Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
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>>147360"Need any help getting up? I have not yet seen you show motor control..."
>>147362"That's good. So, what's the plan today?"
>>147364"I don't need to drive. Someone else can do that for me" She says absent mindedly as she tries to get up. Her claw slips, and she falls back onto her belly with an "umph," narrowly avoiding falling off of the table.
>>147365"Check in with Miskobag. And besides tthat, I will defer to you."
>>147366"Alright. Should we check up on everypony else and let them know about our guest?"
>>147367“I don’t believe there has been an successful home invasion. Perhaps we should check to be sure. Then again, I wouldn’t want to wake them. Rather, I’d prefer they come to us, and find out about your rescue that way.”
>>147368"I suppose. So, since we have a mostly free schedule, I was thinking we might pay a little return visit to that changeling squad. I figure that they will still be in the area and they might be questioning ponies for the whereabouts of a missing target."
>>147369“Which Changeling squad?” He asks
>>147370"The one that was looking for our guest and knocked on our door. Since this seems like a more personal matter, I don't think they have reported this to their superiors, as they suspect they can get away with it easier without waiting for response and too much interference."
>>147371“That Changeling? I don’t know. I suspect he will find us.”
>>147366"Wow, you must really have done excellent job with her!"
Silver decides that he should probably help her off the table.
>>147372"That's why it would be better to find him first, and make sure he doesn't come buzzing around here again."
>>147373He tugs on her foreleg, and when her hind legs slip off, she manages to catch herself on the floor. She is up, and ready to follow. Sweat Dreams, likewise, is ready to lead
>>147374This provokes something like a small smile.
"That is one way to handle it, yes."
>>147375"I'm not sure how best to find them, but I will assume they might be hanging out around the place our guest normally frequents."
>>147376She takes the two slightly down the hallway, and into a high room with beige walls, arches on the far side, and by the center, a raised tub with bubbling water.
>>147377"He may be around her usual route. That is, if he does not come here."
>>147378"I think they would prefer to operate at night. They might not have to worry about being caught, but they do have to worry about superiors that will want to maintain order over picking fights with the locals."
>>147379"It is." Sweet Dreams says. "We have several soaps and bubbling foams we can add as desired. Tell us how you would like the temperature."
>>147380"But their superior officers may side with them over the locals," Makade counters
>>147381"Indeed, which is why we need to act quickly, but I think it gives us a buffer from immediate action."
>>147382"Very well. Do you have a plan?"
>>147381"Hmm...I suppose close to body temperature, maybe little bit higher, if my Jubee agrees. Do you have any lavender soaps and foams?"
>>147384"I... believe so."
Jubilosa looks over to Silver
"Sure, we can try that."
>>147385Silver smiles at the mare.
"Just above body temperature, please. It is perfectly fine if you do not have lavender, just regular is okay."
>>147386"We'll make it so. Anything else you desire?"
>>147383"Not exactly. I only got so far as find the squad. Got any ideas?"
>>147388"No. I wouldn't recommend confronting them violently. Not out in the open. Not on their terms. And besides that, I do not know."
>>147387"I think we are fine. Oh, I would like to give my compliments to you and Mollis, your skills are only surpassed by your beauty."
>>147390"Heheh." She blushes, and smiles half-awkwardly. She breaks this expression to look over to Jubilosa after she says the following.
"Yes. I know. Can I get and drink a glass of wine?"
Sweet Dreams
"We don't have any in stock"
"I have a bottle set aside with my dress."
Sweet Dreams:
"We don't usually allow glass by the hottub"
"Maybe if there is a bowl or something?"
Sweet Dreams:
[Read more] >>147391"You know, I have never heard of drinking wine from bowl. I know I am asking lot of you already, but are you
sure there is no way we can have bottle with us?"
>>147392"Well...." She looks a bit hesitant
"I suppose... maybe we could make an exception."
>>147393He smiles widely at her.
"Thank you so much, we owe you for this. So, do we just get in tub, or...?"
>>147394"Certainly, if you like. Let e go get the bubble bath. And the wine..."
She starts to walk out
Jubilosa looks down at the water, and touches the end of it with her claw.
>>147395Silver, in comparison, slowly lowers himself into the hot tub.
"Ahhhhh...this is nice. Come inside, my dove, water is nice and warm."
>>147396Jubilosa looks down at the water with awe, almost fear. If anything, she reminds Silver of the colts when he took them to the zoo some days ago, looking on impressed at strange and fearsome new creatures.
"I've never been in something like this before. With heated water."
Slowly, very slowly, she enters into the water after him, slowly immersing herself in it.
>>147397"When it is heated like this, near body temperature, being submerged in water is like being in womb. Nothing is more relaxing..."
He leans his head back, and enjoys the warm water.
>>147398She gets in, slowly, but lets it come up to her neck.
Sweet Dreams walks in, placing the bottle of wine down next to the tub. With that out of her mouth, she pulls a bottle off of her back.
"We didn't have a lavender bubble bath, but we do have oil, so it can be mixed in."
She starts pouring a second bottle in
>>147399Silver sinks in so that only his head is above water.
