Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
2027 replies and 47 files omitted.
>>75407In the front, they have a great many fancy suits. Stallion's formal. It's in the back that they have the selection Silver is looking for
>>75409"That's too bad, but we have more. Magical equipment costs.... thousands more"
Probably should have asked Blue or Sea Breeze to cash out that gold>>75410Reluctantly, she abides
>>75406Sister Ash has practically slowed to a stop, as she looks after filly and Caleb, with the tickled-to-sleep colt on her back.
Can I ask the GM to magic up that Silver took Onyx out of the trunk of the taxi before he went inside the store? Otherwise I think we might have left Onyx in the truck of the taxi.
>>75410>>75411Iron returns to the convoy as the filly goes, repositioning himself at the very back of the convoy.
>>75411"Woof" Caleb exclaims enthusiastically as he leads her across the street (looking both ways for inferal driving machines, of course).
>>75414>>75415She rejoins the group, and they go
>>75413Onyx is removed before the taxi drives off with him in the trunk
>>75412This reassures the foals
>>75416Thanks.>>75411He takes a more detailed look at what he has in the back.
>>75411"im not very good with magic, what would be the cheapest magical item you have that grants protection?"
i was thinking about bringing it to a forge >>75418"Just a basic protection ring would cost 2000. You can also add magic to protective armor"
>>75417Anything >>75420"ok get me 1 ring, and 2 flak jackets. how much for protection on one of them?"
would a flak jacket be better than silvers current armor? >>75416Sister Ash let's the foals rest for as long as they need to, before heading back to the orphanage.
>>75422Iron just follows along, only watching for any incoming trouble at the back of the convoy.
>>75422Fortunately for her, they get restless soon
>>75421A flack jacket would not
"Are you sure you don't want to consider your options?"
Also I need to think about how much of his brother's inheritance Dark Star has left>>75424Look at the armor list
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Armor. Be mindful of magical enchantments
>>75426"Just a bit more. I'm sure your friends at the Abby will be glad to see you."
>>75424As a guy who's played an Artificer, I've memorized almost every kind of core weapon mechanic, and several non-core items to boot.
Just ask what kind of thing you're looking for, and I can find it.
>>75426>>75427Iron smiles for a bit. She looks so beautiful when she shows compassion for children. Truly the most fitting mother any stallion could ask for.
>>75426Ah, that helps.He's seen flak jackets before, but he's never really thought much of them. To him, they seem like they're just made of really thick cloth. However, one that's been reinforced with metal catches his eye.
>>75421"Star, what about this one?"
>>75430Iron snickers. Yes, she is gorgeous.
>>75426"sure,Do you have any flak jackets that have protection on it?"
>>75435He points at what he's looking at: a flak jacket reinforced with metal plating, providing a good balance between protection and weight.
>>75426Are they able to make it back to the orphanage?
>>75438>>75426I could ask the same thing.
>>75398>>75439Yes, after around an hour.
>>75434"With magic? Yes. We can also get light titanium armor as well"
>>75436What is that on the armor list?
>>75440Silver said it was a breastplate, I think.
>>75440"Light titanium sounds interesting. whats it capable of withstanding?"
>>75440>>75441This. I thought you mentioned around the time that Iron was getting armor that something of that nature would be the equivalent of a Breastplate.
>>75443Oh, that magical breastplate enhanced by magic 2 or 3 times.
>>75444Nah, the thing I'm talking about is that before all the enhancement and stuff.
>>75445The thing I bought was normal fullplate armor.
>>75442"It's a little stronger than the flak jacket. What makes it different is the light weight on it"
>>75443Iron got basically regular full plate armor
would give enhanced titanium breast plate to Blue, but not enough money for the character after Ash destroyed her most of her equipment >>75446>>75447I know, but you also described a flak jacket with metal reinforcement before he purchased the full plate.
>>75448Breastplate with magical enhancements, 2 tiers of it. That's what the stallion offered Iron.
>>75448I believe that refers to any of the medium armors
>>75449Yeah, what I'm talking about is essentially that, without the enhancements.
>>75440>>75438Well, we arrived. You should enter the Abbey and all.
