I suppose I should have also described Silver and Kira dodging and ducking out of the way respectively of the fire. Kira would have let out an "eep!".
>>183859 Silver lowers his greatsword, and charges the hellhound attacking Mala, looking to impale the infernal creature upon his blade. Attack: [1d20+14 = (12+14) = 26] Damage: [2d6+8 = (6+8) = 14]
Kira looks to coil around and restrain the pony attacking her. "Gotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleepgotosleep!" Touch Attack: [1d20+9 = (10+9) = 19] Grapple: [1d20+13 = (19+13) = 32]
Okay so Brie's normal attack is at +10, but hes stabbing someone hes grappling so -4, also hes doing it defensively (-4 atk, +3 ac, combined 21) But the opponent also gets -2 ac cuz grappled Oh, its a stabby stab, so -2 on both (not technically sneak attacks) [1d20 = 6] [1d20 = 19]
Cavaliere switches his attention to the other hellhound, shooting it with the remaining two rounds in his revolver. He will have to spend his next round reloading. [1d20+7 = (12+7) = 19] [2d6 = 3] [1d20+7 = (13+7) = 20] [2d6 = 5]
>>183871 Dust decides that hound is scarier than the ponies. As such, he runs up with another flail strike, hoping to hit it while the other attacks distract it. [1d20+10 = (14+10) = 24] [1d10+6 = (6+6) = 12]
"Oh fuck off" Opposed opposed [1d20+12 = (19+12) = 31] Flanking gives +2 atk, but that makes 16, and he needs 18 to hit Brie when hes not figjting defensively, and 21 ehen he is, which he is
>>183884 Cavaliere holsters his revolver and moves to the pony grappled by Brie. He throws a one-two punch aiming to knock out the mind-controlled creature. [1d20+3 = (10+3) = 13] [1d6 = 2] [1d20+3 = (13+3) = 16] [1d6 = 2]
With this, his shotgun has expended all ammunition in the tube (since he didn't reload after the last battle)
>>183886 There is no cone of fire, Dust killed it first
>>183887 Punch, and punch. However, even with the knife wound from Brie, it's not quite enough to put the pony out.
Mala runs up to the pony attacking Brie with a wrench, and shoots at him twice with his shotgun [1d20+6 = (2+6) = 8] [2d10 = 14] [1d20+6 = (18+6) = 24] [2d10 = 14]
"Mala darling, allow me." For his move action, Brie will place the blade hes using -we'll assume Shinbu - into the hound's ha ds/paw/hoof He will then as a quick action attempt to pin with another grapple.check [1d20+12 = (3+12) = 15]
If successful, he will force the hound tonstab its self (in the face, preferrably) which IS at no dex, so a sneak attack [4d6+3 = (21+3) = 24]
>>183889 >28 damage That pony is not alive. Cavaliere frowns at the gory display of violence, and turns to Brie. "Let's take this one alive," he says, gesturing at the pony being currently wrestled.
>>183903 "We have bigger fish to fry, Brie. Whatever is controlling them has no cares about throwing away their lives. We are going to keep it from killing any more ponies, so knock him out and let's go."
>>183904 Kira constricts her pony non-lethally, squeezing around the pony's midsection and not allowing them to take in a breath. She repeats to him "go to sleep" over and over again as she does so. She doesn't want to hurt him, just cause him to pass out.
Snek Squeeze: [1d6+3 = (6+3) = 9]
Silver, meanwhile, goes over to the officer with his greatsword and attempts to bash him over the head with the pommel to knock him out.
>>183916 Brie should be straddling a pony that he stabbed in the neck. Or face. Maybe eyeballs
>>183917 Silver doesn't quite succeed in stopping the bleeding.
Kira slowly squeezes the pony
>>183919 Yes. There is his revolver, reading glasses, and a saddle bag with a bit of currency, a smoking pipe, a passport, and several large notebooks.
Brie's target is obliterated. The one hit in the head by Dust isn't dead yet. The one shot in the head by Cavaliere isn't doing great but might not be dead.
