The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
1912 replies and 50 files omitted.
>>88148Not really. They're still in conversation if you want to enter.
>>88149Sorry, you have to deal with it.That way you'll be glad when a changeling speaks Ponish/English >>88148No, although Silver isn’t here evidently
>>88150Nobully, but I have no idea what/where your character is (doing)
>>88151But Silver isn't available, and without him Brie can't have any legitimacy in comprehending the conversation
>>88153You're right. So you're basically stuck outside the conversation still then, unless you want to pull out your voices acting as translators.
>>88153My character just met up with Iron at the orphanage. She's currently moving to talk with Sister Marey about a book that Iron found.
>>88153You’ll figure something out. You don’t necessary have to discuss the fate of the Changelings with the hatchlings themselves
>>88156Their opinion is important. I won't say that it is the most important element, but its important dammit
>>88155I forget where they left off in conversation though.
>>88155I forget where they left off in conversation though.
>>88158>>88157Last posts made by Silver and GM portraying Wesley are
>>88072>>88074 I'll go play online. Be back in an hour and a half at most.
I may need to stop and eat sometime before then though.
>>88157>>88157Here’s something for you to read while you wait on the translator: >>88163Nothing new, I knew about that in the 80's
>is old >>88165You got so caught up in whether or not you could, you never stopped to figured out whether you should.
Seriously, "Oh, that one time you cooked locusts, that was the BEST" said no one ever
>>88162Well, I've got my daily calories, so I'm free for the rest if the night.
>>88166I mean... It’s Cambodia. So it’s a remarkable improvement over their nutritional situation in the 70s
Whatelse are you going to with giant parasitic wasps?
Well, I am ready to start.
>>88169>Whatelse are you going to with giant parasitic wasps?Spider-Eaters make great mounts.
I need to get a more reasonable sleep schedule.
>>88172Fug. Now I kind of want one.. Would be a nice way to make use of those Handle Animal ranks.
>>88175I thought I'd get into raising monsters after finding those foals.
>>88170"So, how has your morning been so far?" Sister Ash asks as she walks towards the building
>>88177"Well, it was rather boring. I woke up, did some training at the gardens until a mare came by and asked me to remove some dead trees from the area. Said they were blighted, and the orange trees looked like they were dead already." Iron pokes his chin. "That is where I found the book for some reason. I wonder if the book caused the blight."
>>88178*Ear twitches*
"Blight, you say..." She replies, looking rather confused.
".. That's odd.. I didn't notice anything last I checked. I must be out of practice.."
>>88179Iron shrugs. "There were just four blighted trees. You would have needed to have an extreme sense of blight detection to find four of them in a garden of that size." He smiles sheepishly. "Not that I doubt your abilities, of course."
>>88180Gimme a minute, my mind's all gone to mush.
>>88179>tfw your blessings haven't been workingLooks like she's going to need another casting to fix this place...
>>88181Sister Ash seems more annoyed with herself than anything else
"I'll see to it when I get the chance." She says
>>88183Iron strokes her mane some more in an attempt to comfort her. "Do not beat yourself up over it. Nopony can be all knowing all the time."
>>88182No hurry, just positioning
>>88184Sister Ash seems unconvinced, but doesn't resist the petting.
".. I guess so..."
>>88186"The stumps are still there if you want to take a look, but not before you eat and talk to Marey and the filly. Do not worry, they will not dig up the stumps until tomorrow if I am not mistaken." Iron keeps up his mane stroking as they walk towards the building.
>>88187"Oh, that won't be necessary. I've been fasting." She says, as she trots along.
>>88188"Huh? Fasting? What is that? Is that food?"
>>88189She sighs a bit
"It means I skipped breakfast, for.. ecclesiastic purposes."
>>88192Alright, I’ll start looking up the penalties for starvation
>>88192Iron takes out her stroking hoof and opts for a scratch on his side. "Why? Do you worry about physical health?"
>>88194Cuz it was supposed to be part of the feat I wanted. Plus, extreme fasting was supposed to be a suggested aspect for exalted characters."Oh, it's just part of my training. I could try to explain it, but quite frankly I don't think you'd understand.." she says, a not abashed
"It's just a thing spiritualists do every now and then where we come from. It's to prove that we can, more than anything."
>>88195It's only been two days since she's eaten, and I can go 3 before I need to make any starvation checks.
>>88199>I can go 3Not if she was fasting before then
>>88199Iron is a bit confused. "Alright then. I suppose it is a show of endurance. I think my brother does that too, if I recall correctly." He shrugs. "As long as you do not faint like yesterday, I am fine with it. Now, let us focus on talking to Marey and the filly." He looks at the abbey's entrance.
>>88201She ate a mango at day 2 and has not eaten since. That proves Ash's claim >>88201She wasn't. She's just eating at increasingly wide intervals as part of her ascetiscism training.
>>88202Sister follows him to the entrance
>>88201Iron looks around to see if he can find Marey around still.
>>88204While he does this, he asks Ash. "Should we split up? I go for Marey, you go for the filly if that is case."
>>88206"She can't be that difficult to find.' Sister Ash replies
>>88206Marery is eventually found in an office on the second floor of the attached abbey
>>88210"Good morning, Sister." Sister Ash says with a bow
>>88210Iron knocks the door of the office. "Excuse me, can we come in?"
>>88212She opens
>>88211“Hello there, Sister Ash”
>>88214"Did you confront the filly about the book yet?"
