Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2027 replies and 46 files omitted.
>>75818When Dark Star gets out, he sees a certain very familiar face coming towards him. It's Blue Skies. She looks
>>75820With a sort of venom, she says
"That prisoner was told that you too were captured at the scene, and were being held here. That you happened to wonder your way out of your room when a guard had been lazy and you wanted to find a bathroom.
He saw your face. He recognized you. And he saw that you were in the building"
>>75821"Restrain me and put me in a cell with him."
>>75823"Ill act like i was trying to break him out and got caught."
>>75822"Dark Star? We are trying to release these prisoners back into the populace with false information to feed their comrades. We will have to adjust that plan with this individual now that he's seen you.
We are in enemy territory here. This is an empire built upon secrets, lies, and misdirection. Be very careful."
That's the kind of thinking we need"
>>75824"But then he'll wonder why you shot as his fellows on the wharf"
>>75825"ill make him think it was a mistake and that he didnt see me shooting at you and the reservists."
>>75826"Would he buy that though? You shot at Redclaw, and he may have seen that. He sure as hell saw you shooting at the driver"
>>75827"well if he doesnt believe me, he could always have a accident."
>>75828"Those predisposed to hate our regime will automatically assume that any prisoner that dies in our custody was deliberately murdered, regardless of the actual cause of death. Now maybe if you can convince him that you are a gang member who was trying to keep him from getting away with the expensive guns.... That could work. Didn't you drive one of those trucks off the wharf or something? Maybe he'd think you tried to drive to get away but the flat tire stopped you?"
>>75830"Well... If you would like to try yourself...
He'll be in custody from now until, well, probably at least another 48 hours. We could hold him months if we get a warrant for weapons trafficking, but we want to release this back as a sort of witness"
>>75831"alright put me in the hoof cuffs."
>>75825>This is an empire built upon secrets, lies, and misdirection.This is why I'm not fond of the current regime.
>>75832"Hmmm.... Just whatever you do, don't let him think you are from the Blackhooves, and if you have to change your story, make it damned convincing as to why you did that.
Come with me"
She leads him to the stairs again, and takes him down a level, to the basement. When she opens the door, he sees a floor more befitting a secret police headquarters. While the upper floors, even the first, look more like hotel rooms, the basement level has concrete floors and rooms with bare concrete. She places hoofcuffs on Dark Star, which are more than a bit uncomfortable.
"Alright, stay here"
She places him in a cell - and that is indeed what it is - and leaves him there. It is a full two or three minutes before the white unicorn officer comes down with the Stallion in question. He is a black haired grey Earth pony, and he is placed in an adjacent cell that is seperated by bars, and appears to be the second half of what was once one room. He stares at Dark Star uneasily. "Alright, we're holding you here until we get some paper work sorted out"
She leaves
>>75833Hey, they are kind enough to leave Baltimare an autonomous democracy. And it's only here they use deception in extreme. Elsewhere they just use force
[Read more] >>75834"Well i guess my breakout attempt failed."
>>75835With a definite tone of sarcasm, the stallion replies. "I noticed." His disposition seems hostile
>>75836"hey you look familiar. where you at the docks?"
>>75838"Hey yea sorry about trying to steal your guns. my gang leader said he would kill my sister if i didnt get them..."
>>75839Dark Star looks at the ground like he is realizing something
>>75839"Would kill your sister?"
He's still mostly angry, but there's a look of concern
>>75841"yeah, hes... not a very good pony. ive seen him do a lot worse for a lot less. shes probably dead by now...."
Dark Star looks very sad when delivering that last line.
>>75843"a pony bumped into him and he beheaded her. and hes set an orphanage on fire in canterlot because a orphan looked at him funny."
>>75844"I mean, why the shoot out? We were trying to take the guns back to the safe house"
>>75845Dark Star looks around to make sure no ones around
"Well, hes planning a coup."
>>75846>>75847"So you stole
ours" He is not happy with that
>>75848"i didnt want to. i knew you guys wouldnt want to give them up. but again he forced me. i was orphaned as a colt and he took my sister and i in. he raised us. i Couldnt have done anything to stop it. i am truly sorry about the comrades you lost."
>>75849He looks... conflicted for a minute, with mixed looks of anger and empathy
"Well.... I do believe in the inherent goodness of ponies...
"Don't you see? It's the concentration of wealth in the hooves of the few that forces us to be so cruel to each other. Those guns were destined to help overthrow the order that keeps us in the lower classes at the throats of each other. Those guns were destined to make a difference"
[1d20 = 1]>>75853Now we roll opposed sense motive and bluff. Rolling sense motive
>>75854>>75853Okay, that die actually was a 1d20.
He looks down a moment
"I admit I hated you for what happened. For killing our best hope. For killing my acquaintances. But I can see now that you are yet another victim of this cruel system. We should never have trusted that slimy underboss"
[1d20 = 4]>>75857You just won another opposed sense motive and bluff roll
He looks at you with narrowed eyes
Your boss."
