The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
1912 replies and 45 files omitted.
>>87718"Oh that? It was named that before I was assigned to her. I presume because she ferries cargo between Equestria's jungle ports."
>>87719"Okay ... nimm mich wo?"
>>87720"whats it like outside of Equestria?"
>>87720Resume Silver's confused face. "Ich verstehe diese Frage nicht."
>>87721"That depends on where you go outside of Equestria. The Dragon Isles are rocky and mountainous, with dangerous creatures in and around them. Nova Griffonia is cold and hilly along its shores. Zebrica has jungles and Savannah. For the most part, there aren't very many ponies"
>>87722He doesn't seem to know how to rephrase it, or possibly doesn't want to
>>87723"Have You ever been to Nimbusia?"
>>87724"He asked me where I want to take him and his brother."
>>87723"Nun, wenn die Frage ist, was ich denke, dann möchte ich Sie und Ihren Bruder in die Nähe von Tall Tales bringen."
>>87727This response worries Silver. "Sie klingen nicht sehr begeistert. Stimmt irgendetwas nicht?"
>>87728"I only stopped in to drop off a load of electronics and pick up a load of oil and wine. But what I saw... Well, when you approach their capital city, you can see the old temples atop the hill, with great marble columns and intricate marble freezes. White plastered buildings with red tiled roofs. Beyond the city, and all along the shore line are these great rolling green hills. Fairly tall, each several hundred feet, and draped in the greenest grass, or in terraces of olive trees. Sometimes capped by temples or houses. And you could see monasteries perched atop sheer cliff drops. Between the hills were more meadows of green grass and grain crops. In the skies you can see well trimmed clouds, and pegasi darting about"
>>87730"Wow, it sounds Beautiful. I'd like to see it some day
Dark Star thinks to himself "to retake it from those dirty reformists.".Whats The Dragon isles like?"
Shoveling even more
Alright, I'm going to sleep nnow
>>87632"Who would just leave a barrel of salt out here in the middle of the meadow?!" Sister Ash fumes in annoyance
>says the mare with medieval price standards, who still thinks rock salt is worth its weight in silver
>is trying to figure out how to move this barrel of salt
>>87755Now that I look at it, I have an armed Satyre as a 2nd level summon.>>87756I'll get to it as soon as I'm sure that this is what's polluting the water.
>>87758Idk why we're still spoilering.
Nah, Nymphs aren't anywhere on the Summon Nature's Ally table.
Like most Fey, they advance by character class, but their +7 level adjustment renders them virtually unplayable.
>>87759Oh. That sounds like a hard nerf on nymphs, then. Strange how you can summon satyrs but not nymphs. I think I see nymphs are a PC class, right?
>>87761I can't blame them. There's some nasty stories about nymphs and other sprites out there.
>>87760Spoiler, cuz metafaggotry
>hard nerf on nymphs
Nah, that's just the rule for powerful creatures. Nymphs have a lot of powerful abilities that make them as powerful as 13th level PCs at level 6.
Technically, any creature with at least 3 intelligence is playable under the rules of the game (with DM approval), with the proper level adjustment though.l0
Level adjustment basically means that a creature has certain powers or abilities than cause it to be considered X levels above an average creature of its hit dice: that creature needs tohavr more XP to level up, since it's effectively a level higher than other creatures.
Not all races are created equal, so certain PC races wlalso have level adjustment to balance them in gameplay.
For example, think of Drow. Drow are very powerful among elves, possessing boosts to Charisma and Intelligence, in addition to their elf traits and their most notable buff which is their spell resistance; the Drow's game-changing abilities give it a level adjustment of +2. In a campaign that starts at lvl 5, the Drow starts at level 2, but the Drow is still considered to be level 5 for the sake of Experience points, and that Drow also needs just as much XP to level up as a character of 5th level. The affects of level adjustment account for the Drow's racial traits making it superior to most other Humanoids.
Level adjustment is the game's way of allowing races of all kinds to be played, while maintaining balance.
>>87762Humanoids have a complicated relationship with sprites.. just look at any fairy tale..
>>87764Although, in game, only certain types of fey are sprites. I think that group encompasses Pixies, Nixies, Leprechauns, Brownies, and Grigs.
Nymphs are their own thing.
>>87766There actually aren't that many fey creatures in the first monster manual, although the second and third manuals bring in a lot more though.
Idk what would count as fey in Equestria though. I guess Breezies and Parasprites would fit in the creature type.
>>87763I see. Good to know if I want to D&D with set races.
>>87764I read some of them. They don't end well.
>>87766Ah. I see that satyrs are not sprites from your description, unless they enter in a subcategory race in the list you mentioned
>>87768Maybe contact a bird to fetch Iron? You wouldn't be using magic to do that. Just some animal empathy, kind of like Fluttershy does >>87769Eh, I think that'd be stretching the effectiveness of Wild Empathy. Even casting Animal Messenger wouldn't work unless the birb knew who to give it to.
She'll just walk back to get him.Sprites are basically just the group of fey-type creatures with sizes of small or smaller. Fey can be pretty much any shape or size though.
