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24383 24416 24440 24489
I had to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. Let's make this thread separated from >>23545 → and focus on the real deal, actual pedos. Not the filly fans, who gives a shit, really.

Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.

Now I just want to insist that this isn't about scoring points or virtue signaling and I expect a lot of
>Oh look another SJW on a whitchhunt why don't you join DataByte and his buddies?
We're not here to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘they're not hurting anyone’. That list, as flawed as it was still did expose a small percentage of actual pedophiles, and that's what we need to focus on, being honest and upfront about the issue and use some critical thinking. Are they really pedophiles? What are they doing to not being one? Do they seek a therapy and why did it take that other faggot dumping his list to take consciousness of the existence of these guys.

Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.

Recap: logs of some chatrooms mostly about roleplay BUT with some worrying stuff.

-Pathos's Foalcon chat
-Sollace's Crusaders Book Club
-Satyr_sam's Filly Heaven 2.0

157 replies and 87 files omitted.
I'm going to go on a limb and say the user wasn't a jew this time.
Just suffering under them for prolonged and in extreme ways.
There's rapegangs targeting children under jewy control and seeing past the sea of shit to find the jew is a pretty hard ask.
Given that they're also supported by governments there's a large problem.
Given that most people don't have innocent until proven guilty it's a big shitshow.
So when pain and suffering upon fellow people reach a peak they see something that is awful in their situation in others they talk. Admittedly consistent pain isn't the best for a sharp mind all the time and taking a step back to survey the whole landscape.
They see the rapegangs and they have to be gone.
That's true.
There's more. There's nuance. There's tangential considerations.
In the jewy places it's not possible to get genuine justice.
I'm going to ignore your garbage post and think he's a kike with a fat kike nose for disagreeing with me, but also for defending Israel ever.
I don't think he was an actual jew either, but I do think he was a retard. I also think most of what anon said here >>24396 is pretty much on point. OP is basically mad that theoretical pedophilia exists somewhere, and started a thread in hopes that others would come in and also be mad about it with him, while ranting back and forth about the horrible things they could do to these theoretical pedophiles if only they had the power and the means. Basically pointless and a waste of everyone's time. also cute derp, would have sexual relations with

I don't think anyone here will disagree that Israel sucks.
>BUT with some worrying stuff

It's over.
24464 24465 24473 24474 24480
>anon makes thread critical of pedo culture in bronydom
>/mlp/edophiles rush to attack him
You do realize most of this site's users are obviously closeted pedophiles, right? Seriously just dredge through the past drama here and connect the dots. Users here have regularly outright advocated for pedophilia and it's largely accepted and detractors are treated as outsiders. The ones who weren't pedos already left. Just look at all the old threads outright advocating for it and how anyone opposed to it is treated.
This place is a honeypot, Anon. Sorry you had to find out like this. Seriously, just use the search bar.

I could actually believe this place is some sort of fed/ngo op den of pedos in order to make WN's seem deranged. Why else would the community and staff brazenly support pedophilia? By the way, "free speech absolutism/ist" is a pedo dog whistle.

These "based" horsefuckers belong against a wall.
Literally one post on the entire site by this user
>You do realize most of this site's users are obviously closeted pedophiles, right?
Lurk moar newfag.
>I could actually believe this place is some sort of fed/ngo op den of pedos in order to make WN's seem deranged.
Your newfaggotry is showing.
>Why else would the community and staff brazenly support pedophilia?
Noponer did. Projecting much?
>These "based" horsefuckers belong against a wall.
Says the commie.
"Accuse those against you with what you are guilty of!" -Saul Alinsky

You had one job, goyim, yet epically failed like a plebbitfag commiecuck.
It is not all false, see:
No we are against, thread is shill
randomly posting screencaps on here and /jdb/ will get you nowhere btw, explain your posts a little because all of this seems lazy
Read you malformed, I am noit even english but I know they talk about being pedos are all OK, you all denialists.
I am not Byte, I just post what is found obvious here.

