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24383 24416 24440 24489
I had to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. Let's make this thread separated from >>23545 → and focus on the real deal, actual pedos. Not the filly fans, who gives a shit, really.

Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.

Now I just want to insist that this isn't about scoring points or virtue signaling and I expect a lot of
>Oh look another SJW on a whitchhunt why don't you join DataByte and his buddies?
We're not here to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘they're not hurting anyone’. That list, as flawed as it was still did expose a small percentage of actual pedophiles, and that's what we need to focus on, being honest and upfront about the issue and use some critical thinking. Are they really pedophiles? What are they doing to not being one? Do they seek a therapy and why did it take that other faggot dumping his list to take consciousness of the existence of these guys.

Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.

Recap: logs of some chatrooms mostly about roleplay BUT with some worrying stuff.

-Pathos's Foalcon chat
-Sollace's Crusaders Book Club
-Satyr_sam's Filly Heaven 2.0

192 replies and 117 files omitted.
24768 24769
Me on the right
Good spacial recognition.
Well done, see these mares.
samefag loser
me hero of the thread samefagging constantly
No u
24772 24773
>POCD is an obsessive fear of being or becoming a pedophile, what to many is considered the ultimate loss of identity. Justified or not, understood or not, the pedophile is the one character nobody can ever vouch for.
>Intrusive unwanted sexual thoughts/images/sensations around children (often but not exclusively one’s own children)
Fear that early experiences were signs of suppressed pedophilia

>Fear that noticing adult characteristics (e.g. specific body parts, body positioning, style of dress) of prepubescent children, pubescent adolescents, or of anyone “too young” is an indicator of pedophilia
Isn't it tho?
What the fuck I'm reading Anon? That's a fucking OCD? Why isn't this mentioned anywhere?

Bro what the fuck I considered kms when I was aroused to fucking Touhou, Lucky Star, Yotsuba Chihiro, and of course those fucking fillies

Why did no one tell me about this earlier? Why do I lear nabout this shit just RIGHT NOW? I'm both in relief that I should seek mental counseling and both mad I never heard of POCD earlier-Mother fucking YEARS AGO! Holy shit Anon.

>Anyone familiar with OCD knows that reassurance is part of the problem, not the solution. But a basic reality check is not always compulsive reassurance and basic reality may be that this nightmare is just OCD and OCD is treatable.

I'm gonna fucking cry
Well okay anon, this is exactly what has been explained and developped itt, watching cartoons doesn't makes you a pedo as much as playing GTA doesn't make you a gangster. Or listening to death metal won't make you a satan lover. You learn things about life.
>That's a fucking OCD? Why isn't this mentioned anywhere?
Because it's just OCD. Those that suffer it may have certain kinds but they're not syndromes by themselves, they're just OCD.
Maybe accepting your arousal may help? Not fearing about becoming something by engaging with it...
Not sure how OCD even works so I'm just guessing, but logically speaking you wouldn't need to fear of becoming something if you mentally decide to become it.
Exactly, the guilt and idea of attirance will cause an internal thought of being abnormal.
DataByte plays on this, you aren't fucked, you are formatting yourself. Psychology is complex, there are solutions.

infact let's destroy this narrative in depth. Attraction to fiction and fantasms were explained if you follow Freud it's mostly that.

You guys are okay a pedophile never says out, it's a vice, it's conscious. Go back to your fillies and move on.
24776 24780
This is slightly off-topic but you must know this:
Don't ever talk about tulpas to your therapist. If she mentions tulapas, tell her that you "don't know what that is" and that you "find the idea revolting."
If she signs you a schizo it's game over. The government can do with "mentally impaireds" as they wish.
my friend is a psycyhanalyst, back when it waspopular on /mlp/ I discussed this.
She would love to study to understand it, she almost published a paper.
Me as a dev, explained we may use a fragment of our brain and a tulpa may be some kind of background process.
Talking how the feeling of Déjà Vu could be the overloaded brain using long term memory's almost infinite space as cache or something
>This could be an explanation, it's not scientific
>most tulpamancers could be trolling
>some genuinely installing, literally, an hallucination.

