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24383 24416 24440 24489
I had to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. Let's make this thread separated from >>23545 → and focus on the real deal, actual pedos. Not the filly fans, who gives a shit, really.

Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.

Now I just want to insist that this isn't about scoring points or virtue signaling and I expect a lot of
>Oh look another SJW on a whitchhunt why don't you join DataByte and his buddies?
We're not here to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘they're not hurting anyone’. That list, as flawed as it was still did expose a small percentage of actual pedophiles, and that's what we need to focus on, being honest and upfront about the issue and use some critical thinking. Are they really pedophiles? What are they doing to not being one? Do they seek a therapy and why did it take that other faggot dumping his list to take consciousness of the existence of these guys.

Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.

Recap: logs of some chatrooms mostly about roleplay BUT with some worrying stuff.

-Pathos's Foalcon chat
-Sollace's Crusaders Book Club
-Satyr_sam's Filly Heaven 2.0

157 replies and 91 files omitted.
24554 24561
I understand why they would, Russia is a place that stay conservative, America is the new USSR spreading leftist garbage and woke ideology.
Enabling more and normalizing pedophilia like it's OK.
I hope foalcon fans understand this.
Actually before very recently feminist lies had yet to be invented to demonize male sexuality (courtesy of the fat jewish women who created feminism), so this would not have happened. He wouldn't have had internet access to larp though. "conformism" is you conforming to the retarded ideas of feminism, "degeneracy" being everything you personally dislike is not an argument to me but that's all it means when you use it.
I can see why you would like Russia since you hate free speech and love judaic modes of thought like feminism and christianity presumably, I understand you are mad about the way the world is going and I encourage you to get even madder and hopefully derail your whole life through being a mad retard.
trips for OP is a nigger
If anything and after reading psychanalyst guy I think the least danger is the guys saying they're pedo.
The real danger is the one we ignore his darkest desires and pulses and keep it for himself avoiding honeypots but will stalk underage on social media.
I'm positive there are feds on every single of those discord chats.
foalcon.moe isn't a secret darknet club where actual abusers will meet and organize, this is the real danger. The threat we percieve vs the invisible threat.
is right, the actual pedophile that deserves a bullet isn't in any of these chats. He or she (it happens) will not want to change and like the sociopath type will accuse others of what he is.
What's the solution for these types: a good beating at least, since no one cares.
It's how society should work if dialogue doesn't work, violence becomes necessary and I advocate for violence against pedophiles who think they should have the right to fuck underage kids.
24699 24702
You pretty much have to be a sociopath to think you have the "right" to fuck anyone, normal people capable of empathy want consent, delusional feminists think sex is complicated (inefficient womanly brains, including the 'men') and consent is impossible and we arrive at the retarded impasse society is at until everyone collectively copes with reality. Society breaking down into violence doesn't make all of the limp dick male feminists into men and give them power, you get rolled over by some warlord and he doesn't care about consent because he's a sociopath, and now the feminists and the male feminists would likely end up slaves in the ruins. Feminism isn't ready for the world it wants and the entire thing being a giant shit test against men and their natural sexuality would be revealed by their own success in this endeavor, a giant self own against all woman kind as the rules of the jungle resume. It's more of a Fallout 1 than a Fallout 4 type of world you're talking about here, where bad shit happens for real. Puritanical white knights would be one of the most immediately fucked populations, as their whining is purely serviced by the state in the absence of their doing shit, and they would do fucking jack fucking shit.
Total Zigger Death!
24568 24572 24582 24588
lol @ replies and the mod note & the following argument proving the anons point. it glows brighter than the sun here for all to see
Would you mind to stop sagging and cooperate to keep /mlpol/ alive?
I feel like a call to violence is more of a glowie thing myself, but you do you.
There is nothing wrong with saging. You should sage any thread that you do not explicitly want to bump.
Announcing your sages is still gay though, especially since you seem to believe that sage is a response to an individual, and not the thread itself.
Twilight, I'm PIE.png
Uh, you don't get to bring foals.
24642 24643 24644 24646 24655 24687 24742

Hi Anon, Serious talk here.