And it is in back-up of the chat room.
What evidence you want more, to wait for them to cause rape or legal issues, ok we like filly, it is not just filly here.
Have more less pertinent.
Pathos, Flutterpony, Ponut and Izzy you all must speak, it is important.
No police, no FBI or dox. You need to speak to a doctor, I insist, you men can't live happy like you sayn you are not safe.

Look at this, we are a community, spy being a fag is a thing, he wants drama and all of us seen as pedophiles. We can't tolerate, rearrange yourself, even the jew told you!
If you have evidence go to annoy the pertinent authorities then. But they'd probably be annoyed that you waste their time since being a MAP is not a crime.
I've never been around Pathos' part of the community but I've seen nothing out of the ordinary when I checked the logs some days ago.

Even then, what do you expect them to do? Come here and have them say they're not pedos or something? Seems pointless. But you do you, just don't bring drama where it doesn't belong (assuming you posted this in /mlp/).
it's communism.jpg
But having opinions and posting foalcon are both legal so the notion it is a honeypot makes no sense. Free speech is just free speech, sorry it is too much for you to handle my mulatto zoomer of color and bioluminescence.
Lmao, look like you didn't did your investigation, he is super religious, MAP and also married with a kid. I really wonder if you really do everything you can investigating the people you hate so much or if you are just waiting until someone spoonfeed you
24498 24501 24516 24556
>having opinions and posting foalcon are both legal
>Free speech is just free speech
So you think it's completely normal for someone to admit they are a MAP and people shouldn't even warn other people about potential danger ?
U seem sus anon are u retareded by any chance ?
>waaah I demand total ideological compliance
Cope janny.
Nice argument anon.
Very original of you.
You didn't even answer any of the questions.
Good job.
And I would do it again.
>So you think it's completely normal for someone to admit they are a MAP
It's not a common sexuality to have, yeah.
>people shouldn't even warn other people about potential danger ?
Not my problem, but it seems to be yours. Feel free to do so, but don't expect help. Ironically enough asking DataByte might be more useful to you.
24508 24516
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>It's not a common sexuality to have
Pedophilia is a form of paraphilia.
It causes harm to others and it's considered a disorder.
It is literally called Pedophilic disorder.
It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with someone's ideology these are facts.
You can't call it sexuality, cause it literally is not a sexuality.
>Not my problem
Honestly just kill yourself at this point.
If you are not contributing anything to society and you are not even caring about others then what is the point ?
Also it's weird that you are on this thread which was supposed to discuss potentional pedophilia problems in fandom but you don't give a fuck either some child will get raped or no.
>you can't
>he just did
I think where things get derailed is you think you run the world and can tell everyone what to think and do, but you actually don't you nigger.
24512 24516
It's funny how you faggots have to emphasize every time that you have freedom of speech to justify your dumb shit which doesn't even make sense and it's completely incorrect.
If someone replies "he just did" to "you can't" and you did reference officially correct definition then you know you are talking with a retard.
>all of this impotent rage
>Someone being assmad everybody isn't being stalked to ensure the social credit score is maintained in live action.
Fucking clownworld.
>Do something, ruin them!
But, why? Maybe it's just me, but I'm burnt out at the whole jew pushed sexuality spectrum and the jew cult of marx and the dunecoons.
You want me or someone else to stalk some dumbasses who likely won't do anything?
I am thinking of some statistics which point that they're not going to do anything.
And there's way bigger and genuinely evil fish to fry.
>They're sick.
Yeah, most people are nowdays. At least they're self contained and refusing to spread harm. Which is alot more than I can say about many others.
So good job to them.
>Like really sick.
They'll solve themselves when it comes down to the wire. You could say it's trust in fellow man.
Maybe it's just an off day today, I mean what the fuck am I supposed to say.
<You've continued to not fallen to impulses by seeking help via communicative therapy and non-harmful substitutes you now must die.
Doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me.
Especially with all the crazy bullshit going on around the world.
The golem the jews made is running around slipped their control and everything just keeps getting more and more wacky.
Soon enough it's victory by sitting back cheering Him on and letting God do His thing, and I don't know how the fuck I feel about any of this craziness.
>They're talking mad shit dude, we have to do something.
But it's just talk.
Sure people will always remember just talk.
There's some real fucked up stuff that deserves higher priority, we saw it the last four howevermany years.
I think I'm sick of brother wars and clownworld and the insane fuckery afoot and just being alone.
I think alot of people feel that too.
So when the day comes there will one day be help for everyone.
It's so crazy and insane that it just might work.
The part of this discussion that you don't seem able to wrap your head around is that there is a difference between thought and action. If someone is driving around in an ice cream van trying to abduct and rape kids, that's an action. It's also an illegal action, so if you are aware of someone who is doing something like that, the appropriate response would be to notify the relevant authorities, not whine about it on the mongolian horsewhispering forum.

