This thread begins at the start of the week, where developmental/story activity is minimal/nil and shitposting/meta is at its most emphatic.
This is an RP based on classic D&D, if you've looked at the catalog you might have noticed a trend. New players, random posters, and shitposters alike are welcome.
1026 replies and 121 files omitted.
>>49720>You mean like a Human or Elf or dwarf?I can think of creatures one would want to turn themselves into.
Question being, what goes for them?
>>49721>All of this linking to your own postsIf you wish to communicate to another human being, then reply to their posts. If you wish to communicate to yourself, then just think it. Talk to yourself if you are lonely.
>>49722Those creatures have costly level adjustments too. Cool things are costly
Banshees arent white are they?
>>49723>Those creatures have costly level adjustments too.How would you quantify them?
And since when does a Wish have an XP adjustment anyway?
>>49724I've been contemplating this longer than I care to admit..
>>49725But whites can have red hair and freckles too.
>>49724They are white, but without souls
>>49731So, um, can we look into Portal windows in the hall?
>>49729I approve and purpose a genocide.
>>49735First portal down the straight of the hallway, on the right side from our perspective, on his left. I feel like Tracy would look in the one on the opposite side
>>49739>reeeThe mental image is exquisite
>>49737"Hey Infernius! Infernius! Could you come up to this door at the end of the hallway and attempt to lift it with your insane strength? We're sort of trapped here"
>>49742*Lifts cheek long enough for him to shout that before promptly smothering him again*
>>49744>"I guess there are worse ways to be trapped">>49745A thumbs up appears from beneath a massive dark blue horse ass
What did Tracy see on her search check through the window-things?
So yes, I wasn't expecting a whole lot to happen tonight. There was chance of murder, but Trump went the wrong way unfortunately. He and Tracy are in a creepy hallway, waiting on Infernius to bust them out. In the meantime, Trump peeks into the window of one of the rooms and sees,... darkness.
[1d20+6 = 25]>>49731From his position under the Horse's ass, look at the symbols, and do a Knowledge check on nobility and royalty to see if any symbols are familiar
>>49753So what do these runes look like? what is the symbolism?
>>49756>"These walls may be hiding good and noble elf mages, whose only sin was to try to rid the world of evil, and who are await their blood and souls to be sucked out by the undead. But I doubt it. I think these walls hide a darker, deeper evil. Something Evil thinks is Evil. And that is probably best left alone" What would be in there that's scarier than a lich? An Atropal?
>>49758>>49759That's precisely the question I've been wondering. These enemies are magic based. All of their power comes from spells and spell like abilities. So if they have a set of rooms organized like a prison row block full of spell neutralizing material, whatever is inside must be
scary >>49760There's no way it'd be an Atropal though....
*Worried laughter*
>>49762Idk, bit I'm getting ready to turn in..
[1d20+6 = 16]>>49758>making me ponder the difficult questions like "how many ranks does he have in concentration does he have?"Um, rolling for concentration?
>>49761>"Maybe the reason for the door is because whatever is locked inside is invisible, and they didn't want it running through and escaping" It's late.
I'm going to bed.
>>49766I gotta stop staying up so late during the week. When 'friday' rolls around and I actually
can stay up, I end up nodding off when I should have been going to sleep before.
>>49768No problem, m8. It was a weekday anyway.
Just say the word whenever you wanna' cancel for the night.
Sleep is important.
How hard is dimirterium in this game? They alloy it with iron in the Witcher, so I suppose it'd at least be as hard as iron itself for conventional use. Idk about its raw form though.
Either way, goldmine (if we get out alive).
>>49771Don't bother answering that...
I'm just shitposting because bored.
>>49771Oh please, when has anyone ever died?
>>49770It's a cell. There's scattered refuse and a large pile of debris in the corner that has the appearance of wasted and discarded cloth.
>>49773>a celllike a jail cell?
Does it appear occupied? Or are Trumpaladin and Tracy
in the cell?
>>49648Which horn did Infernius lose btw?
>>49775That one, not the other one
>>49774Yes, like a jail cell
>>49775>>49648I have to say, I'm insistent on the prosthetic, brass horn. The image of a Minotaur taking off his horn and blowing into it before battle is just perfect.
Unrelated, I found this great pic of a Minotaur Cleric and a half-orc month that could be used for a shoop, but I need to figure out a way to replace the orc's nose before it's usable... Any suggestions on how to fix the face? I suck at editing faces.
>>49777Site description actually says it's an elf, but that's a half-orc if I've ever seen one.
>>49777Definitely a half-orc
nice trips btw. Here's a quick tweak. Its not finished, but its better desu. Otherwise a magnificent pic
>>49777Was able to get a great reaction image out of it.
>>49779Yeah, the spots are telltale. Could probably get rid of those if I find the energy to do it.
Not digging the facial expression. Might try to edit that as well.
>>49780Also, Thez is WAY more yoked, hawt, curvey, and lethal, than that chick. Just sayin'
Not easy to find pics of curvy elves though, let alone half-elf dwarves.
>>49773Just to be clear, Are Tracy and Trumpaladin trapped in a cell, or is there more room to explore ahead of them?
