>Be Anonymous. >Come home late cuz u worked over-time again at the hospital where you worked as a nurse. >You had hoped that you're firday evening would have been spent less on wiping the bottoms of elderly and more on getting down on the bottom of stacy, sadly you got rejected when you informed her that you weren't a doctor ^^ also, you look like a fag. >You open a bottle with red liquid and pour about half of it into a gabage bin. >You nearly trip on Garfield. >That was a guy who had things figured out. >Ever since you had saved him from drowning in the sewers as a kitten, he had just started following you around, till you just took him in. "Yes yes, I'll get your food." "Meow!" "I just gotta get this in the frid-" You interupt yourself as you stumble over him and he hiss at you. "Fine. I get it now." >Later, his purring contently as he looks out the window of your single-room apartment. >To imagine that he was scrawny once. >Now, his Garfield. >He would wake u in the middle of the night if he didn't get enough food. >There was nothing you could have done, honest. >Well, it's time to fap to some rape ntr loli hentai before drifting off to sleep. >Unfortunetly, the homeless person you saved from suicide and that lives in your bathroom comes in and interupts you. >You point the old man to your plastic bag where the half-a-bottle of denatured alchol sits. >He gives you a hug and takes it out cheerfully, he's on his high right now. >He doesn't seem too bothers that your sitting with dick in hand, in fact he joins you. >The two of you surf the web for some innocent creatures getting their life ruined (let's be honest they enjoy it^^) and then wipe off the aftermath. >He walks back into the bathroom too sleep in his sleeping bag. >There's a knock on the door. >You walk over but, you don't open it. "Who is it?" you ask through the door. "It's you muthfucking burthday, cracka asss," something replies. >Then you hear the sounds of somekind of powertool, probably there to sand off the lock of the door. >As if on que, sparks fly out from the crack between the handle and the doorframe and onto the welcome mat. >You open the door the bathroom and through your phone to your roomie. >"Call nine-one-one," you say and then shut the door. >Luckily, you're a true american, so you run over to where you hide your gun, a locker above your sink. >However, like true autist (or, maybe it's ADD, hmm), you can't find it. >The sound of sawing stops and the door is kicked open. >Three nigguhas, walks in looking really mean, like someone broke wind in front of them. >They wave around sub-machine guns around like they're trying to do a sweet backhand with an imaginary racket. "Wudda mophafucka, yo ass pay rent for ballin'..."-something, the leader says. "Yeh, nigga," said one in confirmation. >You're hand still inside the locker above your sink when you turned face them, which must have spooked one of them because suddenly there were few bangs, and then you were on the floor. >Enourmous amounts of pain course through your, now heavy, body. >They grin at you, cuz they have no souls ^^. >Then you hear a crash and bang. >One of the trio's head pops into tomato sauce, right then and there. >Another sends, one of them down on the floor. >He drops his weapon but he ain't dead cuz he was shot in the shoulder. >The boss nigguha turns around and just when he's about to shoot, he gets disarmed by a flying kick that sents his gun flying. >You druggie roomie gets into a schuffle with him. >He starts to headbutt the blackie into submission. >Soon that buck has been broken. >WE WUS ASS-RAPED AND KANGS! <(man, I made this joke way back it seems. I kinda should move onto to a new one) >Your friend rushes over and kneels at your side. >He tries CPR and you can taste the ninty-precent alcohol foam on your lips. >Meanwhile, the darkie that got shot in the shoulder pulls out his phone. "Aye yo, De'marquise. This is Tyrone. Shit gone bad yo. Mah ass is shot. Tell Sheniqua and mah kiiids that ah love 'em. Though, I don't know where you can find them, maybe try kfc or the barber-shop." >You groan as you looks at you big bleeding bullet wounds. >You can see it on his face that it's too late and you cna feel the stickiness of blood on your back. >The world is slowly getting darker. >You roomie; no, your friend; walks over to the nigguha on the phone smacks hin quiet and takes his phone. "De'Marquise was it? I'll find you and I'll kill you," he says. >The last thing you feel before leaving this world behind is something hair snuggling up against your face. --- >"Anon..." "What?" >"Aaaaanon..." "Uhh, hi?" >"Hear me, Anonymous." "Yeah, I hear u. What's up?" >"In my world, I'm the goddess of life and I have watched you for quiet some time now, Anonymous." "...Cool?" >"You're kindness haven't been appriciated, has it, Anonymous?" "Well, no. But it's partly my fault. If u think about it logically, kindness is kinda like having a daughter: Cucked." >Clearly the disembodied voice was not listening to Anonymous jaded angst. >"That's why I'll return you to the world of the living, but mine and my sister's world. There your kindness will finally be appriciated, and your aboslutely normal desires respected. Ohh, Anonymous." >Something occured to you. "Ah, shit. I'm and isekai world and since I know this, we're also doing meta-shit, which is one of the four-horsemen of the writing apocalypse, imo. This is gonna suuuuuck." >"No, Anonymous. In this new world, you will be hero. All will love you. You won't have to feel empty inside anymore. After I grant you my blessing, your magic powers will make all others look up to with envy." "Right, my cheat. Cuz I wasn't gay enough." "Oh, Anonymous, leave it to mommy." Suddenly, the voice boomed. "HEAR ME, FOR I AM GODESS HEALSORG, THE GODESS OF HEALTH AND VIRILITY. RISE ANONYMOUS FOR NOW SHARE WITH YOU MY POWERS OF HEEEEEALING!" ... "Wait, what? Healing? But, I already do that. Chicks don't dig healing." >"...now you sound like my sisters. Well, I'm sure there's someone out there that will appriciate you, Anonmyous." "Now, you really sound like my mom. But I'm reborn as a healslut?" >You felt that she rolled her eyes. >Suddenly, you went unconcious again.