Welcome back to the newest thread of Occupied Equestria
In Northern Equestria on the Changeling side, Spark has given refuge to a mare claiming to be stalked by a Changeling drone.
In the southeast, in Baltimare, Amber tries to slip past police in her infiltration of the Police Headquarters. Iron prepares for his next fight against griffin gangsters. Silver enjoys downtime, and Midnight checks out a local church.
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>>147464Silver smiles, and turns the pair around so that the water jet is primarily hitting Jubilosa.
She smiles at Silver’s switch, and at the movement of bubbles against her back. She extends her wings, perhaps so they don’t get in the way of the jets.
>>147466"I wonder if Sweet Dreams is coming to collect us, or if we just leave when we are ready to move on. I do not know what is next, but I am excited to find out."
Silver finds out. Behind him, near the entrance, is Sweet Dreams.
“Are you enjoying the hot tub?”
>>147468Silver looks behind him, a little surprised. He wonders how long she's been there.
"Oh! Very much so, thank you!"
>>147469“Do you… want to linger more?” She asks
>>147470Silver looks to his date for an answer.
>>147471“Maybe just a few more minutes” she says. She picks up the wine bottle, and takes a drink.
>>147472Silver smiles at Jubilosa, then at Sweet Dreams.
"Just few more minutes, if that is okay."
>>147473“Uh, alright.” She says, and starts to leave the room. If Jubilosa hasn’t removed herself from Silver, she does so now, and turns over to stretch out and relax.
>>147474Silver lets her, as he feels like doing much of the same.
"Ngh...this is life...does it make you feel even fancier, drinking wine while you are in hot tub?"
>>147475“Yes. Fancy. Fancy and most of all relaxed. It’s pleasant.”
>>147476"You do indeed look relaxed. More relaxed than I have ever seen you before."
>>147477“It’s good… leave all that trouble behind. And settle into the good life.”
>>147478"I can not agree more."
Silver leans his head back as he relaxes.
"It helps to have such wonderful person as lover."
>>147479“D’awwwww” she leans on him now, and places the back of one claw in his chest.
“And I’m so glad to have such a wonderful…
>>147480He smiles mischeviously, and places a hoof in the claw.
"I suppose I showed just how much
stallion I am just now."
>>147481“Yes… quite a stallion. You’ve aged like a very fine wine.”
>>147482"I am glad. You should have seen me in my youth, however. I could go on and on, all night long."
>>147483She smiles
“I’d have loved to. Of course I wasn’t there, and you’d be different… I am happy to be with you as you came to me.”
>>147484He looks at her, smiling subtly with a tear in his eye, and he hugs her tightly.
"You really are amazing, Jubee. I am glad I was able to save you that night."
>>147485“And I’m glad of that too. You’ve saved me from much… and maybe more than that. I… never want this to end, you know?”
>>147486"Me neither, my dove. Me neither..."
>>147487“But… should we go to the next section now?”
>>147488"Oh, well that?"
He smiles, and looks at her.
"That I suppose is good idea."
>>147489She slowly gets up, and starts to move out of the water
>>147490Silver does the same, placing his forehooves on the edge of the hot tub and using those to pull himself out of the water. Jubilosa can see he's still got his glorious Sword drawn thanks to the warm water. The air feels cold on it, though.
>>147491There is indeed a bit of contrast between the air and the water, with the air perhaps slightly cooler than normal, probably because of the night. Sweet Dreams stands at the doorway, smiling a bit awkwardly.
“And if there is any need to wash off bubbles, or anything, there is a small shower on the edge of the room.”
>>147492"Thank you, Sweet Dreams."
He smiles back at her.
"I am sorry if my comment earlier made you feel uncomfortable, one about your skill being surpassed by your beauty. I imagine every other weird creepy stallion that comes in here uses lines like that on you."
>>147493She tilts her head
“Uh….. it’s no problem.” She says
Jubilosa makes her way over to the little shower, figures out how to turn it on, and wastes no time in trying to wash herself, spreading her wings to facilitate this.
>>147494Silver trots over to the shower, waiting patiently for his turn after Jubilosa to quickly wash himself off.
>>147389"Hmm... I'll be thinking about it. But for now, we do need to check up on everypony."
>>147495She takes a small while, but when she is done, it’s Silver’s turn.