"Mmm, you are too good to us. Thank you, Sweet Dreams."
>>147400"No problem" She seems to say, though her words are muffled somewhat by a stick in her mouth as she uses it to mix a bottle, and then pours the contents of that into the bathtub. Swiftly, bubbles start to form in the water - stirred by jets of air blown into the heated water - and these form small mountains of bubbles that after a minute or so, cover much of the surface of the water.
>>147401Silver looks curiously towards where the jets are coming from.
>>147402From little outlets under the water. About four of them in total, two on each of the longer sides
>>147403Silver scoots over to sit in front of the nearest jet, letting the stream of bubbles hit his back.
"Ohhhhhhh, yeeeeeeaaaaaah..."
>>147404His back, so thoroughly rubbed and tendered by Mollis, is now hit with the jet of bubbles. Jubilosa now appears as just a beak poking through a pile of bubbles, with the end of her hind paw making contact with Silver under the water
>>147405Silver looks at the beak.
"Now, what are you doing, Jubee?"
The beak opens
"Laying. Floating."
Her hind leg moves upwards, and closer to the top of the water.
>>147407"Well, you have
got to try this, it is absolutely wonderful!"
>>147408“Try what.” She moves back, raising her head above the water, though it is now covered in part by bubbles, which nearly form an asymmetric wig.
>>147409Silver snickers at the sight.
"Sit in front of one of these jets."
>>147410Her expression is at first one of indifference, obliging Silver's request with no emotion. Until she sits in front of a jet. After that, her eyes and beak slowly open in childlike wonder, and she moves aside a wing to let it more firmly hit her back.
>>147411"See? It is amazing, is it not?"
>>147413Silver sits there, enjoying the massaging action of the jet before he gets an idea. He turns around, so as to be facing the jet rather than having his back turned towards it, and drapes his forelegs over the side of the hot tub.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that is eeeeeeven beeeetteeeer..."
>>147414Jubilosa moves over next to him, and with her extended claw, pulls the cork out of the wine bottle. She takes a drink directly out of the wine bottle.
>>147415"We have to get one of these if we ever get bigger house..."
He looks at his Jubee, mid-enjoying his bubble massage.
"May I have drink?"
bigger house?" She asks. She claws over the wine bottle
>>147417Silver takes the bottle in his magic, and has only a small drink before giving it back to Jubilosa.
"Yeah, bigger house. Like great big manor, or even castle."
>>147419Silver nods.
"Bit of stretch to aim for, but hey, I came from nothing when I arrived in Baltimare, I had nothing save for what I had on me. Now look where I am. I am living in nice house, with many great friends, and loving, caring marefriend."
>>147420"Marefriend?" She takes a moment to process this
>>147422"Oh. Hehe." She presses her head against him, nearly burying her head in his wet fur
>>147423The Silver pony holds onto his griffon tightly. He looks around at the room, to see if the pair are alone.
>>147424She is held tightly as Silver finds the two are indeed, alone.
>>147425"You know, there is benefit to all of these bubbles..."
He whispers in her ear.
"We can have some covert fun underneath them."
>>147426She smiles to him, and placed a foreleg around his neck
>>147427He smiles back mischeviously.
"I take it that is 'yes'?"
>>147428She comes in close, and whispers in his ear
>>147429Silver's smile widens. He turns back around to sit in the hot tub properly and kisses Jubilosa deeply and pashionately, pulling her onto a close embrace. Already she can feel how he and his Sword have gotten.
>>147430She moves perhaps a bit out of the way to avoid being poked, but she certainly leans into Silver's passionate embrace, tenderly kissing back. Her mouth tastes like wine.
>>147431Silver doesn't mind the taste in the slightest, taking it as part of the experience. He continues the kiss and the intimate exploration of each other's mouths for a minute, before breaking it to kiss at Jubilosa's neck. His forehooves move down the sides of her body to rest at her hips as best as they can.
Silver finds her hips, thin as they are, and further away down her lanky body. She does not speak to him, but instead pecks at him with more small kisses.
>>147433He grabs a hold of her hips firmly, and uses them to lift her up slightly and adjust her position in the hot tub. This is much easier in the water than it is normally. His horn also lights up, though Jubilosa can't see what it is he's doing, only that it's underwater whatever it is. When he lowers her again, she can feel something hot and firm press and squeeze between her thighs and agaonst her nethers.
>>147434For a moment she pauses, and her eyes light up. Then she resumes pecking at him, this time, more quickly. She lowers herself, or tries to, onto Silver.
>>147435She finds she lowers herself onto his shaft, as he's not yet ready to penetrate. Instead, he keeps a grip on her hips, sliding her back and forth along his length, the hot stallion flesh squeezing against her vulva with every motion.
>>147436She moves her beak away for a moment, "Hehehe," and looks into his eyes with her own.
>>147437He looks back into hers, enamored with the beautiful vision before him. He doesn't stop grinder against her length as he speaks.
"I can never stop telling you how gorgeous you are."
>>147438And she, for her part, moves back and forth in counter.
"Then continue telling me."
