you've ever given us of your entire loony thought process. Seriously, after reading this I feel like an enormous piece of the puzzle just slid into place.

Let's see, how do I put this exactly? You have...a tendency to construct these weird inner narratives for yourself, which you then overlay onto reality, until eventually it becomes reality for you. Once you've settled on a narrative it's nearly impossible to dislodge, no matter what facts you're confronted with. It's probably easier if I demonstrate this with an example.

The attached video is something I found in our webm thread. I've always been perplexed by people who do stuff like this. It's not just the silly self-absorption of posting a video like this, it's the guy's level of delusion. I could see doing something like this to be ironic or silly, but that doesn't seem to be the intent. This guy seems to genuinely think that he looks intimidating. It's amazing to me that anyone's self image could be this far from reality.

You remember when you thought that "glimmerniggers" were invading /mlpol/, and that's why everyone was hating on your Silver Star story? Or when you thought that some guy named HC Legend was following you around with a bunch of proxies? There's a similar delusion at work here:

>Though talking like that would probably get a few people to try reviving the thread out of spite for me. I wouldn't care about their reasons for doing so, and maybe if they read books once in a while they'd discover something in life that can become more important to them than me like literature. I could try to use reverse psychology. But that's too manipulative and manipulation is evil. If I say "I am glad that thread I hate is dead" those who hate me might want to keep the thread alive. But what would they fill it with? More useless "fuck you nigel"posting? I can't see any of them actually trying to better themselves as writers in my absence or even post about writing at all in my absence, because nobody did that in my absence.
This shows that there is simply an enormous gulf between what you think is going on, and what is actually going on.

As far as I can tell, you genuinely believe that the ridiculous nonsensical word-salads you've dumped into every single writing thread we've ever had are meaningful contributions to a discussion about writing. You even seem to believe that you've been carrying the entire writing thread by yourself, and that everyone who tells you to stop monopolizing it with your idiotic blogposts is somehow hindering it.

Poor ol' Nigel. He's just trying to perfect his craft and have a serious conversation about literature, but oh no, the haters just keep on hating. The issue can't possibly be that you, Nigel, are driving everyone insane by constantly dumping your diary entries and random observations about video games into a thread that is supposed to be about reading and critiquing each other's writing. The issue can't possibly be that anons are actually trying to have a serious writing discussion, and are getting really fucking annoyed at the way you keep monopolizing every writing thread and turning it into your personal diary/blogspace. Nope, that can't be it. The issue is that the haters just won't stop hating.

Obviously, the issue can't be that you contribute very little to the writing thread in the way of actual writing, and what few pieces you do contribute show meager progress at best. It can't be that you ask more questions than anyone, but never seem to apply any of the advice you're given. It can't be that the incredibly low quality of your own work never stops you from offering your unsolicited, angry opinions on the work of AAA game developers and other serious professionals, or that your critiques of said professionals contain no substance beyond calling everything "gay" or "leftist" or "gay and leftist." Nope, the issue is that those doggone haters just won't stop hating.

And of course, there is nothing irritating or obnoxious about the absurd levels of arrogance on display in statements like these:
>I need to improve my writing so it can save lives.
>I'm taking on an impossible challenge here for the sake of my people.
>I have people counting on me now. Can't afford to waste time. Can't waste time. Brb working on stuff. I'll make my loved one proud.
>Every fucking year the anti-white programming gets worse. And I'm supposed to counterattack against all of this with a fucking RPG about catching monsters and making them fight, or a fucking board game about sending wizards and knights to kill each other?

Obviously, there is nothing cringeworthy or silly about a guy who can't even master the most basic writing concepts despite having had it explained to him eight ways from Sunday behaving as if the fate of the world depends on his writing. Nope, it's all just a massive hater conspiracy, and poor ol' Nigel did nothing wrong. Maybe HC Legend is back at it with his 7 proxies.
>>>/ub/6539 →

There's a reason I compared you unfavorably to Sven earlier. I give him shit about his bad English and poke fun at him sometimes I still get the occasional chuckle remembering that "fishy with no doubt" thing, but I actually have a tremendous amount of respect for that guy. It's not because I think he possesses some amazing talent, nor do I even think I'm in a lofty enough position to evaluate such talent. No, I respect Sven because he does the fucking work. He clearly puts a lot of time and effort into his writing, he asks for serious feedback, and uses the feedback he's given to improve. He probably works harder at writing than I do, if we're being perfectly honest. Moreover, he manages to do all of this without monopolizing the entire goddamn writing thread and turning it into his personal fucking livejournal.