Conversely, if someone is merely sitting in their house thinking or fantasizing about children, this is thought, and unless that thought is translated into action, it isn't illegal and harms no one. I honestly do not understand the mindset that causes someone to obsess over the private thoughts of a complete stranger, but whatever drives you, I'm sure there are better things you could be doing with your time than whining about it on the mongolian horsewhispering forum.

>If you are not contributing anything to society and you are not even caring about others then what is the point ?
What are you contributing to society exactly? Seems to me you're just some autist with poor verbal communication skills raging impotently on the mongolian horsewhispering forum about people you've never met, in places you've never been, having private sexual fantasies and/or conversations about subjects you don't personally approve of. I'd be hard-pressed to think of anything you could be doing with your time that would contribute less to the overall good of the world than that.

>So you think it's completely normal for someone to admit they are a MAP and people shouldn't even warn other people about potential danger ?
Here's food for thought: if someone being a pedophile (or MAP or whatever the PC term for it is these days) in and of itself is enough to classify them as dangerous, then by admitting it they've already warned people of the "potential danger" you're so concerned about. Congratulations, they've done your job for you. You can now leave the mongolian horsewhispering forum and go back to doing whatever it is you normally do, which I can only assume involves staring at your walls, fists clenched in impotent rage, as you silently contemplate all the people in this world who are, right this very moment, sitting in their homes, minding their own business, and beating their meats to ideas of which you, personally, do not approve.
24522 24523 24689
>>They're sick.
We are all sick. The whole progressive society made us all fucked up, and there are even more fucked up high society members influencing the sickness of western society as a whole.

This whole MAP or pedophilia phenomenon requires a nuanced understanding of the factors that contribute to those behaviors. First I think it's crucial to recognize that no one is born a pedophile; that's a made up claim and not proven by any evidence supporting it. Rather, complex cultural and environmental influences can shape these inclinations over time. I could cite numerous psychologists and therapists who emphasize the impact of early experiences and cultural influences on human development. Freud highlighted the role of childhood experiences in shaping adult behavior, he emphasized that our early interactions and exposures can profoundly influence our psychological makeup by being anchored in our subconscious. I would also mention Dolto, she emphasized the importance of early communication and understanding of children's emotions. She believed that childhood experiences, especially those involving emotional neglect or trauma, could contribute to later behavioral patterns.

You're not born trans, zoophile, or pedophile, but that can be a beginning of an answer. Additionally, modern psychologists like Philip Zimbardo (if you remember the Stanford Prison Experiment) highlights the powerful influence of social and environmental factors on behavior. Exposure to pornography and other cultural influences can shape individuals' perceptions and desires, often in harmful ways.
Basically yes if you as a kid have been influenced by anime or cute porn at an early age, you did condition yourself or have been. Can also be the result of education and not just from parents. Sexualization of anything have an impact on your childhood development.

For ‘MAPs’ or many people alike, it's essential to acknowledge that change is possible. Therapy and intervention can help you understand and address the underlying factors contributing to these feelings and interests. Research in this area emphasizes that pedophilic tendencies can be influenced and modified through therapeutic interventions and support systems. You are not born anything, you are born a human being, and you remain a human being. I don't think besides a few people that anyone want any of you hanging. I think it's important to clarify this.

