Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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[Determined kirin noises]
>>74697Iron is wondering when him and Ash will reach the destination to fight. "I will be ready by then." He makes sure that he did not put his other hoof's armor as he wants to feel the hit. "Do you want ponies to be alive or dead?"
>>74696 →She audibly purrs, and continues smiling
>>74697And thus the facility is before her. It has many ups and downs in its roof, and 4 separate doors, one on each side and two in the center. As with the Darrien Cannery, the north side has a dock, and no ship masts can be seen over the roof of the building
>>74705"Shall we knock on the front door?" Iron whispers to Ash
>>74705Sister Ash enters the building through the nearest entry.
Listen check to detect creatures
>Doggo is also sniffing>>74707"I don't think that's necessary.." Sister Ash responds
>>74706This particular glass is not a Mimic.
This glass>>74708The closest one is an entrance on the South to the right. It looks like it was once a worker's entrance
>>74710She has blue-green, same as Onyx
>>74711What about the listen check my GM?
>>74711Sister Ash takes a deep breath, before treading into the building
".. Here goes nothing..."
Onyx moves to the next one.
>>74713Iron nods, then enters with her. Shield ready and hoof unarmored to punch some ponies.
>>74711"Your Eyes Are Beautiful, they're like a never ending forest."
>>74709She can here some sort of movement, deeper in the building
>>74713She is not shot nor does she spring a trap as soon as she enters the door. It's dark... This hallway is illuminated. It goes off to the left as well as the right, with a door in front of them to what looks like a normal room. The hallway to the left extends 40 feet before turning, while the one to the right extends 30 feet
>>74717The hallway is
not illuminated by artificial light. It has windows
>>74714I feel like you should start making dice rolls on this
[1d20+3 = 6]>>74717Doggo goes ahead of the other two, going to the right.
Rolling for stealth
>>74718"How long before you have to go back to work?"
>>74724"I mean, they let me take an hour and a half, though it's technically one hour. We can stay here longer by maybe 20 or 15 minutes, but if you want to do anything quickly in the room before I have to go back, you need to pay and go now"
>>74720How far does she send him?
>>74725Far enough to peek around the corner.
[1d20+5 = 13]>>74726This glass is
also not a mimic. The bar patrons are safe for another glass
>>74727When he gets to 25 feet - not yet to the corner - you can hear a
very loud gunshot
>>74728Iron puts himself in front of Ash. "It seems we have some company." He whispers to Ash.
>>74728>>74730Hmmm... Technically, this would not pierce the dog's hide. But it doesn't feel right to think of a shotgun blast as not penetrating dog hide
>>74729This glass is also not a mimic. Bar patrons can breathe easy
>>74732Half of that is Dex AC...
>Pierce hideB-but.. much magic skin!
>>74733It's not just thick hide. It's magick.
>>74734Thankfully, none are Mimics
>>74733>>74731Doggo trips on something and flips the fuck back before a shotgun blast is heard. Each of you roll for luck
>>74738>>74739Truly made to be together.
>>74738>>74739Neither is hit by ricocheting pellets, but stealth is gone it seems
>>74740"Oh hey! I got something for you"
Onyx sends the bag of 3500 bits flying at the magic hoers.
[1d20 = 1] >>74742Iron approaches closer to the side where the shot went off and prepares to attack if the bastard goes through the corner.
>>74742Sister Ash calls her dog back moves forward with determination, hold her tower shield ahead of her as total cover.
>Is glad she brought this thing. >>74745>>74744No adversary is seen coming around the corner
>>74743>>74740>1Sorcerer, roll for reflex save
>>74745Alright, to where does she go?
>>74746She turns the corner, still using her shield as cover.
>>74748Wherever the hallway leads.
>>74744>>74750Iron goes the corner opposite of Ash.
>>74725Dark Star Smiles
"We better hurry back then."
Dark Star motion at the waiter
>>74752Good idea.
Remember to hold up that shield. They can't shoot you so long as you have cover.
>>74754He uses his shield as cover, then.
[1d4 = 2][1d20+6 = 18]>>74749Spark is hit squarely in the chest by a huge set of bits, knocking him down
Rolling damage
>>74750>>74751It's getting dark this way, as there is no illumination. There is a door to the right, and it seems more down the hallway as it is straight. It is hard to see, and there are no visible enemies
>>74752As he nears the corner, he hears a loud damned bang. It comes from the
side and thus is not protected by the shield
>>74753Maybe 50 bits for the set, including the band
[Read more] >>74756It does not seem to penerate, right?
>>74756"Ow! The hay was that for?"
The sorcerer slowly gets up after the hard hit.
>>74756"The Spaghetti was Fantastic."
DarkStar pays the bill plus the tip
>>74756Also, you added an extra hit bonus for some reason.
>>74759"So you decided to throw it at me?"
I gather them up before some other patron decides to swipe it.
[3d6 = 14]>>74755>>74756Iron is hit by a shotgun blast that comes from beside him. The pellets just barely pierce through the side of his armor.
This happens 5 feet before he gets to the corner, in essentially the same position as where the Dog got shot at by the same method
>>74757Well, equaling the AC is a penetration. If the shot had come from in front of him, it would not have beat the shield
>>74762"It was the easiest way to get them to you"
>>74761If that had been a pitfall trap instead, it would have been a +10 bonus on the daggers
>>74765From the front, yes. From the right side, no
>>74766Wait, are you saying that flanking negates shield bonus?
[1d20+5 = 17]
Listen check, to hear how many shooters there are
>>74760Blue skies canters back quickly, but still enjoys the benefits of a government job
>>74770The air in the immediate area is silent. Further away - and I mean
much further away, there is movement, but the shooters either don't exist, or are perfectly silent. Ash was not shot after passing the location where the dog was shot at
>>74772Ash takes off a bucker and tosses it down the hall ahead of her, still using her door-thing as cover.
>>74771The shot comes from the side
>>74773Roll to see how far
>>74763Can I attack the pony, then?
>>74775She only manages it 15 feet. It clanks, but nothing else happens
>>74777Well that's precisely the thing. There is no pony
>>74776And one comes
>>74778Great. Just great.Iron turns his shield around to where the shot hits him, protecting him from further shots.
>>74779It looks to be a wall, with no slots in it for an attacker to shoot through
Also, Iron is
not shot again
[1d20+4 = 8]>>74778She hurls a sling bullet down the hall
>>74782Whatever, she uses her remaining move action to advance 15 feet in that direction.
>>74781>>74783Ash advances 15 feet. If she is only 15 feet past the turn in the hallway, she is still in the light area
>>74780Iron slowly follows Ash, backs against eachother. "I cannot see the attacker."
>>74785Didn't you go to the opposite hallway from Ash?
[1d20+4 = 5]>>74785"Neither can I...."
Ash hurls another stone blindly into the hallway, still hiding behind her shield
>>74787That's my question. I've had Iron advancing down the hallway opposite of Ash
>>74789Then he back away from the corridor and go to Ash's corridor. I am backtracking my movements, still facing the corridor that I was going through.
>>74778He Gets in
"To the Hotel on [Enter Street Name Here]"
>>74790>>74790The journey to Ash's corner is uneventful, until shortly before he gets there, where he sees a stone fly back from Ash's direction and hits a window
>>74791And thus the pony takes them there. It feels a bit dangerous, but it is quick. They arrive at the steps
[1d20+4 = 8]>>74792Ash tosses one more rock, before moving another 15 feet
>>74788The sling fails to open at the proper time, hurling the stone
backwards >>74793This one.... also fails to go very far
>>74792"Thanks Colt. How much for the ride?"