Okay look, I know it's personal but yes I've been struggling with this kind of identity crisis. I'm a pedophile.
Yes it started as a harmless interest being into foalcon, loli, shota, anthro, cub but really it's really a consuming addiction, it's been ineffective as a cure against my long term depression.
Been reading this thread a couple weeks ago and that's a brutal kind of wake-up call. Reading through all of it acted like a trigger, I see myself in this description. I've been using my interest in underage characters as a means to escape from my own depression and emptiness and suicidal thoughts even. And I think it just made it worse in the end.
Soo here we go, I'm now starting therapy and addressing this issue head-on.
I can't go on like this, I'm getting scared of myself and I need to find a way to manage my pulses without causing harm to anyone, or myself. I don't want that. I can't fucking take it anymore. I'm tired of browsing boorus at work in a private tab, or having pixiv on my phone on the bus on my way home.
If I've made the decision to seek help, it's not about all the Databyte's retardation, I was looking at a Pixiv gallery this week and I was wondering what I am doing. I wanted to vomit, to fuck everything up. HEY CALM DOWN It's a fucking drawing retard why do I feel like that? Why am I crying like a faggot, over a fucking foalcon drawing? Because I hate it... I don't blame the artist, I blame my perception of it. That's where I need help.
I need therapy cause it's necessary for my head, and for the safety of everyone around me too. Like, if ever they found something or I got in trouble, I never touched anything strictly illegal but I'm never sure, I'm getting very paranoid.
I don't even want to be around children, I could no go on like this anymore. Family, at my workplace, and more. I'm being very distant.

I wanted to say it, since reading these posts made me feel how I could change, Thank you Anon.
Thanks to those who have shared their experiences, their problems, you encouraged me to take this step before things could spiral out of control, even if you don't give a fuck this means the world to me during this moment of my life.
So I did it, had an appointment yesterday for introduction, I was scared like shit, deleted my browser history and my entire filly folder prior to it, but no it was a pretty good interview as a first, I'm going back Tuesday. Lots of tears, lots of rage about myself.
My health insurance will cover the bills so I can do it. Also I want to make it clear, I did state this to my therapist : I have no intention of hurting anyone. To confront and overcome these struggles to become a better person. I know I'm not a monster, there is one growing in me and I feel like I need to abort it. That's a bit the idea. For the rest she's a professional, she'll get me out of this shit.

I needed to post this, I think 4chan would ban me or you can do it too I dunno, I hope maybe someone else like me may be silently battling similar issues to seek help. It's okay, there really are people ready to assist you along the way.
I just want to look at Applebloom in the eyes again without feeling guilty.
Good initiative partner, ah'm proud of ya !
fake and gay
So how did you go about talking to your therapist about something like that? did you just come out and say it?
this darling.png
I really hope he is baiting, if he is actually that much of a pathetic faggot then I have no words.
24648 24652 24689
In case this is not bait: good luck, and much success!
I also thought that was bait, but why making a post that long. bait for what... anon have a problem and he's doing something for it, and it's a good thing, it needs balls to decide to change.
24650 24652
If it's not bait he's a fag, if he's a fag he might be a PCL fag trying to astroturf up some retarded post hoc justification for why they did their gay ops, he may also be a regular fag not PCL aligned.
24651 24652
So, he's a fag for wanting to kill the pedo inside him, and not be a creep anymore ? is that what you mean ?

No, i rather think you're the PCL troll seeing your narrative falling apart, seething because we are not them.

Guy probably needed to vent or something and you're imagining stuff the PCL don't have the intelligence, or mental approach to achieve.

Perhaps you need a therapy too, that guy has the merit and i pray Celestia he's legit and gonna make it to get his head fixed, you should consult as well.
That guy is a cuck, you are a cuck, don't reply to me you gay little bitch.
24654 24655 24658 24661 24687
I dunno why I wrote this. Just wanted to share some feels about where I'm at, I feel weird to even get one reply. I was feeling like shit, scared and thought about leaving the building, still turned off my phone and laid it all out on the table to her, I never cringed so hard. Talking about how I felt fuckedup. Yeah opening up like that wasn't easy or fun really, I'm in my early 30's, imagine talking about anime and all that shit, but she was incredibly understanding and pro when I spoke about all that you know. Talked about what makes me think I might be a pedo. First was a turning point I think, I dont think she was trying to trap me or confess things I never really wanted to. I have my first /real/ session Tuesday afternoon, but in tl;dr, I've learned that it's okay to love the things I enjoy while also prioritizing my mental well-being and personal growth. And not being dependent of my cock.
Perhaps I ain't that fucked up, but if I feel it's going too far so I gotta do a thing.
For summing up my first I discussed my kink, which is still a kink tbh, but she insist it's her to determine if I'm schizo, pedo or fucko. She asked about when it started, how it's affecting my life and explained how it made me feel good when I'm on my lowest and what emotions come up when I think about it. Talking about it IRL is fucking weird. I'm clean, not on drugs, haven't been abused either, almost a fucking normie.

Heh no, I'm a faggot who's talking to a psychiatrist about my kinks with pixiv and you know the drill. I know I'm fucked up, but I'm tired of being fucked up.

No man, been posting on this board for a while and been on 4chan for over a decade. And it's got nothing to do with the other fuckhead who just want us to KMS. Am I fucking up somehow? Where do I fuck up? Or are you the one who's fucked up

This, I'm starting to think the thread may be started by some of DB's shills but got derailed, also writing all of this on a place like that may trigger you guys. You know I don't give a single fuck, why should I?