>>147439"In your eyes, I see all of mystery of Luna's nighttime skies, and stars that can surpass Her's in all of their beauty. Your body carries grace of feline, and your feathers surpass even eagles in their majesty. You are soft and supple to hold, but inside you are strong and fierce like lion."
He takes one of his forehooves to gently stroke her feathery cheek. He does not cease grinding her against his Sword as if she was a whetstone, wanting to get her nice and warmed up before proceeding.
>>147440“D’awwwww!” She moves in and hugs them with both legs. Down below, her body moves in closer as well, possibly taking away Silver’s freedom to move anywhere but deeper in.
>>147441He hugs his beautiful griffon date back with both of his forelegs. Using his magic, he manipulates the bubbles around them to form a nice visual cover for their deed. With as much freedom of movement as she allows, he gets the tip of his sword in position, pressing it against her warm, inviting opening.
>>147442Jubilosa increases her grip on his body with both of her forelegs. Silver's tip is already partly in her, and with a downward movement pressing her body against his, he is forced deeper in her, until his shaft, at least most of the upper parts of it, are surrounded on all sides
Silver leans his head back to take in the bliss of being inside his beloved Jubee. He swears to himself she's gotten better at taking him with each time they make love. He returns after a bit to looking at Jubilosa.
"I suppose you would like to take lead, this time?"
>>147444"Yes" She says, and with that she starts moving on Silver, up and down in slow motions. He moves in and now out a little more easily than in other times, no doubt helped by the warm water that surrounds both of them, and jets of air press water against them. Jubilosa tries to contain moans as she moves.
>>147445Silver contains his by kissing and moaning into her feathery neck. His Sword twitches and quivers inside of her, begging for more.
>>147446She gives him more, increasing the speed, and using the bottom of the tub to leverage her movements into short, rapid movements up and down a few inches, keeping most of his length inside her even on the upswings. With her beak, she pecks at the side of his muzzle, and his neck, and then simply presses her head against him to try to be further in his embrace
>>147447Silver obliges, holding her close and only giving her room to keep her movements up. She can feel as if their two beings are becoming one right there in the hot tub. He whispers in her ear.
"Yes, Jubee, I love you so much. Show me your love!"
>>147448With this, Jubilosa presses closer into him, moving her thin-furred, chest against his. And she moves him deeper into her, until she hits a limit and Silver can feel it.
>>147449Silver buries his face into her feathers and lets out a throaty groan. His Sword twitches like crazy against against her walls, and his tip quivers against the limit it has hit.
"Do not stop, keep going..."
>>147450"Ah... Ah"
She changes to moving further up, and further down in slower, but more deliberate movements. She pulls back from him far enough to stare into his. Then she moves faster, and Silver can feel her twitching inside, becoming tighter and then relaxing
>>147451Silver smiles at her climax, slides his forehooves back down to her hips, grips, and starts to slide her up and down on his stallionhood some more. He grunts a little with each motion, his breathing getting a little more unsteady with each stroke, as he gets steadily faster, and faster.
"Oh Jubee...I am close..."
>>147452She moves her claws lower on his chest, and grips him firmly. She moves her body further away, focusing her energy on what is below the water. And below the water she moves quickly, far, and with passion. Silver can feel her moving at first far away and then down low, and then moving closer, placing as much of him inside her as she can. Her insides twitch and contract, and then release again, as she makes rapid movements up and down, and then stops. Her grand wings, unfold, hitting the sides of the tub before rising above them, their majesty mired by foam and bubbles.
>>147453Silver was just hanging on by a thread before she started contracting again, but the force of her insides against his stallionhood are too much for him to hold back. Behind gritted teeth he lets out a deep moan as his cock releases, shooting white hot foal batter inside her with some force. Jubilosa feels herself getting filled rather quickly as he pumps his hips in rhythm to each cumshot. It feels like it lasts a lifetime, but in reality after a few short bursts it tapers off, his balls spent of this load. He relaxes and sinks a little into the tub, only his neck and head remaining above water, but he doesn't let go of his bevoled Jubee.
"I love you, my dove..."
>>147455She continues moving slowly and with deep breaths, but she’s at the end of her energy.
“I… I love you too.” She says with little breath
>>147456Silver holds his griffon tightly in the water. He is content to be still with her there, basking in the afterglow.
>>147457She leans in, and hugs him with both forelegs, pressing her head against his neck. Her wings move in, and she attempts to wrap them around him in a big, foamy blanket.
>>147458The unicorn is wrapped up in a foamy griffon blanket. He continues to hold his Jubee close, while using a foreleg to stroke and pet the back of her neck and what of her back he can reach. His breathing steadies, and in that moment, with just those two, Silver feels more at peace than he has in a long time.
>>147459She slowly relaxes, letting her body sort of rest over his, floating in the water, as she moves her head a little past his neck. The steams of bubbles and very warm water continue.
>>147460He looks sideways towards his date.
"I have to say, so far, this spa trip has been money well spent."
>>147461“Yes…. Well spent…” she says, still sounding kind of out of it.
>>147462"Heh, what do you know, I managed to make you melt like spa mares did to you."
>>147463“Heh. Maybe. The water helped.”