>>75447"that sounds like it could work. get me one of those with protection on it, the ring Spark and the reinforced flak jacket for Silver."
>>75450I could have sworn you explicitly mentioned Breastplates during that whole thing.
>>75452You're right.
>>75447Sister Ash knocks on the front door of the orphanage.
>>75454Probably. I like breast plates because if you get them in Mithryl, you can put them on a rogue/ranger/flying creature without proficiency negatives/losing class abilities/losing the ability to fly, besides the fact that they won't slow you down. But if you're playing a warrior class you may as well go all the way.
>>75456A sister answers, then hail's Marery
"Oh! Thank Celestia you are okay!"
>>75453"A titanium breast plate is 4200 bits. A ring, 2000. An enchantment, 1000 at the lowest level"
I think I need to backread to see how much Dark Star has spent.... >>75458he hasnt spent more than 1500.
i dont think >>75458Sister Ash bows her head as she greets the sister.
"I.. We.. we weren't able to get them all..." She says solenmly
She ushers the foals in
>>75461Iron stands back, not wanting to intrude.
>>754601000 to the bar tender for part of the tavern, like 700 for the first two flack jackets, maybe 300 (at most) for fancy jackets, 100 in tip for waffles, a little less than 100 for the date, taxis, and supplies at the general store
>>75461Like she's seen a ghost, she stands silent in amazement at the foals. They walk inside. Except the sixth colt, who knows where he wants to be
>>75463Sister Ash sighs as she walks in, with the foal around her ankle.
She gestures to Iron.
"This fine stallion is named Iron. He was very helpful in supporting me." She says, introducing the stallion
>>75462 >>75465>>75462"Are you with the Government?" Marery asks Iron, more than a little suspicious of his appearance
Sister Marery is a Grey earth pony mare in full nun attire
>>75464He has something like 5950 bits in cash plus an uncashed gold bar with a melt value of 4200. What is he trying to buy?
>>75466Iron is a bit uncomfortable. "No. I am just acting as a bodyguard for Ash."
>>75466all of the stuff i said earlier. hopefully he'll accept the bar
>>75466Sister Ash begins the long process of explaining how she found Ollie and the other foals, as well as the clues she found for the other foals whereabouts, and what she heard about Sister Sage.
>>75468Can you be
super specific using names from the SRD armor list as to what he wants?
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Armor>>75467"Very well..."
>>75465"Where have you been? We were a bit worried. And how did you get these foals?"
>>75470"I gave those low-lives what they wanted.. They shouldn't be a problem anymore.." she says vaguely, with a disgusted sneer as she recalls it
>>75470titanium breast plate(no enchantment), ring of protection, im also paying for what ever silver got if i can.
>>75471>>75470Iron reluctantly follows Ash inside, guessing he should enter too.
>>75469>The six foals"What great fortune you've brought us! I was afraid we'd never see these foals again, but here they are. And we can afford to take care of them now. Looks like one of them has taken a particular liking to you"
>The other sixIt sounds like things have been as bad as I feared for some of them though.
>Ollie"A terrible shame the Atheists got that one foal."
>Comte Burgher"And that Burgher... I never had a high opinion of him. Some 'servant of the poor.'"
>the two made mares"About what I expected. I was hoping they could go to better life than that"
>The Manehattan Adoptee"At least she has a family now. I hope they are a loving one. The fact that the Fascists wouldn't let them adopt through their policies makes me wonder, but maybe it is a loving family"
>Sage"I can't say I'm entirely surprised, if those gangsters were telling you the truth"
>>75471"A very good thing. The stallions from Sunset coming here must have scared them off, and so long as we don't owe them anything they will stay away."
>>75473Foals run away and hide from him inside the orphanage
>>75472Titanium Breastplate is 4200 and another 1000 for a basic enchantment bonus. A ring is 2000 (spark has 3500, by the way). Silver hasn't responded on anything
[Read more] >>75474Am I just going crazy or something? I swear to god I keep saying the same thing over and over again.
>>75474Iron is more uncomfortable of the situation.
>>75474>3500 bits?? I had no idea I had that kind of money
>>75472“Hey, that ring is pretty expensive. You might have me handle that one so you can afford something for Silver.”