>>183935 It looks like one's not yet stabilized, and our resident zeeb is inactive, so Silver goes to try to keep this one from dying. [1d20+5 = (12+5) = 17]
>>183941 Specifically, Brie would gain altitude and attemptntonascertain how much effort would go into running down the escapees >>183942 Oh, Bully! Gets gets (glomp/grapple) [1d20+11 = (14+11) = 25] (when in range, might take a round or 3)
>>183942 >>183943 >>183945 Cavaliere also has wings. When he descends into range he looks to see if their quarry resists Brie. Upon seeing that he is, Cavaliere attempts a knock-out punch. [1d20+4 = (4+4) = 8] [1d6 = 6]
>>183942 Silver gets Kira to help him with tying up the three ponies, now joining Sea Stone. Kira looks forlornly at the dead bodies littering the ground, and Silver gives her a pat on the shoulder.
Silver next takes the passport and notes that Posey had been gathering, and quickly takes a look through them while Cavaliere and Brie track down the stragglers.
>>183951 >>183950 >>183949 >>183947 Brie has the pony held down as Garv punches the pony into submission and knocks him unconscious. The pony is bleeding severely from his wound
>>183953 Looking over to his right, Brie can see that the boulder behind Garv is moving, going from its white-grey color to black. The rock unfolds, until it becomes three tentacles
>>183954 Looking over to his left, Garv can see that the boulder behind Brie is moving, going from its white-grey color to black. The rock unfolds, until it becomes three tentacles
>>183960 Cavaliere with practiced reflexes draws his revolver on his monster and lets off two shots in rapid succession. He places himself just in front of the downed sailor. [1d20+6 = (2+6) = 8][2d6 = 7] [1d20+6 = (13+6) = 19][2d6 = 7]
>>183982 >>183981 I believe the rules say explicitly it does not provoke an attack of opportunity. However, there's at least a -4 penalty [1d20+5 = (16+5) = 21]
>>183984 Yes but it would take time for them to arrive.
Rules say I can use a light weapon while grappled but not a medium weapon. Cavaliere's revolver is a medium weapon so he drops it as a free action. He draws a hidden derringer which instigates an opposed grapple check. [1d20 = 2]
Assuming he can without incurring an AoO, Brie would stabby stab the (for one more round) blinded thingy on Garv (no dex bonus to it AND +2 atk (combined +11, with all the ups and downs) [1d20+11 = (1+11) = 12] [1d20+11 = (14+11) = 25] A second hit noted, hes down 6 hp so far
One of the tentacles has a joint in a painful position, and another threatens to cut off circulation. He manages to dodge the beak, but has taken 8 damage this round.
Growling with anger, Cavaliere swipes at the creature with fully extended claws. This is an attack with an opposed grapple check, and is for lethal damage. [1d20 = 8] [1d6 = 5]
>>184000 This one has AC 14 or less but the other one wasn't stopped by this hit? >>183977 This is not a complaint but I calculated that these monsters must have at least 15 AC.
He shoots again, aiming for the inside of its beak if possible. [1d20+8 = (17+8) = 25] [2d6 = 10]
>>184011 >>184013 With a stab, and a shot, it screeches, which is quickly cut short as it shrivels up like a dead spider, and then burns away into black smoke.
>>184013 I thought the description of his attack sounded familiar.
>>184015 He picks himself up and limps over to Brie. "I prefer cards myself, there's less randomness to it. Are you alright?" He looks over the condition of the rogue-monk and also their bleeding captive.
>>184016 I want to sleep too after a few more replies.
>>184019 "Surprisingly, bastards have some sort of camoflage. One momebt it was a rock, and the next moment it sprouted tentacles and tried to make this NC-17"
>>184019 >>184020 Brie and Garv were both wounded in the earlier fight at least I think Garv was and certainly in this one. They could use some medical attention. The sailor certainly could. He has a shotgun would in the lower chest
>>184021 It resembled a three tentacled octopus, with at least four eyes above the beak
>>184021 The black griffon looks disheveled and his movement betrays some soreness in his limbs. He dusts himself off and replaces five spent cartridges in his six-shooter as he observes the surroundings. "If it's this bad now then we can't wait for dusk. Let's rendezvous with the others, if you're up to move. Do you feel strong enough to carry the stallion?"
>>184022 He was completely untouched in the previous fight. He is at 15/29 hitpoints now.
Brie takes a seat, pulling out his tea set and sterno can, first lighting it with a match and setting it to boil, and then lighting a cigarette.
