ITT Roleplaying
Classic Tabletop D&D (3.5e mostly)
New players welcome, most especially our recent pony addition
Its always some level of nuts in this thread, and this moment does not disappoint.
All kinds of things have happened, the result of which is that with over a week passing in meat-space the party is still right where they left off at.
Tracy is venturing to the mountains with her floofy-faced, hutungous birbs in an oversided wagon, hoping to give them a chance to have a moment with their biological father.
Trump, for some reason, is quite butt-hurt by this. What? Its true,....
Thez is enjoying the first decent night's sleep in over a week, Infernius contemplates (((genocide))) (does it work in that context? I mean he's contemplating their genocide of course), and Torcuil learns that Death is a pretty cool chick with a morbid sense of humor in an absurd job that you wouldn't think is a job, but its literally a job. So yeah, next time he wants to hit her up, just blow ur brains out or something.
Last thread got to over 1800 posts <trumpet fanfare> but that shit is impossible on mobile and cumbersome at best otherwise so,....
1402 replies and 163 files omitted.
I wonder if Killy likes jibberniggers...
>>55059I know, but I was wondering why plp kept "ironically" eating them for a whole month.
Fucking internet...
>>55061Never underestimate the stupidity of the normies.
though I still get a good laugh out of these kind of memes >>55062The stupidest memes do come out at the beginning of the year..
>>55060Kiynen: the one girl Trumpaladin wants to stick his sword in only in the literal sense
>>55064I find her cute.
I'll have Tracy bring her a few heads next time she goes there.
>>55065Trump needs to go there as well
>>55067He too wants to give Kiynen a head
FULL OF TIDE PODS!!! >>55072Good point, I'd rather drink bleach
>>55074Mmmmmmm.. Clorox..
On that note, if someone succeeded their fortitude save on poisoned food (i.e. arsenic) would they just keep eating it until they failed the save?
>>55075Depends. Is that person Infernius?
>>55077He isn't a bitch though. And he'd keep drinking just to show how much of a bitch he isn't
>>55078What I'm saying is, you can't smell or taste arsenic, so wouldn't you just keep eating unaware?
>>55079Well, arsenic poisoning takes at minimum a few hours, but easily can last days. So my guess is that yes, they would finish the meal, and very possibly may also be able to start and finish another meal before they are too sick to eat
Then again, it'd be bullshit irl if a creature could just eat something covered in heavy metals and still be unhurt, so I guess it's better to just watch what you eat.
>>55082Napoleon Bonaparte was found to have levels of Arsenic in his hair follicles 13 times the norm at the time of his death. Yeah it's possible to consume and accumulate heavy metals over the course of your life, although it can have all sorts of negative consequences
>>55086How high is the Heal DC to perform that surgery?
>>55083I doubt even he would've survived a direct dose though. It's like a chemical equivalent to being burnt at a stake.
>>55092Heh, lower than I thought.
>>55095I'd rather not, desu. It's nothing interesting anyway.
>>55096It's okay anon. You can tell us.
And why is this thread at the top of the overboard?
>>55099I don't know. I guess there is some sort of bug that causes threads to bump again after they've hit 1000 or whatever number
>>55098DO IT
>>55100Have we found this site's overflow error?
>>55101Do you mean why it is that a thread past bump limit will still bump on the overboard?
>>55103Some sites' coding can only count so high before the count is reset back to zero. This is called an overflow error. Bascially, the thread's bump count got so high, it reset to zero, so the site now thinks that there's room for it to bump.
>>55104Eh, I don't have permission to access the configuration any more, even locally, so I can't check the settings there, and I have no idea how to code
>>55104So, any time the post count's last three digits are between 001-449 the thread will bump? Neat!
>>55106That's the basic idea behind it.
Will y'all be able to play this weekend?
I don't have any plans..
>>55100>>55097>>55098>>55096>>55095Now what the hell did I miss?
>>55108I have some stuff Saturday evening, but other than that I'm free
>>55108I think I’m good to play this weekend. I should be free Friday evening as well if we can start the game early.
Does Tracy's cane-sword have any name or other distinguishing mark on it? I'm kind of tired of referring to it as "her cane"; figured it has quite some history to it.
>>55112If it doesn’t, have Tracy claim it does have a history and change it to fit the scene each time. Like when taking to a warlord, claim it is from a grand general that won a battle outnumbered five to one. Or in a place of nobility, claim a king once owned it and gave it to you as reward for saving a kingdom. I think it would be funny if Tracy could successfully trick NPCs that she had something of status and might respect her based on simply possessing it.
>>55113It's from a dead guy though.
Another player used it in a previous campaign.
>>55114Its not distinguishable as being "Korak's cane", it's just a fine gentleman's cane that turns into a sword at will.
>>55113>I think it would be funny if Tracy could successfully trick NPCs that she had something of status and might respect her based on simply possessing it.Shit, now I gotta kill a king to steal his swag.
Remind me to find the location of the nearest monarchy.
*wanting of things intensifies*
>>55115It's a swift action to turn it into a sword, right?
>>55117Sounds useful for Sneak Attacks.
Korak's faggot had some nice taste.
>>55116On that note, it'd be best to try to do something about Kefka, before he wises up enough to try to scry on his sleeping dog
, which may or may not have mutated after consuming Soros's leg in Tracy's meat locker... >>55122Stahp giving GM ideas goddamn it
>>55123That is something I must adamantly refuse.
It's my favorite thing to do in this game, followed by imagining things that I want.
>>55110I'll be here through tomorrow and the weekend, although I'll probably be out until later tomorrow afternoon.
>>55128Kek. I think Tracy could go for being queen again some day.
>>55129Don't forget who shall be King
>>55130>>55129I don't think Tracy would have any complaints
*Urge to blogpost intensifies*
Can I get the pattern for Torc's kilt again? I forgot to save it.
Eh, a pic is better than my blogpost
Torc needs a magical wizard hat, btw.
>>55139>choking back tearsIt's..
It's beautiful.
>>55140Gandalf wore a hat kinda like that
>>55141I don't think he wore anything that feminine
My inner Puritan tells me we need to light a fire...
>>55130I think a king needs something a little cooler going for him than snacks.
slowly learning the editing process... maybe one day I will actually be good >>55143*left spoiler image on*
And maybe one day I will master THIS site...
>>55143Kek. One of my pics was in there.
>>55147Like I said, I steal memes. I’m not that creative to make my own, at least not yet. Most I seem to do is alter them slightly.
>>55144>And maybe one day I will master this siteI hope for the same
>>55148Best meme maker already. But Peach Rings are essential
Now for Torc to shoot fireballs out his eyes and lightning bolts out his arse
>>55155Infernius is the Pope: Pope is better than king.
I want to kill something soon...
>>55159You had your chance last week, which was better than any of us. Shut up
>>55160I'll find something to kill.
>>55158>>55157Infernuis is Fhürer/pope.