Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
>>147000He blushes as well at her kind words, and gives her talon a light reassuring squeeze.
"I will admit, you have helped to dispell some of my preconceptions about griffons as well. You are one of kindest, brightest, most beautiful creatures in this world. If only everyone could see what I see in you..."
>>147001Her feathers rise, and she seems to let out a "coo"
Then the Unicorn comes, placing a plate before each of the two lovers.
"Dinner is Served" He says
>>147002He holds on looking at his lover for just a second longer, before he smiles at the waiter.
"Thank you, good Sir!"
He looks at his food, and takes a smell of it.
>>147003Jubilosa moves her claw to face upwards towards his hoof, and squeezes.
The food smells of boiled shrimp, garlic, rice, and okra.
>>147004"Mmm, it smells good, dove! How about yours?"
She is almost fascinated with the soup, lowering her beak to sniff it, and priding it with her spoon, picking up a piece of fish flesh.
>>147006Silver takes a hold of his utensils in his magic, and eats some of his delicable food.
>>147007Bold with spice, and given added substance by rice and okra, the shrimp is well softened.
Silver chews thoughtfully before swallowing the delicious fancy food. He can see why food like this is desireable, and wonders why more ponies won't at least give fish a chance.
"How is yours, Jubee?"
>>147009Damn it. Wrong picture. Meant to post this one“Is good.” She says, with a beak full of fish and soup, then swallowing, of course chewing less than Silver.
>>147010He covers his mouth and giggles at his date.
"Would you like to try some of mine?"
>>147011“Um... sure” she says
After, presumably, Silver has pushed it across, she takes the spoon from her bowl, and placed it in his. She takes a spoonful with rice and a shrimp, and placed it in her beak. Her eyes widen.
“Oh. Wow. That’s much warmer. Spicier than mine.”
>>147012He just keeps on smiling.
"I know, I like it! How about you? Do you like it, or are you not big fan?"
>>147013After swallowing, she licks the inside of her beak repeatedly.
“It’s... different. Stronger...”
>>147014"May I try some of yours?"
>>147015“Sure.” She says, pressing the bowl forward.
>>147016Silver takes a spoon, dips it in the soup while making sure to get some of the goodies like fish, and takes it in his mouth. He smacks his lips and licks the inside of his mouth.
"Mmm...it is unfortunate ponies do not give at least fish chance. It can be very delicious!"
>>147017“I can’t really say I understand ponies. In that, I mean. Fish is really good. We include it wherever possible back home.”
>>147018"I suppose it is because of philosophical differences, but I do not understand it either. Fish are not as intelligent as other animals that serve as meat. They are certainly not sapient, so unless you believe that truly all life matters, there is no ethical problem."
>>147020"Yeah. I don't even get it for animals. Sure, they are- well, they aren't fish. But it's not like they can talk, or something. And besides, those animals get to graze, lounge around... and then get to be tasty at the end of a life of leisure. Doesn't seem so bad to me."
>>147021Silver can't help but giggle at her statement.
"I must say, there are worse ways to go than being tasty. And they are indeed very tasty!"
Silver demonstraits by taking a piece of shrimp, biting it, and chewing very deliberately with a pleased expression on his face.
>>147022"Heh. Almost makes me wish I got the steak." She says, smiling back to Silver.
>>147023"Next time we come here, we will both get steaks!"
He continues eating his delicious, fancy meal, occasionally having some of the appetizer soup or a sip of his wine with it.
>>147024“Now that’s a
lovely idea.” She says
Jubilosa does much the same as Silver, asking the waiter to bring more wine, until he leaves a bottle with the table.
>>147025Silver smiles at his date.
"Really enjoying that homeland wine?"
>>147026“Of course.” She says, smiling back to him with a glass in claw.
“Although.... it’s not anything I haven’t had before.”
>>147027The unicorn flags the waiter down, tips him another 20 Bit note, and asks if they can have another bottle to take home with them.
>>147028“You may indeed purchase a bottle.” He says
>>147029"Then that is what we shall do, thank you."
>>147030He nods.
“Care for dessert?” The waiter asks
>>147031Silver looks to Jubee for input.
>>147032“Yes! What do you have?” She asks
He lists things like cheesecake, fudge, creme brûlée and so forth
>>147033"I think I will have your creme brûlée."
>>147034“Oooh! Yes! That. Oh. And more wine. Please.” Jubilosa joins in with Silver in ordering the Creme Brûlée
“It will be so.” The waiter nods, and leaves, unless Silver asks for anything else.
>>147035Silver does not have anything else to ask. He looks at Jubilosa.
"It was hard to choose between that and cheesecake, but this is much fancier and I have not had custard in forever."
>>147036“Well it sounds fine to me, with a nice, sweet taste.” She says
>>147037The unicorn nods in agreement.
"Very rich, too. Just need to wait for it now."
>>146956 →Iron managed to barely get out of the pillow's way as his widened, astonished eyes followed along the trajectory across his cheek for a split secod.
Nonetheless, he soon refocused on the assailant, readying up a mighty downwards swing against a relatively intact portion of Sands' fluffy body currently holed up in the bathtub.
[1d20+6 = 23]<Improvised Weapon Attack
>>147041https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMFWc_FMhqsSand's pillow goes wide of Iron's face, leaving her exposed. Her eyes go wide, staring at Iron's pillow as it comes down upon her, and physically knocks her down into the tub.
She let's out a high pitched whine, something like a "Ah-fump," or a squeal.
>>147042Thus, as Sands was promptly knocked down, Iron took the opportunity to stand atop of her in the tub, ready to land the final blow like last time. He ensured nothing concerning had happened to her body during the moment of respite he allowed the unicorn mare while he bared his weapon on his strong mouth, willing to land the final poomf to end the battle of the pillows in a close victory.
>>147043She tries the pull the pillow in over her head, laying down inside the bathtub. It isn’t easy to stand over her with out Iron’s hooves being in her, though neither is it impossible.
Spark was waiting for a signal from Madake if I recall.
Thou you
mph surren
mpher?" Iron presented towards Sands, giving her one last act or mercy before the final blow would be struck.
>>147045Spark sits there. Waiting, in the early hours of the morning. It's quiet, and cold even inside of the townhouse. Spark almost certainly nods off, until...
"Movement. Back."
>>147046She looks up at him with big, green eyes that are at first very wide. They slowly begin to narrow.
No.... Never"
[1d20+4 = 24] >>147046>>147047In a glow of green magic, the pillow falls onto Iron's eyes from above, and presses into his face, blinding him.
White Sands moves up, and in that narrow area between Iron and the front of the bathtub, moves out of the bathtub, into the bathroom, and away from Iron.
>>147047Spark nearly jumps and looks out a window towards the back of the house.
>>147049Makade is over there, in a position he is almost difficult to see by a window, looking outside with both rifle and scope.
"One. Flying over. Looks like a pegasus. He's done more than one pass."
For a moment, Spark sees nothing in the light of the lone lamp out the back in that narrow backyard. Snow no longer falls and blocks the light, but rather is settled along almost every surface, reflecting the dim light of the lamp, and the moon as it peers through gaps in the clouds.
Then spark sees it. A creature flying over head, and making a half circle.
>>147050"Well, that's comforting."
Spark looks back towards the new guest.
>>147051With the countertops and back of the couch obscuring the line of sight, she is not actually visible. But she is presumably still sleeping, as she is silent and has not gotten up.
>>147052"Has the scout made any sort of deviation from the circle?"
>>147053"Yes. Across the backyards, then diagonally down towards the left, then back up retreading the same direction."
>>147054"Could that be where he is reporting findings?"
>>147055“I don’t know. He’s the only one I’ve seen.”
>>147056"Well, is it heading any closer to us?"
>>147057“Hard to say. It makes passes haphazardly.”
Roll die, little pony >>147059And then, the creature drops down onto a table, right there in front of Spark. It's a Pegasus stallion whose coat appears black, and his mane a cloudy white, though in the light of the lamp above him his coat appears a dark, charcoal grey. His green eyes almost seem to glow in the dim night light.
He doesn't look at the house, but rather at the fence that separates the yards, at a wooden stake that is knocked out of place and leaning inside the backyard, and at another disturbed the same way but to a lesser degree. He looks down at a crease in the snow at the bottom of this, and towards a trail that moves towards the spot besides the juvenile poplar tree. Then he looks at the hoof prints - which become a pair of hoof prints - that line the snow to the back door.
Spark casts a Ghost Sound spell through the gap in the fence to sound as a sneeze.
>>147061Roll die, add charisma modifier
>>147063He looks towards the gap, spreads his wings, and jumps up, flying over the fence
>>147064Spark breathes a sigh of relief.
>>147065Makade is silent, still looking out the back window into the still night.
>>147066Spark goes to check on the guest quickly.
>>147067She lays on her side on the couch, eyes closed and completely silent, with a quilted blanket over her.
>>147047>>147048Iron muffled surprise was apparent as the
bugunicorn retreated away, blindly trying to feel for Sands' position with his legs.
>>147068Spark is unsure if waking the pony is the best course of action, but he does so gently.
>>147069Iron feels the edge of her left thigh, then the tail, then nothing at all. Eventually the pillow falls away, leaving Iron alone in the bathroom.
>>147071Her steel blue eyes open wide, and she raises her head with a "gasp"
>>147038Jubilosa passes the time by starting a conversation about a pelican she witnessed diving at the water from the beach house earlier that day, and how she thinks she saw something similar in the bay at Midora a year ago, though at a much greater distance.
>>147072"I think your friends are out looking for you. Best stay low."
>>147074"Friends?" She asks, evidently not understanding
"He's back"
>>147075Spark heads back to Madake.
>>147076"Back. Out of sight." Makade says, laying down and pressing himself into the far corner, mostly away from the window
>>147077Spark dives down as well.
>>147078Though the shadow on the blinds, and the little sliver between the blinds and the windowsill, Spark can see that the creature walks slowly by the window and the backdoor, carefully inspecting the scene.
>>147073Silver listens like the good coltfriend he is, expressing his amazement at the sight and segwaying into a conversation about birds.
>>147080She moves off of a mention of her apartment, to talk about songbirds that lived around her childhood home, and would sometimes follow her along her route as a milkgriff.
>>147084The shadow becomes smaller, then moves away, then disappears
>>147081Silver in turn asks if she remembers the songbird's tune.
>>147085Spark motions to Madake and then his ears.
>>147086"Oh. Uh... well... I think it's 'tweet tweet tweet'. Or... 'tweet tweet, tweet tweet'. Or.... That's not right. 'Tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet tweet, tweet tweet'. Okay, maybe not quite like that, but close enough."
>>147087Makade shakes his head.
>>147088Silver whistles the songbird tune she gave him.
>>147089"Oh. Huh. You're better at it than me. But it was something more like 'tweet tweet tweet'.... okay, maybe not like that, but... You're doing fine."
>>147088Spark remains silent on the floor.
>>147072Iron knew better than to rush after her, considering her repertoire of using creative surprise attacks, plus knowing himself that Sands is still quite hurt and wouldn't want to hurt her by going overboard.
He nonetheless walked out the bathroom with a stern look, making sure to have his pillow ready to throw at the unicorn's face if she tried a surprise attack.
>>147090Silver continues to whistle the tune, slowly turning it into a tune dedicated for his Jubee.
>>147091At the front door
Knock knock knock>>147092Iron peeks around the corner to see... nothing. Just a dark, empty hallway.
>>147093"Hehe" Jubilosa takes a sip of the wine, and smiles, watching Silver
>>147094Silver continues his tune for his Jubee as it gets towards the end, finishing with a whistling flourish. He looks at her date to gauge her reaction.
>>147094She hid herself again, Iron deduced with a small frown.
She proceeded to slowly but surely trek his way along the current room, deep inside hoping she joined forces with Cauldron for a another double offensive
>>147096Makade again shakes his head, and again peaks out of the rear window (opposite the direction the sound is coming from)
>>147097To the right, the bedroom. At the end of the short hall, the living room (and kitchen).
>>147095"Hehehe" She claps her claws together
"Very good, Silver."
