The Adventure continues
Six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The Eastside Tavern Gang has broken through the house and pool-house of the politician Comte Burgher. What they found has been nothing short of astonishing. Deeds for properties bought by secret societies, seditious communications, cryptic booklets, concerning academic interests, and above all else, a sex dungeon with two young colts chained up, and traumatized. With these, they found something else: two caged and chained up adolescent Changeling drones. So doing what any logically minded group of people would do when encountering caged life-force vampires, they let the things suck on them, then took them home and hugged them and loved them and squeezed them and called them 'George.'
Dark Star is coming to terms with loss in the Stallion's room of the Eastside tavern, while Iron aids him. Silver dreams of an Equestria that is no more and his long lost family (while sleeping in a fairly awkward position). Ash awaits a new dawn of service, Onyx a new life of possible employment, while Brie and Spark stay in a small room with two strange guests
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>>87099“I thought it would be best to make sure no curious creature went roaming out the door.” I whisper back.
>>87093Her eyes widen to an expression of deep fear.
Changeling feeding?"
>>87094She smiles warmly
"Then let's go"
>>87097Alright, first off, it was only three times (plus more oral, but that does not count for pregnancy), and more importantly, you can't just compound the chances each time, because some months a female just won't get pregnant at all, either because it happened to be at a time when the female was not fertile, because a fertilized egg failed to plant on the side of the womb, or for whatever other reason the pregnancy fails to take at all that month. If I were doing this completely accurate to horses she'd be in anestrous right now because it is winter
>>87099A pair of blue eyes look at him from the end of the room, and two more from on top of the bed
>>87104"Fair enough, I suppose."
>>87105"Ich bin müde, junge Veränderer." He punctuates this with a yawn. "Ich hoffe du hast anderen Ponys nicht zu viel Mühe gegeben."
>>87105Iron nods. "Yes. Exactly that. Do you know about it? If not, do not worry about it. I was heading off to bed."
>>87108The far side replies
The bed replies
"Sie haben überlebt"
>>87109"How could we not worry about Changelings?"
>>87110"Fair enough. Well, I suppose you do not know, then?"
>>87107>implying i didnt want the consequences>>87105Dark Star Puts his arm around her neck as they walk there
>>87110"Gut." He heads to a clear section of the floor, sets his fatigues down like a blanket, and lays down on them, curled up in a ball. "Gute Nacht, kleine Wechsel. Wir sehen uns morgen."
>>87112She smiles at him, midway between the devious and the warm smile. They arrive soon enough at the headquarters
>>87111"They steal away a part of your love and warmth. The take away that harmony magic that is the life force of all things"
>>87113Is he not sleeping on the bed?
>>87114He's leaving it for the changelings, if they want it.
>>87114"Yes, I know all that. I was thinking about the effects of changeling feeding on the victim."
>>87115Uh, I guess if he wants to
>>87116"It removes positive social emotions. Friendship and love of every form. Love of parent or child, love of country, love of Celestia, love of romantic partner, and so forth. How much depends on how much was extracted"
>>87118"It is only temporary removal, right?"
>>87114"I'm very tired, it's been a very long day."
>>87119"That depends. Usually a soul can find more love to replace it. If the soul is damaged, they may never love again"
>>87120She pets him. Presumably they go to the room that Blue Skies has commandeered on the fourth floor
>>87121Iron shivers. "I see. Sorry to bother you." He lightly bows. "Unless you need anything, I will go to sleep."
>>87121Dark Star coos For the first time in years
>>87123She laughs at this as they enter the room. She open the door for Dark Star to her room "You can come inside"
>>87124I guess she doesn't add anything then.Judging by the sister remaining silent, Iron concludes that is all. He goes to his room and proceed to plop down on the bed.
Do I dream? >>87126Pretty sure she said it like that on purpose.
>>87125She would just be looking at him wondering if there was a particular reason for his asking
>>87126The pair of eyes walks forward, and curls up next to Silver
>>87128When Dark Star closes the door, she walks forward with her tail raised, and goes and lays on the bed
>>87130Dark Star Walks over and starts preening her
>>87130She doesn't need to know the reason. Iron does not change his actions.
>>87130Silver seems calmed by the presence now next to him.
>>87131"Hey now, what are you doing?"
>>87133"Warum nicht das Bett?"
>>87132It's one of those questions that begs a "why are you asking?" follow up question. Don't ask if you don't want to be asked
>>87134So she does ask then, right?
>>87134"just sit back and relax,i learned a bit about pegasi"
>>87134"Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob Sie mich dort haben wollen."
>>87136She seems embarassed, and turns towards him
>>87135Eh, nevermind
>>87137"Ein Bett ist schön. Es ist bequemer als ein Käfig"
Fom the bed:
"Das ist mein Bett!"
>>87138If you say so. Iron is considered asleep then, right?
>>87138Silver chuckles from hearing this. "Es ist in der Tat. Schlaf weiter mit deinem Bruder auf dem Bett. Ich bin mit dem Boden gut."
>>87138"no need to be embarrassed, i'm doing this because i care about you."
Dark star continues the things silver taught him, such as gently plucking dead feathers and helping spread the essential oils all over her wings. and he attempts to catch a whiff of her pheromones
>>87140"Aber ich will deine Wärme..."
>>87141She's a little guarded, evidently not used to doing this with a partner
>>87142Alright, I'll head to bed IRL too, then. Night.
>>87142"Kerr scheint über das Bett defensiv zu sein. Sie müssten mit ihm reden."
>>87144He looks at Silver
Then he looks over at the bed, and says "Kerr, geh aus dem verdammten Bett. Es ist nicht Deines"
>>87145He chuckles. "Das habe ich nicht gemeint." He gets up, and looks at Kerr. "Würdest du alle drei zusammen auf dem Bett schlafen lassen?"