I tried having one, Renamon as she insisted I should serve as a rat lab. I gave up by fear. I tried to feel her presence with me and all, met my friend who researched this indian culture thing, it could work if I had the brain.
It's strange. I don't have enough data DESPITE the load of image.
>Are you feeling something about this character, as a kid, her body etc.
>Even with sex and all I cannot imagine or visualize, focus, etc.
People with a tulpa really are a level of schizo-autism. It would need a whole field of research to explain how it works. And I tried.
It was years ago, I didn't bother wondering, this is new age hippie shit to me, but some agree it unveils unknown aspects of intelligence, filling a void.
>is that a mental illness
>look, if someone is lonely and if it helps you it is good
>lit, “A Beautiful Mind” schizophrenia is not understood. smart people have a spectrum of it.
>does the brain have a security that locks multiple personalities to run?
>What is real through conditioning.
24781 24782
It should be obvious to the therapist that guy is merely a retarded cuck bitch and not a based schizo.
me btw
>being retarded
>after finding out your degen brain requires a fix
>ok being an actual pedo
kys as soon as possible you PCL shill
24784 24908
Anybody else ITT just think that little girls are kind of hot and it's really not that big a deal?
24912 24915
DiamondTiara thinks fily porn and foalco n isn't pedophilia, while pedophilia is sexual attraction to human children, can I be a pedo for wanting to come inside SweetieBelle?
He(I think) got banned for arguing this on KF but where do we draw the line?
24910 24912
FFS, where's the eyebleach? Y'all been wildin' out.
Havig said, theres an important distinction that's been neglected.
A narcissist is an antisocial personality that is predisposed to seeing their own interests, agendas, and preferences as being justified.
A sociopath is an antisocial personality that is predisposed to seeing that there is no real justification to anything, therefore anything goes.
The former claims to be moral except that they are the center of said 'morality', while the latter dismisses the concept of morality entirely and operates from a position of opportunity.
A sociopath - if cornered - can admit/acknowledge that the sociopathic behaviors they display are malevolent (et al) but simply doesn't care, often citing the naivete or vulnerability of people as justification. Think Con artistry.
A narcissist however thinks that their behavior is always justified, no matter the level of abuse. It would be redundant to say more given the Narcissist thread in /ub/.
24911 24912
Mentally ill people will be mentally ill, but what does this have to do with the thread?
Did you read the thread? The mis-characterizations (specific to sociopathy) start with this post
24913 24914 24915 24916 24919
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 11-58-41 Furry Posters Shitting up Website after FurAffinity Redirect.png
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 11-56-53 Furry Posters Shitting up Website after FurAffinity Redirect.png
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 11-56-09 Furry Posters Shitting up Website after FurAffinity Redirect.png
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 11-53-54 Furry Posters Shitting up Website after FurAffinity Redirect.png
Screenshot 2024-08-27 at 11-52-52 Furry Posters Shitting up Website after FurAffinity Redirect.png
Thread was initially meant to call out pedos, but clearly it's now about understanding human psychology, disorder, perversion and where the mental illness begins.Are people into foalcon pedos? Guess what, a pedo will even watch normal porn or any kind of porn. Are bronies pedophiles, and do you know who else was vegetarian? Hitler! No of course no we're not pedo for watching ponies, or hearing some filly squeaking like a kid on a cartoon, this is retarded.

I don't know who really DT is anymore but his point is valid, a pedo has interests in real life kids, or child looking characters, fillies, or even cub. Also he don't seems to care about being doxed on KF, doesn't de-escalate either. I don't think anyone into foalcon should be worried.
Where do we draw the line? Look at the tons of AI generated crap and overrealistic CGI porn flourishing on Pixiv, I'm all for free speech, really "but" if someone's into this kind of artificial or simulated CSAM they deserve the woodchipper treatment.