>>147098"Thank you, thank you very much! I will be here all week."
>>147098Clip clop he slowly went without much subtlety to it, deciding to check the kitchen and living room area first.
>>147099Knock knock knock>>147101Nothing, or nothing much, is seen in the dark
>>147100The waiter arrives, with two plates of crème brulee, with raspberries and blackberries on top.
>>147102Not remembering how the light magic mechanisms work, Iron soon ditches that first idea and instead dragged himself in a predatory stance towards the bedroom.
>>147102Spark waits on the floor and looks towards the door.
>>147103Iron enters the bedroom to see Black Cauldron laying there on the bed, with a pillow over her lower barrel and thighs
"Iron?" She asks him
>>147104A shadow covers the blinds next to the door. There is a gasping sound, and the mare hides herself under the quilted blanket
Knock knock knock >>147102"Mmm, it looks delicious! Thank you, and my compliments to chef!"
Silver takes a utensil, gathers a little bit of everything from the rich custard, to the cream the dish is named after, to the fruit that tops it, and eats it, savoring every bit of the bite.
>>147108Cream, fruit, and that distinct taste of toasted marshmallows.
>>147105Said native looked around the room, stalking about for her unicorn prey. "She must be here somewhere," he muttered out loud just so Cauldron understood his purpose for being there.
>>147111A moment passes, and the shadow moves away, leaving the blinds lit by the yellow light of the street lamp outside. Another moment, and the mare whines with an "ah," jumps off the couch, and runs around behind it, curling up. This is perhaps the first time Spark gets a complete view of her, with a sparkling purple coat and raspberry mane. She places her hooves over her head, and trembles.
>>147110Black Cauldron twists her lips
"I think she passed by. Somewhere."
>>147112Feeling the slight tinge of disapproval and disappointment, he decided to spice up his stalking, skulking around even more dramatically akin to a noir detective ready to apprehend the suspect they're been chasing for weeks.
With that
totally useful tip from the mare in black and white, he soon slipped out in an overly dramatic fashion just to lighten up her mood during these trying times: All he needs to do now is to poomf her up and carry her back to the bedroom, onto her rightful place as a pillow criminal.
>>147112Spark moves towards the mare to calm her down.
>>147114When Spark moves closer, she sees him, and moves her eyes towards him. She still trembles.
>>147113But now the question: where is the fugative?
>>147115Spark signals her to relax.
>>147116Her breaths, high pitched and rapid, don't slow much, but they do quiet. She stares into his eyes, evidently trying to calm down.
>>147115Unless his bedroom searching wasn't as thorough as he'd like, she most likely was the dark corners of the kitchen and living room, where the light was too afraid to come out and brighten up the atmosphere. It was going to be tough to find her in such a concealed area, but his heart was strong and his head, only a tad dizzy from all the poomfs he's recieved so far.
You will not hide for long, pillow bandit, he uttered in an overly dramatic fashion in his head.
I will find you and lock you up in my forelegs for good. >>147109"Mm, mm, mmmm...delicious!"
Silver digs into his dessert ravenously.
>>147117Spark gives her a reassuring smile.
>>147118But now, where can the fugative pillow bandito be hiding?
Roll die>>147119Jubilosa is perhaps a little slower, but digs into it all the same
>>147120She returns an awkward, frightened smile
>>147121It sure doesn't last long, but when it is, Silver pats his stomach satisfied.
>>147123...alright... to the kitchen!
>>147125Iron turns the corner to see.... nothing.
The pillow bandito has evaded Iron, and Justice, once more
>>147124Jubilosa takes a little longer to finish her Creme Brulee, which she eventually finishes along with another glass of wine
>>147126Damn, Iron cursed under his mental breath as he shaked his head twice.
She blends into the shadows like her coat was actually black. I have underestimated her.Defeated, he slowly but surely trekked his way towards the bedroom, only to hope that the pillow bandito would show her pretty face once again to face
Justice. >>147126"Ahh...that was good dinner."
>>147127Iron makes his way, slowly, to the open door to the bedroom, which pours light into the unlit hallway. He sees Black Cauldron inside
>>147128The waiter asks,
"Anything more, or shall I hoof you your bill?"
>>147129Unlike last time, Iron's walking was not as boisterous or stalking, but more of a casual, disappointed strut towards the bed Cauldron was in, aiming to lay on the bed.
>>147129"I think we are ready for bill."
>>147131He nods, goes away, and returns, pressing a bill to Silver
>>147130Black Cauldron, looking lonely on the bed, smiles towards Iron as he walks over
>>147132Silver takes a look at the bill.
>>147133Eighty bits, mostly because of the wine.
>>147132With one swift motion, Iron lazily plants himself on the bed without even covering herself while slowly scurrying as close to Cauldron as she'd allow. All the while exaggerating his features of contemplation and loss just to sell the theme of a noir detective to his darling.
>>147135"Well you look dower" Black Cauldron comments
>>147136Assuming Cauldron didn't try to stop him, he'd stop himself just as his coat touched hers, all with the most hyperbolic form of a serious expression she'd ever seen. "I have not caught the pillow bandito, Cauldron," he 'darkly' uttered. "She is still out there, throwing pillows at the innocent, terrorizing slumber parties left and right."
>>147134"Oh, that is not so bad."
Silver pays the bill, and stands up from his seat.
"Ready to go to spa?"
>>147137Black Cauldron laughs
"Pillow Bandito? Ha, what?" She smiles at him
"Don't worry about her."
She places a foreleg over him
>>147138"Sure." Jubilosa says, picking up the extra bottle of wine
>>147139The unicorn smiles, and walks out of the restaurant with Jubilosa onto the street. Once outside, he looks for a taxi.
>>147139Even as Iron obviously took advantage of the approach, huddling closer to Cauldron as well as softly lay her cheek onto her chest, he still had that overly dramatic look to him. "I cannot help but dread just how many ponies' faces will be suddenly struck by a flying pillow, Cauldron," his somewhat muffled voice replied akin to the usual noir cliches just to heighten the somewhat unintentional comedy. "Just thinking about all those poor ponies' snouts assaulted by pillows keeps me up at night."
>>147141"Well.... If you can't make it to sleep, why don't
I keep you company." She says, still smiling and occasionally giggling.
>>147140A taxi comes by quickly, and the two enter, along with Jubilosa's bottle of wine.
>>147142Silver gives the driver the address for the spa.
>>147142Even in his noir persona, Iron couldn't help but glance up at Cauldron and giving her a loving smile. "You always know how to put my heart at ease, Cauldron," his detective voice remarked with more than a sprinkle of truth to it before slowly approaching his snout to tenderly nuzzle her neck.
>>147144"That's more like it" she says, letting him nuzzle her, and tightening her hold on him
>>147143The taxi takes them in the direction of the setting sun, then south, and then they arrive at the spa.
>>147145And with that scene played out, Iron slowly but surely started to close his eyes as his forelegs tried their best to wrap around the zebra mare's chest.
This seems a bit too good to be true, is it not? his inquisitive side soon presented with the typical noir flair.
Of course, his sleep was held at bay at the sudden inquiry.
Cauldron seemed hesitant to let me sleep on her bed and cuddle with her, he further theorized, starting to garner a smidge of suspicion.
Then you know that there is something amiss, he pointed out soon enough.
We must dig deeper and find out the truth!With that line of thinking, he knew what he had to do. "Hey Cauldron," he soon piped up while holding her lovingly. "Do you remember the first time we met?"
>>147146"Well yeah. My friend wanted you to come along with me to help me in an errand."
>>147145Silver pays the fare, gets out of the cab, lets Jubilosa out, and enters the establishment.
>>147147"Yes," Iron agreed with a small chuckle as the memories of that debt collecting job passed through his head as fond memories. "I still remember that one time while we were travelling to meet our next objective that almost got us into trouble."
He took the opportunity to nuzzle her a bit before continuing. "Do you remember what happened?" he asked, hoping she still recalled such a close call.
>>147149“With the mattress and that stallion with the shotgun? Yeah, I remember.”
>>147148Silver enters to be greeted by a mare at the front counter.
>>147150Iron couldn't help but stifle another chuckle, further at ease as she squeezed Cauldron's chest with his forelegs softly. "I mean when we pretended we were dating," he clarified with a coy smile, his pools longingly staring back at hers.
>>147150"Hello! I am here for my couple's appointment."
>>147151Her smile widens
"Is that how you interpreted that?"
>>147152"Oh. Yes. The pair here a little later than normal."
>>147153"I am sorry about that, but we really do appreciate you allowing us to stay after for our appointment."
>>147154"Oh. Well, you may proceed" She says, standing up, and walking down a hallway
"This way"
>>147153"Admittedly, yes," Iron lovingly replied. "That mare sure was thrown for a loop either way."
>>147155Silver follows her, as instructed.
>>147156"Yes. Damn police. Best kept minding their own business."
>>147157"Let's start off with the sauna, for relaxing."
Silver and Jubilosa are lead the the hot room, with benches and steam.
>>147158"Yes," Iron wholeheartedly agreed as he huddled up against Cauldron with a peaceful smile as his eyes started to grow heavy. "It does not match the time when we stormed those uppity griffons."
>>147159"Oh. Yes. Heh. I hit one of them with my tire iron. One or two. I don't get what they were going on about. Glad you were there to beat some sense into them."
>>147158Presumably, this is after they have been shown a place where they can leave their stuff, as I feel suits and dresses are not well suited for the sauna, and perhaps after they are given towels. Silver chooses a bench to sit in, and does exactly that.
"Whew...it really is humid in here. I can already feel myself sweating."
>>147160Iron chuckled a bit more as he finally laid his head back against Cauldron's chest fluff with a smile. "I remember the excited hug you gave me," he pointed out, just about ready to be tucked into bed by how comfortable he was right now. "You were so elated."
>>147162"Well.... Things sometimes happen in the heat of the moment."
>>147163"Like right now?" Iron uttered before lazily leaning in for a soft, gentle peck on Cauldron's lips.
>>147165Her ears pop up, and Iron lands the kiss
>>147166A second after such a bold move, his head retreated back onto Cauldron's chest fluff with a satisfied smile.
>>147167And Iron is able to lay his head partly on Black Cauldron's chest fluff
>>147168And with that, Iron, slowly but surely, closes his eyes to let sleep overtake him, tenderly holding Cauldron with his forelegs in his ride to the dreamland.
>>147170Iron's ears spiked up at the rather imposing sound, soon opening his eyes just to see what was that about.
>>147121Spark looks back towards Madake, hoping for a signal that the coast is clear.
>>147176Makade moves, ever so slowly, towards the windows of the living room, carefully looking out through a gap in the blinds, and then slightly moving them apart for a better view. He looks back to Spark, and says.
“He is away for now.”
>>147177“They are likely still suspicious. We should keep low for a while. They probably expect us to leave around day break as well. They might have another scout ready when we try to leave.”
>>147178"Perhaps. This one was alone. But the Doubles are pack creatures. They are likely to return in numbers. And they may come here."
>>147180“We can’t just simply leave, and we can’t be sure they will return on just suspicion. It is a safer alternative to keep low for now and perhaps I can leave at the break of dawn to scout out for them.”
>>147161This is the last post to reply to, if GM gets time.
>>147170 was not clear enough. Let's do it this way
[1d20+6 = 13]>>147161... Okay,
>>147158 is not what happens. They put items away, including the wine bottle, and receive towels
>>147169>>147171>>147189Iron feels a pillow crash into the edge of his back
>>147189Silver wraps his towel around his hips before heading into the sauna. He sits down on a bench.
"Whew! It already feels quite steamy in here."
>>147191Jubilosa slowly walks around, pacing from one side to another before taking a seat.
"Yeah. Heh. Pretty steamy. Pretty hot too. Like a swamp. But more so. But it smells better."
>>147192Silver giggles. Already, with his thick coat, he's working up a good sweat in the sauna, sweat dripping slowly from the ends of hairs.
"Heheh, very much so."
He leans back in his bench as to rest his head against the wall, lets out a sigh, and begins the relaxation.