>>49783They are in a hallway looking into rooms through portal windows
>>49781>A dwarf being sexy >>49784Dwarves are usually pretty well-built.
>>49783They're not in a cell, they're in a barred hallway with cells adjacent.
>>49784She's thicc, but its muscle
>>49785I'm'a take that as code for "fat"
>>49787Don't make me make it awkward. You just gave me a brilliant idea tho
[1d20+21 = 26]>>49786How many cells are visible?
Also, Listen check, to detect anything that might be moving, breathing, or rattling ahead.
>>49788Oh dear..
>>49789Why do you never look at the maps GM makes for us? Why do you make him repeat himself?
>>49789Indeed, but not at all related to the game. In fact, it is only by very loose association that the idea came into being, but I just had an ebin 1488 idea. Extra-curricular schooling. Highly public, entirely transparent, extra-curricular classes - not unlike existing classes; dance, music, martial arts, etc. - that provide socially viable and economically sound (as a baseline promotional concept) trade-craft, vocational skill, etc.
for free (or with resource-only compensation) emergent skills to applicants and participants.
>>49790I have the map open in another tab to check it.
Are the dotted lines cell-doors?
I see 9 squares ahead of them.
>>49785Trumpaladin spoke now, and spoke as he often did: exuding confidence and certainty. Not the casual confidence of day to day interactions, but a deeper, almost philosophical confidence. For he was as sure of what he was about to say, as Aristotle was in proclaiming "A is A," or Descartes, in writing his "I think, therefore I am." Thus was the tone of Trumpaladin's speech to follow.
"The people who made this place, or at least who stocked it, were not the undead themselves. they were - are - necromancers. Living and once-living beings who seek to control the undead for their own ends. An important corollary is that these people do not feel conifent in their control of the undead. That is evident from the fact that the room containing the banshees was sound proofed. The room containing the mummies - vulnerable to fire - was completely covered in black powder gunpowder. And now this area looks like a prison. The people who operate this place want to
control and contain its contents, and of the entities found rooming freely, the mage and the golems were not even undead.
That means that whatever is contained in these cells has powerful spell like abilities - or modes of transit - which Dimeterium neutralizes, that the operators are worried about them slipping past or overpowering a guard, so they thought the dimeterium door was necessary, and these runes have some value in controlling the contents. If you want to fight one, you can open the door. The set of of the cells and the hallway reduces its prisoners' powers"
*gets up off of Paladin's face*
"Looks like some kind of holding facility."
>>49794"That door we ran into wasn't a trap. It was an automatic defense mechanism in case someone came into this hall and let something loose"
>>49792They are thickly-barred heavy wooden doors, capable of defying no less than 4 fit adults in a coordinated effort.
>>49793Correct assessment. This craft is not a ship operated by valuable and significant resources to someone, this was a throw-away disruption and destruction device that
previously had never really had a hard time of it.
>>49793"This might just be where they kept the fodder for the zombie corpses.
Wouldn't they have something more than a door to contain something dangerous enough for them to be afraid of? We were able to walk right through it before it activated.
Whatever it is, be on guard. I wanna check-out this place."
>>49795"Then we'd better investigate, before it bites us in the ass later."
>>49797"I don't feel like you're understanding me. What is held in place here has powerful magic that needs counteracting. Vampire fodder doesn't need Dimetrium doors.
The door we activated was intended to be automatically activated any time a guard or whathaveyou went in this hallway, as a safety net, in case they opened a cell door and let something loose.
Why would it bite us later? All we need to do is not open the doors and whatever is inside will remain inside"
[1d20+25 = 35]>>49795Use Detect Ebil
>>49796Are there anymore windows too look through? Or devices that may operate the doors?
Tracy advances carefully, keeping a sharp lookout for anything of interest.
Rolling to Move Silently.
>>49798"If whatever's here is as dangerous as you say, I'd rather know what it is now."
>>49799"Easy way to find out. Also, use that Detect Good just in case"
>>49796Trumpaladin gets off horse, who is too big to maneuver anyways, and detects evil for a period of several rounds from his position between the first two doors
>>49799"Given the nature of the... Special Containment Procedures here, I sincerely doubt that whatever is contained in these cells is of the sort that lends itself to being seen"
>>49802"If we run into anything amiss, we'll just stab it."
>>49803"If you really want to know what's inside, just open a cell door"
>>49799>rolls to move silently>speaks immediately afterward>>49801Nah
>>49800Each cell contains an aura, with 4 being strong and 3 being overhwelming, the latter in the last three cells (as one progresses down the hall).
Please note that I'm not at all ready to begin, and I will be in and out periodically for a bit
Yet another rare Infernius, just because I like making them.
>>49810No! Stop it Infernius! If you do this now it's going to burn away all the time you have left in Port Barry!
>>49821Did you start white power?
Alright, I'm back for the duration. Gimme a few to catch up n sheeeit
>>49822No, because I hate audiobooks so I'll start the .pdf later
*sits on paladin once more*
>>49831*is a small pony*
Picks up cute pony. Plays with adorable hoofsies
This is what kind of hat snek needs
Where were the characters when we last saw them?