>>88214"Hello. My friend Iron here told me about a peculiar book he found in a tree. I thought I should have a look at it; I'm rather quick to recognize these sorts of things."
>>88216“I haven’t spoken to her. She’s still in her room”
>>88217She pulls out a large, leather bound book. There are no exterior markings.
“And here it is”
>>88218Sister Ash levitates the book and begins flipping through the pages for a few minutes.
Does she recognize any of the text?
>>88218He simply nods, letting Ash do her thing.
>>88219Thunagfl ‘ngythgen fghan nyenth
>>88222Sister Ash casts Read Magick as she flips through the text, her eyes magically translating the unintelligible script.
>>88222The spell translates the script and reveals any hidden magic.
It lasts 10 minutes per level (50 mins), and allows her to read 250 words per minute.
>>88226>>88224I am skeptical as to whether this text would be considered magical
>>88227Well, it works for regular text too.
Sister Ash is reading it for the sake of determining it's origins, and checking for any curses that might be unleashed if she destroys it.
>>88228Wait, now I'm not so sure..
>>88228>>88227Well, most importantly, is this a text that could be used to invoke any sort of supernatural effect? It should be good enough to tell that, if she studies it for a few minutes.
Portions of it translate, which seem to be incantations
"Per Boreas, Marr, Arcturius, Disord, Ukko, Pellegro, the pythonic word, the mystery of the salamander, the assembly of sylphs, the grotto of gnomes, the demons of the tartarus, of Tirek, Katrina, Grogar, Beezen, the Smooze, and Lavan Come, Come, Come!"
Portions of it are dense in Black Language, presumably what Abby was speaking two night ago, some of it are in some foreign language that is not so alien as to not be off the planet, and some of it is in Ponish.
>>88231"~Into the burn pile it goes!" Sister Ash announces amatteroffactly, as she closes the book.
I'm slightly interested in Sylphs though..
>>88232"Do you know where it came from?" Asks Sister Marery
>>88180"In short: Wesley is reluctant to leave, and Kerr apparently does not believe that all I want to do is see them home."
>>88074"Wenn Sie mir erlauben zu fragen, wie wurden Sie und Ihr Bruder gefangen genommen? Tall Tales ist weit weg von Baltimare."
>>88233"It seems to be a warlocks' tomb, if I had to compare it to anything else I've seen.. Something written by an occultist, spiritually interested in contacting spirits from other planes."
Her eyes narrow as she peers into the text
"... There's quite a bit in here.. but most of its mentions are decisively evil. It's not unlike the text that was confiscated from Abby not too long ago..." She continues
>>88236"What other book are you talking about? Was there more than one case?"
>>88234"Ich wagte mich von der Kolonie weg und in der Nähe des Hafens. Ich war neugierig. Jemand, von dem ich dachte, er sei eine Drohne in Ponyform, fragte mich, ob ich ein Motorboot sehen wollte und wie es funktionierte. Er sagte mir, ich solle ein paar Papiere unterschreiben, damit mich sein Besitzer zuerst in der Nähe des Bootes ließe. Also tat ich es und ging zum Boot. Aber als ich an Bord des Bootes kletterte, packten sie mich in einen Sack. Sie banden mich in Seilen. Ich konnte mich nicht ändern, um rauszukommen. Sie brachten mich mit meinem Bruder zu einem Schiff und brachten mich hierher."
>>88236Oh no, this book is
much more evil than the one taken before
>>88236".... I don't see any obvious spells hidden in here.. but it's exactly the kind of inscription that would be worth destroying: a book that instructs magi to seek out power through evil." She says, deciseivly
>>88237"I took a tomb from Abby's room just a couple nights ago. That one did have a spell hidden in it. This one, however, is worse than mere magick.. It's misguidance."
>>88239I don't think Sister Ash had a chance to read that book.
>>88240He nods. "Well, it seems like the book has got to go, then."
>>88239He looks over to Marey. "You do not mind losing this book, do you?"
>>88241I know that she
didn't>>88243"I don't ever want to see more of these"
>>88239"Es tut mir leid das zu hören. Es ist keine gute Idee, mit Fremden an fremde Orte zu gehen."
>>88244Iron nods. "That should be enough permission."
>>88241"We should vacate to a safe area in order to burn this book without causing any collateral damage."
>>88244Yeah, I think she just went back to bed. She never really opened it.
>>88246"... Why?"
>>88245Wesley's ears droop and he drops his head
"Nein ... ich hätte nicht so vertrauen sollen ..."
>>88247Are you seriously asking why you shouldn't light large books on fire inside of a damned nun's abbey and orphanage?
>>88247"We are in a place full of foals, Ash. I do not want to start a fire inside this building."
>>88248Silver drapes a foreleg around Wesley, and pulls him into a hug. "Ich bin nur froh, dass Sie und Ihr Bruder jetzt draußen sind."
>>88248>>88249Oh, I just misunderstood what he was suggesting.
Yeah, Sister Ash takes it outside, to where they were burning the logs.
>>88251Iron follows her. "Be careful with showing your... firepony side. The foals may be frightened by the visage."
>>88252Sister Ash doesn't appear to be angry at the moment. She just tosses the book on to the bonfire with the logs and watches intently as the flames slowly eat it away.
>>88253"Oh, I guess that works too." Iron is a bit uncomfortable by his suggestion, looking to the side.
>>88254Sister Ash doesn't seem to take any offense at the comment.
She watches the fire consume the book, watching closely, as if making sure it doesn't get away.