He doesn't go around spouting lofty ambitions like wanting to "save lives" with his writing either; he just wants to improve for the sake of improving. He's been at it for about as long as you have, too. What's more, he shows actual improvement, all while writing in a language he doesn't even speak natively. I have a high respect for anyone who even attempts that, no matter what their output is like. I sure as hell couldn't write a story in Swedish. Actually, I gave it a try once; here's the audiobook:

While I'm on the subject, the same goes for the Mexican guy who wrote Rainmetall (I'm assuming these >>359349 >>359359 are him since we don't have that many Mexican flags or EQG posters). I gave him a lot of shit because his story was...basically incomprehensible...but I honestly respect the effort, particularly the effort of writing in an unfamiliar language. I genuinely hope he keeps at it.

I mean, hell, look at this:

>Chill out bud. You've been making this sort of questions for some time now. It's only natural some might have grown tired of it. I appreciate you're being active, but there's only so much that can be done to help you. The core issue is that you need to improve your skillz before you can start worrying about writing useful propaganda.
>Yeah, this is why I don't engage with his posts anymore, or the once about helping improve in his craft at least. As I said before, I like some of his posts but you know, this is the kind of trash posts you get as replies when you try to help him on these posts. Not that he's never taken advice to heart but in general.
>I have already wasted way too much time on him, I try to stay away as not to waste even more.

These two posts, from Paco and Sven respectively, sum up the essence of my post more succinctly than my post did, including the stuff that clearly went sailing right over Nigel's head the way it usually does. Seriously, Nigel, think about it: two guys who don't natively speak English have better English reading comprehension than an actual English person. Actually, these guys managed to cut to the substance of what I've been saying in a couple of sentences, while I'm sitting here pounding away at my keyboard like...well...like Nigel.

Anyway, do you understand where all of this is going, Nigel? Has any of it finally penetrated the thick fog of the fantasy world you live in, the world in which endless word-vomiting about writing as an abstraction will one day grant you the magical powers you need to write a perfect piece of reverse propaganda, thus liberating you from the need to actually practice writing, if only those dang ol' haters would stop hating?

Look man, I'm getting tired, and I'm sure everyone else is too, so I'll drop the snark. You complain about being given "fortune-cookie advice" instead of specifics, but the problem is that a lot of writing involves concepts that can be understood but not easily communicated. It's like learning to play the drums: there's some basic technical stuff you can have people teach you, and some more advanced technical stuff they can teach you when you get a little better, but the core of it is intuitive and you just have to learn to do it by feel. What you call "fortune-cookie advice" is the closest thing anyone can give you to instruction. Meanwhile you're grousing because you want to play heavy metal but people keep showing you ska riffs.

Trying to teach you how to write has been like trying to teach the drums to someone with no innate sense of rhythm. You make the experience even worse with your shitty behavior. This is a thread full of drummers. We're not necessarily great drummers, but some of us are okay, and we all share a common goal of just wanting to practice and get better. You seem to feel as if that's what you're doing too, but it isn't. You are not only by a wide margin the worst drummer here, you're still struggling with basic hand-and-foot coordination after five years. In and of itself this isn't that bad; if you were just some diligent, hardworking guy who keeps hitting the wall, we'd probably feel some sympathy and would try to help if we could.

That's not you, though. You're not the plucky little Scootaloo that we simultaneously pity and admire, because she always gives 110% even though she'll probably never fly. No. You're the loudmouthed, vainglorious Great-and-Powerful-Trixie asshole who A) sucks worse than anyone, B) annoys everyone with your autism, and C) is physically incapable of shutting the fuck up. You're the guy who doesn't practice but is always asking for pointers on technique. You're the guy who can't even play along with the "learn 2 drum" CD that we all mastered years ago, but who keeps bugging everyone to teach him Neal Peart solos. You're the guy who loudly inserts his opinions on why this or that drummer is gay and/or a leftist into every conversation despite nobody asking. You're the guy--

Whoops, there's that snark again. Sorry about that. Also, there's my old arch-nemesis the character limit. I'll wrap this up in one last post.

Anyway, here's the key takeaway you really need to internalize: every writing thread we have on this board, one way or the other, always ends up turning into The Nigel Show. The reason for this is not some mysterious group of haters who follow you around the site trying to bring you down. The reason is (You). And (You) need to stop. And yes, I am aware of the irony of me accusing you of monopolizing the writing threads when I am currently on my fourth post of venting about (You). I am going to finish this up and then I've said my piece and I'm fucking done.