I guess yes, perhaps a narcissist personality would fit DataByte better than going with overhyped psychiatric concepts and pathologies.
>Look at the tons of AI generated crap and overrealistic CGI porn flourishing on Pixiv, I'm all for free speech, really "but" if someone's into this kind of artificial or simulated CSAM they deserve the woodchipper treatment.
>Draw the line.
It's been said before, it's doing actionable events in real life against real human beings.
That's crime in a nutshell.
>Muh fake shit.
Oh boy, let's have more alphabet agencies make more bullshit to plant on anyone or anywhere, I'm sure that can't backfire at all.
Now I wanna know why he posted these photos for, on a public social.
Let's follow the pink filly.
Pixels are pixels, Diamond would remind you with the murdering of NPCs in videogames that makes you a cyber murderer analogy - Which remains correct, CGI is fake, if a CGI character representing a child being raped or murdered, no child is hurt. And a pedo getting off on this kind of degenerate content is better than having him or her to take the risk to have em leaving their shithole and wander on a white van around schools.
That's bait. He's using kiwifarms to dox someone else.
Let's not, Tiara is a manipulative freak, he or she wants to get doxed, look at the post on Kiwifarms it smells like shit.
That account was comprised.
24925 24926 24956
Reviewing that thread DT has the autisms.
But you know what let's say all the pictures are staged somehow and location via third party was the point.
>DT is actually a mastermind in manipulating retards.
To find a French fuck?
The simple answer and the but likely incorrect one is that DT has media presence in multiple places and has a propensity to correct those who disagree and or are retarded.
Because DT has the tisms careful social engineering isn't in the cards to woo people to the point of view and increase understanding of issues in easy to digest ways that prevent knee-jerk reactions.
Why do I say this?
Some fag was wrong on the internet so instantly corrected.
However like other people who has any number of the list of tisms, previous experiences leak through even if not warranted.
Except it doesn't fucking match how DT posts.
>DT lost control of the KF account.
>Hacker wants revenge so begins poking furries.
>Deliberately leaking previous history to get bait.
>Doesn't try just barrels on through.
>Poking to keep getting a reaction to try getting more information.
>Right up until being banned.
24923 24925 24956
Has anyone forgotten that DT used to post here?
24924 24925 24956
She was here just a few months ago.
Yep, posting rhethorics about the flat earth movement, same Twitter is very science stuff oriented, and the posts he made on Kiwi were like 'fuck you I apply logic to death, no feelings allowed' that's right, but what's the endgame here?
>I'm a bully I'm DT
And he's also present on Rizon IRC.
People who namefag that hard across multiple sites are usually doing it for attention.
>The simple answer and the but likely incorrect one is that DT has media presence in multiple places and has a propensity to correct those who disagree and or are retarded.
There's a very science-based philosophical movement in France called 'zététique', DiamondTiara is totally into it, deboonking anything and what I appreciate is how 'she' destroys climate change bullshit and other things with math and physics proper to terminally autistic people. That's a difference with the science evangelists we have defending the WEF and people doing actual research. DT's quite a weird one, emerging from the depths of the internet. Imagine a character straight out of a tale, a science nerd, role-playing as a filly while leaving breadcrumbs like a LARP that leads to IRL stuff. I don't know, perhaps DT's alleged "media presence in multiple places" isn't merely about correcting people, but rather about weaving a broader canvas, The real question isn't about what DT wants, but rather, what role she wants us to play or act as her personal army designating a target. I'm rather willing to ignore her taunts and just draw cute fillies.
Called it
24957 24968
Not just a few months ago, or used to, I become invisible when I don't tripfag, I posted ITT by the way, my typography may leave some breadcrumbs to any english speaking detecting even a skilled ESL.

A pink cartoon horse is generally pretty obvious enough.

This anon gets it right, I have 5 or 6 kiwi accounts left inc. one that's active but it's as far as things goes on kiwi, even spoonfed they wait for somebody else to dox for them.
Ah, so you're okay?
-Message not sent on porn thread-
So the fag you're replying to is trying to tell you that the kf account that claims to be you is talking shit and getting hit, asking to be doxed.
Since nobody knows anything, the only know who knows anything about that situation is you.

They're the same person. Of course she's okay, she's been playing this for years on 8chan.
Oh, I know how long you can be said to have been posting here, namefag or no; I was reminding posters in hopes that you might present yourself and provide comment, given how unreliable anonymous allegations on the internet can be observed to be
Huh. Okay. Allegations? of what exactly? I'm sure I’ve already explained everything people need to know, both in this thread and in the forums and every place I am regarding fillycon or whatever fucking cartoon drawing that trigger absolute faggots.

