The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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[1d20+9 = 23]>>87412Sister Ash narrows her eyes.
"The soil.. doesn't seem to be very balanced. It seems as though it hasn't been properly fertilized to me. I would have to examine further."
She decides to make a Spellcraft check, to see if anything has been interfering with the soil enrichment blessing she cast on the land two days ago.
>>87416No obvious issue with magic, and it seems to be a separate section of land
>>87417How big is this land in total exactly?
>>87417Alright, I'm here. I'd like to follow up with Iron's questions about the sister's routine as he walks to the third tree.
[1d20+13 = 30]>>87407As Sister Ash continues her examinations she pulls a tuber of each species from the beds and examines the plants individually.
Rolling knowledge (nature) to identify any ailments they share, and any plausible cause.
>>87414Spark looks around for a restaurant.
"So, did you expect to be caring for two changelings when you set hoof in this city? Could you even see yourself being kind to them before yesterday?"
>>87421Silver trots with him. "I did not see myself caring for them, no, but I suppose if I were willing to care for ponies in need, then it would only make sense to be willing to care for changelings in need as well."
>>87419Iron’s last act was to ask the sister a question, “what do you do around here?” She answers
“I am one of the sisters responsible for maintaining the orchards and gardens. I also teach the foals horticulture”
She is a tan colored Earth Pony with brown hair under all of that clothing, evidently
>>87420It is an area of maybe an acre and a half. None of the plants have any signs of predation from insects, nor infestation of fungi. Indeed, the area seems particularly lifeless. Their growth seems to be stunted by something in the soil or water
>>87422"I never could imagine me liking them before. I got very upset when Dark Star was threatening them. If only they weren't so dangerous, I wouldn't mind them staying here... if we could hide them from Star's marefriend that is."
[1d20+6 = 8]>>87423Blighted, to be exact.>>87424Iron nods. "Ah, I guess it was kind of obvious." He lines up his hindlegs towards the third tree. "What is horticulture? Sounds like it is important." He bucks with mostly power at the third tree, sacrificing +5 bonus hit chance for +5 damage.
Plant Growth's Enrichment affects a range of one half mile. I think I'll have her make an additional casting for good measure, on a day where she isn't in a hurry to find missing children.
Sister Ash turns to the sister beside her.
"Poor nutrient balance. It must be an issue the soil or water. Do you fertilize these fields regularly?"
>>87426And he MISSES!
“It’s the practice of raising plants in gardens, which I help with, though I deal more with the trees on the property. I’ve extended my expertise on occasion to a few other farms in the area”
>>87427“This particular field has been treated with some organic fertilizer from our wastes, as well as a nitrate based fertilizer and compost”
>>87425"It helps to see them as you would see ponies. Even with their differences.." He stays silent for a couple of seconds before continuing to speak. "Under normal circumstances, I am not entirely sure I would have been willing to trust changelings, even those who came out willingly as such. At least not enough to let them in my place of residence."
>>87432Sister Ash nods.
"Very well. How do you irrigate this section?"
[1d20+6 = 26]>>87432Iron huffs. He tries again.
"It sounds like you were a farmer before joining up here. Am I wrong about that?"
>>87434Oh, well. They could have asked you to burn the trees down if that were the case.>>87436True [1d3+12 = 13][1d20+6 = 11]>>87437Rolling confirm for funsies as well as damage.
>>87433"Under normal circumstances I'm pretty sure we would be drained completely or close to it and taken away. It's just when they clearly are talking to us. What do they say? You seem to be able to understand them."
[1d2 = 1]>>87437Iron’s hoof goes so cleanly and so perfectly though the tree, that it
falls forward. Roll reflex
>>87440Indeed he does. It takes a minute, but he sees a pony he can immediately identify as Wind Bard based on the dossier. He’s a blue Earth Pony, with a set of scruff and a red toboggan on, as well as a dark red tail and mane. He is carrying a briefcase, small and black. Next to him is a white Pegasus wearing a black tobaggan they walk together talking down the gang plank
>>87435“Well, it’s a little higher in elevation, but we have an auger pump that can divert water from a stream that runs through the old property into the hill
>>87441"Yes, it is trick I picked up during Great War, reading and eventually being able to translate stolen enemy intelligence and reports. I do not have perfect understanding of Wechselbalg, but through talking with Wesley and Kerr, I feel as though I can reasonably communicate with changelings.
"Both of them say what you would typically expect foals of their age to say. Wesley speaks more like innocent foal, and Kerr speaks more like he is trying to be tough and strong, likely for his brother. I do not know if you wanted to know something specific I might have heard."
