The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>88883Some of the foals would pretend that the statues in the garden come alive and move when they are not being watched. At least one of them fears their imaginations are reflected in the reality before them
They try to bat at each other
>>88885She giggles, and moves a bit to show off more of her fluffy body, pulling her wings up from her side
I wonder what the glorious quints are going to be, and who will get to claim them.>>88886He gladly takes the opportunity to appreciate the glory before him, 'ooo'ing and 'ahhh'ing silently at her. "I wonder if it is biological that pegasi are fluffier than other pony races."
>>88886I set them down on either side of me. I try to calm them down by petting them.
[1d20 = 11]>>88886Iron stifles a giggle. His body slowly starts going down, as if it was falling due to misguided foal poking one of its supports.
>>88887She giggles, blushing slightly and now definitely flattered
“It takes a lot of work to be this fluffy....” and after a pause, “I take it Storm Warning was fluffy?”
>>88888They continue hissing at each other
>>88889Two foals stare on in curious horror
[1d20 = 15]>>88893Iron now decides to stick to his new position, pretending he was pushed down by rebellious foals, which isn't really true.
>>88893I levitate a pony doll over and point at it accusingly. I then float it over to each of them and boop them with its hoof.
"Get the pony!"
>>88893"Yes, but I do not believe she was quite so." He rubs the frog of his hoof on a patch of fluff, the ticklish feeling causing him to snort. It feels good to him, however. "Except her wings. She took great care of them, and she took pride at times in how fluffy she could make them. Especially her marginal coverts."
[1d20+9 = 14]>>88894Sister Ash decides to work on the garden, since her spell didn't seem to be enough last time.
Rolling Profession (herbalist), with synergy a d nature sense modifiers.
>>88894This is more or less successful. The foals go on
Kerr boops back
>>88896She smiles, and extends her wing in front of Silver's face. Her feathers seem to be a little bluer on the tips and edges.
>>88897She does not kill the plants
>>88899Iron now awaits a foal that gets too close to his unarmored hoof.
>>88899More boops to each of them to get them distracted.
>>88899He smiles back as he gets an idea. His horn lights up and creates a telekinetic sheath around the fleshy part of the wing, and he uses his magic to gently massage it from base to tip. He looks at her feathers as he does so, finding the coloration rather mesmerizing. "Your wings are very beautiful. There are not many pegasi I have met with gradients in their feathers."
>>88901And now
both start aggressively counter-attacking
>>88900Roll for luck
>>88903I keep it up and then have it run along the floor.
>>88902Her throat makes a soft purring sound, and she keeps her wings out.
"Thank you. That feels good"
Another thing, her feathers
are shinny>>88904His prey does not come in range
>>88905Kerr runs right after it
[1d20 = 15]>>88906Iron waits a little longer. If nopony comes, it should be safe to move out. If somepony comes, he'll be in for a surprise.
He's thinking Star is taking a little too long. He may have to tell Ash to move out to the tavern and tell a nun to relay the message.
>>88906"I imagine with amount of use these get, there would be fair amount of stress built up." As he keeps the massage going, he extends his focus to use his magic to get her other wing to unfold, and extend the massage onto that wing as well. He watches as the feathers on this wing catch the light. "There is shine to your feathers I do not think I noticed before."
>>88907At last, one comes near
>>88908She slowly raises her other wing until it is fully extended. Her wingspan is rather great, taking up a decent portion of the width of the room. She explains the shine
"I use olive oil on them sometimes"
>>88909He is watching intently
[1d20+11 = 13]>>88910Iron suddenly boops the poor foal's nose. "
Golpe de gracia!" Iron exclaims as he does it.
>>88910I watch Kerr as well, having the doll run around the room, hiding in several spots.
>>88910The realization of her true wingspan is nothing short of jaw-dropping to Silver, who momentarily pauses in the massage. "О, моя Селестия wings are incredible..." He shakes his head clear, and returns to his work, making an almost milking motion throughout the muscle groups. "Olive oil. I suppose that is Nimbusian custom to use it on your wings?"
