In Changelingia (West Equestria), Brie gains the support of a Changeling queen for his endeavors. Spark is doing his best to help an ill Wolf spiritual leader.
In Free Equestria (East Equestria), Iron is trying to intimidate a group of criminal griffin interlopers. Fantasy Play is helping to shut down an Anarchist press. Silver is helping his new household. Amber Sunset is walking through the city, and Dark Star has just finished helping the orphans.
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>>136306"Unfortunately, that is not case it seems."
He looks from side to side, before leaning in towards Pear.
"Perhaps I had some sort of episode, but I swear, during that raid, Maar himself tried to scare me by showing me vision of past, back when asylum was still in operation, of mare he had influenced to kill herself by jumping off of balcony. It was...unsettling."
>>136307Her lips move back to their normal positions as both ears focus on Silver. She moves one step forward with her forebody, coming closer to Silver.
"I don't study Maarism... But I have heard of it. Read of it. The cult is associated with mental illness, what we would call 'Schizophrenia.' The leading deity, what they call 'Maar,' will speak to those who have a greater connection to the... well..." she looks away, then looks back to Silver,
"There is this school of philosophy, this belief... It's not as prevalent in the Baltimare or Fillydelphia acedemic scene as it was 50 years ago, but it's still very respected in Canterlot, Sunset and Grieffienheim... It's this belief that the world as presented to us by our senses is not as it seems. You know, you see a red flower or taste a salt lick, and it seems like the salt lick or the flower is what is primal, and it exists regardless of how you experience it. But in this school of philosophy, experience itself - consciousness; thought; emotion - is primal, is what is real. Now, Maarists don't quite think like that-"
She looks off to the side
"All of the original Maarist texts are burned or secreted away, but we know what they think because of a work by Aquilas who wrote a book in part arguing against some of their 'heretical' beliefs... The Maarists agree with the Equestrian philosophers that the world is not quite as it seems. They think that the senses, your emotions... they give a kind of glimpse into reality. The world as it really is. But they think there is so much more than what the mind can grasp. And that is where hearing things comes into play. They think that people with schizophrenia aren't really ill in the way we do. They think that these people actually have a kind of sense into the world that we do not, a new way of perceiving things. They think that their deity can help offer greater insights into the world. Like the Equestrians they don't believe that time and space are real things. So they think that with the help of their deity, they can see worlds far away, or times long ago or far into the future..."
She blinks. In some weird sort of way, it's like she had forgotten that Silver was in the room, and she is only just now remembering the pony directly in front of her.
"But... I think I have heard stories like that. I think..."
>>136310Silver looks fascinated with her, and her knowledge of philosophy.
"I can believe it, having experienced that myself. I must admit, it was shock learning that Maar exists. It makes me wonder about other gods in griffon faith, if they exist as well."
>>136311"Well, any such thing as 'gods' existing... that's another matter."
>>136312"I am interested. What are your thoughts on that?"
She looks down
"I... don't have quite the faith I had as a filly. There are some who say that much of what we think of as gods is actually wild magic, or mass hallucinations, and all of these various other explanations... but besides that... are these creatures really what we could call gods? Or are they just creatures like us. Creatures born of magic and not of earth, but creatures still... Not really a part of any kind of 'higher' moral or spiritual aspect of the world, but just another thing looking for its interests, indifferent to ours."
She looks back up to him
"Whether there are any gods, or if there is a spiritual dimension to the world at all... there is no doubt about how it affects the behavior of ponies, or most creatures. It adds a whole new dimension to how we behave, how we form our own values and views. I feel at times, many times, like we are abandoned by the larger universe, left to make our own way. But there is no doubt that what we think about the spiritual - even if we just project it - is a part of the measure by which we judge our lives and the universe."
>>136314Silver smiles at her.
"I like your view on the world. It is incredibly interesting. Or at least to me, it is. So, do think there is some kind of spiritual connection behind our alicorns? Or could anypony become one, provided they had right circumstances?"
>>136315"'Spiritual,' in the sense of having connection to some different, non-material plane of reality endowed with moral value the mundane and the magical are lacking? I don't know. I don't know if any such thing exists. They show up in the oldest tales after completing some daring tasks, and at the time of great crisis... They could just as easily be sent from the Universe, or normal ponies whose souls were harden into diamonds by the crises of Early Equestria. And then Twilight... you can say that it was Providence, the working of Harmony in the world to bring about a newer, higher concept of Harmony in the world. And I know many who say that. But the ponies around me say that this proves that it's nothing other than magic. Exceptionally strong magic, but nothing truly special or spiritual. I believe one thing one day and something else the next. But in my own kind of way I have never wavered in my faith in our mother of the nation...."
