Welcome back to thread number like 5 or 6 of Occupied Equestria, a My Little Pony RP based heavily upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and using the mechanics of D&D 3.5, and set in South-East Equestria after it has been conquered and split between the Changelings and a foreign fascist power
Onyx is cleaning glasses, Spark has secured a contract to clear a quarry of Zombies for a real estate developer, Silver is eating meat, Ash and Iron are trying to raid what they believe to be a gangster's den, and Dark Star is holding hooves.
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>>75306Track them down one by one and get them.. I guess...
>tfw five sidequests>>75307"Back to the orphanage, if you'd like. Your friends are all worried about you.."
>>75310Nah, you don't want Skies to become jealous now, do you?
>>75312>>75311Fine then, Forget i mentioned anything
>>75309They nod, and are willing to comply
>>75312Why would she be jealous?
>>75314Becuase she will next to best waifu. Who wouldn't just drop all romantic relationships with best waifu? Skies cannot compare.
>>75314He's implying she'd be jealous from him talking to and working with other mares.
>>75311Well, I suppose that leaves a few ponies still she could ask.
>>75314>RudeOi, it's for the same reason the other nuns don't want to.
"Come along then." she says, getting up and slowly approaching the other filly
>>75316"..Please put her down now." Sister Ash says
>>75318Iron finally budges. "Fine." He places her down gently around the other foals. "Do not run away."
>>75320Will your waifu take care of children as expertly as Ash does? I don't think so. Best waifu confirmed. No matter how wild Skies is in bed.
>>75318They get up
>>75319He can see in her eyes that her will may have receded and complied, but it has not been crushed fully
>>75323Sister Ash approaches the foal, and speaks to her softly
".. Would you like to come with me back to the orphanage?"
>>75324When you say the foal, I'm assuming you mean the cream colored pegasus fillie who ran away and was being held by Iron.
She stares somewhat defiantly in the direction of iron, before saying. "Yes, I would" to Ash
>>75322>yes, she willShe will probably cry about her past more than raise your children. Skies cannot compete against the mighty Ash, the lifebringer and keeper.
>>75325Iron disregards the defiant look given to him.
>>75315>>75320>>75321>>75322>>75326Neither of you could have best waifu, because Silver had best waifu.
But then she died. >>75325Ash carressses her mane
"Let's go then. It will be dark soon."
And with that, she leads the small herd outside.
>>75328>had best waifuWell, it doesn't count since she is not here, but I'll take your word for it.
>>75326Like seriously, do you have to start a waifu war out of character?
>>75329"How do we know that is where you are taking us?" one asks
They follow her anyways. The door here exits to the left and onto a small area of land before the sea. You are on the North side. You can see that there was a small yacht docked at the pier. It is sundown
>>75326the foals she bears will be natural warriors.
>Vow of ChastityHow Can you think of violating a nun thats sick!
>>75332Sister Ash shrugs in response
"You'll have to trust me..." She says
"Will you trust me?"
>>75333I won't be able to get that feat unless the GM changes his mind about letting me take the Vow of Poverty.
>>75333>natural warriorsLike they can pack a punch with both your low strength stats. Bet they can't shoot straight because the guns weigh too much for them.
>Chastity>implying >>75334>>75330Can you not?
>>75335The foals look at Iron, and then back at her
"I guess we don't have much choice."
>>75337"Of we go then."
And so, she leads them on the long journey towards the orphanage on the hill.
>>75338Iron follows behind all of them, watching for any attempts of escape.
>>75339The prisoners do not attempt an escape, although given how some of them look around he can see that a couple of them are thinking about it
>>75338It's a very long journey, well over a mile by walking
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
The Sixth colt wants more attention
>>75318She's willing to work with a waterfront gangster thoughOkay I'll stop [Read more] >>75335Among Sacred Vows, Vow of Chastity is okay, because enchantments are a bitch and the trade-offs isn't that drastic. It's not that useful though, because the classes that would benefit already have decent will saves and don't really benefit from it as they would from other feats, thus, it's only really worth the slot if you take the Vow of Poverty for the bonuses, since having enough ascetic Vows might make it easier to qualify for Sainthood.
>>75341She gives all of the foals plenty of attention on the long journey.
>Core character belief: all foals deserve love >>75341As long as they don't run away, Iron does not react to the children.
>>75344The sixth foal believes you have misunderstood him. He thinks that what you heard is that he wants
a lot of attention. But what he actually wants is
all of the attention
Does Ash know how to make it back?
[1d20+14 = 27]>>75343But then again, that's really what Sacred Vows are all about: becoming closer to godliness, even if the benefits aren't that great.
Vow of Nonviolence and Vow of Poverty are both prerequisites for the Apostle of Peace prestige class, and they're the hardest Vows to keep. Apostle of Peace is like being Jesus though.
>>75346*Gives foal extra attention, and tickles him until he's all tuckered out*
>Does Ash know how to make it back?I take it that means asking for a roll
>>75347She finds her way to Percheron Avenue, and from Percheron down south to a location she is familiar enough to walk to the orphanage from. It is a long walk, and the foals don't like it. The environment is more urban now, so there are more ponies around. It won't be that hard for one to be lost, or to run away under cover.
The colt is indefatigable
>>75347Ash should get a map whenever she gets a chance.
[1d20 = 4]>>75348Iron keeps a vigilant eye on the children, having a watchful eye on every single foal. Rolling spot for efficiency.
[1d4 = 3]>>75348>indefatigableRolling non-lethal tickle damage for this round.