>>88911And... he over extends himself and trips
>>88913Kerr buzzs around with his wings, pouncing
>>88914She looks at him with an intense grin, continuing to purr
"Yes, we use it regularly to clean our feahers"
>>88915"I do not believe Storm used olive oil for that purpose." A particularly lewd memory of Storm and her wings enters his mind, making him grin. "Though, I will say she occasionally did use
another kind of oil..."
>>88915Iron falls to the ground unceremoniusly, without the pretense of being knocked down by running foals. He decides to lay there for a while, contemplating his bad luck for this encounter.
[1d20+2 = 11]>>88916He tries to get that pony
>>88917"In Nimbusia olive oil was used for many purposes, feather-wash among them... She used oil too? Like cottonseed oil? Hemp seed oil?"
>>88918A small crowd of ponies gather round and stare in fascinated horror
>>88919Iron notices the ponies staring at him. He pokes his chin, then decides to stand up deliberately slowly while the crowd watches. He can feel the fear emanating from them. He shall see if their curiousity wins over it.
>>88920A smaller one
runs. A couple stand still, and a few move a couple steps back
>>88919He chuckles. "No, more of the '
midnight' variety."
[1d20 = 4]>>88921Iron now stands still. He wonders if anyone will attempt to get closer again, just to prove their bravery with their peers.
I'll roll luck for this.
>>88922Blue Skies frowns slightly
"I would think petroleum would be unhealthy for feather growth"
>>88923They back away
slowly [1d20 = 18]>>88925Iron remains steadfast on standing still. He wonders if at least one pony will try to approach his intimidating presence.
>>88925He chuckles, though now once again awkwardly. "I, uh...I am trying to imply ejaculate, not petroleum." He keeps the wing massage going, however.
>>88927She stands there in complete silence... for all of about five seconds. Then she laughs out loud, slumping down closer to the floor a little
>>88926A little colt
>>88919I finally move the doll toward him for a final confrontation!
>>88928If there ever was a better icebreaker than laughter, Silver doesn't know of its existence. He happily joins in her mirth. He has to readjust his telekinetic sheath a little as her position changes, but it doesn't have much of an actual effect on the experience.
[1d20+11 = 20]>>88928Iron boops the brave colt on his nose for his efforts with his unarmored hoof.
[1d20+2 = 22]>>88929"RAAAAAAA!!!"
He attac
That I can say definitively I try to keep off my coat and feathers"
>>88931"Ahhh!" He screams, and the foals start to run away
>>88932"Yes, but such is life of love and desire. We would always have to scrub each other down afterwards. Sometimes it ended up counter-productive, but we did not much care." As she
presumably returns to a more normal sitting position, Silver moves to sit behind her. He presses his forehooves onto the sides of her withers and makes small, slow massaging circles with them.
>>88932Iron remains still again as the foals run away again. He snickers a little bit at the colt's exasperated scream of terror as his muzzle got booped.
>>88934>>88934Perhaps something like pic is appropriate
>>88933Her back, naturally, is the same azure white as her feathers, mostly a solid color. She coos lightly at the rubbing. The hair of her tail is mostly straight, and the same sky blue as her mane.
She moves her head down laughing a bit more
>>88935Too bad it isn't Nightmare Night.Iron wonders if the foals would call a nun to deal with the 'living' statue.
>>88935He focuses on her withers for a few more seconds before moving onto her shoulders. "Let me know if you want it harder or softer.
"We were as busy as rabbits, somedays. Especially early on, before we started to have foals. I remember there was one day during her heat, we managed to fill our bedroom with such potent smell of love and sex it took half week for it to clear out completely, then another weekend as we could not help ourselves any more and negated all progress we had made."