>>147498“Sure” he says
Petal does not give them the chance, walking out of the door at the end of the hall.
“Good morning.”
>>147499"Morning. Did you sleep well?"
>>147500“Yes. It was fairly eventful. The heater did stay on, even with the limited coal… how was your night? I hope the sofa was soft enough.”
>>147499The unicorn takes a bit less time, most of it dedicated to his thick fluffy coat, before he too is finished and is available to follow Sweet Dreams.
>>147502The two follow Sweet dreams until they find themselves in still another room, this one immediately opposite in the hallway from the message room. In there, he finds another pair of tables that are a bit lower to the ground, and Mollis standing there with a blow dryer
>>147501"Unfortunately it was eventful."
>>147505"We were visited by a new guest and a couple of problems she brought along with her. She has been tailed by some changelings and they knocked on the door last night looking for her. They gave up shortly after."
>>147507"Yes. We are going to take care of them soon enough."
>>147508"Take.... care of them?"
She still seems unsettled
>>147509"We have to make sure they don't come back here, or you will be in danger."
>>147510"Are you... are you sure you can... 'take care of them'? They arrest ponies for association with rebel activities, you know..."
>>147511"I'm sure. We will be safe."
>>147512"Oh... okay..." She says, not seeming entirely convinced. She presses a hoof against the wall, and uses it to guide her further down the hall, and past Spark. She says "Hi, Lyka. Did you sleep well?" To Makade, who responds
"Well enough" to her, and she makes her way to the stairs
>>147513Spark helps her.
"I don't mean to upset you, but these days, we have to do tough things in order to keep everypony safe."
>>147514“Safe? It’s very dangerous.” She goes down stairs
“Your new guest is still here?!”
>>147503Thankfully, by this time, Silver's Sword is once again sheathed because of the cooler open air.
"What is this room for?"
>>147518“Drying and coat care” Mollis says
>>147519Silver looks down at his winter coat.
"That sounds like excellent idea. Go ahead and direct us as you please."
I have a busy week this time, but I should be free Saturday
>>147190Iron's eyes snapped open at the invading pillow, soon taking off his head away from Cauldron's savannah-like chest to turn and face the intruder that attacked them on his back."I see the pillow bandito has decided to strike again!" he called out towards the general direction of the culprit.
I figured it was a pillow attack, but perhaps it was thrown on his face, which is why he tried opening his eyes first. >>147529>>147531>>147530The pillow bandito, seeing she has blown her cover, makes another attack; Iron has exposed her face. She swings.
But as she does so, she loses balance, let’s go of the pillow, and collapses onto the bed with a “squeaky.”
>>147531>>147530>>147532Iron greatly took advantage of it, deciding to slip out of Cauldron's body to pin the dastardly villain down properly with his legs this time in order to catch the culprit and finally end the harrowing streak of ruined sleepovers.
>>147533Is this the final, inglorious end of the pillow bandito? Roll for to find out.
[1d20-1 = 13] >>147534[1d20+14 = 34]<Grapple (+5 from Strength. +4 for Improved Grapple)
>>147535SqueakyAfter carving a path of destruction for a quarter of an hour, and several daring escapes and evading capture, the terror wrought by the pillow bandito is finally, and decisively, at its end.
Iron now has an additional fairly large and rather fluffy pillow at his disposal.
>>147536"You're under arrest, pillow bandito," Iron dramatically told her new 'captive', staring down with a comically overexaggerated noir detective stare. "You're going to sleep in pillow jail for a good while, you fluffly mare."
He took a watchful glance towards Cauldron, mostly just to check on how she's feeling after having pinned another mare down on her bed. "I'm sorry you had to witness such a tragic attack, miss," he soon offered in an attempt to 'calm her down' from such a
traumatic experience. >>147537White Sands hisses, literally, at her new captivity, but there isn’t much she can do beneath Iron’s hold. Woe to the vanquished.
Black Cauldron looks at this scene confused and amused, watching on.
>>147538Iron did the most logical choice he could've in such a drastic display of struggle: Give the mare a good, long hug with his forelegs to calm her down. "You should've thought twice about your career choice before swinging those pillows around, fluffy mare," his serious act declared, juxtaposing with his rather kind hearted gestured. "Now you must endure the consequences of your actions for the rest of your days."