Your problem, Nigel, is that you just don't seem like you're that serious about any of this. You claim to be, but your actions don't back it up. You prattle endlessly about these grand ideas and ambitions that you have: "my Nazi space opera is going to save lives and redpill the normies and I have important work to do and this is an impossible struggle I'm undertaking for the good of my people, and so forth and so on and yada yada yada I love the taste of cock," yet what have you actually produced? To my recollection, three things: Silver "I literally shove bowling pins up my ass" Star, that crazy lion-man thing that was basically just an angrier version of Silver "I love penises more than I love a tall glass of lemonade on a hot summer's day" Star, and this mediocre Twidash piece you just gave us (that you don't seem to have much interest in trying to build upon or even learn anything from). That's it. That's the sum total of your five-year writing effort. Actually, to be fair, you did also post that one greentext about Star Wars that wasn't awful, so I guess credit where credit is due as far as that goes.

I have no idea how much time you spend working on your various writing or game dev projects off site; for all I know it's a lot. However, as far as this thread goes, the ratio of actual writing to diarrhea diary entries is too far skewed in the wrong direction for you to be making these sorts of ridiculous claims:

>The writing thread might keep on fading away forever if I don't draw attention to it somehow.
>I should probably single handedly keep it active by checking on it numerous times per day, replying to any new posts quickly, trying to spark new discussion where there wouldn't normally be any. But I'm too busy to keep doing that.
>I never thought the thread would just go belly-up like that without me around. Jesus.
>Maybe I would draw a lot of attention to the thread if I said "Mwahahaha I am glad that foolish circlejerk of foolish fools has fizzled out and died without me to thanklessly single handedly keep it afloat! Those pseudointellectual AVGN CinemaSins wannabes can suck it! There is more to literary criticism than calling the blue curtains shitty and fetishistic! Anyone can take that same attitude to the greatest of stories and invent things to complain about! You have to ask yourself if you're criticizing media to help creators or just bashing media to hear yourself speak, and if it's the latter you have to make peace with the fact that this is an inherently masturbatory activity motivated by the pursuit of self validation and some people won't find any value in that! If you give criticism in a way that makes the object of criticism not want to listen, that criticism has failed!" but I don't talk like that.
Again, this latest blog entry of yours is an amazingly revealing cross-section of how your mind works.

"I, Nigel, the sperg who has barely written anything, let alone anything that anyone in their right mind would ever want to read, am single-handedly keeping the entire writing thread afloat by taking a massive dump in it two, three, maybe even four times a day. If I didn't mindlessly mash my keyboard every time I remembered something I didn't like about Bioshock II, the /mlpol/ writing community as we know it would cease to exist. I am the only user on this site with the courage to ask the important questions, questions like: 'how come people on writing forums always call me a racist when I tell them that I hate niggers?' If I didn't ask questions like that, then nobody would ask them, and then what would the writing thread even be for? Writing? Pish posh. Oh, but do these pathetic, horsefucking losers have any respect for the noble work I do? No, they just keep telling me to shut the fuck up, on account of how I'm annoying and never say anything interesting or important. Those dicks."

Unless you have somehow completely mastered the concepts of satire and irony, I have no choice but to conclude that the above text is your actual mindset.

This is not only silly, it's downright insulting and unfair to the people who actually use the writing thread the way it was intended, and who actually put serious effort into their writing. If you want to live in some ridiculous fantasy world, where you're some kind of warrior-poet battling the hordes of glimmerniggers and HC Legend proxies and space-jews and whatever the fuck other figments of your imagination you think are standing between you and the completion of your unwritten masterpiece, that's your affair. But for the love of God, please stop using this entire board as your personal blogspace.

Anyway, whatever. Below is a link to a zip file containing every writing book I have an electronic copy of. If you don't like the reams upon reams of useful advice we've given you, maybe you'll find something more to your liking in here. Everyone else can help themselves to these as well.

That's all I've got. Don't forget to suck my balls.
>Anyway, GG. I have written the first part of chapter five of our project and I got it planned out, but it will take some days to finish.
Boss. I'm all over it. I've had a couple of ideas where I think things could possibly go, I'll be curious to see if any of it will work with what you've added.

Also, while I was going through the old thread I noticed this:

>>357376 →
>Oh hey! I've been looking for threads like this one, althugh by the looks of things it seems like you guys alredy have a fair bit of your own writing projects in the proccess already.
>I was hoping that I could offer my old CYOA drafts that I haven't touched in a long time to make into proper stories or maybe even the CYOAs they were meant to be? I'd be happy to post them once there's enough interest shown in them.
>I believe GlimAnon seems to have suggested the idea of publishing the story to FimFiction? I just might do the same too, if no one objects to such an idea.
Somehow I didn't see this at the time it was posted, but I remember you from the movie thread. If you're still around and still interested, feel free to post your CYOAs.
359421 359424
Can anyone tell me why the thread hit page 4 before I posted?
Anyone can bump without any content. Stop asking for cookies every time you do a trick.
Last (you) I'll give you, Bongnigger.
A better question would be: why does the thread being on page 4 even matter? Currently the oldest thread in the catalog dates back to December and hasn't been bumped since January, and it only has 9 replies. We still have active threads that go back actual years. Spike has trapped on our board since March 1, 2018, and he's not going anywhere anytime soon. The /mlpolit/ thread has been with us since October 19th, 2018, and there's more interesting stuff to read in that thread than anything you've ever bumped one of these threads with. Even the horsepussy thread, which according to the standards of the community is supposed to be on the front page at all times, dates back to July of 2021.

