Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
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>>147221"Well don't do that. Who would take me home?" She says in response
>>147222"You are strong, independant griffon, I imagine you could do it."
He kisses her beak.
"Then again, I could not stand to leave you like that."
>>147223She smiles, accepting the kiss
“Oh Silver.”
She lays her body out along the bench in the sauna, and stretches out her hind legs.
>>147225Silver takes the moment to admire her body and form, and her majestic beauty. In the hot, steamy atmosphere of the sauna, Jubilosa looks even more beautiful. Underneath his towel, his Sword fully drops from its sheath, the end of it showing out from his towel.
"Are other griffons even as half as beautiful as you, dove?"
>>147226Jubilosa stands up on the bench, and stretches out her long body more.... until she sees the towel off, jumps up, slips a hind paw, and the end of her body slips off the bench
Her hind legs fall upright on the ground, and she smiles, kind of embarrassed, looking up at Silver.
>>147227Silver gives her a confused look, then looks down to what she was looking. His eyes widen slightly.
"Huh, so that is what I felt. I have not dropped in public in while."
He looks back up and gives her a smile, without hardly a trace of embarrassment.
"What things to do to me..."
>>147228She gets back up and sits next to him with an awkward smile
“Oh Silver...”
>>147229He looks at her, trying to figure out if something is wrong from her expression.
"Is it bothering you?"
>>147230“No.” She says, with the awkward smile
Roll luck >>147232Silver and Jubilosa are alone in the sauna this hour, and no pony has come to attend.
>>147233Silver tilts his head at her.
"Is dropping unusual for griffons?"
>>147234“Clothing falling off? Uh... well, yes.”
>>147235Silver looks down, and pulls his towel back up to be around his hips. It still can't hide the end of his Sword, however.
"No no, dropping. You know, when stallion gets relaxed, or maybe even aroused, and his...you know, thing, leaves sheath."
>>147236“Oh. Well. Yes. I think. Mostly.”
>>147237"It is more common for younger stallions who have hit puberty, it can be source of much embarrassment. As we get older, we get more control over it. Being in your presense and in relaxing situation, it must have drawn it out. It shows you what kind of effect you have on me."
He smiles at his griffon.
>>147238“Are you.... have you been like this around griffins for a while....?”
>>147239He looks at her strangely.
"...no? You are only griffon I have dropped because of."
She leans in snd hugs him once again.
>>147241The Silver pony is hugged. He is still very sweaty and wet to hold onto, but Jubilosa herself should be at least somewhat sweaty as well. He hugs his griffon back.
"I will admit, part of me wants to lay you down on that bench and show you what you really do to me, but I also want to wait until we get home so I can give you my everything."
>>147242She makes a weak slap across his body
“Silver, you’re so dirty. You can wait you silly pony.”
>>147243He smiles mischeviously after the weak slap.
"Oh, I know I can..."
He whispers in her ear.
"...but it is dirtiness that makes it so hot."
>>147244She laughs
“I hope you’ll get a bath by the end of this.”
>>147181“I do not think I would want to scout for them. If they leave us be, all the better. But I do agree we should stay here until the dawn at least. Get rest if you can.”
>>147246He laughs with her, and nuzzles into her sweat-drenched fur.
"Does that mean you want to see what is next in our spa trip, or should we stay here?"
>>147250Jubilosa leans in and hugs him
“It’s rather cozy in here, all warm and steamy. I think I could just... melt away.” She then loses her grip, and pulls away enough to look up into his eyes. “But I’m always ready to try new things.”
>>147251He hugs back, and holds her like this, in this position.
"I know how you feel. Let us spend just another minute like this, then we move onto next thing."
>>147252She leans into him, presses her head against his fur, and gives a dove-like “coo.” They spend the next couple minutes like this.
>>147253Silver similarly lets out some apparently happy equine as he steadily breathes in the steam from the sauna. A couple minutes pass that feel like an eternity in Jubilosa's embrace, before he looks back up at his griffon.
"Okay...I am ready now."
Please come into the cytube
>>147249>>147248Spark will head to sleep I think, if it is possible.
Amber makes her way towards the door and away to freedom just as new blue uniformed officers enter the room. But as she tries to slip past one of them, a stallion in blue stops her.
“Not so fast. Where do you think you are going?”
>>147254She leans up.
"And onto something new" she says, still holding a smile. Silver and Jubilosa, both damp from the steam of the sauna - and at least Jubilosa draped in a towel, exit the sauna. They don't have to go far before a small grape-purple mare with her mane tied back encounters them, standing in the hall as if she were waiting for them, or was on her way to fetch them.
She speaks to them
"Ready for your massage?"
>>147285Silver does indeed still have his towel, though it still would not be impossible to see something poking out from it. Silver smiles at the mare.
"Indeed we are!"
