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24383 24416 24440 24489
I had to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. Let's make this thread separated from >>23545 → and focus on the real deal, actual pedos. Not the filly fans, who gives a shit, really.

Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.

Now I just want to insist that this isn't about scoring points or virtue signaling and I expect a lot of
>Oh look another SJW on a whitchhunt why don't you join DataByte and his buddies?
We're not here to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘they're not hurting anyone’. That list, as flawed as it was still did expose a small percentage of actual pedophiles, and that's what we need to focus on, being honest and upfront about the issue and use some critical thinking. Are they really pedophiles? What are they doing to not being one? Do they seek a therapy and why did it take that other faggot dumping his list to take consciousness of the existence of these guys.

Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.

Recap: logs of some chatrooms mostly about roleplay BUT with some worrying stuff.

-Pathos's Foalcon chat
-Sollace's Crusaders Book Club
-Satyr_sam's Filly Heaven 2.0

157 replies and 111 files omitted.
>without the bullshit
>OP post is still there
That went well.
I don't believe Flutterpony DashieZone and IzzyPraiser are bullshiting according to the shit they posted on Pathos's chatroom. Like I said on the other thread, it's not black or white.
It wasn't that they are or aren't, I was more focused in on the local bullshit. The whole thread is premised on me agreeing it's not free speech, but it literally is free speech and you only say it isn't because it makes you mad and you don't like it. This is just the same standard DataByte uses even if you say
>they will say I am exactly like this guy I am exactly like
and the fact you know we will say it only reinforces that to me. You also said it's not virtue signalling, but you still need to post your embarrassing boomer meme about muh woodchipper like you are going to do jack shit to these random spergs you are listing off exactly like DataByte.
24387 24389
[what the fuck]
Let's be level, pedophiles are not tolerated on /mlpol/ even less than those claiming a drawn filly or any fictional creature has the same importance as a human child.

If I see any of these coming anywhere near my daughter, I will grab anything and demolish their faces. I hope that's common sense to you.
>Muh lists are not totally bullshit
Yeah, a broken clock can be right twice a day.
>They call themselves MAPs.
Oh good, don't leave children with them. Same thing for the LGBQQTQLMNOPQ++ it's statistically more likely. And dunecoons and glowniggers and crime networks ect.
Fact is you don't leave children with strange adults alone. Especially adults that could technically be trustworthy without actually being trustworthy.
There's a large enough population that wouldn't that its unlikely, but enough that it's necessary.
You know what you call someone who says they are, probable cause in the courtroom where self-defense was the only option.
I mean what fuck is there to talk about?
>"I'll just go let this child I'm responsible for get lost with lots of strangers it's a good thing some words I blindly trust mean nothing will ever happen."
In either case you don't do that. Sure you could arm the kid, have them able to run fast, and all sorts of things.
This isn't the fifties anymore with target shooting being allowed in schools.
You can't be a helicopter parent, but there's real and serious dangerous out there.
You have to fucking act like it and ensure you're able to hit accurately and consistently when stressed.
>But, some faggot on the interweebs did a thing.
You could unprofessionally stalk them and get into large legal risks or you hire a PI who won't.
I mean fuck it tip off glowies if need be if shit's actually serious and have backups of backups and paper backups.
Fuck I can't even just say "if it's serious" because my words will get twisted.
If you find your child, God forbid, engaging in sexually suggestive bullshit online or worse (not finding your child). You better be lawyering up and for home defense situations.

But all that is mitigated by actually parenting the kid. We're not yet in the maximally high trust society.
>But I want to stick my nose in deep to see what's going on.
Then cover your ass legally instead of going off all halfcocked.
>But I don't like that they clicked like, downloaded a cartoon little horse.
Well suck it up. It's freespeech and people despise totally losing their own freespeech about shit they at least marginally care about and more.
Sorry to break it to you but you're american, right?
Parents should be able to trust kids to go outside on their own and not risk a thing.
Parents should be able to let their kids go to school and not be brainwashed. or bullied, or get into drugs.
My parents allowed me to play with AOL knowing i should be anonymous and never had a single pedo on us.

