Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>76120i unironically thought he was still in there. ooops
I am bored, so I think I will write about things that never were
In the scenes on the docks, I had intended there to be more explosions of the warehouses. Specifically, I placed a fire truck and fire crew as being the first to arrive on the scene. Ash is described as seeing a fire truck, and there is a fire truck on the map. I figured there would be an explosion in the burning warehouse that would kill a pair of firefighters, so as to make the burning of the warehouse feel more important and consequencial. However, a number of dice rolls failed to produce a critical failure, so that didn’t happen. Then I thought that the fire truck would be shot at by Marecuse. But then I realized that doing so would be unnecessary and attract unwanted attention, which Marecuse would be too smart to do. She also didn’t shoot at the first police officer she saw (an unarmed one), and in fact, didn’t kill any pony until police officers with guns were pointing them at Ash (whom she identified as a ‘friendly’). I sort of feel like I missed out on the chance to make Marecuse seem truly evil
Marecuse would have been warm and enthusiastic in talking about subversive activities, and easily annoyed and bitchy when talking about.... literally anything else. She would have been more focused on work and more introverted than Redclaw, with a more task oriented approach to the revolution than Redclaw’s conception of it as a moral crusade. If that “seduce Marecuse” plan had been attempted, she would have been immediately skeptical about any request for her to go to a secluded area that did not have a solid reason. She would have remained serious and cold to any flattery, with no laughter and at most a smile. She would have no problem with a proposition to have sex from a guy she met a minute before, with her concerns centering on her uniform being messed up and the limited time before they needed to leave. She ultimately would have agreed, under the condition that it took less than 10 minutes, and the stallion would not pull-out and risk getting fluids on her coat or uniform - threatening consequences if fluid did get on her coat or uniform. She would have made remarks about having sex on the voyage over, and hoping to get a lover later the same night. I was happy to be able to describe her room on the ship as being altered so that items of furniture were perfectly positioned to be centered to the wall, so she could be characterized as OCD even after her death.
If the scene in the mill had been replayed with the cylinder thrown at Marecuse, I would have given a non-proficiency penalty and strength penalty because it’s an awkward object to throw. If it had hit her, it may have done enough damage to hit her. I’m the more likely even that it missed, Dark Star would have successfully shot it to release gas. That would not have caused the canister to explode. Marecuse would have looked back and identified Dark Star, and probably Spark, and menaced then with her gun. She would have realized that shooting her gun at them would risk detonating the gas, and moved out of the warehouse and away from the gas. She probably then would have focused on getting guards to go after Dark Star and Spark. I am not sure she would have gone down to Ash’s position, since she would have wanted to kill Dark Star and Spark, as well as alert guards to hostile infiltrators. I wanted to give her a line of death dialogue, where she say something like “just as the worker honey bee dies to protect her hive, so too do I die for my cause. You have done nothing more here today than kill a single insect of a vast and angry swarm.” Ideally this would be said in character as the communist, so it would have served as a signal of her adherence to a collectivist ideology that sees individuals as of little value and easily sacrificed for the good of the whole, while also taunting the party members by belittling their accomplishment in killing her. I eventually gave part of this line to Blue Skies
[Read more] >>76122>If it had hit her, it may have done enough damage to hit her. I’m the more likely even that it missed, Dark Star would have successfully shot it to release gas. That would not have caused the canister to explode. Marecuse would have looked back and identified Dark Star, and probably Spark, and menaced then with her gun. She would have realized that shooting her gun at them would risk detonating the gas, and moved out of the warehouse and away from the gas. She probably then would have focused on getting guards to go after Dark Star and Spark. I am not sure she would have gone down to Ash’s position, since she would have wanted to kill Dark Star and Spark, as well as alert guards to hostile infiltrators.well good thing that didnt work out then.
>>76122Huh. What deep and intricate thought processes you have to deal with all the time you write a story. No wonder you stepped out for 14 hours after the little comment I did to Cauldron.