>>147290Uh, well, presumably, if the towel is draped over him with the sides falling down, probably nothing would be visible from the side - Unless the towel were wrapped close to the body, or were especially short.
The mare leads the two of them to the next room
[1d3 = 2][1d3 = 2] >>147294Silver dutifully follows.
>>147295Silver and Jubilosa are taken down the hallway to a room with wooden walls and a pair of tables/beds shaped to the equine body. Both are instructed to lay down on their bellies on the bed, and especially to stretch out. For a moment it seems that Jubilosa, long and lanky, will not be able to fit. But she fits all the same. The mare who met Silver and Jubilosa is one of the two masseuses. A second mare, a mint colored earth pony mare, joins.
>>147296Silver smiles at the mares as he lies still. He can appreciate the pair's beauty, and imagines that their appearance played no small part in them getting hired.
"Thank you both for doing this for me and my Jubee."
>>147297“No problem.” The mint mare answers, in an accent that does not suggest Equestrian origin. Both are indeed relatively young - most likely in their twenties - and fairly attractive. The purple mare comes to jubilosa, and the mint mare to Silver. He feels her surprisingly soft hooves on his back, slowly but firmly pressing in.
>>147298Silver has a surprised look on his face, before being quickly melted off with the rest of him as she beings to press down and knead his sore, stiff muscles.
"Ooooohhhh, yeeeeeaaaaahhhh..."
>>147299“My.... so much tension. And... so firm. Carefully relax yourself. Relax. Let your legs fall down, and apart.”
She moves her hooves in a kind of rubbing action along his back, moving his hide over his body, snd pressing down deeply. There is some pain as she comes over Silver’s scars, perhaps especially the still somewhat fresh wound the gnoll left him on his back a few nights before.
>>147300Silver groans as the tension is slowly released from his muscled yet fluffy body, not minding the pain from his scars. He complies, despite the potential risk of his considerable family jewels being seen from underneath his towel. He gathers himself enough to speak.
"So...who are you two? I notice your accent is not traditional Equestrian."
>>147301Any features of Silver's body on his underside are hidden under him.
The mare handling Silver speaks
"My name is Mollis. I am from Maregypt."
She has moved to stand over Silver, using a table to help. Her left hoof turns counter clockwise, and her right hoof, clockwise, each rubbing on one side of Silver's spine.
The mint mare speaks:
"I am Sweet Dreams. From south of here."
[Read more] >>147302Silver shudders in pleasure from the expert massage.
"Mmm...I am Silver Sword, from Severyana. You are good at this.
Really good."
>>147303"Ah. Severyana... My flat mate's parents are from there. Part of the emigre. That's a nice name. And thank you, I try to be."
She presses down, and then back up, as if she were dipping.
>>147304"Nnngh...I really needed this."
He turns his head to face Jubilosa.
"How is yours, dove?"
Sweet Dreams treats Jubilosa's back as if it were dough, beating it, kneeding it, and rolling it. The movement of her hooves is faster than that of Mollis, who moves on Silver's back like it's thick cake batter still in need of stirring.
>>147306"Hmm...your back must not be as thick and muscled as mine, dove."
"I don't think anyone's back is. You're like a bear. A big, fluffy bear."
"Yes. So many muscles... So many scars..."
>>147308Silver nods, if a bit forlornly.
"It has been long, hard life for me. I forget to relax sometimes."
>>147309"Forget no more. Empty your mind. Set yourself at peace. And relax those muscles."
She moves up, towards his shoulders and his neck
>>147310"Nnnhgnnghngnghng...yes, ma'am!"
He shudders involuntarily, his shoulders and neck almost completely relaxing as she moves further north. Combined with being in his Jubee's presence, he feels more at peace than in a long time.
>>147311Thus far, Mollis has been, to be frank, fairly rough on Silver's back, and at points it seems she puts much of her body weight, and her earth pony strength, into grinding down Silver's muscles. And for part of her approach to his shoulders, this remains true. But for his neck, she becomes gentler. Slower. More delicate. She rubs up and down along the sides and top of his neck, moving aside his mane
>>147312He does his best to look at Mollis without disturbing her work.
"You have such range of strength. Before, you were kneeding my back, and now it is like you are carressing my neck. You are truly practiced."
>>147313Now, Silver is kneeded, with rolls of fur accumulating near the top of his neck. She is directly over him, so Silver can simply look up to see her looking down, smiling at him.
"And you are truly a stallion. Filled with the accumulated years of tension and trouble. Let my hooves release it."
>>147314He smiles back at the nice mare.
"Heh, you must say that to all of your customers...but thank you. I will gladly let your hooves do their work."
>>147315"This back is... different. More scarred than most. All the same, it needs love and tenderness. Perhaps more than most."
She moves back down his back, doing a kneading motion of pressing into him, and making small rotations.
>>147316"Mmmmmaybe. I know it is loving this..."
