Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>75508He smiles slightly when blue is mentioned
"where is she,sir?"
>>75511This. I can't believe I forgot
>>75512"We've had her interrogating prisoners, down the hall"
>>75516Sound from the 4th door on the left
>>75511>>75513Omnivore, not cannibal. It's not like he ate another pony...yet.
>>75519I think I found my new armor
>>75518It's a hotel room modified to be sort of like a standard interrogation room, although only in part
It looks like he has stumbled in on something secret, because the occupants are startled. He does not see blue skies. It is one stallion who he has seen before being interrogated, and that Stallion is wondering why the actual fuck he is seeing you again. He was one of the unarmed stallions that tried to go for the second truck before its driver was killed. And the mare is in a Baltimare Police Uniform.... Now hold the fuck up. Has he seen this mare before?
>>75519Roll a bluff check to see if we believe you.
Phoneposting now >>75523Well, I don't believe you.
>>75498I have a Flight tomorrow.
>>75525The policemare gets up. Yes, he recognizes her from one of the leftist rallies, where exactly he cannot say for sure. She is a White Unicorn with rose colored hair. She looks very angry that he is in the room, and gets up immediately
"Sir, you're not allowed to be walking around."
She turns to him and seems to growl 'get back outside' and walks over to Dark Star
"The Bathrooms are down the hall, I'm not sure how you got out of your restraints, but prisoners need to go this way"
>>75526So you'll be absent for three days or just for tomorrow? Nevertheless, I understand. I have a dinner to attend to as well, and may take until tomorrow to come back. Merry Christmas, everybody, and remember, Christmas is to remind ourselves that Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins, not that Santa shit.
>>75527Dark Star immediately runs out of the building without a second though
>>75528Idk actually, I'm just following the herd.
I might be able to play here and there, but I've got family gatherings.
>>75532Ok, I'll be on the lookout for you.
>>75534I can still RP for a little bit though.
>>75535I can RP too to give some closure to this part of the side quest.
>>75535Last I recall, Ash was expressing disgust at Comte
>>75536>side questWell, this is basically her main quest, until she becomes invlved in something bigger.
>>75537"You're not surprised, you say? Where do you think she went?"
>>75539"... Iron.. let me get you out of that armor.."
>>75540"I guess I should. It must discomfort the children greatly" Iron is blushing a bit, not considering the rules of this place in his own discomfort.
>>75541>>75537Sister Ash takes 4 minutes to undress Iron from his armor, while she talks to Sister Marey.
>>75542Iron grimaces when she takes off the chestplate by the slight friction between the armor and his left side of the coat that was shot.
>>75538"During the war, she would... make statements. Statements about wanting to get more involved. To do something to help the princesses. Now, we would help you see. Helping gather metal for recycling, or raising war bonds. But she wanted to do more. And we told her that the work we were doing here was important, as we were helping the helpless here at the orphanage. We all watched as the number of orphans grew. We lost contact with Manhattan, with Canterlot... After the war ended things didn't get that much better. In all of this she seemed to hold firm. It was after the closure of the Moonlight Shores orphanage, when our real financial difficulties began, that she began to be truly restless. She didn't like dealing with the gang. She definitely didn't like it when we contacted Sunset. And when we explained why it was necessary, it just made her angry at the state of the world."
She looks now at Ash more firmly
"I think she blamed me for what happened. For losing the foals. And she made quite a fit when they came that day....
I think she is chasing rumors of resistance fighters down south. Fighting directly against the occupation."
>>75542Which is how long at least that she would be talking
>>75541>>75539The foals peer over from hiding positions
>>75543There should be visible blood
[Read more] >>75545One half of the 14 damage he took has been healed
>>75547That is all of the damage, and all of her cure light wounds potions for the day
Sister Marery is.... well, surprised
>>75548>potions>>75544Sister Ash seems interested in Marey's story
"Rumors, you say?"
>>75545>>75546>>75547>>75548"Thank you. I needed that, Ash." Iron strokes her mane softly.
>>75550*purrs*"... It's the least I could do."
>>75549They are somethingmajiggers
>>75549>>75550"Who is this stallion exactly?"
>>75552"Like I said, I am a bodyguard for Ash."
>>75552"Someone I met while I was looking for the foals. He's been very helpful."
>>75554>>75553"I see...." She seems unsure about the scene and him, and the fact that he seemed to have been shot, but evidently trusts Ash in the last analysis
"They say there are forces down South that never surrendered"
>>75556"Hmmmm interesting.." Sister Ash replies
"There are still ponies fighting?"
>>75556Iron raises an eyebrow. He may need to fight after all.
>>75558"There are some who say so. The southern jungles were conquered months before the war ended, and the final surrender occurred here in Baltimare. But the Jungle keeps her secrets."
>>75561>the Jungle keeps her secretsIt takes all of Sister Ash's willpower to resist grinning at that statement.
"Hmmmmmm, so it does. That is just how the jungle is." She muses whimsically
>>75560There are oh so many fights to be had
>>75562"What we do know is that bombers take off from Stableside at least twice a week. They say it is training, but a rainforest is quite a dangerous place to train"
>>75563Iron really hopes they are not harming tribes in the process, but remembers the weaklings tried to cause strife against the tribes, which calms him a bit.
>>75563Sister Ash nods at the information, visibly interdasted
".. Tell me, who is this Comte Burgher?"
