In Changelingia (West Equestria), Brie gains the support of a Changeling queen for his endeavors. Spark is doing his best to help an ill Wolf spiritual leader.
In Free Equestria (East Equestria), Iron is trying to intimidate a group of criminal griffin interlopers. Fantasy Play is helping to shut down an Anarchist press. Silver is helping his new household. Amber Sunset is walking through the city, and Dark Star has just finished helping the orphans.
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>>133670Hopefully Silver knows how to prepare both. The electric stove isn’t quite as powerful as the gas or even wood stoves Silver is familiar with, but he makes so
>>133672Silver is able to complete both: stroganoff, and fried alligator
>>133675Silver sets the table, and calls out to the household.
>>133673I'll probably leave the station soon if Darkstar doesn't show. Then I'll just check on the pamhplets and then leave. Our characters can bump into each other on the streets.
I will give Darkstar sometime thought but otherwise it make sesne that my charcter would take the rest of the day off and not meet Darkstar (if he doesn't appear) since he is in a meeting with Seabreeeze.
>>133676Khoi and Jubilosa enter the room together, while Mala, last to enter, is the first to the table. Jubilosa looks with intrigue at the new food while Khoi examines it with caution. Mala sniffs both the struganoff and the fried alligator with enthusiasm
>>133677Hopefully he'll be around tomorrow...
>>133678Silver serves up portions of the stroganoff onto everyone's plates, and serves up a portion of fried gator to Mala. He looks over to the other carnivore in the room.
"Want some crocogator, Jubilosa?"
>>133710Each of the creatures looks at the strogranoff as it is placed. Mala bends over to sniff the stroganoff, and then the fried alligator. Jubilosa looks down at the stroganoff with curiousity, and then picks up a fork to move it. Khoi is rather skeptical of the stroganoff, unsure about it.
"Crocogator? What's a crocogator?"
But when she looks over to Mala's plate, she says,
"Oh. Sure. I'll try it, I guess."
I'll wait a bit more. No stress.
>>133712Hopefully Dark Star will return soon. Hopefully...
>>133711The stroganoff moves, well, like a cassarole. Noodles provide the base of the dish, covered in a simple sauce of cream of mushroom soup and sour cream, with extra mushrooms to add more substance to the meal.
He looks over to Khoi, and smiles.
"Go ahead, try it. It is quite good!"
He sevres some meat to Jubilosa and then sits down in front of his own plate. He licks his lips before digging into the satisfying meal.
We need to send a radio signal to see if Dark Star and Iron are okay
>>133721Khoi seems rather hesitant looking at it. She looks over to Mala and Jubilosa.
Jubilosa, however, uses a fork to try to pick up some of the aligator meet, moving it up in her beak in exactly the manner you’d expect a bird to eat. Mala basically just puts his muzzle directly in the Stroganoff.
[1d2 = 1] >>133724>>133721Khoi picks up a fork, and starts nibbling on the Stroganov, with an expression of discomfort and uncertainty
If Dark Star and/or Fantasy shows up I can squeeze in a session, otherwise I won't be here
>>133733Would like to play but has some stuff on my mind. I think another day. I just can't hack it today.
However, I think my character will seek out yours next time I play. >>133735Um, okay. Hope you can play tomorrow
>>133725Silver at least looks like he's enjoying the meal.
>>133739Jubilosa eats a piece of alligator, and then another and another. She's eaten a significant portion of it before she tries the Stroganoff. She takes a small sample with her fork, tastes it, and looks off to the side to contemplate it, before using her fork to eat it in earnest.
Mala sticks his muzzle into the stroganov and eats a portion of it, before pulling his muzzle out and licking his nose and lips - covered in cream - for many seconds, before placing his muzzle into the plate of fried aligator. Mala eats all of the fried alligator quickly, always directly with his mouth, simply biting off pieces where the meat is too large to swallow. When this is done, Mala goes back to the stroganov, especially liking to lick up the cream.
Khoi is the slowest to eat, trying but struggling to use a fork, before using her magic directly to pick up noodles. She chews the noodles extensively, unlike Jubilosa and Mala, who don't or very possibly can't chew. She often looks over to Mala and Jubilosa with concern o judgement, and while Mala does not notice, her glance seems to provoke Jubilosa to switch from the alligator meat to the stroganov. Khoi avoids the cream where she can, and eats mostly just the noodles.
Nova Griffonia is a much better country to play for a new player than Equestria is. You won't get dec'd on by anyone else and there are hardly any unexpected surprises. There are several very fun paths to go down, and the research bonuses you get from national focuses are useful for keeping up in different areas.