More importantly we need to keep in mind how 90% of this is due to the societal influence, particularly the perverse impact of porn and media targeting minors, MTV vids, general degeneracy, subculture, etc. Since the beginning of the internet and the access to porn on a daily basis getting even worse today, kids and teens are increasingly exposed to sex, porn, and more. Yes, this exposure can -or rather- WILL shape their perceptions of relationships, intimacy, and even their own identities.

This is why any teenager who have a friend will assume he's gay, another one who will try his sister's dress will want to come out as trans not just for play, because the media and influence of social media wants our kids and >(You) under their influence. Many will claim they're not but they are, and at least the guys in foalcon know they are. I'll come back to it later. Let's get level with you here, the modern media landscape glamorizes and sensationalizes sexual content, you know it, again even if you think you're not influenced, even at some small dose. They are normalizing behaviors under a doctrine based on John Money's theories and when you know the guy, you understood everything. This normalization can desensitize individuals to porn, gore, violence, especially kids and teens, to the consequences of absolute degeneracy we see today.

The commodification of sex and the objectification of individuals, particularly women and teens perpetuate stereotypes and contribute to distorted views of human relationships and sexual identity. Media platforms and advertising often prioritize shock value and sensationalism over responsible messaging, further exacerbating societal changes. This is manipulation. Even if you are avoiding or finding this trash, there's another part of your brain, your subconscious that isn't, that's like a malware running a background daemon in your system, you don't know it's there but it's running. The subconscious is a huge part of the brain's processing.

The guys there coming out as pedophiles are aware they are and I am confident they know about not causing harm. The real hazard is rather what we ignore, no pedo or groomer with child rape intent and a terabyte of cheese pizza wiuth a cute tiktok avatar will expose himself. If anythin these guys here are admitting they have a thing, and we have to help them and encourage them to never ever cause harm or engage in the conversations from alphabet soup faggots on old Twitter/Mastodon and co, which pretends kids can consent, and other vomitful pseudopsychology pertaining to their perversion.

Psychologists have exposed many times this media saturation on psychological development. Exposure to porn or any shock content at a young age can influence attitudes towards sexuality and contribute to the development of all kind of fucked kinks, including pedophilic tendencies for some, zoophilia for others, zoosadism etc. I would also like to point out the growing videos on youtube we exposed on 8chan, the Elsagate. Engineered brainrot material, targeting children while retarded parents leave them on youtube Kids. Google/Youtube isn't doing anything to it.
pedo control.png
>an elliptic approach to an apology of pedophilia
Dude, looking for the causes or motives are a waste of time, express delivery to the grave is the only valid solution.
24524 24689
>>24521 (cont.)
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. It begins here, in their development, in their education and influence. Additionally, keeping open dialogues and providing comprehensive sex education that promotes healthy relationships and boundaries can empower individuals to navigate these complex issues more effectively. The modern liberal world wanted to get rid of religion as obsolete and obscurantist values, but we see everyday the evidence we need these healthy values. More than ever, with compassion and support to help those instead of ostracizing them furthermore. Media, societal attitudes towards sexuality requires a collective effort and denouncing it is more important than targeting people enjoyung the sexual aspects of fillies which is insignificant compared to what any kid on tiktok or social media is exposed to, you have no idea. Actual predators, influencers, elsagate crap from china... By raising awareness, advocating for responsible parenthood and supervision, and promoting psychological well-being, we can make it. We have to solve it.

The relationship between fictional porn, sexual impulses, and pedophilia is complex and it's really all about drawing a line. While some suggest that hentai, foalcon, cub, loli you name it can serve as a way to channel sexual impulses into artistic expression and fantasy, it's essential to approach this topic thoughtfully. Foalcon is artistic expression, this is not even a debate. Go tell any professional any psychologist you're finding Scootaloo sexy, he's going to have a laugh, that doesn't make you a pedophile or a zoophile, the weird is brain that's well known.

