This thread continues the ongoing saga.
For those new/unfamiliar, this particular Game is based on Dungeons and Dragons 3.5ed core rules with more references and add-ons than you can shake the random stick at, and further additions are available upon request.
New players are ALWAYS welcome, but please don't be a faggot (lit or fig).
Previous threads: replies and 72 files omitted.
"You like the foosball? Swendid!"
He leads you to an open area where there is a small table with rods sticking out of it.
"Not only is this our weweation awea, but this is also how we solve ouw differences!" He intones, most triumphantly.
>>5277>Is oddly relaxed in the dank room crawling with bugs"Heh, it's just like home."
On either side of the table are a pair of ants, larger than most you've seen, who clearly are engaged in a vicious struggle (by their estimation). After a few moments, one gestures in triumph, while the other hangs its head. As it does so, another pair of larger ants walk up next to it and decapitate it.
"Too bad, he had so much pwomise. Shall we continue?" says the Potato.
>>5277infernuis want play! who challenge me?
>>5280"We have nevew had pawticipants at the hive volunteew for the foosball on theiw fiwst day! You are WELCOME to pway!"
The 'winning' ant nods to the ants around him, clearly thinking you'll be easy to defeat.
>>5279"Yep, just like home alright..." (in a somewhat more grim tone)
"Two challengers? This is unpwecidented! I must infowm the Queen (he leans his head to the side for a moment) the Queen has agweed to youw challenge, and you awe welcome to foosball!"
The surrounding ants gesture in what would appear to be a cheer, except no noise emits, its just body language.
i drink my cats grace potion.
>>5286You feel significantly more agile.
Nobody can beat Tracy Cage at Murder Ball.
So, Infernius made first claim, Torcuil made second. Tracy can play next if she prefers.
Thez is shaking her head.
[1d20 = 11]>>5290Just wanna say
Honor playing with you guys
>>5291>Would like to see training room before the blood-orgy that would ensue once one of these idiots gets decapitated"You numbskulls wanna' see the rest of the hive or not?!"
[1d20 = 15]>>5292>>5294AND Torcuil wins, 11 to 4. The ants gesture in celebration and applause. A pair of ants approach Infernius from both sides.
All players, please roll a d20 for initiative.
Trumpaladin pulls out his football, ready and eager
[1d20 = 17]>>5294"Dumb bull...!"
>>5297*humps leg to build energy for the blood-orgy*
As one of the larger ants begins to reach for Infernius' head, Thez takes its hands off.
"I had a feeling it would go like this!" she laments.
Tracy, your move.
Other players can declare their moves, but it will occur upon a timeline determined by the initiative roll
>>5304>>5305What he said, they were/are about to take Infernius' head off
[1d20 = 9] >>5306goes for an overhead slash
>inb4 1 [1d20 = 1]>>5307Uhhh *checks list*
I'll cast a magic missile
>>5309>>5308whats up with these rolls man?
Description - combat works a little different in that initiative roll gives "placement" on a scale of action. The initial scale determines a character's ability to act, and from there their actions determine delay. Simple actions take less time and can advance the character's initiative position, or full round actions can maintain them.
Trumpaladin is ready to play ball
[1d20 = 6]
>There's gotta be at least 6 gorillion ants down here in the tight corridor
"H-h-hay! Shouldn't we finish the tours first? It'd be a shame if BBQ sauce missed out on the party... He can be pretty funny, after all..."
*holds spray can behind back*
>>5309I'm assuming you're targeting the ant currently targeting Infernius (cuz as yet, none are apparently hostile)
Boof-boof-boof the other ant falls dead.
"What awe you doing! We thought you wewe pwaying foosball! This is not foosball, this is anawchy!" the Potato cries, and as he does so, the surrounding ants charge forth.
If you were here IRL, I would force you to listen to battle music at this point.
>>5308"Stupid, fucking bovine!"
*draws knives and retreats towards Flashy*
>>5316uh uh, the jews dindu nuffin the mean goyim ripped them off and lied about them.
>>5317Also, I'm assuming ur using the staff, cuz casting it independently would be silly at this point (its unlimited via the staff)
Trumpaladin screams out at all participants, and raises his hands in a "stop" position
"Now hold hol' the fuck up"
>>5315"We play nothing but the one true football!"