>>112495>>112494Don’t mind the Argentina Anon. He’s projecting private thoughts about the way the last session exploded more so than the general way of things.
We would love to have you! This campaign is set in Equestria in a recursive fan fiction based upon the Equestria at War mod, for the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron 4. Its a bit more of a technological and lower magic setting, with human history and the horror genre especially being among its influences
In this world, things go differently with the plan we see in the season 6 finale, resulting in the Changelings remaining in their unreformed state and being excluded from the later Friendship School. Thanks tons combination of local political and economic factors, as well as discontent with Princess Twilight’s new way of running things, after the passage of some years, an Equestrian colony state in Griffonia breaks away, and tries to establish its own empire with captive markets for its goods by conquering a few of the smaller griffin nations. The Equestrian Princesses see this as antithetical to the new world they are trying to establish, with an equality of races and every nation having a seat at the table, so they declare war without actually waging a serious war effort. But to Equestria’s West, the never defeated Chrysalis did not remain idol. Rather than make a relatively small attack that could be stopped by a relatively small number of heroes, Chrysalis would attack in a swarm of steel, using mass numbers and new technology to tip the odds in her favor. The invasion cane, and became bogged down by the heavy resistance of an Equestria partially mobilized for war. However, the Equestrian break away state took advantage of the redeployment of the Equestrian navy and troops away from the Equestrian east, and towards the changelings in the west. They invaded across the sea, and stormed into Equestrian cities, under the claim that Equestria started the war and they were simply occupying Equestrian land to keep it under pony control before the weak state could fall in its entirety to the Changelings. Equestria was split and occupied.
This campaign takes place in occupied Equestria. The main group is currently located in the Equestrian East coast city of Baltimare, the New Mareland occupied zone. Another slightly smaller group is much further north in Whinnysota in the Changeling occupied zone on its own quest there. The campaign as a whole mostly centers around the political power vacuum left by the fall of the Equestrian monarchy, including the threat of communist insurgency, a looming Changeling invasion and ever present infiltration, scandalous local politicians, powerful criminal gangs and crime syndicates, the remains of ancient necromancers thought sealed away, a moralistic college professor who seeks to unleash ancient gods to force a return if the age of heroes, ponies just trying to survive under Changeling occupation, and in the most recent case, criminal cartels from Griffonia who try to traffic creatures.
This is a level five, soon to be level six, campaign. Any new class you choose will be nice, although only unicorns can do arcane magic, divine magic has some restrictions based upon the setting, and I don’t do Psionics.
Anypony is welcome.
>>112497Dude. Stop.