>>87443"Just if they want to kill us mainly. Are they thankful for what we have done?"
>>87442Sister Ash nods
"And do you water all of the crops with the same water?" She asks
*Looks up gardening tips irl*
>>87445"It most certainly seems they are thankful. When we brought to my room at tavern, they had discussion about whether or not they should stay, and they both agreed that we were nice ponies, and that they had better chance of surviving by staying there than not. Though Kerr obviously needed some convincing from Wesley. I can safely say that neither would want to kill us."
>>87444It happens in real life, doesn’t it?Iron pulls out of the way as the tree falls down in Iron’s place
One final tree is all that remains
>>87446“No, this area is seperated from the main property by a the hill, and is closer to the old property, so we use a stream that goes through it, whereas the main property uses a separate steam that runs along the front
>>87448"That's good."
I pause for a moment.
"I really don't want to send them back though."
>>87451Silver looks confused at Spark. "Why is that?"
>>87448Unlike Silver, Changelings cannot eat what is dead
sorry for comments, I just really wanted to say that >>87450"Well, I was not expecting that." Iron looks to the nun. "Are you okay?"
>>87450Sister Ash seems interested in this.
"Hmmm.. Perhaps it could be the water.. Would you mind leading me to this stream?" She asks
[1d20+7 = 25]>>87442Diplomacy
"hey there colts need anything put on the ship? i can help."
>>87455“Yes. Most of it goes through the property you were on a couple days ago”
>>87457Is he speaking to Wind Bard?
>>87452"Because I don't want the day to come where we might be on opposite sides from them. We they either want to kill us by being raised by other changelings, or they have to. Or even worse, we are forced to kill them. Though, then again would we even know it is them apart from the others we may encounter? Would we see a little of them in every changeling now, and it be our undoing?"
>>87454Her eyes are very wide and her cloak is pulled down partly, showing her hair
>>87458Alright,if I have any chance of being attacked by freaking dire wolves again, I may as well post my spells for the day:
Detect Magic
Create Water
Read Magic
Animal Trick
1st level:
Regenerate Light Wounds
Vision Of Punishment
Enrage Animal
Animal Friendship
2nd level:
Regenerate Moderate Wounds
Chill Metal
Celestial Aspect
It's close to an hour after prayers, so they should be prepared.
Sister Ash follows the other Sister to the stream, after calling Caleb to join her.
>>87460Iron breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank the gods. Sorry about that." He starts his trek to the last tree. "So, where was I? I tried guessing your previous profession was a farmer. Was I right?"
>>87459"War requires certain level of..." Silver thinks for a few seconds for the right word. "...detachment, I suppose is word for it. They taught in army that when you fight somepony, or someling, else, it was either you or them. You both have families, and you both want to see those families again someday. But only one of you were going to see them. So, you were taught that it is better you see your family than opponent see their family. But I suppose this all does not relate to current situation.
"I do not want to end up fighting them, either, but I get feeling there will be war before they grow up. Even then, we have no right to keep them here against their will, especially when they have family of their own in Hegemony they care for and cares for them in turn."
>>87461It’s only just over the other side of the hill, with a small metal windmill set up to pump water. The stream is rocky and the area is forested, but there are not too many plants to either side of the stream
>>87462Last tree is next in line.
“No, I’ve always been in the religious order. My father was a farmer though. And it is my cutie mark as well. And there are no gods but the Harmony in all things, as epitomized in our princesses”
Her flank is not visible
>>87458he speaking at neither of them in particular but hes addressing wind bard and his companion.
[1d20+6 = 19]>>87464Iron shakes his head. "Right." He puts his hindlegs in position. "So, have you met Ash recently? She seems to have done quite a bit of work for the abbey." He kicks the final tree, same as all other times.
[1d20+13 = 21]>>87464>not too many plants to either side of the streamNot a good sign.
Sister Ash examines the plants and the water.
Rolling knowledge to notice anything that may be wrong.
>>87468And for the sake of it, Caleb sniffs the water to see if there's anything poisonous in it, since dogs are good at that kind of stuff.
>>87463"I guess not. It doesn't change that if we send them back they are our enemies. I will miss them, as strange as that may sound. I haven't even talked to them. All of what they say makes no sense to me. But I will miss them all the same."
>>87470He nods. "Just because they will live in Hegemony will not mean they are our enemy. It is soldiers we fight that will be our enemy, not every changeling in existence. Although Star would likely disagree in that regard."
>>87465They are more than a little shocked to see somepony taking to them at the moment, but then calm down
“You must be with the dock workers. Yes, this boat needs to be coaled before it can leave harbor” he says to Dark Star.
