Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2027 replies and 45 files omitted.
>>75916"Well, they did provide me a lunch meal earlier today"
>>75917I'll figure out the timeline firmly at some point
>>75919It's really not, but I feel refreshed from the water anyways.
>>75920"Stalion i havent eaten since they brought me in. this has to be against some law."
>tfw theres no good alternative for the word man >>75922>>75916As on cue, an officer approaches. It's the Green Earth Pony Stallion you recall from your first interview, the one with the wooden leg. As he slowly limps up, he says "Alright, your bond hearing is scheduled for 30 minute from now, so you need to go.
Not you." That last phrase being directed at Dark Star, He limps up, unlocks the door, and slowly carries away the grey communist.
After a minute, a familiar Ice blue figure trots on in. "Not bad."
>>75923"You cant just not feed me you dirty Fascist! oh haha sorry i got lost in the character for a second.
i guess i work for "the slaughter king" now."
>>75924WRITE IT! >>75925Aw come on, better to happen in-game than not. I'm not the GM here, just a player.
>>75925"Indeed. That will be consistent with the theories that many of them have about an outside group being responsible. The Waterfront gang - they will know better. Hard to say what they will think when this circulates to them"
>>75924He hasn't washed himself since they did Anal >>75927Oh, nevermind then. Dark Star is one smelly boi.
>>75927>>75929>spoileri knew i was forgetting something thats more on my incompetence than him being a dirty boi by nature
>>75927"i hope i somewhat redeemed myself for my fuck up with the prisoner.hows work going so far today?"
>>75930"Well, if nothing else, I don't think he suspects you are working for the Black Hooves. If he ever suspects that you are lying, he'll probably suspect something else. We could probably release him into the wild soon enough. He might even believe your story of being betrayed by the Slaughter King and be willing to see you again. I don't think the gangs will react as positively
And as for me, your work last night has kept me busy today"
>>75930>>75931I'm having smol nap, so don't worry if I don't say much.
>>75931"i dont think he thinks i was lying,Sorry we couldn't have a big finish to our date."
Dark Star looks sad
"Oh and hey before i forget, Could you help me out with this gold?"
>>75932Have a nice nap
>>75933She softens her eyes and shows off her eye lashes. She places a hoof on Dark Star's shoulder and touches his mane
"Don't be sad, it was only my lunch break. I was on borrowed time anyways. You did well. Very romantic, You would have earned your kiss from your dream fillie. Well,
I would have slept with you after that, but don't take me as your standard. You would have earned a kiss."
>>75934>>75933"Gold. Oh yes. We can exchange that"
>>75934"thats sweet of you to say. you are no where near standard Blue. you are the best."
>>75935"Great. i was looking to buy some new armor"
>>75936She blushes
"D'aww. Well, let me take you to get you cashed out." She holds onto his still cuffed hooves, and leads him out of the cell and upstairs
>>75937"you know maybe i should buy some fuzzy hoof cuffs."
>>75938She takes him up one flight of stairs to the first floor, and down the hallway to the end. Then she turns a corner. Only then does she turn to dark star, and carefully remove the cuffs
"hehe, what do you need fuzzy hoof cuffs for?"
>>75939"hmmmm i wouldn't know"
He winks
"maybe you'll find out later"
"oh and you look really cute in your uniform."
>>75940"I've always thought you Earth Ponies liked being dominated by Pegasi...
You really think so? I have a full officer's uniform, I just don't wear it often because my job requires more subtlety"
>>75941>"I've always thought you Earth Ponies liked being dominated by Pegasi…"we do sometimes."
he winks again
"you Should wear that next time."
>>75942She moves her tail a bit, and smiles
"Here we are"
She opens the door to a room with a number of desks, and pulls a key from her her folded wing to unlock a safe
"Alright, hand me the gold"
>>75944She takes the gold, and inspects it, then looks to a sheet of paper
"Cash value 4200." She opens the safe, and starts pulling out currency
>>75944>>75945She places the gold in the safe, locks it, and gives 4200 bits in paper currency to Dark Star, and then starts writing something down on a sheet of paper
"Alright... Here are your bits. I guess you're free to go about your day"
>>75945>>75946"Thanks blue. sorry about that whole incident again. Spark wanted me to help him deal with some monsters in [insert quarry address here], So if You need me thats where ill be. what time do you get off of work?"
>>75947"You are welcome. I'm here till 5 or until they don't need me. At least another hour or more"
>>75948"Maybe after i shoot some monsters we could go see a mover
>>75950He kisses her on the cheek then starts to leave
"ill see you then blue."
>>75952i think Spark and Oynx are still not here.
>>75953Probably not. Hoping they get here sometime. There's not much Silver and Star can do on their own right now.
>>75954We could look for a side quest while they are out and finish the monster hunt with them.
>>75955Maybe, but then you'd end up with the issue of what happens if they come back and both Silver and Star are off doing their own thing.
>>75951She blushes with the kiss, and gives her wicked smile
"Is that all?"
>>75952My parents want me to do a job application and set up a new phone
>>75956yea that would be a problem.