There were pedos but they were ostracized and arrested, just like druggos or whatever - yes society changed to the worst. and that's not possible not anymore to have the life we had.
I have no idea how powerful the activists groups are in the US but you know, elsewhere it's not considered an orientation, it's what it is: a crime.
like, someone says “I dream of killing people. I am a murderer” you don't leave that guy out withhout a visit to the psy, and in a tight pajama, it's common sense prevention. It's anything but free speech, pal.
They aren't 'coming' as far as I can tell to anything but their random discord you are linking chatlogs of, so your "I would this and that" posturing is just empty virtue signalling meeting in the middle with larping.
>common sense prevention
>precrime thoughtcrime as administered by some random self-appointed nigger that grew up on AOL
Totally not DataByte 2.0
24389 24390
Stop your shitty defense here anon. I've been abused myself as a kid I know what these people want.
You omit to draw a line between fiction and reality, every faggot into foalcon or fillies are not like this.
"they need to be helped" "they don't choose what they are" bullshit. It's perversion like zoophilia or sociopathy.
I don't buy the "virtue signalling" it's warning that there's people who engage in teens in the fandom. There's caps on the other thread.
It was right to expose Databyte's hypocrisy and crying wolf but if you have some intellectual honesty you will agree that there's creeps and predator on Foalbooru.
dashieZone is likely one. Izzypraiser came out as a pedo/map, Pathos isn't evicting them but tell em to be more discrete, complicity. And that's making me throw up. And a couple others mentioned since the list was out.
Yes it's like Alex Jones yelling nonsense conspiracies, inevitably there are information that can be factual, but hard to believe, this is what is happening here.

I love free speech and I will defend it, esp. foalcon artists making fiction. but I will fight the atheists devoid of moral wanting pedo acceptance.
I have a whole lot more to vent there as there's /mlpol/ guys in these communities, and it's okay. Thank them for whistleblowing about that minority.
You're reading me. I'm not for dropping their dox here or doing a bigger, better work than the other cretin that made more of pedos actually hide their power level deleting what they can but it has to be done.

Pedos mustn't be safe anywhere and belong in Aryanne's furnaces.
I never signed up to be fandom morality police unlike DataByte, DataByte 2.0 or you. It's quite the bold move to admit you are personally emotional about this topic and also puke when reading text chatlogs while still expecting me to buy the larp about the fighting and the woodchippers etc. Great wall of text barely even replying to what I said, though.
>Aryanne's furnaces
>which do not actually exist
Now I'm convinced it would happen actually, even more likely than the woodchipper you probably don't really own either. It's not virtue signalling it's just loudly signalling how virtuous you are while making empty threats to people who aren't even in the thread.
Consider the following:
You are a fucking retard.
Thank you, you can go now.
why do you take the defence of pedophiles. don't do that.
24395 24397
Where is that in the thread? You are imagining it and wishing it was happening so my actual criticisms weren't as pointed and accurate as they obviously are.
You only criticize the form, but not the content. That's the problem.
What's your opinion about pedophiles, what's your solution. Same with zoophiles or whatever race of fucked up beings, and I ain't talking bout the weeb jerking to anime and ponies or whatever furry fetish here.