"Earning our keep today. Oh curses, whatever became of that sheep? I do hope.Mala was able to scavenge it. Other than the rations the military provided, all I have is a small box of tea cakes, which really.isn't going to.offer any lasting sustainance. And these!" He cruples and throws away the Lunchly, "Absolute wank." He takes a stiff drag from the cigarette. >>184029 "Don't worry about me, this poor sod is bleeding worse than I am"
>>184018 Heal: No offense to Brie and Cavaliere, but Silver goes to fix up the unconscious pony first as he can't exactly heal himself in his current state.
[1d20+5 = (6+5) = 11]
>>184030 Kira goes to pick up the thrown away trash. "Awww, don't litter. It's not nature's fault that...whatever this is is apparently digusting."
>>184031 >no offense "None taken, I'd have been surprised if it had worked when I tried. >>184031 >trash/litter "I don't know what you mean,... unless you mean the dissolved corpses which, well I suppose I really should get to photographing instead of murdering,...."
>>184033 "Photographs of these creatures would be more valuable than anything we could find except for the airponies themselves. You've earned a reprieve from hoof-to-hoof combat anyway."
>>184037 Cavaliere stares for a moment. Then he breaks out into quiet laughter and pats the batpony on the withers. He turns back to Silver. "It's a nasty entry wound. He'll need sutures to keep the wound closed. Maybe we can try something temporary." He tries to heal the pony. [1d20+3 = (16+3) = 19]
Zeeb his here, and wondering how you people stay up so long holy shit. Dust plods between party members, trying to get an idea of how injuried everyone is here. Can I get an HP role call? I've got 4 healing kits with no clue as to what they do, and a very limited number of spells at this point. Also a heal roll if anyone needs it, I genuinely can't tell. [1d20+13 = (18+13) = 31]
"Fucking things got the drop on us. They have some sort of active camouflage or chameleon ability. All of a sudden, a rock behind Cavaliere sprouted tentacles and attacked him, and one for me too cuz its Halloween," he says inspecting his wounds, but more specifically, brand new cuts and gashes in his fine suit. "Had the damndest time trying to get this one patched up on the fly. The hoof cuffs may be a bit much, bit nothing makes sense and I'm growing weary of taking risks. Best to engage these things from a distance or they'll tear off a piece of your hide," he sighs, wiping grime off of one of his blades before resheathing it and then patting his revolver.
"The worst part was, I'm not even sure what my eyes saw at the time! It was almost as though the creature had changed it's shape to BECOME a rock. This wasn't a question of stealth or disguise! The rock simply decided to stop being a rock anymore, and came at us like it was an Onlyfans video!"
>>184052 >>184053 By this point, both Silver and Kira have come to understand to ignore it when Brie references something they absolutely have no idea about, like 'Halloween' or 'Onlyfans'. What weird sounding things they are.
Kira: "This is hell, this is actual hell. The Traveler needs to be stopped!"
Silver: "We should avoid splitting up from now on if it can be helped. Come on, let us bring this pony back to join others, and have our zebra healer take look at you, you both look pretty badly injured."
>>184054 Silver: "In your experience, has anything been particularly resistant to blindness?"
>>184055 "Well, not especially, outside fillytales of subterranean creatures. I only reference it to say that in spite of their otherworldly nature, there appears to be some degree of cohesive biology,... at least until they dissolve, which I'm still struggling to grasp,...."
>>184055 Brie notices that mention again - the Traveler - as something mentioned previously that he had hoped to inquire about, but right now he is pulling of how VERY sweaty mask and is pouring himself a calming cup of Pu'er tea. "I have extra cups if anypony else would like some," he says before closing his eyes and drinking in the aroma rising from the cup.
>>184060 "Splendid!" he hands pver a small ceramic cup, little more than a shot glass really, and then pours from the kettle. "Cheers! That was some excellent work with that hoof-cannon (claw-cannon?) of yours. I'd hate to hear it go off in an enclosed space though!" He chuckles, taking another sip before setting the cup back down. Right on the ground. "As for this poor sod,...." he walks over and begins moving the pony on the ground. >>184055 "Kira dear, would you mind carrying this one?"
>>184062 Brie thinks for a moment. "I suppose that may have been a tad excessive. Perhaps I did get a bit caught up in the moment. I don't know how the experience is for you, but once I'm in a grapple I start to lose of sense of perspective; its now a progressive game where each movement brings me one step closer to the opponent's defeat. Perhaps I overreacted a tad," he does acknowledge it, but it's clear he isn't at all bothered or remorseful about it.
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