Are you like these trisomic inbreds comparing cartoon porn as abuse as the harsh realities of CP/CSAM or actual pedophilia too? There's this thread for you here, if you are white, with the minimal IQ requirement to be allowed on the internet, read the previous posts in which we dismantle every argument shat by the PCL in this very thread.
I’ve spoken about this topic at length because, unfortunately I’m in a position to understand it all too well and I’m fully aware of the devastating reality behind these issues, and I expect you to understand this.
Since you asked
>Are you like these trisomic inbreds comparing cartoon porn as abuse as the harsh realities of CP/CSAM or actual pedophilia too?
No, but I'm not ignorant of the overrepresentation of pedophiles who participate in and around the foalcon uh,... industry, or MLP in general, or Furries in most general.
Nothing specific, just that some had suggested you had lost your mind, are an attention-fag, and other such. You dont seem to have lost your mind, but thats inconclusive.
I appreciate that you have clarified as you have, it's nice to get it from the hoers' mouth. I don't have any interest other than trying to determine what actually happened, why, what it means, etc. (ngl, its more of a passing curiosity than a lasting interest).
>No, but I'm not ignorant of the overrepresentation of pedophiles who participate in and around the foalcon uh,... industry, or MLP in general, or Furries in most general.
Don't worry I have did my research and many did for a while, they're not actual pedos. There's groomers in the fandom who have been properly called out and doxed, and properly made public.
>You dont seem to have lost your mind
Are you sure? Because I well am certain to have lost it, about a good decade ago! Still I do, in fact, believe in fundamental concepts that tends to be forgotten, such as the reality.
Ponies (are real, I know I met some) UNICORNS aren't real. Or whatever smol cute talking critters are not real, and have no rights in our physical universe. Just like the NPC or the sack of pixels you're going to frag on your favorite FPS. It's a game, it's not reality. It's fiction and people can do what they want with fiction, people can disagree with, and be told to get fucked, if they look for fiction thing, they get what they want.

You want non-fiction? Go check Goregrish.
Perhaps you have lost your mind, but there's a fine line between characteristics and dysfunctional.
I think being an abuse victim herself will have this effect on mental health...
I think you'll have a harder time arguing that anyone here is fully right in the head
Which leads me to that self question, are we truly the crazy ones for being just, grown adults who enjoy ponies and appreciate the art and fantasy with mares? Or is the world, in its chaotic embrace of ever-shifting standards, the one that’s lost its sense of reality?

We live in an era when what was once considered “normal” has become a moving target, it seems society is drifting further from objective truths and deeper into an abstract, often contradictory, set of ideals of deconstruction, and ideological replacement, including the narratives. People adopt identities, behaviors, and beliefs dictated by the MSM and kikery that might have been seen as irrational or insane only a generation ago, yet those of us who engage in imaginative fandoms are labeled as eccentric or out of touch, nerdy, autistic, abnormal. But is enjoying a creative world really madness, or is it a form of clarity?

Perhaps it is a way of holding onto a sense of wonder and individuality in a world that’s becoming increasingly artificial, where people chase the latest trend or political ideology without stopping to question their own authenticity.
What, then, defines insanity? Is it a willingness to step into a realm of fantasy, where friendship, kindness, and creativity reign supreme, or is it the abandonment of one’s true self in favor of conforming to every societal expectations, may it be antiracism, ecology, militantism, buying shit we don't need, consuming media and burgers to death, defending and welcoming our enemies while attacking and booing the rare ones who tries warns us? Attacking those who want to save us? Sure we're a fandom based on a brand made by a soulless society, the byproduct of a plastic product, but that's really a superficial aspect.

Those of us who indulge in these imaginative worlds can be more based than many assume. As this thread proven, we know the difference between fantasy and reality. We embrace escapism, not to avoid life, but to enrich it. Meanwhile, the “normal” people seem to have lost themselves in that noise-chasing social validation through social media, permanently connected, updated like their smart devices, replaced and devoid of culture or even allowed to think by themselves, and defining themselves by fleeting degenerated cultural trends, and adopting ideas detached from genuine human experience pushed by mentally ill and manipulative educators, formatted again by the media, schools and the society, that society we refuse to partake in by living in our world of mares and fantasy, yet not ignoring the reality that real society in decay, drowning in drugs, beheadings, rape and savagery they defend.