>>87142Dark Star Pets her and gives her a kiss then continues his work on her wings.
"i love you,Blue."
>>87146He seems to consider it for a while
"Nimm einfach nicht meinen Teil, Pony"
None of the feathers are obviously dead, however
"I... preened recently. Maybe in a few days"
>>87148Silver nods. "Das ist fair." He gets up into bed, letting Kerr have his part of it, as agreed.
>>87150Wesley curls up next to Silver, either in front or on his back. After a couple minutes, Kerr moves to laying over top of Silver's rear legs, threatening to cut off circulation
>>87152She pets him
"In Nimbusia, the mares preened each other. I've been doing it myself since then"
>>87151He moves his legs around as much as he can, which is presumably very little. He tries to speak gently to Kerr. "Könnten Sie sich etwas bewegen, Kerr? Meine Beine werden einschlafen, wenn Sie so sind."
>>87154Mild growling, but he moves aside, still partly on Silver's legs
>>87155He checks to see if Kerr is still cutting off circulation to his legs in this spot.
>>87153"I didnt know."
Dark Star Gives her another kiss
>>87157He hopes so, or that his body will at least wake him up if his legs fall asleep. "Vielen Dank, Kerr. Schlaf gut, kleine Wechsel."
>>87158She kisses back. She is fairly warm
>>87159Kerr pretty much hides himself under Silver's blanket, and makes insect-like sounds, while Wesley presses up against Silver
>>87160Silver passes once again into sleep.
>>87161As does the sorcerer by the door.
>>87160Dark Star Does >pic Related
Blue Skies looks down
"And Just what are you going to do with that?" She asks
>>87164"I think he wants a little kiss too."
>>87165"Is that all he wants?" She asks, smiling, before diving down and licking him
>>87166"hnng, he says he isnt going to suck himself."
>>87167"Well, I better help him then"
She places a hoof on each side of the horse penis, and starts by giving a long lick from the testicles to the tip, then she places the penis in her mouth. First just the tip, rubbing it with her tongue, But then the whole thing goes into her muzzle and towards her throat
>>87168Dark Star Moans and then stokes her cheek with his hoof
>>87169Her cheek feels like it has a penis on the other side. She sucks down on him, and as the saliva wets and covers his piece the mouth feels much cooler, and she starts moving up and down on him
>>87170"Oh Buck, that's Heavenly."
>>87171She pulls her mouth up, covering only the tip, which she repeatedly licks with her soft togue. The shaft, lathered in saliva, is almost cold in the cool air of the room. She looks into Dark Star's eyes, and with a look that would be devious if she didn't have her mouth too full to complete the grin, she dives down and places the hole thing in her mouth, sucking, licking, and pulling up and down
>>87172>she dives down and places the hole thing in her mouth, sucking, licking, and pulling up and downDark Star's upper body falls backwards as she bottoms out
>>87175In doing so he adds just a bit more length. But her mouth is able to handle it as the tip rubs the back of her throat, and she stands up to get the best grip her mouth can get on it. Her cheeks and tongue do what the can to lick and massage him as she sucks move up and down on him
>>87177She continues sucking, and licking, and sucking and licking, until she forces Dark Star to let free what he had within him
>>87178Dark Stars Eyes are Sparkling and he has the biggest smile on his face
"I Love You, More than anything else in this world Blue."
>>87179She would speak back, but her mouth is full of cum, which she promptly swallows, and continues licking and sucking as more comes out. From her eyes, he can see that the affection is much appreciated, and the orgasm is damned near dizzying
>>87180Dark Star Strokes her mane and her face
"You Are my favorite pony."
When Dark Star has no more to give, she stops sucking, and swallows a few more times before speaking
"D'aww, that's sweet"
>>87182Dark Star gets into the bed
"You're amazing."
>>87183She smiles back, and then assumes a position where he can easily spoon her
"I like to think I am. Would you mind cuddling me as I sleep?"
Dark Star himself is very tired by this time in the night
>>87184"It will be my pleasure."
Dark Star Assumes the Big Spoon position
>>87185*pegasus pony is spooned*
Pony is soft and cuddly, if just a little bit cold. Better warm her up
>>87186Dark Star Cuddles the Buck out of her
>>87188Oh boe. Hospitals everywhere would be filled with love-drained mares and stallions if that's the case.
It could be the reason they lost the war. >>87190Hello. Do we wait for all players to be here when the next day starts? I am worried about Ash's player not coming the last two days.
>>87194I am busier today than most
>>87194I made the mistake of walking a mile in freezing-cold weather wearing only a light jacket and heavy gloves, so excuse me if I seem out of it today.
>>87195...though since GM's busy, I'm fine with waiting.
>>87197Oof. Mine is the opposite. If I go outside, my skin will burn.
I'm sorry for disappearing without a trace these past couple of days. I've just been really sick lately, and had a whole bunch of shit come crashing down on me in meatspace that I didn't want to talk about.
>>87199Well, the good news is that nothing happened in the past couple of days that would have required Ash's aid. I hope things go better for you going on.
>>87199>thinks for a bit who this is>remembers the kirin is a druidI half-expected something bad or time-consuming happened. So far none of us
excluding Onyx and Brie for a bit really were absent for more than hours at a time.
>>87200Hello Brie.
>>87201This. We pretty much are set to start the next day.
Though I doubt it will happen right now, since it's getting rather late The awards banquet is over, now it’s just a matter of seeing if my parents will stop socializing before I die of hypothermia
>>87199>>87201I feel like I should have said something though.
Still not feeling well, tbh.