When you see this thread, do five push ups.
if busy do ten later
220 replies and 69 files omitted.
You should be doing twenty by now, motherfucker.
By the way, my apartment is too small for pushups so I did 20 lifts of a ten pound weight with each arm.
Do faggots avoid using Overboard because they fear seeing this thread?
>>1117I don't fear seeing this thread - it helps a lot actually. I just stick to a small set of threads for periods of time and I don't browse often enough.
I just did 25.
Earlier today during my thirty-minute lunch break at work I did 22, then 10, then 2, then 2, with roughly 5 seconds in between each round.
Or, I think it was a measly 22. I was either in the 20s or 30s. I often make it to 40 for the first round.
I am 5'9" and about 111 to 112 pounds. That apparently makes me rather underweight. It could be my metabolism.
>>1222Have you been doing your pushups while i was away /üb/?
It's time to start again, you lazy faggots
Reminder to reject degeneracy and strive to become a better person.
Prepare for the holy war on Islam soon, brothers. Bump!
And I expect you maggots to bump this daily, until each and every one of us has achieved the pale goblin physique! Never slacken! Never tire! Never lose faith! The war needs YOU!
I'm sorry this New Zealand shit's getting me really fucking angery, especially the prime minister leading an Islamic call to prayer on TV after it was discovered that Christchurch has a jihadi problem. Please though, do get in shape anons. We need to act soon, and I want to meet all of you in person when the dust settles, you hear? You're all too good to let die, no matter how many of our shared interests may or may not be axed in the ethnostate.
>>1369On the topic of never slackening and never tiring, I weighed myself after finishing with some chores. I'm 195, where less than half a month ago I was nearly 210. All I had to do was not eat bread or foods with high fructose corn syrup for lent. I still had alcohol on Saint Patrick's Day, I still had a cookie or cupcake or elsewise every few days, and I didn't even work out that hard. That's all it takes goys. So I repeat myself!
>see thread
>step away to do 5 pushups
>come back to computer
>see thread again
>it never ends
>>1403Cat knows what cat is doing.
Sadly, I am but a weakling, with noodle arms. Will you accept 20 situps as tribute, instead?
Also bump, because we all need more gains in our lives.
>>1483No. Situps are for pussies. Push more faggit
>My fellow brethren struggling with 5 pushups
Thank you. I now have bulging biceps, ok-ish shoulders, and a thigh gap. I still look fat, but I'm losing fuckloads of weight. This thread helped me get less fat.
>>1511Then this time do 20. I'll do 'em with you.
[1d50 = 12]>>1512Not enough. Rolling for extra push-ups
This thread shall not die
Might gains flow your way, anon.
You are working on your fitness, arent ya
[1d50 = 27]Fuck yea dropped five like nothing. Wasn't too long ago I couldn't even do one. It's true what they say, barbells are big medicine.
>>1513Now we're talking.
Over 20 and I'm probably screwed>>1326Interesting to close with a Mahler quote. Jewish blood and all, but he wrote some damn fine symphonies, so maybe not so bad?
>>2122Hell yeah you did. Add another 5 from me. ^_^
>>2124Sure thing boss. Made it to 27 with a couple left in the tank, a great roll.
>>1564That's a good image. Thank you for reminding me that I have important things I need to do.
>>2409And add another 40, cuz I just turned 40 yesterday
>>2410I'm 23 going on 24. This is a real question: How does it feel to be that old? I swear that's not some insult, I'm nervous about getting old.
>>2411Well, theres two things to establish in answering that question.
First, this is the pushups thread, so as long as we're doing 10 pushups for every post, this is fine.
The second is that your energy levels are not as high and your physiological regeneration (whether energy and ability or injury repair) decreases.
It's really not all that different. One can consciously bypass diminishing energy levels with both strategy and discipline. A whole day of throwing hay bales - as one example - sucks more when you're older, and aches and soreness is more apparent, leading toward a greater appreciation of things like stretching and incremental nutrition (6 small meals rather than 3 large ones).