And yet, they are the ones who label us as outliers, as if living with joy and authenticity in our chosen interests is somehow a rejection of reality. I refuse to be judged by these people who themselves live in a made up reality, fed with lies, and have no other solution than committing suicide as soon that made up reality, that lie starts to shatter, the remaining acting as they can keep going with the narrative until a hypersonic warhead cooks them.

The real insanity is not in enjoying something unconventional, but in abandoning one's sense of self to live according to the unpredictable whims of a society that no longer knows where it’s heading. So, when I said I was insane it was rather bold I guess. Are we the crazy ones? Or is the world around us the one that has truly lost its grip on reality. So overall I don't think we're doing that bad.
Kek, I thought you weren't into psychology
Kidding aside, it isn't specifically the ponies that leads me to suggest mental affects.
To that point - and I hope you'll excuse the paraphrase - there's that quote to the effect that "It is healthy to be maladjusted to a dysfunctional and dishonest society."
Just to avoid misinterpretation:
It is considered unhealthy for humans to be maladjusted to society, yet when society can be observed to be dysfunctional, it is a sign of mental health to be maladjusted to it.
Its a catch 22, so to speak
24982 24983
Society is being infested by previously kicked out spirits.
The long march of the synagogue of satan was fully accepted.
Opening the door for the death spiral.
One could just call spirits predetermined plans of actions and that'll work enough to see what they all desire.
We all talked about the ailments extensively.
To actively solely focusing on assisting the ailments of society doesn't sit well.
That doesn't stop being who you are from doing the right thing when you're there.
It does mean active punishment for doing so has increased to astronomical heights. So the cost benefit analysis of how and when to engage potentially infected people is considered.
Do you engage someone that will actively try to ruin you, while attempting to relax or pony and frens?
The logical solution is don't engage with social sickos, but embrace pone.
Depending on how much social interaction people desire and want, pony helps tide a over to find other social interactions.
Those infected by the societal sickness will do anything and everything to spread it. Not to lessen their own suffering but to ensure one more feels the heavy burdens.
That desire to spread the sickness means by every vector they have to remove anywhere that is out of their reach.
That's why they won't leave anyone alone because being alone is away from the illnesses.
Logic can work on a thinking people, a society wide mind virus doesn't need logic.
It demands being spread.
Hypocrisy doesn't matter to it, being spread more does by any and all means.
The societal virus allows for being infested by spirits as the solution to the virus. Obviously that doesn't help, eventually ever increasing more spiritual forces crammed into one person increases.
Reality or fiction or fantasy doesn't matter to them, only spreading the virus. If it can't reach there then it has to be killed.
I will say faith in Jesus and our Father and The Holy Ghost is important.
>I will say faith in Jesus and our Father and The Holy Ghost is important.
If Christianity helps you somehow then good for you I guess, but I've always found it to be a pretty weak brew. Plus it's annoying the way its adherents always preach it as some kind of universal solution to everything. "If we all trust in Jeebus then everything will be fine," says morbidly obese flag-waving boomer, while his mixed-race grandchildren steal his car stereo to swap for hormone supplements.

Whatever though, the rest of this I more or less agree with. I think comparing normie behavior to some kind of mental virus is pretty apt.
>Not to lessen their own suffering but to ensure one more feels the heavy burdens.
This is my only point of contention/comment: it IS simply about afflicting other people with the same burdens, but it goes deeper than that. Participating in the dysfunction of society is comparable to a social-credit-esque ponzi scheme. While exceptional individuals will rise exceptionally (ala a pareto distribution), for most it seems to be about ensuring that enough people are placed below them on the "hierarchy".
Anon, God promises us an eternity beside Him through Christ. It is not at all what you suppose: a healthy patriarch would be in good health, have enough sense to select whom his daughters see (let alone marry,) and forbid any member of his family from theft or the genital mutilation/psychosis that is transgenderism. What you describe is societal decay wrought from decades of manipulation and a generation too afraid to be called racist and too decadent to face degeneracy.

Personally, I see Christ as a warrior. He brought the sword and called for His flock to behold the fire of the Holy Spirit. I believe that those who follow His call to restraint, forgiveness and mercy shall be conferred similar by the Father. I believe what the other Anon is trying to convey is that while this Earth will soon emulate the lowest depths of hell, those who believe on Him shall be rewarded respite in the Hereafter. In simpler words: we shall have a turbulent flight, but a safe landing.