>>147192>>147193He does ask Jubilosa a related question, however.
"What is climate like where you are from?"
>>147194>>147193Jubilosa moves around a bit more, as if she doesn't understand the goal of relaxation.
"A bit warm. Sort of like this. But.... Not as warm. And not this humid. This steamy."
>>147195"It is like one of those volcanic hot springs. They always sound so nice..."
He looks to Jubee, curious as to how she's feeling.
"Is something wrong? Sit down on bench, take load off, relax.
>>147196"I've never been to one"
She does, however, sit down (again) next to Silver
>>147197"Me either. There are supposed to be some in Badlands, if you do not mind being around dragons.
If there are still dragons in Badlands."
He starts to lean slightly against his griffon date.
>>147198"Dragons? They are... there not gone from the Badlands because they are here. Are they?"
She is leaned against, and gives way, slightly.
>>147199"I do not know. Prior to New Mareland's invasion I believe Equestria had promise to protect region as long as dragons did not raid surrounding countryside, but who knows what New Mareland is doing in region?"
He hugs his griffon, pressing their increasingly sweaty bodies together.
>>147200She smiles as Silver pulls her long, lanky body closer to him.
"You know, I'll just leave the dragons and the colonials to each other."
>>147201"And I will stick with relaxing with my beautiful dove. That is subject for me."
She wraps her claws around him in a hug, and places her long head next to his body.
"Though... I hope they don't team up."
>>147203"Me either."
He leans back with his date against the wall, continuing to relax. Perhaps a little
too much, but there not yet much sign of it visible thanks to his towel.
"I can see why this is considered relaxing. With as humid as this room is, you want to do nothing but sit still and melt."
>>147204"Melt? That doesn't sound relaxing..."
>>147205"Have you never had something to eat that was so good, or experienced something that felt so amazing, you wanted to melt into puddle?"
>>147206"Well..." Smiling, perhaps bluching, she looks away. And then she looks directly up and into Silver's eyes with her own.
>>147207Silver locks eyes with his beautiful griffon date, and leans in towards her just ever so slightly.
"And when was that?"
>>147209She continues her smile, looking up towards Silver
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
>>147212The unicorn laughs, leans in towards his beautiful dove, and rubs his muzzle against her beak.
>>147213This contact causes her to wince, but form a smile with a "heh," and pull back slightly. She pulls a claw away from her hug to run it over Silver's muzzle and the end of his snout.
"I'll never tell."
>>147214The fur on his muzzle is soft, yet the actually muzzle underneath is quite firm and muscular. He smiles softly as he looks at his Jubee with curious, pleading eyes.
>>147216"A lady must keep
some secrets." She says to Silver, and then looks down to his chest, and extending a claw, pokes him once, then twice in the chest, and then moves the claw to poke him in the barrel.
"Strange. You aren't melting quite yet."
>>147217He giggles a bit from the ticklish sensation of being poked in the barrel.
"With as much as I am dripping, I was sure of it."
>>147219"Heheh, what?" She is taken aback for about two seconds
"Oh. You
are rather damp."
>>147220Silver is just absolutely dripping with sweat, indeed. He smiles.
"At this rate, I may end up as nothing but puddle on floor."
>>147221"Well don't do that. Who would take me home?" She says in response
>>147222"You are strong, independant griffon, I imagine you could do it."
He kisses her beak.
"Then again, I could not stand to leave you like that."
>>147223She smiles, accepting the kiss
“Oh Silver.”
She lays her body out along the bench in the sauna, and stretches out her hind legs.
>>147225Silver takes the moment to admire her body and form, and her majestic beauty. In the hot, steamy atmosphere of the sauna, Jubilosa looks even more beautiful. Underneath his towel, his Sword fully drops from its sheath, the end of it showing out from his towel.
"Are other griffons even as half as beautiful as you, dove?"
>>147226Jubilosa stands up on the bench, and stretches out her long body more.... until she sees the towel off, jumps up, slips a hind paw, and the end of her body slips off the bench
Her hind legs fall upright on the ground, and she smiles, kind of embarrassed, looking up at Silver.
>>147227Silver gives her a confused look, then looks down to what she was looking. His eyes widen slightly.
"Huh, so that is what I felt. I have not dropped in public in while."
He looks back up and gives her a smile, without hardly a trace of embarrassment.
"What things to do to me..."
>>147228She gets back up and sits next to him with an awkward smile
“Oh Silver...”
>>147229He looks at her, trying to figure out if something is wrong from her expression.
"Is it bothering you?"
>>147230“No.” She says, with the awkward smile
Roll luck >>147232Silver and Jubilosa are alone in the sauna this hour, and no pony has come to attend.
>>147233Silver tilts his head at her.
"Is dropping unusual for griffons?"
>>147234“Clothing falling off? Uh... well, yes.”
>>147235Silver looks down, and pulls his towel back up to be around his hips. It still can't hide the end of his Sword, however.
"No no, dropping. You know, when stallion gets relaxed, or maybe even aroused, and his...you know, thing, leaves sheath."
>>147236“Oh. Well. Yes. I think. Mostly.”
>>147237"It is more common for younger stallions who have hit puberty, it can be source of much embarrassment. As we get older, we get more control over it. Being in your presense and in relaxing situation, it must have drawn it out. It shows you what kind of effect you have on me."
He smiles at his griffon.
>>147238“Are you.... have you been like this around griffins for a while....?”
>>147239He looks at her strangely.
"...no? You are only griffon I have dropped because of."
She leans in snd hugs him once again.
>>147241The Silver pony is hugged. He is still very sweaty and wet to hold onto, but Jubilosa herself should be at least somewhat sweaty as well. He hugs his griffon back.
"I will admit, part of me wants to lay you down on that bench and show you what you really do to me, but I also want to wait until we get home so I can give you my everything."
>>147242She makes a weak slap across his body
“Silver, you’re so dirty. You can wait you silly pony.”
>>147243He smiles mischeviously after the weak slap.
"Oh, I know I can..."
He whispers in her ear.
"...but it is dirtiness that makes it so hot."
>>147244She laughs
“I hope you’ll get a bath by the end of this.”
>>147181“I do not think I would want to scout for them. If they leave us be, all the better. But I do agree we should stay here until the dawn at least. Get rest if you can.”
>>147246He laughs with her, and nuzzles into her sweat-drenched fur.
"Does that mean you want to see what is next in our spa trip, or should we stay here?"
>>147250Jubilosa leans in and hugs him
“It’s rather cozy in here, all warm and steamy. I think I could just... melt away.” She then loses her grip, and pulls away enough to look up into his eyes. “But I’m always ready to try new things.”
>>147251He hugs back, and holds her like this, in this position.
"I know how you feel. Let us spend just another minute like this, then we move onto next thing."
>>147252She leans into him, presses her head against his fur, and gives a dove-like “coo.” They spend the next couple minutes like this.
>>147253Silver similarly lets out some apparently happy equine as he steadily breathes in the steam from the sauna. A couple minutes pass that feel like an eternity in Jubilosa's embrace, before he looks back up at his griffon.
"Okay...I am ready now."
Please come into the cytube
>>147249>>147248Spark will head to sleep I think, if it is possible.
Amber makes her way towards the door and away to freedom just as new blue uniformed officers enter the room. But as she tries to slip past one of them, a stallion in blue stops her.
“Not so fast. Where do you think you are going?”
>>147254She leans up.
"And onto something new" she says, still holding a smile. Silver and Jubilosa, both damp from the steam of the sauna - and at least Jubilosa draped in a towel, exit the sauna. They don't have to go far before a small grape-purple mare with her mane tied back encounters them, standing in the hall as if she were waiting for them, or was on her way to fetch them.
She speaks to them
"Ready for your massage?"
>>147285Silver does indeed still have his towel, though it still would not be impossible to see something poking out from it. Silver smiles at the mare.
"Indeed we are!"
>>147290Uh, well, presumably, if the towel is draped over him with the sides falling down, probably nothing would be visible from the side - Unless the towel were wrapped close to the body, or were especially short.
The mare leads the two of them to the next room
[1d3 = 2][1d3 = 2] >>147294Silver dutifully follows.
>>147295Silver and Jubilosa are taken down the hallway to a room with wooden walls and a pair of tables/beds shaped to the equine body. Both are instructed to lay down on their bellies on the bed, and especially to stretch out. For a moment it seems that Jubilosa, long and lanky, will not be able to fit. But she fits all the same. The mare who met Silver and Jubilosa is one of the two masseuses. A second mare, a mint colored earth pony mare, joins.
>>147296Silver smiles at the mares as he lies still. He can appreciate the pair's beauty, and imagines that their appearance played no small part in them getting hired.
"Thank you both for doing this for me and my Jubee."
>>147297“No problem.” The mint mare answers, in an accent that does not suggest Equestrian origin. Both are indeed relatively young - most likely in their twenties - and fairly attractive. The purple mare comes to jubilosa, and the mint mare to Silver. He feels her surprisingly soft hooves on his back, slowly but firmly pressing in.
>>147298Silver has a surprised look on his face, before being quickly melted off with the rest of him as she beings to press down and knead his sore, stiff muscles.
"Ooooohhhh, yeeeeeaaaaahhhh..."
>>147299“My.... so much tension. And... so firm. Carefully relax yourself. Relax. Let your legs fall down, and apart.”
She moves her hooves in a kind of rubbing action along his back, moving his hide over his body, snd pressing down deeply. There is some pain as she comes over Silver’s scars, perhaps especially the still somewhat fresh wound the gnoll left him on his back a few nights before.
>>147300Silver groans as the tension is slowly released from his muscled yet fluffy body, not minding the pain from his scars. He complies, despite the potential risk of his considerable family jewels being seen from underneath his towel. He gathers himself enough to speak.
"So...who are you two? I notice your accent is not traditional Equestrian."
>>147301Any features of Silver's body on his underside are hidden under him.
The mare handling Silver speaks
"My name is Mollis. I am from Maregypt."
She has moved to stand over Silver, using a table to help. Her left hoof turns counter clockwise, and her right hoof, clockwise, each rubbing on one side of Silver's spine.
The mint mare speaks:
"I am Sweet Dreams. From south of here."
>>147302Silver shudders in pleasure from the expert massage.
"Mmm...I am Silver Sword, from Severyana. You are good at this.
Really good."
>>147303"Ah. Severyana... My flat mate's parents are from there. Part of the emigre. That's a nice name. And thank you, I try to be."
She presses down, and then back up, as if she were dipping.
>>147304"Nnngh...I really needed this."
He turns his head to face Jubilosa.
"How is yours, dove?"
Sweet Dreams treats Jubilosa's back as if it were dough, beating it, kneeding it, and rolling it. The movement of her hooves is faster than that of Mollis, who moves on Silver's back like it's thick cake batter still in need of stirring.
>>147306"Hmm...your back must not be as thick and muscled as mine, dove."
"I don't think anyone's back is. You're like a bear. A big, fluffy bear."
"Yes. So many muscles... So many scars..."
>>147308Silver nods, if a bit forlornly.
"It has been long, hard life for me. I forget to relax sometimes."
>>147309"Forget no more. Empty your mind. Set yourself at peace. And relax those muscles."
She moves up, towards his shoulders and his neck
>>147310"Nnnhgnnghngnghng...yes, ma'am!"
He shudders involuntarily, his shoulders and neck almost completely relaxing as she moves further north. Combined with being in his Jubee's presence, he feels more at peace than in a long time.
>>147311Thus far, Mollis has been, to be frank, fairly rough on Silver's back, and at points it seems she puts much of her body weight, and her earth pony strength, into grinding down Silver's muscles. And for part of her approach to his shoulders, this remains true. But for his neck, she becomes gentler. Slower. More delicate. She rubs up and down along the sides and top of his neck, moving aside his mane
>>147312He does his best to look at Mollis without disturbing her work.
"You have such range of strength. Before, you were kneeding my back, and now it is like you are carressing my neck. You are truly practiced."
>>147313Now, Silver is kneeded, with rolls of fur accumulating near the top of his neck. She is directly over him, so Silver can simply look up to see her looking down, smiling at him.