>>76122Also, if you didn't notice, Onyx arrived. I suggest you keep an eye on him, in case he wants to do something.
>>76123Okay, that should have said “done enough damage to kill her.” It May have killed her, but the more likely result would have been entirely losing the element of surprise
>>76124Actually, I stepped out because I was watching a movie at the theaters with family. I knew exactly how that scene would play out. Cauldron would slap Iron or throw her drink on him, and Iron would say something stupid that would provoke at least one half dozen large, burly gangsters to fight him
>>76126Why do you have so little faith on me...?
>>76130>>76129Jeez guys, way to kick an anon down. Also hi Sparky, Onyx poofed into existence, it's an afterchristmas miracle!
>>76131I wouldn't say poofed, just escaped family.
>>76132>escaped familyHope you packed some food before your grand escape.
>>76133Thank you, Star, you a bro Does anyone want to buy weapons before the next encounter?
>>76137Pretty sure it's not for you. After all, we're still asleep in-game. So yeh. No RP until the stallion gang does its thing.
>>76135I suppose I need a dagger now.
>>76135"Do you happen to have a simple dagger to purchase?" I ask the tailor.
We don't, but I happen to know a hardware store just down the block"
>>76147"Thank you. If you can point it out to me, I will be very grateful."
>>76147"Do they sell magic guns?"
>>76149"You would be surprised what you could ask for"
>>76149>>76148Three blocks down is a sports goods store. A yellow Pegasus Stallion named Happy Hunting greets you
>>76150I walk up to the yellow Pegasus.
"Hello. I was told I could buy a simple dagger here."
>>76150"Hows it going colt? im looking for 2 revolvers."
>>76152"We do indeed have Colt brand revolvers here."
>>76151"We have those in stock, yes"
>>76153"im looking for some that are magic."
>>76158Nvm holy didnt do what i thought.
>>76160"Only 4000 bits above the price of the base weapon"
>>76161"Whats the total,my good colt?"
Did I miss anything while I was gone?
>>76163Star and Spark are buying weapons at a sport goods store at the moment.
>>76162"Do you want two of these? That would cost 8200 bits in total, but unfortunately you'd basically have to be a peace officer in order to purchase these legally, thanks to weapons restrictions"
Dark Star has 8800 bits in total
>>76166Killing communists qualifies as keeping the peace if you ask me.
>>76166>600 bits left overDark Star shows his badge
"im with the party."
>>76164>>76165Ah. Not sure what else Silver would buy, especially considering he only has about 650 left.
>>76169Didn't you have a weapon already?
>>76170He has an old steel greatsword, yeah.
So, has Onyx woken up IC? Otherwise he should still be passed out in the tailor with Silver.
>>76171If you want ranged, then you're fucked by your lack of money, and Dark Star will surely not pay up since those two weapons he bought will leave him broke.
Hope he has the bits for the movie date >>76173Eh, if he really wants a firearm, he can just pick one up off of a dead opponent.
>spoilerI think he still has enough. He just won't be able to buy Blue the moon.
>>76169There's no need to spend everything.
>>76168He inspects the badge
“That’ll do”
Be advised that if the character’s funds fall much lower, his ability to woo mares with grand gestures may be... hindered
>>76169You should probably be aware that undead creatures are immune to everything except magic and bludgeoning weapons. A great sword won’t do you nearly as much good as a mundane worker’s sledgehammer
>>76176Is there even a place to buy something like that near the tailor?
>>76177>Not waking me up in a wagon asking if I tried to cross the border4/10, try harder next time
>>76179No one here is named Todd, though.
>>76179Well, when you're not even near a border, it's kind of hard to do the joke.
>>76176Dont worry about that Dark Star is going to be a miser
to everyone except blue until further notice.
>>76178the hardware store we are at probably.
>>76184Do something to indicate your vital organs are not outside of your body, perhaps.
Basically interact with Silver >>76185Someone extraordinarily frugal, to the point of cutting costs everywhere to avoid spending money.
>>76186Probably. I guess he could use a sledgehammer.