>>87466“I’ve answered the door for her on a few occasions, I don’t believe I have talked to her at length. I have seen her though”
The tree is badly damaged, and leaves, a book, and an empty bird’s nest fall from its branches
>>87468The stream looks like it probably floods on a yearly basis, discouraging tree growth within some feet of the banks. The area next to the steam also seems to have been used for either ponies or animals - maybe vehicles? - to traverse. But the problems with the stream plantlife go beyond that, as plant growth seems slow here
>>87469Just a little off
>>87472Iron stops what he's doing. He looks at the nest that just fell down.
>>87471"They will be called to fight one day. And if we do reclaim our land by some miracle the Blackhooves have tucked away, then they might be called even sooner. And the thought that they won't have any feelings for us after however long it will's just sad."
>>87474He now looks at the book that just fell down
and didn't notice OOC 'cause if I kill bird, Ash will be mad. >>87472"Do i have permission to help fuel her,Captain?"
>>87472Sister Ash's expression grows dark.
".. Something's wrong with this stream.. could it be.. pollution..?"
She turns around towards the Sister
"I'm rather new to this area. Where does this stream lead down from?"
>>87475"I do not like it either, but there is little else we can do."
>>87477He looks to Dark Star
“Yes, get to it”
Both walk down the gangway onto the dock
>>87478“I... think it originates in this area, just beyond the old property, eventually merging with a river that flows from moonlight shoes into the harbor”
>>87480Dark Star walks onto the ship after they have moved out of the way.
>>87479"If we must, we must. I'll follow your lead."
>>87482One of them goes into the small building. Wind Bard himself just stands there for the moment, presumably waiting. The ship itself seems to have a shallow draft, meant more for estuaries than open ocean. It’s a smaller craft
>>87484Iron goes to the book and inspects it a bit closer, skimming the contents inside.
>>87476Rather large, but with a plain leather cover and binding
>>87483"I will talk with them about getting them home once we have eaten, and see what they think about options currently on table."
>>87481Sister Ash seems vaguely upset.
"... I believe this water may be polluted. The cause of which is likely to be upstream. Perhaps it could be an oil can, or some other piece of trash left in the stream. I would like to investigate." She says
Sister Ash gets up, and begins to follow the stream up towards its supposed source.
>>87485>contentsSome in ponish, some in a foreign language, some in something that doesn’t even seem to be a language
[1d20-1 = -10]>>87489Iron cocks his eyes. He tries to grasp what this book's all about. Rolling intelligence or knowledge to see if he can understand parts of it.
>>87492>cocks his eyes.Fuck. I meant cocks his head.
>>87488Roll a d20
>>87492Seems to be religious in nature, about prayers and such
>>87484Dark Star tries to snap a picture discretely of the building he went into
>>87494Iron nods. He puts it inside his mane for the time being to storage it. He then inspects the bird nest more closely, risking possible bird ambush.
[1d2 = 2][1d2 = 2]>>87496It is so. Does he simply observe them?
>>87500he shovels coal but he stops periodically to watch.
>>87501It looks to Dark Star, who can see through windows, like the Pegasus is operating a radio inside of the building
>>87497A small, red bear-like creature with ragged fur comes out from the brush, a little angry.
>>87499It is so. There are no birds in the nest now, it seems
>>87502Iron looks inside the nest, see if there is any eggs inside or it is just an empty nest.
>>87502Sister Ash becons the other Sister to get behind her, Caleb to her side, as she kneels down slightly.
>"Hello there." >>87502Dark Star takes a picture
>>87506Iron looks to the nun. "Say, you do not mind if we set this nest up on one of the healthy trees, right?" He picks up the nest.
>>87487>>87506Continues restaurant search.
>>87507A dragon approaches Wind Bard. At least, that is what it looks like. Much bigger than a pony, larger that a griffin, with a scaly hide, alligator-like belly, and long muzzle a pinkish colored creature walks up to him, and addresses him at the end of the pier, after waking up there from the left on the wharf
>>87508“Uh, sure”
>>87509The Wood Spoon is the first option
[1d20+7 = 8]>>87506She bows towards the creature, like she does to literally everything.
>"I'm investigating the stream. It seems as though something has been polluting it. I don't know if your familiar with the concept of riparian territory, but I think it would be in the interests all the local creatures to see that it is amended."Of course, Wild Empathy doesn't give anywhere near that amount of clarity in communication, so I'll just roll to see if it's influenced.
>>87510He looks at her. "Are you certain? It could be a bird that may harm the crops. Do you mind taking a look to see if you can recognize it?"