>>147317"Then let it take my love." she says, moving lower, and lower, and lower down Silver's back
Silver resembles a puddle more than a pony at this point. His muscles in his back have turned to silly puddy, and his legs hang loosely across the ends of the massage table. His breathing is steady and sure, and in this moment his face is of pure bliss and relaxation.
>>147319She does not stop moving, and bending the puddy puddle pony to her will, still kneading along down his spine until very nearly his tail. Even when she reaches here, she moves down and gets off, and stretches out each hind leg, and begins work on his thighs.
>>147320Silver is a pony who has very rarely skipped a leg day in his life, and as such all of his legs, especially his hindlegs, are built like the thick bases of tree brances, or even tree trunks. Having to bear the burden of carrying the strong warrior unicorn on his adventures for these many long years have made his legs strong, and oh-so tense. When Mollis reaches a particularly tense knot in one of his tendons, its release produces such a powerful wave that for a few seconds the leg quivers and twitches before it relaxes. Silver himself lets out something between a moan and a groan.
"OOOOOHHHHHnnnng! Ahhhhh, that is spot...did not even know I had that there..."
>>147323All the same, she continues. Now, she's moved from a rubbing motion, to numerous light, successive taps, focusing on his left thigh.
>>147324All the same, he continues to groan with each little bit if stress her practiced hooves relieves. The unicorn truly finds this to be delightful.
>>147325Mollis gives a toothy smile, as if entertained, as she presses booth hooves in with some force against the muscles at the top of the thigh. And when this is done, she moves on to do the same to his right thigh.
>>147326He arches his back in response to her pressing against the top of his thigh. He has a look of almost orgasmic relief, though thankfully not actually, and lets out a deep-throated moan before he collapses against the table like soft jello.
>>147327She moves to the fore, and within Silver's (potential) line of vision, wearing a smile that looks almost playful. She starts on his left foreleg, first pulling it out and holding the end of his hoof, as if a lover.
>>147328Silver gives her a playful smile back, going along with the imagery of her holding his hoof.
"Oh my, this is all so sudden. I...I need to think this over for minute..."
>>147329She smiles back at him, then her hooves move further up Silver’s leg, then further up, pressing into with rotary movements every portion of Silver’s muscles.
>>147330"Oooooooo, just like that, that is just spot."
>>147331She lingers on that particular spot a bit longer, pressing on it with one hoof, then on the other side of his leg with the other, before moving along.
>>147332"This is heavenly...and this is only second part of our spa trip. It makes me wonder how this could be topped."
>>147333Mollis stops for a second, turns her head upwards and looks into Silver's eyes with her own medium red eyes, gives a small, tooth showing smile, makes a giggle: "heh heh," and then goes back to her work, higher on Silver's leg, now at the shoulders.
>>147335She moves on to Silver's right leg, rubbing his hoof, and then moving further up.
>>147336Silver wiggles his right hoof a little after she moves further up, enjoying the sensation of how limber this one part of his body.
>>147337She continues upward in a pressing and rotating motion. After some time, she has more or less completed Silver's body
>>147338"Mmm...is it safe to get up now, ma'am?"
>>147339"Yes. Of course." She answers, in her strange accent.
>>147340Silver stands up slowly, stretching his limbs. He feels limber, relaxed, and at ease. The only parts of him that have not been worked over by Mollis are his midsection and neck.
"I feel soooooo gooooooooood. I feel like I am 10 years younger!"
>>147342If she so instructs him, Silver will happily turn over to allow her to work on his midsection.
>>147350Spark wakes up at what seems to be shortly after the break of dawn, feeling surprisingly rested
>>147349Very well then. Silver looks to see how Jubilosa is progressing.
>>147352The young mare, Wellspring, is still sleeping on the couch. Makade is not visible. Nopony else has come down, at least not yet.
>>147353She is....
melted, laying there sprawled out with her left-hindleg twitching.
>>147354Spark goes looking for Makade.
>>147354Silver covers his mouth to stiffle a chuckle.
"Looks like
someone enjoyed their massage."
>>147355Spark does not find him behind him in the kitchen, or the dining room.... But rather finds him laying down, evidently having nodded off, at the top of the stairs, laying on his belly with his head between his two forelegs. The rifle is not visible.
Her leg twitches again
>>147357"I am kinda jealous, I have never made her melt like that in bedroom."
He gets up off of the table, stretching out a bit more.
"Ngh...feel so good. I hope you are still okay to experience next part of our spa trip."
>>147357Spark gently nudges the sleepy wolf.
>>147358"Hehehehe" This provokes a blush and a giggle from Mollis, and a hoof over the mouth from Sweet Dreams, who hides a smile.
"I'm okay" Jubilosa answers
>>147359As Spark goes up the stares, right at the final step, Makade's eyes open. Seeing Spark, he jumps up, and then pauses.
>>147360"Morning. Did you sleep well?"
>>147361“It was uneventful. So I’d say so.”