What point are you trying to make.
Yes it's a form of whiteknighting but if it's done anonymously there's nothing to brag about.
Do you think pedos have a right to be present and continue doing their shit Flutterpony/Yellowbrave, Pathos or IzzyPraiser, it's not about his videos or writings, it's about the guy in person who's been open about it for too long.
What about that shit.
24399 24438
You need to take a step back when you are asking me, a poster on /mlpol/, on what my 'solution' is to the biological reality of these people existing in relatively uncommon but persistent quantities since presumably the dawn of the species and before. Even if I had one, it would be a personal dictat that would have no force, as I do not have the state monopoly on legitmate use of force nor any realistic means of either directly or indirectly forcing these people to comply with anything. I could post .jpgs of apple horse being mad or pretend I own a woodchipper, but what would be the point of that anon? There is no content is my critique of the form, you are pointing at some randoms who make you seethe and demanding something be done even though there is little to do nor much justification to do anything and it is literally protected speech by the state monopoly on legitimate use of force to some extent.
>it's about the guy in person who's been open about it for too long.
This is exactly how DataByte feels about foalcons and your methods are nearly identical to his bar he put in a lot more effort to list way more people he was seething at than the handful you've presented. I'm sorry you can't own your equivalently gay moralfaggot crusade or the reality that you won't actually do anything.
24399 24401 24402
What makes you think OP is not a virtue signalling faggot? I don't think he's interested in arguing in good faith, he just wants to be DataByte 2.0 despite him insisting on the opposite.
24400 24402
>There is nothing that can be done
>It's biology
>It has always existed
>You cannot judge
Anon, that's the same liberal bullshit used everywhere defending faggots and trannies.
Pedos have nothing like that, they are the byproduct of exposure and degeneracy.

I'd take many retards or jerks like databyte over one single pedo.

How can you mongols be confortable about this race of fuckos?
>I'd take many retards or jerks like databyte over one single pedo.
Better that ten guilty persons escape, than one innocent suffer.
If Databyte did a good job exposing these actual pedos, not making a tl;dr clown list it would have been different, I would have approved of him doing it, I would have joined. /mlpol/ and 4channers would support this initiative.
Calling anyone Databyte is like calling anyone non-left Hitler. Here's your logical fallacy.
The AoC in most of Europe is still like 12-14. Puritanism in America and feminism have brainrotted you beyond all saving, now all you can do is post images or text implying violence while knowing you're actually just sitting there seething. It means nothing to me anon.
You continue to misrepresent my points, lending >>24397 even more credibility.
>There is nothing that can be done
To impact the course of biology, by me, a random poster on /mlpol/.
>It's biology
It literally is biology.
>It has always existed
It probably always will too, even if it really makes you seethe a whole lot! A whole hecking lot!
>You cannot judge
I never once said anything like this, judge all you want, judging is basically the one thing I believe you actually will do and can do since it requires you to do very little which is the most you are likely capable of.
DataByte 1.0 had to draw the line at doing nothing after he got done with the list too, once he came out of his masturbatory fantasy of becoming Stalin and realized he was a fucking clown and DFE'd.
24405 24432
That's my biggest grudge bout it, it was a catastrophe that will now stain and make anyone exposing pedos like a fucking clown.
But it happened, we all agree here there are pedos around Pathos and around filly fans.

OK let's change the topic. Home cleaning, are your kitchen stuff yellowing with the sunlight?
Do you have bleach/clorox and vinegar at home, if yes mix both and try it!
Imagine your childhood has been ruined by a 30yo guy wanting to grab your cock, and you have to live it in adulthood to enjoy what you missed through ponies and art, and there's some pedo telling you it's natural.
They mustn't live Anon.
You are now trying to act like I'm your therapist moments after telling me to poison myself for disagreeing with you, are you sure you aren't just an unhinged low emotional intelligence retard? Is it the cock guy? Did he make you retarded? Was it DataByte?
Why do you care so much, coming ITT to accuse others of whiteknighting against pedos on an anonymous imageboard.
This is the one where if you disagree with the list you should be on the list and the list works. PheonixFire too. Daring too. Guess OP might be like, some kind of DataByte 2.0 considering he employs the exact same tactics and justifications and reasonings across the board.
24412 24418
But if it's true?
DataByte is a jerk, accuses everyone on a blanket. It's like Israel bombing all of Palestine regardless of the collateral damages while HAMAS are hiding and laughing behind human shields.
24413 24418
But the real problem is Israel, exactly.
24414 24417 24418
No it's HAMAS.
hamas - the real pedos
foalcons - palestinians
israel - normies putting both in the same blanket
And I'm not even into foalcon, it's why we need borders and to get rid of fucking terrorists preventing all to live a normal peaceful life.
But Israel are the terrorists and always have been.
Hey dipshits, broadcasting your intentions in every random pony related discord you can think of is the best way to make sure you NEVER catch a child predator. Stop LARPing, go back to witch hunting on twitter because you have no adversarial thinking skills and would manage to fucking blow it if someone PM'd you directly and said they were going to go touch a kid.
Screenshot 2024-04-22 051928.png
First of all, Anon, your link is already expired so it's impossible to see any of what you're concerned about. Try uploading it somewhere with better retention time. Anyway, if you're talking about the stuff that was screencapped here >>24248 → I don't really see what the concern is. The problem with these discord screencaps is that there's a lot of context missing, and nobody is admitting to anything incriminating from what I can see.

