In Changelingia (West Equestria), Brie gains the support of a Changeling queen for his endeavors. Spark is doing his best to help an ill Wolf spiritual leader.
In Free Equestria (East Equestria), Iron is trying to intimidate a group of criminal griffin interlopers. Fantasy Play is helping to shut down an Anarchist press. Silver is helping his new household. Amber Sunset is walking through the city, and Dark Star has just finished helping the orphans.
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>>133503>>133502 →Dark star heads over to the black hooves hq
>>133506This is simple enough. He finds Fellipe at the door, who waves at him and lets him in
>>133509He nods
"I'm getting paid to be in airconditioned building, and that's good enough for me right now"
>>133510Dark star smiles as he walks into the building.
>>133512Now Dark Star is inside, with the same grey-white receptionist they hired a few days ago at the front desk. Who does he wish to see?
>>133514He says to the receptionist.
"Hows are you today? Have ypu seen Blue Skies?"
>>133515"Is she..." she looks up to him, then down
"I think she's out on duty. Sea Breeze should know."
>>133516"Thank you. Where are they at?"
>>133517"Over in his office" She answers
>>133518He walks over to the office.
>>133519Entering into the office, Dark Star sees Sea Breeze behind his table, doing paperwork
>>133521He turns his head up to Dark Star
"Good Afternoon. Checking in after whatever in the hell went down on the shoreline last night?"
>>133523"Well... I've heard... Mostly that mission is an R&M detail. But I think it's given you enough of a view into Griffonian culture to understand why it's best we let Griffonian culture stay in Griffonia, and why the Equestrian Project must be preserved."
>>133524"Yes sir. The griffions i saw last night were savages. The dont belong here."
>>133525"No. I'm sure the ones they captured will not have a pleasant time on their return to Griffienheim. I just wish we could have captured more of those involved in the process."
>>133526"Thats the thing about crimainals,sir. They always commit more crime. We'll bust em next time."
>>133527"Well, that we shall. It's unfortunate that there must be a next time. But really, all of that is more of a problem for Customs. I think you see why we keep them around, even if half of them really ought to be mobilized in the Army."
>>133528"I dont thonk i had the pleasure of meeting anypony from cistoms yet."
>>133529"Didn't you meet Parade Pass, or some other officer, when they came to the scene?"
>>133530"If i did it has slipped my mind,sir."
>>133531"Well, you should pay them a visit some time. They are an essential part of the organization of the Pony State here in Baltimare, even if they aren't as well organized as we here in the SSA."
>>133532"I will sometimes,sir. I was actually wondering if you know where miss skies is?"
>>133535>>133533He moves back in his seat
"Dark Star" he takes in a breath and sighs
"Before we move on from the aftermath of Hoebuck, there is one crucial part of that operation that
does concern this agency. One that I'm afraid you and Skies overlooked. Slipped right under your snouts."
>>133537"Tell me Dark Star. Have you ever heard of Special Monster Interdiction and Law Enforcement?"
>>133538His expression chamges to puzzlement
"I cant say that i have"
>>133539"Well..." He turns his head to look over down and to the right, his line of sight ending at the wall.
"Every nation has matters that threaten its stability, and the safety of its people. Matters that must be handled with discretion... In Equestria, long ago, the role of handling these dangers was taken by the Inquisition, as it still is in Griffienheim, albeit under more State control. In many more modern countries, like ours, there is a special police force responsible for the security and stability of the nation and its ruling party. But Equestria... it seemed to be lacking any such special police force, didn't it? Once the Inquisition withered away..."
He looks back up directly at Dark Star
"Now, you know, going into Hoebuck, we sort of just assumed that what went on in Hoebuck, the true nature of that operation, was unknown to the Equestrian government. Customs went and searched the files and could only find a little. But then they asked us. And after the mess of last night, we decided to check the archives in Canterlot. And you'd be amazed at what records we found sealed away in the mines under Canterlot."
>>133540Dark star cocks an eyebrow.
"What was found,sir?"