"And you are truly a stallion. Filled with the accumulated years of tension and trouble. Let my hooves release it."
>>147314He smiles back at the nice mare.
"Heh, you must say that to all of your customers...but thank you. I will gladly let your hooves do their work."
>>147315"This back is... different. More scarred than most. All the same, it needs love and tenderness. Perhaps more than most."
She moves back down his back, doing a kneading motion of pressing into him, and making small rotations.
>>147316"Mmmmmaybe. I know it is loving this..."
>>147317"Then let it take my love." she says, moving lower, and lower, and lower down Silver's back
Silver resembles a puddle more than a pony at this point. His muscles in his back have turned to silly puddy, and his legs hang loosely across the ends of the massage table. His breathing is steady and sure, and in this moment his face is of pure bliss and relaxation.
>>147319She does not stop moving, and bending the puddy puddle pony to her will, still kneading along down his spine until very nearly his tail. Even when she reaches here, she moves down and gets off, and stretches out each hind leg, and begins work on his thighs.
>>147320Silver is a pony who has very rarely skipped a leg day in his life, and as such all of his legs, especially his hindlegs, are built like the thick bases of tree brances, or even tree trunks. Having to bear the burden of carrying the strong warrior unicorn on his adventures for these many long years have made his legs strong, and oh-so tense. When Mollis reaches a particularly tense knot in one of his tendons, its release produces such a powerful wave that for a few seconds the leg quivers and twitches before it relaxes. Silver himself lets out something between a moan and a groan.
"OOOOOHHHHHnnnng! Ahhhhh, that is spot...did not even know I had that there..."
>>147323All the same, she continues. Now, she's moved from a rubbing motion, to numerous light, successive taps, focusing on his left thigh.
>>147324All the same, he continues to groan with each little bit if stress her practiced hooves relieves. The unicorn truly finds this to be delightful.
>>147325Mollis gives a toothy smile, as if entertained, as she presses booth hooves in with some force against the muscles at the top of the thigh. And when this is done, she moves on to do the same to his right thigh.
>>147326He arches his back in response to her pressing against the top of his thigh. He has a look of almost orgasmic relief, though thankfully not actually, and lets out a deep-throated moan before he collapses against the table like soft jello.
>>147327She moves to the fore, and within Silver's (potential) line of vision, wearing a smile that looks almost playful. She starts on his left foreleg, first pulling it out and holding the end of his hoof, as if a lover.
>>147328Silver gives her a playful smile back, going along with the imagery of her holding his hoof.
"Oh my, this is all so sudden. I...I need to think this over for minute..."
>>147329She smiles back at him, then her hooves move further up Silver’s leg, then further up, pressing into with rotary movements every portion of Silver’s muscles.
>>147330"Oooooooo, just like that, that is just spot."
>>147331She lingers on that particular spot a bit longer, pressing on it with one hoof, then on the other side of his leg with the other, before moving along.
>>147332"This is heavenly...and this is only second part of our spa trip. It makes me wonder how this could be topped."
>>147333Mollis stops for a second, turns her head upwards and looks into Silver's eyes with her own medium red eyes, gives a small, tooth showing smile, makes a giggle: "heh heh," and then goes back to her work, higher on Silver's leg, now at the shoulders.
>>147335She moves on to Silver's right leg, rubbing his hoof, and then moving further up.
>>147336Silver wiggles his right hoof a little after she moves further up, enjoying the sensation of how limber this one part of his body.
>>147337She continues upward in a pressing and rotating motion. After some time, she has more or less completed Silver's body
>>147338"Mmm...is it safe to get up now, ma'am?"
>>147339"Yes. Of course." She answers, in her strange accent.
>>147340Silver stands up slowly, stretching his limbs. He feels limber, relaxed, and at ease. The only parts of him that have not been worked over by Mollis are his midsection and neck.
"I feel soooooo gooooooooood. I feel like I am 10 years younger!"
>>147342If she so instructs him, Silver will happily turn over to allow her to work on his midsection.
>>147350Spark wakes up at what seems to be shortly after the break of dawn, feeling surprisingly rested
>>147349Very well then. Silver looks to see how Jubilosa is progressing.
>>147352The young mare, Wellspring, is still sleeping on the couch. Makade is not visible. Nopony else has come down, at least not yet.
>>147353She is....
melted, laying there sprawled out with her left-hindleg twitching.
>>147354Spark goes looking for Makade.
>>147354Silver covers his mouth to stiffle a chuckle.
"Looks like
someone enjoyed their massage."
>>147355Spark does not find him behind him in the kitchen, or the dining room.... But rather finds him laying down, evidently having nodded off, at the top of the stairs, laying on his belly with his head between his two forelegs. The rifle is not visible.
Her leg twitches again
>>147357"I am kinda jealous, I have never made her melt like that in bedroom."
He gets up off of the table, stretching out a bit more.
"Ngh...feel so good. I hope you are still okay to experience next part of our spa trip."
>>147357Spark gently nudges the sleepy wolf.
>>147358"Hehehehe" This provokes a blush and a giggle from Mollis, and a hoof over the mouth from Sweet Dreams, who hides a smile.
"I'm okay" Jubilosa answers
>>147359As Spark goes up the stares, right at the final step, Makade's eyes open. Seeing Spark, he jumps up, and then pauses.
>>147360"Morning. Did you sleep well?"
>>147361“It was uneventful. So I’d say so.”
>>147360"Need any help getting up? I have not yet seen you show motor control..."
>>147362"That's good. So, what's the plan today?"
>>147364"I don't need to drive. Someone else can do that for me" She says absent mindedly as she tries to get up. Her claw slips, and she falls back onto her belly with an "umph," narrowly avoiding falling off of the table.
>>147365"Check in with Miskobag. And besides tthat, I will defer to you."
>>147366"Alright. Should we check up on everypony else and let them know about our guest?"
>>147367“I don’t believe there has been an successful home invasion. Perhaps we should check to be sure. Then again, I wouldn’t want to wake them. Rather, I’d prefer they come to us, and find out about your rescue that way.”
>>147368"I suppose. So, since we have a mostly free schedule, I was thinking we might pay a little return visit to that changeling squad. I figure that they will still be in the area and they might be questioning ponies for the whereabouts of a missing target."
>>147369“Which Changeling squad?” He asks
>>147370"The one that was looking for our guest and knocked on our door. Since this seems like a more personal matter, I don't think they have reported this to their superiors, as they suspect they can get away with it easier without waiting for response and too much interference."
>>147371“That Changeling? I don’t know. I suspect he will find us.”
>>147366"Wow, you must really have done excellent job with her!"
Silver decides that he should probably help her off the table.
>>147372"That's why it would be better to find him first, and make sure he doesn't come buzzing around here again."
>>147373He tugs on her foreleg, and when her hind legs slip off, she manages to catch herself on the floor. She is up, and ready to follow. Sweat Dreams, likewise, is ready to lead
>>147374This provokes something like a small smile.
"That is one way to handle it, yes."
>>147375"I'm not sure how best to find them, but I will assume they might be hanging out around the place our guest normally frequents."
>>147376She takes the two slightly down the hallway, and into a high room with beige walls, arches on the far side, and by the center, a raised tub with bubbling water.
>>147377"He may be around her usual route. That is, if he does not come here."
>>147378"I think they would prefer to operate at night. They might not have to worry about being caught, but they do have to worry about superiors that will want to maintain order over picking fights with the locals."
>>147379"It is." Sweet Dreams says. "We have several soaps and bubbling foams we can add as desired. Tell us how you would like the temperature."
>>147380"But their superior officers may side with them over the locals," Makade counters
>>147381"Indeed, which is why we need to act quickly, but I think it gives us a buffer from immediate action."
>>147382"Very well. Do you have a plan?"
>>147381"Hmm...I suppose close to body temperature, maybe little bit higher, if my Jubee agrees. Do you have any lavender soaps and foams?"
>>147384"I... believe so."
Jubilosa looks over to Silver
"Sure, we can try that."
>>147385Silver smiles at the mare.
"Just above body temperature, please. It is perfectly fine if you do not have lavender, just regular is okay."
>>147386"We'll make it so. Anything else you desire?"
>>147383"Not exactly. I only got so far as find the squad. Got any ideas?"
>>147388"No. I wouldn't recommend confronting them violently. Not out in the open. Not on their terms. And besides that, I do not know."
>>147387"I think we are fine. Oh, I would like to give my compliments to you and Mollis, your skills are only surpassed by your beauty."
>>147390"Heheh." She blushes, and smiles half-awkwardly. She breaks this expression to look over to Jubilosa after she says the following.
"Yes. I know. Can I get and drink a glass of wine?"
Sweet Dreams
"We don't have any in stock"
"I have a bottle set aside with my dress."
Sweet Dreams:
"We don't usually allow glass by the hottub"
"Maybe if there is a bowl or something?"
Sweet Dreams:
>>147391"You know, I have never heard of drinking wine from bowl. I know I am asking lot of you already, but are you
sure there is no way we can have bottle with us?"
>>147392"Well...." She looks a bit hesitant
"I suppose... maybe we could make an exception."
>>147393He smiles widely at her.
"Thank you so much, we owe you for this. So, do we just get in tub, or...?"
>>147394"Certainly, if you like. Let e go get the bubble bath. And the wine..."
She starts to walk out
Jubilosa looks down at the water, and touches the end of it with her claw.
>>147395Silver, in comparison, slowly lowers himself into the hot tub.
"Ahhhhh...this is nice. Come inside, my dove, water is nice and warm."
>>147396Jubilosa looks down at the water with awe, almost fear. If anything, she reminds Silver of the colts when he took them to the zoo some days ago, looking on impressed at strange and fearsome new creatures.
"I've never been in something like this before. With heated water."
Slowly, very slowly, she enters into the water after him, slowly immersing herself in it.
>>147397"When it is heated like this, near body temperature, being submerged in water is like being in womb. Nothing is more relaxing..."
He leans his head back, and enjoys the warm water.
>>147398She gets in, slowly, but lets it come up to her neck.
Sweet Dreams walks in, placing the bottle of wine down next to the tub. With that out of her mouth, she pulls a bottle off of her back.
"We didn't have a lavender bubble bath, but we do have oil, so it can be mixed in."
She starts pouring a second bottle in
>>147399Silver sinks in so that only his head is above water.
"Mmm, you are too good to us. Thank you, Sweet Dreams."
>>147400"No problem" She seems to say, though her words are muffled somewhat by a stick in her mouth as she uses it to mix a bottle, and then pours the contents of that into the bathtub. Swiftly, bubbles start to form in the water - stirred by jets of air blown into the heated water - and these form small mountains of bubbles that after a minute or so, cover much of the surface of the water.
>>147401Silver looks curiously towards where the jets are coming from.
>>147402From little outlets under the water. About four of them in total, two on each of the longer sides
>>147403Silver scoots over to sit in front of the nearest jet, letting the stream of bubbles hit his back.
"Ohhhhhhh, yeeeeeeaaaaaah..."
>>147404His back, so thoroughly rubbed and tendered by Mollis, is now hit with the jet of bubbles. Jubilosa now appears as just a beak poking through a pile of bubbles, with the end of her hind paw making contact with Silver under the water
>>147405Silver looks at the beak.
"Now, what are you doing, Jubee?"
The beak opens
"Laying. Floating."
Her hind leg moves upwards, and closer to the top of the water.
>>147407"Well, you have
got to try this, it is absolutely wonderful!"
>>147408“Try what.” She moves back, raising her head above the water, though it is now covered in part by bubbles, which nearly form an asymmetric wig.
>>147409Silver snickers at the sight.
"Sit in front of one of these jets."
>>147410Her expression is at first one of indifference, obliging Silver's request with no emotion. Until she sits in front of a jet. After that, her eyes and beak slowly open in childlike wonder, and she moves aside a wing to let it more firmly hit her back.
>>147411"See? It is amazing, is it not?"
>>147413Silver sits there, enjoying the massaging action of the jet before he gets an idea. He turns around, so as to be facing the jet rather than having his back turned towards it, and drapes his forelegs over the side of the hot tub.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that is eeeeeeven beeeetteeeer..."
