Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
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>>147000He blushes as well at her kind words, and gives her talon a light reassuring squeeze.
"I will admit, you have helped to dispell some of my preconceptions about griffons as well. You are one of kindest, brightest, most beautiful creatures in this world. If only everyone could see what I see in you..."
>>147001Her feathers rise, and she seems to let out a "coo"
Then the Unicorn comes, placing a plate before each of the two lovers.
"Dinner is Served" He says
>>147002He holds on looking at his lover for just a second longer, before he smiles at the waiter.
"Thank you, good Sir!"
He looks at his food, and takes a smell of it.
>>147003Jubilosa moves her claw to face upwards towards his hoof, and squeezes.
The food smells of boiled shrimp, garlic, rice, and okra.
>>147004"Mmm, it smells good, dove! How about yours?"
She is almost fascinated with the soup, lowering her beak to sniff it, and priding it with her spoon, picking up a piece of fish flesh.
>>147006Silver takes a hold of his utensils in his magic, and eats some of his delicable food.
>>147007Bold with spice, and given added substance by rice and okra, the shrimp is well softened.
Silver chews thoughtfully before swallowing the delicious fancy food. He can see why food like this is desireable, and wonders why more ponies won't at least give fish a chance.
"How is yours, Jubee?"
>>147009Damn it. Wrong picture. Meant to post this one“Is good.” She says, with a beak full of fish and soup, then swallowing, of course chewing less than Silver.
>>147010He covers his mouth and giggles at his date.
"Would you like to try some of mine?"
>>147011“Um... sure” she says
After, presumably, Silver has pushed it across, she takes the spoon from her bowl, and placed it in his. She takes a spoonful with rice and a shrimp, and placed it in her beak. Her eyes widen.
“Oh. Wow. That’s much warmer. Spicier than mine.”
>>147012He just keeps on smiling.
"I know, I like it! How about you? Do you like it, or are you not big fan?"
>>147013After swallowing, she licks the inside of her beak repeatedly.
“It’s... different. Stronger...”
>>147014"May I try some of yours?"
>>147015“Sure.” She says, pressing the bowl forward.
>>147016Silver takes a spoon, dips it in the soup while making sure to get some of the goodies like fish, and takes it in his mouth. He smacks his lips and licks the inside of his mouth.
"Mmm...it is unfortunate ponies do not give at least fish chance. It can be very delicious!"
>>147017“I can’t really say I understand ponies. In that, I mean. Fish is really good. We include it wherever possible back home.”
>>147018"I suppose it is because of philosophical differences, but I do not understand it either. Fish are not as intelligent as other animals that serve as meat. They are certainly not sapient, so unless you believe that truly all life matters, there is no ethical problem."
>>147020"Yeah. I don't even get it for animals. Sure, they are- well, they aren't fish. But it's not like they can talk, or something. And besides, those animals get to graze, lounge around... and then get to be tasty at the end of a life of leisure. Doesn't seem so bad to me."
>>147021Silver can't help but giggle at her statement.
"I must say, there are worse ways to go than being tasty. And they are indeed very tasty!"
Silver demonstraits by taking a piece of shrimp, biting it, and chewing very deliberately with a pleased expression on his face.
>>147022"Heh. Almost makes me wish I got the steak." She says, smiling back to Silver.
>>147023"Next time we come here, we will both get steaks!"
He continues eating his delicious, fancy meal, occasionally having some of the appetizer soup or a sip of his wine with it.
>>147024“Now that’s a
lovely idea.” She says
Jubilosa does much the same as Silver, asking the waiter to bring more wine, until he leaves a bottle with the table.
>>147025Silver smiles at his date.
"Really enjoying that homeland wine?"
>>147026“Of course.” She says, smiling back to him with a glass in claw.
“Although.... it’s not anything I haven’t had before.”
>>147027The unicorn flags the waiter down, tips him another 20 Bit note, and asks if they can have another bottle to take home with them.
>>147028“You may indeed purchase a bottle.” He says
>>147029"Then that is what we shall do, thank you."
>>147030He nods.
“Care for dessert?” The waiter asks
>>147031Silver looks to Jubee for input.
>>147032“Yes! What do you have?” She asks
He lists things like cheesecake, fudge, creme brûlée and so forth
>>147033"I think I will have your creme brûlée."