>>133541"Well, what we found is that the Equestrians knew significantly more than they ever let anyone know. The first time they entered that building, they discovered evidence of cult activity. Just like you. They arrested who they could, and tried to shut it down. They may have gotten further, but the leaders of the cult and smuggling operation got away. Must have had a heads up warning. Most of those arrested were either released without charge, or deported without notifying the Griffienheim government of the cult activity. They made their way back... But the Equestrians did raid the church. They did capture more than a few of the senior priests. And they did set the cultists back several years. They kept what they found a secret from the general public and from the Baltimare Police, even." He shakes his head.
"They must have not wanted to turn local opinion against Griffonian Immigrants. Must have thought it would be bad for integration, or something. They also didn't want to shut down smugglers generally, or deport immigrants who were caught. Now of course we know that if you don't deport immigrants who hire smugglers, they just assume that any money spent on smugglers will result in them getting here whether they get caught or not, but that was their 'soft' approach. Anyways... This gets us back to the Equestrian Special Police, the Special Monster Interdiction and Law Enforcement. You see, Equestria
did have their own secret police to hunt down Changeling Infiltrators, to spy, and to hunt bugbears. And they tried to track down the smugglers involved in Hoebuck."
>>133542Dark star looks intruiged at the idea that there are secret police that kill monsters
"This is very interesting,sir. Did they succseed in hunting them down?"
>>133543"No. No they didn't. But you see, it's not because they didn't try. The primary agent assigned to the Baltimare smuggling operation died in the line of duty. They say that as she was riding a ferry in the harbor, she fell into the water and drowned, pulled down by the undertoe and her body dragged out to sea, or more likely caught underneath a pier somewhere. But this agent was a hippogriff. And whoever heard of a hippogriff who drowned? Even the Equestrians didn't believe it, as they tried to investigate, and I am sure they would have launched a more thorough homicide investigation if they didn't need to divert resources into tracking down Changeling infiltrators.
But you see, I have a theory. Well, not really my theory, I got it from an analyst who went through all of this information, But I have a theory, and that theory is that the agent in question was never found because she never died. I believe she was taken captive, found by you, and then pretended to be an indentured servant alien so as to slip by you. How does that sound to you?"
>>133544Dark star blinks rapidly mouth agape
"I uh...what? Why?"
>>133545"Why? It's rather simple. The secret police apparatus doesn't belong to the nation, so much as to the particular state and its controlling ideology. S.M.I.L.E. was Equestria's primary intelligence agency. They very nearly discovered our planned landings, and the only reason they didn't is because of a favor of the Changeling Infiltration branch, and even they only barely outsmarted S.M.I.L.E. She is a special agent of Princess Twilight. Not the last soldier fighting her cause to be sure, but surely alone in the moment. And so she pretended to be an innocent alien, and slipped by. I have to wonder just how many dangerous cultists, smugglers, and criminals, slipped by the Equestrians by pretending to be innocent aliens. It seems she learned something in her time on the case."
>>133546Dark star sighs
"I feel like i've failed our ponies by not detaining her."
>>133547He gives a curt nod, and pulls up a hoof
"That's alright. I can understand the desire to be compassionate. Kindness is, after all, a cherished pony value. But in this case, we have an intelligence operative who could meet up with resistance groups, or even worse, with the government of her birth country where she has dual citizenship."
>>133548"I understand,sir. Do we have any more intel on her? Maybe we can find her before she flees."
>>133549"A few addresses. Where she used to live, where creatures she knew used to live, and the old headquarters in Baltimare. Maybe she will check there. But otherwise, who knows."
>>133550"Hmmm has anypony checked them out?"
>>133552He shakes his head
"To try to intercept her? No. We
could send an agent or two to look for her."
>>133553"That could be a good idea"
Sorry i gotta sleep now fren.
>>133554Goodnight. I hope you play again soon
Tell me when anypony is available
>>133561>>133487 →"Okay," Fantasy says and nods. "I would take some if you have any to spare that is."
>>133562"Oh, yes. There's a few. It explains all of this stuff a lot better than I could, really."