He accentuated his hug with a friendly nuzzled on her neck, just to 'pacify the suspect' even more.
>>147539This placates the mare a bit, calming her down. She even closes her eyes and seems to purr towards the end.
>>147540After a little more nuzzling, Iron decided to stop and give her a sheepish smile, deciding to finally drop the act and look over at Cauldron. "Pillow fights are much more intense than I expected," he admitted before exhaling lightly, somewhat spent.
>>147541White Sands turns around, and presses herself into Iron, with her eye lids closed.
Black Cauldron looks a little displeased at Iron. She answers
>>147542Iron tilted his head softly, deciding to give Sands an idle stroke of her mane while shuffling just a bit closer to Cauldron while also allowing Sands to slip out of his grasp if she so wished. "You do not sound like you enjoyed it," he pointed out with a soft pout. "I did not go too far again, did I?"
>>147543White Sands moves her head just a bit closer. Black Cauldron still looks suspiciously over at the two.
Continuing the pattern, Iron continues to stroke Sands' mane while shuffling further towards Cauldron and extending a hoof towards her in an attempt to softly stroke her rougher mane in tow.
>>147545She has an almost scrunchy expression. Nevertheless, she lowers her head.
>>147546And with that, Iron had finally increased his counter of simultaneous mare mane stroking (SMMS) from one to two!
He made sure to go far gentler on the rougher terrain that was Cauldron's mane while effortlessly sliding through Sands' smooth, bountiful hairs.
Once again, he shuffled ever more closer again and would continue to do so until either mare told him to stop or he'd be right next to the currently scrunching mare.
I can’t wait to see what happens with the new pony and all.
There's going to be a lot of floof to groom.
>>147574Damn right
>>147547Iron cones so close, he may be in danger of a nose-boop on Cauldron.
White Sands cones in closer to Iron as well.
[Read more] >>147579I think we left off with Madake's parents waking up.
>>147514"That's okay..." She says, and walks slowly down the stairs until she reaches the bottom and turns into the living room.
"Is this... is this your 'guest'? She looks like a mare. Is she a mare though?"
At this point, Wellspring begins to wake up.
>>147582"Fairly certain, but whatever the case might be, changelings are searching for her."
>>147583Wellspring opens her eyes, and sits up. She unambiguously glistens in the morning light.
Petal: "Are you... sure she's not a changeling?"
>>147584"I can't rule it out, but it doesn't matter right now."
>>147585“Oh, uh… sure…” Petal turns to Wellspring.
“What’s your name, young miss?”
Petal starts to ask Wellspring a set of questions about how she came to be there that more or less tells Petal what Spark already knows, before Petsl asks “are you hungry?” And goes off to the kitchen, still occasionally asking questions from this adjacent room. Wellspring sits up, still partly covering herself in the bedsheets.
>>147586Spark looks over to her.
"I don't want to overwhelm you, but I need a couple of things answered too before I can properly help you."
>>147587She turns her head, and her big steel blue eyes over to Spark
“… Yes…?
>>147588"How long has this been going on?"
>>147589“I think…. Two months, maybe? I’ve seen him around for longer than that. I don’t know. It’s gotten much worse in the last few weeks.”
>>147590"So, they have been chasing you and you have successfully ran from them for weeks if not months?"
>>147591“He hasn’t been chasing me so much as, well, pressuring me and stalking me. The chasing… there was a group of them. That began a couple days ago.”
>>147592"Did they demand something before they started chase or did you simply read the situation?"
>>147593“Yes… there was a group. But he was in it. It was over the Love extractions. That’s why they were there.”
>>147594"Did they mention any specifics?"
>>147595“Well, yes. Sort of. They claimed they were there under some sort of general authority of members of the garrison to extract love. My love.”
>>147596"Well, that complicates some things. How big is the garrison here?"
>>147597“I don’t know. They have soldiers stationed transportation and industrial sectors. And who knows how many of them don’t wear uniforms, but try to blend in with the ponies.”
>>147598"Well, it seems you can't really continue living here. I don't suppose you would be interested in leaving the city?"
>>147599“I… I’d like to get some things first but… I’m not sure what would be better.”
>>147600"I can get your things. What do you need?"
>>147601“There’s…. Well… I know what I need and where it is located. Can you… maybe escort me?”