>>147034“Oooh! Yes! That. Oh. And more wine. Please.” Jubilosa joins in with Silver in ordering the Creme Brûlée
“It will be so.” The waiter nods, and leaves, unless Silver asks for anything else.
>>147035Silver does not have anything else to ask. He looks at Jubilosa.
"It was hard to choose between that and cheesecake, but this is much fancier and I have not had custard in forever."
>>147036“Well it sounds fine to me, with a nice, sweet taste.” She says
>>147037The unicorn nods in agreement.
"Very rich, too. Just need to wait for it now."
>>146956 →Iron managed to barely get out of the pillow's way as his widened, astonished eyes followed along the trajectory across his cheek for a split secod.
Nonetheless, he soon refocused on the assailant, readying up a mighty downwards swing against a relatively intact portion of Sands' fluffy body currently holed up in the bathtub.
[1d20+6 = 23]<Improvised Weapon Attack
>>147041[YouTube] Fluffle Puff Tales: "Master of Pillows"
[Embed]Sand's pillow goes wide of Iron's face, leaving her exposed. Her eyes go wide, staring at Iron's pillow as it comes down upon her, and physically knocks her down into the tub.
She let's out a high pitched whine, something like a "Ah-fump," or a squeal.
>>147042Thus, as Sands was promptly knocked down, Iron took the opportunity to stand atop of her in the tub, ready to land the final blow like last time. He ensured nothing concerning had happened to her body during the moment of respite he allowed the unicorn mare while he bared his weapon on his strong mouth, willing to land the final poomf to end the battle of the pillows in a close victory.
>>147043She tries the pull the pillow in over her head, laying down inside the bathtub. It isn’t easy to stand over her with out Iron’s hooves being in her, though neither is it impossible.
Spark was waiting for a signal from Madake if I recall.
Thou you
mph surren
mpher?" Iron presented towards Sands, giving her one last act or mercy before the final blow would be struck.
>>147045Spark sits there. Waiting, in the early hours of the morning. It's quiet, and cold even inside of the townhouse. Spark almost certainly nods off, until...
"Movement. Back."
>>147046She looks up at him with big, green eyes that are at first very wide. They slowly begin to narrow.
No.... Never"
[1d20+4 = 24] >>147046>>147047In a glow of green magic, the pillow falls onto Iron's eyes from above, and presses into his face, blinding him.
White Sands moves up, and in that narrow area between Iron and the front of the bathtub, moves out of the bathtub, into the bathroom, and away from Iron.
>>147047Spark nearly jumps and looks out a window towards the back of the house.
>>147049Makade is over there, in a position he is almost difficult to see by a window, looking outside with both rifle and scope.
"One. Flying over. Looks like a pegasus. He's done more than one pass."
For a moment, Spark sees nothing in the light of the lone lamp out the back in that narrow backyard. Snow no longer falls and blocks the light, but rather is settled along almost every surface, reflecting the dim light of the lamp, and the moon as it peers through gaps in the clouds.
Then spark sees it. A creature flying over head, and making a half circle.
>>147050"Well, that's comforting."
Spark looks back towards the new guest.
>>147051With the countertops and back of the couch obscuring the line of sight, she is not actually visible. But she is presumably still sleeping, as she is silent and has not gotten up.
>>147052"Has the scout made any sort of deviation from the circle?"
>>147053"Yes. Across the backyards, then diagonally down towards the left, then back up retreading the same direction."
>>147054"Could that be where he is reporting findings?"
>>147055“I don’t know. He’s the only one I’ve seen.”
>>147056"Well, is it heading any closer to us?"
>>147057“Hard to say. It makes passes haphazardly.”
Roll die, little pony >>147059And then, the creature drops down onto a table, right there in front of Spark. It's a Pegasus stallion whose coat appears black, and his mane a cloudy white, though in the light of the lamp above him his coat appears a dark, charcoal grey. His green eyes almost seem to glow in the dim night light.
He doesn't look at the house, but rather at the fence that separates the yards, at a wooden stake that is knocked out of place and leaning inside the backyard, and at another disturbed the same way but to a lesser degree. He looks down at a crease in the snow at the bottom of this, and towards a trail that moves towards the spot besides the juvenile poplar tree. Then he looks at the hoof prints - which become a pair of hoof prints - that line the snow to the back door.