>>88936It doesn't seem to be the case. That, or any nuns they told didn't take the threat seriously
>>88937Her head moves down a little again, giggling. All she says is,
"light a candle"
>>88938Silver gets a chuckle out of that. "As much as I do enjoy reminiscing about long nights of passion I had with Storm, I would like to know some more about you. I feel as though I have shared so much without giving you chance to express yourself adequately."
>>88938Iron shrugs mentally. Somepony will come back, since foals are curious first and foremost. As long as he puts a pattern that leaves them wondering, they'll come back to learn.
>>88939She looks straight ahead
"What... What do you want to know?"
>>88940Some peer on, observing from a distance the mysterious booping statue
>>88941Iron remains still, eager to see who will approach him now.
>>88941He's a little concerned about this behavior. "Did you have many friends when you were growing up, or when you were in your school days?"
>>88943"I had many associates and classmates. They tried form close bonds between the pegasi as early as possible"
>>88942Though many peer, none dare come within booping range
>>88944"Did any stand out among others? Those you would spend time with outside of classroom?" He moves from working on her shoulders to working on her upper back, very slowly moving down it with each circle his hooves make.
>>88945"when I was younger there was... Velvet Vanguard I guess. We would run through the meadows picking flowers, or go down to the stream. She wasn't really fond of how I was with the colts in later years"
>>88947He nods. "It sounds like she desired your 'company'."
>>88948She looks back at him
"No, I assure you that if she were after me the way the colts were, I would have known"
>>88949"Really? Then what do you think caused her to not be fond with how you were with colts? How were you with them?"
>>88944Iron just remains still for now. He may need to move out soon.
I'll go to bed now. Night. >>88952He maintains the massage on her lower back while they converse. "She did not approve about what exactly?"
>>88954The look on his face suggests he doesn't fully understand. "...Elaborate?"
>>88956"Then I will not push you." He moves his hooves lower, from her back onto her loin, now pressing into them than making circular motions. "Could you tell me about her? Velvet Vanguard?"
>>88957"Red pegasus. She was somewhat adventurous. Like me she liked the stories of the old Hoplites holding back the hordes. Unlike me she was better at martial exercises. She was relatively outgoing
>>88959"She sounds much like counterpart to you. I can see why you and her were friends."
>>88960"It seems about so. She was my closest bond for most of school"
>>88961"So...what happened to her?"
>>88962"We drifted apart in later years. I think I saw her around before I left"
>>88963He nods, momentarily pausing the massage to lean down and rest his head against the side of her neck, speaking softly. "Thank you for sharing, Blue."
>>88964"You're welcome" She responds
>>88965He leans back and continues the massage, his hooves moving now from her loin to her croup. Though her current position of sitting means Silver can't get much lower than this, and he can't work quite as effectively. "Could you lay down, if you still want this massage to continue? I can not quite reach like this."
>>88966She does so, laying her barrel down on the ground so that she lay on her belly, forelegs in front of her
>>88967"Thank you." He repositions to better be able to reach with his forehooves. The circular motions continue, now with them spread across both her croup and her flanks. "So, how has work been treating you?"
>>88968>>88968“Slightly better than your work has been treating you it seems like. It’s more dangerous than normal work by far, but I suppose there is more so.” She says
Her croup is one of the more muscular areas, but still more boney, and with fluffed up fur overtop
>>88969"Compared to nearly getting eaten alive by undead? Having part of my soul bitten off is like vacation." He thinks for a second. "Well, minus spider jumping on my face." He presses here with a slight bit more force than before.
>>88970“Ooh!” She remarks, as her hindquarters reacts to the hooves pressing into and just above them.
“Well, I cant say that I have to deal with getting eaten alive or... getting eaten alive. But being exposed or caught can lead to getting shot instantly”
>>88971"I suppose that is key to your occupation: to avoid exposure or getting caught by...well, whatever subversive groups I assume you are trying to tackle. None of my business, I am sure."
He grins at her reaction, and repeats what brought it about. "Enjoy that?"