[1d20 = 12]>>75858"Are you sure, my boss would never settle for just
>>75859>>75858"Wait. Were you working for somepony other than Pransisco? He's the underboss we contracted"
>>75860"My boss goes by "The Slaughter King."
>>75861"I can't say I've ever heard that name before. Is he in the Waterfront gang?"
>>75862"i think we branched off from them. as far as i know he was going to use the guns against them."
>>75863"I must admit that i don't know much about the gangs around here. So was this the plan all along? To infiltrate and to steal the guns?"
>>75864"That was his plan as far as i know."
>>75865"So how did you get caught?"
>>75866"i was knocked in the head by a pony with things over his hoofs. and when i woke up i had the colts in brown pointing guns at me ,and here we are.
>>75867"I thought I saw you run to the ship?"
>>75870"i was knocked out by the union hall about a minute after the explosion."
>>75871He stares
"I saw you as I was there by the trucks 15 minutes after the first explosion. You had a shotgun. You shot at the driver. Then you tried to drive the truck but crashed it"
[1d20+10 = 23]>>75873Opposed, and +10 because he clearly saw Dark Star
>>75873>>75874Equal total rolls, and the one with the higher modifier wins
"Yes, I clearly saw you by the trucks long after the first explosion"
[1d20+5 = 18]>>75875"is that when it was? the blow must have messed up my head!" Dark Star looks worried
[1d20+10 = 19]>>75876>>75875Rolling, and keeping the difficulty modifier
>>75876>>75877"Yes. You obviously were
not unconscious when I saw you"
[1d20+5 = 19]>>75878"i was knocked unconscious after i saw you as i was running."
[1d20 = 6]>>75879Rolling opposed, and this one is not implausible
>>75879>>75880"If that is true, then you must have been knocked out by one of your co-conspirators. I don't think the fascists came in until later"
You should probably remove the dice from the email field
>>75881kek yeah
Dark star has a look of concern and then worry
"you're.... right."
>>75882"You say you were punched in the head by somepony with something on his hoof?"
>>75883"i believe so it all happend so fast."
>>75884"There was another one. A big Earth Pony, wearing a wolf's hide. I saw him jump down from atop the second burning warehouse and attack this pony with a steal gauntlet. Maybe he knocked you out and left you for the fascists to find"
>>75885"that may be a possibility. i wish there was an alternative to Harmony and fascism."
>>75886"What else do you think we were trying to bring about? A state without hierarchy. Without the constant quest for money or power over others"
>>75887Dark Star looks really interested
"tell me more."
>>75888[A long treatise on the tenets of Historical Materialism later]
>>75889"Wow!communism,seems cool."
>>75890[Communist Horse Noises]
"Indeed it is. You will find that when ponies are in need they will do desperate things. Competition for money sets ponies against each other. And thus our current system must result in misery. But when ponies are equal, and work together for their wealth and benefit... Then comrade, is true harmony possible"
>>75892"The state of social relations the Celestia worshipers think they will achieve. Where ponies act in true brotherhood, loving each other fully and living for the other. This cannot occur until all nobility and priesthood is eliminated, and the forces that comprise the economy are in the hooves of those who labor for it"
>>75894"The priesthood itself takes wealth and lands from the ponies without contributing anything in return. Often, the clerics are nearly as wealthy as some industrialists. But this is really besides the point. The priesthood deceives ponies into placing off hope for a better world to the afterlife, rather than create a better life here, and in that way, it stupefies and pacifies the masses"
Alright, that is the end of what I can do tonight, and possibly the end of Dark Star's conversation with the prisoner
Well, that was certainly a thing that happened. Didn't know Dark Star was into political intrigue and cloak-and-dagger operations.
>>75899Oh yeah, you didn't read his backstory on the first thread. He's a sucker for this ideology.
>>75900All I know about Dark Star at this point is that he's a supporter of the Black Hooves.
So, I saw the GM ask for Silver, Spark, Star, and Onyx to do the stuff they were going to do for the afternoon so their timelines would finally link back up with Ash and Iron's timelines. The question I have is: exactly how much separation is there between the two different timelines?
>>75903>>75905I'm guessing you guys need to finish up your shopping and maybe do the quest Spark brought up. That should be enough to sync up.
>>75908That's what happens when you don't cash in your bling.
>>75909oh my god this is so sad. can i get an F?
>tfw thats what started this whole chain of events >>75906>>75911How are you guys doing today?
>>75912It's the day after Christmas,
day before my Birthmas, so I'd say I'm doing alright.
>>75914Alright, Dark Star is trapped with a Communist
>>75915"Stalion,do these fascist ever feed us?"
>>75914Thanks.>>75915So, random question: what was the date when New Mareland first invaded Equestria
>>75912Got rid of my sleep deprivation after that meh dinner I had at an aunt house, helped move some bags of grass and bathed without electricity. Pretty good I would say.
>>75918>bathed without electricityive been there before,cant say it is very fun.