In Changelingia (West Equestria), Brie gains the support of a Changeling queen for his endeavors. Spark is doing his best to help an ill Wolf spiritual leader.
In Free Equestria (East Equestria), Iron is trying to intimidate a group of criminal griffin interlopers. Fantasy Play is helping to shut down an Anarchist press. Silver is helping his new household. Amber Sunset is walking through the city, and Dark Star has just finished helping the orphans.
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>>133916>>133919White Sands jumps onto her, and knocks her to the ground, despite being smaller
>>133920>>133919Seeing the scene in front of him, Iron quickly rushes to their position to ensure the griffiness is thoroughly trapped and pinned so that her escape chances become near zero.
>>133921Iron is able to move over the female griffin, who has found her way to the base of a set of stairs past the door. White Sands moves out of the way, and says to the griffin,
"The Lady sends her regards."
>>133923"Why could I not fight in the war at home? Why did I move away?
Jubilosa looks troubled as well
>>133922Iron, admittedly curious about Sands' statement, keep the probably scared griffiness down still until he gets the all clear to let her free or do whatever else.
He takes the opportunity to hold her in such a way a quick knockout was available whenever Sands deemed it so.
>>133924"What was war fought over?"
>>133925She looks to him
"Well? Are you going to do it am I going to have to?"
>>133926She shakes her head
"It's not the right subject for the dinner table, anyways"
>>133927With a nod, Iron starts to choke the griffiness out non-lethally, eager to end any immediate danger to both his and Sands' wellbeing.
>>133928She tries to scream, immediately receiving a kick in the face from Sands, and then gags at the choking
"Keep it up" Sands says
>>133927"Well...alright. If it still troubles you, I would like to talk it through with you later. I do not relish seeing you in such distress."
>>133930She nods, looking down
"Very well"
Jubilosa tries to talk, in this case about music and what appeared on television. Mala remains silent, but the expression on his face is one of relative happiness
>>134049Silver joins the conservation, himself impressed by the bit of technology now in their living room.
>>134052The conversation continues, with Jubilosa asking questions about the music. She gets up, and goes to wine latice above the kitchen bar to pull out one of the bottles remaining from Maakie’s collection. Khoi says nothing, but also gets up, taking her plate. Mala is likewise silent and is the third to stand up, taking his plate. He attempts to carry his plate to the sink, but Khoi takes the plate from his mouth, and takes Jubilosa’s plate too. Jubilosa pokes a glass of wine for herself, and then for Silver, and the group slowly migrated to the living room. First Jubilosa, then Mala, and only eventually Khoi, who seems to have done the dishes.
>>133929Pressing harder yet not enough to directly kill yet, Iron hopes to incapacitate the female griff without risking killing one of their scare pieces prematurely.
>>134068She gags, and with another "Guck" she seems to lose consciousness. All three griffins are down
>>134058Silver partakes in the wine, though it's definitely not his favorite. He enjoys being in such good company, in a comfy place like the living room.
>>134075And so, the creatures come back into the living room. Jubilosa looks fairly pleased, and tries to relax on the couch. Khoi is anxious and looks over to Silver. Mala sits down on the floor, passive once again.
>>134073After giving a few, sudden yet careful tugs around her neck to make sure she wasn't pretending, Iron lets the griffiness go, letting out a solid exhale.
"That went well," Iron comments plainly to nopony in particular.
>>134077"Those griffins were bigger than either of us thought..."
>>134079"Indeed," Iron replies with a nod "but they will surely think twice on trying to mess with me and the colts..."
There was a pause before he lightly pouts. "The ponies like me they should be scared of, I mean."
>>134080"Hopefully... But I'm sure there's more of them here"
She looks to him quickly with an expression of concern, and then forward
"Hopefully they are smaller"
>>134082"I second that notion," Iron agrees with a nod as he decides to stand up. "We might need to start setting a bar of beaten griffons to pass in order to truly give them a scare."
His apparent bruising around the chest and shoulders should raise the smallest concern as he lightly cranes his neck. "We might even need to stay a day or two."
>>134083She looks over to him
"Won't they wake up after you knock them out though?"
>>134084Iron nods. "Think they need to be killed to further the scare?"
>>134086"I understand," Iron answers with a second nod "I would rather not do it either. It will lead to a bigger mess than anypony could foresee."
>>134087"Well... it looks like even fighting them on an even playing field is risky."
>>134088"This might have been an extreme case," Iron proposes "but we definitely need a place to rest up for a bit before continuing the plan in order to stay in shape."
>>134089"Well... They'll learn that we're here soon. And they'll come for us."
She grimaces
"Unfortunate, as they will likely have weapons."
>>134090Iron thinks for a moment, tapping his chin in thought before the torch in his head lights up. "That is it. We prepare a spot to lure them to us and defeat them using our enviornment."
>>134091"Or go to them before they notice. Either way."
>>134092Iron thinks for a second, unsure exactly what to do.
"...I guess we can storm another spot or two before we fall back to letting them come to us," he concludes.
>>134093"Doable" she says.
"Let us hope they don't get too prepared..."
>>134094"Agreed," Iron replies
With that being said, the stallion starts looking for any clues inside the building for any spot to visit.
>>134095One door to the left. One door that leads to a staircase
>>134096Iron tries the door on the left, assuming the griffiness was looking to escape rather than to grab something from the room.
>>134076Silver looks over at Khoi, his jovial expression dropping. He moves over to her.
"Are you okay, Khoi?"
>>134099"You still look anxious. Are you sure you do not want to talk about it?"
>>134100"You asked me something earlier, didn't you?"
>>134102"You asked how it began? The war."
>>134097Opening it, there is an open area with a desk to the left, doors to what is marked as a bathroom on the left, and two doors on the right in a short hallway that ends in a steel door
>>134103Iron trots towards the desk, figuring these magic spots have all of the important papers like back in Hoebuck.
>>134104This desk, at least, is entirely clear. It looks to be left over from the previous owner of the building
>>134103"Yes. What was it fought over?"
>>134106"Did I not tell you? The rebels want to overthrow the government."
>>134105Huffing in mild disappointment, Iron takes no time to pivot towards the steel door being the short hallway. He knew time was of the essence.
>>134107"Yes, but there must be reasons behind them rebelling. Or, perhaps my memory truly is going out if you already told me."
>>134108This immediately leads him into a large room. A
very large room, with a ceiling of at least three stories and at least 75 feet just in the main portion. There is a boat, looks to be a fishing trawler, in a rail or ramp in the center, and a number of objects like tool boxes to either side.
>>134109"I suppose I should tell you the full story..."