>>147414Jubilosa moves over next to him, and with her extended claw, pulls the cork out of the wine bottle. She takes a drink directly out of the wine bottle.
>>147415"We have to get one of these if we ever get bigger house..."
He looks at his Jubee, mid-enjoying his bubble massage.
"May I have drink?"
bigger house?" She asks. She claws over the wine bottle
>>147417Silver takes the bottle in his magic, and has only a small drink before giving it back to Jubilosa.
"Yeah, bigger house. Like great big manor, or even castle."
>>147419Silver nods.
"Bit of stretch to aim for, but hey, I came from nothing when I arrived in Baltimare, I had nothing save for what I had on me. Now look where I am. I am living in nice house, with many great friends, and loving, caring marefriend."
>>147420"Marefriend?" She takes a moment to process this
>>147422"Oh. Hehe." She presses her head against him, nearly burying her head in his wet fur
>>147423The Silver pony holds onto his griffon tightly. He looks around at the room, to see if the pair are alone.
>>147424She is held tightly as Silver finds the two are indeed, alone.
>>147425"You know, there is benefit to all of these bubbles..."
He whispers in her ear.
"We can have some covert fun underneath them."
>>147426She smiles to him, and placed a foreleg around his neck
>>147427He smiles back mischeviously.
"I take it that is 'yes'?"
>>147428She comes in close, and whispers in his ear
>>147429Silver's smile widens. He turns back around to sit in the hot tub properly and kisses Jubilosa deeply and pashionately, pulling her onto a close embrace. Already she can feel how he and his Sword have gotten.
>>147430She moves perhaps a bit out of the way to avoid being poked, but she certainly leans into Silver's passionate embrace, tenderly kissing back. Her mouth tastes like wine.
>>147431Silver doesn't mind the taste in the slightest, taking it as part of the experience. He continues the kiss and the intimate exploration of each other's mouths for a minute, before breaking it to kiss at Jubilosa's neck. His forehooves move down the sides of her body to rest at her hips as best as they can.
Silver finds her hips, thin as they are, and further away down her lanky body. She does not speak to him, but instead pecks at him with more small kisses.
>>147433He grabs a hold of her hips firmly, and uses them to lift her up slightly and adjust her position in the hot tub. This is much easier in the water than it is normally. His horn also lights up, though Jubilosa can't see what it is he's doing, only that it's underwater whatever it is. When he lowers her again, she can feel something hot and firm press and squeeze between her thighs and agaonst her nethers.
>>147434For a moment she pauses, and her eyes light up. Then she resumes pecking at him, this time, more quickly. She lowers herself, or tries to, onto Silver.
>>147435She finds she lowers herself onto his shaft, as he's not yet ready to penetrate. Instead, he keeps a grip on her hips, sliding her back and forth along his length, the hot stallion flesh squeezing against her vulva with every motion.
>>147436She moves her beak away for a moment, "Hehehe," and looks into his eyes with her own.
>>147437He looks back into hers, enamored with the beautiful vision before him. He doesn't stop grinder against her length as he speaks.
"I can never stop telling you how gorgeous you are."
>>147438And she, for her part, moves back and forth in counter.
"Then continue telling me."
>>147439"In your eyes, I see all of mystery of Luna's nighttime skies, and stars that can surpass Her's in all of their beauty. Your body carries grace of feline, and your feathers surpass even eagles in their majesty. You are soft and supple to hold, but inside you are strong and fierce like lion."
He takes one of his forehooves to gently stroke her feathery cheek. He does not cease grinding her against his Sword as if she was a whetstone, wanting to get her nice and warmed up before proceeding.
>>147440“D’awwwww!” She moves in and hugs them with both legs. Down below, her body moves in closer as well, possibly taking away Silver’s freedom to move anywhere but deeper in.
>>147441He hugs his beautiful griffon date back with both of his forelegs. Using his magic, he manipulates the bubbles around them to form a nice visual cover for their deed. With as much freedom of movement as she allows, he gets the tip of his sword in position, pressing it against her warm, inviting opening.
>>147442Jubilosa increases her grip on his body with both of her forelegs. Silver's tip is already partly in her, and with a downward movement pressing her body against his, he is forced deeper in her, until his shaft, at least most of the upper parts of it, are surrounded on all sides
Silver leans his head back to take in the bliss of being inside his beloved Jubee. He swears to himself she's gotten better at taking him with each time they make love. He returns after a bit to looking at Jubilosa.
"I suppose you would like to take lead, this time?"
>>147444"Yes" She says, and with that she starts moving on Silver, up and down in slow motions. He moves in and now out a little more easily than in other times, no doubt helped by the warm water that surrounds both of them, and jets of air press water against them. Jubilosa tries to contain moans as she moves.
>>147445Silver contains his by kissing and moaning into her feathery neck. His Sword twitches and quivers inside of her, begging for more.
>>147446She gives him more, increasing the speed, and using the bottom of the tub to leverage her movements into short, rapid movements up and down a few inches, keeping most of his length inside her even on the upswings. With her beak, she pecks at the side of his muzzle, and his neck, and then simply presses her head against him to try to be further in his embrace
>>147447Silver obliges, holding her close and only giving her room to keep her movements up. She can feel as if their two beings are becoming one right there in the hot tub. He whispers in her ear.
"Yes, Jubee, I love you so much. Show me your love!"
>>147448With this, Jubilosa presses closer into him, moving her thin-furred, chest against his. And she moves him deeper into her, until she hits a limit and Silver can feel it.
>>147449Silver buries his face into her feathers and lets out a throaty groan. His Sword twitches like crazy against against her walls, and his tip quivers against the limit it has hit.
"Do not stop, keep going..."
>>147450"Ah... Ah"
She changes to moving further up, and further down in slower, but more deliberate movements. She pulls back from him far enough to stare into his. Then she moves faster, and Silver can feel her twitching inside, becoming tighter and then relaxing
>>147451Silver smiles at her climax, slides his forehooves back down to her hips, grips, and starts to slide her up and down on his stallionhood some more. He grunts a little with each motion, his breathing getting a little more unsteady with each stroke, as he gets steadily faster, and faster.
"Oh Jubee...I am close..."
>>147452She moves her claws lower on his chest, and grips him firmly. She moves her body further away, focusing her energy on what is below the water. And below the water she moves quickly, far, and with passion. Silver can feel her moving at first far away and then down low, and then moving closer, placing as much of him inside her as she can. Her insides twitch and contract, and then release again, as she makes rapid movements up and down, and then stops. Her grand wings, unfold, hitting the sides of the tub before rising above them, their majesty mired by foam and bubbles.
>>147453Silver was just hanging on by a thread before she started contracting again, but the force of her insides against his stallionhood are too much for him to hold back. Behind gritted teeth he lets out a deep moan as his cock releases, shooting white hot foal batter inside her with some force. Jubilosa feels herself getting filled rather quickly as he pumps his hips in rhythm to each cumshot. It feels like it lasts a lifetime, but in reality after a few short bursts it tapers off, his balls spent of this load. He relaxes and sinks a little into the tub, only his neck and head remaining above water, but he doesn't let go of his bevoled Jubee.
"I love you, my dove..."
>>147455She continues moving slowly and with deep breaths, but she’s at the end of her energy.
“I… I love you too.” She says with little breath
>>147456Silver holds his griffon tightly in the water. He is content to be still with her there, basking in the afterglow.
>>147457She leans in, and hugs him with both forelegs, pressing her head against his neck. Her wings move in, and she attempts to wrap them around him in a big, foamy blanket.
>>147458The unicorn is wrapped up in a foamy griffon blanket. He continues to hold his Jubee close, while using a foreleg to stroke and pet the back of her neck and what of her back he can reach. His breathing steadies, and in that moment, with just those two, Silver feels more at peace than he has in a long time.
>>147459She slowly relaxes, letting her body sort of rest over his, floating in the water, as she moves her head a little past his neck. The steams of bubbles and very warm water continue.
>>147460He looks sideways towards his date.
"I have to say, so far, this spa trip has been money well spent."
>>147461“Yes…. Well spent…” she says, still sounding kind of out of it.
>>147462"Heh, what do you know, I managed to make you melt like spa mares did to you."
>>147463“Heh. Maybe. The water helped.”
>>147464Silver smiles, and turns the pair around so that the water jet is primarily hitting Jubilosa.
She smiles at Silver’s switch, and at the movement of bubbles against her back. She extends her wings, perhaps so they don’t get in the way of the jets.
>>147466"I wonder if Sweet Dreams is coming to collect us, or if we just leave when we are ready to move on. I do not know what is next, but I am excited to find out."
Silver finds out. Behind him, near the entrance, is Sweet Dreams.
“Are you enjoying the hot tub?”
>>147468Silver looks behind him, a little surprised. He wonders how long she's been there.
"Oh! Very much so, thank you!"
>>147469“Do you… want to linger more?” She asks
>>147470Silver looks to his date for an answer.
>>147471“Maybe just a few more minutes” she says. She picks up the wine bottle, and takes a drink.
>>147472Silver smiles at Jubilosa, then at Sweet Dreams.
"Just few more minutes, if that is okay."
>>147473“Uh, alright.” She says, and starts to leave the room. If Jubilosa hasn’t removed herself from Silver, she does so now, and turns over to stretch out and relax.
>>147474Silver lets her, as he feels like doing much of the same.
"Ngh...this is life...does it make you feel even fancier, drinking wine while you are in hot tub?"
>>147475“Yes. Fancy. Fancy and most of all relaxed. It’s pleasant.”
>>147476"You do indeed look relaxed. More relaxed than I have ever seen you before."
>>147477“It’s good… leave all that trouble behind. And settle into the good life.”
>>147478"I can not agree more."
Silver leans his head back as he relaxes.
"It helps to have such wonderful person as lover."
>>147479“D’awwwww” she leans on him now, and places the back of one claw in his chest.
“And I’m so glad to have such a wonderful…
>>147480He smiles mischeviously, and places a hoof in the claw.
"I suppose I showed just how much
stallion I am just now."
>>147481“Yes… quite a stallion. You’ve aged like a very fine wine.”
>>147482"I am glad. You should have seen me in my youth, however. I could go on and on, all night long."
>>147483She smiles
“I’d have loved to. Of course I wasn’t there, and you’d be different… I am happy to be with you as you came to me.”
>>147484He looks at her, smiling subtly with a tear in his eye, and he hugs her tightly.
"You really are amazing, Jubee. I am glad I was able to save you that night."
>>147485“And I’m glad of that too. You’ve saved me from much… and maybe more than that. I… never want this to end, you know?”
>>147486"Me neither, my dove. Me neither..."
>>147487“But… should we go to the next section now?”
>>147488"Oh, well that?"
He smiles, and looks at her.
"That I suppose is good idea."
>>147489She slowly gets up, and starts to move out of the water
>>147490Silver does the same, placing his forehooves on the edge of the hot tub and using those to pull himself out of the water. Jubilosa can see he's still got his glorious Sword drawn thanks to the warm water. The air feels cold on it, though.
>>147491There is indeed a bit of contrast between the air and the water, with the air perhaps slightly cooler than normal, probably because of the night. Sweet Dreams stands at the doorway, smiling a bit awkwardly.
“And if there is any need to wash off bubbles, or anything, there is a small shower on the edge of the room.”
>>147492"Thank you, Sweet Dreams."
He smiles back at her.
"I am sorry if my comment earlier made you feel uncomfortable, one about your skill being surpassed by your beauty. I imagine every other weird creepy stallion that comes in here uses lines like that on you."
>>147493She tilts her head
“Uh….. it’s no problem.” She says
Jubilosa makes her way over to the little shower, figures out how to turn it on, and wastes no time in trying to wash herself, spreading her wings to facilitate this.
>>147494Silver trots over to the shower, waiting patiently for his turn after Jubilosa to quickly wash himself off.
>>147389"Hmm... I'll be thinking about it. But for now, we do need to check up on everypony."