If people don't have anything to add to a thread, they don't post. If an active thread has dropped down a few pages over the course of a week or so, it doesn't mean the thread is dead, it just means that nobody has posted in a couple of days. actual Writing takes effort, and not everyone is in the mood to work on something high-effort every day. So, it stands to reason that thread dedicated to writing might go through periodic doldrums.

I could see making a rescue-bump once it hits page 9 or so if literally no one has posted in that long or if an unusually large number of threads have been made, but even so: what is the purpose of just bumping it with filler content? The word "bump" and maybe a silly image or something would suffice in that case. Making people read a bunch of words that don't serve any purpose beyond bumping a thread is just going to piss them off. Here, watch:

It was high time that I checked into a motel. I had been sleeping soundly for nearly an hour and a half, when I was to be awakened by the sound of snoring. Having checked in alone, you can imagine my surprise, for in the bed next to me was a man who had fallen asleep fully clothed. I got out of my bed and walked to the foot of his. His shirt, shoes, pants...his belt was pulled tight, confining him. I couldn't bear it, so I proceeded to remove his shoes, revealing, to my surprise...the grey dossier. I was not fearful; on the contrary. He needed help and by God that's what I gave him. I reached for the complimentary bucket of ice, and in pouring the ice on the stagnant dress socks a sudden steam began to rise.

Do you feel better for having read that?

I'm going to sage just to be a dick
359569 359604
I just thought it was funny that the thread went to page four. It went to page four again, by the way, but then I made this post so it won't be on page four again for a while. Probably. Anyway, I felt like I should try to put into words something that I've been thinking about for a while.

A man burns his steak. His wife comes in and yells about it.
>"You burned your steak you moron, why are you always like this, god damn it you never listen to me, you're hurting my feelings by being like this, I feel I feel me me I I I me me me, you're breaking my heart, muh feelings, your steak is proof you deserve to go to hell, adult professionals aren't supposed to suck like you do holy feckin' shit my guy eat a bag of dicks and die and get AIDS, people like you make me sick, you will never be a man, you will never have a man's ability to cook, you're a nigger for liking your steaks well done when medium rare is objectively the best kind of steak and the only kind that is real literature- I mean real cuisine, you've been at this for too long and you should be a pro by now and you would be a pro if you just listened to me when I tell you how much faggot dick you suck holy shit, god damn it all nobody ever listens to me, now sod off and scour the world to find out for yourself what better chefs than you do better than you and why! This is literally Goofus and Gallant except the ESL guy next door is gallant and you're voldemort! Try again a million times! Surely one of these days you'll improve at your skills by failing the same way enough times! Also why are you not improving? This must be your fault! Eat shit and gay dog dicks you fucking prick! God damn it you never listen, you never listen, you always deflect or whatever the catchphrase is and you never listen!".

The man who burned his steak isn't sure what the signal to noise ratio of that rant is, because he's learned that when his woman starts ranting, it's time to tune out and think about boobs until she looks like she's calmed down. He doesn't really feel like making more steak for his woman. She never liked what he tried to make in the first place, but he trusted her opinion because for the longest time she was the only person he knew who reviewed food.

His roommate comes downstairs and notices the steak.
>"Mate, you cooked your steak for too long at too high a temperature. I get that you want it well done and not medium rare for some reason, but this is fucking charcoal. Next time cook it less. Experiment with that next time, see if that improves your skills."

>"Thanks, man. I'll try it that way next time."

He feels like trying to cook steak again, because he knows what to try next time. He feels somewhat silly now, as if what was said was always that obvious, but he's glad he finally heard it. He feels like cooking steak for him, not for her. He's glad he met someone new who seems to have more of an interest in helping. His roommate doesn't need to demand respect with words and shaming tactics, he obtains respect by being right.

Suddenly, a thought occurs. His roommate doesn't really give a shit about politics. He doesn't vote and doesn't give a shit who rules him. But his wife is supposed to be a nazi who should want her white chef husband with dreams of stardom to improve. Everyone in their nazi book club should want a racist writer to become a better writer instead of constantly putting him down for trying and everyone in their nazi cooking club should want a racist chef to become a better chef instead of constantly putting him down for trying. And yet his wife puts effort into being offended and making a big stink about the work of others, while his roommate puts effort into giving valuable feedback. Despite not having a horse in the race, and not being a fan of racey horse content, or racist horse content, he just helps because he wants to. He is left thinking about that for a while, and why he's talked to his wife less about writing ever since he met another person he can talk to about writing, somebody he enjoys talking to about writing more.