>>75565"Uck! They say just call him 'cheese'.... He is a city official of the Social Democrats, and he represents the South East of the city. An Aldermare, as the say, or a city councilmare. City councilstallion I guess. He's part of Larry Berry's movement and party. He talks about how he came from a poor family right here in Baltimare, but his wife is the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, and he's definitely living big now. He helped institute the Health Care system and says to represent the unions. Or used to anyways. He was a very vocal critic of New Mareland and their wars with the griffons, and he supported the war against them. Until they were literally knocking on his door. That shut him up
real quick. Shut them all up."
>>75564As he recalls from the mare on the docks, the Blackhooves are more popular in the jungles than they are in Baltimare
>>75566He vaguely remembers Cauldron saying something about humility, which clearly shows that this pony in politics is very weak justt like those communists.
>wanted to kill a pedo
>Turns out he's a politician
This could take more time than I initially thought...
>>75567She has more to say on the subject
>>75569This is the kind of mission you'd want to invite Dark Star for
>>75568Nah, the guy is probably an arrogant asshole
>>75569>>75570Or, just send Dark Star to do
>>75570Iron still feels like this pony is a weak, arrogant asshole.
>>75571Yeah, probably..
>>75570>>75567Sister Ash shakes her head
".. What shamefullness..."
>>75573"Well.... What can I say. When ponies stop placing their faith in Celestia, all the rest follows"
>>75574She sighs in response
"..Some fools value money over humility.. it's a shame for them."
>>75574Iron is not really convinced of the validity of this statement but does not seek a discussion on religion.
>>75575"Money, power, sex.... These distractions have always held a power over ponies and other creatures. But friendship, laughter, generosity, honesty, loyalty kindess... It is harmony alone that will bring you happiness and fulfillment. We knew this lesson. We've taught this lesson and lived by it. But ponies forget"
>>75577She smiles and nods at this
"So it is."
>>75578"I think you've seen what we're up against. And I hope you understand what it is we try to preserve. What we try to restore."
>>75579"I hope so too.." she replies
Then her eyes droop
"But for now... I'm rather tired..." She mutters
It should be like 10:30-ish, right?
>>75580By this time it may well be
Also, the colt wants attention
>>75581Sister Ash looks down at the colt
"... You never get tired, do you?"
>>75582"Hug me" says the little green-eyed brown unicorn
"Don't you want to see your friends?"
>>75584He tilts his head
"friends? No. I need attention"
>>75584>>75583Iron is not so convinced. It sounds too good to be true. His tribe is strength-based for this reason, because evil people will always exist. He must be missing something important to this, because faith that everyone is good is stupid.
>>75585She frowns at this, picking him up by the scruff
(gently) with her magick
"You didn't miss your friends? Your friends missed you."
>>75586Sister Ash just prefers to agree where she can agree.
Her practice of faith is different than the Celestians, but she can agree that faith, virtue and self-discipline outweigh the value of any material wealth.
>>75586And thus we see why the Fascists get further with the tribes of the jungle than the Restorationists
He can argue with Sister Marery if he likes>>75587"I don't really have any friends"
Says the colt. He looks to be in physically better condition than he was 4 hours ago. He is still small, and probably younger
>>75585>>75584>>75583>>75582Iron is feeling a bit childish from this exchange. He whispers to Ash. "Want to make him jealous? I think he needs to put a little work for his hugs to feel really the value of your attention."
>>75586She turns to Iron
"Some ponies can be foolish.. they'll look for money to fuel their desires, a instead of teaching themselves to become better ponies." She says, with a smile
>>75589*Frowning intensifies*
"You don't have any friends here? That can't do. All the foals here are so full of energy, don't you ever play with them?"
>>75591"No." Says the colt flatly
[1d20+3 = 7]>>75593"So you only play by yourself? That's a shame, I'm sure you could get along if you tried."
Sister Ash narrows her eyes and considers that this colt may have some form of autism
Dice are Sense Motive, to get s feeling of
>>75594>>75593She turns to Marry, slightly concerned
"This one hasn't been bullied, has he?"
>>75594>>75595The colt keeps his secrets. Except that he wants a hug. He tells Ash that explicitly.
>>75591"Aw, I wanted to be the big bad pony that took the beautiful maiden and is bested by the young stallion." Iron mock-whimpers on Ash's ear
>>75598*Hugs Iron*
"You've been irreplaceably helpful these past couple days. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you."
>>75597Ash withholds hugs and continues prying.
"Are you lonely here? What do you do all day?"
>>75596"He very well may have been. He has not been very sociable with the others. He was found near the docks during the war. We think he must have come from a family on one of the refugee ships from the west. They probably didn't want him and abandoned him here."
>>75599*hoof tap*
>>75599Iron definetly was not expecting that. He is a bit taken aback but returns the hug. "Only for the cutest of mares." He whispers to her ear.
>>75600"I've play with the ball alone here. The Stallions with the sticks kept me in a crib all day but it was upside down. They would not hug me"
>>75604The colt seems to be convinced that hugs are a zero-sum game
>>75603Sister Ash retains her core beliefs: all foals deserve hugs.
She hugs the colt for a little bit longer, before stepping back.
"It's bedtime soon. Don't worry, I'll still be here tomorrow."
>>75605>In direct conflict to core beliefAs Sister Ash absorbs this, she picks up the colt and looks at him sternly (but warmly)
"Everypony wants to be hugged, but there will always be enough to go around so long as everypony is nice, so be a good pony and you won't be missing out." She says
>>75606Iron whispers to Ash again. "Are you going to sleep outside like yesterday?"
>>75606"But there wasn't enough to go around with those stallions. They put me under the crib. I nearly starved. They did not think I was a nice pony. I want more hugs"
>>75610"We have rooms for you and your... bodyguard, Ash"
>>75609Iron can guess why pretty accurately from his personality.