Spark casts a Ghost Sound spell through the gap in the fence to sound as a sneeze.
>>147061Roll die, add charisma modifier
>>147063He looks towards the gap, spreads his wings, and jumps up, flying over the fence
>>147064Spark breathes a sigh of relief.
>>147065Makade is silent, still looking out the back window into the still night.
>>147066Spark goes to check on the guest quickly.
>>147067She lays on her side on the couch, eyes closed and completely silent, with a quilted blanket over her.
>>147047>>147048Iron muffled surprise was apparent as the
bugunicorn retreated away, blindly trying to feel for Sands' position with his legs.
>>147068Spark is unsure if waking the pony is the best course of action, but he does so gently.
>>147069Iron feels the edge of her left thigh, then the tail, then nothing at all. Eventually the pillow falls away, leaving Iron alone in the bathroom.
>>147071Her steel blue eyes open wide, and she raises her head with a "gasp"
>>147038Jubilosa passes the time by starting a conversation about a pelican she witnessed diving at the water from the beach house earlier that day, and how she thinks she saw something similar in the bay at Midora a year ago, though at a much greater distance.
>>147072"I think your friends are out looking for you. Best stay low."
>>147074"Friends?" She asks, evidently not understanding
"He's back"
>>147075Spark heads back to Madake.
>>147076"Back. Out of sight." Makade says, laying down and pressing himself into the far corner, mostly away from the window
>>147077Spark dives down as well.
>>147078Though the shadow on the blinds, and the little sliver between the blinds and the windowsill, Spark can see that the creature walks slowly by the window and the backdoor, carefully inspecting the scene.
>>147073Silver listens like the good coltfriend he is, expressing his amazement at the sight and segwaying into a conversation about birds.
>>147080She moves off of a mention of her apartment, to talk about songbirds that lived around her childhood home, and would sometimes follow her along her route as a milkgriff.
>>147084The shadow becomes smaller, then moves away, then disappears
>>147081Silver in turn asks if she remembers the songbird's tune.
>>147085Spark motions to Madake and then his ears.
>>147086"Oh. Uh... well... I think it's 'tweet tweet tweet'. Or... 'tweet tweet, tweet tweet'. Or.... That's not right. 'Tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet'. Okay, maybe not quite like that, but close enough."
>>147087Makade shakes his head.
>>147088Silver whistles the songbird tune she gave him.
>>147089"Oh. Huh. You're better at it than me. But it was something more like 'tweet tweet tweet'.... okay, maybe not like that, but... You're doing fine."
>>147088Spark remains silent on the floor.
>>147072Iron knew better than to rush after her, considering her repertoire of using creative surprise attacks, plus knowing himself that Sands is still quite hurt and wouldn't want to hurt her by going overboard.
He nonetheless walked out the bathroom with a stern look, making sure to have his pillow ready to throw at the unicorn's face if she tried a surprise attack.
>>147090Silver continues to whistle the tune, slowly turning it into a tune dedicated for his Jubee.
>>147091At the front door
Knock knock knock>>147092Iron peeks around the corner to see... nothing. Just a dark, empty hallway.
>>147093"Hehe" Jubilosa takes a sip of the wine, and smiles, watching Silver
>>147094Silver continues his tune for his Jubee as it gets towards the end, finishing with a whistling flourish. He looks at her date to gauge her reaction.
>>147094She hid herself again, Iron deduced with a small frown.
She proceeded to slowly but surely trek his way along the current room, deep inside hoping she joined forces with Cauldron for a another double offensive
>>147096Makade again shakes his head, and again peaks out of the rear window (opposite the direction the sound is coming from)
>>147097To the right, the bedroom. At the end of the short hall, the living room (and kitchen).
>>147095"Hehehe" She claps her claws together
"Very good, Silver."
>>147098"Thank you, thank you very much! I will be here all week."
>>147098Clip clop he slowly went without much subtlety to it, deciding to check the kitchen and living room area first.
>>147099Knock knock knock>>147101Nothing, or nothing much, is seen in the dark
>>147100The waiter arrives, with two plates of crème brulee, with raspberries and blackberries on top.
>>147102Not remembering how the light magic mechanisms work, Iron soon ditches that first idea and instead dragged himself in a predatory stance towards the bedroom.
>>147102Spark waits on the floor and looks towards the door.