Somebody who doesn't cry "It's nigel! it's nigel!" every time they see a british poster make a thread they don't like (staying silent when it's a thread they do like) and unlike some others in the thread, doesn't yell "shut up, nobody asked!" every time I open my mouth to post anything about writing in the thread that you say is supposed to be about everyone's writing and self-improvement.

I know I changed the genders in this story. It's my girlfriend who I talk to about writing. I'm glad I met her, because it's made me reconsider my relationship with a few people in my life. You remind me of a naggy wife when you lose your temper and feel the need to try to reassert your control over the situation. It's a pain to sort the valuable signal (writing insight) from the noise of how offended you are by what you're reading, how much you can't stand the bad pony literature you constantly read, and how much you wish you weren't reading something aimed at an audience demographic you aren't in. I'm okay with that. I don't resent you for it. It would be extremely hypocritical for me to resent you for being like that because I'm also an amateur writer on the internet with strong opinions. But lately I've been thinking about a lot of things. And I think the reason why I'm not learning anything useful from being yelled at and insulted and eventually reminded I need to seek out the secret of good writing on my own might be because I don't want to dedicate my life to writing fanfiction for a ten year old show about little girl ponies I liked when I was a teenager or getting mad about ponies on the internet forever. I replayed KOTOR recently. That game's still got some relevant philosophical insight to think about, and it made me rethink and rework some stuff in my big philosophical pro-white video game story that has nothing to do with ponies. I don't feel like writing self insert pony fics any more.
Well, I was gonna post to GG today but I didn't finish the post. I wanted to discuss my thoughts on our project and how I felt flattered by his kind words in his lastest posts. Very kind c:

But onto you're post:

First, did you even read the post you're replying to? Or why are you bringing up "it was on page four, what a failure!" ? Like, we clearly don't think this is a problem so...

Secondly, you're verison of events is hard to even take seriously. We don't give you constructive advice? Do I even have to mention examples? I also remember myself trying to get you to "talk to me" as in I didn't want to order you do as I wished but more get an insight into why your write they way you do so we could just discuss the merits and cons of different approaches. But you never reply directly to things said, instead you make these strawman versions of posts like this one.

Thirdly, this just reads like more cope. If this stuff is beneath you now, cool, then leave. Are you gonna do this? Doubtful. Where else could you talk about these things? So stop acting like you don't give a shit just because GG didn't like you're story.

Now, don't take this as I want you to leave, I actually appriciate you on many levels so I do care and I'm not embarrassed about that either. However, you clearly you are. Otherwise if you aren't then why talk about how insignificant this whole thread really is but then complain that it isn't on page 1 at all times? I mean if we are literally as you describe us in this thread, you seem to have stockholm syndrome.

But yeah, I'm not gonna take your misrepresenting of this lying down but then again when I think about it not a single person could possibly share interpretation of these events or be convinced by you're version.

I question why I even bother explain any of this. Everyone already knows.
Thanks, anon! Although these aren't really CYOAs, they're more like outlines for said CYOAs.
That being said, I'd love to collab with you guys on making it into a story of some sorts, or something similar, because I feel like the ideas behind it are tsories worth telling that not even /mlp/ wants to touch, because it's too "/pol/" or whatever, so I figured this would be the better place to do it.
A quick rundown of the few ideas I have:

>Equi Equis Edit
<Looks like Anon’s shenanigans just can’t go on any longer.
<It seemed that for a time, Anon was able to get away with terrorising the non-ponies of Arcadia, a new planned town located within the Ponyville-Canterlot Metro Area.
<The law of the land upheld, Anon is sent away to a disciplinarium (a kind of friendship school dealing with 'troubled creatures') to be “reformed” at the Intermediary of Her Grace the Royal Mare, located at Los Potros in the Far South of Equestria.
<To further aid his “reformation”, a “friend” has also been assigned to help him.
<However, what he learns is that despite the façade, inter-creature conflicts still occur in the form of clandestine rival gangs, which plague the students with fear.
<To make matters worse, ever since Anon’s arrival, tensions among the students have only gotten worse, and now there’s even talk of a race war happening soon.
<Will Anon make it out of the school alive?

>Many Crystal Nights
<In the distant Crystal Empire of ponies under a different flag, a new form of strife unlike any other is about to begin.
<The heir-apparent Flurry Heart has finally taken up the mantle from her mother. Following a second coronation, Flurry Heart rises to become the first Empress of the Crystal Empire, whose announcement has taken the Equestrian world by storm.
<In such tumultuous times, the Empress turns to you, her (most?) trusty chancellor/advisor. While , she is … and.
<The fate of the Equestrian world rests in your hands.