>>147495She takes a small while, but when she is done, it’s Silver’s turn.
>>147498“Sure” he says
Petal does not give them the chance, walking out of the door at the end of the hall.
“Good morning.”
>>147499"Morning. Did you sleep well?"
>>147500“Yes. It was fairly eventful. The heater did stay on, even with the limited coal… how was your night? I hope the sofa was soft enough.”
>>147499The unicorn takes a bit less time, most of it dedicated to his thick fluffy coat, before he too is finished and is available to follow Sweet Dreams.
>>147502The two follow Sweet dreams until they find themselves in still another room, this one immediately opposite in the hallway from the message room. In there, he finds another pair of tables that are a bit lower to the ground, and Mollis standing there with a blow dryer
>>147501"Unfortunately it was eventful."
>>147505"We were visited by a new guest and a couple of problems she brought along with her. She has been tailed by some changelings and they knocked on the door last night looking for her. They gave up shortly after."
>>147507"Yes. We are going to take care of them soon enough."
>>147508"Take.... care of them?"
She still seems unsettled
>>147509"We have to make sure they don't come back here, or you will be in danger."
>>147510"Are you... are you sure you can... 'take care of them'? They arrest ponies for association with rebel activities, you know..."
>>147511"I'm sure. We will be safe."
>>147512"Oh... okay..." She says, not seeming entirely convinced. She presses a hoof against the wall, and uses it to guide her further down the hall, and past Spark. She says "Hi, Lyka. Did you sleep well?" To Makade, who responds
"Well enough" to her, and she makes her way to the stairs
>>147513Spark helps her.
"I don't mean to upset you, but these days, we have to do tough things in order to keep everypony safe."
>>147514“Safe? It’s very dangerous.” She goes down stairs
“Your new guest is still here?!”
>>147503Thankfully, by this time, Silver's Sword is once again sheathed because of the cooler open air.
"What is this room for?"
>>147518“Drying and coat care” Mollis says
>>147519Silver looks down at his winter coat.
"That sounds like excellent idea. Go ahead and direct us as you please."
I have a busy week this time, but I should be free Saturday
>>147190Iron's eyes snapped open at the invading pillow, soon taking off his head away from Cauldron's savannah-like chest to turn and face the intruder that attacked them on his back."I see the pillow bandito has decided to strike again!" he called out towards the general direction of the culprit.
I figured it was a pillow attack, but perhaps it was thrown on his face, which is why he tried opening his eyes first. >>147529>>147531>>147530The pillow bandito, seeing she has blown her cover, makes another attack; Iron has exposed her face. She swings.
But as she does so, she loses balance, let’s go of the pillow, and collapses onto the bed with a “squeaky.”
>>147531>>147530>>147532Iron greatly took advantage of it, deciding to slip out of Cauldron's body to pin the dastardly villain down properly with his legs this time in order to catch the culprit and finally end the harrowing streak of ruined sleepovers.
>>147533Is this the final, inglorious end of the pillow bandito? Roll for to find out.
[1d20-1 = 13] >>147534[1d20+14 = 34]<Grapple (+5 from Strength. +4 for Improved Grapple)
>>147535SqueakyAfter carving a path of destruction for a quarter of an hour, and several daring escapes and evading capture, the terror wrought by the pillow bandito is finally, and decisively, at its end.
Iron now has an additional fairly large and rather fluffy pillow at his disposal.
>>147536"You're under arrest, pillow bandito," Iron dramatically told her new 'captive', staring down with a comically overexaggerated noir detective stare. "You're going to sleep in pillow jail for a good while, you fluffly mare."
He took a watchful glance towards Cauldron, mostly just to check on how she's feeling after having pinned another mare down on her bed. "I'm sorry you had to witness such a tragic attack, miss," he soon offered in an attempt to 'calm her down' from such a
traumatic experience. >>147537White Sands hisses, literally, at her new captivity, but there isn’t much she can do beneath Iron’s hold. Woe to the vanquished.
Black Cauldron looks at this scene confused and amused, watching on.
>>147538Iron did the most logical choice he could've in such a drastic display of struggle: Give the mare a good, long hug with his forelegs to calm her down. "You should've thought twice about your career choice before swinging those pillows around, fluffy mare," his serious act declared, juxtaposing with his rather kind hearted gestured. "Now you must endure the consequences of your actions for the rest of your days."
He accentuated his hug with a friendly nuzzled on her neck, just to 'pacify the suspect' even more.
>>147539This placates the mare a bit, calming her down. She even closes her eyes and seems to purr towards the end.
>>147540After a little more nuzzling, Iron decided to stop and give her a sheepish smile, deciding to finally drop the act and look over at Cauldron. "Pillow fights are much more intense than I expected," he admitted before exhaling lightly, somewhat spent.
>>147541White Sands turns around, and presses herself into Iron, with her eye lids closed.
Black Cauldron looks a little displeased at Iron. She answers
>>147542Iron tilted his head softly, deciding to give Sands an idle stroke of her mane while shuffling just a bit closer to Cauldron while also allowing Sands to slip out of his grasp if she so wished. "You do not sound like you enjoyed it," he pointed out with a soft pout. "I did not go too far again, did I?"
>>147543White Sands moves her head just a bit closer. Black Cauldron still looks suspiciously over at the two.
Continuing the pattern, Iron continues to stroke Sands' mane while shuffling further towards Cauldron and extending a hoof towards her in an attempt to softly stroke her rougher mane in tow.
>>147545She has an almost scrunchy expression. Nevertheless, she lowers her head.
>>147546And with that, Iron had finally increased his counter of simultaneous mare mane stroking (SMMS) from one to two!
He made sure to go far gentler on the rougher terrain that was Cauldron's mane while effortlessly sliding through Sands' smooth, bountiful hairs.
Once again, he shuffled ever more closer again and would continue to do so until either mare told him to stop or he'd be right next to the currently scrunching mare.
I can’t wait to see what happens with the new pony and all.
There's going to be a lot of floof to groom.
>>147574Damn right
>>147547Iron cones so close, he may be in danger of a nose-boop on Cauldron.
White Sands cones in closer to Iron as well.
>>147579I think we left off with Madake's parents waking up.
>>147514"That's okay..." She says, and walks slowly down the stairs until she reaches the bottom and turns into the living room.
"Is this... is this your 'guest'? She looks like a mare. Is she a mare though?"
At this point, Wellspring begins to wake up.
>>147582"Fairly certain, but whatever the case might be, changelings are searching for her."
>>147583Wellspring opens her eyes, and sits up. She unambiguously glistens in the morning light.
Petal: "Are you... sure she's not a changeling?"
>>147584"I can't rule it out, but it doesn't matter right now."
>>147585“Oh, uh… sure…” Petal turns to Wellspring.
“What’s your name, young miss?”
Petal starts to ask Wellspring a set of questions about how she came to be there that more or less tells Petal what Spark already knows, before Petsl asks “are you hungry?” And goes off to the kitchen, still occasionally asking questions from this adjacent room. Wellspring sits up, still partly covering herself in the bedsheets.
>>147586Spark looks over to her.
"I don't want to overwhelm you, but I need a couple of things answered too before I can properly help you."
>>147587She turns her head, and her big steel blue eyes over to Spark
“… Yes…?
>>147588"How long has this been going on?"
>>147589“I think…. Two months, maybe? I’ve seen him around for longer than that. I don’t know. It’s gotten much worse in the last few weeks.”
>>147590"So, they have been chasing you and you have successfully ran from them for weeks if not months?"
>>147591“He hasn’t been chasing me so much as, well, pressuring me and stalking me. The chasing… there was a group of them. That began a couple days ago.”
>>147592"Did they demand something before they started chase or did you simply read the situation?"
>>147593“Yes… there was a group. But he was in it. It was over the Love extractions. That’s why they were there.”
>>147594"Did they mention any specifics?"
>>147595“Well, yes. Sort of. They claimed they were there under some sort of general authority of members of the garrison to extract love. My love.”
>>147596"Well, that complicates some things. How big is the garrison here?"
>>147597“I don’t know. They have soldiers stationed transportation and industrial sectors. And who knows how many of them don’t wear uniforms, but try to blend in with the ponies.”
>>147598"Well, it seems you can't really continue living here. I don't suppose you would be interested in leaving the city?"
>>147599“I… I’d like to get some things first but… I’m not sure what would be better.”
>>147600"I can get your things. What do you need?"
>>147601“There’s…. Well… I know what I need and where it is located. Can you… maybe escort me?”
>>147603“Okay… thank you… I don’t think he will like me traveling with a stallion, but…”
She does not complete her sentence
>>147604"You are already in danger. Him being upset at my presence won't effect too much. May I know what it is that we are looking for?"
>>147605“Well it’s, you know, clothing. Personal items….”
>>147607“Well… my actual apartment… is in Bluefield. I think it’s several miles from here? I’m not really sure where I am.”
>>147608"Don't worry. We are new around here as well. You are in good company."
>>147609“Okay. Good. And thank you.” She says
>>147610"I'll have to consult the doctor to see if he knows where Bluefield is."
>>147611"Okay." She says, more assured now.
The doctor is laying on his back, mouth open, still sleeping. He isn't quite "snoring" in the strict sense, but he isn't quiet either.
>>147613His eyes jump open, and he bolts up
"What? No. I didn't do anything!"
He says, startled
>>147615"Wha? Oh. Uh... Good morning."
>>147616"We may have breakfast cooking and we may need to know how to get to Bluefield. Heard of it?"
>>147617“Yes, it’s a neighborhood in the Northwest, sort of near the river. Not that far west though. Still on the east snd Whinnyapolis side of the river.”
>>147618"We will have to head over there and grab a few things for our new guest."
>>147619“New guest?” He looks up confused, though perhaps less so when his eyes move over towards Wellspring.
>>147620"We had some visitors knock on the door last night."
>>147579Iron's smile widened just a bit, dedicating one foreleg for each mare as he continued to stroke both mares' manes simultaneously and hopefully rub his short coat against the mares to his sides to add an extra bit of comfort for them.
He boldly yet carefully rested his head against Cauldron's neck with a happy smile, closing his eyes a bit just to enjoy the moment they were spending together.
>>147621"I see that... Uh, who is she and why is she here, exactly?" He answers, looking over at Wellspring
>>147622Black Cauldron emits a small grumble, while White Sands moves in and seems to purr. The latter's eyes are closed.
>>147624"Changeling patrols are chasing her."
>>147625His eyes widen, and he says the following with more than a bit of fear:
"Then why did you bring her here?! Now they may come after all of us"
>>147626"Because she was outside the house and if they found her there, they likely would have thought we were hiding her. They have no direct proof of her even being here, so we are in the clear for now."
>>147627“Uh… okay…” he says
He looks over to Wellsping
“Uh, hi. What’s your name?”
“That’s a pretty name. Mine is Faithful Oath.”
Over in the kitchen, Petal has started cooking, while Ply Press is coming down the stairs into the living room.
>>147624Iron couldn't help but stifle a little chuckle at Cauldron's grumbling, breathing contently on Cauldron's chest as he relished every second of his combined petting onslaught against the two mares currently sandwiching him in. "I like your mane," he offered the grumpy zebra mare with an innocent smile.
>>147629“Thanks.” Black Cauldron does seem to smile at this compliment, and almost laughs with a “heh.”
>>147630Mission accomplished.
Knowing Iron was clear to go for the time being, all he did was to pet and stroke both mares' heads and manes respectively, trying to both get accostumed to splitting his attention between the two plus let themselves get more physically intimate with him and eachother.
He'd continue to indulge in his real-life fantasy he's just achieved, always keeping a watchful yet serene eye on the two mares' mood and wellbeing, ready to soften them up with some lighthearted quip.
>>147628Spark waves hello to Ply Press.
>>147631White Sands seems as if she is about to fall asleep. At least, she is laying down next to Iron with her eyes closed, and if she makes any noise at all it's cat-like purring sound. She has placed a foreleg overtop of Iron, almost like he's a pillow, or Ursa bear.
Black Cauldron, by contrast, keeps her eyes open and directed at Iron, and not often smiling.
