Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
1545 replies and 57 files omitted.
>>148336Felipe gives a sharp nod, and says
"That we should" as Dark Star walks away
>SocDemThat'll be a
special kind of event. Dark Star can also look for Social Progressives, if he's bored with foreign policy and economic issues
>>148338Oh no. We'll get to what Dark Star finds tomorrow, when you have a charge and I've slept
>>148347Hello. You can proceed with Dark Star now or later, but either way, here is the next segment:
Dark Star is looking for groups of organized resistance on the left. Naturally, these groups tend to be secretive, or at least only advertised to select groups. Now, there are meetings and groups of all sorts, but if Dark Star is looking especially for those who seek to unravel the moral fabric of society... He has some idea of where to start.
There's a lecture taking place at Jim Haykins University by an Hippologist concerning the history of sexuality. While it isn't per se a political event, doubtless those who attend are politically engaged
>>148352I Have a bit of free time right now.
Dark Star Heads There.
>>148353First, is Dark Star going there with no disguise? Remember that Dark Star appeared without disguise at the docks.
Anyways, the campus is a number of old stone and brick buildings in the Southwest of the city on the river. The lecture is taking place at Carrotton Hall by a professor who is visiting from Hayward
>>148354>First, is Dark Star going there with no disguise? Remember that Dark Star appeared without disguise at the docksYea he would definitely need a disguise.
He would head to a clothing shop first.
>>148356One of the few good things about being in a city is the abundance of commercial shops. Dark Star quickly finds a store selling lower end clothing, and if he so desired, could go a few blocks more for more expensive clothing.
What does Dark Star buy?
>>148358He looks around for a trench coat(Beige),And a Suit jacket(Assuming he can find one here), Along with a pair of glasses(Which he can pop the lenses out of)
>>148359These are not necessarily available in one store, but they are all available in the area. For perhaps 100 bits, it is so.
>>148362He Pays the bits
I Cant update my sheet.its on my broken pcHe then heads back to the spa where he got his fur dye'd last time.
Also i have to go for a Little while.
>>148364Dark Star makes his way to the spa once again
>>148366Back For now.
He Walks up to the front desk
>>148367I Don't have access to the file itself.Thank You Though fren >>148370Dark Star returns to the same Northam's "Hoof, Horn and Feather Spa and Pedicure" he was at a little under a week ago, and sees the same Lime green pony behind the front desk
>>148377"Howdy there. i need another dye job."
>>148378She blinks
"Are you the fellow who dyed himself as a zebra just a few days ago?" She asks
>>148380"Well then... Let's take you back."
The mare guides Dark Star back to what he recognizes as the dying room.
>>148381"This room is pretty fancy i must say. i was looking to get my mane and fur done again."
>>148382She takes down a note on a clipboard, and a familiar zebra, along with a beige mare enter.
“Alright. Tell me what you want done.”
>>148383He glances over at the zebra as it enters, then he turns his attention back to the lime green pony
"Hmmmm i was thinking brown for the coat. and blond for the mane."
>>148384“Alright. What shade of brown?” She tries to hold up the notebook, and write on it.
“You have a mahogany coat now that’s really a shade of brown. What are you looking to dye it to?”
>>148385He puts his hoof to his chin in thought.
"I Think i'll go with Chestnut brown"
>>148386“Alright. Let me get some shades here.” She leaves, and cones back with a color set. “Which ones do you want?”
She holds up a set of possible colors, and ask which Dark Star wants
>>148387He Takes a few moments to consider before saying
"I'll take number 4"
im gonna catch a meal real quick be back in 5-10 mins >>148388“Alright. Let’s get started.”
She looks back up at him with a smile. She is missing a single tooth on the upper right.
>>148391First, Dark Star’s mane is washed, and then a dye is carefully applied by a mare, before a towel is wrapped around it. The sand is done with his tail.
Once this is done, they advance to his coat. With no stripes or other complications, it’s actually a fairly straightforward process of washing a section of his cost, applying a dye patch, and petting it sit. This is done on his back, neck, legs, and belly. The process is invasive, but thorough.
>>148392He laughs at the ticklish sensations
Sorry i was gone so long. my Cat had a seizure i had to help her. >>148393Awwww….. poor catThere is a question as to how far Dark Star is willing to take the dyeing. For instance, should it be so thorough as to get the areas between the legs and barrel, or inside of the ears, or in my private parts of the body? Either way, mostly if takes time. Dark Star soon becomes very familiar with the texture of the beige walls, the “romantic” painting of a farmhouse next to a tree and a field of wheat, and the vase of flowers - three red, two white, two yellow, one orange, and one with a red inner section but orange leaf-ends.