These are all just ideas but I was hoping that someone could make something from one of these or that we could maybe collab together on writing something in this thread? I understand if it's not something that's this thread's taste, but I feel like giving the ideas behind these stories in some form would be a worth a shot.
Hopefully I'll have some sort of satisfactory writing skills to bring the story ideas into proper writing somehow. I just feel like I can't do it alone and need people to keep me in check if the writing starts to go haywire.
>I felt like I should try to put into words something that I've been thinking about for a while.
The next time you have this impulse you should reconsider it.
Sure, looks interesting. Were you thinking of doing this as a large-scale collab, or did you want to try and primarily write it and have us give thoughts on it as you go?
Large-scale collab.
I've tried writing on my own before, it really sucked. FimFic wouldn't accept my dreck.
Still thinking of maybe submitting the whole story on that site under a single pseudonym, though. Not sure if anons here might really like that idea.
Well I think if the entire thread is writing the story then we should probably just come up with a collective pseudonym and submit it under that name. Also, I've found hackmd works pretty well for collaborative projects.
Really? Maybe you could show me how it works and we can collab on how to put it together! Either as a full-fledged CYOA or a story.
What idea do you want to work on? Anon (or perhaps some other pony) getting sent away to "reform school" to realise racial animosity lingers among the groups, or the whole Empress Flurry Heart saga ordeal?
359717 359729
It's pretty simple to use.


Create an account and then create a new note, and then there's a 'share' button you can use to publish it (it's still editable after publishing). You have the option to give read/write access, and can invite specific users. Anyone who wants to collaborate on this would then post their user name here and you could add it. Mine is glimglam12.

I haven't gone through the docs super-closely on either, but I think "anon gets sent to reform school" is the idea that appeals most to me, but I'd be willing to wait and hear input from anyone else who might be interested in participating before settling on a final idea.
I just hope the "Free" options are as versatile to use.
But I'll be sure to add you when I start making the account and document. Hopefully we can all work together to start something interesting.
Question is how to implement a CYOA-like feature if we'll be posting this under a shared pseudonym on FimFiction?
Alright, I've added you in, here's the document link:
What time will you typically be on, if I my ask?
359757 359780
Free version works well enough for collaborating on a text document, not sure if any other features will be required. I've actually never participated in a CYOA before, I might need a quick rundown on what exactly we'll be doing. I was thinking we'd just use hackmd for collaborating and then publish the finished text to FimFiction.

I'm actually getting a 404 when I click on it. I think you might have copied the page url, you want to use the link generated by the share button instead.

>What time will you typically be on, if I my ask?
I have kind of an erratic schedule so I can't really make any guarantees about when I'll be on, unfortunately. I'm just sort of on whenever I'm on.
359780 359831
Gotcha, here's the new link now:
>I might need a quick rundown on what exactly we'll be doing.
I wasn't sure if you wanted to do a CYOA or make a full-fledged story, but if writing stories is your greater strength, we can do that instead. I've never done a proper CYOA myself tbh.
>I have kind of an erratic schedule so I can't really make any guarantees about when I'll be on, unfortunately.
I guess this one will have to be a story for the long one, then. I'm not a good writer by any means, but hopefully I can make up for it with my storytelling skills... hopefully.
Well, you certainly have passion. This is some grade-A autism ;^P. To be clear, I'm impressed by all this worldbuilding. This reminds me of a project I thought of dedicating a thread to. I thought it could be a headcannon thread where the board would come togather to create a worldbuilding such a as: Myths, continents, races, beasts, artifacts, and small stories set in this fanon universe.

So is this gonna be a cyoa or a collab? If collab, how will it be done? Is it in a similar way to mine and GG's collab: https://hackmd.io/@glimglam12/SyZdTa3rj
Where one writes a chapter after someone else has written a chapter a then they write a chapter after that and so on.

I can't sadly participate right now, regardless of what it is sadly, because I'll be for some days now.

Just and fyi to you GG, but I will not be able to write anything more on my chapter before 20 mars has passed. I kinda got lazy and now I'll be too busy to write anything for a while.
I'll continue my chapter after this date.
359844 359873
Alright, since it sounds like we're leaning more towards a collaborative story, here's what I propose:

We do this as an informal collab sort of like what I have going on with the Swede, except instead of a round-robin style thing where one person waits for the other person to finish and post before he starts writing, we just open it up as sort of a free for all. One person needs to write an opening to get the ball rolling. I would suggest (You) (Singapore anon) take a shot at this since it's your idea.

From there, anyone who is following along who wants to add something to the story is free to do so. Anyone who wants to be part of the collab can create an account on hackmd, post their username to the thread, and you can add them as contributors to the document. If for whatever reason an anon doesn't want to create a hackmd account, they can just post whatever they've written to the thread and someone with an account can add it to the document.