There's even abuse victims drawing foalcon and rape to express and unleash their inner trauma, to each their therapy there's a multitude of factors. Shock value, fun, rebellious, or just for the money. It allows for creative fantasies that may not be feasible or appropriate in real-life contexts.

Besides when considering its potential impact on people with pedophilic tendencies it has to be analyzed carefully. Pedophilia cannot be simply managed through exposure to explicit media. That critical distinction between fantasy and reality remains important, and applies to everything not just porn. Watching foalcon or fictional children character should not be seen as a substitute for a psychotherapy thinking all is right. Where you get your dose consuming it, the long term goal should be to admit there's a problem you gotta solve. You know when this becomes problematic. Inside of you, you know the causes of this addiction, to fill something with Sweetie Belle's cunny.

And if you're in this thread, if you're reading this, please consider it. You were manipulated, and it's okay, you're not alone, we don't want bad shit to happen, and I am sure besides some dickwads and hypocrites like DataByte we can solve this.

Sorry to break it to you but I am confident that I'm one of the rare persons in this thread to know what I'm talking about, you have your solutions, keep them for the offenders I agree. The ones who controls and make a business of pedophile rings and maintains darkweb businesses of child trafficking for rich kikes. I'm decided to fix things and expose the root of the problem here.
>I'm one of the rare persons in this thread to know what I'm talking about
This is simple and has not nuances. Mess with a child, get executed. No jury needed.
>kike psychology walls of text vs. barely literate retard larping Judge Dredd
>retard larping Judge Dredd
Retard larping as a parent, and never brainwashed into believing the State has precedence over what justice is.
I totally agree. This should be the disuasion and it should work that way. Make this threat credible, don't touch children. I repeat, do not engage with children. Not online, not on photography, do not fund the pedo networks in Ukraine or Shitistan making business of CP, and stop supporting this. Children are annoying but they don't deserve this, they deserve protection. I am confident we all agree about this.

And I am confident that the guys there >>24472 are not tempted to fuck around to find out. And that's a good thing. Like I mentioned, the real threat is what you can't see, sadly there's case of abuse all the time and everywhere. I don't think they are the threat we are mentioning in this thread, they are nerds into foalcon just like there's furries into bestiality that would not fuck a dog or parade in a fursuit in a pride march.

I underline again the importance and influence of modern media and pseudo-science advocates who aims to normalize everything ad nauseam, as the solution for every problem in the society. The slipping slope is real. And to be honest the good aspect of the horsefucker community is how it keeps us distracted from that society. Where the woke media is promoting actual pedophilia like trans children advocacy, or shows like Desmond Is Amazing, where Hollywood and American culture shows actors (Which almost all of them are the worst kind of people honestly) parade with their trans kids, this is the problem. This is what we must focus on, not a bunch of guys on a filly oriented forum, the same way we should not be worried about the neighbor and his AR15s, kalashnikovs, and loads of ammos but the nigger smuggling glocks in the hood.

I'm going to have a hot take, if you are influenced by foalcon, it's more sane than defending, or being influenced by this form of incitement to child abuse. Filly will fill the gap of sexual interest for children forged by the liberal society that aims to normalize actual shit saying ‘‘age is just a number’’.
larping fag
24533 24536 24539
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>there is a difference between thought and action.
Yeah, reacting fast enough to someone saying to you he is a MAP might prevent horrible things while when actual action takes place there is too late cause it already have happened.
>What are you contributing to society exactly?
I assure you that I do contribute something to society, but even if I didn't there is still the rest of that green text you quoted "caring about others".
>Here's food for thought: if someone being a pedophile in and of itself is enough to classify them as dangerous, then by admitting it they've already warned people of the "potential danger"
So you are saying that if I am a school shooter and I will say to one of my homies that I am gonna make total carnage tomorrow then that's enough information and nobody else needs to be warned ?
>staring at your walls, fists clenched in impotent rage
Another thing that has to be emphasized cause saying you are wrong is too hard.
Lying to yourself is not the way anon.
24534 24689 24690
Contributing to society is a fallacy, everyone does, contributing more or less isn't a game with a score board. But let's try anyways, who knows.