>>136316Silver smiles brightly at her.
"I am admittedly not best Celestialist, but as I figure it, there has to be
something special about alicorns that transcends normal ponies."
>>136317She smiles, albeit less brightly
"That, there is. Patience. Wisdom. Kindness... Celestia, in her time, was like the true Universal Emperor. Somepony, if pony she was, who truly had more virtue than anyone else, who could impart that virtue upon her subjects through careful lesson, and who by this virtue had the right to rule over all of ponykind and possibly beyond that. That is what most ponies thought. That is what Twilight and Cadence, or even Erebus Haygle tried to be, sometimes trying to be a "Philosopher King" as surely as a Universal Emperor... But Celestia succeeded."
>>136318Silver nods in agreement.
"Even if she only could do so once, she was only one who was worthy of using every Element of Harmony at same time. There is good reason why Celestialism exists."
>>136319She pauses for a moment, then answers
"Yes... I can see that. I can see that in the way her followers can. Her little ponies."
>>136320"Oh, if you do not mind me revisiting previous topic, how did you get your cutie mark?"
>>136275>>136325Roll Die
>>136321She smiles weakly, before returning to a neutral expression.
"Perhaps it's not surprising... I got it that day I saw the heavens move. Well, the sun at least, in the Summer Sun celebration."
>>136327Within a few minutes, a mare comes into the store. She wears a rather tattered blue sweater.
[1d3 = 2] >>136328Amber goes up to meet the mare with a smile.
"Good morning! What can I get you today?" >>136329When she comes in, she looks off to the side at rows of thicker clothing. It takes about two or three seconds for her to acknowledge Amber and look towards her
"I'm looking for something warm for myself and my son."
>>136330"There are sweaters right over here." Amber leads her to the shelves containing the sweaters.
>>136331"Oh." She cautiously moves over to the sweaters, looking at them somewhat from a distance
>>136332Amber politely waits, looking around casually though staying close to the customer.
>>136333And now, she turns around slowly to Amber
"Uh, do you know anything that is maybe water proof, or won't get water logged? I'll be going to the mountains in a few weeks, and I wouldn't want to get soaked in the winter."
>>136334"Oh, um..."Amber tries to remember if the store carries any outdoor jackets or, barring that, which sweaters are woolen.
>>136336Woolen sweaters are marked separately. The cheaper sweaters are closer to being of "outdoors" quality to any of the more expensive and formal clothing
>>136338She nods, and picks up a blue one, inspecting it
"Any idea how it handles water?"
>>136339I guess I should roll survival to know:
[1d20+1 = 9] >>136340It's complicated, but generally the outer layers will absorb water while inner layers remain dry
>>136342She smiles, and look through the coats, taking at least two full minutes, perhaps even longer.
"I'll buy this one"
She shows a larger blue one
"And this one..."
A smaller blue one
>>136344"Well... I'll be buying shoes, I guess"
She says, looking at Amber with a kind of reticence
>>136345Wait, aren't there dedicated farriers? I was thinking of "shoes" as in literal horseshoes.Amber looks a bit uncertain.
"We do have shoes, but they're more for everyday or fancy use..." >>136346Well yes. She never said she was expecting to buy them at the store"You do?" She asks, with a slight surprise
>>136348Probably not. But wool socks, and scarfs as well? That's another matter
>>136349>>136345Amber thinks for a second, and replies,
"Well, not the kind you want, probably. But I recommend looking at other cold-weather clothes like scarves, hats, and socks. They're better for buttoning up than just a jacket." >>136350She nods, and goes towards where she believes these items to be located.
>>136350>>136351She comes back with a red cap, a red scarf, and two sets of woolen socks. All in mare sizes.
>>136353"Huh?" She looks back for a moment, almost confused
"Oh. Sure."
>>136354Amber grins and trots to the section containing socks.
"I'll be back in a second!" She searches for the size of socks she thinks would fit a colt who would wear the jacket she saw earlier.
>>136355She looks down at the socks, inspecting them intently, before taking them from Amber’s hooves.
“These will do”
[1d2 = 2] >>136356Amber blinks and responds,
"Oh-okay, is that all?" >>136357She looks up at Amber, and then down at the coats and other items.
“I... think so.”
>>136359This question causes her to pause for a minute, as she evidently had not considered it.
“I suppose I should.”
She asks the location of the dressing rooms, and is presumably directed there. It takes her maybe seven minutes, but she returns with the full set.
“It fits well enough.” Then she remarks “don’t know how well it works wet, though.”
>>136360Amber lightly says,
"As long as you don't go swimming with your clothes or sleep without a cover, you should be fine," and gives a hopeful smile.
>>136361She nods
“Then I will buy the set.” She says