>>148394The Legs and barrel
But not the old meat and potatoesDark Star admires the painting
Yea she has been having them for awhile, im worried about her >>148395Poor kitty…It is doneThey remove the towels and patches, wash Dark Star in a bath, and let him stand before a mirror.
>>148399George Floyd was a City Slicker
>>148398Based Team america posting btw
"Not Bad."
He smiles
"Thank you very much. It looks Great."
Yea it makes me depressed,when it happens >>148401Dark Star’s Valmorification is complete. He is a completely new stallion, ready to take on the world. The two lares helping with this process smile, and nod curtly, looking genuinely proud with their work.
>>148403"I have to be on my way now."
He pays then leaves the store Equips his Glasses and jacket, Then he puts the trench coat on over it and heads to the university
>>148404Dark Star arrives at Carrotton Hall, an building of a neoclassical design probably dating from the middle of the last century, with beige stone walls that match the remainder of the campus, an a tile roof with a medium blue coloration. It's just at nightfall, and Dark Star is there early. There's a gathering of ponies outside of the entryway talking and especially smoking with each other. Dark Star can already see the first red and black band in a mare's mane.
>>148405Dark Star Admires the Architecture,and gives an impressed whistle
He then wanders over to the group.
>>148406Dark star sees in the group a number of mareand stallions, all talking with each other, and all of college students age. At least one has smuggled in a bear bottle.
>>148407So not much older than Dark Star? he should blend right in
"Hey there,Is this where the rally is tonight?"
>>148408Is Dark Star 19, or what is his age? There are occasionally ponies, especially stallions, in their later twenties, but by and large it’s 18-22 year olds.
A white mare with bright red mane turns to Dark Star
“Do you mean the lecture?”
>>148409Dark Star is 19 yea.
"Yea that's what i meant,Forgive me. i just Got into town and was looking for someponies with similar beliefs to mine."
>>148411"yea No Creature Should be discriminated against,Just because they arent a pony. It makes me sick I've seen nothing but bigotry since i got here. Thats why i have sought out more intelligent creatures."
He tries his best to look sad when speaking about the "discrimination"
He smiles when he says intelligent creatures and motions to the Group
>>148412"Oh? Yeah. No I get what you are saying. There's been way too much push back against migration, and sadly, not enough friendship towards other creatures. Are you from the country? You must be from the country. You sound like you are from the country. They are awfully bigotted out their. I could hardly believe how they sneered at Twilight's Welcome. They've come out of the woodwork now that the Fascists have taken over. But don't worry. It's a more enlightened group here. You'll fit right in."
>>148413"Yes i am From the country...."
He frowns
"But please don't hold that against me, my mother and father raised me the proper way. to love all creatures. We always have fought against the bigotry out there. It hurts my Heart to see what the Fashies have done to Equestria "
"I'm so glad i have finally found a place where Every Creature can be safe from Specism"
is it just ponies in the crowd?
>>148414>Just poniesYes, and no. Yes, in that this group of ponies is genuinely more pony than the population of Inner Baltimare at large. And no, because there is a diamond dog further away in another group. But more importantly, much more importantly, is a mare standing next to the white mare Dark Star talks with now, only about a foot further away, and currently looking at and listening to Dark Star. She has stripes almost like those of a tiger, and a coat of grey and black. Her ears are tall and end in tufts, while her eyes have vertical slits like those of a cat, and her irises are a deep, piercing blue. She has grey bat wings folded by her side, and she wears no clothing.
"Safe? Not yet. There's quite a bit of fighting left to do."
>>148415"That's sad to hear. I'm willing to help in any that i can."
Dark Star tries to make contact with everypony
>>148416The white mare says to Dark Star:
“My name is Mars Loaf”
After what seems to be hesitation, she extends a hoof to shake with Dark Star.
The grey mare next to her extends both hooves, and eaglerly shakes Dark Star’s hoof. She smiles at Dark Star with what appears to be genuine enthusiasm
“My name is Lunar Nadir. You can just call me Nadi.” She says with a smile.
“What’s yours?”
Behind her is a thin stallion with a coat not that dissimilar from Dark Star’s new coat. He has stumble, wears a jacket, and needs to be actively approached by dark star as he was talking to a mare. He’s actually the one who has the beer bottle.
“Hi. Welcome.”
The mare he’s taking to is a bright yellow mare with her mane tied back he gives a wave, and doesn’t say anything. She does shake Dark Star’s hoof though, snd if anything gives a firmer shake.
Dark Star can continue through the various small groups introducing himself.
[Read more] >>148417"My Name is Solar Night.Its So nice to meet all of you!"
