In Changelingia (West Equestria), Brie gains the support of a Changeling queen for his endeavors. Spark is doing his best to help an ill Wolf spiritual leader.
In Free Equestria (East Equestria), Iron is trying to intimidate a group of criminal griffin interlopers. Fantasy Play is helping to shut down an Anarchist press. Silver is helping his new household. Amber Sunset is walking through the city, and Dark Star has just finished helping the orphans.
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[1d2 = 2]>>137843"With as close as building is to ocean, I can believe that. I wonder if this hole was dug to measure ocean levels, and if it started filling with water it was alert that ocean was rising."
Ultimately, Silver decides there isn't must else of interest in this room, and heads back into the main room. Looking at the two other pathways, he picks one at random.
"Eeny, meeny, miny..."
He chooses to explore the entrance opposite of Horseman Avenue.
>>137844She takes a peak into the room
"Looks like unfinished construction. But maybe. If the water table is this high, something has gone wrong."
The entrance is covered by a small steel door that takes some effort to pull open. But when Silver does, it reveals the entrance to a tunnel with brick walls, and a height just barely enough for a quadruped to walk through. While electric lights seem to be rigged inside of the tunnel (a wire running through the ceiling is visible), there is no light in the tunnel, and Silver stares into darkness with no end in sight
>>137846"Let us see where this leads, shall we?"
After waiting for Pear, Silver shines his light down the tunnel and follows it.
>>137847She looks down the tunnel, somewhat concerned, but follows.
The tunnel goes forward some length, likely at least 100 feet, straight and away from Horseman avenue. The floor is dirt, and at points the tunnel seems to sag. This goes on until it dead ends at another door.
>>137848Silver tries to open the door.
>>137850At first the door scarcely budges, though a scraping sound hints at what may come with more effort. Evidently the door presses hard into the bottom of the doorwell, bent out of shape from its original construction. With a shove, the flies open, and reveals another tunnel. But this tunnel is older and lined with yellow brick, closer to cylindrical in shape with curved walls, and much taller, while running perpendicular to the direction Silver came. The floor of the tunnel is slightly lower than the floor of the tunnel Silver is moving through, and the ceiling somewhat higher. This tunnel, too, is unlit.
>>137851"This is not what I was expecting at all..."
Silver cautiously presses forward.
>>137852The tunnel goes off in two directions, one to the left and north, and the other to the south. The tunnel feels at least somewhat damp, and in the silence Silver can hear the scurrying of mice.
"It's like a dream I had. Or like those serials they play at the cinema, or on the radio."
[1d2 = 2]>>137853"I suppose I could see that. How long ago do you think this was built? Was it part of original construction?"
Silver chooses...
>>137855This path goes maybe 50 feet. The tunnel dead ends at a brick wall - though it is a brick wall that looks a little different in color from the remainder. Immediately to the wall's right, is a concrete door well. Though there is no door, and there are steps leading up to a door well.
>>137856"Huh. Looks like this path was sealed off at some point."
Silver tries the door wells on the right.
>>137857There is one door. It seems more modern. It is locked.
>>137858Silver looks at Pear.
"Well...unless you have way to unlock it, now would be good time to step back so I can buck it open."
>>137859Silver scarcely needs to say anything. She stands far back, though she seems to be averse to the darkness.
[1d20+2 = 20]>>137860Strength: Silver turns around where he stands, and quickly bucks the door.
>>137861The door has five points of contact with the wall: three hinges, the closing mechanism, and the lock. All five are broken as the door breaks from the wall and falls to hit the wall on the other side.
Just looking in, Silver can see a lit white washed wall
>>137862Silver looks back to Pear.
"Come on, there is light in here!"
>>137863Looking inside, Silver can see that he is on one side of the end of a hallway. Exactly what this building is isn't clear, but it's certainly newer than the tunnels from which they came
>>137864Silver decids to trot along the hallway to find out the mystery of what this place is.
>>137569Amber's ears twitch anxiously as High Sewn recounts her encounter with the gang members.
Are ponies that mean? And why would anypony cause trouble all of a sudden? >>137867The officer seems to ask High Sewn a number of questions, but the interview concludes eventually, and the officer walks away, and out of the shop.