Anyways, thinking about all that for a while now, I insist on the importance of seeking professional help and support for anyone with this kind of persistent convictions regarding pedophilia ( or anything similar but I'm focusing on the topic). Therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and especially addressing underlying issues are crucial components for getting you a better life. I don't want anyone to commit sudoku thinking nothing can be done, thinking ‘‘I can't change myself I'm fucked up I have to end it.’’

Encouraging open dialogues about sexuality and healthy relationships, and finding the right mental health resources are essential steps towards addressing the complexities of pedophilia and supporting anons in need and who want to change. You're not gonna find this on your local LGBTQIAP+MAP association or influencers or in a group fo coomers. Because that's the base, interacting with people you can trust and with different opinions. Who also have the balls to not throw anyone under the bus saying ‘‘I don't wanna discuss that shit you fucko.’’ This is also about us to prevent this. We gotta listen, have understanding, and evidence-based approaches on this very censored topic. I hoped that thread would just eventually die since it was not productive at all, running in trolling and name calling. It's not happening so I hope after thinking about it it can be productive. Hence the tl;dr. If you follow, thank you.

I think it's important to address this matter with rationality and a commitment to understanding its underlying factors. Again we're not in the virtue signaling or SJW rhetoric finding something to chew on. First and foremost, we must reject the narrative that individuals are ‘‘born’’ pedophiles.
we have to debunk the narrative used by the left, such as the notion of being ‘‘born that way.’’ This narrative will obscure the reality that behaviors and inclinations are influenced and, crucially, changed through therapeutic intervention and personal growth.
Like I said previously, and with the advice of a psychiatrist while discussing this thread and what happened, and after analyzing the few info we have together, human behavior is shaped by a multitude of influences including cultural norms, early experiences, and exposure to various stimuli I discussed above. Pedophilic tendencies often arise from these external factors rather than being inherent traits.

Back in our case, we have to encourage people grappling with such thoughts to seek therapy. It sounds scary, no one wants one, some had been forced in their childhood against their will, that's not how it works, it got to be a voluntary process. A therapy plays a pivotal role in helping individuals understand and address the root causes of their impulses, enabling them to understand why they are like this, and face the complex psychological challenges with support. No therapist will lock you in a mental house or force you drugs, or call the cops. You don't have to be afraid of this.
A therapist can be a professional. It also can be someone you trust, to be confident with, can be your barman, your priest. For centuries priests, pastors had this role, to listen and help people exposing their demons and whatever trauma haunting them, or pulsions, anything. A confession is a confession, it is built on trust.

if we encourage everyone in this situation to find and start a therapy and self-reflection, keep in mind it requires courage and determination, we are not excusing or condoning harmful behaviors, that's not how it works. Instead, we are empowering individuals to confront and overcome unhealthy impulses, promoting the well-being and safety of children and teens online or IRL, and like in the OP, we can be worried to read things on a chat log, but the best approach after thinking about it is to address the root of the problem directly.
It will displease any libs with their vision of individualism and deconstructive narratives, but I am certain an healthy mind begins with promoting traditional values that prioritize family, responsibility, an healthy environment and moral integrity to build back a healthier life, and even keep enjoying fillies all you want, that's none of any business to be honest-but without that guilt, without that fear and anxiety for all to appear as a threat. Point is we can mitigate the past factors that contributed to these distorted perceptions of sexuality and again, have a huge role to play here.
24689 24690

Now; I'd shift from the topic a little by a short analysis of why we are here to begin with. Discussing pedophilia, and the PCL supporting the initiative of making that list, attacking and defaming blindly many artists, creatives people and just fans or writers with more or less one thing in common.The way it was done was not just by sheer ignorance. I would assume DataByte's a sociopath who came up with false accusations, spreads misinformation about alleged pedophiles. This is crucial for protecting individuals from harm and maintaining the integrity of our discourse. I'm going to drop a little conclusion about this kind of different psychological fuck-up.