Imo, this is why it is important to establish healthy habits now, as they will be one more foundational and integral.
Basically, if you're eating and exercising relatively well now (ideally with gradual level of improvement) and not neglecting personal discipline now you don't have much to worry about from getting older. I'm spry AF for my age - well beyond a significant majority of my peers - for precisely that reason. Stretching is especially key to maintaining limber and loose musculature, and a direct correlation can be indicated between people "getting/feeling older" and poor (nonexistent?) stretching habits.
[Read more] >>2412To reiterate my point, that last 100 pushups kinda sucked in one go, ngl. I still did it, and now I'm doing 10 more. You should too
>>2416ess weight limit of mine went up on the day i posted that
What's this doing so low on the catalog?
I'm too young to feel this old! I'm only 25! But this video's fucking twenty!
https://youtu.be/oBFKfgLf0LI [Embed]Maybe exercising will help me feel young again.
I wonder how many anons turned into log-armed beasts thanks to this thread
What is this thread doing off the front page?
>>5699Remember frens, dubs = 20 pushups. C'mon
They got to him. Someone I haven't talked to in years contacted me today and he turned out to be a pozzed faggot brainwashed into hating gun rights and americans. faggot even said to be "guns equals fear" like he thinks that's a valid argument. What the fuck? His cowardice shouldn't take away anyone else's right to own firearms and defend themselves from evil. I'm going to take this rage and exercise with it.
Wtf is this blogposting shit in the pushup thread?
>>5704Five pushups say it's a bot. Cartoon horse vagina.
>>570710 pushups say its a known poster with a particular flag
>>5707Can't be a bot, bots post sequences of nonsense sentences and libtard shit they were programmed to say.
Time to put this on the front page again
Got sidetracked, but push niggers
>>5757Gotta start the day right, with coffee and pushups. Id post the dash coffee pepe, but I dont wanna look for it
You can do ten for fluttershy. I believe you can do it
Bump because flat earth is jewish psyop meant to make sites that allow discussion of anything look unappealing or force them to compromise on the ideal of free speech by banning worthless speech like irrational intentionally-insulting unscientific aimless flat earther pilpul. Fuck flat earthers, do some pushups and situps too.
>>5909Based post, and thank you for the pilpul reference; it absolutely applies, and Im happy to do some pushups in observance
10 more, while I wait for anon to try and posture more
>>5917>doesnt pushGtfo faggit, this thread is about actually doing things
>>5918>this thread is about actually doing thingsI don't know anon but, I do already.
>>5919Then you're up by a bunch of pushups.
Or you're a bitch thats posturing. Idfk, Im pushing.
>>5920>posturingAh. I suspect you are the same faggot that in the last two months has been using that word to complain about pony images.
Learn to meme newfag.
>>5921It must suck being a fraud, how do you live with yourself? You could do the work of course, but you're too good for that or some such, and instead rely on pony reaction images. Good luck with that anon. Faking it till u make it only sounds like a reasonable position to people who are faking it, the rest of us have work to do.
>>5922You sound like you are jelly.
You are jelly because that Anon has a sorted reaction image folder, and you do not.
>>5923Just in time! I put a chuck roast braise into the oven about 20 minutes ago, and thought to spend some of the time doing pushups.
Im pleased (you)'re here.
Having said, you sound like a faggot. Who really carws about having a reaction folder, except anon who literally does nothing? Like, arent there better ways to spend your time?
I get flak for not using ponies in my posts but, thats cuz I have better things to do. So, you're not wrong; his reaction images are better than my lack.of reaction images, but why are (you) acting like that's something to aspire to?
Ffa anon, git gud. IMA start with 30 pushups, I hope you're *ahem* 'pony' enough to man up. That is, in between trying to throw salt.
I also hope (doubt) that you're abiding by OP's will, and actually DOING pushups, in between being a salty whore
>>5923>that Anon has a sorted reaction image folderActually it is a full-fledged SQL database.