As far as I can tell, you're worried about some users in a discord server who may or may not be actual pedophiles, which in itself is not illegal, having a vague conversation in which nothing illegal is being discussed. Unless they're talking about actual child grooming or abuse that they've been involved in, or are trading literal CP, there's not really anything going on here that merits serious attention. It's also not clear exactly what action you would like taken.

What concerns me is that this is honestly very similar to what DataByte and his gang are doing with that list: just going on a hunt looking to smear people based on vague evidence or no evidence that they've actually done anything wrong.

>Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.
Maybe you could be a little clearer on what, exactly, you think is the issue here and what, exactly, you want to have a conversation about.

>Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.
See, this right here is pretty alarming. You're calling someone a "dormant threat" who "belongs in a woodchipper" based on nothing more than a few out-of-context discord posts that signify nothing. Whatever these guys may or may not be attracted to, unless you have evidence that they have either done something to hurt someone or are actively planning to, you've got nothing. Literally anyone could be a "dormant threat" by your definition.
I think he kind of jumped the shark in being taken seriously when he defended Israel >>24413
It's no wonder he wants to live in Minority Report because he is a kike and his tribe would be the ones getting away with everything while they project and persecute at will as usual.
/mlpol/, where every conversation turns into an argument about Israel if you give it enough time.
Well when a jew shows up and starts trying to both get a witchhunt going and also shilling for Israel it's hard not to.
I can't wait for the kvetching where he tries to convince us/me that 'borders' being things we both care about means we need to be the useful idiots of the jew for as long as possible at our own expense, otherwise we are HYPOCRITES to hold him to any standard we don't hold ourselves to - as he freely abuses us by having a double standard for everything. So clever jewboy.
Aryanne - bait.jpg
Just saying.
24425 24426
it ain't minority report you mong, a pedo is a pedo.
Fair point.
If he was merely pretending to be a retarded Israeli shill then he's still shilling for Israel and can go fuck himself promptly for being a race traitor and/or agitator from a subhuman race.
Go play with your friends in the country you just had to settle your country directly on top of out of the misconception any of the bullshit your religion says ever happened or is true.
There are degrees of acceptable behavior. A handful of dudes wanking and fantasizing in a discord server is not equivalent to child abuse. Moreover, we're not even talking about behavior here. You've openly stated you're concerned about potential crimes that might be committed, not actual crimes that have been or even will be committed. So yes, you mong, it literally is minority report.
24428 24430
wanking and fantasizing is not pedophilia.
if someone says he's a pedophile like >screenshots on other thread
he is a pedophile. and pass the fantasy to potential action thing.
Rephrase that in your native hebrew you ESL hooknose nigger retard.
>pass the fantasy to potential action thing
top kek at muh jew high verbal IQ lie right here
Right, and the keyword here is still "potential" not actual. You don't seem to understand the difference. By your logic everyone who likes money is a potential bank robber.
Another example of his being a jew retard that can't speak English at all.
>are your kitchen stuff yellowing
He just can't speak in kike runes and it's not working out go-guys.
>Jew mysteriously vanishes after constantly replying within a minute for hours now that it is obvious