A sociopath, or antisocial, by definition exhibits a pattern of disregard for others' rights, through deceitfulness, impulsivity, and have zero of empathy or remorse as shown on the previous thread. All of his actions feels justified and expects to be seen as the good guy. They generally manipulate others for personal gain or to achieve their own agenda without regard for the consequences to others, even less for the people they have influenced.

When a sociopath like DataByte creates a list falsely accusing individuals of being pedophiles, which is a serious accusation for anyone, they are engaging in a harmful and manipulative act that can have severe repercussions. By spreading this misinformation and targeting innocent individuals, they know they cause irreparable damage to reputations, careers, and personal lives. There could be even some artists who have been like I mentioned victims themselves expressing through foalcon and this could generate a situation of self harm being exposed that way. We don't want that, but DataByte doesn't gives a fuck about any repercussion for his actions, and will have no remorse about being a complete hypocrite as he will go on masturbating to Scootaloo porn.

It's important to be aware of that. Sociopaths are skilled at manipulating emotions and perceptions to achieve their goals, often at the expense of others' well-being as we know, and this is obvious. DataByte is a typical SJW, pointing an enemy for his own ego. Not to help anyone. To rally people with him on his views and ideals, and the absurd idea of a fandom governance. Bronies are gullible, his tl;dr intro, playing the victims is typical of a sociopathic behavior.

To make it short, we must prioritize critical thinking, count on the ‘‘Logos’’ (Sorry, Pathos, nothing personal here !) check, verify and build like we did on the other thread an evidence-based discourse, research, doxing since everything is about information. I confess. Myself when I saw the logs and some things popping up I was worried on what I could find in there. Reading guys exposing themselves as pedophiles. So, lesson learned again, not getting fooled again, it's essential to verify information before accepting or spreading it,put emotions aside because it is the first thing tingling in our brain, as a security mechanism, especially when it involves serious accusations like pedophilia.
24538 24539 24549
You're still showing you don't understand. Someone saying they'll cause carnage tomorrow isn't a thought. That's a threat and is illegal. That'd be the equivalent of the MAP'S saying "I'm going to that park/school tomorrow to abduct a kid." At that point actions needs to be taken. The thought portion they referred to would be the equivalent of someone saying "I like guns and its fun to shoot." Does that mean they're a threat waiting to happen? Does that help clarify it a little better? Not supporting anyone, just trying to get the point across
24550 24556 24689
Let's agree on this one, no ambiguity. There's a huge difference between mere thoughts or expressions and clear threats of imminent harm. When a guy explicitly states an intent to commit violence or harm, especially within a specific time frame and target imagine a bearded brown guy with a knife, shouting ‘‘allawhackbar’’ ( I will murder you dead ) you know it's too late until you have a weapon to use against the threat without ambiguity or repercussions for crossing the line, any judge should be competent to note the defensive action.

On the other hand, expressions of personal preferences or general statements about interests, like as enjoying shooting as a hobby, do not indicate a threat. It just angers the leftists because you like to use a gun. Context and specific details are crucial in determining whether someone's words represent a genuine danger or are simply expressions of personal opinion or interest.
To make it short, statements that involve specific threats of harm or illegal actions, you call the cops. Don't ask that question ‘‘what if hems kidding or not’’ You never know. This is sad but there is a principle of precaution we have to take in account. I wonder how many feds ends up lost in analyzing roleplays online that would be good to know.

Also never forget the importance and role of parents, that's also their role to protect and defend children. Neighborhood, people around, if they see something abnormal, not ignoring signs or something weird. You see a guy stopping by a kid in the street, talking to her, go ask the girl and show yourself. Best plan is to act like ‘‘Hey Cathy where's your mom? You know that guy?’’
Just.. be smart. This kind of shit is also the reality we live in. Hell I don't care if you identify as a pedo online or anything, if you see a kid alone, don't touch, warn people around you. You like children? Protect them. Don't let no intrusive thought win.