I picked Goldfeather for the ancap memes and it's actually a fun and very different way to play the game. You can actually get civilian factories in return for volunteers which is a great help for such a small country, and it lets you play the game and get experience without risk of getting invaded. I've found that special ops units (mountaineers and knights in particular) are the best option, at least because my main army templates are still substandard. You can basically ignore navy and air force as you can't use those as mercenaries, though I'm playing catch-up with those since I'm boosting fascism across the northern hemisphere and maybe making a faction.
Also it was disappointing to see how the Equestria AI trounced the Karthianian Empire. Then again, it clearly had naval superiority whereas my navy was bugged in the other game. Interestingly that bug hasn't surfaced in this game. Also the Griffonian Republic's faction declared war on the Empire which never happened in my last game.
>>133741Silver looks up from his food and over to Khoi. His raises his eyebrow and tilts his head slightly to the left.
"Why do you not use fork?"
>>133742I remember playing Goldfeather... It's been over a year and a half, but I do remember it. Nova Griffonia can be fun. Navies haven't really entirely worked right since Man the Guns.>>133743She looks back to him, with wide eyes.
This is getting pretty far off-topic, but has anyone else played Darkest Hour? I wanted to get some vanilla HOI in but for some strange reason the vanilla game crashes after loading though EaW works fine. The next best thing was to try Darkest Hour, a "Hearts of Iron game" that is a standalone built by the modding community. It's based on HOI2 which I've heard is the best HOI game. It certainly is a very different sort of game and has a vast amount of depth.
The amount of depth in the game is astounding. For one, the time-frame extends from WW1 all the way to 1970. The densely-packed research system works off a research team system--rather than have a flat bonus based on government ministers (though you can get that too), you hire teams according to their expertise and skill level. I think the political system is far superior since rather than four ideologies, you get ten Kaiserreich-style depending on the axes of democratic/authoritarian and left/right. Diplomacy and intelligence are both self-managing for the most part. Although there are decisions, there are no focus trees, and outside of special events you can change the path of your country's politics only very gradually. Being an older game it isn't heavy on the visuals (and I still don't know if there are any hotkeys), but it makes up for it with the sheer amount of flavor text in the game (every historical government minister of every country is present!)
Part of me wishes that EaW was made in this game because of how well-grounded everything is. HOI4 is definitely a much more arcadey and "dumbed-down" game in comparison, but that probably works better for a cartoony setting. Still, if you like the history aspect of Hearts of Iron then check out DH.
>>133749Huzzah! I got one good line of dialogue
>>133752That does sound pretty neat. It reminds me of the "Realism Invictus" mod for Civilization 4, which has something like three times the detail of the base game
>>133744Silver smiles at her.
"It is okay, I am just curious. I have not seen unicorn - or kirin, in this case - eat like that."
>>133754She is silent for a moment, looks down, then back up to Silver, and blinks
"What is this?"
>>133755"What is what? Fork? Stroganoff? I am afraid you will have to be more specific."
>>133757He looks at the cream, and gives an amused smile.
"Cream of mushroom soup and sour cream. It is very good!"
He demonstrates by using his fork to impale some noodles and a large piece of mushroom from his plate, scooping up some of the cream sauce, and eating the savoury bite with a look of definite enjoyment.
>>133758She watches with something between fascination and horror
>>133759Silver swallows the bite, and smiles at Khoi.
"You do not have to eat it, and you especially are not obligated to like it, but it would be nice to see you try it before you give final judgement."
>>133764Now Silver looks confused.
"Cream of mushroom soup and sour cream...? I am afraid I do not understand."
>>133766“Yes. This uh... this ‘sour cream’ she says.”
>>133767"Oh, that! Sour cream is made from cow's milk."
>>133769She narrows her eyes and slowly nods her head
“I see...”
>>133770Silver now looks even more confused.
"What is wrong, Khoi?"
>>133771“Is using animal for food.” She says
>>133772"...uh...well, yes, I suppose technically. It does not hurt cow to make, though."
>>133774Pretty much, yes.>>133777She looks up at him, silently for a moment, and then over to the other two
“Very well...”
She picks up more noodles with her magic, and tries to eat them
>>133779Silver shrugs to her use of magic instead of her fork, and resumes eating the last of the stroganoff on his plate. He leans back in his seat once he's finished, giving his stomach a satisfied pat.
"Ahhhhh, that hit spot..."