>>147632He comes down the stairs, wearing Winchilla slippers.
"Good Morning."
He turns his head to Wellspring
"You brought a
mare" he says
>>147633"A surprise guest even for us."
>>147633Iron was thankful he didn't have to worry much about Sands, and he figured she wouldn't try to nab his attention after getting her on the bed with Cauldron included.
Speaking of, the native soon looked up to her with a sheepish smile, unintentionally ruffling her rough chest with his cheek to accomodate for it. "I have got to say," Iron uttered, still carrying on his petting for both mares with a satisfied smile "pillow fights really take the air out of one's body."
>>147634"Oh..." He goes over to Wellspring, and starts talking to her; questions like "What brings you here?"
Waabishki walks down the stairs slowly, looking tired.
>>147635"Is that what has happened? You're done in by a pillow fight?" Black Cauldron asks.
>>147636"It was hard to find Sands in her hiding spots," Iron relayed to the striped mare, blushing ever so slightly at her incredulity "plus your swings were no joke and I still have not fully recovered."
>>147637Black Cauldron scrunches
"So, you want to sleep now?"
>>147636Spark waves to Waabishki.
>>147638Iron couldn't help but tilt his head at the scrunching, starting to feel there was actually something wrong about... something. "I figured it would be a good activity to end the night," he uttered softly, looking up at Cauldron with a softened look, smile waning just a little bit.
>>147639She enters the room wordlessly, but she does look over to Spark, and he can see that her eyes are heavy and black. She slowly walks through the living room, past Wellspring and Ply Press, and past Makade, who watches her. She starts to enter the kitchen, where now the doctor has positioned himself (evidently preparing a drink of some sort), and she goes up to Petal, to whom she says her first words of the day:
"May I have some water?"
>>147640"Sure." She says
"This... won't be the last night. Right?"
>>147641Oh, Iron thought to himself, realizing why she was so disappointed and grumpy.
He had the time to think this through, thankfully. His heart egged him to stay just one more night to ensure all his wounds were healed before setting off for a long time while his mind reminded him he shouldn't make any promises he knew he couldn't keep.
Nonetheless, the native looked up to Cauldron with a confident smile, puffing his bandaged chest out to exhude a sense of control over his situation. "It will not," he swiftly declared. "I will make sure of it."
>>147642"Will you come back to me?" She asks, nearly sounding afraid
>>147643"I will," Iron dutifully replied, continuing to pet both mares' manes with utter devotion and fueled by Cauldron's fear of losing him. "Nothing shall stop me from being with you once again."
>>147644"Okay..." with this, she moves closer, and places a foreleg over him, then she tries to get another foreleg under him, and tries to move a hind over his lower section. She moves her muzzle over top of his muzzle, face, and a portion of his head, trying to keep him close.
>>147646"Sure" Petal says to Waabishki, and she pours water for her. Waabishki drinks, and then starts on her way back out.
>>147645Iron, of course, allowed himself to be practically held by Cauldron through facilitating her positioning, nuzzling her exposed nape when she was done. His heavy heart thumped firmly against his chest, sharing his beat wit hers as he sunk himself into her savannah. He felt himself ready to face the eventual challenge of hiring help, picking out a spot to lure the kill squads to and keeping a stock of health potions to maximize his efficiency: It was going to be long and ardurous, but he'll
do it!He'll do it for the mares he loves, no matter how much he has to sacrifice. He'll be there for them. He has to.
>>147647“Maybe we should take a few more minutes to rest.”
>>147648Black Cauldron nuzzles him from her position
"Do what you feel you need to. Breakfast will be ready when you are ready."
>>147650Feeling her nuzzling against the top of his head, the foreleg he was previously using to simply pet her mane soon slid down a bit past her withers to give her a much needed hug to tell him that he was still with her, alive and breathing, as the fatigue started to grip onto him once again.
>>147650Spark grabs something to eat.
>>147652Unless Spark is getting cereal (possible), Petal's meal isn't
quite ready yet.
"I hope you don't mind if it's a bit heavy. I'm making a hot dish, since you'll be on your way pretty soon, and I wouldn't want you to go on an empty stomach, or get hungry anytime soon."
>>147651"So you.... want to sleep now?" She asks him
>>147653"I should..." Iron uttered, sounding quite sleepy "but I know you want me to stay awake like this for a few more moments together. My heart cannot help but try to comfort you for as long as you need to."
>>147653“Thank you. You are the kindest pony I ever met.”
Spark waits for the cooking.
>>147654"That's okay. I know you need it. Just... some time. Show me loving like you did before. Like earlier."
>>147655"D'aww. Just helping out our guests."
When she is done, she presents a meal based in potato, carrots, onions, and cream of mushroom. She also provides toast with strawberry and apricot jam. For the two wolves, she again has baked salmon. To go along with this is apple juice, milk, and a few fruit like pears and strawberries.
"Sorry... we're out of coffee and sugar." She apologizes, as she prepares the table
>>147656"It is a date," Iron playfully replied, lazily kissing Cauldron's snout before going back to nuzzle her neck.
>>147657"Hehehe" She giggles and smiles, tugging on Iron's neck with both of her forelegs wrapped around him in a hug.
>>147658Iron couldn't help but chuckle along slightly, tightening his hug with Cauldron back in turn, enjoying the moment while his other hoof slowly but surely halted its constant petting and instead wrapped itself around Sands' shoulders.
Such a warm hug from both the worried zebra and the self-interested unicorn started to really lull the native into a peaceful slumber, meaning if the former wanted him awake for a bit longer, she'd have to shake him awake slightly.
>>147659It's definitely more of a lunch meal, and frankly a dinner meal, but it suffices. Cream, mushroom, potato and vegetables, besides all of the fruit, fruit juice, and fruit jam.
The doctor comes in, as does Ply Press, Petal, an observant Makade, a very tired looking Waabishki, and finally, a cautious Wellspring, who sits next to Spark at the dinner table. The table itself requires more chairs to be placed, and creatures to sit closer together.
>>147660There's a purr from White Sands, and a brief frown from Black Cauldron that is replaced with a smile when he comes closer to her. A chill air comes over Iron, like a sudden draft that has seeped its way in from the winter outside.
>>147661Spark listens to the conversations around the table.
>>147661Iron couldn't help but shiver lightly at the feeling, wondering if it had any deeper meaning that he should be wary for. "...chilly," he absentmindedly uttered, disturbed slightly from the sudden intrusion but still on the verge of passing out.
>>147662Ply Press and Petal make small talk about the meal and events around them, and then try to ask questions of Wellspring and Waabishki. When both are mostly silent and closed, they talk with the Doctor, who is more familiar with Whinnyapolis and more open.
>>147663"Need to get under the covers?" Black Cauldron asks
>>147664Iron couldn't help but pull both mares a little closer to him instead in an attempt to stave off the elements, mumbling something intelligible in turn. As far as Cauldron knew, that might've been a yes.
>>147665White Sands is a little on the cooler side, but Black Cauldron is warm. She asks him directly:
“Yes? Or a blanket?”
>>147664Spark interjects a question when the conversation stops.
“So, what should we expect in Bluefield?”
>>147666"Mhm," Iron slowly and tiredly muttered, hoping that chilly feeling could go away so he could sleep in peace. However, deep down he thought it might be telling him that trouble was approaching, considering his propensity to dislike it plus all that vision stuff that told their death.
Needless to say, the native was a little creeped out.
>>147668Black Cauldron tries to pull down the covers under Iron, and then over
>>147667Wellspring looks over to Spark
"An apartment. And maybe a drone patrolling around there. Maybe many."
>>147669“I see. Why so many there?”
>>147670"There may only be the one... but he could have friends, or whatever Changelings have. Brothers, I suppose."
>>147669Iron would shuffle a bit to help Cauldron slide the covers from under him to over him, hoping that all three ponies were neatly tucked in the cozy warmth of the bed in order to finally rid himself of those pesky chills.
>>147672Black Cauldron places herself under the covers, while White Sands, not getting up, uses her magic pull the covers over her, and even pulls some away from Black Cauldron, who loses no time in pulling them back her way.
>>147673In response to the little tug of war, Iron decided to ensure the two mares were as close to him as possible so that they could both have plenty of bedsheets to cover themselves with, giving both of them a tired nuzzle on both of their cheeks with something along the lines of no fighting, only slurred and almost undiscernible.
>>147674With the bed being fairly small and not really made to fit three ponies, moving the two mares closer together doesn't bring much resistance, given there wasn't all that much room to either side. White Sands, noiselessly accepts, and places a hoof around him, with her eyes closed and a bright smile on her face.
>>147675The creatures finish up their meal. Makade gets Waabishki talking a bit, and she finally starts to eat.
>>147676Now that hit the spot. Iron exhaled softly, now feeling the combined hugs from both Cauldron and Sands at once.
Surely the two mares would simply come together from their conjoined like for him, right?
>>147677Hard to say. Iron separates the two, and White Sands generally feigns sleep (or maybe she actually has fallen asleep. Hard to tell).
>>147678So long as the two mares were actively hugging him, Iron would have little problems with that arrangement. More likely than not, they'll find common ground due to their shared background as mob grunts. He'll simplt has to mediate their affairs and provide support whenever needed for their friendship to finally blossom.
>>147676Spark thinks about how he is going to be able to sneak to an apartment unseen.
>>147679For the moment.... not so much
>>147680And now, later in the morning, Spark is ready
>>147681Iron exhaled softly through his nostrils, slowly creaking a spying eye to confirm he was indeed being hugged by both mares right now. He didn't really have the energy to wake back up again and stop this silly quarrel.
>>147681"I don't suppose you know a good way to get over to Bluefield, Wellspring?"
>>147520Mollis and Sweet Dreams direct their respective creatures to stand in a certain location.
"First, dry"
She holds up a blow dryer, and attempts to dry Silver Sword
>>147685Silver tries to help direct her in how to dry just how much floof he has.
>>147686Silver's floof starts to expand and spread out as it is warmed, and Mollis seems to have a hard time with it. Meanwhile, Sweet Dreams is making nice progress on the short-furred Jubilosa
>>147704"Ah, this feels nice. You are doing just fine, Mollis."
>>147705She makes a strained smile, and continues on blow drying. Sweet Dreams, after some time, moves on from drying to brushing, while Mollis is still bogged down.
>>147708"If you need me to assist, I am more than happy to, Mollis."
>>147709“I wrought wris.” She says, with a blow dryer in her mouth, still attempting to subdue the unruly mountains of fur.
>>147710It's almost like its own little world, all of that fur and fluff. Silver could make kirins jealous.
>>147711Sweet Dreams, carefully brushing Jubilosa, takes done pity on Mollis, and gives her the other blow dryer to help her. Now, Mollis slogs on with two dryers.
>>147713Silver does wish he could help her in some capacity, feeling bad for how much work this is.
>>147714After the passage of more time still, Mollis finishes drying. The drying, however, has unleashed a forest of thick, unruly fluff. She takes out a brush, and then, deciding that brush won't suffice, takes another, larger one. She presses this into Silver's fur, and it becomes caught. She tries to pull it out, perhaps with some pain to Silver, and after finally succeeding, leaves the room. She comes back with an even bigger brush, which she just manages to comb through Silver's fur.
>>147715Silver, who hardly reacted to the pain, is sufficiently impressed by the size of the brush.
"Celestia, how many times do you have to lug
that thing out here?"
>>147716"It's for polar bears, when we get them." She answers, using both hooves and the weight of the front of her body to force it in downward strokes.
>>147717"Huh. I guess my fur is like that of polar bears, then."
>>147719"It's... ugh... You have a lot" She says, continuing with these downward movements, combing out the fur.
To her dismay, a decent amount of fur remains in the brush, and she has to stop to clean it.
Over on the other side, Sweet Dreams is combing through individual feathers.
>>147720"It is my winter coat, though I will be honest, when it is being dried and combed like this, it occurs to me that I really do have lot of fur..."
>>147721"So... much...
fluff" Mollis says to herself, trying to comb through the fur, pressing both hooves down
>>147723"I...." She seems nervous, or even scared. The brush almost is caught in the fur.