Also is there a detour she could take that's safer?
>>75350Ash, please roll spot in case the GM does make us look for a lost foal again.
[1d20+7 = 19]>>75350Ash is preoccupied, so rolling for the dog.
He can also sense creatures within 60 feet by smell.
>>75350Not very. It is dark and there are other ponies around
>>75353The dog is no New Mareland Shepherd, but he's able to keep stray foals from getting loose out of the herd
>>75351The foal is tickled, but not down. There are roads that would not take them through urban areas (and this less likely to be lost) but Ash doesn't know the road routes so these are not immediate options
>>75351Also, I'm going to call the dog Caleb. I had held off on naming him, because I had intended on giving him to the orphanage as a gift to the children.
>>75354Iron is a bit dissapointed in his lack of spotting qualifications, but remembers the dog, and now he feels a bit safer that all the children are being kept in the convoy.
I lost my text when the page refreshed!
>>75354>The dog is no New Mareland ShepherdHe's fully trained for the general purpose of guarding. I summoned him for that reason.
>>75358This isn't guard work (you're thinking of the Griffenhiem Shepherd). This is sheep-dog work
>>75356So far
>>75354Ash continues down the route, signalling to all the foals to stay close by her side as she trots towards the orphanage discreetly as possible.
She also signals Caleb to guard each of them.
More tickle damage, to see if I can get this greedy boi to
pass out fall asleep.
>>75361I could punch the child to sleep if you want.
jk [1d4 = 1]>>75359What would sheep dog work qualify as, under the Handle Animal skill?
>>75361>Damage >>75363... You don't need to answer that question for now. It's irrelevant.
[1d4 = 1]>>75363And another round, while I'm bored.
>>75363The colt giggles and has some sort of magical spurt
>>75360One of them is about to fall behind, but he can glare her into submission
>>75367The sixth colt is finally put out. For now
Fucking one.
Tell me I can reroll that.
>>75369Caleb falls back and coaxes the fillie towards the rest of the group.
"Do you want to slow down?" Sister Ash inquires?
>>75370Staph trying to scare the kids
>>75370>>75371When a pony passes in front of the fillie, she is not there when the pony moves
>>75372"A little" the 4 foals answer. Baltimare be a little far south for the Equestrian East coast, but it's still Winter. Ash is feeling a bit cold
[1d20 = 15]>>75375Iron is upset. Rolling spot to find filly again.
>>75375Aww fug.
Which direction does the dog smell her in? He proceeds to follow her.
Ash slows down, holding them all close to her.
[1d20 = 11]>>75378Iron starts heading there with a quick step. Well as quick as a full-cladded pony can do. "Hold up. Filly ran away to across the street. I will fetch her." He tells Ash
Caleb looks both ways to cross the street before going to fetch her.
>>75375Continues day dreaming until we get to the tailor.
>>75380It's a good thing he does, because the "automobile" drivers don't
Roll to grapple
>>75382By the dark of the moon he planted
But there came an early snow
His owl's been howling by his window now
For six nights in a row
Blue's coming for him, he knows...
He may be at the tailor now
>>75384Whoever wants to grapple the filly may grapple the filly
[1d20+7 = 22]
Wait, she resisting.
The doggo tries to stop her by putting a paw over her shoulder.
>>75385You need to grapple the filly, Anon.
[1d20+3 = 15]>>75386Rolling opposed, but I am suspecting this will end with her being knocked down and tackled
>>75387I already did once, I'll let the dog do it this time.
>>75385Dark Stars eyes return to normal and for a breif second he has a look of fear on his face
"Ah here we are Colts.Cabby heres what we owe you. stick around though. we still need a ride."
Caleb nuzzles her, almost chidingly like a nanny
>>75390Takes 7 bits, and there you are.
Trim Fit: "Welcome back. How may I be of assistance?"
>>75391She actually tries to pet him, though a bit afraid of the dog
>>75393"ah good to see you trim. my friends need some of the "Good stuff"."
>>75393Iron, seeing the dog handling this, only stands by if the filly does any rushed moves.
>>75394"What sort of 'Good stuff' do they require?"
>>75393Sister Ash has now slowed down considerably to give the foals a breather.
Caleb croaches down on his forepaws ridiculously, pressing his face to the ground as he looks up at the filly from his prone position.
>>75396"Spark here is a magic user. so i think he needs something different than just a flak jacket. and silver's armor here, needs an upgrade."
[1d20+5 = 18]>>75398>>75393His tongue stretches out hilariously as he tries to lick her hoof.
Rolling a touch attack (-2, cuz prone)
>>75390>>75392>>75394>>75399Just pretend Silver was with you guys for that. Sorry, I keep getting distracted by IRL stuff.
>>75402>>75403GM is doing the same, I garner.
>>75402its fine, you dont have to apologize.
>>75398The foal is a bit scared, but she does try to pet him
>>75401The hoof is licked. It does not taste good. The foal takes this as a friendly sign
>>75399"Well, we have magical equipment in stock, but that is expensive. What sort of upgrade does he need? And how has your flak jacket been working?"
>>75406While Star and Spark deal with the tailor, Silver takes a gander around the store to look at their selection.
>>75406Iron awaits the dog to escort the filly back to the convoy.
>>75406"it saved me from a couple of shots, it got destroyed though. how expensive is the magical equipment?"
What was Silver's current armor? >>75406Caleb points towards the rest of the group comically, and gestures to her to follow.