>>76185you know like scrooge. from the movie with the ghosts that visit him. Basiclly Dark Star is going to be as cheap as him.
"Hey shopkeep. You got any metal armor?"
>>76190Onyx suddenly speaking up rouses Silver from the state of drowsiness he was in. "Now, when did you finally wake up, sleepyhead?"
>>76182100 more>>76183Just be advised that hotel rooms cost money, restaurants cost money, super fancy restaurants cost
lots of money, and so forth
>>76185He's been just throwing wads of cash around
I forgot to deduct the 400 Dark Star gave to Iron from his cash amount!
>>76190Trim Fit: "But of course. What are your needs?"
[Read more] >>76191"Earlier, where are we?"
Onyx looks around
"Say a tailor's shop and I'll start testing my new halberd"
>>76193"...Alright then, I will not say that."
>>76192After a few seconds spent deep in thought, he comes to a realization, remembering a couple details about dealing with the undead. He turns to speak with Trim Fit. "Bit of stretch here: is there hardware store nearby, or some other place for tools?"
>>76194Just hope you get some money from this job. >>76192>>76194The sorcerer leans over to Dark Star and passes 500 bits to him.
>>76192"You got any scale mail?"
>>76192Correct me if I'm wrong GM, is my bit amount 5570 bits total after all my purchases?
>>76195"You may like to visit the Sporting Goods store, the same as your companions"
>>76197"Nylon laced with plates? Yes"
>>76198I would need to back read to figure that out
400 bits plus 400 bits plus 8000 minus 1500 minus whatever the hell the armor was, and like 70 bits for the hides
>>76199"I was thinking chail laced with plates, but okay..."
>>76199From what you said, it's 7250 bits total.
>>76199He rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Ah, that is where they went. And what are directions to this "Sporting Goods" store?
I've got dinner and stuff to do. If Star, Spark, and Onyx get done with their stuff before I get back, just act like Silver went to the place, got a sledgehammer, and came back to the tailor to meet up with the group. >>76202"I know you can't possibly have enough. Just be sure to save some for that lovely mare of yours."
I give a little wink and keep walking around the store.
*Dark Star looks confused*
>>76201>>76201Minus at least 1350 for the armor
>>76203"Just down this way"
alright...>>76200"We also have more basic flack jackets, and many other forms of armor"
>>76204You keep doing that like you want to be woken up in the middle of the night by a Blackhooves raid, or by a ghost linked to some dark and ancient secret of the monastery
[Read more] >>76207Onyx feels like his choice in armor is being criticized
"What'll give me the best protection"
>>76207>you want to be woken upI'm pretty sure it's that, or if not she wants the tiny unicorn pony to raid her room for hugs.
absolute best comes from a complete set of steel. It would slow you down and not help you much in the water, but the protection is unmatched"
>>76211The unicorn knows an unconscious pony cannot give hugs
>>76212Like I can think of story for a "bonus round" at midnight, it's just hard to get the time to plan everything well
>>76213"Alright, what won't give me the mobility of an overturned tank?"
>>76214"I prefer to think of the heavier armor more as a 'heavy' tank, like the Changeling Panzers. But a flak jacket with basic magic enchantment would cost 1200, and is the best you can get for cheap while still being as fast as an unarmored you"
>>76213i named my gunz
Ride the Lightning and The Seeker of truth 2d6vdmg +1 to hit to each
>>76215Shit, I don't have enough
"I think I'll pass for now, still need to think about it"
I've got some time in between things that need done.>>76207Silver nods and makes his way down to the store the tailor mentioned.
>>76216It is so, although I am less sure about the chance to hit
>>76217"You may do so"
How much does he have?The flak jacket he has should still be good>>76218He meets there a yellow Pegasus stallion named Happy Hunting
"What can I do for you today?"
[Read more] >>76219He looks around, seemingly confused by the nature of the store and what it contains. "...Okay, this is long shot, but do you have any kind of sledgehammer for sale? Or do you know place where I can find one?"
>>76219both of the enchantments are +1