>>88972She giggles
“Somewhat. And mostly it’s communists and their assorted permutations. Not that there aren’t many ‘harmonist’ troublemakers out there”
>>88973"Oh, I imagine there are plenty of Harmonists out there, with Equestria being home of Harmony and all. I know on my way back home after end of war, I came across couple surviving army groups in Western Equestria who had gone into hiding rather than get killed, captured, or forced to surrender. They're probably long gone from where I met them, though, if they managed to survive."
He moves onto her flanks, his hooves making faster circles and pressing at a similar force to how he did so at her croup. "It seems as though there is significant Communist influence here in Baltimare. More so than I would have expected."
>>88974She seems to like the rubbing, with her tail occasionally easing slightly up before being forced down
“Western Equestria? Oh I would imagine they’ve been completely ravaged by now. The communists are worse here than they are in most places in East Equestria by far.”
I just realized that I have repeatedly inaccurately refered the Changeling-occupied Equestria as “East Equestria,” when really, it’s West Equestria >>88975"I certainly hope they are still alive, giving everything they have against Hegemony. They were good ponies, and anything that weakens Chrysalis's hold in Western Equestria is good for us all."
He keeps the massage going, seeing her reaction. "I wonder how much influence Stalliongrad has in this region, and how many resources they are funneling to Communists here. I know that chairpony they elected some years ago is not nearly as aggressive and expansionist as other options they had, but it would seem like them to try to force revolution here like they did when they first started in Severyana."
>>88976I wouldn’t count on them being an effective fighting force against the hegemony. Facing down a million well armed and well organized enemy’s troops is one thing. Facing down a million hostile who can shape shift and mimic voices is another thing entirely. All it takes is accepting bread from the wrong ‘friendly civilian.’ Or having sex with the wrong alleged mare when stopping into town. Or listening to the cries of help from the wrong lost filly. I don’t think they could hold out for very long. Not in numbers, anyways. As for Stalliongrad.. uck! Subversion is their modus opperindi. More so even than the Hegemony. They’ve been a nightmare overseas in the past. But things have changed somewhat with their new neighbor in the West”
And yes, she likes the massaging
>>88977"I imagine they are mustering every able-bodied pony they can into joining up with their 'Ponies' Army' to act as deterring force on border. I also imagine they are investing heavily into anti-tank rifles and their own armored division, even if one-on-one no Stalliongrad design can survive against Changeling Panzer. Well, perhaps except for most expensive and heavy of their designs, but this is Stalliongrad we are talking about. They invest in numbers and cost-effectiveness, not quality.
"For subversion here, in Baltimare? They are likely starved of support internationally, something that was core to their ideals in Severyana when they took over. 'Worldwide workers' revolution'. Having even small part of Equestria be on their side would be major boon for them, both for resources and for any planned assaults and counter-assaults against Hegemony, and likely also Black Hooves occupiers. And from what little I have heard, all of their potential allies in Griffonia have either been absorbed into Empire, conquered by New Mareland, are too far away, or are too preoccupied with their own problems to be of any help."
An evil grin forms on his face as he gets an idea. He surrounds her dock with a telekinetic field, and uses it to stroke and massage the little nub of flesh that connects her tail to the rest of her body.
>>88978The top of Blue Skies' dock is covered in much the same azure white fur as the rest of her coat, albeit it is a bit shorter than elsewhere. The underside is naked skin. It is a light grey coloration, and feels particularly soft and smooth. She must put effort into her skin as surely as her coat and feathers. She allows her tail to rise moderately for him. The tail itself is behind her is straight, probably until it makes contact with Silver's legs. It is of moderate length, almost tomboyish but still more feminine than not. Except for allowing her tail to rise Blu Skies does not react.
Blue Skies, for her part seems deep in contemplation about how much to reveal (about the political situation) to Silver
"They punch well above their weight militarily. It's a good thing that they are scared now by a different threat, otherwise, they would be a major problem"