If you find a filly however, grab the filly with you, that's not even a question.
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>So you are saying that if I am a school shooter and I will say to one of my homies that I am gonna make total carnage tomorrow then that's enough information and nobody else needs to be warned ?
>You're still showing you don't understand. Someone saying they'll cause carnage tomorrow isn't a thought. That's a threat and is illegal.
You're honestly both missing the point somewhat. In order for a statement to cross the line from speech (protected) to threat (unprotected), there needs to be reasonable evidence that the person making the statement both intends to carry out the threat, and is capable of carrying it out. Unless both of these conditions are met, it's free speech, no matter how distasteful you might find it. In the case of a kid threatening to to shoot up a high school, or a guy talking openly about his plans to abduct and rape a child, law enforcement will usually err on the side of caution and investigate. However, if they don't find any evidence that the threat was serious, no crime has been committed and the investigation ends there. This also means that if you, a private citizen, were to use this threat as grounds to take in-minecraft action against someone, you wouldn't have any legal standing and would be charged with assault or worse.

The irony of all this is that you're getting yourself worked up over what is essentially a non-existent problem. Child abductions are rare, and usually when they do happen it's because of a custody dispute or something. The "stranger-danger" meme started around the same time as all the Satanic Panic stuff in the 1980s, and while that sort of thing occasionally does happen and makes for some salacious headlines when it does, it's exceedingly rare. Statistically speaking, if a child is going to be sexually assaulted, the perp is usually a family member or someone in a position of trust: a priest or a scoutmaster or something. In other words, if you're worried about your kid getting molested, the person you need to watch is the person who actually has access to your kid, not some random internet autist who expends most of his sexual energy on elaborate role-play scenarios or lolicon porn, and will probably never get near an actual child.

I'll be honest, my concern with this discussion is less about the ethics of pedophilia and more about keeping would-be vigilantes from doing anything stupid. Based on what I've seen, I would say the overwhelming majority of the people calling themselves "MAPs" online will never touch a child irl, or even get near enough to try. However, loudmouthed internet tough guys like Judge Dadd in this thread occasionally possess the right combination of self-righteousness, impulsiveness and lack of common sense that might lead to someone actually getting attacked. And in the event that you do actually decide to try something, you're not going to get a commendation for taking out some pedophile scumbag. You'll get sent to prison, where you'll never see the child you're so concerned about protecting ever again. Meanwhile, Pathos and all the other hundreds of thousands of online larpers out there will continue to larp online. You will have ruined your own life and changed nothing for the better. It's not worth it. You're better off taking the energy you expend on impotent rage and directing it toward something positive.
>However, loudmouthed internet tough guys like Judge Dadd in this thread occasionally possess the right combination of self-righteousness, impulsiveness and lack of common sense that might lead to someone actually getting attacked.
That's one of the reasons that I personally try to keep check on anyone that complains too much about MAPs or pedos, like this guy or the fimfetch Discord group. Sometimes they even end up being pedos themselves, and I'll have a good laugh when they appear in the news after a while. I don't even have to feel bad about doxxing them either. Getting rid of annoying people is good for everyone involved.
>Judge Dadd
kek he is such a larping fag
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>Judge Dadd
An attitude and will to do the right thing very normal not longer ago. Sadly conformism and degeneracy had taken hold in the States and is not getting better any soon.

>Meet Jozef, Ann, and their 6 children (the 7th is coming soon) This is an American expat family in Russia. They left their country to escape the controversial ideology that exists in the U.S. today.
>They left their country to escape the controversial ideology that exists in the U.S. today.
Heh. Kicking the can down the road yet again. That's all they ever do...
Not quite, seven White children is a great accomplishment.
Only if they pick up that can once and for all.
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>Someone saying they'll cause carnage tomorrow isn't a thought. That's a threat and is illegal. That'd be the equivalent of the MAP'S saying "I'm going to that park/school tomorrow to abduct a kid."
That wasn't my point.
My point was that if some pedo is saying he is a MAP on some private Discord server then it's not the same as saying it out loud as an announcement for larger group of people.
Informing 50 people and informing 50000 people is not the same.
Basically we all have to stay alert and watch for children who they talk to.
Parents are responsible.