>>75957Dark Star snickers a bit
"For now. ill give you the rest later tonight."
>>75960So, what did I miss? I feel like I'm going to phonepost if I can play again. Anything important I should know?
>>75961Sorry, the electricity went out.
All thats happend thus far is that Dark Star accidentally saw a communist that was at the docks and the commie recognized Dark Star, so dark star had blue put him in the cell with the commie and dark star was able to convince the commie he was working for a gang boss named "the slaughter king" then he got the gold cashed into bits and got a date with blue at the movies.
>>75962Cool blues. Think Spark and Onyx will appear shortly?
I'm going to be in a car for two hours, but cellphone service is shitty.
>>75964It's not going to matter a lot until the stallion gang actually makes their own sidequest and go to bed ingame.
>>75963I'm back. Are we still waiting for Dark Star to return to that tailor?
>>75967He is in the process of returning there
>>75962 My Internet is currently being the big gay, so I apologize in advance if I seem inactive.
>>75967Spark can seek to purchase items or look around
>>75972I look around the shop.
"Just out of curiosity, what is your most expensive item?"
[Knocking on Wood Intensifies]
I think my connection is no longer in the shitter.
>>75974pls intreenet dont be a shit
>>75973"You'd be amazed by some of the wonders we could request from Canterlot"
>>75977"Yeah. There is no way I could ever afford that. But a pony can dream."
I look toward Silver.
"Sure is taking Dark Star a long time. Hope that his isn't in some sort of trouble already."
>>75978He nods, turning from looking out the window to looking at the tailor.
>>75977"Do you happen to know where nearest potion shop is?"
>>75977I'll be phoneposting for the time bring if anyone requests my presence.
>>75979"But of course. Down the street, take a left, seven blocks that way"
>>75982Dark Star now has something like 10,150 bits, or something
>>75984his coin pouch sounds like a xlyphone
>>75984He nods, and turns once more towards Spark.
>>75978"I forgot to stock up on health potions. Would you mind staying here and letting Star know I will be back here shortly, if he comes back before me?
>>75986"Sure thing."
I continue to study the items of the shop.
>>75987With that, Silver hurries his way down to the potion shop.
>>75988i wonder if we run into each other?
>>75985Don't worry about your stealth or carrying capacity. Blue Skies knows Dark Star's... weak muscles. She gave him paper money.
>>75987See if there are any items you want and can afford in the SRD. Spark, at present, has 3500 bits on him, which is less than most items, but enough for some
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Ringshttps://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Magic_Items>>75988The directions given to Silver by Trim Fit lead him to a an Alchemical shop with the simple name of "Potions and Brews." Inside he sees a black Earth pony with a short cut and upwards pointing white mane, as well as a juvenile Zebra stallion with a similar cut to his black mane.
"What can we get for you?"
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Potions [Read more] >>75991He places three separate Bit pouches tied closed with white-colored rope, each with 100 Bits inside them. "Six Potions of Cure Light Wounds, if it pleases you."
>>75992Now how much did he start with? He found 300 and spent something like 50
>>75993I think there is like a magic belt of strength. Blue Skies would appreciate the investment
Or, just switch out one stat for another >>75994About 500 is what I gave him to start.
>>75994its 6k out of my price range
The stallion hands over the six bottles
>>75996Did you apply the +2 racial bonus for Earth pony in making that calculation? Also, Gauntlets of Ogre Power are only 4000 and give +2
>>75997Don't forget the +2 to Con as well
>tfw no racial mods
At least I can move stuff with my horn: that's been indespensibly useful so far.
>When your spell has multiple components
>>75998I guess I let Dark Star start with 8000...>>75999Congratulations! You are now the equal in strength to the Unicorn Sorcerer and the dainty female Pegasus rogue. Hooray for the Earth Pony tribe
>tfw no racial mods
At least I can move stuff with my horn: that's been indespensibly useful so far.
>When your spell has multiple components
>>75999>14 str unicorn gang gang>>75994Wait, you can switch out stats?>>76002Alrighty then.>>75997He puts them into some potion-sized slots inside his saddlebags. "Thank you, this will be very helpful."
>>76002i just came here to have fun and honestly im feeling so attacked right now!
>>76004You can transform into a Bear. Hush
>>76005"You're welcome. Come back anytime!"
>>76006Dark Star can almost hear Blue Skies, coming to help him feel better about himself
"There there Dark Star. Not every dirt horse is meant for the fields. You're more of a... House pony." The image pats his back
>>76007Actually, I can't do that yet.
I can turn into a dog though.
>>76007"That I will. Have good day." He exits the store and heads on back to the tailor.
>>76008But you CAN turn into a fire demon pony of hatred and anger. >>76010>>76009>>76010Alright, so would anypony like to buy anything at the tailor?
Dark Star 10150 bits
Be aware that weapons are also needed, and if you intend to keep a mare, leave at least 500 in reserveSilver: 750. You may want more than just a sword
>>76014How much is a +1 flak jacket?
>>76014So, the tailor carries armor. Does that also include shields?
>>76014>>76017I'm also assuming the tailor doesn't carry weapons or any other equipment of that sort.