The rules are as follows:

>contributors are free to add whatever they like to the story and take it in any direction they please, however no one is allowed to modify anything that a previous contributor has written. If something in the story rustles anyone's jimmies, they are free to retcon it in their own contributions; however, everyone should bear in mind that the same rule applies to their contributions as well.
>everything added to the story is canon, even if it makes no sense or is totally stupid.
>writing style or level of skill is not important. anons can write in whatever format they feel most comfortable. If you prefer to write in greentext, write in greentext. If you want to write formal prose or in screenplay style or anything like that, you can do that as well. the idea here is to just get the story out on paper.
>once we've reached a point where the story feels like it's finished, someone can edit the text into a coherent, flowing narrative. I'd be willing to volunteer for this position if no one else wants it. no core details of the story will be changed, it will just be a matter of correcting grammar and spelling, making the writing style consistent, dividing events into chapters as needed, and generally getting the document into a format that FimFiction will accept.
>once this is done, we can all decide on a pseudonym we want to use. at this point, we will create a FimFiction account and submit the story. Optional: if any anon wants to draw/photoshop us some cover art, we can add that as well.

I think this could turn out to be a fun collab if done this way. We might end up with a really engaging serious story, or we might end up with /mlp/'s Daring Do and the Jungle of Terror. Either way, I think it will be a fun project.

Here are some things for contributors to keep in mind:

>additions to the story are on a first-come, first-serve basis. if you struggle with writing or write slowly, it might be better to just write a couple of paragraphs or a short scene, instead of trying to do something long and complex. bear in mind that the longer you take to write something, the greater the odds are that the document will be modified by someone else while you're working.
>this is an informal project. I will not be applying my usual critical eye to anything that anyone comes up with, and if I end up as the final editor I promise not to erase or modify anyone's contributions beyond what is necessary to edit them into something coherent. however, I will add this one caveat: if I can't understand something, I reserve the right to make judgement calls about what you were probably trying to say.
>the idea here is just to have fun, so no one should stress out too much about whether their contributions are well-polished. Just try to make it coherent enough that the next person working can figure it out.

Anyway, that would be my proposal. If anyone else has any suggestions they would like to add, feel free to do so.
>Just and fyi to you GG, but I will not be able to write anything more on my chapter before 20 mars has passed. I kinda got lazy and now I'll be too busy to write anything for a while.
>I'll continue my chapter after this date.
No biggie, take your time. We're not really on a schedule here so there's no yuge rush.
359845 360209
Seems like a good starting point.
I'll post them in the doc and maybe modify them when we get there.
Right now though, the details of the "reform school" are a bit unclear on things.
What will the name of the school be? In which part of Equestria is the school in? Different climates means different range of creatures are more likely to appear, with say, Equestria's coasts being the most "creaturally diverse" of them all.
For ideas on what the schools names could be (and locations) I've placed a few examples here, including possible town names to go with:
>School of Peace and Harmony (Hoofs Bay)
>Starlight Academy of Friendship (Our-Town)
>The Royal Harmonium at Buffalo (Buffalo City)
>Twilight Sparkle's Magical School of Friendship (Ponyville)
>Reformatory School for Troubled Ones (Hockham)
>Restitution Academy for the Troubled (Roan Oaks)
>School of Unity Encouragement (Fetlocksburg)
>The Yellow Ribbon Second Chances Academy (Pleasant Meadows)
Should add that since we're doing a collaborative story now, I don't think we can really go with naming the character "Anon". I do have ideas for possible placeholders that have an "Anon-like" name to them that we can choose, though:
>Green Hornet
>James/Jamie Hoofkins
>Clover Cookie
>Lucky Clover
>Clover Sage
>Screeching Goof
>Lyla/Lyle Hotsprings
>Midori Sour
>Shamrock Shake
>Asparagus Surprise
>Verdant Mystery
>Alotta Spunk
>Emerald Patina
>Rando Mambo
Mr dusker done do did it .png
dusker did it second part .png
Btw thank you for you're kind words you said in this thread and the last one about me. Warms my heart. <3
Gosig is indeed a word in swedish. Should have subtitled the video for you english people tho, I mean I understood but you probably didn't.
>I still remember the "fishy with no doubt" thing
Well, I got bad news for you, buddy, that wasn't me. It was mr Dusker Keaton as you named him. c:
Also, are you able to access the document?
I don't seem to see any sign of you in there at the moment.
Here's something short.