He Shakes all their hooves firmly
Dark Star trys to suppress the guilt from lying to lunar nadir after seeing how enthusiastic she is
>>148418Mars Loaf nods, as does the stallion (who wears glasses), and the mare across from him, who has a smile.
“Oh that’s a pretty name. And you can take that off. You don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you here.”
Mars Loaf:
“The stooges of the fascists can’t do anything to you here. We won’t let them. You’re in good hooves and claws.”
>>148419"I appreciate it,you all saying that,but i am a very Cold Natured pony. Its to stay nice and toasty."
He smiles
and talks to nadi
"Thank you,You're name is very pretty too!"
>>148420“Thanks!” She moves back and forth a little, evidently giddy
“So… you’re looking for some place a little more accepting?” Nadir asks
>>148422Mars Loaf interjects
“We have better social consciousness here at this school than outside, and much more so than in the country. You don’t go to this school, do you? Nadi doesn’t go to this school. I do though. It’s a privilege, really. They invite speakers like the professor tonight. I haven’t read his books but I’ve heard he has done good ideas.”
>>148423"No i don't go to this School,I Would really love to though.From the way you describe it it sounds like a paradise.If i may be so bold to ask,Who is the Speaker for tonight?"
>>148424"Paradise is a bit much. Some of the professors even can be, well, sticks in the mud. But it's definitely an eye openner. The speaker tonight is professor Totem Song. He used to be a professor at Hayward."
The yellow mare interjects
"But he was dismissed under the program of that new governor. He might come here to teach."
Mars Loaf takes the conversation back:
"It's here or Fillydelphia."
>>148425"Sticks in the mud? What do you mean?"
"I've never heard of Professor Song but i look forward to hearing them speak."
Dark Star Smiles
"Whats so interesting about fillydelphia?"
>>148424Mars Loaf blinks twice.
“It’s one of the most independent and resistant of the Equestrian ‘Sister States.’ They are pretty committed to academic freedom there. But so is Baltimare. And Baltimare has a more…
receptive population. Not just government.”
And then
“You know. Stiff. Conservative. They want you to dress a certain way, don’t talk in class, always giving tough assignments, they complain about cheating. You know the type. Well, you would if you were in college. Most of them aren’t like that. But some of them are.”
>>148427"I Don't know much about fillydelphia. But it sounds like a Nice Place."
"Conservatives are the worst. Why would they care about creatures cheating? its their Fault Creatures need to cheat anyway."
>>148428“Oh yes, it’s terrible! They’ll even accuse ponies. Doesn’t matter if it’s in the public domain or not. Fillydelphia isn’t bad, but they’re still a little ways behind. Baltimare has its charms.”
>>148429sorry had to help my granddad"In what ways are they behind?"
>>148430That's alright"Well, they want the Princesses to come back, for one. Rather than having a government truly of the people. And they are, well, a bit more conservative on issues like sex."
>>148431He grimaces when she mentions the princesses.
"They really want those tyrants back? unbelievable.They sat in their ivory towers while Every Creature was suffering. it makes me sick."
"Conservative on the issue of sex?"
He tilts his head to the side
>>148432"Yeah, I know? Almost thankful for the Changelings and the Fascists for getting rid of them. Not really, but still. And... you know. Marriage and all of that before sex, no divorce and so on."
>>148434She blinks,
"Marriage or no marriage?"
>>148435"No Divorce. its unthinkable."
>>148436"Yeah, you'll fit right in I think. The professor tonight is speaking on the history of sexuality. He'll have much to say."
>>148437Dark Star Thinks to himself "what have i gotten myself into?"
He then says out loud "Wow Amazing! it Sounds like its gonna be a Great speech."
>>148438"I think it will be. Speaking of which, we better get in our seats."
The group goes inside in the lecture room, a large room full of rows of wooden seats. There are a pretty large number of ponies in the room. It's not at capacity, but it's not far from it either.
>>148440Nadir sits next to Dark Star, on his left. The yellow mare and the stallion with stubble sit behind Dark Star together. Mars Loaf takes a little longer, and comes in sitting next to Nadir on her other side. She is joined by a stallion who looks older.
>>148441Dark Star turns around to the stallion that is sitting behind him.
He whispers it as to not bother anyone sitting around them.
"I don't think i caught your name. Mines Solar Night."
>>148442"Star Cut" He answers back, little looking down at Dark Star
"Have you heard of this stallion before? The speaker."
>>148443"Nope,Today is the first time i've heard of him."
>>148444"I love talking to my somepony about what I've heard, let me tell you. Wait until you hear it."
In not long, a pony comes on stage to the podium.