>>147724Silver gives her a kind, apologetic look.
"You have done so well already. Please, let me help."
>>147725From her lips she whispers a name. It’s a whisper like how an old rural grandmother whispers the name of some monster of legend, be it some great villain of yesteryear, whose evil deeds grow with every retelling, or a supernatural creature of horror whose traits grow more chilling with each new version. And it is indeed a tale that has been retold many times, impressing itself upon the collective memory of rural towns and villages for generations or centuries, quickly passing into myth. Perhaps Mollis recalls such a legend from the low flood plains from whence she came in far off Zebrica, spoken to her by an elder when she was but a filly. Perhaps a new legend is born now that will be recalled for generations to come within the tenements of Baltimare. For with fear and trembling she utters:
>>147726The extremely floofy unicorn, for his part, just gives her a look of confusion.
>>147727She slowly lies down on the floor, and curls up
>>147728Silver looks to Sweet Dreams, hoping for an answer.
>>147729Sweet Dreams looks over to Jubilosa, who lies like a cat on her bed.
"Do you mind if I help her, for a minute?"
Somewhat relunctant, Jubilosa agrees
Sweet Dreams walks over, and picks up the brush
>>147730"Do you know anything about this 'Alzughab' she mentioned?"
>>147731“No.” She says, placing the brush in Silver’s fur, snd trying to brush with one hoof, but encountering much the same difficulty Mollis did
>>147732"Ehm...do you need assistance, as well?"
>>147734Silver attempts to use his magic to assist in the brushing of his fur, whether by untangling his fur from the brush or by helping in pushing it.
>>147735She tries to press it down, using her weight as leverage, as Mollis had. Mollis recovers after perhaps a minute, standing up, and trying to take the brush. She is a bit reluctant. Silver has some difficulty seeing being himself, naturally,
>>147736Regardless, Silver does his best to assist the pair wherever he can.
>>147737Mollis takes back over the process, brushing the long, thick fur. She completes the main portion of Silver's longer fur, and moves onto his head and lower legs, bringing a smaller brush that she attaches to her hoof. Sweet Dreams goes back to Jubilosa
>>147738"So...what is this 'Alzughab' thing that made you break down?"
>>147739"Don't" She shivers "don't mention it." She brushes his fluff on his head, neck, tail, and rump.
>>147740"O...kay." Silver stays a good boy, and lets her do her job.
>>147741She finishes brushing her coat after some time, and Sweet Dreams, over on the other table, is well into trimming Jubilosa's coat, and even manicuring her claws.
"I uh... I can trim your coat. If you like. I do not specialize in it. Normally another pony does that, but I can trim the edges." She says in her strange ancent.
>>147742Silver smiles at her.
"I would not object, if you wished to do so."
>>147743She smiles to him, although her smile is a bit awkward. She brings in comb, and a set of scissors.
"How do you want it trimmed?" She asks
>>147744"Hmm...you know, I do not know. It is not very often I am asked that. Why not have you decide what would look good on me? Surprise me."
>>147745"Heh" She gives a small, toothy small that implies nervousness.
"Minor trim" She says, combig and feeling around, and cutting off small pieces of fur, focusing on areas like around his shoulders, or where the neck meets the head.
>>147746Silver, for his part, relaxes and lets her do her thing, trusting in her abilities.
>>147747She cuts a few more areas, and takes a pause in areas with scars along Silver's back. She moves back, and cuts around Silver's tail and hindleg knees. She stops and comes back to in front of Silver
"Do you want more? A hooficure, perhaps?"
>>147748"Ohhh...I suppose why not. I
did say I wanted to try something new, here."
>>147749She smiles, and says to Silver
"Let me take your hoof"
She picks up Silver's left hoof and holds it in hers, examining it. If Silver has horseshoes, she takes the time to remove them herself, and then takes a file, and starts to file down the edges, using a chisel if necessary on damaged sections.
>>147750"Oooo, that feels funny, but nice. I do not think my hoof has been treated quite this well, before."
>>147751She looks up to Silver, smiles, and then continues filing away at the edges in a nearly sawing motion.
>>147752This definitely makes for a very relaxed Silver, whose hooves start looking better than new in no time.
>>147753She moves over to the right hoof, taking off the shoe on that one as well. Any injuries or deformations Silver's recent adventures have put in his hooves, she tries to smooth over.
>>147754Indeed they have been injured and deformed, with the constant running, stumbing, and combat they've seen, but Mollis is able to make quick work of them.
>>147755She takes wide movements sawing back and forth with the file, in what doesn't seem to be the most delicate process. Sweet Dreams moves more slowly in her comparable work on Jubilosa, as it seems she requires less work than Silver. Mollis moves back and pulls Silver's left hind leg forward, starting the work on that hoof.
>>147756"Mmm...this must be what rich ponies feel like."
>>147757There's "zack zack" sounds as Mollis saws away at Silver's hind hoof, and then moves off to the fourth and final hoof, completing that one too after some minutes.
She comes back in front of Silver
"Well, that's all that is planned? Anything else you need, or want, or feel like?" She smiles at him
>>147758"Hmm...well, what else do you offer?"
>>147759"That's... all on your package, as I understand it" She says, still smiling.
>>147760"And there is nothing else to add to it, or another package level higher?"
>>147761"Well, if... that's all you want. Sweet Dreams and I are the only ponies still here to serve you."
>>147762"Well, I can think of many things I would want. It depends on what you are offering."
>>147763"Heh, we don't have alcohol. Just wanted to see if there were anything else we could do for you at the end of your night's experience."
>>147764Silver looks to Jubilosa for any ideas.
>>147765Sweet Dreams has resumed a massage around Jubilosa’s neck area, and she seems kind of out of it
>>147766"I do not know. I know you two do not want to be here forever, but it seems shame to leave two beautiful mares such as you."
>>147767She moves her head to the side in a blush, and bats a hoof at him.
>>147768"Are you
sure there is nothing else you two can offer?"
>>147769“We can grant requests. Within reason, of course.” She says, smiling and looking into Silver’s eyes with her own brown eyes.
>>147770"Well, we would have to ask my grifffriend, but...what are you open to?"
>>147771She has a sly expression on her face, with eyes half-lidded and am emboldened smile.
Well… So here’s the thing. It’s a little late at night and both Sweet Dreams and I are a
little over our normal hours. So… If you want more time here with us - don’t get me wrong, I am here to please. Just, a little bit of a bigger tip. I’m willing to bend the rules. Maybe your girlfriend can get another message? Maybe we can even find more alcohol?”
>>147772He gets a similar expression, almost purring at her suggestion.
"Oh, I can offer you a bigger tip."
>>147773She comes in closer to him, until her muzzle is maybe six inches from his.
“How big are we talking about?” The word “about” is broken into two by her accent
>>147775Mollis has a closed-lipped smile, and she places a hoof on Silver's shoulder
"Ask your girlfriend. We can do most anything to make you and her happy, to make this the best experience possible, so long as you don't mind paying for it."
>>147776He nods, and turns to his grifffriend.
"Oh, Jubee?"
>>147777"Yes, Silver?" She looks over at Silver. Sweet Dreams is rubbing her neck and shoulders
>>147778"Mollis has an idea for something
special for us, and I wondered what you thought of it."
>>147779Silver's voice is quite suggestive.
>>147779>>147780"Hmmm? What is it?"
She seems just a little bit intoxicated
>>147781He leans over, and whispers to her.
"Well...have you ever wondered what it would be like to be with female?"
>>147782She blinks
"What? Like... sexually?"
>>147784"I... I haven't?" She says
>>147785"Well...today is for trying new things. What do you say, my dove?"
>>147787"Besides...it is rather exciting, is it not? Perhaps little...dirty?"
>>147788"Perhaps." She smiles
"What do you have in mind?"
>>147789He smiles back.
"Well, if I understand this beautiful mare correctly, they can offer us each
special treatment in exchange for larger tip. What do you say, my beautiful Jubee?"
>>147791He smiles back to Mollis.
"We will take it."
>>147792She smiles to him
"First... if you wouldn't mind... the tip." She says
>>147793"I do not mind at all. How much for us both?"
>>147794“Well… depending on what you want… and whether Sweet Dreams will be involved… for, say, maybe 400 bits I will do whatever you want. But for less… I’ll do less. And Sweet Dreams, she will want something too…”
>>147795"Hmm...and for both of you, anything we want?"
>>147796“Well… I think I’ve phrased this all a bit badly. Let me clarify. We are done for the night, and are free to do as we want afterwards. We are not selling any services. I am just requesting a tip, humbly requesting, for what is already done. But… I think, if you left at least four hundred for each of us, we’d be very grateful. I can’t speak for Sweet Dreams, but I
know I would.”
>>147797Silver looks through his bags, and pulls out 800 Bits. He looks at it for a minute, knowing that it's
technically not his money to spend...but then again, a chance like this doesn't arrive every day. He gives each of them 400 Bits.
"Here's your tips, for such a wonderful job you two have done for me and my grifffriend tonight."
>>147798Sweet Dreams smiles awkwardly at Silver, still rubbing on Jubilosa neck, and looking like she’s about to move overtop of her. Mollis comes to Silver’s side, taking the money out of his hoof. Mollis starts to take the bands holding up her mane, and let’s her long, black mane fall down, while starting to wrap the band around her tail.
>>147799"So, Ms. Mollis, would you and Ms. Sweet Dreams like to...have some
fun with Jubee and I tonight? I believe there is one more 'tip' I can give you in exchange."
>>147800Mollis finishes wrapping up her tail, and places her mane off to her right side, where it flows down in a long, black sheet. She smiles with confidence and half lidded eyes back to Silver.
"I'm ready for some fun. And I most certainly don't mind spending my time with you. Let's see what you've got."
>>147801Silver sits up, takes a hold of Mollis' hooves, leans forward, and kisses her deeply.
>>147802Mollis meets Silver's hooves with both of her own, holding his. She turns her head to truly lock mouth with his. She breathes into his mouth with hot, moist breath, and lightly presses her tongue against his. Her mouth is rather warm, and soft, as is the touch of her hooves.
Mollis can taste a bit of the wine he had earlier, as his tongue dances with hers and saliva is swapped between them. Silver almost has to readjust as he hasn't kissed a pony in a while, but he hasn't gotten completely rusty, and is still quite capable of giving her a deep, passionate Aquileian kiss.
>>147804She closes her lips together and then opens them in a motion against Silver's lips. She rubs her tongue with his, moving it around his.
>>147805Silver slowly places Mollis down on the table, standing over her while he continues to make love to the beautiful mare. He moans into her mouth as she feels something poke against her thigh, and quickly grow and slide up along her lower barrel.
>>147683“If you don’t want to take the streetcar or walk… I’m not sure.”
>>147807“I mean if there is a better way there that might avoid being stopped or spotted.”
>>147809“Well… I guess we will just try and hope for the best.”
>>147811Spark will probably take the wolves, the doctor, and Wellspring.
>>147812Then spark is (presumably) about ready
>>147813Spark motions to his friends and heads out the door.
>>147814The Doctor
“Oh, we are going to visit an apartment?”
>>147815"I believe that is where Wellspring said her things were."
>>147816“Are we….” His ears flop down. “This is a simple go there and get something? Right? Right?”
>>147806As Silver engage's Mollis's mouth further, she moves a hoof back, to untie, and then remove the white, saddle-like cloak from the back of her body. As Silver leans her back, and leads her onto the table, she places a foreleg around Silver, letting herself hang from him as he positions her beneath him. Leaning, and then laying on the table, she looks up to Silver with her dark brown eyes and long black mane, held in place in part by the lone black band not transferred to her tail.
But as Silver moves against her, she leans her head up, and looks down on Silver's underside. Her eyes widen with an expression of near-fear like her experience with the comb before
>>147819He grins at her with deep mischeviousness.
did say it was big tip."
She looks over her own belly and under Silver for a few moments longer. Then she turns her eyes back up in an uncertain expression, and places a hoof up, on Silver chest
"Just... One minute