He had only one love, and it was for a pony.
No one dared to help him, no one tried to.
They just let him rot, until there was nothing left
and then-
when he finally spoiled, and bacteria took over,
when people went sick, as the illness spread,
then they blamed him, pointer their fingers;
putrid sticks of corrupted bone

They claimed justice,
claimed he was a madman,
a lunatic!
Yet, he was no more.

It's about an Anon. I hope he found peace, I can't take it out of my mind, I just feel really bad for him.
Was trying to write something serious but that just came, so, well, here it is.
360116 360146 360151
I guess the writefags are busy this time of year, huh?
I am but soon I'll be back. c:
360151 360169 360209 360475
Sorry, I've had some stuff going on the last couple of weeks. Yes, I am able to access the document now. If I remember correctly a user won't show up on the user list unless they happen to be editing the document at that moment, but they are still able to access it. I'm planning to go through it a little more closely at some point in the near future, I'll see if I have anything to add.

>Btw thank you for you're kind words you said in this thread and the last one about me. Warms my heart.

>Well, I got bad news for you, buddy, that wasn't me. It was mr Dusker Keaton as you named him.
lol wow, I guess it's been awhile then. I don't even remember who that is or why I named him that.

Without knowing the story behind this, I like it. There's one minor thing:
>pointer their fingers
I'm assuming this is a typo, but I thought I should point it out.

Nice work, I'm sorry about your friend.
I come back here like once every 6 months

>I'm assuming this is a typo, but I thought I should point it out.
Sorry, I was phone-posting like a rat.
And it wasn't my friend, but I still felt bad for a fellow hoers enjoyer
Been a dog's age since I checked /mlpol/. First thread I see is a Nigel thread and see you posting in a writing thread and brightened my dad considerably. Still got some ideas for stories I want to write and hopefully in the future you can check them out. Main one I was thinking of a CMC Trouble Shoes type thing of the main character having to help ponies close to him re discover the meaning of their cutie marks. Wanted it so he's got to help his wife and an old friend from when they were colts and young stallions. Got his wife with a fancy cutie mark and plain name and his friend with a fancy name and plain cutie mark so got one weighed down by the expectations she thinks she has and the other feeling fettered by having such a "boring" cutie mark that he blames for holding him back.

I'll confess I haven't read any in a very long time but would be nice to write a slice of life without any fetish/gore/crossover stuff that focuses on OCs. Like you said in your reviews of classic fanfics most of them aren't very good but I recently read The Star In Yellow and I really liked that one. Though I probably experienced the fic in the most backwards way with listening to the soundtrack of the RDP episode, then watching the episode, then reading the fic. Felt really nice to read an old fic that didn't have to be blatant with the tear jerking like Past Sins, no humans like My Little Dashie, and no crossover/fetish/gore stuff like Fallout Equestria.
361017 361791
>I'm planning to go through it a little more closely at some point in the near future, I'll see if I have anything to add.
Oh, please do! I'm honestly not sure what direction to take this story in and I don't want the idea to go to waste, I reckon that getting some form of help around here would be nice.
I'm also hoping that you would be able to address the big details that I feel we must fill before we get to anything, as I don't think we could leave these details blank before we continue with the story:
Here's to hoping I hear from you soon! I'll look forward to seeing what ideas you have to take the story in.
I'm back at writing again. Won't manage anything today but hopefully I could get a like a lot done by tomorrow. I'm working on it anyway.

You could say you won't have to wait too loooooong. Heh heh heh.
You like criticizing bad fanfiction, right? When Ian Flynn was much younger, he wrote this.

That belongs elsewhere.
>Crafting and beta-reading is what we do here, any critique of literature not made by a guy submitted for this thread should be incidental; it should be when you —as a beta-reader of fics posted ITT— make a comparison between the fic your reviewing and some other story for the sake of demonstrating your point, whatever it is.

>This is NOT: A review thread for unsolicited rants about random media which does not fall into the mold for how to use a reference in this thread described in the above paragraph.
Nigel plz leave
Question, does this writefag thread also include writing for songs (specifically parodies relating to an /mlpol/-ish nature)?
361377 361791
I'm going to try doing something on it this week, I've been rather lazy lately and haven't been working on much of anything. I need to get the ball rolling again.

Awesome, look forward to reading it.

I'm not sure who Ian Flynn is, according to the video and to Wikipedia it sounds like he's written some Sonic the Hedgehog comics and not much else. Apart from someone heavily invested in the Sonic fandom, I'm not sure who would have even heard of this guy, let alone would care about some cringe fancomic he wrote eons ago. As to the comic itself, it's hard to form a judgement from this video. It's a very quick, top-level summary and I'm not familiar enough with the Sonic universe to really follow what's going on. I'd have to see the actual comic to form an opinion, and I don't think the subject matter would have a broad enough appeal around here to justify the effort. I'm not really sure why you thought this was worth posting.

Also, this >>360872 and this >>360925