>>137865Silver enters the hallway to find white washed cinderblock walls, dead ending at a window on the left, but continuing down the hallway on the right, with a couple doors, a window looking into a room, and ending in a door
>>137870Silver looks in the windows, first the one in the dead end, then the one into the room.
>>137871The windows are simple pieces of glass. The one at the far end leads into a larger room with a high ceiling, concrete floors and a light on the far end with stacks of some rectangular item some five feet high in piles. Looking into the window on each of the rooms, it seems to be an internal office space in a bricked in room with one window on the far side.
>>137873High Sewn sighs
"Clean up and replace the window, I suppose."
Amber gathers information about hardware stores nearby. [1d20+2 = 20]
>>137875A contractor who specializes in repairing windows can be phoned, to replace the window hopefully from stock in town. Windows can be carted and either installed by a crew, or simply delivered and installed by the recipient.
>>137876Amber approaches High Sewn with an anxious smile.
"Ma'am, this here is a phone number of a shop that does windows. Do you want them to install it or us to do the job?" >>137877She looks at Amber for a moment.
"It's probably best to let them install it."
Outside, a stallion in a baggy grey duster and a fedora looks inside the shop.
Amber hurries to clean up what's left of the broken glass. She calls out to the stallion, "Don't mind the mess. Is there anything you might like?"
>>137872"What in...where is this place? Pear?"
>>137879The stallion approaches Amber. The duster covers much of his body, baggy on the back, but showing part of a short black tail, large hooves covered in greyish fur, and most of his face. His muzzle is a dark grey, and his fur is a grey with a purplish hue, though it has several stripes along the back of his neck and the side of his face that are a much darker grey. His mane is well kept and short black, and his eyes are a dark amber. His fedora covers the tips of his ears, though the bottom portion is visible. His grey duster has a rectangle with checkered yellow and black and a mare on it, as well as a separate circle with three downwards left facing white arrows in it.
"Ma'am. Do you work at this establishment?" He asks. His voice is deep, and definitely accented to the Celestial Coast region.
>>137880Pear, though reluctant, comes up and into the hallway
"I... Don't know... it looks like a building in Eastern Redheart."
>>137882The stallion sits down, and pulls out a pencil and a notepad, holding it in his hooves and looking back at Amber
"Tell me - if I could avoid going through your boss - was this establishment the victim of a politically motivated attack?"
>>137884He looks at the drawing next to the window, and seems to reproduce it with delicacy in his notepad, gripping the pencil with his oversized hooves.
"So did you see him? What did he look like? Did he yell out any phrases?"
"He didn't say a word, but he did apparently draw that…" she says, gesturing to the anarchist symbol by the shop. Amber then painstakingly repeats the description she heard Guy give the police.
>>137886He takes the time to write or draw something as Amber describes it to him. Then he looks back up to Amber
"Where did he go?"
>>137881Silver nods, and decides to keep exploring the building until he can find an external window or doorway.
>>137889Amber hesitates, looking between the shop and the direction of the chase.
Well, it's just about cleaned up, I don't think we're going to have more business today and they'll be installing the window themselves. Plus, it's not that far anyway…"Alright, I'll take you there."Sorry, have to call it for today. >>137890At the end of the hallway, turning right, is a door that leads into a room that, looking through it, seems to be a reception area or foyer. This area is not illuminated in the night
>>137892Surely, if there's a foyer, there's a nearby exit. He goes into this room.
>>137893The door to the foyer is locked, but a mechanism to unlock the door can be found on the inside, which Silver presumably uses to unlock and open the door. This looks like a simple reception area with a desk, a window through the door to the back, a pair of simple wooden chairs, a hallway leading off to the left, some paper with writing hanging on the wall on a cork pin board on the left, and windows and a door on the opposite side
>>137906Silver trots over to the cork board to read the hanging papers.
>>137907On the wall are papers talking about varieties of doors available for purchase. Wooden doors, sometimes steel. Varieties with glass windows or not. Some information about what materials are in short supply, and about varieties of shipping and installation.
>>137908Silver's muzzle scrunches in confusion at this information, and investigates the window and door opposite to the cork board.