I think Torc was with Thez, and Infernius was walking towards Trumpaladin and Tracy, If I'm not mistaken.
>>49843"maybe you shouldn't break down that door just yet. I think it might serve a purpose"
>>49847Just open it, then close it
>>49850It's not cute when you do it over and over again. And you'll need to roll a strength check
>>49844Thez last <whoooof>ed to the door full of gingers, shutting it against the noise. Those haven't magically disappeared btw, spoiler alert. I will allow Tracy and Trump to have gone the wrong way though, and they're now in a pickle. Infernius and Fae were also in hot pursuit of 'the mage'. Torcuil and Snek were still at the top of the long staircase. Its a long staircase btw, its not just 1 level.
>>49853The "leeroy Jenkins" thing is funny when it happens the fist two times. But when every instance of strategic planning by other players is intentionally subverted just for the sake of intentional subversion, it's not cute, it's not funny, its just infuriating and makes me angry at the player
>>49856Im not trying to be cute.
>>49858"Little rogue pony, you're an expert door opener, are you not?"
>>49859Any one have the version thats not for ants?
>>49860"Well, I've never actually done it before, but sure, I could try..
.. Where's the lock/switch/whatever..?"
>>49862"Try to only open the first door, if you can"
>>49864Calf x Kitten is underrated meme.
>>49817Just imagine the deafeningly digitally distorted Minotaur emitting a supersonic REEEEE. This gives me an idea too.
>>49861I left it in modified form cuz future shoops.
>>49865Thats why i wanted a cat.
>>49869But cats are creatures of pure, unadulterated evil
>>49870But cats are neutral, and adorable.
>>49871They are extremely independent, don't have much love for you, will go out and murder things for literally no other reason than murder, and their dander is toxic
>>49870Yes, but they are a type of evil that can be useful to a household, especially that of livestock. Hoers luv cats too
>>49863Idk what to do.
Do the doors even have locks?
I feel like they're all going to open at once, at the worst possible time.. >>49871>NeutralNeutral evil
>AdorableThat's how they lull you into a docile and vulnerable state
>>49874God I know. I'd recommend just opening one the way you opened the other four doors. Maybe do a search check for a mechanism [1d20+22 = 36]>>49877Fine.
Search check for whatever it is that gets us to the action.
>>49872>>49870You haven't met my fucking cat
>fucking fat as shit>prefers being with people>never fucking hunts anymoreFucker is retired as I like to say
>>49878>Pure evil>>49875That's what he wants you to think
>>49876The baptismal ceremony made Tracy hypoallergenic "now and forevermore," so she's not as risky as a cat
>>49880That's... borderline cruelty to animals
>>49877Before Trump and Tracy run off with things, what is everyone else doing? Since several were in hot pursuit, they would have been just before the new door. Fae and Infernius specifically, though Snek says to Torcuil
>You. There's a thing there. I senseded his mind.
How much AC does Trump's tower shield give her?
>>49881She thinks shes a dog on account of living in the house.
>>49881No no no, I didn't overfeed him.
I moved to a neighborhood and since the fucker likes to roam he went to the neighbors houses and they started feeding the fat fuck, and now he won't lose weight even with the diet food. And he's not "I can't fucking move" fat, he's "shit I've got a big ass beer belly" fat. Plus he just prefers to wander the yard and fuck with my other cat than hunt.Torc looks around noticing everyone is gone.
"Where are you guys?"
>>49883If you're really worried about her taking hits, just have her stand a couple squares behind Trumpaladin and use the chain or javelins or Kunai or whatever and make Trump take all of the hits. He's built pretty much specifically for AC and Fort saves
>>49882Is there any visible way to open the doors?
>>49889>Doors>s>PluralBe very careful what you ask for in the cell row
>>49884That's kind of cute
Torc and Snek head towards Infernius' voice
>>49890Shes a domesticated bob cat
>>49896She normally wet humps, right?
>>49897Idk, I just felt like mixing it up.
>>49901You cant steal mine though.
>>49902She did end up stealing Trumpaladin that one time though
>>49902Can't steal what Torc doesn't have
>Torc laughing slowly turns to crying >>49904You have Death though.
You should call her sometime, unironically.
>>49903Dont make me rape slovenia or the other one.
>>49905Yeah I've been thinking about that
How the fuck does he summon death to talk to him though?>>49907S N E K I S N O T F O R S E X U A L>>49908That too
>>49908But they are both libertarians, so they can for voluntary exchanges of cuddles
>>49909I doubt Death would be nicer than Trollestia
>>49909Death wrote her number on the star card.
There could be a way to figure it out.
>>49910Death seemed pretty cool when we met her.
>>49911Oh yeah
Would Torc have to sacrifice an ass for a booty call?>>49913Constrictors probally give good hugs
>>49914Try putting yourself into a short coma.
>>49914Many Snek are social. Cuddles n hugs, on u cuz mine
>>49915Strange, I agree
>>49903It did happen >>49914I imagine his ass to be pretty scrawny
>>49918reeeeeee>>49919He says, posting immediately after GM
>>49920I got it a wife up death.
>>49922Thats true, I forgot. Torcuil has been claimed by death.