>>75474>Some 'servant of the poor.'I fucking hate rich, hedonistic fucks who pretend to be charitable for politics/image.
Sister Ash similarly snorts in distate, much like a horse would.
I'm going to have to go, bye.
>>75474>>75477"Are you sure you want to do that? i could help if you want."
>>75474It's a flak jacket reinforced with extra metal, and as far as I know it's the equivalent of a Breastplate.
>>75475I don't know. It's hard to keep up with everything and a family that wants to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" at the same time.
>>75477A cheaper option would just to be to use Onyx, Iron, or Silver as your Armor and find something else worth the money
>>75478*respectfully presses F*
>>75478With Ash gone, I should go on pause too, but I'll be here for a little longer.
>>75481>It's a Wonderful LifeThat's actually my dad's favorite Christmas movie.
>>75481Sorry GM, I am Ash's armor already.
>>75480What is Silver's Dex bonus? I feel like I gave him at least Banded Mail just as starting armor - maybe full plate - so I want to figure out the benefit of the medium armor
I go up to the tailor.
“So, what does that fancy ring even do?”
>>75484Play with the rest of the damned group so I don't have to create twice as many NPCs, scenarios, quests and settings
>>75486"It offers a slight magical deflection against attacks"
[1d20-1 = -9]>>75488Ok, but only if you genderbend Spark.
Rolling diplomacy check for the lulz
>>75488“Only slight? Hmm... I might have to come back for that one when I save up some more.”
>>75487With stats as awesome as you have you should have played a Paladin. Yes, Medium armor is better for him than heavy.
Basic breastplate is 200, a +1 enchantment is 1000, a +2 enchantment is 4000. Titanium costs 4000 more and lets him move faster
>>75489You fail to seduce Spark.
You'll get 'em next time
>>75491>seduce a stallion as a stallionMiss me with the gay virus.
>>75491Maybe, but he would have to be Lawful Good if he was a Paladin.
Probably just a basic breastplate, considering he doesn't want to be a burden on Dark Star's funds.
>>75491"Trim excuse me one moment i have to go foor a bit ill be back.in a few minutes."
Dark Star leaves the tailors and heils a taxi and heads back to the HQ
>>75494Silver stares at where Star was just a moment ago. "...What?"
>>75492What did you expect to happen with that roll?
>>75495“I think he is going to ask for a favor from a friend.”
>>75492>Thinking a genderbending is betterAnon...
>>75494It is so
>>75493Paladin, to me, is the best warrior class.>>75495Well, it looks like Silver has more time to look around
[Read more] >>75496A funny.
>>75491Ok. Now I am signing off for real. Before I go, is there going to be any complications due to the holidays?
>>75497It wasn't really serious to begin with. Besides, who would want a mare who obesses for a bottle of liquor anyways?
>>75497Dark Star walks over to Sea breeze or Blue Skies whomever he sees first
>>75496"It is interesting time to ask for favor." He looks around a bit more at the various armors available for sale.
>>75497Fighter just seemed like the simplest to learn. Might level him up a bit as a Paladin eventually, once I feel like I've got a hang of how to play as a Fighter. And if his alignment shifts more towards Lawful Good. >>75498Maybe? Only tomorrow I would think
>>75499It's a glass, and it's a habit like Julian from Trailer Park Boys. Also don't insult other characters
"Hello again"
>>75503I mean, he's already a restorationist sympathizer [Read more] I'm going to be having a bit of dinner, so just pretend I'm with you guys while carrying Onyx until I get back.
>>75504It doesn't necessarily mean he's Lawful Good, though.
>>75504I am merely stating facts. Like how Iron is bad at talking to mares without earning a slap on the face.
Only happened once tho >>75504"i need to bit in some gold that we found on the ship on the docks,sir. could the Party help me out,sir?"
>>75507"Oh, yes." He moves his chair back
"We cracked the dossier of you-know-who. Skies will have more information for you on that"
>>75477Sorcerers can wear magic robes in their body slot. Some robes create supernatural effects that may be equivalent to armor.
>>75491>you should have played a PaladinCannibals cannot be Paladins.