Like I said never expected a single reply but I promise I will do my best and if you want updates IDK. Yeah I might do this.
File (hide): B27C02B617E17C83295B6D5EF3037281-1625079.mp4 (1.5 MB, Resolution:480x480 Length:00:00:16, bad end.mp4) [play once] [loop]
bad end.mp4
O.G. therapist.jpg
itt: When your horsefucking nazi penpals inspire you to quit being a pedo.

Good luck, I hope she doesn't come to decide you're a threat to society.

> tl;dr, I've learned that it's okay to love the things I enjoy [...]
sounds incredibly gay lol, but good news if true.

Here's my prediction though, she's going to insist you quit pony and schizo culture alltogether. If she does believe you can stay, then she's either very confident and/or incompetent.
24656 24689 24695
Hope it turns out for the best for you.
Generally getting to a better mental state is a good idea.
You're going to be surprised by some doors that open.
PS Red Rose
Well, good for you I guess, but my advice would be to tread very lightly. Don't admit to doing anything illegal, don't admit to even contemplating doing anything illegal. There have been plenty of cases of people being turned in to police because of stuff they've confessed to their shrink. Therapy has its uses but it's not a magic wand that can cure everything. It would be a shame for a basically innocent person to end up in jail or on some glowie watchlist just for beating off to cartoons.
So glad I'm not a pathetic cuck bitch like you and your gay support group itt of equally pathetic apparent christkikes.
Well what else do you say? If he bails now that's kind of suspicious, net negative for you as someone is pushed more towards the brink doing any unexpected actions as there are more possible net negative actions than net positive that easily come to a person's mind first. If he gets fucked over isn't that a net positive for you? If he gets the mental help that's also a net positive.
Doesn't quite add up nigger.
I'm glad you're allegedly mentally stable just work on your cold calculus.
In range of normal people the fastest way to fuck someone up from where they were mentally is with kindness. Granted we're all on an underwater horseback gymnastic polo basketweaving area but it's useful to know and employ.
By being utterly heartless it's more justifiable to do good actions. Not that anyone should, but it can open up some fags to the idea via a mechanical idea of value amplification.
The way I see it you both have the same goals.
While I'd almost always advocate for some online written image pummeling is important to pick the right points in time and context to do so.
Point is engage in active support to shape people to being better than who they were as they too desire that goal with the end goal being better for you by extension than how they were before and everybody's better off. As you could reap the consequential rewards.
For the more gambling minded it's loot crates with interpersonal interactions, but sometimes someone else wins because you rolled.
tl;dr subhuman
>Anon learns to not post walls of text about how much of a cuck he is
trips for anon is a cuck
>Anon seeing his defeat preemptively seeks higher powers.
Go on, fuck the pony pussy. My ponkers plush tush.
Can't do it?
Can't feel her delightfully pink posterior?
Can't feel her heart pounding love?
Try again.

>I'm somehow the cuck
You're arguing with the numbers at this point, not me.
You couldn't arise to the occasion could you? Sorry to say anon, but you're the cuck.
>no u
Said the negroidic manlet subhuman who internalized jewish lies and has a (woman) therapist of all things. I hope it works out for you, maybe they can help you become a literal eunuch or something so you can cope. I reject your kike worldview and gay self-loathing, even if you probably should be self-loathing because you are pathetic.
24673 24674
um friends please be polite, this is a serious topic
I was being polite.
>Taking about someone else entirely.
I'm doing good. Better luck next time.
It is serious like a heart attack. Believe you me, ponies are serious business. It's part of why I trust the highest power.
24676 24689
Ew it's one of the christkikes, that's even worse than the therapy cuck.
You too can have a wholesome relationship, with pony.
>I haven't been a horsefucker longer than you
Well if you insist newfag.
Other methods and means don't even compare to the quality and care that's here. Totally blows them all out of the park.
I've got pony con badges older than your horsefucking career bitch. You're just one of those foals DataByte fucks. I've been to every place on the friendship map and had isekai (before weebs invented the term) adventures with my waifu in all of them. I read the entire history of ponykind in the library tree BEFORE it was burnt down. I was annoying literally everyone I interacted with under a pony name and pony avatar back in 2011 when it was still cringe but also the style at the time. I will consume pastel horse media and shit friendship on you like you have never experienced in your formerly mundane life on the rock farm.

If you waited for FiM to fap to horse pussy you're a horse pussy casual btw.
Nice pasta and I'm serious about the higher quality of life. It's life changing.
It's not a pasta, I typed it up out of my own heartfelt autism. It at most references pasta. Although were it used as one, that would be typical of everything I say and type being regurgitated by whatever people pretending they belong in my various fandoms and board cultures that I was in before they were aware of them etc. It is flattering after you get past how weird it is to be skinwalked so hard by zoomer mutts with broccoli hair and no idea what the fuck they're talking about 24/7. Youre serious about the higher quality of life of what? Learn to speak English you retard.