>>87755>satyr abomination generals?What
>>87763There are no fey, sprites, or human-shaped anything in this game
>>87771>No feyNot even Breezies? They're basically horse-shaped Grigs.
>>87771Right. 4chan is not allowed here. It was a general I used to see at the catalog back when I lurked /mlp/ 1 year ago. Basically, they were top human, bottom pony spawn from copulation between humans and ponies. The thread used to be called that. It's not here in /mlpol/.
>>87770Alright. Iron is currently doing laps around the abbey for some resistance training. >>87774I remember that thread. Never really participated in it though.
>>87775Me neither, tbh. I only saw it in the catalog. Never really entered it.
Praise Football. Praise American.
>>87778I don't really have anything to do today but lie in bed and rest, so I should be available all day.
>>87779Cool. If you can do it and does not mess with your real life, you should nap a bit to last a bit longer when the session starts.
>>87779Hope you get better soon.
>>87783Have a funny gif for compensation.
>>87786I laughed, sensibly. Have more cutes, because this guy has a lot of them.
>>87788Kirins are by far the best non-pony race.
Prove me wrong.
Pro-tip: you can't
>>87792I wonder if they'll add the Kirin Village to Equestria At War once they add Zebrica to the game. Their next big update should be either Zebrica or the rework of Stalliongrad, and I'm excited for either. Imagine the resurrection of the White Army of Severyana, and the creation of the Pony Tsardom in Northern Equestria.
>>87793I wonder if they'll make it a big country or just a tribe like some griffonian countries in the game currently. I would also want to know which classifications and special properties the kirins would have.
I can feel the rise of niriks as a possible facist route for the kirin territory. >>87793>>87793According to development logs, they say that there will be something like four Kirin countries, which will include parallels to Vietnam and China
>>87793>>87794The movie map placed the Kirin Grove on the Southern half of the Dragons' continent. Idk how expansions in war games work though.
>>87795>Kirins == AsiansI guess that works.
>>87796Pretty sure they'll add a whole continent for them as well as other races whose homeland are in said continent.
>>87795Neat. We don't have many oriental-styled countries in the mod.
>>87796It's fairly simple: before you can declare war, you need to justify a casus belli for a specific reason, ranging from forcing your ideology on a different country, to puppeting them, to taking their states. Then you just declare war and do your best to command your armies to victory. If one side ends up victorious, they can enforce their claims on the losing side, even those they haven't justified in exchange for appearing like a threat to the rest of their neighbors and increasing world tension even further. Different ideologies can only declare or justify wars if world tension is at a certain point. Communist and Fascist nations can declare war from the get-go, while Non-Aligned and Harmonist nations can only do so when world tension is beyond the 50% mark. Considering how much, in this game's headcanon, both the Changeling Hegemony and New Mareland have declared war, it's very likely world tension is well beyond the 50% mark.
The kirins will probably have a few states per country, ranging from 1 for countries like the Kirin Village, to 4 for minor countries, to 10 for major countries. I don't expect them to have anything close to the Changeling Land or Olenia's large number of states, and especially not Equestria's ungodly number of states.
>>87798I don't think he meant territorial expansions. More like game expansions.
>>87799In that case, please ignore me.
>>87807Meh,I was never really into war games. I prefer RPGs.
>>87810>Reactionary or Anarcho liberal governmentWhat else are the Fascist and Non-Aligned paths of Bodfield and the Goldfeather path of Nova Griffonia?
>>87808That’s why you make the Wargame an RPG
>>87811It's a bit deeper than that. It's hard for me to accurately explain.
>>87812>>87808Some wargames, like HoI, are RPG. The character you roleplay is the whole country instead of a aingle PC
>>87814Well, that's what I meant. I prefer to play individual characters than I do entire countries. I just prefer the story telling aspect.
>>87815If it makes you like these war games, you can pretend to be the leader of the country, therefore the PC is present and you can like wargames again.
I loved the british in CoH:OF >>87816No, I meant I prefer
playing individual characters on adventures, instead of the nation-wide micromanagement style of play.
>>87819Fair enough. I am trying hard to get into HoI IV to begin with, but I need to bang my head on the table some more>>87820See you later. Hope it's a good trip.
>>87824Iron and Silver are a safe guess, but I wager that everyone will be ready by 12 AM ART
>>87825Well, I have no obligations for the rest of the night, so I'll just wait here then.
>>87826I suggest you take a nap until then, unless there's external obligations IRL.
>>87801Just watch iSorrowProductions and you'll be driving trucks into Moscow in no time.
>>87828>Not playing the superior pony version >>87826I guess Ash can make movements
>>87830Sister Ash checks the water upstream of the barrels, to see if they are in fact the source of pollution.
>>87831What does “check the water” mean?
>>87833It means she checks the plants surrounding the stream, and sees if the water gas the same off scent that the water downstream had.
>>87834Yes and no. The plantlife upstream is denser, but still not “healthy” looking
[1d20+13 = 26]>>87835She decides to look further, upstream, looking for anymore signs if what day be poisoning the plants.
Rolling a knowledge check, to see if she notices anything she recognizes.
>>87836She can see it from where she stands. A noticeable plums of steam not that far ahead. As for the water, it looks more clear than not, but a brown substance rests along part of the banks